Regulations for Subscription of a Philatelic ...

Regulations for Subscription of a Philatelic Collector’s Plan

1. Philatelic Collector’s Plan Identification

1.1. A Philatelic Collector’s Plan – Equal Quantity – is identified by a two-digit and two-letter Code, being equal to the quantity of each of the subscribed products. Example: 01AA; 05CC; 10FF; etc.

1.1.1.The digits correspond to the quantity of subscribed philatelic products and are chosen from those available at the Quantity Chart (01, 02, 03, 05, 10, 25);

1.1.2.The letters correspond to the group of subscribed philatelic products and they are chosen from those available in the Grouped Products Chart (AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF, GG, HH, II, JJ, LL, MM, NN).

1.2. A Philatelic Collector’s Plan — Different Quantity – is not identified by any code, the quantity of each of the subscribed products can be different.

2. Philatelic Collector’s Plan Classification

2.1.The Philatelic Collector’s Plan is classified as either the Annual Philatelic Collector’s Plan or the Extraordinary Philatelic Collector’s Plan.

2.2.The Annual Philatelic Collector’s Plan is referred to all those, which have been approved by the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division, generally in the year before the one it concerns, enabling the supply and acquisition of all philatelic issues to be produced in the corresponding year.

2.3.The Extraordinary Philatelic Collector’s Plan is referred to all those, which have been approved by the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division during the corresponding year, only allowing the supply and acquisition of all philatelic issues produced from the date of its approval to the expiration of the remaining balance.

3. Types of Subscription of Philatelic Collector’s Plan

3.1.The application for a subscription or a renewal of a Philatelic Collector’s Plan can be carried out as follows:

3.1.1. At the Counter to be indicated by Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau;

3.1.2. By mail, Fax, E-mail or Internet.

4. Period of Subscribing an Annual Philatelic Collector’s Plan

4.1.The subscription of an Annual Philatelic Collector’s Plan should be made in the fourth quarter of the previous year to the one the plan is concerned.

4.2. If the subscription has not been carried out within the term mentioned before, but instead has been made during the year concerned, then the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division can change the application into an Annual Philatelic Collector’s Plan Subscription, provided that there are still subscribed products available of the issues produced until the date of its Approval.

4.3.The approval of renewing an Annual Philatelic Collector’s Plan Subscription has priority over the new Plan Subscription.

5. Request for Subscribing an Extraordinary Philatelic Collector’s Plan

5.1.The subscription of an Extraordinary Philatelic Collector’s Plan can be made at any time.

5.2.The Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division may disapprove an Extraordinary Philatelic Collector’s Plan Subscription if former compromises do not allow it.

6. Change of an Extraordinary Philatelic Collector’s Plan into an Annual Plan

6.1.If there are still philatelic products available and within the terms of n( 4.2. previously mentioned, the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division will change an Extraordinary Philatelic Collector’s Plan into an Annual Plan.

6.2.Whenever possible, the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division will mail or make available at the Philatelic Counter, issues produced until the Approval of the Plan together with the first supplies of the subscribed and approved Plan.

6.3.The Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division will give preference to earlier applicants when changing an Extraordinary Philatelic Collector’s Plan into an Annual Plan.

7.Admission of A Philatelic Collector’s Plan Subscription

7.1.The Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division will not accept an application of subscription for:

7.1.1. Plan of Equal Quantity – which is not in compliance with the quantity and grouped products indicated in the respective Charts and if not accompanied by the respective payment which should include postage and bank charges, if applicable;

7.1.2. Plan of Different Quantity – if the amount is less than the amount correspondent to the cost of one set of stamps and souvenir sheet or to the value set, and if not accompanied by the respective payment which should include postage and bank charges, if applicable.

7.2.The Subscriber is only allowed to subscribe to one Plan in each Application Form. Under the terms of n( 9.1., it is possible to subscribe more than one Plan. The subscriber has to complete one Application Form for each Plan and attach with the respective payment.

7.3.Application not accepted will be returned to the subscriber attached with the payment (if applicable). However, Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately division will deduct any incurred expenses and will not be responsible for the loss during the returning process.

8. Approval of a Philatelic Collector’s Plan Subscription

8.1.The acceptance by the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division of the completed Application Form as well as of the payment does not guarantee the approval and the supply of the philatelic products requested.

8.2.The Philatelic Collector’s Plan Subscription is considered approved by the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division, when the Subscriber has been informed in writing or when he starts receiving or picking up the philatelic products of the subscribed Plan.

8.3. If the subscribed plan is not approved, the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division will inform the subscriber and return the payment until the end of the year in which the subscription is made.

8.4. If the returning of payment is made after the date referred in n° 8.3, interests with rate effective in the market will be added to the amount corresponding to the period between that date and the day of return.

9. Subscription of Multiple Plans

9.1.Each Subscriber can subscribe to more than one Philatelic Collector’s Plan.

9.2.For that purpose the subscriber must complete one Application Form for each Plan, as well as to make the corresponding payment.

9.3.The Multiple Plans Subscription can be conditioned by the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division.

10. Philatelic Collector’s Plan validity

10.1.The subscription of the Annual Philatelic Collector’s Plan is valid throughout the subscribed year, except if the amount paid is insufficient to cover the whole supply.

10.2. If the philatelic products are not picked up within six months after the valid period of the plan, the products will be confiscated by the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division.

10.3.If the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau - Philately Division produces a non-programmed philatelic issue during the year, then the subscriber should, on advice of the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau - Philately Division, increase the balance in order to receive all the subscribed products of the produced issue.

10.4.The subscription of the Extraordinary Plan is valid for the period from its Approval to the expiration of the respective remaining balance.

11. Payment Method

11.1.The payment of the Annual or Extraordinary Plan’s Subscriptions, can be carried out as follows:

11.1.1. In cash;

11.1.2. By cheque;

11.1.3. By bank transfer;

11.1.4. By credit card.

11.2.The payment can be made:

1. At the Post Office counters, in Cash (only in MOP), by Cheque or Credit Card;

11.2.2. By Cheque sent by Mail payable to “Direcção dos Serviços de Correios e Telecomunicações – Subscrições de Filatelia”;

11.2.3. By Bank Transfer into “Direcção dos Serviços de Correios e Telecomunicações – Subscrições de Filatelia” account, nº010120780988 at Bank of China, Av. Dr. Mário Soares, Macao or n(9000028586 at Banco Nacional Ultramarino, Av. Almeida Ribeiro, Macao;

11.2.4. By Credit Card through Electronic Payment Platform.

11.3. Cheques are only accepted as term of payment when they are duly certified.

12. Additional Expenses and Exemptions

12.1.The following procedures are subject to the payment of additional expenses:

12.1.1. Sending philatelic products by registered Mail, which postage charge is based on the percentage of the subscribed Plan value;

12.1.2. Payment by cheque or bank transfer.

12.2.However, the cost referred in n°12.1.1. will be borne by Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division whenever the subscriptions of collectors form China (Mainland) & Hong Kong SAR, Asia, Portugal and other countries are under one of the following conditions:

12.2.1.The single plan value equal or over to the amount set for exemption;

12.2.2.The total value of multiple plans submitted at the same time equal or over to the amount set for exemptions;

12.2.3.For the multiple plans submitted at different time, whenever the accumulated plans value is equal or over to the amount set for exemption;

12.2.4. Subscribers who request the mail of subscribed products to Macao address.

13. Renewal of an Annual Philatelic Collector’s Plan Subscription

13.1.The Annual Philatelic Collector’s Plan Subscription must be renewed by filling in the corresponding renewal form if the subscriber intends to keep on receiving the philatelic issues for the following year.

13.2.For that purpose, it is only necessary to indicate the philatelic collector number and to fill in the points, which have information changed compared to the previous year.

13.3.The Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division will give priority to the earliest subscribers for Approval of the renewal of the Annual Philatelic Collector’s Plan Subscription.

13.4.With appropriate adaptations, it is applied to the Renewal of subscription the one stipulated in the present regulations for General Subscription.

14. Usage of Remaining Balance

14.1.The Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division estimates the payment value of an Annual Philatelic Collector’s Plan and at the end of the year, after all the issues have been supplied, the balance can, therefore, be either positive or negative.

14.2.If the balance is positive, the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division can: transfer as credit of next year's annual plan, if the collector renews his plan; supply the next year's products, until the balance becomes null or refund with deduction of any incurred expenses.

14.3.If a negative balance is predicted, the subscriber under the advice of the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau - Philately Division, if he so wishes, may increase the balance under the terms of n( 11.2.

14.4.The Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division will not accept refund requests of the remaining balance caused by the total or partial rejection of certain issues.

15. Philatelic Subscribers Identity Card

15.1.In view of the Philatelic Collector Identity Card’s issue, those who prefer to receive the products of the subscribed Plan at the Philatelic counter, should:

15.1.1. Fill in the respective form naming, if desired, those who are entitled to receive the products besides the own subscriber;

15.1.2. Hand in one recent, color passport photo, as well as photo of each person authorized to receive the products.

15.2.The mentioned form could be obtained at the subscription counters.

15.3. The Philatelic Collector Identity Card can be issued to subscriber who requests it and photo is required to hand in at the time of subscription even if the option approved is to send the products by mail.

15.4. Whenever the collector loses the card, he needs to pay MOP50.00 for the replacement. However, he may continue to collect the philatelic products, by presenting his Identification document.

16. Desistance, Partial Interruption or Alteration

16.1.The Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau – Philately Division does not accept a request for discontinuing a subscription or partially interrupting the supply of products belonging to a certain issue.

16.2.In case of a request for discontinuing or partial interrupting and due to lack of increase of balance, under the terms of nº14.3., the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division will continue supplying the philatelic products produced, in accordance with the subscribed Plan, until the remaining balance becomes null.

16.3. It is not allowed to alter a Philatelic Collector’s Plan during the period it is still in force. Nevertheless, it is possible, at any time, to subscribe a new Plan, which will be treated as an Extraordinary Plan and ruled accordingly.

17. Statement of account and invoice

17.1.Besides forwarding the subscribed products, the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division will send for each Philatelic Collector’s Plan processed the respective invoice which includes a statement of the account.

17.2.The Subscriber should check the invoices delivered or sent by mail as well as all the philatelic products received.

18. Seniority Bonus

18.1.The Philatelic Collector’s Annual Plan Subscriber will benefit from a Seniority Bonus if he renews his Annual Plan’s Subscription.

18.2.For each year of continuous renewal, the Subscriber will benefit from a 1% bonus until a maximum of 5%.

18.3.The bonus will be offered on the first renewal, based on the subscribed plan value.

18.4.The bonus is calculated by the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division, which transfers as credit of next year's annual plans, if the collector renews his plan.

18.5. In case of multiple plans, the bonus is calculated based on the individual value of each subscribed plan.

18.6.The accumulated bonus will cease with the interruption of the subscription.

19. Acceptance of Complaints

19.1.The Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division will accept all justified and provable complaints provided that they are presented within a maximum of 30 days from their occurrence and fall within the scope of the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau responsibility.

19.2.The handling expenses of a justified and provable complaint will be the responsibility of the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division.

20. Imponderable Occurrences and Liabilities

20.1.The Macao Post - Philately Division is not responsible for any damage caused to the Subscriber of a Philatelic Collector’s Plan, namely, as consequence of:

20.1.1. Canceling or postponing of a philatelic issue;

20.1.2. Loss of products mailed to subscriber non-residing in Macao.

20.2.Likewise the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division is not responsible for the loss of the payment sent by mail either in cash or in a cheque.

20.3.The Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division does not advise the payment by cash through the mail, without insurance.

20.4.Whenever any of the circumstances mentioned in n° 20.1.1. occurs, the Macao Post and Telecommuncations Bureau-Philately Division will inform its clients on time.


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