
Cornelia Paraskevas

WOU/Spring 2008

Conventions, Fluency, Grammar (based on ODE English Language Arts Standards)

|Grade |Punctuation |Writing/Fluency |“Grammar” (Usage) |

| | | | |

|1 |Write in complete sentences |Descriptive words |Sing./plural nouns |

| | |Sequence events |Possessives |

|2 |Comma in greetings, closing, |Distinguish between complete and |Identify parts of speech, |

| |dates, items in a series |incomplete sentences; use |primarily nouns and verbs |

| | |correct word order | |

|3 |Commas in dates, addresses; |Write complete sentences of |Subject-verb agreement; |

|(100 words) |quotation marks |statement, command, question, |pronouns; verb tenses; |

| |Capitalization |exclamation; begin to elaborate |possessives |

| | |descriptions | |

| | |Use vivid adjectives and action | |

| | |verbs | |

|4 |Apostrophes |Simple and compound sentences; |Correctly use regular and |

|(250 words) |(for possessives and |use a variety of sentence |irregular verbs, adverbs, |

| |contractions) |patterns |prepositions, coordinating |

| | | |conjunctions |

|5 |Parentheses; colon for hours or|Use transitions and conjunctions |Correctly use |

|(400 words) |list; comma in direct quotation|to connect ideas; begin using |modifiers |

| | |complex sentences; use |Correctly use verbs that are |

| | |appositives, prepositional |often misused |

| | |phrases, main and subordinate |Compound subject-verb agreement |

| | |clauses | |

|6 |Colon after salutation; |Use variety of descriptive words.|Indefinite pronouns; compound |

|(400-700 words) |semicolon to connect main |Use compound, complex, simple |subject-verb agreement |

| |clauses; comma with coordinating|sentences to achieve clarity and |Perfect tenses |

| |conjunction; comma and |enhance flow and rhythm. Use | |

| |semicolon for transitions |effective coordination and | |

| | |subordination of ideas | |

|7 |Comma after dependent clause; |To achieve clarity, properly |Clear pronoun-antecendent |

|(400-700 words) |appropriate internal punctuation|place modifiers. |reference; correct use of all |

| |including commas, semicolons, |Vary sentence beginnings by using|parts of speech (N, V, Pro, Adj,|

| |colons |infinitives/participles |Adv, Prep, Conj, Interj; |

| | | |correct use of types and |

| | | |structures of sentences. |

| | | |Appropriate English usage |

|8 |Use conventional punctuation |Parallel structures. Use varied |Use consistent verb tenses. |

|(500-1,000 words) |correctly, including commas, |sentence types and sentence |Consistently use frequently |

| |hyphens, dashes, semicolons |openings to present lively and |misused words (between/among; |

| | |effective personal style. Use |less/fewer) |

| | |subordination, coordination, | |

| | |appositives | |

|CIM |Use conventional punctuation |Demonstrate an understanding of |Show control of clauses (main |

| |correctly, including semicolons,|sentence construction to achieve |and subordinate) and phrases |

| |colons, ellipses, hyphens, |clarity of meaning. Vary |(gerund, infinitive, participle)|

| |dashes |sentence types to enhance flow | |

| | |and rhythm | |


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