Worksheet #1

Worksheet #1

A.    Who is the Author? --

1.  Not what his name is, but what does he do?  You can get some information about him from the inside back cover of the book to answer these questions.

2.  Why did he write this book?

3.  What else can you find out about him?

4.   Look in the first few pages and find out when the book was written.  Hint, look for the copyright symbol.

Worksheet #2

A. How old is Jacob Lansa at the time of his mother's death?

B. When did Jacob start to receive the letters from his dad?

C. From what you have read so far about Jacob's home life, do you agree or disagree with this statement, "Jacob's father and mother provided for their child." 

Back up your viewpoint with examples from the book. Your answer needs to be in paragraph form and no less then 6 sentences. Remember to have an introduction body and conclusion.

D. Jacob received the news about his mother's accident from the answering machine.  First person narrative style writing leaves a lot up to the reader's imagination.  For example, we do not get a description of Jacob's face as he hears the message.  This is up to the reader to paint in their mind's eye.

Draw a picture of what you think Jacobs face was like when he heard the message.  Put it on a separate page to be placed behind this page in your binder.

Worksheet #3

A.  Why were Jacob and Sam able to "connect" with each other for a few days after the funeral? (pg. 15)

B. Place yourself in Jacob's shoes.  With the information provided so far in this book, what other alternatives could Sam provide for Jacob?

Brainstorm with someone else and come up with a list of 3 or 4 alternatives. List the alternatives and provide a positive and negative outcome for each.  You can use the examples given in the book.

 C.  Look back at page 18 and read the paragraph again. Complete this unfinished sentence with what you think might have been the unsaid thought.

            "Not even waiting to hear from my father ..."

D.  Make a list of all the negative things or problems that Jacob's dad mentioned in his letter.

Worksheet #4

A. Jacob is preparing to go to Kenya to find his father.  He needs to know what health hazards he will find and what he needs to prepare for when he gets there.  Make a list of some of the common diseases he might encounter while there and the symptoms.

B. Sam gave Jacob $60.00.  He also pawned his mother's jewelry.  With the original money he had in his bank account,

A. How much did he now have in total?  ____________

B. How much "exactly," did he have left after he purchased his ticket?  _________

C. After you have researched the round trip cost for air fare to Kenya from your closest international airport, list (in US dollars.)

A. Least expensive fare? $ US _______

B. The fare price in the middle? $ US ________

C. The most expensive airfare price? $ US _______ 

D. What time is it in Kenya, if it is 1:00 p.m. where you live?_______

E. What was your prediction?  How would Jacob get out of the "fix" he found himself in when he walked into the apartment and found Sam there?

Worksheet #5

A. Examine the diary-like letters on page 49 and 50, and describe in your own words the difference between letter and diary writing styles.

B. Once Jacob reaches the retirement home, he is greeted by an employee there. Peter tells him about his grandfather.  What does Peter say?

Worksheet #6

A. What language did Jacob learn was the "official" language of Kenya?

B. After getting through customs Jacob exchanges his $US for Kenyan shillings.  The amount he exchanges is stated on page 67.

• What is it?  $US _________ 

• And its equivalent in your country's currency? _________

• Now, what is the exact amount you get in Kenya Shillings?  ________

• Why is there a difference in what Jacob received and what you are able to get?

C. On page 74, the police officer said, "An attack on a tourist in Kenya is always a big deal.” Think about Kenya's major industries.  Why would this be a "big deal?"

Worksheet #7

A. The Author, in a number of places in Chapter 10 has characters talk about the cost of things in "dollars," yet we know that the Kenyan Shilling is the country's currency.   Why?

 B. Print off the World Factbook information on both the country you live in and Kenya.  Highlight the information from these titles

• Location:

• Area:

• Climate:

• Elevation extremes:

• Land use:

• Natural resources:

• Geography—note:

• Population:

• Age structure:  For the group 0 - 14

• Infant mortality rate:

• Labor force:

• Unemployment rate:

You know about your own country because you live in it; now with the data provided in the two lists, think about the Kenyan situation.

Explain the differences between these two lists and what causes the differences. 

C. Find and print off a map of Kenya.

Worksheet #8

A. Why did Jacob make a habit of resetting his odometer on his bike?


B. On page 92, the Author says this, "The zookeeper's theory was not to panic." 

1.   What is the difference between a theory and a fact? Look these two words up in a dictionary and write down a definition for each -- IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

a. Fact:

b. Theory:

C.   Jacob is using irony when he says this – “Easy thing to say."  What is he implying by this comment?

Worksheet #9

A. Locate and write down the two analogies from page 95.

B. Now, choose the one you like best and on a separate piece of paper (to be placed after this page in your workbook), draw one of the word pictures -- EXACTLY like it is written, NOT like what it implies.  Then below it, write the analogy that goes with it.

C. What enabled the Masai people to survive the drought better than the refugees?

D. What do you think has made Jacob sick? 

• What are the symptoms he has,

• What are the symptoms of the disease you think he has?

• What symptoms does he not have, from the disease you suggest?

 E. On what page in the book did Jacob learn how to dig for water? And who taught him how?


F.  Record the EXACT order of events in a list format of Jacob's experience in the fire and the spiritual voyage he went on. 

Start with "Sometime later my eyes snapped open..." on page 104, and ending at the bottom of page 106.

Worksheet #10

A. Make a list of EVERYTHING Jacob possesses now.

B. Jacob has now been stripped of almost everything he started with.  There is no way back now, or is there?  

• Imagine yourself in his situation.  What are your alternatives?  List them. 

• Then select the one you would choose if you were he, and write a solution for the predicament you find yourself in now. Where will you go?  How? 

• Think logically.  Look at the list of possessions you have. 

• Your answer should be no less then 2 paragraphs long. 

• Use a blank sheet of paper and place it after this page. 

• Remember to give it a title.

C. Chapter 17 begins with Supeet and Jacob walking along the riverbank.

Look at the topographical map. What direction were they walking?

What side of the river where they on -- North, South, East or West?

Worksheet #11

A. Looking on the topographical map on the computer. Can you locate the approximate location of the "Donny's" camp?  Mark this on your map.

B. What precautions was Jacob's father taking, so that the poachers would not be able to locate him?

C. In Jacob's mom's letter, what did she mean by using the word evolution?

D. The use of the word "evolution" in his mother's letter is appropriate coming from her.  The author has worked hard to make his characters believable (like they really lived). 

• Look back through the book, and find out what occupation Jacob's mother had?  __________________________

H. On page 206, Jacob's father says, "I realize that you're holding all the cards ... “ What does he mean by using this expression?

Worksheet #12

A. Supeet's choice of action after he said goodbye to Jacob was the right one for him.  Support your answer with what you think he will do and why it is important for him to do what he intends to do.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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