Writing Prompts

1. The article “Why tough times can create better neighbors” describes the groups of people we interact with like the rings of Saturn:

“Most people's acquaintances resemble a model like the rings of Saturn, with the innermost bands representing the closest connections and each successive loop becoming more distant.”

Using the graphic below, fill in your own loops with the innermost bands including the people closest to you, the middle band including neighbors and community groups you interact with, and the outer loop including acquaintances you interact with mostly online.


2. In what ways have you interacted with the people or groups in each loop before the outbreak? How has the way you interact with these people or groups changed? How could you increase your interaction and connection with people or groups in your loops?

3. What are some possible long-term effects of the way we have to connect socially during the coronavirus outbreak? Do you think the changes will remain after the outbreak has passed? Why or why not?

4. Go online and find a social media posting or article about an act of kindness that has occurred during this outbreak. Explain where you found the example and summarize the posting or article.


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