Full-paper preparation guide and submission instructions for the conference Healthy Buildings 2020 -Europe (This Style: Title)First names SURNAME*1, First names SURNAME2, and First names SURNAME21 Organization1, City1, Country12 Organization2, City2, Country2* Corresponding author: name@Please do not enter names & affiliations in the draft full-paper submitted for review.Add names & affiliations only when you are asked to submit final camera-ready PDF.If all authors work at the same organization, then delete organization 2. Keep styles “Title” (14-point) and “Authors” (12-point). Delete these 4 yellow lines!ABSTRACTThis MS-Word file is the template for full-paper submissions to the Healthy Buildings 2021 – Europe conference.Full-length papers shall be between 5 and 10 pages. Papers with 4 or fewer pages can be submitted, but will be considered as Short Papers (i.e. extended abstracts).The abstract should be limited to about 150 words. The abstract should be a self-contained summary of the paper that clearly identifies the unique features of your study shall clearly identify (i) the background and objectives for this study/paper, (ii) methods applied in this study/paper, (iii) the results, possibly also include the most important numbers/findings (iv) what is the lasting contribution of the submission.introductionStructurePapers are structured with 2 main sections (Top Section and Main Body), each with different parts/headings, listed below. Mandatory parts are indicated by bold font in the list:Top Section:TitleAuthorsAuthors’ numbered affiliationsMain Body:Abstract (omitted in Short Papers!)IntroductionMethodsResultsDiscussionConclusionsAcknowledgmentsNomenclatureReferencesThe italic headings in the above list are recommended but optional, i.e. they can be omitted, combined (e.g. results & discussion), or replaced by headings more appropriate to your paper, but the above order should be preserved.Layout and stylesPage setup is A4 paper, with margins of 2 cm left/right, and 2.5 cm top/bottom. Do not add page numbers, headers or footers. Use font type Cambria as the normal font for the entire document (in LaTeX use the default font Computer Modern).In case you use MS-Word, you can apply the predefined styles in the Style Gallery included in this template (listed here in alphabetical order):TitleAuthors (use this style also for affiliations)Heading 1Heading 2Body (Normal with justified margins)List Bullet (i.e. bullet list)List Number (i.e. numbered list)Caption (use this for both figures and tables)Figure (keeps figure and caption together)Table (i.e. small font)EquationReferencesSpacing: The above styles have appropriate paragraph spacing, so do not add extra empty lines between titles, paragraphs and figures. How to import your own text: Delete the main body text in this template before writing your own text. If you want to copy-paste text from other documents, then it is safest to paste using option “Paste Special” → “Unformatted text” before applying the above styles.FORMATTING parts of the paperTop Section: Title, authors, and their affiliationsThe top section of page 1 contains the title, list of authors, and their affiliations. The section is bounded by a horizontal line above & below.The title font is 14-point, bold and capitalized (Style “Title”). Try to limit the title to max 2 lines.Authors, affiliations, and contact information are 12-point font (Style “Authors”). Surnames should be in CAPITALS. Authors with more than one affiliation should indicate additional affiliations by numbers, superscripted following the author’s name, e.g.12. Affiliations (i.e. organization, city, country) are limited to one line per organization. Lastly add a line for contact information (e.g. e-mail address) for at least one of the authors (marked with an asterisk*).Main bodyThe rest of the document, i.e. the main body of the document, has a two-column format with column gap is 0.63?cm (0.25 inch).The body text (Style “Body”) is 10-point Cambria font, justified i.e. straight left and right margins, and with 3 points spacing above each paragraph.Section headingS (style “Heading 1”)Section headings (Style “Heading 1”) are 10-point font, capitalized and underlined, with 9 & 3 points spacing above & below. Do not number headings.Subsection headings (Style “Heading 2”)Subsection headings (Style “Heading 2”) are 10-point bold font, with 6 & 3 points spacing above & below. Level 3 headings are possible but discouraged.FiguresPlace figures in the text where they are mentioned. See for example Figure 1, below.Figure 1. Example of a figure (ISIAQ)Figures should be placed “In line with text” (i.e. menu “Layout” → “Wrap text” → “In line with text”). Use style “Figure”, which ensures centre-alignment with 3 points spacing above. Color images are welcome!Figure captions should be immediately below the figure, and must be numbered. Use style “Caption”. Please declare the copyright owner of all figures/photos that aren’t your own, and the copyright owner for permission to reproduce.Oversized figures and tables that do not fit one column can be placed at the end of the document where the layout reverts to single-column; see example Figure 2. Alternatively, you may arrange the layout properly so that it appears at the top or the bottom of a page.TablesTable 1 shows an example of a table. The caption (style “Caption”) should be numbered and immediately above the table. Text in tables can be any appropriate size and layout, but by default you may use 8-point font, centered (style “Table”).Table 1. Example of a tableHeading 1Heading 2Heading 3Entry 1Entry 2Entry 3EquationsEquations should be displayed on a separate line. Use style “Equation” to centre equations and place consecutive equation numbers right-aligned in brackets. Equations should be referenced in the text by their number; see for example Equation (1) below. E=m?c2(1)where:E is energy [J], m is mass [kg], c is speed of light [m/s].Mathematical symbols representing physical quantities or variables are italic. Symbols representing functions/operators and numbers, are regular (not italic).All symbols used in your paper should be declared, either in the text where the symbols are first used, immediately below the equation, or a nomenclature section at the end of the paper. SI units of measurement are mandatory. If other units are mentioned, also provide their equivalent value according to SI.ReferencesIn-text citations are normally by surnames (year), e.g. “Chu & Majumdar (2012)”. If the author/editor is unknown, use organization (year). If the author/organization has 2 or more publications in that year, add a letter suffix, e.g. “WHO (2020b)”. Cite standards by number:year, e.g “ISO 7730:2005”List all cited publications in the References section at the end of the paper, sorted alphabetically by surname/organization. Use the “References” style, which is indented 5 mm, justified, and 3 points spacing. This template lists examples of references for different kinds of publication. We recommend using the the APA-style for references ()submission instructionSBecause of the double-blind review, please do not include your name and affiliation on the draft submitted for review (applies only to full papers).Submission of the paper must be in PDF format.Please use filename “IDxxx_Name.PDF” where ID is the submission number, and “name” is your surname.Submit your paper to the conferences ConfTool website, via the same link that you used to submit the short abstract.When you upload the PDF to ConfTool, please also update the metadata in ConfTool to match that of the submitted PDF, including the title, author names, and affiliations.ConclusionSThis template has described how to prepare full length papers for submission to Healthy Buildings 2020 – Europe conference. Good luck with your paper. We look forward to meeting you at the conference!AcknowledgmentsIn this optional section, you can thank people who contributed some way, but did not write this paper, such as supervisors. Also mention sources of financing.References[Example of journal paper]:Surname, Initials. (year). “Title of paper”. Journal name in italics, Volume(Issue), StartPage-EndPage. URLChu, S. and A. Majumdar (2012). “Title of examples for journal papers reference style”. Nature, 488(2), 294–303. [Example of conference paper]:Surname, Initials. (year). “Title”. Proceedings of ConferenceName, City (Country), Dates. URLMonarim, F., & Strachan, P. (2014) “Coupling stochastic methods and detailed case studies of pillow fights”. Proceedings of 5th International Conference of Pillow Fighting. London (UK), 23-24 June 2014. [Examples for books and chapters in books]: Surame, Initials. (year). BookTitle. Publisher. URLHensen, J.L.M., Lamberts R. (eds.). (2011). Microaggression theory: Influence and implications. John Wiley & Sons. , Initials. (year). “ChapterTitle”, in EditorSurname, EditorInitials. BookTitle. Publisher. URLMahdavi A. (2011). “People in Cooking Performance Simulation”, in Hensen, J.L.M., Lamberts R. (Eds.) Encyclopedia Broccolia. Faber & Faber.[Examples for techical standards]:OrganizationName (year). Title.International Organisation for Standardisation (2017). Energy performance of buildings - Sensible and latent heat loads and internal temperatures - Part 1: Generic calculation procedures (ISO 52017-1).This represents an example oversize figureI or we, the author(s) of this paper, have read the following, and agree to them by submitting this paper:(1) The author(s) affirm that this paper has not been published elsewhere and, if the paper is accepted, will not be published elsewhere prior to Healthy Buildings 2021.(2) If this paper is accepted, the author(s) automatically grant to ISIAQ nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual sub-licensable, permission to (i) publish the paper (in unmodified form) as an open-access publication under the Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), and (ii) to archive & publish the presentation and in any medium that ISIAQ deems appropriate. This "nonexclusive" license means that the author(s) are not restricted as to future use of the material except that exclusive rights cannot be granted to another.(3) The author(s) affirm that they have the right to grant the license specified in (2), that is, publication by ISIAQ will not conflict with copyright or other restrictions. Thus, any text passages, figures, data or other material from third parties, are reproduced in this paper with permission.(4) The author(s) acknowledge that acceptance of this paper does not imply ISIAQ's endorsement of, or agreement with, the ideas presented. Under no circumstances shall ISIAQ be liable for any damages resulting from use information included in this paper.This represents an example oversize figureI or we, the author(s) of this paper, have read the following, and agree to them by submitting this paper:(1) The author(s) affirm that this paper has not been published elsewhere and, if the paper is accepted, will not be published elsewhere prior to Healthy Buildings 2021.(2) If this paper is accepted, the author(s) automatically grant to ISIAQ nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual sub-licensable, permission to (i) publish the paper (in unmodified form) as an open-access publication under the Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), and (ii) to archive & publish the presentation and in any medium that ISIAQ deems appropriate. This "nonexclusive" license means that the author(s) are not restricted as to future use of the material except that exclusive rights cannot be granted to another.(3) The author(s) affirm that they have the right to grant the license specified in (2), that is, publication by ISIAQ will not conflict with copyright or other restrictions. Thus, any text passages, figures, data or other material from third parties, are reproduced in this paper with permission.(4) The author(s) acknowledge that acceptance of this paper does not imply ISIAQ's endorsement of, or agreement with, the ideas presented. Under no circumstances shall ISIAQ be liable for any damages resulting from use information included in this paper.Figure 2. Example of a figure spanning 2 columns. Oversize figures and tables can be located here below the References section, where the template reverts to single-column. Please delete this example figure ................

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