
Shaping School Culture Interview and ObservationMay 2, 2016Elementary Teacher-4 Years at our school (Interviewed through Hangout)What is the difference between vision statement and mission statement? When I think of vision, I think of what we want to see in the future. The mission statement is the school’s purpose.Do you feel that our vision focuses on continuous improvement? Yes, we are always focusing on continuously improving. Our school improvement plan is centered around our school’s vision.Do you feel that our vision statement by encouraging academic growth and creativity?Yes, our vision promotes academic growth. We are preparing students to be 21st century ready. We use technology in all academic areas. After all, we are a virtual school. Do you feel that our vision statement is interconnected with our school, families and the community? Definitely, the whole family is involved in educating the child, when a family chooses to attend a virtual school. Students and families participate in community activities.Do you feel that there is a strong sense of agreement with the core values and our vision and mission statements?Yes, when we first opened, there was a committee of people developed and vision and mission statement for our school. About 2 weeks into the year, we were emailed the statements from the principal and asked to vote. We also got the opportunity to make changes to both the vision and mission statements. Core values were incorporated. When the final revisions were made, everyone was comfortable. I have worked in schools where we did not vote on the mission and vision statements. Do you think our vision and mission statements clearly states what we want to accomplish as a virtual school?Yes, our aim to is to prepare students for the 21st century. Technology is now and the way of the future. As technology advances, students will need to be prepared for what lies ahead.How do you feel like you promote our school's vision and mission with other community members?Our school’s vision and mission statements are promoted daily through Live Lessons being taught daily. I am a member of the marketing team. We work to get our school’s vision out to the community. People enroll students at our school because they like our vision. Teachers teach here, because they like our mission.Shaping School Culture Interview and ObservationMay 2, 2016Special Education Teacher-4 years with our school (Interviewed Face to Face)What is the difference between vision statement and mission statement? A vision is the end product. The mission is now we arrive at the vision. I think is it like having an annual goals and short term objective. The annual goal is what we want to accomplish in a year. The short term objective is how we arrive at our annual goal. Do you feel that our vision focuses on continuous improvement?Yes, we are improving every year that we are in business. I can definitely see growth from the first year that we opened until now. As our school’s vision grows, we grow. We are always working to get better.Do you feel that our vision statement by encouraging academic growth and creativity? Yes, our vision promotes academic growth. We are producing students who are critical thinkers through technology.Do you feel that our vision statement is interconnected with our school, families and the community?Yes, our vision is interconnected with our school, families and community. Students are a part of our school. The students and parents are part of the community. I have also seen parents comment on Facebook. I feel that if parents write positive comments about our school, they are sharing our vision and mission with the community. Do you feel that there is a strong sense of agreement with the core values and our vision and mission statements?I feel there is a strong sense of agreement with our core values and the vision and mission. Core values are what our school is made of. It is shown through the time put into preparing lessons, delivery, communicating with parents and the community.Do you think our vision and mission statements clearly states what we want to accomplish as a virtual school? Yes, our vision and missions statements stated that we will educate students to be productive members of society by preparing them for the future. We teach our students through technology and offer courses that prepares our students.How do you feel like you promote our school's vision and mission with other community members? Yes, our vision is and mission are communicated to the community by the school participating in community activities through volunteering. Our board members are also volunteers from the community. They helped in creating the school’s vision and mission.Shaping School Culture Interview and ObservationMay 2, 2016Special Education Teacher-Beginning Teacher with our school 1 year (Interviewed through Hangout)What is the difference between vision statement and mission statement? A vision is what we want to have accomplished at the end of the school year. Our mission is what we want to accomplish with the school and community. (Took teacher a while to think of the difference.)Do you feel that our vision focuses on continuous improvement? Our vision guides teachers to accomplish goals written in out continuous improvement plan.Do you feel that our vision statement by encouraging academic growth and creativity?Our school is not like a brick and mortar school. Student are given books and have the same routines every day. Out virtual environment is creative in it’s delivery to students. Our vision is to educate students and prepare them for the future. Our vision and mission does encourage academic growth.Do you feel that our vision statement is interconnected with our school, families and the community? Yes, our vision is interconnected with our school families and community. We are consistently interacting with the community to get the word out about our school. Our vision is shared when we are interacting within the community. Our vision is also shared while we are teaching our students every day and working without Learning Coaches (parents) to work with their children. Our vision statement is shared with everything that we do.Do you feel that there is a strong sense of agreement with the core values and our vision and mission statements? Our core values, vision statement and mission statements are intertwined. Our mission statement cannot happen without our vision statement and both cannot be delivered effectively without core values. Do you think our vision and mission statements clearly states what we want to accomplish as a virtual school?Yes, we are a successful school. I think that people choose to come to our school because of what we stand for. We have to be doing what our vision states, in order to attract families.How do you feel like you promote our school's vision and mission with other community members?Yes. I feel like I promote our school’s vision and mission with other community, when I teach and provide Live Lessons to the parents on how to work with their students at home. I promote our school’s vision when I attend community outings wearing my school shirt proudly. I have even discussed my school with people in my community. I have volunteered at the mission with the school. Our vision states that we teach children to interact within the community. As a teacher, I have to share our schools vision by interacting in my community. ................

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