8. Appendix

aae450atrajs.m – code responsible for propagating the Crew Transfer Vehicle’s arrival into the Earth’s atmosphere

%Nicholas Saadah

%AAE 450

%Presentation #1 (1/16/01)

%CTV arrival to Earth

clear all

global fcflag fhflag faflag feflag fvflag


umars = -398600; %km^3/s^2

g = 9.8; %m/s^2

rmars = 6378; %km

msc = 5000; %kg

areasc = 25.66; %m^2

fcflag = 0;

fhflag = 0;

faflag = 0;

feflag = 0;

fvflag = 0;

%Initial Conditions

xi = rmars+200; %km

yi = 0; %km

vi = 11.65; %km/s

gammaideg= input('gamma: '); %deg

maxgload = input('maxgload: ');

betadeg = input('beta: '); %deg

gammai = gammaideg*pi/180; %radians

beta = betadeg*pi/180; %radians

vxi = vi*sin(gammai); %km/s

vyi = vi*cos(gammai); %km/s

p0 = [xi vxi yi vyi];

ti = [0 1e5];

options = odeset('Reltol',1e-8);

[t,xx] = ode45('aae450eoms',ti,p0,options,umars,rmars,msc,areasc,g,beta,maxgload);

x = xx(:,1);

vx = xx(:,2);

y = xx(:,3);

vy = xx(:,4);

r = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2);

alt = r-rmars;

clapp = min(alt);

if min(alt) < 0 | fvflag == 1

[a b] = min(abs(alt));

x = x(1:b);

vx = vx(1:b);

y = y(1:b);

vy = vy(1:b);

t = t(1:b);

r = r(1:b);

alt = alt(1:b);

contact = 1;


contact = 0;


if fvflag == 1

contact = 0;


if fhflag == 1

[c d] = size(xx);

for i = 1:1:c-1

if vx(i+1) - vx(i) == 0

htrj = i;




x = x(1:htrj);

vx = vx(1:htrj);

y = y(1:htrj);

vy = vy(1:htrj);

t = t(1:htrj);

r = r(1:htrj);

alt = alt(1:htrj);


v = sqrt(vx.^2 + vy.^2);

ro = .047*exp(-.1*((r-rmars)-49));

q = .5.*ro.*(v.*1000).^2;

q = q + 1e-12;

k = .125*((msc*maxgload*g)./(q*areasc)).^2;

%options = optimset('Display','off');

for i = 1:1:length(q)

if k(i) > 2

alpha(i) = pi/2;

elseif k(i) > 0 & k(i) < 2

alpha(i) = fzero('aae450fzeros',[0 pi/2],[],[],k(i));



alpha = alpha';

cl = 2*sin(2*alpha);

lift = cl*areasc.*sin(alpha).*q;

cd = 2*(1-cos(2*alpha));

drag = cd*areasc.*sin(alpha).*q;

taf = sqrt(lift.^2 + drag.^2);

adt = taf/msc;

alt = r-rmars;

gs = adt/9.8;

tmin = t/60;

thrs = t/3600;

alpha = alpha*180/pi;

rvec = [x y zeros(length(x),1)];

vvec = [vx vy zeros(length(vx),1)];

h = cross(rvec,vvec);

hmag = sqrt(h(:,1).^2 + h(:,2).^2 + h(:,3).^2);

scripte = v.^2/2 + umars./r;

ecc = sqrt(1 + 2*scripte.*hmag.^2/umars^2);

[e f] = max(alt);

alts = alt(1:f);

[e f] = min(alts);

alts = alts(f:length(alts));

[a100err c100] = min(abs(alts-100));

c100 = c100+f-1;

rvecexit = [x(c100) y(c100) 0];

vvecexit = [vx(c100) vy(c100) 0];

hvecexit = cross(rvecexit,vvecexit);

hexitmag = sqrt(hvecexit(1)^2 + hvecexit(2)^2 + hvecexit(3)^2);

gammaexit = acos(hexitmag/(r(c100)*v(c100)));

gammaexit = gammaexit*180/pi;

vexit = v(c100);

theta = linspace(0,2*pi,100);

xms = rmars.*cos(theta);

yms = rmars.*sin(theta);



hold on

axis equal


if contact == 1



aae450atrajr.m – code responsible for propagating the Earth Return Vehicle’s arrival into the Martian atmosphere

%Nicholas Saadah

%AAE 450

%Presentation #1 (1/16/01)

%ERV arrival at Mars

clear all

global fcflag fhflag faflag feflag


umars = -42828; %km^3/s^2

g = 9.8; %m/s^2

rmars = 3397; %km

msc = 55200; %kg

areasc = 81.71; %m^2

fcflag = 0;

fhflag = 0;

faflag = 0;

feflag = 0;

%Initial Conditions

xi = rmars+100; %km

yi = 0; %km

vi = 5.64; %km/s

gammaideg= input('gamma: '); %deg

maxgload = input('maxgload: ');

betadeg = input('beta: '); %deg

gammai = gammaideg*pi/180; %radians

beta = betadeg*pi/180; %radians

vxi = vi*sin(gammai); %km/s

vyi = vi*cos(gammai); %km/s

p0 = [xi vxi yi vyi];

ti = [0 3e5];

options = odeset('Reltol',1e-8);

[t,xx] = ode45('aae450eomt',ti,p0,options,umars,rmars,msc,areasc,g,beta,maxgload);

x = xx(:,1);

vx = xx(:,2);

y = xx(:,3);

vy = xx(:,4);

r = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2);

alt = r-rmars;

clapp = min(alt);

if min(alt) < 0

contact = 1;

[a b] = min(abs(alt));

x = x(1:b);

vx = vx(1:b);

y = y(1:b);

vy = vy(1:b);

t = t(1:b);

r = r(1:b);

alt = alt(1:b);


contact = 0;


if fhflag == 1

[c d] = size(xx);

for i = 1:1:c-1

if vx(i+1) - vx(i) == 0

htrj = i;




x = x(1:htrj);

vx = vx(1:htrj);

y = y(1:htrj);

vy = vy(1:htrj);

t = t(1:htrj);

r = r(1:htrj);

alt = alt(1:htrj);


v = sqrt(vx.^2 + vy.^2);

ro = .00047*exp(-.1*((r-rmars)-49));

q = .5.*ro.*(v.*1000).^2;

q = q + 1e-12;

k = .125*((msc*maxgload*g)./(q*areasc)).^2;

%options = optimset('Display','off');

for i = 1:1:length(q)

if k(i) > 2

alpha(i) = pi/2;

elseif k(i) > 0 & k(i) < 2

alpha(i) = fzero('aae450fzeros',[0 pi/2],[],[],k(i));



alpha = alpha';

cl = 2*sin(2*alpha);

lift = cl*areasc.*sin(alpha).*q;

cd = 2*(1-cos(2*alpha));

drag = cd*areasc.*sin(alpha).*q;

taf = sqrt(lift.^2 + drag.^2);

adt = taf/msc;

alt = r-rmars;

gs = adt/9.8;

tmin = t/60;

thrs = t/3600;

alpha = alpha*180/pi;

rvec = [x y zeros(length(x),1)];

vvec = [vx vy zeros(length(vx),1)];

h = cross(rvec,vvec);

hmag = sqrt(h(:,1).^2 + h(:,2).^2 + h(:,3).^2);

scripte = v.^2/2 + umars./r;

ecc = sqrt(1 + 2*scripte.*hmag.^2/umars^2);

[e f] = max(alt);

alts = alt(1:f);

[e f] = min(alts);

alts = alts(f:length(alts));

[a100err c100] = min(abs(alts-100));

c100 = c100+f-1;

rvecexit = [x(c100) y(c100) 0];

vvecexit = [vx(c100) vy(c100) 0];

hvecexit = cross(rvecexit,vvecexit);

hexitmag = sqrt(hvecexit(1)^2 + hvecexit(2)^2 + hvecexit(3)^2);

gammaexit = acos(hexitmag/(r(c100)*v(c100)));

gammaexit = gammaexit*180/pi;

vexit = v(c100);

theta = linspace(0,2*pi,100);

xms = rmars.*cos(theta);

yms = rmars.*sin(theta);



hold on

axis equal


if contact == 1



aae450atrajt.m – code responsible for propagating the Habitation Module’s arrival into the Martian atmosphere

%Nicholas Saadah

%AAE 450

%Presentation #1 (1/16/01)

%Hab arrival at Mars

clear all

global fcflag fhflag faflag feflag


umars = -42828; %km^3/s^2

g = 9.8; %m/s^2

rmars = 3397; %km

msc = 75000; %kg

areasc = 65; %m^2

fcflag = 0;

fhflag = 0;

faflag = 0;

feflag = 0;

%Initial Conditions

xi = rmars+100; %km

yi = 0; %km

vi = 8.39; %km/s

gammaideg= input('gamma: '); %deg

maxgload = input('maxgload: ');

betadeg = input('beta: '); %deg

gammai = gammaideg*pi/180; %radians

beta = betadeg*pi/180; %radians

vxi = vi*sin(gammai); %km/s

vyi = vi*cos(gammai); %km/s

p0 = [xi vxi yi vyi];

ti = [0 200];

options = odeset('Reltol',1e-8);

[t,xx] = ode45('aae450eomt',ti,p0,options,umars,rmars,msc,areasc,g,beta,maxgload);

x = xx(:,1);

vx = xx(:,2);

y = xx(:,3);

vy = xx(:,4);

r = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2);

alt = r-rmars;

clapp = min(alt);

if min(alt) < 0

contact = 1;

[a b] = min(abs(alt));

x = x(1:b);

vx = vx(1:b);

y = y(1:b);

vy = vy(1:b);

t = t(1:b);

r = r(1:b);

alt = alt(1:b);


contact = 0;


if fhflag == 1

[c d] = size(xx);

for i = 1:1:c-1

if vx(i+1) - vx(i) == 0

htrj = i;




x = x(1:htrj);

vx = vx(1:htrj);

y = y(1:htrj);

vy = vy(1:htrj);

t = t(1:htrj);

r = r(1:htrj);

alt = alt(1:htrj);


v = sqrt(vx.^2 + vy.^2);

ro = .00047*exp(-.1*((r-rmars)-49));

q = .5.*ro.*(v.*1000).^2;

q = q + 1e-12;

k = .125*((msc*maxgload*g)./(q*areasc)).^2;

%options = optimset('Display','off');

for i = 1:1:length(q)

if k(i) > 2

alpha(i) = pi/2;

elseif k(i) > 0 & k(i) < 2

alpha(i) = fzero('aae450fzeros',[0 pi/2],[],[],k(i));



alpha = alpha';

cl = 2*sin(2*alpha);

lift = cl*areasc.*sin(alpha).*q;

cd = 2*(1-cos(2*alpha));

drag = cd*areasc.*sin(alpha).*q;

taf = sqrt(lift.^2 + drag.^2);

adt = taf/msc;

alt = r-rmars;

gs = adt/9.8;

tmin = t/60;

thrs = t/3600;

alpha = alpha*180/pi;

rvec = [x y zeros(length(x),1)];

vvec = [vx vy zeros(length(vx),1)];

h = cross(rvec,vvec);

hmag = sqrt(h(:,1).^2 + h(:,2).^2 + h(:,3).^2);

scripte = v.^2/2 + umars./r;

ecc = sqrt(1 + 2*scripte.*hmag.^2/umars^2);

[e f] = max(alt);

alts = alt(1:f);

[e f] = min(alts);

alts = alts(f:length(alts));

[a100err c100] = min(abs(alts-100));

c100 = c100+f-1;

rvecexit = [x(c100) y(c100) 0];

vvecexit = [vx(c100) vy(c100) 0];

hvecexit = cross(rvecexit,vvecexit);

hexitmag = sqrt(hvecexit(1)^2 + hvecexit(2)^2 + hvecexit(3)^2);

gammaexit = acos(hexitmag/(r(c100)*v(c100)));

gammaexit = gammaexit*180/pi;

vexit = v(c100);

theta = linspace(0,2*pi,100);

xms = rmars.*cos(theta);

yms = rmars.*sin(theta);



hold on

axis equal


if contact == 1



aae450eoms.m – equations of motion for Earth arrival

%Nicholas Saadah

%AAE 450

%Planetary EOMs

%CTV arrival to Earth

function xdot = aae450eoms(t,x,flag,umars,rmars,msc,areasc,g,beta,maxgload)

global fcflag fhflag faflag feflag fvflag

r = sqrt(x(1)^2 + x(3)^2);

rvec = [x(1) x(3) 0];

v = sqrt(x(2)^2 + x(4)^2);

vvec = [x(2) x(4) 0];

ro = .047*exp(-.1*((r-rmars)-49));

q = .5*ro*(v*1000)^2;

if q < 1e-12

k = 3;


k = .125*((msc*maxgload*g)/(q*areasc))^2;


%options = optimset('Display','off');

if k > 2

alpha = pi/2;

elseif k > 0 & k 200 & x(3) > 0 & ecc > 1 & fhflag == 0

fprintf('hyperbolic trajectory - e = %.4f\n',ecc)

fhflag = 1;


if r-rmars > 200 & x(3) > 0 & ecc < 1 & feflag == 0

fprintf('elliptic trajectory - e = %.4f\n',ecc)

feflag = 1;


if v ................

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