Cornell University


130 Sears St. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management

Ithaca, NY 14850 437 Warren Hall

(607) 319-0171 Cornell University

Ithaca, N.Y. 14853

(607) 255-2104

EDUCATION Harvard University, Ph.D. Economics, 1985

Harvard University, M.A. Economics, 1983

Swarthmore College, B.A. Economics, 1977 with Honors


1994- International Professor of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Courses Taught:

* Open Economy Analysis: Theory and Applications

* Economics of Development

* Macro Policy in Developing Countries

* Economics of Agricultural Development

* Introduction to Macroeconomics

Membership in Graduate Fields

* International Development

* Agricultural Economics

* International Agriculture and Rural Development

* Conservation and Sustainable Development

* Latin American Studies

Director of Graduate Studies in Global Development

2011-2012 Consultant to Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning – Govt. of Kazakhstan

Leader of study of options for countercyclical policy using various fiscal rules for sovereign wealth fund

2008-2009 Consultant to Ministry of Trade, Energy, Industry and Handicrafts – Govt. of Guinea Bissau

Leader of Diagnostic Trade Integration Study

2006-2007 Consultant to Ministry of Commerce – Government of Angola

Leader of Diagnostic Trade Integration Study

2005 Consultant to World Bank

Member of team responsible for World Bank Country Economic Memorandum for Angola

2004 Consultant to World Bank

Responsible for formulation of agricultural assistance strategy in Angola

2004 Consultant to UN Food and Agriculture Organization

Author of macroeconomic and sector strategy work for Angola

2003 Consultant to USAID Angola

Responsible for preliminary work on country agricultural strategy

2002-2003 Coonsultant to USAID Mozambique

Responsible for review of activities supporting small farmer development in Mozambique

2001-2002 Consultant to the Government of Tajikistan

Assisted Ministry of Finance in developing macroeconomic projections and estimates of shadow economy activity

1999-2001 Consultant to the Government of The Gambia

Assisted in development of national agricultural policy and its relation to macroeconomic policy

1999-2000 Consultant to the Government of Bulgaria

Assisted Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting and National Statistical Institute in improved calculations of GDP and in the construction of an index of leading indicators

1998-1999 Consultant to Government of Sao Tome and Principe

Assisted in drafting of national policy framework for development of the agricultural sector

1998 Consultant to World Bank

Prepared agricultural sector strategy and growth prospects paper for Mozambique

1997 Consultant to World Bank

Responsible for analysis of development options in Aral Sea region of Uzbekistan

1997-99 Consultant for Harvard Institute for International Development

Analysis of macroeconomic policy in Angola

1996 Consultant to FAO

Angola Agricultural Sector Options Review Project - Responsible for preparation of sector and macroeconomics issues paper

1993-96 Consultant to World Bank

Responsible for preparation of Angola Agricultural Strategy Paper and preparation of agricultural loan program. Prepared 1996 Mozambique Agriculture Sector Memorandum.

1988-94 Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

1994 Adviser to Government of Malawi

Responsible for assisting in the preparation of Government request for foreign aid presented to international donors in December 1994 and preparation of government budget in 1995.

1988-89 Adviser to Government of Mozambique

Responsible for preparation of Government request for foreign aid presented to Consultative Group of international donors in November 1988 and 1989.

1988 Consultant to USAID

Part of team responsible for preparation of export and marketing studies for Tunisia Agricultural Policy Implementation Project.

1985-87 The World Bank, Washington, D.C.

* Young Professional Program, 1985

* Brazil Division, 1985: Economist

* Treasury, 1986-87: Portfolio manager responsible for 1.5 billion pounds sterling of Bank holdings in the UK government bond and money markets.

1983-84 Research Associate Harvard Institute for International Development

1983-84 Assistant Head Tutor, Department of Economics, Harvard University

1983-84 Research Assistant to Professor Richard Cooper, Harvard University

1983 Consultant to World Bank supported study of the Uruguayan energy system.

1981-84 Teaching Fellow, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

* Economic Development

* International Monetary Economics

* Introductory Economics

* Allyn Young Teaching Prize in Economics, Honorable Mention, 1983.

1981 Consultant to US Agency for International Development, Energy Planning Assistance Project, Khartoum, Sudan.

* Macroeconomic and energy sector projections, data collection and lectures to the staff of the National Energy Administration in Khartoum.

* Co-author of AID Project Paper for Sudan village renewable energy project.

1980 Lecturer in the Energy Management Training Program, State University of New York, Stony Brook.

1977-80 Associate Economist, National Center for Analysis of Energy Systems, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY.

Energy/economic modeling and policy analysis in the United States and developing countries. Major projects:

* Principal investigator responsible for formulation and application of an energy/economic planning model for developing countries. Project supported by field work in Peru, Portugal, South Korea and Dominican Republic.

* Formulation of multi-regional linear programming model of US energy system.

* Analysis of the interfuel substitution possibilities in major energy using industries in Northeastern U.S.

* Study of the employment impacts of alternative energy technologies in New England.

1979-80 Consultant with Energy/Development International Inc. in AID sponsored study of energy production and use in Honduras and Mexico

HONORS & Sloan Foundation Grant for Research in Microeconomics of Finance 1984-85


Chenery Fund Grant for Research in Development Economics 1984-85

Graduate Fellow, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University

Aaron S. Salant Fellow, Harvard University 1983-84

Elected Co-chair of Harvard Graduate Economics Association, 1983

Allyn Young Teaching Prize in Economics 1983

B.A. with Honors 1977

Pan American Medal for Distinction in Latin American Studies 1977

PROFESSIONAL American Agricultural Economics Association


American Economics Association

International Association of Agricultural Economists

REVIEWER American Economic Review

FOR American Journal of Agricultural Economics

Contemporary Policy Issues

Development and Change

Economic Development and Cultural Change

Elsevier Science Publishers

Journal of African Economies

Journal of Agricultural Economics

Journal of Banking and Finance

Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking


Northeast Journal of Agricultural Economics

World Development


"Agricultural Production Economics and Post-Harvest Management". One week course presented at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique, September 1989.

"Policy Reform and Natural Resources Management in Sub-Saharan Africa". Workshop held at Cornell University, November 11-12, 1988.

Agricultural Economics Department Workshop, Fall 1989. "Real Exchange Rates and Agriculture".

Department of Economics Workshop on International Trade and Applied Macroeconomics, 1989, "Developing Country Debt and U.S. Commercial Banks".

Institute for African Development Seminar Series 1989, "Structural Adjustment and Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa".

Research Group in Latin American Environmental Issues Workshop, Spring 1989, "World Bank Involvement in the Brazilian Amazon".

"Sustainable Development and Biodiversity". Symposium at Cornell University, September 19-22, 1991.


Nationality: U.S.

Languages: Spanish, Portuguese; basic Russian; reading knowledge of French


"Macroeconomic Impact of Mineral Revenues on General Market Equilibrium and Poverty Alleviation in Sub-Saharan Africa" (Ahmad Slaibi and Steven Kyle) Journal of Energy and Development (Spring 2009)

“ Fair Trade - Is It Really Better for Workers?” (Keith Poe and Steven Kyle) Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies forthcoming 2007.

“The Interaction of Social and Regional Structure with Macroeconomic Trends - The Political Economy of Angolan Growth in the Long Run” (Steven Kyle) Review of African Political Economy Vol. 32 No. 104/5, June/September 2005, pp. 269-293.

“How and Why to Move Beyond Exchange Rate Based Stabilization in Angola” (Steven Kyle) Revista Academica Vol. 2 (December 2004)

“Portugal and the Curse of Riches: Macro Distortions and Underdevelopment in Colonial Times” (Steven Kyle) Portuguese Studies Review Vol 10 No. 2, Winter 2002/2003 pp. 101-125.

‘’Determinants of Girls’ Educational Enrollment in Ghana”, (Rebecca Johnson and Steven Kyle) Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies Vol. 21 No. 3 December 2002, pp. 134-160.

"Retail Margins, Price Transmission and Price Asymmetry in Urban Food Markets: The Case of Kinshasa", (Bart Minten and Steven Kyle) Journal of African Economies Vol. 9 No. 1 (2000) pp. 1-23.

"The Effect of Distance and Road Quality on Food Prices, Marketing Margins, and Traders' Wages: Evidence from Zaire"

(Bart Minten and Steven Kyle) Journal of Development Economics Vol. 60 (1999) pp. 467-495.

“Development of Angola’s Agricultural Sector” (Steven Kyle) Agroalimentaria No. 4, June 1997, pp. 89-104.

"Overshooting Agricultural Prices and the Importance of Economic Structure: Evidence from Brazil" (Heloisa Burnquist and Steven Kyle) Revista Brasileira de Economia Vol. 49 No. 1 (January/March 1995) pp. 63-83.

"The Theory of Contested Markets and the Degree of Tradedness of Agricultural Commodities: An Empirical Test in Zaire" (Steven Kyle and Jo Swinnen) Journal of African Economies Vol. 3 No. 1 (1994) pp. 93-113.

"The Relation Between Farm Production Risk and Off-Farm Income" (Steven Kyle) Agricultural and Resource Economics Review Volume 22 No. 2 (October 1993) pp. 179-188.

"Application of the Faustmann Principle to a Short Rotation Tree Species: An Analytical Tool for Economists, With Reference to Kenya and Leucaena", (Steven Stone, Steven Kyle and Jon Conrad) Agroforestry Systems Vol. 21, 1993, pp. 79-90.

"Pitfalls in the Measurement of Real Exchange Rate Effects on Agriculture", (Steven Kyle) World Development Vol. 20 No. 7, 1992, pp. 1009-1019.

"National Factor Markets and the Macroeconomic Context for Environmental Destruction in the Brazilian Amazon", (Steven Kyle and Aercio Cunha) Development and Change Vol. 23 No. 1, 1992, pp. 7-33.

"Economic Reform and Armed Conflict in Mozambique", (Steven Kyle) World Development Vol. 19 No. 6, 1991, pp. 637-649.

"What Role for Leucaena Leucocephala in Meeting Fuelwood Demand in Kenya?" (Steven Stone, Steven Kyle and Jon Conrad) Leucaena Research Reports Vol. 12 (1991) pp. 121-123.

"The Impact of Sovereign Risk on the Market Valuation of U.S. Bank Equities", (Steven Kyle and Ronald Wirick) Journal of Banking and Finance 14 (1990):761-780 November.

"Amazonia: Crecimiento con Abundancia de Recursos Naturales en una Región Periférica", (Aercio Cunha and Steven Kyle) Revista de Análisis Económico Vol. 5 No. 2, November 1990, pp. 81-93.


“Countercyclical Policy in Kazakhstan” (Steven Kyle draft 2013)


“The Perils of Resource Riches in a Small Country: Oil in Sao Tome e Principe” Chapter 4 in Small Economies and Global Economics J. R. Pillarisetti et. al. eds. Nova Science Publishers, NY 2008.

“Policy Considerations Along the Interface Between Biodiversity and Agriculture” (William Lesser and Steven Kyle) in Biodiversity and Agricultural Intensification, J. Srivastava, N. Smith and D. Forno, Eds., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1996.

"Structural Adjustment in a Country at War: The Case of Mozambique", in Adjusting to Failed Policy in African Economies, D. Sahn, ed., Cornell University Press 1994.

"Distributional Effects of Global Warming and Emission Abatement", in Agricultural Dimensions of Global Climate Change, H. Kaiser and T. Drennen eds., St. Lucie Press 1993.


“Oil and the Politics of Reconstruction in Angola” (Steven Kyle) Paper presented at the African Studies Association Annual Conference, Washington DC, Nov. 17-20 2005.

“We’re Rich!! Or Are We? Oil and Development in Sνo Tomϑ e PrΡncipe” (Steven Kyle) Paper presented at the Conference on Lusophone Africa, Cornell University, May 2, 3 2003.

“Oil and the Political Economy of Growth in Angola” (Steven Kyle) Paper presented at the Conference on the Growing Importance of African Oil, March 17, 2003, Carnegie Endowment for Peace, Washington D.C.

“Dutch Disease in Sνo Tomϑ e PrΡncipe: Policy Options for the Coming Oil Boom” (Steven Kyle) Paper Presented at the Island Studies Association Annual Conference, Charlottetown Prince Edward Island, June 2002.

“Portugal and the Curse of Riches: Macro Distortions and Underdevelopment in Colonial Times” (Steven Kyle) Paper Presented at the Brown University Conference on Lusophone Africa, April 2002.

"The Theory of Contested Markets and the Degree of Tradedness of Agricultural Commodities: An Empirical Test in Zaire" (Steven Kyle and Jo Swinnen) Selected Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the African Studies Association, Boston, December 4-7, 1993.

"Efeitos de Políticas Macro-Monetárias Sôbre Preços Agrícolas" (Effects of Macro-Monetary Policies on Agricultural Prices, Heloisa Burnquist and Steven Kyle) Anais do XXX Congresso Brasileiro de Economia e Sociologia Rural pp. 88-105. Selected Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Brazilian Association of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Rio de Janeiro, August 6, 1992.

"Effects of Carbon Taxes on Economic Growth and Structure" (Steven Kyle) Selected Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association, San Francisco, July 9-13, 1992.

"Measuring the Effects of Real Exchange Rate Policies on Agriculture", (Steven Kyle). American Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 73 No. 5, 1991, p. 1553 (Abs.) Selected Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Kansas State University, August 1991.

"Agricultura na Amazônia: Crescimento com Abundancia de Recursos Naturais em uma Região Periférica", (Agriculture in the Amazon Growth with Abundance of Natural Resources in a Peripheral Region, Aercio Cunha and Steven Kyle). Anais do XVIII Encontro Nacional de Economia Vol. 3 pp. 971-985. Selected Paper presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Economics Association, Brasilia, December, 1990.


"Fiscal Policy, Exchange Rates and World Debt Problems - Discussion", in International Financial Markets and Agricultural Trade. Thomas Grennes, ed., Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 1989.

"Macro-Linkages and Agriculture: the United States Experience: Discussion", in Agriculture and Governments in an Interdependent World. Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference of Agricultural Economists, held at Buenos Aires, Dartmouth Publishing Co., England, 1988 pp. 539-541.

Review of Dam the Rivers Damn the People by Barbara Cummings. Development and Change, Vol. 24 No.3, 1993 pp. 585-586.

Review of Latin American Land Reforms in Theory and Practice by Peter Dorner. Economic Development and Cultural Change Vol. 42 No. 3, April 1994, pp. 678-683.

Review of The Social Causes of Environmental Destruction in Latin America, M. Painter & W. Durham, eds. Development and Change Vol. 27 No. 4, October 1996, pp. 831-832,

Review of Pathways to Economic Development by Richard Grabowski. American Journal of Agricultural Economics February 2002.

Review of Reforming Agricultural Markets in Africa by Mylene Kheralla, Christopher Delgado, Eleni Gabre-Mahdin, Nicholas Minot, and Michael Johnson Africa Today Vol. 50 No. 4 (Summer 2004) p.120.


Working Papers:

“Angola’s Macroeconomy and Agricultural Growth” (Steven Kyle) Working Paper No. 2010-04, January 2010.

“Transport, Communications, and Electricity Priorities in Guinea Bissau” (Steven Kyle) Working Paper No. 2009-27, August 2009.

“The Macroeconomic Context for Trade in Guinea Bissau” (Steven Kyle) Working Paper No. 2009-26, August 2009.

“Cashew Production in Guinea Bissau” (Steven Kyle) Working Paper No. 2009-25, August 2009.

“Oil, Growth, and Political Development in Angola” (Steven Kyle) Working Paper No. 2007-05, February 2007.

"Fair Trade - Is It Really Better for Workers? - A Case Study of Kaisa Grass Baskets in Bangladesh" (Keith Poe and Steven Kyle) Working Paper No. 2006-21 October, 2006.

"Macroeconomic Impact of Mineral Revenues on General Market Equilibrium and Poverty Alleviation in Sub-Saharan Africa" (Ahmad Slaibi and Steven Kyle) Working Paper No. 2006-20 August, 2006.

"Oil Revenue, Non-Oil Trade, and Poverty Alleviation in Angola (Steven Kyle) Working Paper No. 2006-13, June 2006.

"The Politics of Oil and the Aftermath of Civil War in Angola" Kyle Working Paper No. 2005-26 October 2005.

" A Strategy for Agricultural Development in Angola" Kyle Working Paper No. 2005-25, October 2005.

"Oil and Politics in Angola" (Steven Kyle) Kyle Working Paper No. 2005-22, August, 2005.

"Oil Revenue, the Real Exchange Rate and Sectoral Distortion in Angola" (Steven Kyle Working Paper No. 2005-19, August, 2005.

"The Transition from Stabilization to Growth: How and Why to Move Beyond Exchange Based Stabilization in Angola" (Steven Kyle) Working Paper No. 2004-14, October, 2004.

"Resettlement and Development - Moving from Rehabilitation to Growth in Mozambique and Angola" (Steven Kyle) Working Paper No. 2004-05, April, 2004.

"Mozambique : Political Choices and Rural Development" Paper presented to the World Bank Seminar on Rural and Agricultural Growth and Poverty Reduction in Mozambique January 2004.

“Transmission of Shocks Through International Lending of Commercial Banks to LDC’s” (Satoru Shimokawa and Steven Kyle) Department of Applied Economics and Management Working Paper No. 2003-27, August 2003.

“Would U.S. Economic Policy Pass Muster with the IMF and the World Bank? (Steven Kyle) Department of Applied Economics and Management Working Paper No, 2003-09, April 2003.

"The Shadow Economy in Post-Soviet Tajikistan" (Steven Kyle) Department of Applied Economics and Management Working Paper No, 2002-28, September 2002.

“The Political Economy of Long Run Growth in Angola - Everyone Wants Oil and Diamonds but They Can Make Life Difficult” (Steven Kyle) Department of Applied Economics and Management Working Paper No, 2002-07, April 2002.

“Dutch Disease in Sνo Tomϑ e PrΡncipe: Policy Options for the Coming Oil Boom” (Steven Kyle) Department of Applied Economics and Management Working Paper No. 2002-04, February 2002.

“Portugal and the Curse of Riches: Macro Distortions and Underdevelopment in Colonial Times” (Steven Kyle) Department of Applied Economics and Management Working Paper No. 2002-03, January 2002.

“Determinants of Girls’ School Enrollment in Ghana” (Rebecca Johnson and Steven Kyle) Department of Applied Economics and Management Working Paper No. 2001-20, November 2001.

“Measuring the Shadow Economy in Bulgaria” (Steven Kyle, Andrew Warner, Lubomir Dimitrov, Radoslav Krustev, Svetlana Alexandrovna, Krassen Stanchev) Department of Applied Economics and Management Working Paper No. 2001-09, July 2001.

“Analyzing Future Growth in Angola: A Simple Macroeconomic Framework” (Steven Kyle) Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Working Paper 2000-15, October 2000.

“Forecasting Industrial Sales in Bulgaria: A Leading Indicator Approach” (Tzvetan Tsalinski and Steven Kyle) Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Working Paper 2000-14, October 2000.

“A Vector Autoregression Analysis of Bulgarian Inflation” (Steven Kyle and Tzvetan Tsalinski) Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Working Paper 2000-13, October 2000.

“Agricultural Land Use in Northwestern Uzbekistan: A Linear Programming Model for Mapping Producer Incentives” (Phillipe Chabot and Steven Kyle) Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Working Paper 98-16, December 1998.

“ Angola: Current Situation and Future Prospects for the Macroeconomy” (Steven Kyle) Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Working Paper 98-04,May 1998.

“Effective Incentives and Chickpea Competitiveness in India” (Krishna D. Rao and Steven Kyle) Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Working Paper 97-16, September 1997, 85p.

“Agriculture in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Khorezm Oblast of Uzbekistan” (Steven Kyle and Philippe Chabot) Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Working Paper 97-13, July 1997, 55p.

“Crop Budgets for the Western Region of Uzbekistan” (Philippe Chabot and Steven Kyle) Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Working Paper 97-12, July 1997, 43p.

“A Comparative Analysis of the Economic Development of Angola and Mozambique” (Steven Kyle) Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Working Paper 97-06, April 1997, 68p.

“The G-3 Free Trade Agreement: A Preliminary Empirical Assessment” (Ricardo Arguello and Steven Kyle) Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Working Paper 96-18, December 1996, 66p.

“The G-3 Free Trade Agreement: Member Countries’ Agricultural Policies and its Agricultural Provisions” (Ricardo Arguello and Steven Kyle) Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Working Paper 96-17, December 1996, 119p.

"Climate Change Effects in a Macroeconomic Context for Low Income Countries" (Steven Kyle and Radha Sampath) Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Working Paper 96-03, February 1996, 24p.

"Development of Angola's Agricultural Sector" (Steven Kyle) Department of Agricultural Economics Working Paper

94-12, December 1994, 30p.

"Overshooting Agricultural Prices: Evidence from Brazil" (Heloisa Burnquist and Steven Kyle) Department of Agricultural Economics Working Paper 93-04, March 1993, 35p.

"The Effects of Carbon Taxes on Economic Growth and Structure: Will Developing Countries Join a Global Agreement?", (Steven Kyle) Department of Agricultural Economics Working Paper 92-6, April 1992, 39p.

"What Role for Leucaena Leucocephala in Meeting Kenya's Fuelwood Demand?: A Bioeconomic Model", (Steven W. Stone, Steven C. Kyle, and Jon M. Conrad) Department of Agricultural Economics Working Paper 91-12, October 1991, 30p.

"Pitfalls in the Measurement of Real Exchange Rate Effects on Agriculture", (Steven Kyle) Department of Agricultural Economics Working Paper 90-9, July 1990, 41p.

"National Factor Markets and the Macroeconomic Context for Environmental Destruction in the Brazilian Amazon", (Steven Kyle and Aercio Cunha) Department of Agricultural Economics Working Paper, 90-8, May 1990, 41p.

"Mozambique in the 1980's: Economic Reform and Armed Conflict", (Steven Kyle) Department of Agricultural Economics Working Paper 90-7, May 1990, 36p.

"Farm Production Risk and Reliance on Off-Farm Income", (Steven Kyle) Department of Agricultural Economics Working Paper 90-2, February 1990, 30p.

Staff Papers:

"A Brief Overview of Mozambique's Rural Development and the Role of US Assistance" (Steven Kyle) Department of Applied Economics and Management Staff Paper No. 03-04, August 2003, 21p

“Political and Economic Prospects for Mozambique and Angola” (Steven Kyle) Cornell Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Staff Paper No. 03-03 June 2003, 15p.

“We’re Rich!! Or Are We? Oil and Development in Sνo Tomϑ e PrΡncipe” (Steven Kyle) Cornell Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Staff Paper No. 03-02 May 2003, 32p.

“Agriculture in Sao Tome e Principe: Policy and Investment Options” (Steven Kyle) Cornell Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Staff Paper 99-04, October 1999, 31p.

"Price Transmission and Price Integration in Food Retail Markets: The Case of Kinshasa (Zaire)", (Bart Minten and Steven Kyle) Cornell Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Staff Paper 95-05, September 1995, 30p.

"The Impact of International Prices and Exchange Rates on Domestic Food Prices in Zaire", (Bart Minten and Steven Kyle), Cornell Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Staff Paper 95-06, September 1995, 28p.

"The Effect of Distance and Road Quality on Food Prices, Marketing Margins, and Traders' Wages: Evidence from Zaire", Cornell Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Staff Paper 95-07, September 1995, 29p.

"Asymmetry In Wholesale - Retail Food Price Transmission In An African Metropolitan Area: The Case Of Kinshasa (Zaire)", (Bart Minten and Steven Kyle) Cornell Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Staff Paper 95-08, September 1995, 23p.

"Sustainable Development and Economic Growth in the Amazon Rainforest", (Jorge M. Nogueira and Steven C. Kyle) Department of Agricultural Economics Staff Paper 92-15, October 1992, 47p.

"Debt for Nature Swaps and the Environment in Africa", (Steven Kyle) Department of Agricultural Economics Staff Paper 90-19, November 1990, 28p.

"Structural Adjustment, Agriculture, and Natural Resources in Africa", (Aercio Cunha and Steven Kyle) Cornell Department of Agricultural Economics Staff Paper 89-25, July 1989, 18p.

"Natural Resources, Structural Adjustment, and Sustainable Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Critique of Policy Recommendations", (Aercio Cunha and Steven Kyle) Cornell Department of Agricultural Economics Staff Paper, 89-24, July, 1989, 49p.

Research Series:

“A Multimarket Analysis of Cashew Production in Mozambique” (Steven Kyle and Onat Negiz) Cornell Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics Research Bulletin RB 2000-05, October 2000.

"Feedgrains and Meat Production in Venezuela", (Juan Fernando Marrero, Steven Kyle and David R. Lee) Department of Agricultural Economics Research Series 93-1, January 1993, 65p.

"A Social Accounting Matrix for Cameroon", (Madeleine Gauthier and Steven Kyle), Department of Agricultural Economics Research Series 90-15, December 1990, 54p.

Policy Reform and Natural Resource Management in Sub-Saharan Africa, James P. Lassoie and Steven C. Kyle, eds. Cornell Natural Resources Research and Extension Series No. 34, September 1989, 308p.

"Financing Environmental Expenditures in Africa", (Steven Kyle and Ann Hawkins) in Policy Reform and Natural Resources Management in Sub-Saharan Africa September 1989, 36p


“Growth Prospects for Mozambican Agriculture” (Steven Kyle) July 1998

“The Angolan Macroeconomy - Current Situation and Future Prospects” (Steven Kyle) April 1997

"Angola: Strategic Orientation for Agricultural Development - An Agenda for Discussion", (Steven Kyle) June 1994

"Report to the Consultative Group on Mozambique", (Steven Kyle) November 1989.

"Report to the Consultative Group on Mozambique", (Steven Kyle) November 1988.

"Brazil: Recession, Recovery and Social Priorities", (Brazil Division), World Bank, 1987.

"Options for Renewed Private International Capital Flows to Brazil", (Steven Kyle) World Bank, 1986.

"Currency Swaps as an Alternative for Investment of World Bank Assets", (Steven Kyle) World Bank, 1986.

"Korea's Borrowing in the International Capital Markets", (Liaquat Ahamed, Veronique Baudon and Steven Kyle) World Bank, 1986.

"Essays on the Market Value of Developing Country Debt", PhD dissertation, Harvard University, September 1985.

"Developing Country Debt and the Market Value of Large Commercial Banks", (Steven Kyle and Jeffrey Sachs), National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper #1470, 1984.

"Modelo Macroeconomico para Uruguay", (Steven Kyle) Report to the Direccion Nacional de Energia, Montevideo, Uruguay, 1983.

"The Brookhaven Energy/Economic Assessment Model: An Input-Output Approach to Projecting Energy/Economic Scenarios in Developing Countries", (Steven Kyle) Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1980.

"Energy and Development in Central America", (Philip Palmedo, Andres Doernberg, Keith Oberg and Steven Kyle) U.S. Agency for International Development, 1980.

"A Multiregional Linear Programming Model of the United States Energy System", (Steven Kyle, Richard Goettle, Raymond Tessmer, Ellen Cherniavsky and Gary Goldstein) Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1979.

"Assessing the Employment Implications of Alternative Energy Supply, Conversion and End Use Technological Configurations", (Paul Groncki, James Munson, Matthew Reckard and Steven Kyle) Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1978.

"Price Induced Patterns of Energy Consumption in the Energy Intensive Industries of the Northeast", (Richard Goettle, Emily Medine and Steven Kyle) Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1977.


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