
Chiropractic Treatment of Herniated Discs

A herniated disc is an issue with one of the rubbery cushions called discs that lie between the individual bones, or vertebrae, that comprise the spine. This disc has a tough exterior covering a soft center. When some of this center pushes through a crack in the exterior, a herniated disc occurs. Also called a ruptured or slipped disc, the condition can cause weakness, numbness, or pain in a leg or arm and may irritate local nerves.

Causes of Herniated Discs

Disc degeneration that gradually occurs due to aging is the main cause of disc herniation. As we age, our spinal discs lose some water content, reducing their flexibility and increasing their propensity to rupture or tear. The exact cause of this condition often cannot be pinpointed and may be as insignificant as a minor twist or strain.

Turning and twisting while lifting or using the back muscles instead of the thigh and leg muscles to lift a large, heavy object can result in a herniated disc. Though it is rare, trauma such as a blow to the back or a fall can contribute to disc herniation. Muscle weakness or pain, numbness, or tingling in an arm or leg is a common symptom but some patients do not have any symptoms.

Using Chiropractic to Treat Herniated Discs

Medication, cortisone shots, and surgery are common treatments for herniated discs. Medication may mask the condition rather than addressing the cause. Back surgery is not only invasive, it is also risky and is not guaranteed successful. Therefore, many patients are turning to non-invasive chiropractic treatment as an alternative.

Doctors of chiropractic identify subluxations, undesired movements of spinal bones, which can result in herniated discs. These professionals use spinal adjustments to reduce or correct subluxations in the spine. They are the only medical professionals who have years of training to correct subluxations and their methods decompress the vertebrae so the disc can heal itself.

Many people neglect their spinal health for many years, making it difficult to restore their spines to healthy condition. With this condition, early diagnosis and treatment are critical for correcting pain and preventing other issues. For extended relief of pain and a healthier spine, chiropractic treatment is an excellent approach. Research from the Mayo Clinic and other authoritative sources reveals that chiropractic treatment can help herniated disc patients avoid the need for back surgery while reducing their levels of pain.


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