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Ministry GuidebookTable of ContentsMission, Vision, & Core Values………………………………….…….. 3Spiritual Development of Children…………………………………... 4Leading a Child to Christ………………………………….………………. 5Policies & Procedures:Servant Leadership……………………………………….………... 6Health…………………………………………………………….….…... 8Discipline………………………………………………….…………….. 11Safety……………………………………………………………………... 12Acknowledgement of Receipt………………………….……... 13MissionTo make disciples of Jesus Christ so that together we are loving God, loving one another, and loving the world.VisionConnecting families with Jesus Christ, each other, and our neighbors.Core ValuesBelongingChrist-centeredInclusiveInvitationalPrayer-basedRelevantSafetyStatement of FaithWe believe that God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit are perfect love. *To read more about beliefs and tenets of the United Methodist Church, please visit Development of ChildrenBelow is a guideline that helps parents and teachers disciple our children.Newborn – 3 MonthsBaby learns to trust caring adultsBaby learns that his needs will be attended to.3 Months – 6 MonthsBaby responds to happy times at church.Baby continues to build trust in caregivers.6 Months – 9 MonthsBaby continues to build trust in caregiversBaby begins to associate God and Jesus with good feelings at church.9 Months – 12 MonthsBaby likes familiar caregivers at church.Baby may try to say “Jesus” or other words heard at church.12 Months – 18 MonthsBaby may recognize “God”, “Jesus”, and “Church”.Baby may enjoy going to church.18 Months – 24 MonthsBaby may recognize the Bible.Baby enjoys simple Bible stories and songs.3 – 4 Year OldsHear and enjoy Bible stories.Recognize own church; develop sense of belonging at church.5 – 6 Year OldsUnderstand that God made them.Trust that God loves them.Begin to develop sense of conscience.1st & 2nd GradersUnderstand God’s love and God’s world through personal experiences,but does not comprehend the spiritual nature of God.Have a literal and concrete understanding of Bible stories.3rd & 4th GradersAble to accept that there are some things about God we don’t know.Understand and know right and wrong.Can relate to the individual Bible events & to the scope of Bible history.5th & 6th GradersWant everything to be fair.Want to test what they have been taught about God.Are able to make choices about finding God’s will and following it.7th – 12th GradersExpect spiritual starts and stops, & unsettling adjustments to newinsights.Expect the need for healthy models and idealistic thinking that leads tocriticism.Expect a faith built mostly on emotions and a desire to know right fromwrong.Expect a commitment to Christian community and the practice ofspiritual disciplines.Expect an emerging other-centeredness and a Christ-centered lifestyle.Leading a Child to ChristJesus tells us to let the children come to him. How to respond to Christ’s invitation of salvation is one of the most important lessons we can teach a child &/or youth. You may have the opportunity to pray with a child to receive Christ. Watch for signs that children are interested in responding to Christ. Pray for guidance in discerning and finding opportunity to make an invitation.Does the child acknowledge that God made and loves him/her? (1 John 4:8)Does the child realize they have sinned? (Romans 3:23)Does the child know that Jesus died so we can be forgiven? (John 3:16, 1 John 4:9)Does the child express a desire to know and follow Jesus? (I John 1:9, John 1:12)Here is one simple way to teach children to pray a prayer of salvation:Say, “You can talk to God in your own words, but here are some words to help you get started!Sorry – tell God ‘I’m sorry for the wrong things I’ve done. I have disobeyed. Thank you for sending Jesus so I can be forgiven.’Please – tell God, ‘Please forgive me and make me part of Your family. Help me follow You.’Thank you – tell God, ‘Thank you for loving me and accepting me into Your family. Thank you for Your promise to always be with me.’If a child prays to receive Christ as his/her Savior, or seems ready, encourage them to tell others, including their parents. Celebrate with them. Share the news with the Senior Pastor and Children’s &/or Youth Pastor. Give them ideas about the next steps to following Jesus (pray, read the Bible, worship, love others, etc.). If a parent asks for support to lead their child to Christ, please direct them to the Children’s &/or Youth Pastor.Policies and ProceduresServant LeadershipApplication ProcessSt. Marks Family Ministry takes the roles of leaders throughout our church seriously and expects that our leaders will set an example as described in 1 Timothy 4:12, “…set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, and in purity.” All servant leaders who work directly or indirectly with children under the age of 18 years of age must complete a Servant Leader Application. This application includes your general personal contact information, authorization to complete a background check, request to provide two non-family references that know your skills with children and youth, and a section for you to share your past and current ministry experiences, education, and training as well as our servant covenant. The application should be filled out completely and legibly to ensure speedy processing.AttendanceIn order for servant leaders to serve from their overflow of God’s love, we expect that they will have regular attendance in worship. Our goal is for each servant leader to have a 75% worship attendance rate over a one year period.Servant Information ChangesTo ensure that all servant information is current, it is the responsibility of each servant to notify the church promptly of any changes in personal information including name, address, phone numbers, and email address.Time Off RequestsOur goal is to ensure proper children/youth coverage. If you know if advance of a schedule conflict that will keep you from serving your scheduled area, secure a substitute. If you are unable to come in due to an emergency or illness, please contact:Megan Anderson, Child Care Team Leader, megan.87.lee@, 317-446-1993; Michelle Shiparski, Children’s & Family Pastor, stmarksfammin@, 419-957-4022; Dave Charles, Youth Pastor, chucwgn@, 419-581-1139ConfidentialityServants may be exposed to information regarding children, youth and families and items associated with the ministry, which are sensitive and confidential. For reasons of liability and professional ethical standards, information about children, youth or families and others connected with the program must never be discussed casually or with any person outside of paid staff. This confidentiality includes discussing a child or youth with another parent other than his/her own. If a parent wishes to openly discuss confidential matters, please direct them to the paid staff so that a meeting can be scheduled.Lost, Stolen or Damaged Personal ItemsThe church and ministry are not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal items. Servants, children, youth, and families are encouraged to label all belongings if brought to the church.Dress CodeFirst impressions do matter and servants represent our ministry to all of our families. A servant’s dress and personal hygiene should not distract from the learning or educational environment. All servants will follow the Family Ministry Dress Code. See attached. In addition, all servants should wear a name tag while serving.Money HandlingServant leaders may be placed in charge of collecting &/or handling cash for a variety of functions. We require that two persons, 18 years of age or older, to work together when collecting/handling the money. In addition, once all money has been collected at a function, the servant leaders secure the money in a sealed envelope or a locked cash drawer until such a time that the money can be turned into the office. Servant leaders should direct all fee collections (i.e. camps, retreats, mission trips, etc.) to be turned in directly to the church office in person or by mailing it in. Any payments made in cash should be turned in in a sealed envelope with the child’s name, event, and amount enclosed.Supply RequestsThe supply closet is located on the 2nd floor of the church. Servant leaders may gather any supplies needed for a lesson or project from this room. If there is a supply that not available in the room, please contact Michelle Shiparski (stmarksfammin@) or Dave Charles (chucwgn@) at least one week in advance for locally purchased items and two weeks in advance for items that have to be purchased online.Leadership Development, In-Service and WorkshopsAll new servant leaders will attend an orientation for successful on-boarding. In addition, trainings and in-services to teach policies & procedures, classroom management skills, curriculum, communication, team-building strategies, etc. will be offered regularly in each respective area (child care, children, and youth). All servant leaders are encouraged to make these sessions a priority.Getting Others ConnectedPrayerfully consider individuals in your circle of influence that you would like to personally invite to join our ministry. Contact a member of the ministry team with any questions.HealthServant HealthOur ministry values the health and safety of each child in our program. To ensure minimal spread of infection and disease, servants are required to observe the following procedures:Wash hands frequentlyWash hands before handling foodWear gloves when handling blood or other bodily fluidsMake sure toys are cleanMake sure children wash hands before their snack and after using the rest room or more often as neededHand WashingHand washing is imperative in the prevention of the spread of infection. Therefore, servants are required to wash their hands:After each diaper changeAfter accompanying a child to the rest roomAfter assisting a child to wipe their noseAfter contact with bloodAfter contact with their own nasal secretionsBefore food preparationToy DisinfectionToys must be properly sterilized to avoid the spread of infection and diseases. Toys are disinfected daily, weekly, or as needed dependent upon the age of the child using the classroom. Servants are also asked to follow these guidelines in order to ensure the children’s health:Remove any lines, crib sheets, changing pads, &/or blankets that have been used by a child and leave by the door of the child care room to be laundered.Remove shoes OR wear surgical booties Use disinfectant spray & leave to air dry the following items:Each crib (including mattresses, rails, and any items attached to the beds) All equipment (infant swings, walkers, etc.) Mats and vinyl-covered climbing equipmentDiaper changing surfacesAll toys used by infants or toddlersFurniture used during session (including chairs and tables)Health ChecksTo minimize the spread of infectious diseases and to ensure the health of all people, children, youth and adults should be healthy. Persons are considered unhealthy if they currently have any of the following symptoms, or have had the symptoms in the last 24 hours:Diarrhea (3 or more loose stools in a 24 hour period)Severe coughingFever (over 100 degrees)Untreated infected skin patches, rashes or unidentified spotsRunny nose (unless clearly from allergies)Difficulty or rapid breathingVomitingYellowish skin or eyesRedness of the eye, obvious discharge, matted eyelashes, burning itchingUnusually dark urine &/or gray or white stoolStiff neck with an elevated temperatureEvidence of untreated lice, scabies, or other parasitic infestationsSore throat or difficulty in swallowingMedication DispersionServants are unable to administer medications. Parents must administer any needed medications. This includes all prescription and over the counter medications, i.e. teething gels, Tylenol, cough syrups. In addition, medications may not be administered in formula, milk, juice, or any type of food by the servant. They only exception to the medication policy is diaper cream, which can be applied at diaper changes.*In the cases of offsite trips and events, parents will be asked to provide the necessary permission forms for administering medications.First Aid KitsFirst Aid kits are located in each classroom and child care room. First Aid kits should accompany the servant and children if the class leaves the building (i.e. playground or front lawn for games).EmergencyIn the event of an emergency, servants may use their cell phones to call a paid staff person. Dave Charles’ number is 419-581-1139. Michelle Shiparski’s number is 419-957-4022. If you need to call 911, please call them first and then contact a paid staff member.Separation Anxiety and Cry Rule Young children may experience separation anxiety. This is a developmentally appropriate response to a new environment. Our cry rule is five minutes. If a child has cried for 5 minutes and does not show signs of being able to calm, parent(s) are notified to help soothe their child.Diapering Procedures Please follow these step by step directions when changing diapers.1. Gather all needed supplies from the child’s diaper bag. 2. Always change the child’s diaper, even if does not appeared to be soiled, every 1.5 hours.3. Place child on changing table–keep one hand on the child at all times!Potty Training Procedures Children who are potty training are assisted by the servants. It is best to support the parent’s decision to begin potty training when a child exhibits signs of readiness. Signs of readiness include:The child becomes aware of elimination.The child can stay dry for two or three hours at a time. The child can dress and undress to use the toilet.The child is able to understand and follow directions. When parents and servants begin to observe these behaviors, servants and parents need to discuss a plan so that the child will have similar toilet training experiences whether at home or at church. Communication is important to provide consistency in helping every child “master” this developmental marker.Bathroom Procedures Younger children (PK & younger) must be accompanied to the bathroom by an adult. The bathroom door should remain propped open. Assistance with clothing may be needed. Older children should be able to take care of their own bathroom needs, and younger children may need help with clothing. Snacks Parents of children in our child care ministry should provide snacks for their own child if needed. Once children are in Sunday school and mid-week programming snacks will be provided by the ministry leaders as necessary. DisciplinePolicy Teachers and servant leaders will attend to children’s strengths and address disruptive behaviors as opportunities to learn. Constructive, developmentally appropriate guidance & management techniques are to be used at all times. These techniques include:RedirectionGuidance in problem solving techniquesOffer choices/alternative activitiesSupervised “alone time”Proximity controlSupervised private conversation to address specific correctionBitingIf a child bites another classmate, the servant will use developmentally appropriate child guidance techniques. The child should be separated from the other child and placed in supervised time alone with a servant. Ice should be applied to the affected area on the child who was bitten. An incident report must be written for the child who bites as one for the child who was bitten. The parents of both children will sign their child’s incident report and will receive a copy. Servants must maintain confidentiality regarding what child was bitten and who did the biting. Parents must not be informed of the other child’s identity. Servants are not permitted to use highchairs or cribs as restraints or supervised time alone solutions when separating a child from the group. If the child bites more than once, the servant should contact a paid staff to remove the child from the classroom and contact the parents immediately. If a child continues to have problems with biting, a behavioral plan will be developed in partnership with the parents.Physical/Verbal ViolenceIn the event that a child becomes aggressive and is at risk of hurting himself, another child, or leader, the teacher or servant leader will utilize the following strategies:For children 3 ? years and younger, redirect to de-escalate the situation.For children 4 years and older offer the child a “break” to calm down, and then discuss better choices before re-entering the large group.Remove the child immediately for supervised “break” (i.e. walk in the hallway to calm down)If guidance techniques have been utilized and the child/student continues to speak or act violently toward others, a parent conference will be scheduled to help resolve the issue. Acts of violence could result in suspension &/or removal from the ministryIn circumstances where guidance is a continuous challenge, servants are encouraged to work with the paid staff and parents to confer as to what may be the best type of guidance for their child or youth.SafetySafe SanctuariesSt. Marks has an approved and adopted Safe Sanctuaries Policy that all servants are required to read and sign prior to serving. To read the policy in its entirety, please visit and go the Children’s & Family tab.KidCheck Electronic Check-inAll parents &/or legal guardians as well as servant leaders are required to create an account on our secure, electronic check-in database. Once this account is created, parents will need to check-in their children upon arrival for child care, Sunday school, Spark Kids, Radiate, and other special events. The check-in stations are located by the Connection Center in the sanctuary and by the entrance to the lounge and child care room in the DOCK. Accounts can be created by going to go.Drop off and Pick up Children (4th grade and younger) must be escorted at all times by an adult. Please do not drop off a child outside and allow him/her to walk into the building alone. Parents are required to sign their child in and out. Children will only be released to parents and/or authorized adult.Child Count Responsibility Servants are responsible for knowing how many students are attending and specifically which children or youth are in their care at any given time. Servants should always have their class sign-in sheets with them if they leave the classroom. Please count children often. No child is ever to be left alone!Photography and VideoNo servants, visitors or parents may take pictures or video of children or youth participating in our ministry, unless permission is obtained from the Children’s, Youth, or Senior Pastors. Paid staff secure parental permission if photography or video is needed for class projects, to promote upcoming events or inform our church family of the ministry happenings. Refrain from taking pictures or video with all cameras, camcorders and cell phones.Injury/Incident DocumentationServants are required to complete an injury report form if a child or youth incurs an accident. After a form is completed, parents are requested to sign and date the form when the student is released back into their care. The servant will give a copy of the report form to the parent and the original will be kept on file in the ministry office.If a student hurts another student or adult and/or acts violently toward another person an incident report form should be completed. This report needs to be reviewed and signed by the parent. A copy will be given to the parent, and a copy will be kept in the ministry office. *Forms are available in each classroom and child care space in the Injury Report Form folders.Emergency EvacuationIf there is a reason to evacuate the building, please remain calm and follow the routes listed on the walls of classrooms. Familiarize yourself with the posted routes so that you are prepared if an emergency evacuation is needed. Parents may attempt to remove their child. Ask firmly that they stay with your group until a final count has been accomplished.Electronic Communication Servants are asked to refrain from the exchange of phone numbers, cell phone numbers, Instant Message IDs, and email addresses and from making any electronic contact with children and youth unless approval is granted by a parent &/or paid staff. The servant leader then should identify his/her email, IM, social network or phone numbers and stress the importance to the parent of monitoring their child or youth's communication.Social Networking Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instant-gram and a host of other social networks are common among many students and adults. All servants should use these guidelines: Do not initiate requests from youth or children under age 18, but you may accept a “friend requests” from youth.Use your picture to clearly identify who you areUse your first or last name, preferably bothAllow your site to be viewed publicly or at least by the parents & church staffOnly post using positive language & content (no vulgarities)Set up your photo settings so that you cannot be tagged without your permissionDo not tag a child &/or youth without permissionPhysical Contact As leaders in ministry we are called to uphold the highest standards concerning physical contact. Appropriate physical contact is defined as:Non-demanding, gentle touch of shoulders, hands or armsExpresses affirmation and is not done for the satisfaction or pleasure of adult or leaderOne-arm hug around the shoulder. There should be no resistance on the part of the child or youth. Make every effort to resist hugs from children and youth using both arms and around the neck, especially opposite gender.Inappropriate physical contact is defined as:Kissing; Demanding hugs or kissesTouching chest, genital region, upper legs, buttocks or stomach Sitting on a lap once beyond child care ageSitting a child between legs or their back to your frontOpposite gender piggy back ridesSeductiveness, suggestive or even joking contactAny touching used to express power or control Aggressive behavior/play &/or rough-housing*If you have any questions or concerns regarding the information included in this Ministry Guidebook, please connect with the Youth Pastor or Children’s/Family Pastor._____ I have read through and understand the information contained in this Family Ministry Guidebook._____________________________________________________________________________ (Servant Leader Signature)(Parent(s) Signature)(Date)Please sign and return to the appropriate pastor. ................

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