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Check out our frequently asked questions or call the practice to speak with one of our professionals.

Implant Dentistry FAQs

• Are dental Implants expensive?

Dental Implants are an investment in your quality of life, appearance and health. Many patients feel that implant treatment is expensive when compared to other dental procedures. However, dental Implants represent a more permanent and natural solution than other treatments so therefore are a greater initial investment and should last for years if properly cared for. In terms of cost, each case is different and it is determined upon your individual needs. After your consultation with Dr Whittle at The Cosmetic & Dental Implant Centre in Bolton, we will provide you with the best treatment options available for you.

• How soon can I have my new teeth?

Your dental Implants need to bond (integrate) with the bone after they have been put in. This takes at least 3 months in the lower jaw and 6 months in the upper jaw. In certain circumstances artificial teeth may be able to be attached much sooner than this.

• Is dental Implant surgery painful?

Certainly not. We offer a special service which was developed by Dr Jack Hahn in Cincinnati, USA and has proved pain-free for countless patients.

• What will happen if I do not get dental Implants?

After you have lost your tooth, gradually you will lose the bone that supported it. As the bone disappears, you may start to experience problems with other teeth nearby. As the bone continues to deteriorate, it can also affect stability of the adjacent healthy teeth. This can eventually cause further tooth loss.

• Who is best suited to dental Implant treatment?

Anyone who has lost one or several of their teeth.

Children's Dentistry FAQs

• When should I start caring for my child's teeth?

Dental care should begin before your child's first tooth appears. Running a damp disposable gauze over your baby's gums following feeding can prevent build-up of damaging bacteria. Once your child has a few teeth showing, you can brush them with a soft child's toothbrush.

• How can cavities be prevented?

Diet is the most important aspect of prevention. Plaque and sugar are the main enemies to teeth. Children need help with brushing up to 8 years of age. Their first visit to the dentist should be with parents, preferably before teeth erupt, but most certainly as young as 2 years old. Deciduous teeth are much smaller and have less hard tooth substance to protect the dental nerves. Decay can quickly attack these teeth and regular visits to see the dentist and dental hygienist are most important. The reference that topical fluoride can be useful is okay.

• What should I do if my child has a tooth ache?

In some instances even the most diligent brushing and flossing will not prevent a cavity. Please contact our friendly team to schedule an appointment.

• Is thumb sucking harmful?

Thumb sucking can lead to problems with the normal development of the mouth and tooth alignment. Children should stop sucking their thumbs by the time their front adult teeth start erupting around 6 years old.

• What should I do if my child's baby tooth is knocked out or chipped?

Baby teeth are usually not put back in the mouth but we should examine it to determine if any roots remain or any other teeth have been injured. These primary teeth play an important part in maintaining space for secondary-adult teeth. Early loss of primary teeth can lead to speech and orthodontic problems.


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