

Q1. Choose the correct sentence: [5]

i) A. Jim wanted to visit his grandma but cannot find the money for a train ticket.

B. We were able to travel to Athens but could not find a hotel.

C. They left the house around eight, walked to town and end up in their favourite pub.

ii) A. Jill danced energetically but cannot win the competition.

B. They boarded the train last night, got down at Delhi this morning and go to their uncle’s place.

C. If I had seen the car earlier, I would have been able to avoid the accident.

iii) A. I can’t come out with you because I don't have enough money.

B. You will never be a professional athlete because you didn't eat the right diet.

C. She wants to visit India but she had not got enough money.

iv) A. It is awful here; we could not see a thing.

B. You will never be a good actor because you don't know how to emote.

C. She eats too much chocolates but she had not put on weight.

v) A. I get on well with all my friends as they were all really nice people.

B. Sam cooked a fantastic meal and then had to do all the washing up.

C. The building towers above the others and dominated the skyline.

Q2. Do as directed: [8]

i) Choose the correct option

A. When I loaded the new program on the computer, it crashed.

B. When I loaded the new program on the computer, the computer crashed.

ii) Choose the correct option

The man _________________

A. Who they thought to be a gentleman is a rogue.

B. Whom they thought to be a gentleman is a rogue.

iii) Choose the correct option

My father is in teaching ______________.

A. Line

B. Profession

iv) Choose the correct option

Women’s clothes are generally more expensive than _________________.

A. Men

B. Men’s

v) Choose the correct option

He had hardly seen me _______________

A. So he came to me running.

B. When he came to me running.

vi) Choose the correct option

No sooner did we reach the stadium ___________________

A. Then it started raining cats and dogs.

B. Than it started raining cats and dogs.

vii) Pick the odd one out

A. He is a player to be relied on.

B. He is a player who can be relied on.

C. He is a player that we can rely upon.

viii) Complete the sentence

_________________________, they ran away.

A. On seeing a ghost

B. After they see a ghost

C. They have seen a ghost therefore

ix) Q3. Choose from the given options and fill the blanks to compose a well-knit paragraph: [3]

|the young man rose and said he would go a little way |casting his net, made a splendid haul 3 |Hsu offered him a cup of wine, which was readily |

|down the stream 2 | |accepted 1 |

| |One night, Hsu, a fisherman, was sitting drinking by himself, when a young man suddenly appeared and began walking up and down near |

| |him.________________________________________________, and they remained chatting together throughout the night, Hsu mean- while not |

| |catching a single fish. However, just as he was giving up all hope of doing anything, __________________________________________and |

| |beat them up towards Hsu, which he accordingly did, returning in a few minutes and warning him to be on the lookout. Hsu now heard a |

| |noise like that of a shoal coming up the stream, and, ____________________________________, -- all that he caught being over a foot in |

| |length. |

Q4. Rearrange the following sentences and rewrite to make a meaningful paragraph: [4]

A.   Michael Hofman, a poet and translator, accepts this sorry fact without approval or complaint.

B.   But thanklessness and impossibility do not daunt him. In fact he feels passionately about his work, and this is

clear from his writings.

C.   He acknowledges too "in fact he returns to the point often " that best translators of poetry always fail at some level.

D.    In terms of the gap between worth and rewards, translators come somewhere near nurses and street-cleaners.  DACB

Q5. Compose a paragraph in 50-70 words, using the given sentence as a starter give a suitable title to your paragraph: [5]

Staring at my reflection ..…

Q6. Compose a well-knit paragraph in about 50 words on the given topic: [5]

An unusual room


Q1. Choose the correct sentence: [5]

i) A. The test match was abandoned because it is raining so hard.

B. The football match will be abandoned as it is raining so hard.

C. She arrived on Sunday and leaves again next Monday.

ii) A. The marks were bad because I had not studied properly.

B. The football match will be abandoned as it was raining so hard.

C. The foot will be swelled up as it was hurt so hard.

iii) A. After they had seen the thief, Tim and Paul set off for the police station.

B. The train leaves at seven o'clock and did not arrive until very late at night.

C. We are walking along the river bank when the accident happened.

iv) A. He is talking on the phone when I came.

B. I will never work for you even if you pay me thousands of pounds an hour.

C. She would never agree to it even if you promise to help her.

v) A. I want to travel to India with my friends, but I couldn't find enough money.

B. I wanted to travel to India with my friends, but I will not be able to find enough money.

C. I wanted to travel to India with my friends, but I couldn't find enough money.

Q2. Do as directed: [8]

i) Choose the correct option

A. At the gym, the instructors showed me how to use the equipment.

B. At the gym, they showed me how to use the equipment.

ii) Choose the correct option

The prize was given to the girl _______________

A. Who they said stood first.

B. Whom they said stood first.

iii) Choose the correct option

_________________________, was killed in the recent police firing.

A. One of these men’s sons

B. One of the sons of these men

iv) Choose the correct option

_______________________ of ten members.

A. The jury consists

B. The juries consist

v) Choose the correct option

I will die some day______________________.

A. Since all men are mortal

B. As if all men are mortal

vi) Choose the correct option

I was reading the newspaper ____________________________.

A. At that time Sachin came to me

B. When Sachin came to me

vii) Pick the odd one out

A. I am sitting in a café and am waiting for my friend.

B. Because he is my friend doesn’t mean he is going to say anything.

C. Hurry up or you will be late.

viii) Complete the sentence

__________________________________, nobody wants to talk to him.

A. If he is a cheat

B. Though he is a cheat

C. As he is a cheat

Q3. Choose from the given options and fill the blanks to compose a well-knit paragraph: [3]

|Thereupon they parted, and the next day Hsu sold his |first offering his companion a share of the fish, |The latter replied that he did not recollect ever |

|fish and bought some more wine, with which he repaired|which the latter declined 1 |meeting him before 2 |

|as usual to the riverbank. 3 | | |

Greatly delighted, Hsu now prepared to go home, _________________________________________________________, saying that he had often received kindnesses from Mr. Hsu, and that he would be only too happy to help him regularly in the same manner if Mr. Hsu would accept his assistance.___________________________________________, and that he should be much obliged for any aid the young man might choose to afford him; regretting, at the same time, his inability to make him any adequate return. He then asked the young man his name and surname; and the young man said his surname was Wang, adding that Hsu might address him when they met as Wang Liu-lang, he having no other name. __________________________ There he found his companion already awaiting him, and they spent the night together in precisely the same way as the preceding one, the young man beating up the fish for him as before.

Q4. Rearrange the following sentences and rewrite to make a meaningful paragraph: [4]

A. 1971 war changed the political geography of the subcontinent

B. Despite the significance of the event. there has been no serious book about the conflict

C. Surrender at Dacca aims to fill this gap

D. It also profoundly altered the geo-strategic situation in South-East Asia ADBC

Q5. Compose a paragraph in 50-70 words, using the given sentence as a starter: [5]

On the other side of the street…

Q6. Compose a well-knit paragraph in about 50 words on the given topic: [5]

How to survive without a cellphone


Q1. Choose the correct sentence: [5]

i) A. France is a lovely country. It has some beautiful beaches.

B. France is a lovely country. It had some beautiful beaches.

C. France was a lovely country. It has some beautiful beaches.

ii) A. Shakespeare was a great writer. He is born in England.

B. Shakespeare is a great writer. He was born in England.

C. Shakespeare was a great writer. He was born in England.

ix) A. She hated playing the piano, but can sing beautifully.

B. She hates playing the piano, but could sing beautifully.

C. She hates playing the piano, but can sing beautifully.

x) A. I was trying to bake a cake, but it got burnt.

B. I was trying to bake a cake, but it gets burnt.

C. I am trying to bake a cake, but it got burnt.

xi) A. We left home first thing in the morning and arrive late at night.

B. We left home first thing in the morning and arrived late at night.

C. We leave home first thing in the morning and arrived late at night.

Q2. Do as directed: [8]

i) Choose the correct option

A. Mark used to hang around with Steve until he started dating Sara.

B. Until Mark started dating Sara, he used to hang around with Steve.

ii) Choose the correct option

My father doesn’t like ____________

A. Me going to pictures every day.

B. My going to pictures every day.

iii) Choose the correct option

I may spend___________ with one of my friends.

A. These summer vacations

B. This summer vacation

iv) Choose the correct option

If ___________ enter the field, and damage it.

A. The cattles

B. The cattle

v) Choose the correct option

___________________________ are beautiful.

A. Both Mili as well as Meenal

B. Mili as well as Meenal

vi) Choose the correct option

Two weeks have passed _______________________________.

A. Since I have seen him

B. Since I saw him

vii) Pick the odd one out

A. He was studying as well as doing a job.

B. In spite of working hard, he failed.

C. He is known for his honesty.

viii) Complete the sentence

Will you help me with my homework, _____________________________?

A. Because I promise to get you an ice-cream

B. If I promise to get you an ice-cream

C. As I promise to get you an ice-cream

Q3. Choose from the given options and fill the blanks to compose a well-knit paragraph: [3]

|now that we shall meet no more, there is no harm in |Tomorrow my time is up: my substitute will arrive, and|told Hsu that they were about to part for ever 1 |

|telling you the whole truth 2 |I shall be born again in the world of mortals 3 | |

This went on for some months, until at length one evening the young man, with many expressions of his thanks and his regrets,_______________________________________. Much alarmed by the melancholy tone in which his friend had communicated this news, Hsu was on the point of asking for an explanation, when the young man stopped him, and himself proceeded as follows : -- "The friendship that has grown up between us is truly surprising; and, _________________________

_____________________. I am a disembodied spirit -- the soul of one who was drowned in this river when tipsy. I have been here many years, and your former success in fishing was due to the fact that I used secretly to beat up the fish towards you, in return for the libations you were accustomed to pour out. _______________________________________________________. We have but this one evening left, and I therefore take advantage of it to express my feelings to you."

Q4. Rearrange the following sentences and rewrite to make a meaningful paragraph: [4]

A. Thus begins the search for relief: painkillers, ice, yoga, herbs, even surgery

B. Most computer users develop disorders because they ignore warnings like tingling fingers, a numb hand or a sore shoulder

C. They keep pointing and dragging until tendons chafe and scar tissue forms, along with bad habits that are almost impossible to change

D. But cures are elusive, because repetitive stress injuries present a bag of ills that often defy easy diagnosis. BCAD

Q5. Compose a paragraph in 50-70 words, using the given sentence as a starter: [5]

My father used to tell me…

Q6. Compose a well-knit paragraph in about 50 words on the given topic: [5]

An incident that changed your life


Q1. Choose the correct sentence: [5]

i) A. Kim ran after the bus, but could not board it.

B. Kim ran after the bus, but cannot board it.

C. Kim run after the bus, but could not board it.

ii) A. I can’t help you because I don't have enough money.

B. You will never succeed because you didn't work hard.

C. She wanted to visit India, but she has not got enough money.

iii) A. Keats was a romantic poet, and he dies young.

B. She is watching TV while she talked on the phone.

C. Raj went abroad and did his MBA from there.

iv) A. I like to read novels, but I couldn't find enough time for it.

B. I liked to read novels, but I will not find enough time for it.

C. I liked to read novels, but I couldn't find enough time for it.

v) A. The boy stood tallest in the class and bullies other boys in the class.

B. I finished my lunch as well as do the dishes too.

C. I got this souvenir when I was on holiday in India.

Q2. Do as directed: [8]

i) Choose the correct sentence

A. I wanted to buy a new computer, but they didn't have one I could afford.

B. I wanted to buy a new computer, but the store didn't have one I could afford.

ii) Choose the correct option

The man standing beside the minister is a friend of _____________.

A. Me

B. Mine

iii) Choose the correct option

The _______________ of Delhi doesn’t suit me.

A. Weather

B. Climate

iv) Choose the correct option

Credit this sum ______________.

A. In my name.

B. To my account.

v) Choose the correct option

I took the medicine _______________________.

A. So that I might get well

B. That I might get well

vi) Choose the correct option

____________________________ the class yesterday.

A. Both Madhu and Sudha did not attended

B. Neither Madhu nor Sudha attended

vii) Pick the odd one out

A. Don’t shout otherwise you will be punished.

B. Don’t shout or you will be punished.

C. In case you shout you will be punished.

viii) Complete the sentence

Quinine tastes bitter _______________________.

A. When it is tasted.

B. When it was tasted.

C. When it tastes.

Q3. Choose from the given options and fill the blanks to compose a well-knit paragraph: [3]

|It's hard to lose you 2 |he had grown so accustomed to his friend's society 1 |you'll see a woman drowned 3 |

On hearing these words, Hsu was at first very much alarmed; however, ______________________________________________, that his fears soon passed away; and, filling up a goblet, he said, with a sigh, "Liu-lang, old fellow, drink this up, and away with melancholy._______________________________________; but I'm glad enough for your sake, and won't think of my own sorrow." He then inquired of Liu-Lang who was to be his substitute; to which the latter replied, "Come to the riverbank tomorrow afternoon and________________________________: she is the one." Just then the village cocks began to crow, and, with tears in their eyes, the two friends bade each other farewell.

Q4. Rearrange the following sentences and rewrite to make a meaningful paragraph: [4]

A. If you are used to having your stimulation come in from outside, your mind never develops its own habits of thinking

and reflecting

B. Marx thought that religion was the opiate, because it soothed people’s pain and suffering and prevented them from

rising in rebellion

C. If Karl Marx was alive today, he would say that television is the opiate of the people.

D. Television and similar entertainments are even more of an opiate because of their addictive tendencies.  CBDA

Q5. Compose a paragraph in 50-70 words, using the given sentence as a starter: [5]

It was a stupid thing to say…

Q6. Compose a well-knit paragraph in about 50 words on the given topic: [5]

A brush with death


Q1. Choose the correct sentence: [5]

i) A. Jim wanted to visit his Paris but cannot find the money for a train ticket.

B. We were able to travel to Greece, but could not find an inn.

C. They left the place around eight, walked to the city and end up in their favourite disco.

ii) A. Jane spoke energetically, but cannot win the competition.

B. They board the train last night, got down at Chandigarh this morning and went to their uncle’s place.

C. If I had seen him earlier, I would have been able to avoid the accident.

iii) A. I can’t accompany you because I am busy.

B. You will never be successful because you didn't work hard.

C. She wants to visit us often but she had not got enough money.

iv) A. I get on well with my neighbours as they were all really nice people.

B. Tim cooked a fantastic meal, and then did all the dishes.

C. The building towers above the others in the surroundings and dominated the skyline.

v) A. The boy stood tallest in the class and bullies other boys in the class.

B. I finished my lunch as well as do the dishes too.

C. I got this souvenir when I was on holiday in India.

Q2. Do as directed: [8]

i) Choose the correct option

A. I wanted to buy a new stereo, but the store didn't have one I wanted.

B. I wanted to buy a new stereo, but they didn't have one I wanted.

ii) Choose the correct option

The man _________________

A. Who they thought to be the chief guest was his driver.

B. Whom they thought to be the chief guest was his driver.

iii) Choose the correct option

I have learnt ____________________ by memory.

A. These poetries

B. These poems

iv) Choose the correct option

Some of the guests were sitting _________________________ of the room.

A. On the floor

B. On the ground

v) Choose the correct option

As soon as the bell rang, _________________________________.

A. Then the students ran into the class

B. The students ran into the class

vi) Choose the correct option

The choice is between ___________________________.

A. Glorious death and shameful life

B. Glorious death or shameful life

vii) Pick the odd one out

A. Pick it up and throw it in the dustbin.

B. Take it but don’t misplace it.

C. Congratulations on winning first prize.

viii) Complete the sentence

They ran away _____________________.

A. After they see the policeman.

B. As soon as they see the policeman.

C. On seeing the policeman

Q3. Choose from the given options and fill the blanks to compose a well-knit paragraph: [3]

|if anything would happen 1 |at last she succeeded in clutching hold of the bank |she stumbled and fell into the water 2 |

| |and pulled herself, dripping, out 3 | |

Next day Hsu waited on the riverbank to see __________________________________, and a woman carrying a child in her arms came along. When close to the edge of the river, _________________________________________, managing, however, to throw the child safely on to the bank, where it lay kicking and sprawling and crying at the top of its voice. The woman herself sank and rose several times, until _______________________________________________________________________; and then, after resting awhile, she picked up the child and went on her way.

Q4. Rearrange the following sentences and rewrite to make a meaningful paragraph: [4]

A. What came out was very large garland made out of currency notes.

B. The unsuspecting governor opened the box in full view of the gathering

C. When the RBI governor came to inaugurate the new printing press, the local unit of the BJP handed him a gift

wrapped box

D. There was a twist – the notes were all as tattered as notes could get CBAD

Q5. Compose a paragraph in 50-70 words, using the given sentence as a starter: [5]

If I tell you the truth…

Q6. Compose a well-knit paragraph in about 50 words on the given topic: [5]

A comic misunderstanding


Q1. Choose the correct sentence: [5]

i) A. Australia is a lovely country. It has some beautiful beaches.

B. Australia is a lovely country. It had some beautiful beaches.

C. Australia was a lovely country. It has some beautiful beaches.

ii) A. Shakespeare was a great writer. He writes Romeo Juliet.

B. Shakespeare is a great writer. He wrote Romeo Juliet.

C. Shakespeare was a great writer. He wrote Romeo and Juliet.

ix) A. Sheela hated playing the violin, but can sing beautifully.

B. Sheela hates playing the violin, but could sing beautifully.

C. Sheela hates playing the violin, but can sing beautifully.

x) A. I was trying to cook my favourite dish, but it got burnt.

B. I was trying to cook my favourite dish, but it gets burnt.

C. I am trying to cook my favourite dish, but it got burnt.

xi) A. We left the camp first thing in the morning and arrive late at night.

B. We left the camp first thing in the morning and arrived late at night.

C. We leave the camp first thing in the morning and arrived late at night.

Q2. Do as directed: [8]

i) Choose the correct option

A. When she put the cat on the table, the table collapsed.

B.  When she put the cat on the table, it collapsed.

ii) Choose the correct option

I _________________

A. Who is standing here wrote that letter.

B. Who am standing here wrote that letter.

iii) Choose the correct option

What is ___________________________?

A. Your date of birth

B. Date of your birth

iv) Choose the correct option

_______________________________ were selected by the commission.

A. Twenty males and thirty females

B. Twenty men and thirty women

v) Choose the correct option

The accident took place ________________________________________.

A. As the train was crossing the bridge

B. When the train was crossing the bridge

vi) Choose the correct option

Work hard ______________________________.

A. Lest you may not fail

B. Lest you should fail

vii) Pick the odd one out

A. He is a person to be trusted.

B. He is a person who can be trusted.

C. He is a person that we can trust.

viii) Complete the sentence

_______________________________, they ran away.

A. On seeing their father

B. After they see their father

C. They have seen their father therefore

Q3. Choose from the given options and fill the blanks to compose a well-knit paragraph: [3]

|Hsu had been in a great state of excitement 1 |Liu-lang's words had not been fulfilled 3 |accordingly restrained himself from doing so 2 |

ix) All this time ____________________________________________________, and was on the point of running to help the woman out of the water; but he remembered that she was to be the substitute of his friend, and ________________________________. Then when he saw the woman get out by herself, he began to suspect that___________________________________________.

Q4. Rearrange the following sentences and rewrite to make a meaningful paragraph: [4]

A. Then two astronomers-the German, Johannes Kepler, and the Italian, Galileo Galilei-started publicly to support the

Copernican theory, despite the fact that the orbits it predicted did not quite match the ones observed.

B. His idea was that the sun was stationary at the centre and that the earth and the planets move in circular orbits

around the sun.

C. A simple model was proposed in 1514 by a Polish priest, Nicholas Copernicus.

D. Nearly a century passed before this idea was taken seriously.  CBDA

Q5. Compose a paragraph in 50-70 words, using the given sentence as starter: [5]

When nobody was seeing…

Q6. Compose a well-knit paragraph in about 50 words on the given topic: [5]

A strange job interview


Q1. Choose the correct sentence: [5]

i) A. Jim wanted to visit his grandma but cannot find the money for a train ticket.

B. We were able to travel to Athens, but could not find a hotel.

C. They left the house around eight, walked to town and end up in their favourite pub.

ii) A. The test match is abandoned because it is raining so hard.

B. The football match will be abandoned as it was raining so hard.

C. She arrived on Sunday and leaves again next Monday.

iii) A. France is a lovely country. It has some beautiful beaches.

B. France is a lovely country. It had some beautiful beaches.

C. France was a lovely country. It has some beautiful beaches.

iv) A. Kim ran after the bus but could not board it.

B. Kim ran after the bus but cannot board it.

C. Kim run after the bus but could not board it.

v) A. I get on well with all my classmates as they were all really nice people.

B. Sammy cooked a fantastic dinner and then had to do all the washing up.

C. The Cosmic buildings tower above the others and dominated the skyline.

Q2. Do as directed: [8]

i) Choose the correct option

A. When I went for the job interview, they didn't seem very interested in me.

B. When I went for the job interview, the manager didn't seem very interested in me.

ii) Choose the correct option

The boy _________________

A. Who they thought to be a thief is innocent.

B. Whom they thought to be a thief is innocent.

iii) Choose the correct option

The scientists have not been able to tell the ____________________.

A. Reason of an earthquake

B. Cause of an earthquake

iv) Choose the correct option

He doesn’t know even ____________________.

A. Alphabets of English

B. Alphabet of English

v) Choose the correct option

__________________________________, you will not succeed.

A. Unless you don’t pay attention to what I say

B. Unless you pay attention to what I say

vi) Choose the correct option

The teacher asked John ____________________________.

A. Why he was late.

B. That why he was late

vii) Pick the odd one out

A. Either give the answer or sit quiet.

B. He is ready to come with us.

C. He could not believe it.

viii) Complete the sentence

__________________________________, nobody wants to believe to him.

A. If he is a liar

B. Though he is a liar

C. As he is a liar

Q3. Choose from the given options and fill the blanks to compose a well-knit paragraph: [3]

|The woman you saw had already taken my place 2 |there is no need now to speak of separation 1 |I cannot say when I shall have another chance 3 |

That night Hsu went to fish as usual, and before long the young man arrived and said, "We meet once again: _____________

_____________________________." Hsu asked him how it was so; to which he replied, " ______________________________

____________________, but I could not bear to hear the child cry, and I saw that my one life would be purchased at the expense of their two lives, where- fore I let her go, and now _______________________________________________. The union of our destinies may not yet be worked out."

Q4. Rearrange the following sentences and rewrite to make a meaningful paragraph: [4]

A. The situations in which violence occurs and the nature of that violence tends to be clearly defined at least in theory,

as in the proverbial Irishman’s question: ‘Is this a private fight or can anyone join in?’

B. So the actual risk to outsiders, though no doubt higher than our societies, is calculable.

C. Probably the only uncontrolled applications of force are those of social superiors to social inferiors and even here

there are probably some rules.

D. However binding the obligation to kill, members of feuding families engaged in mutual massacre will be genuinely

appalled if by some mischance a bystander or outsider is killed.  DABC

Q5. Compose a paragraph in 50-70 words, using the given sentence as a starter: [5]

Laughing uncontrollably…

Q6. Compose a well-knit paragraph in about 50 words on the given topic: [5]

A child’s secret hiding place


Q1. Choose the correct sentence: [5]

i) A. I can’t help you because I don't have enough money.

B. You will never succeed because you didn't work hard.

C. She wanted to visit India but she has not got enough money.

ii) A. Jane spoke energetically but cannot win the competition.

B. They board the train last night, got down at Chandigarh this morning and went to their uncle’s place.

C. If I had seen him earlier, I would have been able to avoid the accident.

iii) A. Sheela hated playing the violin, but can sing beautifully.

B. Sheela hates playing the violin, but could sing beautifully.

C. Sheela hates playing the violin, but can sing beautifully.

iv) A. After they had seen the thief, Tim and Paul set off for the police station.

B. The train leaves at seven o'clock and did not arrive until very late at night.

C. We are walking along the river bank when the accident happened.

v) A. The boy stood tallest in the class and bullies other boys in the class.

B. I finished my lunch as well as do the dishes too.

C. I got this souvenir when I was on holiday in India.

Q2. Do as directed: [8]

i) Choose the correct option

A. He hammered the nail onto the picture frame, and now the nail is crooked.

B. He hammered the nail onto the picture frame, and now it is crooked.

ii) Choose the correct option

We went to Batkal lake and ___________________

A. Enjoyed ourself.

B. Enjoyed ourselves.

iii) Choose the correct option

____________________ been terminated.

A. His service has

B. His services have

iv) Choose the correct option

One should do ________________ honestly.

A. His duty

B. One’s duty

v) Choose the correct option

It is not certain _____________________________.

A. If he will come

B. That he will come

vi) Choose the correct option

My pen is _________________________________.

A. Superior and more expensive than yours

B. Superior to and more expensive than yours

vii) Pick the odd one out

A. He was studying as well as watching TV.

B. In spite of working hard, he could not get good marks.

C. He is known for his good nature.

viii) Complete the sentence

Will you help me with my homework, ________?

A. Because I do your project for you

B. If I do your project for you

C. As I do your project for you

Q3. Choose from the given options and fill the blanks to compose a well-knit paragraph: [3]

|he had been appointed guardian angel of Wu-chen 2 |And if you do not forget the days of our friendship 3 |he had found another substitute 1 |

The two went on much as they had done before, until one day Liu-lang again said he had come to bid Hsu farewell. Hsu thought _______________________________________________, but Liu-lang told him that his former behavior had so pleased Almighty Heaven, that _____________________________________________________, in the Chao-yuan district, and that on the following morning he would start for his new post. "__________________________________________________________," added he, "I pray you come and see me, in spite of the long journey."

Q4. Rearrange the following sentences and rewrite to make a meaningful paragraph: [4]

A. By the time he got to Linjeflug four years later, he had learned many lessons, in fact, he began his second stint as top

dog by calling the entire company together in a hanger and asking for help, a far cry from his barking out commands

just 48 months back.

B. At SAS, he arrived at a time crisis.

C. This book is chock-a-block full of intrusive stories and practical advice, describing Carton’s activities at Vingresor

(where he assumed his first presidency at age 32), Linjeflug, and SAS in particular.

D. He began at Vingresor as an order giver, not a listener – neither to his people nor to his customers and made every

mistake in the book.  CDAB

Q5. Compose a paragraph in 50-70 words, using the given sentence as starter: [5]

The last time I saw him…

Q6. Compose a well-knit paragraph in about 50 words on the given topic: [5]

Your old neighbourhood


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