Loudoun County Public Schools

|S | | | |

| |____________________ from the North supervised the South | | |

|C | | | |

| |____________________ from the North took advantage of the South | | |

|R | | | |

| |____________________ for African Americans were gained as a result of | | |

| |the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which also authorized the use of federal | | |

| |troops for its enforcement | | |

|E | | | |

| |____________________ the Freedmen’s Bureau to aid former enslaved | | |

| |African Americans in the South | | |

|A | | | |

| |____________________ could hold public office in the South | | |

|M | | | |

| |____________________ leaders from the South could not hold public office| | |

Imagine that you are a Southerner (former Confederate) and or a Freedman (black Southerner) who is living unhappily during Reconstruction. While attending a parade for President Johnson, you find that you have 30 seconds to scream at him about your frustrations.

In the space below, write what you would scream (and why) based on your knowledge of Congress’s harsh Reconstruction policies. Be sure to say something about at least three of the policies from your SCREAM notes.


Effects of Reconstruction on American Life

Next Unit

Western Expansion

Previous Unit

Civil War

II. Reconstruction Policies and Problems

□ Southern military leaders

□ African Americans

□ Civil Rights Act of 1866

□ Northern soldiers

□ Freedmen’s Bureau

□ Carpetbaggers

□ Black Codes

□ Compromise of 1877

I. Basic Provisions of Constitutional Amendments

□ 13th Amendment

□ 14th Amendment

□ 15th Amendment

□ Equal protection under the law for all citizens


Abraham Lincoln Robert E. Lee 13th Amendment

14th Amendment 15th Amendment Black Codes

Civil Rights Act of 1866 Carpetbaggers Freedmen’s Bureau

Segregation Jim Crow Laws Frederick Douglass


III. Lasting Individual Legacies

□ Abraham Lincoln

□ Robert E. Lee

□ Frederick Douglass


1. What are the basic provisions of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments?

2. What were the Reconstruction policies for the South?

3. What were the lasting impacts of the actions of Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee and Frederick Douglass?

4. What is racial segregation?

5. How were African Americans discriminated against?

6. How did African Americans respond to discrimination and “Jim Crow” laws?


Reconstruction and African American Challenges

Is it positive or negative?

Is it political, social or economic?

Civil War Amendments! Text Your Notes!

In the boxes below, rewrite the definitions of the 3 Reconstruction Amendments as though they were a text message you were sending to a friend. You may change the wording so that it becomes something that you can understand!

IV. Treatment of African Americans

□ Racial segregation

□ “Jim Crow” laws

□ Booker T. Washington

□ W.E.B. Dubois


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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