This is a controlled document with the electronic read only domain, accessed from the HYG Master Index. Any person in possession of a printed copy of this parent document, or cited appendices, has an uncontrolled copy and should refer to the Master Index or approved web site for revision level status.

Hyster-Yale Group


April 7, 2016

Make sure to register your acceptance of this Supplier Quality Manual

at the link found on page 2.

Dear Supplier,

Hyster-Yale Group (HYG) is pleased to present our Supplier Quality Manual (SQM) 2016 revision. This is the 7th revision of our 1st Edition released to the supply base since our initial issuance of this document in July 2002. Note: Do not be confused by the Document Control Number or Revision levels found in the headers. This is for internal control purposes only. The applicable Edition and Revision numbers, for external communication, can be found in the footer of each page.

All suppliers of production components and assemblies must comply with the new requirements contained within this manual, effective immediately. HYG has made several enhancements to the initial manual. Each of the areas of revision or addition is noted on the revision record found in section A. Our intention is that the SQM can be used as a tool to clarify communication and foster continuous improvement. HYG expects our suppliers to embrace the contents of this manual and incorporate it into their everyday operations and product development activity to insure the highest possible Quality is achieved.

After you have reviewed the enclosed information, if you still have questions, we invite you to contact your local Supplier Quality Engineer (SQE) at any of our global sites.

Click here or go to SQM Acceptance Registration to register your acceptance and agreement to the Hyster-Yale Group Supplier Quality Manual.

If you find a term or abbreviation unfamiliar, please refer to the Glossary in the back of this manual for a definition.

HYG Supplier Quality Engineering

April 7, 2016


|Edition |DATE |COMMENT |

|1 |July 1, 2002 |Initial Issue |

|1 |July 1, 2005 |Revision 1 |

|1 |August 1, 2007 |Revision 2 |

|1 |July 1, 2010 |Revision 3 |

|1 |January 2, 2013 |Revision 4 |

|1 |August 20, 2013 |Revision 5 |

|1 |August 1, 2015 |Revision 6 |

|1 |April 7, 2016 |Revision 7 |


|A |Revision Record |July 2002 |April 2016 |All pages NMHG to HYG |

|AA |Notice of Acceptance and Agreement |July 2002 |July 2012 |Replaced with hyperlink |

|AAA |Table of Contents |July 2002 |July 2005 | |

|Section I. Introduction and General Information |

|1 |Introduction to Supplier Quality Manual |July 2002 |July 2007 | |

|2 |HYG Safety Requirements |July 2002 | | |

|Section II. Quality Assurance for Pre-production Phase |

|3 |Supplier Quality System Requirements |July 2002 |July 2005 | |

|4 |Part Approval (PA) |July 2002 |April 2016 |Add link and L2 corrected |

|4.1 |Control Plan Development |July 2005 | | |

|Section III. Quality Assurance Support Activities for Production Phase |

|5 |Process Change Request (PCR) |July 2002 |April 2016 |ECR / PCR – old form deleted |

|6 | Corrective Action Request (CAR) |July 2002 |April 2016 |PPM Flow – 0 line down |

|Section IV. Special Processes and Controls |

|7 |Casting Quality Control |July 2005 |April 2015 |MPT Testing |

|8 |Paint Quality Approval & Control |July 2005 |April 2015 |Ref. Paint TDS for mils |

|9 |Color / Gloss Quality Approval & Control |July 2005 |August 2012 |Quality Control |

|10 |Hydraulic Cleanliness Quality |July 2005 |July 2007 |Minor Text |

|11 |Sample Tag Application |July 2005 | | |

|12 |Welding Quality Approval Guideline |June 2010 | |Procedure |

|Section V. Glossary |

|Section VI. Blank Forms: |

Management Of Revisions

Required changes will be accumulated and issued as a group on an “as needed” basis. Changes to forms will result in a revision to the section number that the form is referenced in, whether an example is depicted there or not. Any future revisions of the SQM will be sent via email and / or posted on the HYG SQE web site. . Please use this website to pickup the latest forms. The entire manual will be revised and re-distributed, at the discretion of Hyster-Yale Group Supplier Quality Engineering department.

On behalf of all HYG operations, the undersigned hereby approve the issuance, and or included revisions listed above, of the HYG Supplier Quality Manual.

Colin Wilson Chris Cox

President & CEO HYG Vice President – Global Quality



|April 2016 | |Page 1 of 1 |

Sub-Section AAA


I. Introduction and General Information

1. Introduction to the Supplier Quality Manual

2. Hyster-Yale Group Safety Requirements

II. Quality Assurance for Pre-production Phase

3. Supplier Quality System Requirements

4. Part Approval (PA)

4.1 Control Plan Development

III. Quality Assurance Support Activities for Production Phase

5. Process Change Request (PCR)

6. Corrective Action Request (CAR)

IV. Special Processes and Controls

7. Casting Quality Control

8. Paint Quality Approval and Control

9. Color and Gloss Quality Approval and Control

10. Hydraulic Cleanliness Quality

11. Sample Tag

V. Glossary

VI. Blank Forms



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General Information



|April 2016 | | |

Sub-Section 1. Introduction to the Supplier Quality Manual

PURPOSE: The purpose of this section is to introduce the HYG Supplier Quality Manual, explain its goals, and define the expectations that come with the administration of the manual itself.

SCOPE: This manual applies to all suppliers providing production parts to any of the HYG global operations as listed in this section.


The goals of the Supplier Quality Manual are as follows:

▪ Communicate HYG’s expectations and minimum requirements to ensure the Quality of supplied parts.

▪ Provide a method of communication and assure proper flow of information which deals with the notification of any problems, solutions or ideas to improve Quality.

▪ Establish a set of requirements to assure a smooth introduction of a new or changed part into HYG’s process.

▪ Facilitate continuous improvement in both prevention and corrective action of a Quality concern.

Document Administration Responsibilities:


• Oversee and support implementation of the SQM throughout HYG.

• Educate suppliers on application of the SQM and its revisions.

• Maintain a master log of suppliers for notification of any changes that may happen annually.

• Update and ensure distribution of the SQM and its revisions.

HYG Plant Quality Assurance Departments

• Support the implementation of and enforce the ongoing adherence to the SQM.

• Serve as primary supplier contact for all supplier Quality issues found in house at HYG production facilities.



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Sub-Section 1. Introduction to the Supplier Quality Manual


• Understand the appropriate application of this manual as a tool to communicate corrective actions and to build in Quality during pilot builds and sample submissions.

• Maintain a copy of the HYG SQM and any revisions.

Ensure distribution of copies to the appropriate persons who may interface with or are responsible for preparing documents for submission to HYG.

Additional information

• Throughout the manual references are made to the “assigned Quality representative”. Each production facility has their own Quality staff to facilitate communication with the supplier concerning Quality issues or process changes affecting product being delivered to that location.

• Unless otherwise negotiated with the plant Quality staff, Supplier Quality Engineering will facilitate the approval of new parts for new projects. Refer to the Part Approval procedure for the proper process in gaining approval for new parts.

Unless otherwise notified, this manual and any future revisions become effective upon issuance to a supplier who is approved to do business with HYG.

If there are any questions concerning the administration of this manual please contact:

HYG - Supplier Quality Engineering

Att: Chris Cox Director, SQE

2200 Menelaus Road

Berea, KY 40403

Tel: 859-986-5141

Fax: 859-986-5709

It is expected that the supplier will use the forms, formats and systems provided through this manual. HYG is taking this position with only the three (3) high level systems: Part Approval (PA), Process Change Requests (PCR) and Corrective Action Request (CAR). Supporting documentation such as sample data sheets, material certifications and capability studies may utilize forms and formats that are familiar to your company. HYG will request additional information if your particular form does not supply sufficient information to address the concern at hand.

To contact a specific site please visit hyster- for list of the HYG locations and phone numbers.



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Sub-Section 2. Hyster Yale Group Safety Requirements

PURPOSE: To communicate common rules and expected working practices to observe while visiting an HYG facility.

SCOPE: Applies to all visitors as well as anyone working inside an HYG production facility. This document is for reference of minimum requirements and does not cover all expectations of each individual plant.


At HYG, safety is a major priority. It is up to each and every person to work safely and make sure others follow safe practices. Our facilities and processes involve heavy parts, various fabrication operations and frequent transportation of parts within our process. It is extremely important to follow all instructions given to you by your guide or contact in order to prevent any accidents. Always inquire about and follow all safety rules of any HYG facility before entering any of the work environments.

The following rules and safety practices are expected to be observed and followed while visiting or working within an HYG facility:

• Wear safety glasses any time you are in a production area.

• Wear safety shoes any time you are expecting to visit or work inside a production area. (Exceptions apply if you are touring and will stay within the main aisle ways of the production floor.)

• Do not handle any parts that are a part of our production process unless approved by your guide and you have been advised of other applicable safety gear such as gloves, sleeves, aprons etc…

• Stay clear of any welding, cutting torch, laser cutting or other “Hot” processes unless you have been trained, approved or are otherwise closely attended by an HYG employee.

• Remain aware of your surroundings and always look both ways before crossing an aisle way, thru doors or around a production line.


These are minimum level safety standards. We urge you to inquire about and follow any additional directions and instructions that may be unique to the given facility you are in.



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Quality Assurance


Pre-production Phase



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Sub-Section 3. Supplier Quality System Requirements

PURPOSE: To define the basic elements of Quality expected to be present within the supplier process.

SCOPE: This section applies to all HYG suppliers.


HYG business award evaluation criteria favor suppliers that can consistently provide high Quality products. HYG also believes that no process is exempt from “continuous improvement”. When performing a supplier assessment to select suppliers for new products or when performing certification audits on suppliers who strive to be “Certified HYG Suppliers”, it is necessary to review multiple areas of the entire business process.

This section describes the areas of the process that will be evaluated for “Quality”. It is expected that the supplier be able to describe and explain their “Quality Management Systems” and that evidence be available to prove the existence and implementation of those systems.

Reference Materials:

HYG Supplier Certification Manual – This is a manual used to evaluate a supplier’s entire business process. It is reserved for suppliers who are participating in HYG’s supplier certification program. You may inquire about this through your Purchasing contact.

HYG Supplier Assessment – This is a guideline of requirements used to quickly assess a supplier’s Quality Systems. It is generally used during a one (1) day visit and the results are factored in to the decision to award business. The basic lists of items reviewed during an assessment are included within this section 3. The more detailed document would be available prior to an assessment or at any time by request. Contact your local Supplier Quality Engineer for assistance.

Responsibilities and Expectations:


• Review and understand the content of the assessment prior to the actual onsite review.

• Prepare and organize a process review that will support a complete and efficient assessment of the processes referenced in the Supplier Assessment.

HYG Representative:

• Conduct the assessment, discuss concerns and suggestions with supplier candidate, issue report on all findings and follow-up to implement corrective action as required.



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Sub-Section 3. Supplier Quality System Requirements

HYG may conduct a Quality System Assessment of a potential or current supplier’s site in order to evaluate the ability the “process” has of ensuring delivered Quality. The general content and expectations of the assessment are described below. The information found below describes HYG’s general requirements and should NOT be considered as the all-inclusive list of expectations. If you are preparing for a Quality Systems Assessment you should become familiar with the actual assessment itself.

Supplied Parts

HYG expects the supplier to have systems, methods and procedures in place to:

1. Confirm the Quality of received product. This can be achieved through receiving inspection, 3rd party inspection or supplier data. Part Quality can also be ensured through supplier certification programs as long as some type of regular inspection is in place to confirm process consistency.

2. Audit and / or develop sub-supplier Quality systems to ensure compliance to any Quality Control agreements.

Manufacturing Process

HYG expects the supplier to have systems, methods and procedures in place to:

1. Ensure correct machine and process setup during changeovers between product builds.

2. Confirm the correct operation and / or output of equipment and fixtures.

3. Check the Quality of the product at various stages of the process including the finished product.

4. Properly control fabrication processes such as welding, soldering, machining, cutting, casting etc.

5. Identify, register and follow-up on non-conformances to ensure Corrective Action and prevent flow out of the non-conformance to HYG.

6. Manage abnormal process conditions via special communication and approval of “temporary” processes, inspection methods, material flow, lot control and safety measures required to manufacture the product to HYG Design and Quality intent. Refer to Sub-Section 5, Process Change Request, of this manual to understand HYG expectations for communicating changes within the supplier’s process.

7. Confirm and protect the Quality of finished product ready to ship to HYG.

8. Ensure suspected non-conforming product is properly contained and managed in order to expedite the Corrective Action process and to notify HYG in case of any impact to HYG for Quality or Delivery.

9. Ensure lot control and identification in case parts must be quarantined at either the supplier or HYG sites.

10. Ensure all necessary employees are properly trained on any required assembly, fabrication, material chemistry and testing methods required to deliver a Quality part on time.



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Sub-Section 3. Supplier Quality System Requirements

Advanced Quality Planning

HYG expects the supplier to have systems, methods and procedures to:

1. Plan, track and confirm the Quality and Delivery “Readiness” for parts intended for upcoming HYG projects, upgrades or running changes.

2. Validate any Design or Processes that are the responsibility of the supplier.

3. Plan, track and confirm the installation of equipment and tooling required to manufacture and check the product being purchased by HYG.

Customer Satisfaction

HYG expects the supplier to have systems, methods and procedures to:

1. Track customer satisfaction measurables such as PPM, Corrective Action response timing and warranty / field performance.



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Sub-Section 4. Part Approval (PA)

PURPOSE: To establish the method for performing the Part Approval process for an HYG purchased component or assembly.

SCOPE: Applies to all HYG Suppliers for the submission of new parts.


Supplier Submission of the Part Approval

Part Approval packages are required under any of the following conditions and should be submitted electronically to the following site: HYG Part Approval Submission Site

• New Project Part Submission (For a new truck project or upgrade)

• New supplier for existing part.

• Supporting Documentation For a Process Change Request (PCR)

• Running Change ECN


• Contact HYG Quality directly if components do not meet specification 100%. Do not assume sub-standard components can be used.

• Refer to Section IV, Special Processes and Controls, for guidance on key steps to gain approval for parts such as castings or parts that require paint, color, or special cleanliness levels. You will also find a section that explains the use of a Trial Sample tag.



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Sub-Section 4. Part Approval (PA)

There are four (4) levels of Part Approval. The minimum PA level required is determined by the requirements noted on the drawing. For example if the drawing has cleanliness and / or material performance requirements the minimum PA level required is 2. Components with critical strength function, multiple component assemblies and parts with dynamic functional requirements will normally default to a minimum level 3. The level may be raised depending on the complexity and will be communicated by the HYG quality representative.

The supplier must identify that each applicable item conforms to the specified requirements by checking yes or no on the Part Approval Form and provide the appropriate data to prove compliance. If a particular item is not applicable to the type of part being submitted, simply place “N/A” in the comments column. If one or more categories selected by HYG do not meet the applicable requirements, the supplier must include an explanation of temporary or permanent corrective action in the Part Approval submission.


The supplier must always complete the Supplier Contact Information section.

The supplier shall identify six (6) sample parts from their trial shipments or submit them separately unless otherwise specified by HYG. In either case they must be identified using the blue tag as described in section IV, sub-section 11 of this document. For multiple (duplicate) processes, at least two (2) samples per process, e.g. two (2) parts per cavity are required until a set of six (6) minimum is achieved, unless otherwise agreed to by HYG.



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Sub-Section 4. Part Approval (PA)

The supplier shall provide dimensional results for each sample part submitted for Part Approval (Example 4-2). The supplier must identify on the dimensional data sheet and on the Part Approval Form, the number of dimensions that are determined to be within specification (OK), and the total number of dimensions noted on the drawing. This will make up the “Part Passing Ratio”. (Example: If the drawing has 100 dimensions and 3 are found out of tolerance, report 97 OK of 100 TOTAL at the top of the dimensional data sheet.) It is important to follow this rule strictly to ensure the parts and drawings match for production.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing between HYG and the supplier, it is expected that all testing or applicable evaluations will be conducted by the supplier as specified on the drawing.

Note: Using 3D data to produce the tool.

In some cases, especially with castings, HYG may elect to develop a part using 3D data. If your company utilizes that data to produce the tooling, it is still required to submit a dimensional layout according to all of the dimensions listed on the 2D drawing. Realizing that the listed dimensions will not fully describe all size and shape features of the part, HYG will conduct a “fit & function” check in the intended application. If the part does not fit or function per design intent and the root cause cannot be determined between HYG and the supplier using the available data, HYG may elect to have the part validated using 3D inspection equipment. If the part meets the original 3D data, HYG will initiate the proper design changes. If the part does not meet the original 3D data, the supplier will be responsible for covering the cost of the 3D inspection and any tooling modification required to meet the 3D specifications.

Part Approval will be granted only when all required documentation has been approved and a part is submitted from Production Level tooling and from a Production Process setup. Please refer to the definitions for Off Tool and Off Process in the glossary. Therefore trial parts submitted, by request of HYG, for pilot or any applicable proto builds, do not automatically fulfill requirements for “Part Approval Submission”.

Any sample part submission must be accompanied by a PA Level 1 package with each and every trial (A, B, Pilot or Pre-production), regardless of whether or not a Part Approval is requested by HYG quality representative. Each measured characteristic must be numbered and tagged on the print to correlate with the sample data sheet. Part samples must also be numbered to correlate with the sample data sheet whenever supplied for approval. Details of the proper use of the sample tag can be found in sub-section 11 of this manual. A standard dimensional layout report format has been provided in the forms section of this manual and a functional electronic version can be found on the HYG SQM website. The URL link can be found on page 1 of section A of this manual.

The supplier must authorize the submission of a Part Approval, by signing and dating the Part Approval Form. At a minimum, a Manager level signature is required.



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Sub-Section 4. Part Approval (PA)

Obtaining approval, from an HYG quality representative, of your company’s Part Approval package is required in order to recuperate the total tooling costs that may have been agreed to be paid by HYG. Exact terms are determined and approved through the Procurement / Supply Chain representative, however your company will need to submit the proof required to confirm the product supplied meets design intent and can be manufactured consistently and accurately on production tooling before receiving 100% of the balance of agreed payable tooling costs. Agreement of said proof must be obtained, via a signed Part Approval record, from a quality representative in our Manufacturing Quality department or Global Supplier Quality Engineer. Any exception to this rule must be obtained in writing within 30 days of award of business from HYG. In general, parts that require tooling to make parts specific for HYG should default to a minimum of a level 2 Part Approval described later in this sub-section, unless otherwise specified by an HYG Quality Representative.

NOTE: If any unauthorized changes occur in the type of tooling, manufacturing processes, material or design of the part post prototype or any trial build sample submissions, the supplier must have obtained approval, from HYG Design, prior to manufacturing and / or shipping the product. Check the appropriate box on the PA form and provide explanations of any differences on an attached sheet.

Receipt of the supplier Part Approval submission

• The assigned Quality representative will coordinate the review of the supplier Part Approval submission and samples.

• The assigned Quality representative will work with the supplier to verify that proper corrective actions are in place for each non-conforming category requirement prior to Start of Production (SOP).

Disposition of the Supplier Part Approval Submission

By signing and dating the Part Approval Form or approval through HYG Part Approval Submission Site, the assigned Quality representative will provide one of the following dispositions:

Approved For Production

Approval will be granted if all applicable requirements are met and permanent corrective actions are implemented for all non-conforming category requirements. Samples must meet all drawing requirements, including fit, function, finish, capability for characteristics designated as Key [pic] or identified as Critical to Quality (CTQ) and any related reliability test requirements.

Parts must be manufactured from approved production tooling and the approved production process. This is referred to as being “Off Tool / Off Process”. Definitions of Off Tool / Off Process are provided in the glossary.



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Sub-Section 4. Part Approval (PA)

If modifications are necessary to a tool due to a released Engineering Change Notice (ECN) or to ensure the part meets 100% of the drawing characteristics you may still claim that the part is Off Tool but must indicate on the dimensional layout or PA form that the part does not achieve 100% part passing ratio. Any sample / trial part submission (A, B, Pilot and/or Pre-Production Build) must have a dimensional data package with each and every shipment, regardless of whether or not a Part Approval is requested by HYG. If 100% of the final production tooling cannot be completed in time for production parts delivery it is critical that your company gain prior agreements and approvals, from HYG, prior to manufacturing the parts.

If 100% of the final production process cannot be completed in time for production parts delivery requirements it is critical that your company gain prior agreements and approvals, from HYG, prior to manufacturing the parts. Once the agreements are made, the parts can be classified as Off Process.

Generally, any parts produced for HYG should be Off Tool for pre-production trials and Off Process by Pilot or a minimum of 45 days prior to production start at HYG (whichever comes first). Any exceptions should be communicated to HYG Purchasing and/ or SQE at least 90 days prior to the milestone date (Pilot or Production) so that agreements and countermeasures can be made.

Please note if the Part Approval submission was initiated by a Process Change Request, the Part Approval Number will be the same number as the PCR Tracking Number. In this case the Part Approval Form is only used as reference for clear communication of requirements to approve the process change. The PCR remains the lead document. Any tracking of status or results should remain with the PCR system.

Conditional Approval

Conditional Approval can be granted in cases where an exception has been identified in relation to a design specification, a fully completed Part Approval package or in reference to being fully “Off Tool / Off Process” (see definition in the glossary). If any said exception exists, “Conditional Approval” can be granted only if HYG determine and agree fit, function and reliability requirements fully meet design intent and consistent quality of the product can be controlled. Conditional approval cannot be granted unless temporary corrective actions are in place for all non-conforming category requirements. A conditional approval expiration date must be given to notify the supplier that a re-submission for final approval must be complete to finalize “Approval” of the part.

Note: Conditional Part Approval, at a minimum, is required prior to graining or texturing a tool. This ensures all of the dimensional, fit, function and material requirements are met first. Otherwise, any modifications to the tool become difficult, costly or impossible.


A rejection will be communicated to the supplier via an HYG corrective action request if samples do not meet all fit, function and applicable reliability requirements. Otherwise the part is considered “not approved for production” until the Part Approval receives disposition as either conditional or fully approved. Temporary and/or permanent corrective-actions for non-conformances must be submitted to the assigned Quality representative to gain either Conditional or Full Part Approval.



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Sub-Section 4. Part Approval (PA)

Communicate Part Approval Disposition

The assigned Quality representative will use the Part Approval record to communicate to the supplier the noted disposition. Routing of the Part Approval record to be determined by the disposition of the Part Approval submission:

Approved For Production

The Part Approval record will be routed directly to the supplier with a notice being sent to the lead buyer for that supplier.

Conditional Approval for Production

The Part Approval record will be given an expiration date for the conditional approval and routed directly to the supplier with a notice being sent to the lead buyer for that supplier. The supplier must re-submit the Part Approval for a final approval prior to the expiration date of the conditional approval.


The Part Approval record will be routed directly to the supplier.

The supplier must re-submit the Part Approval for a final approval.

This process repeats until the product supplied achieves compliance of all design requirements and is produced from 100% production tooling and process.



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Sub-Section 4. Part Approval (PA)

A general time line, sequence of events and example Part Approval record can be found below. This should be used as a guide to prepare the appropriate schedule for development and approval of your company’s parts. In the event a part is released or is delayed in reference to the schedule depicted, all steps are still expected to be completed with due diligence before being released for production.


Note that the High Volume Production Trial (HVPT) comes before full Part Approval (PA). This sequence is required to ensure parts are produced from a production process and are proven to meet the drawing, as well as, fit and function correctly on the truck prior to producing mass production quantities. HYG follows this chain of events for parts we judge as High Focus. In some cases, the design or the tooling for a part may not be complete per the schedule above. In those cases the steps of Part Approval are still the same. The schedule becomes more compressed and may require special activities and handling of samples and or Part Approval documents needed to verify that the part meets Design intent. To ensure your company meets the requirements of Part Approval and is able to deliver Quality production parts on time, it is important that you be in close contact with your Quality and Purchasing Representative on a regular basis.



|April 2016 | |Page 7 of 9 |

Sub-Section 4. Part Approval (PA)

Example 4-1




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Sub-Section 4. Part Approval (PA)

Example 4-2




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Sub-Section 4.1 Control Plan Development

HYG uses a guideline, which considers the complexity of the part, complexity of the manufacturing process and history of quality, to determine the need for a co-signed process Quality Control Plan (QCP). A QCP normally documents the manufacturing process in sequential process order and identifies both process and part characteristics that are impacted during the process flow. The QCP will include but is not limited to information that describes how a part will be made, how it will be checked and when it will be checked. Any characteristic identified on the drawing as key [pic]must be identified on a Quality Control plan as[pic]. Key characteristic is defined in the glossary.

HYG has provided an example of a completed control plan within this section 4.1-1 and we encourage you to study it when developing your own QCP. A functional form can be found on the HYG SQM website. The URL link is found on page 1 of sub-section A of this manual.

In the event that your company’s part has been judged to be a High Focus part for HYG, our SQE department will request a signed copy of the QCP for the given part. The QCP will be co-signed by SQE and a copy kept on file at HYG. The original will be returned to your company. HYG expects the control plan to be kept on file and explicitly followed unless otherwise agreed by HYG SQE. If the process needs to be changed, HYG requires that your company submit a Process Change Request (PCR) per the PCR instructions within this manual and an updated QCP. HYG considers the QCP to be vital to the consistent quality control of the process. The fact that HYG SQE co-signs your company’s QCP does not release your company from any liability or responsibility to have a process that ensures 100% good product. In many cases, we consider the supplier to be the expert on the product and process. Your company should consider this to be a live and active document, which is used as an official document to manage the production process. When HYG audits your process during future visits we will use the signed version of the QCP to verify that the process, at a minimum, contains the original manufacturing and inspection processes.

Example Quality Control Plan can be found on the following page.



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Sub-Section 4.1 Control Plan Development





|April 2016 | | Page 2 of 2 |

Quality Assurance

Support Activities for

Production Phase



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Sub-Section 5. Change Request Procedure (PCR & ECR)

PURPOSE: Establish the method for a supplier to request authorization from HYG to make a permanent or temporary change to their process or product design.

SCOPE: Applies to all HYG suppliers and production parts.

NOTE: Failure to comply with the PCR or ECR requirements contained within the SQM may result in HYG seeking recovery from the supplier for any costs associated with the failure to comply.


Process Change Request Submission (PCR).

The supplier is required to gain approval of a Process Change Request (PCR) prior to the implementation of a change related to any of the following events:

1. Raw material supplier or process used to make the raw material.

2. Location of manufacturing equipment even if being moved within the facility.

3. Type of machine, tool or process used to manufacture, assemble or package the product.

4. Change of supplier or change in the process at your supplier impacting HYG product.

5. Any changes additions or rotations involving more than 20% of the current production staff working on HYG product.

6. Additional tooling, complete replacement or complete / major refurbishment of existing tooling.

Potential Exceptions: Tooling changes for expendable tooling or general maintenance due to normal wear do not apply to the PCR procedure unless one or more of the conditions listed above apply. The supplier is also allowed to utilize any one of a group of same machines such as lathes, CNC machines, welding stations, etc… without the submission of a PCR as long as the machines are of the same make and a single machine setup procedure is common to all of the production machines. If your company requires the flexibility of using shared or similar work stations that involve unique machine operating settings or set-up procedures you should PPAP the production parts on each station and submit each PPAP for approval from you HYG Quality Representative.

The supplier is required to submit the PCR Plan to the HYG Lead Quality Representative at least 3 months (90 days) prior to scheduled implementation.



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Engineering Change Request Submission (ECR).

The supplier is required to gain approval of an Engineering Change Request (ECR) prior to the implementation of Design Changes. As a rule, any change that would result in a modification of a part drawing or specification must be requested through HYG engineering. Examples include:

1) Design changes that deviate from HYG Product Requirements Documents

2) Changes to material specification

3) Design changes to enhance performance

4) Change to software internal to supplied component

5) Changes to tolerance of HYG designed components

6) Changes to tolerance or software of Tier 2,3,etc…designed components

These requirements:

• Apply to any Design change requested by an HYG Direct Supplier to production product purchased by any HYG manufacturing location.

• This Does Not apply to any aftermarket controlled part. Changes to these components must be managed directly with the HYG Aftermarket Design Group.

• This Does Not apply to new product development activities (Pre-Production Parts)

• Note – Approval in the on-line Template does not give the supplier approval to change design. Suppliers must have HYG released ECN in order to proceed with change.

Engineering Changes can require significant resources and time to investigate and validate. In some cases it may be necessary to implement requested changes during a Vehicle Model Year Change Project due to resource, vehicle or test constraints.

NOTE: It is the supplier’s responsibility to investigate all required data to support the request of a proposed Process Change (PCR) or Engineering Change (ECR). All data, development and confirmation plans are to be uploaded to the change request at time of submission. The supplier PCR / ECR Plan should consist of the following, minimum, requirements for the proposed change. Planning is not limited to the listed requirements:

• Original Process or Design, Proposed Process or Design, and Part Characteristics affected by the change.

• Development / Confirmation Plan.

• Evaluation / Test Plan.

• Quality Systems Revision Plan (DFMEA, PFMEA, Control Plan, Work Instructions, etc.).

• Specification Revision Plan (Drawing, Technical Spec’s, etc…).

• Recommended Implementation and / or Sampling Plan.

• Associated Tooling Modification / Transfer Plan.

• Inventory Management Plan (Safety Stock).



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Supplier Sample Submission

Some Change Requests may require a more comprehensive evaluation in order to gain approval for production. Examples would include material changes, shape changes, functional changes or manufacturing process moves from one location to the other. In these cases, Part Approval (PA) Forms can be used to communicate all of the required data and evaluation results. The PA forms should correlate to the samples submitted and be uploaded to the Change Request to help demonstrate readiness.

Notification of PCR/ECR Disposition from HYG

The HYG Lead Representative will provide evaluation results of the sample submission at each stage and update the Change Request accordingly. The Change Request will indicate an approval to continue to the next sample submission stage / evaluation phase or a rejection.

The Change Request System provides automated notifications with any PCR/ECR update. These updates will highlight entries from initial responses / requests to final approval or rejection. Supplier Lead Representative should coordinate appropriate planning meetings once the Change Request identifies HYG’s lead engineer and initial recommendations.

Upon completion of Change Request the system will be updated with appropriate approvals or rejections by HYG. The system will automatically send disposition of Change Request for both Supplier and HYG records.

Note: Never assume. If disposition is in question, contact your HYG Engineer directly to confirm.


Training for HYG Change Request system is available thru the Supplier Portal or from your

primary Design, Quality or Procurement Lead at HYG.

Submission of Change Request:

HYG Change Request Site



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Sub-Section 6. Corrective Action Request (CAR)

PURPOSE: Directs the actions of HYG and supplier personnel in the coordination of corrective action for supplier responsible non-conformances.

SCOPE: Applies to any non-conformance, found on production parts, suspected to be the responsibility of a HYG supplier.

DESCRIPTION: HYG uses the Interactive Corrective Action Management (ICAM) system to document and track the corrective actions taken to eliminate non-conformances.

A Corrective Action Request (CAR) may be applicable in the following conditions:

• Component Parts are rejected at incoming inspection.

• Component parts are found to be non-conforming in the HYG manufacturing process.

• Non-conforming material found in the field. (HYG Field teams may also utilize their own applicable forms to report problems).

Rank A Problem – Any non-conformance that makes the product incapable of being used in HYG’s manufacturing process and / or interrupts productions operations. A non-conformance, which causes a functional failure to the finished product or any rank B issues that re-occur within 90 days after the Corrective Action is implemented.

Rank B Problem – A non-conformance that causes a fit non-conformance (cannot be installed) on the truck but may be feasibly reworked by HYG in order to meet Design intent or any Rank C issues that re-occur within 90 days after the Corrective Action in implemented.

Rank C Problem – A non-conformance judged to require “level up” for the next shipment. Normally used to address marginal or poor visual concerns for fit and finish.


If the supplier suspects non-conforming parts have been shipped to a HYG facility or finds non-conforming parts within the suppliers finished goods inventory, the supplier is required to immediately notify the affected HYG plant Quality Engineer with the suspect non-conforming material information and confirm receipt by telephone. See Sub-Section 6 appendix A for a suggested form to be used to communicate required information. HYG expects the supplier to provide all relevant information to communicate containment and prevention of recurrence activities.

A Corrective Action Request will not be counted against the supplier, in terms of Parts per Million (PPM) if the supplier initiates the activity for the control of non-conforming parts at the HYG locations, non-conforming parts are not found in the production process or cause an impact to production schedules and corrective action is documented and implemented within the required time.

Suppliers are required to be at the effected HYG plant(s) to support all necessary containment and or rework activities. Any use of temporary labor requires a supplier representative to manage those activities and personnel until activity is complete.



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Sub-Section 6. Corrective Action Request (CAR)


The corrective action process follows five stages:

Stage 1: A non-conformance has been identified, registered and responsibility accepted to investigate the non-conformance

• Non-conformances are identified, reviewed and assigned.

Stage 2: Containment Achieved. (Target 2 work days max)

• A containment action is determined and implemented.

Stage 3: Permanent Corrective Action has been decided. (Target 10 days max)

• The root cause is determined.

• The appropriate corrective action is determined.

Stage 4: Permanent Corrective Action Implemented. (Target 30 days max)

• The corrective actions have been implemented and validated quantitatively.

Stage 5: Closure of Corrective Action Record. (Target 40 days max)

• Corrective action record is reviewed for content completion.

• Corrective actions are determined effective by the customer.

• Corrective action record is closed by the Responsible HYG Coordinator.

Corrective Action Process Using ICAM (Interactive Corrective Action Management)

ICAM can be accessed by typing into your internet browser. If you are unable to log in the ICAM system you should contact one of the Regional Administrators found on the log in page at the URL sited above.

The Originator completes the initial record through the disposition stage, saves the record and notifies the responsible person such as the supplier, via request of acceptance. This must be done to initiate an e-sign request. In addition, the responsible person can be notified by the email function within ICAM. It is recommended both methods be used when issuing the initial corrective action.

The Responsible Person for “implementing” corrective action reviews the reported non-conformance and accepts responsibility by e-signing the “Accept Responsibility”. If more information is needed the Responsible Person should make the request to the Originator immediately

• When were the actions initiated?

• When were the actions completed?

• How is the material flow-out from containment actions identified?



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Sub-Section 6. Corrective Action Request (CAR)

Containment actions are initiated by the Responsible Person and recorded in ICAM with detailed information concerning the actions taken.

• What actions were taken?

• Who performed the actions?

Root Cause Investigation: The Responsible Person will investigate the root cause of the nonconformity to determine why the non-conformance was made and why it was not detected and results recorded within the ICAM system. (Tools useful for determining root cause are, fishbone diagrams, Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, the Five Why methodology, and the ability to turn the problem on and off.)

Corrective Actions: The Responsible Person will investigate and determine proper corrective actions that will address all the root causes for why the non-conformance was made and why the non-conformance was shipped. Detailed information will be recorded within the ICAM system for all action items taken including,

• Corrective Actions taken.

• The date action is scheduled to be completed.

• The actual date action was competed.

• The assignee name for completing the actions taken.

• Serial / lot information on first flow-out after corrective action was initiated.

• Identification method used on material produced after corrective actions were taken.

Prevention of Reoccurrence: The Responsible Person will investigate and determine actions to be taken to assure the non-conformance will not reoccur. Where applicable the prevention of reoccurrence actions taken and controls implemented to prevent the nonconformity shall be applied to similar processes and products. Typically these are systemic actions that require retraining. A Process Change Request should be used when appropriate.

The Responsible Person will verify the effectiveness of the corrective actions by 100% inspection / testing of material produced after corrective action. There should be zero additional non-conformances reported during the verification process for the corrective actions to be judged effective. Minimum information to be reported within ICAM should be as follows.

• Total qty inspected / tested.

• Date inspection was performed.

• Total qty found to be non-conforming / OK from the inspection / testing.

• Identification method used to identify inspected / tested material.

The Responsible HYG Coordinator will verify the effectiveness of the corrective actions by inspection of material identified as corrective action material. If zero additional non-conformances are detected within the next 3 applicable sequences of deliveries or agreed volume of parts, the responsible person will approve and close the Corrective Action Request by e-signing the CAR.



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Sub-Section 6. Corrective Action Request (CAR)

The following guidelines and timelines are for reference when determining if any modification can be considered for the supplier’s Parts per Million (PPM) performance. It is not be confused with the target timing referenced earlier which specifies an acceptable level of corrective action response performance.




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Special Processes





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Sub-Section 7. Casting Quality Control

PURPOSE: To define key control items to assure casting part quality.

SCOPE: All iron and steel cast parts supplied to HYG as finished products or as components of assemblies.


Quality Control Requirements for Iron and Steel Castings


1. General Introduction

2. New or Modified Tooling

3. Mechanical and Chemical Verification

4. Dimensional Verification

5. Molding Process Control

6. Melt and Pouring Temperature

7. Heat Treatment Control

8. Internal Soundness Requirement

9. Surface Requirement

10. Painting Requirement

11. Supplier Reporting

12. Appendixes (Found at the HYG website noted in the introduction of this manual)



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Sub-Section 7. Casting Quality Control

1. General Introduction To Casting Quality Expectations

This document sets out the general Quality activities required by HYG to verify and approve casting Quality prior to start of production, and the ongoing Quality verification activities expected to be conducted by the supplier after Part Approval has been given. The requirements set out in this document apply to iron castings, (Gray and SG (Ductile)), and steel castings. In the event a sub-supplier supplies the casting, it is expected that the tier one supplier to HYG will comply with the requirements set forth in this document.

HYG requires casting suppliers to develop Control Plans for castings supplied to HYG. These Control Plans should specifically identify the Quality verifications that will be performed at the supplier on a continuous basis. This document provides a guide to the general requirements, and information, that are expected to be included in casting Control Plans. All relevant foundry production process variables, used to produce castings, should be reflected in the Control Plan.

Except for capability studies, all documents required to gain Part Approval (PA) should be submitted and approved prior to the High Volume Production Trial (HVPT), or Pilot Order delivery. Exceptions to this rule must be agreed with the HYG Supplier Quality representative. Once the Control Plan is judged to be acceptable, the responsible Quality representative (normally Supplier Quality Engineering) will sign the suppliers’ Control Plan indicating customer approval. After approval, the supplier shall exactly follow each process stated in the Control Plan, and should be able to provide evidence confirming adherence to the Control Plan whenever HYG performs on-site process verification.

It is expected that the suppliers develop a Control Plan format similar to the format shown in Appendix I—Proposed Control Plan Format. This can be found at the website noted in Sub-Section A in the introduction of this manual.

2. New or Modified Tooling

HYG requires castings suppliers to use Flow Simulation Modeling when developing tooling for new or modified tooling. The modeling system should provide support in determining the mold, risers, gating, filters, etc. along with process values such as metal velocity, temperature, fraction solidification, etc. The modeling results shall be included in the Part Approval data package along with the Material Performance results. The modeling data should record the period from pouring to solidification. Special attention should be given to the solidification temperature data provided by the flow simulation to identify any positional hot spots that could indicate potential locations for cracks hot tears, cold shuts and porosity. Potentials not eliminated by tooling modifications must be identified in the control plan.

Suggested software to be used is ProCast or Magma.

3. Mechanical and Chemical Verification

Casting Part Approval requirements will include verification that Mechanical and Chemical properties meet HYG’s material standard specification.



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Sub-Section 7. Casting Quality Control

The Control Plans shall verify, and record, chemical and mechanical properties for each batch/heat lot as specified by HYG material standards ( e.g. HC-49). A Material Certificate, detailing chemical and mechanical properties is required for each heat lot of castings. HYG may also request the supplier to complete a Material Chemical /Mechanical Tracking Report, and submit this report to the responsible HYG Quality representative on a regular basis. At a minimum the frequency will be monthly, but may

be required with each shipment depending on the specific order arrangements or agreements.

This reporting system should continue for a minimum period of 6 months after start of production. At the end of the 6-month period, the results must be reviewed with the responsible Quality representative, to gain agreement to discontinue the monthly report.

It is expected that the supplier will use the standard format Material Chemical /Mechanical Tracking Report. See Appendix II for details.

4. Dimensional Verification

Dependent on the production stage, castings will be subject to different dimensional check requirements. Refer to HYG Quality Control Standards for Castings in Appendix III

Initial Sample Orders

Initial Part Approval samples will require full layout check for all dimensions. HYG expects full dimensional compliance to drawing tolerances for each part, (100% Parts Passing Ratio, PPR). Dimensional verification is normally required on a minimum of 6 parts, or in the case of multiple cavities, 2 pieces from each cavity, unless otherwise agreed between HYG and the supplier. Inspection reports shall be forwarded to the assigned HYG Quality Representative.

Note: The supplier should not introduce a new or modified mold into production without notifying HYG by raising a Process Change Request form, and gaining approval through data analysis and sample confirmation at the HYG user site. During the initial sampling/prototype stage, and/or the introduction of a new or modified pattern, it is imperative that the relevant NDT testing (UT, MPI, ECT) is conducted to ensure THAT ANY DEFECTS SUCH AS CRACKS OR HOT TEARS ARE IDENTIFIED & ELIMINATED.

Control Plans developed by the supplier should identify key dimensions as agreed between HYG and the supplier. These key dimensions shall be checked at a frequency that is specified in the Control Plan. As appropriate, functional gauges should be developed to verify key dimensions.



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Sub-Section 7. Casting Quality Control

1. Production Dimensional Verification:

• Raw Castings: The matrix below provides a guideline for establishing inspection frequencies for key dimensions. Any differences must be documented and agreed by HYG within the supplier control plan.

|Zero* Acceptance Sample Plan |

|Sample Sizes - Normal Inspection |

| |AQL Classification |

|Lot Size | |

| |0.40 |0.65 |1.5 |2.5 |4.0 |

|2 – 8 | A** |A |A |5 |3 |

|9 – 15 |A |A |8 |5 |3 |

|16 – 25 |A |20 |8 |5 |3 |

|26 – 50 |32 |20 |8 |5 |5 |

|51 – 90 |32 |20 |8 |7 |6 |

|91 – 150 |32 |20 |12 |11 |7 |

|151 – 280 |32 |20 |19 |13 |10 |

|281 – 500 |48 |47 |21 |16 |11 |

|501 – 1200 |73 |47 |27 |19 |15 |

|1201 – 3200 |73 |53 |35 |23 |18 |

|3201 – 10,000 |86 |68 |38 |29 |22 |

• * - Acceptance number in all cases is zero

• ** - “A” indicates complete lot must be inspected.

An AQL of 2.5 is expected for 0 – 6 months. If no problems are encountered then an AQL of 4.0 can be used for ongoing production.

Note: If more than 1 pattern is in use, sampling frequency for dimensional checks should be as noted above for each material type for each pattern / mold.

• Machined Castings: key dimensions should be verified at a minimum rate of 5/100 and may require as much as 100% depending on process capability. A Ppk study for key dimensions is required as part of the HVPT or Pilot order stage while a Cpk study for key dimensions is to be performed during the first 3 production orders and /or at specified intervals to be decided.

Proposed Ppk and Cpk study spreadsheets--- see Appendix VII

HYG requests the supplier to submit a Key Dimensions Tracking Report every shipment. Dimensional reporting should typically continue for a period of 6 months after start of production, or as agreed between HYG and the supplier.

It is expected that the supplier will use the standard format of Key Dimensions Tracking Report. See Appendix IV.

5. Molding Process Control

Molding Process Control, either sand or lost wax methods, should be defined in the Control Plan, and reflect the foundry’s process flow and standards. Relevant internal work instructions and procedures should be in place and referenced in the Control Plan.



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Sub-Section 7. Casting Quality Control

6. Melting and Pouring Temperature

Melting and Pouring temperatures and cooling times, should be defined in the Control Plan, and reflect the foundry standards. Relevant Internal work instructions and procedures should be in place and referenced in the Control Plan.

7. Heat Treatment Control

A Heat Treatment process control sheet /curve should be in place per related HYG Specifications, e.g. HC-49. Castings with the same heat lot (pouring lot) should be treated in one Heat Treatment lot. The foundry should ensure clear traceability in this process. Relevant internal work instructions and procedures should be in place and referenced in the Control Plan.

8 Internal Soundness Requirement

Steel Castings; Radiographic (X-ray or Gamma ray) testing per ASTM E 94 and ASTM E142 is required over the entire surface area of the part. This is required for both initial sample approval, and on a periodic frequency basis thereafter to ensure continuation of casting integrity during production.

ASNT (or equivalent National Nondestructive Testing certifying bureau) Level 2 or 3 technicians shall be used for taking and evaluating the radiographs.

Discontinuities evident on the radiographs shall be evaluated in comparison to ASTM E446 reference radiographs for 0 to 2” (0 to 50 mm) thick steel sections, and to ASTM E186 reference radiographs for 2 to 4-1/2” (50 to 115 mm) thick steel sections.

Severity Level shall be equal to or better than E446 or ASTM E186 --Level 3 across all listed graded defects (A, B, CA, CB etc…) unless otherwise specified on the drawing. A proposed check frequency is specified in the matrix doc -- HYG Quality Control Standards for castings (see Appendix III), but may be specified as a unique frequency within the individual part Control Plan based on initial Quality or process capability. No un-graded defects (cracks, hot tears, inserts, mottling) shall be present.

Radiographs, the piece part shooting diagram, and the radiograph interpretation reports (completed by a level 2 or 3 certified radiographer) shall be submitted to HYG at the time of initial sample submittal and at the time of the required periodic production radiographic quality checks.

Refer to Appendix V for proposed Radiographic Testing Report (Soundness Mapping Report)

Ductile and Gray Iron Castings; HYG has not yet adopted any recognized standards for internal soundness. HYG expects that initial evaluations, consisting of either x-ray or sectioning, will be completed to assess soundness level. If any unusual or questionable results are found, especially in high stress areas, HYG will expect improvements to be undertaken until a mutually agreeable condition can be reached. Once an agreement is reached it is expected that the supplier will maintain the level of soundness Quality and the initial approved samples will be used as reference from that point forward.



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Sub-Section 7. Casting Quality Control

9. Surface Requirements

1. Casting Surface Quality

As a general rule (iron & steel) castings shall be free of injurious defects. Casting surfaces shall be free of fused on sand & shall be reasonably smooth. Runners, risers, fins & other cast on pieces shall be removed. Grinding or fettling of these areas should be conducted in a professional manner & audited by the supplier on a regular basis.




1. Steel Castings: Visual standard MSS-SP-55 applies to all steel castings.

2. Ductile and Gray Iron Castings: Finish Quality imperfections are generally defined in casting drawings or the relevant Ductile Iron and Gray Iron material specifications, e.g. HC-40, HC-84, HC-21.

9.1.3 Magnetic Particle Testing (MPT)

Reference ASTM A781 / A781M S1 for methods used for MPT.

Initial Tooling / Sample Stage and HVPT Stage:

a) MPT to be completed on 100% of the samples produced. The testing is to be performed before heat treatment and after the straightening process.

b) If a non-conformance is detected, corrective actions are to be taken to identify the type of non-conformance, the root cause and corrective action. The results are to be summarized and reported within the Part Approval material certification. HYG should be contacted right away with the results of the testing if non-conformances are detected.

c) Weld repair of cracks at this stage are not permitted.

Early Production Stage: (Initial 10 heats)

a) MPT to be completed 100% for initial 10 heats .The testing is to be performed after the straightening process.

b) If a non-conformance is detected, corrective actions are to be taken to identify the type of non-conformance, the root cause and corrective action. HYG is to be notified of the non-conformance.

c) Weld repair of non-conformance detected during MPT at this stage is allowed per HC-49 / ASTM A781 / A781M S7 and S16.

On-Going Production

a) MPT to be completed per AQL sample size 1.5 provided there were zero non-conformances reported during the initial 10 heats of production. The testing is to be performed after the straightening process.

b) If a non-conformance is detected, corrective actions are to be taken to identify the type of non-conformance, the root cause and corrective action. HYG is to be notified of the non-conformance.

c) Weld repair of non-conformance at this stage is allowed per HC-49 / ASTM A781 / A781M S7 and S16.



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Sub-Section 7. Casting Quality Control

In addition to the above, the following surface finish requirements also apply:

1. Surface porosity (round smooth bottomed), maximum diameter of 2.5mm, maximum depth 1.5mm. No more than 3 of the maximum sized defects are allowed on a 7cm X 7cm area, with a maximum of 10 defects on larger castings. No more than 2 of the maximum sized defects are allowed on a 7cm X 7cm area, with a maximum of 6 defects on smaller castings No through porosity is acceptable, and minimum design wall thickness must be maintained. Large castings are defined as wheels / hubs / housings, etc, and small castings are defined as rod ends / hinges, etc.

2. If the casting drawing does not specify the surface roughness, a default surface roughness of AA 25µm should apply.

3. Any unusual casting defects such as chaplets, wrinkles, laps, folds, cold shuts, cold laps, rat-tails, veining, etc. are not allowed.

4. Surface flatness, parting line remnants and core production remnants must fall within drawing tolerances.

5. Erosion scabs greater than a height of 2 mm are not allowed.

6. Raised or uneven surface on machining datum's are not allowed.

9.2 Machined Surface Quality

1. No cracks are allowed on any surfaces.

2. No more than three isolated voids are allowed on each machined surface. Voids must not be greater than 3mm in diameter by 1.5mm in depth, must be separated from one another by not less than 25mm distance, and must be at least 6mm away from an edge or intersection of adjacent surfaces.

3. One area of sponge-type porosity (with a maximum individual pore diameter of 1mm) up to 6mm in diameter is acceptable on a machined surface providing that it is at least 12mm away from an edge or intersection of adjacent surfaces.



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Sub-Section 7. Casting Quality Control

4. No as-cast surfaces are allowed on any machined surfaces.

5. None of the aforementioned irregularities are allowed in bearing bores, seal bores, gasket surfaces, sealing faces, grinding surface, brake pad surfaces, or any pressed wheel stud surfaces.

6. Burrs must be removed from around all bolt holes.

No welding or filling (with putty, plastic, etc.) of discontinuities is allowed.

10. Painting (or coating) Requirement

Paint requirements for castings will be noted on the HYG Drawings. A sample steel panel, which has been prepared and painted using the supplier’s standard paint production process, shall be submitted to HYG for cosmetic approval. The supplier must demonstrate that the paint performance requirements noted on HYG’s Paint standards (HCE 145) shall be met by their proposed paint. Ongoing verification will be required to confirm control of the production paint process. Technical and Health and Safety data information must be provided to HYG for evaluation and approval.



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Sub-Section 7. Casting Quality Control

11. Supplier Reporting

The required supplier reporting system, and reporting frequency have been defined in HYG Quality Control Standards for Castings –see Appendix III

Commonly required reporting is listed below:

|Supplier Reporting |Initial |HVPT/Pilot Order |Early Production|On-going Production |

| |Sample | | | |

|New or Modified Tooling Flow Modeling |X | | | |

|Supplier’s Material Cert (Chemical & Mechanical Properties) |X |X |X |X |

|Supplier’s Dimension Report (full lay out check) |X |X |X |As agreed in the |

| | | | |control plan |

|Soundness Mapping Report or Radiographic Testing Report |X |X |X |As agreed in the |

| | | | |control plan |

|HYG Chemical and Material Tracking Report | |X |X | |

|HYG Key Dimensions Tracking Report | |X |X | |

|Part Approval information (per PA requirement categories) |X |X | | |

|High Volume Production Trial Report | |X | | |

All measurements recorded on an on-going basis, as part of the control plan activities should be filed for record. HYG expects that all Control Plan records should be retained and made available for review by HYG for a minimum period of 24 months after shipment from the supplier & all original material certification (mill certificates) should be retained for a period of no less than 5 years.

HYG SQE reserves the right to visit supply locations and sample HYG product to validate conformance to quality.



1. Material Evaluation Requirements

Unless otherwise agreed in writing between HYG and the supplier, all new parts, including PCR samples that involve a change to the material recipe or material preparation process, will require Material Evaluation Reports from a 3rd party lab. The supplier is expected to use one of HYG nominated 3rd party labs. In this case HYG will immediately accept the result without further cross-check.

Prior to delivering any sample to a 3rd party lab, the supplier shall perform a material performance inspection using its own lab (in –house) or other outside testing organization which will be used for ongoing material performance validation. The supplier shall ensure the testing to be done in compliance to applicable HYG Specifications.

The supplier shall submit a 3rd party test report together with its own test reports to the responsible HYG Quality Representative for review and approval. The supplier may elect to use its own lab for material verification only after completing a correlation study with a 3rd party lab and receiving approval from HYG SQE. If supplier has accredited international lab, additional 3rd party lab test may not needed if approved by HYG SQE. HYG reserves the right to use a 3rd party lab or request the supplier to use a 3rd party lab until production starts or in any event that material is suspected to be non-conforming.

Outlined below is a procedure to regulate those kinds of material evaluation activities and to describe how the material evaluation samples are to be selected, delivered, inspected and reported by 3rd party lab, for all casting or forging suppliers selected to make production parts for HYG.



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Sub-Section 7. Casting Quality Control

11.2 Sample Delivery and Evaluation requirement (quantity, tag...)

In each batch/heat lot and/or each material as specified by HYG material specifications (e.g. HC-49), at least ONE casting/forging and TWO separately cast test blocks will be required for initial sample submission. The 3rd Party Lab will evaluate the casting and test block using one casting and one cast test block samples. The remaining cast test block sample will be kept as back up material in the event that retesting is required. When internal soundness evaluation is required, one additional casting sample should be submitted. It is recommended that you coordinate such a test with your HYG SQE to determine the chosen lab’s capability.

1 11.3 Sample Identification & Delivery Requirement

Sample parts must be numbered and tagged to correlate with the sample evaluation data during submission. HYG recommends the supplier to use HYG Blue Sample Tags (Refer to HYG SQM Sub-Section 11: Sample Tag for detailed application) or similar identification method which will include but not limited to following information:

HYG Part Number

HYG Part Description

Supplier S/N (Lot/Batch No.)

HYG Material Specification

Part (&/or Test Block) Qty/Total

Supplier Name

The supplier shall deliver the sample with the suggested test Bar Location marked on the physical samples and on a marked up drawing accompanying the part. These locations should not be conflict to any specified one on the HYG drawing and / or HYG specifications. For any new part to be evaluated per this procedure the supplier is requested to submit a marked up drawing showing test bar location to HYG quality representative for review and agreement.

The supplier is expected to coordinate all required validation tests, including shipment of samples, directly with the selected lab.

11.4 Information Flow

The supplier must to issue a fully completed Lab Test Request to the Lab for material evaluation. The supplier

is expected to use the unified lab request form for this purpose. Please refer to Lab Work Request Form at

the same web site as this Supplier Quality Manual.

4 Lab Report

The 3rd Party Lab is expected to use HYG standard lab test report format to inform the supplier and HYG quality representative of the evaluation results. Normally the Lab is requested to finish the testing and report to the supplier within ten (10) working days unless otherwise agreed. The report template can be at the same web site as this Supplier Quality Manual.



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Sub-Section 7. Casting Quality Control

5 Information Flow Chart

The following flow assumes the supplier has already pre-validated the material before initiating an evaluation with a 3rd party lab.




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Sub-Section 7. Casting Quality Control

11.5 Identifying an Approved Lab

HYG does business with a number of labs globally. Contact your local SQE for HYG nominated Labs and contact Information.

If the lab nearest you is not listed, please coordinate with your local HYG Quality Representative to agree before proceeding.



5 Proposed Lab Request/Report

1 Proposed Lab Request Template is as attached Appendix I

2 Lab Report shall clearly confirm all characteristics of the material specification along with supporting images where necessary to demonstrate result / findings.


Each form listed below can be downloaded at our HYG SQE website. URL found on page 1 of sub-section A.

Proposed Control Plan Format

HYG Material Chemical /Mechanical Tracking Report

HYG Quality Control Standards for Iron and Steel Castings

HYG Key Dimensions Tracking Report

Proposed Radiographic Testing Report

HVPT Trial Report

Proposed Ppk & Cpk Study Spreadsheet

Lab Request Template



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Sub-Section 8. Paint Quality Approval and Control

PURPOSE: To establish the method for approving paint performance.

SCOPE: Applies to HYG purchased parts, and defines the initial validation and ongoing paint performance test requirements.


Paint performance requirements

Paint performance should be confirmed per HCE-145 or any other standard referenced on the drawing. In addition to using paint panels it is recommended to confirm adhesion and thickness performance on the actual parts when possible. Paint performance confirmation should start at the time of part quotation to understand any potential impact to current process. Performance confirmation activities should be built into each supplier’s master schedule to ensure appropriate planning and confirmation activities are scheduled & completed for PA submission by Pilot.

Certified Paint Suppliers

HYG has certified paint suppliers, defined by the local HYG manufacturing plant, in each country we operate in. Contact the responsible Purchasing or SQE representative for information regarding HYG’s certified suppliers in your country. Suppliers may not be required to re-confirm paint performance, per HCE-145, if a certified supplier is used for production. However, color, gloss and ongoing performance confirmation will continue to be a pre-production and mass production requirement. All non-certified paints must be confirmed to meet HCE-145, color & functional requirements. HYG may accept recent test reports confirming compliance to HCE-145.

Special consideration should be given to the following when establishing the paint process:

1. Cleaning Process Prior to Painting:

A multi-stage pre-treatment process is generally required, including:

▪ For metal parts, the surface should be prepared to remove rust and scale.

▪ For all painted parts, the surfaces should be cleaned to remove any build up of dirt, oil or grease prior to painting.

▪ The following pre-treatment is recommended for best results: iron phosphate or zinc phosphate.

2. Ongoing Paint Performance Quality Verification:

The supplier must conduct periodic confirmation, of parts painted from the production process, to confirm the initial validation of the process. Periodic testing must be specified on the control plan and should include, but is not limited to:

Dry film thickness

The purpose of this test is to determine the thickness of the coating after full coating cure and to



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Sub-Section 8. Paint Quality Approval and Control

monitor variations in the paint process, to ensure the appropriate standard work has been developed. HYG recommends a typical paint thickness range of 50µm and 80µm, with primer paint range typically half of the overall final film thickness, unless otherwise specified by the paint suppliers Technical Data Sheet.


Test method:

▪ This test method should be conducted in accordance with ASTM D1186 standards.


▪ Supplier should establish a thickness that ensures full coverage and capability to meet and maintain performance requirements as specified in HCE-145.

Pencil Hardness Test

The purpose of this test is to determine the film hardness of a coating after full cure.

Test method:

▪ This test should be conducted in accordance with ASTM D3363 standards.

Test result requirements:

▪ Typical Standard: Liquid paint requirements 3B.

Powder paint requirements H

Note: Suppliers should confirm paint performance characteristics with the paint manufacturer to ensure correct targets are set and monitored.

Adhesion Testing

The purpose of this test is to determine the adhesion between the cured coating and the substrate.

Test method:

▪ This test should be conducted in accordance with ASTM D3359 method B.

Test result requirements:

▪ Minimum rating, per HCE-145, is 4B (95%)

Data and Sample Submission should be per the Part Approval procedure & approved Control Plan.



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Sub-Section 9. Color and Gloss Quality Approval and Control

PURPOSE: To establish the method for approving color and gloss.

SCOPE: Applies to HYG purchased parts, and defines the initial validation and ongoing color & gloss confirmation requirements for painted and molded parts.


Color and Gloss requirements

The purpose of this confirmation is to ensure each production run matches HYG requirements. Color and gloss confirmation should start at the time of part quotation to understand any potential impact to current process. Every lot of parts must be confirmed to meet HYG Color and gloss requirements as described on HYG drawings and the correlating HCE specifications. Color and gloss measurements should be crosschecked by HYG and approved using the methods described below. Color confirmation activities should be built into each supplier’s master schedule to ensure appropriate planning and confirmation activities are scheduled and completed for Part Approval submission by Pilot (last trial build prior to production).

Certified Paint Suppliers

HYG has certified paint suppliers, defined by the local HYG manufacturing plant, in each country we operate in. Contact the responsible Purchasing or SQE representative for information regarding certified suppliers in your country. Utilizing a certified paint supplier indicates a specific type of paint has been developed to meet HYG color and gloss requirements if the appropriate process is used. Suppliers maintain the responsibility of developing the appropriate process, controls and or paint to meet the requirements as specified on the drawing.

Color Standard

The appropriate color standard will be issued by HYG upon part sourcing unless the medium is commercially available.

Color & Gloss Confirmation

The supplier must develop a production and inspection process to ensure compliance to color and gloss specifications on the HYG drawing. Suppliers are expected to run confirmation trials and follow up on items of concern to ensure resolution prior to production. Sample parts shall be submitted to the responsible HYG Quality representative, prior to Part Approval, with the required color and gloss data to prove compliance to applicable standards. Each item specified is to be recorded on the Sample Data Sheet and submitted to HYG with each sample submission per the Part Approval procedure and approved Control Plan.



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Sub-Section 10. Hydraulic Cleanliness Quality

PURPOSE: To define key considerations to assure parts requiring special hydraulic contamination control meet HYG expectations.

SCOPE: All HYG components or assemblies required to meet defined cleanliness standards.



HYG places great emphasis in delivering fork-lift trucks to our customers that are of the highest levels of quality, reliability and durability. Some of the key systems in a fork-lift truck that require these highest levels of reliability and durability are the hydraulic, transmission, fuel and brake systems. Hydraulic experts consider that up to 80% of hydraulic failures are caused by internal contamination within the hydraulic systems. For this reason, HYG places high priority on hydraulic contamination control, including receipt of clean purchased hydraulic components.

Cleanliness Class Levels

For new design components, or assemblies, that are required to meet a defined cleanliness standard, the cleanliness class level is defined in the HYG part drawing. The cleanliness class levels are defined in HYG’s K144 specification, (Method for Specifying Cleanliness of Components, Assemblies and Fluids). Default cleanliness levels are defined in HYG’s Q702 specification (Hydraulic Component and Assembly Default Cleanliness), for hydraulic components that were design released prior to September 2001.

Component Cleanliness

Component cleanliness levels are defined as the mass of contaminant (mg) per the surface area (m ²) that comes in contact with system fluid. Contaminant particles include metal, sand, abrasive dust, mill scale, cleaning shot, weld slag and spatter, rust (either free or loosely attached), rubber, plastic or other materials that could be considered to be detrimental to system reliability. HYG’s drawing of the component should quote a Cleanliness Class Level per K144, the Total Part Area and Maximum Allowable Contaminant. The maximum contaminant particle size may also be defined. The Gravimetric Test method must be used for measuring component cleanliness levels. Gravimetric test methods are defined in HYG’s specification K146, (Method for Gravimetric Determination of Part Cleanliness). This specification is consistent with ISO 4405, Hydraulic Fluid Power Fluid Contamination – Determination of Particulate Contamination by the Gravimetric Method. Suppliers need to regularly measure the cleanliness of hydraulic components, to confirm compliance to HYG’s cleanliness expectations. Use of 3rd party test service to conduct testing is acceptable. Test results shall be made available on HYG request and should be held for a minimum period of 18 months.

Assembly Cleanliness

Assembly cleanliness levels will be listed on HYG’s assembly drawings. HYG will code assembly test fluid cleanliness levels using ISO 4406, Hydraulic Fluid Power – Fluids – Method for Coding the Level of Contamination by Solid Particles. These cleanliness levels apply to fluids exiting the assembly after the final production functional test at the supplier.



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Sub-Section 10: Hydraulic Cleanliness Quality

Assembly Cleanliness (continued)

Please note that a test stand reservoir fluid must be maintained at a cleanliness level of at least 2 ISO codes cleaner than specified for the assembly. HYG specifies the method by which assemblies should be tested for cleanliness in specification K158, (Method for Hydraulic Cleanliness Testing of Assemblies). Automated Contamination Particle Counter Test units are required to verify the cleanliness levels of hydraulic fluids. It is acceptable to use a 3rd party test service to conduct necessary assembly fluid cleanliness testing. Test results should be held for a minimum period of 18 months, and shall be made available to HYG on request.

Component Washing Requirements

To achieve the desired cleanliness standards expected by HYG, the supplier might have to wash component surfaces. Wash systems should be under production control, with defined maintenance programs to change both the wash fluid and filters at regular intervals. The supplier should have historical records to justify the frequency of the wash fluid and filter changes. Maintenance records for wash liquid and filter changes should be kept for a minimum period of 18 months.

General Production Process Requirements

In addition to the above expectations for wash systems, HYG also expects that suppliers will follow the production practice guidelines set out below:

❑ Assembly and workbenches should be clean and free of any loose particles and debris.

❑ In-process storage containers should be clean and free of any loose particles and debris.

❑ After washing, and prior to final assembly and/or packaging, parts should be covered to protect from air borne contamination.

❑ All rust preventative, or lubricants required for the assembly process, must be clean, and stored in clean containers.

Packaging Requirements

All surfaces that come in contact with hydraulic fluid, transmission fluid, brake fluid or fuel must be protected from corrosion and recontamination until assembly into the next higher level. For suppliers of component parts, this means that these items must be delivered to HYG in a sealed condition, to ensure that the parts remain clean until the point of use. Component parts can be sealed individually, or grouped in a sealed bag or container. Hydraulic assemblies must have all open points sealed with a securely fitting plug. Use of threaded plugs is preferred to seal open threaded holes. It is important that the cleanliness and storage of all sealing plugs is consistent with the cleanliness expectations of the production part.


All HYG controlled cleanliness specifications referenced in this document are issued to the supplier at the time of request for quotation and can be obtained from HYG upon request.

System Evaluations

HYG does utilize a basic process evaluation checklist to help determine whether or not a manufacturing system is in compliance to our cleanliness expectations. A copy of this evaluation checklist is available on the HYG SQE website. The URL can be found on page 1 of sub-section A in this manual.



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Sub-Section 11: Sample Tag

PURPOSE: To establish a method for identifying parts being submitted for evaluation.

SCOPE: Applies to all HYG purchased parts being submitted for evaluation.


The Global Sample Tag is to be used to identify components or assemblies that require special confirmation activities before being used for any of the following reasons:

1. Part Approval (PA) Samples - These samples are intended to fulfill part approval requirements as stated in the HYG Supplier Quality Manual.

2. New Supplier Samples - Samples submitted during the product development process for new suppliers.

3. Process Change (PCR) - The tag is to be used to identify components related to a supplier process change request.

4. Design Change (ECN) – For components currently in production with a design change, the first shipment of new revision components shall be identified with the sample tag.

5. Supplier Corrective Action (SCAR) /Project Quality Concern (PQC) – The sample tag shall be used to identify the first shipment components when a corrective action is implemented, or on shipments where the supplier has certified components are free of SCAR / PQC defect.

6. Other samples – Any other reason for which the part should not go to production (reason must be specified)

The supplier has the responsibility to identify the shipment of sample parts using a Sample Tag. All information on the tag must be filled out.

Affix the tag to the outside of the container of components and to any samples that were used to prepare the enclosed dimensional layout. Reminder: A dimensional layout is required for all pre-production trial submissions until first production or PA is signed by an HYG Quality representative.

An example of a properly filled out sample tag and a flow chart of the sample tag procedure can be found on the following page.

Please contact your local Quality Representative to obtain sample tags for use on all samples that meet the description of this sample tag procedure.

In short lead time cases you may go to our SQM website to download and print (in color) the tag to be affixed to the part and/or shipping container.



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Sub-Section 11: Sample Tag




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Sub-Section 11: Sample Tag





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Sub-Section 12: Welding Quality Approval Guideline


To provide a standard method for approving & ensuring the on-going quality level of purchased welded components & assemblies.


Applies to HYG purchased parts and defines the initial validation and ongoing testing & recertification requirements for purchased welded components & assemblies. This procedure is applicable to tier one suppliers and their sub suppliers.

Citing / Cited Documents

HC 704 Arc welding quality classes.

ISO 2553 Welded, brazed and soldered joints – Symbolic representation on drawings.

ES-1203 Weld symbology standards.

EN 287 European Standard for Welder Approval (reference document).

AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code – Steel (reference document).


AWS – American Welding Society

NDT – Non Destructive Testing

DT – Destructive Testing

WPS – Welding Procedure Specification (Reference document)

PQR – Procedure Qualification Record (Reference document)

PQR – Personnel Qualification Record

QTR – Qualification Test Record

ISIR – Initial Sample Inspection Report

HYG – Hyster-Yale Group

CTQ – Critical to Quality

PM – Preventive Maintenance

CWI – Certified Welding Inspector

ISO – International Organisation for Standardisation



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Welding Process Requirements:

Welding Process Development

• Fixtures should be ergonomic in design to ensure quality of weld is consistent from operator to operator, the requirement to stretch, crouch or lean should be kept to a minimum, automation & mechanical / electrical manipulation maybe desired to present the work piece in the optimum position.

• Fixturing & method of manufacture must be documented to aid Control Plan & Work Instructions development.

• Welding parameters must be defined and documented for weld sequencing and for each variation in weld size. Parameters should include; wire diameter, wire speed, material, volts, amps, gas mix etc.

• Inspection protocol must be defined for work pieces that require set up (origin & alignment).

• When base material HC-115 class 4 or above are specified, WPS & PQR are required.

• Once optimum parameters have been defined for a specific job any further changes must be recorded through a recognized change control process.

ISIR – 1ST Article Inspection

Minimum requirements for ISIR

• Full dimensional inspection report on completed assembly.

• Measurement of all welds per the weld requirements called out on the HYG drawing and HC-704. Note: If welding is applicable to the part or assembly and there is no weld standards called out on the drawing (HC704 class A, B, & C), you must contact your SQE, QA, Procurement or Engineering representative to clarify which standard applies.

• All inspection information must be accompanied by a corresponding marked up HYG drawing referencing the relevant dimension on the inspection report (weld map).

• Confirmation of NDT (die penetrant, magnetic particle example) all welds all classes.

• Depending on the weldment class A, B or C (see appendix A), the amount of destructive testing required will be defined during the approval process by the relevant HYG SQE, QA or Engineering personnel. It is expected at a minimum that there will be a requirement for samples to be provided cross sectioned, etched & preserved, with the relevant information associated with that weld (speed, feed, volts, amps etc.). Depending on class & weldment type it may be considered acceptable to submit test pieces that are representative of the welds being laid down for the purpose of inspection and approval.

• Expect full fusion along length of welds A, B & C – confirmed by destructive testing for class A & B.



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Control Plan Expectations

A Quality Control Plan must be defined to assure the quality of the supplied part on an on-going basis. The level of detail will depend on a number of key factors, such as, weld class, volume etc. The requirements will be defined on a part by part basis by HYG SQE/QA representative. This may include a submission of samples to the HYG user plant on a regular basis, & or documented evidence that samples have been taken on a regular basis confirming the following;

• Dimensional integrity of the overall component.

• Dimensional integrity of the welds laid down.

• Evidence that the welds are clean welds (NDT by CWI).

• DT confirming penetration/fusion, (test pieces may suffice if representative of production parameters & settings).

• PM on plant fixtures etc.

• It is recommended the weld process be audited internally on a regular basis to verify clarity of the weld parameters and adherence to them.


• For the production of class A & B welds the personnel in question must be trained to recognized standards (for example AWS D1.1, EN287 or equivalent).

• Formally trained to operate as instructed on the Work Instructions/Control Plans.

For class C welds, at a minimum, there must be clear training records showing evidence that the person in question has passed both practical & theoretical tests in relation to the welding type being conducted.

• Formally trained to operate as instructed on the work instructions/control plans.

• Training & certification is to be considered an on-going process & all personnel will be required to be reconfirmed on a six month basis internally & every two years externally for personnel welding class A or B components.

• All training & certification records to be maintained for a two year minimum period.

In Process Inspection Tools

All personnel will have the required inspection equipment to verify visual & dimensional quality on an on-going basis, this should include but is not limited to

• Weld gauging for measuring leg length and throat size etc.

• Tape measure (stitch / intermittent weld spacing and other key dimensions).

• Functional gauging for verifying specific dimensions that have been identified by HYG as CTQ features.

• All measuring devices must be identified & referenced in the Work Instruction / Control Plans, including the frequency of use ( inspection requirement e.g. 100% or I in 5) and be included in the gauge calibration register.



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HYG’s expectation is that all relevant structural weldments will be traceable to the supplier, personnel and time period / job# / lot that they were produced. During the approval process SQE/QA in conjunction with the supplier will determine/define depending on the product type the preferred method and shall be documented in the process control plan.



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Appendix A




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Appendix B Personnel Qualification Record




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Appendix C WPS




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Appendix D PQR




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Appendix E




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Date of Issue – The date a Part Approval is requested and the Part Approval Form is issued.

Supplier Code – HYG supplier identification number.

PCR # – This is the number assigned by HYG to assist in tracking the status of the Process Change Request. This is only in the event that a Part Approval has been initiated due to a supplier submitting a Process Change Request.

HYG Plant ID # – The number used to identify each individual HYG plant. The following is a list of HYG Plant ID #’s:

Berea – 010

Craigavon – 049

Danville Depot – 014

Greenville – 072

Irvine – 055

Modena – 060

Masate – 046

Nijmegen – 051

Nijmegen Depot – 053

Sulligent – 008

Ramos Arizpe (Frame Fabrication) – 017

Supplier Submission Due Date – The date the Part Approval submission is due at HYG. Refer to each project schedule issued by SQE for detailed timing.

Dimensional Results – A record of each dimension or specification identified by a unique number from a copy of the HYG drawing.

Short Term Capability Study – A minimum subgroup size of 30 with minimum acceptance criteria of Ppk > 1.67 shall be used for short-term capability studies. A subgroup is defined by 3 parts / subgroup.

Long Term Capability Study – A minimum subgroup size of 50 with minimum acceptance criteria of Cpk > 1.33 shall be used for long-term capability studies. A subgroup is defined by 3 parts / subgroup.

Material Performance Results – Test specification, acceptable tolerance, and actual value of the material data. Material compliance certificate only will not be accepted.

Part Functional Test Results – Results of all operational, electrical, mechanical, and environmental testing requirements as defined on the HYG drawing.



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Certification Registration Approval – Certification status of HYG granted by UL (Underwriters Laboratories), U.S. EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), and/or CARB (California Air Resource Board).

Cleanliness Results – Results of cleanliness testing performed to assess the compliance with cleanliness requirements on the drawing and/or Supplier Quality Manual.

Process FMEA – Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (PFMEA) is a disciplined review and analysis of a new/revised process and is conducted to anticipate, resolve, or monitor potential process problems for a new/revised product.

Process Flow Diagrams – The process flow diagram is a schematic representation of the current or proposed process flow. It shall clearly describe the steps and sequence of the production process.

Control Plan – A description of the systems for controlling parts and processes. The control plan should be updated to reflect the addition/deletion of controls based on experience gained by producing parts.

Key Characteristic – A KEY characteristic will be identified on the drawing with a [pic]symbol and is intended to indicate a dimension, function or requirement that is vital to the intended function of the end product. The characteristic must meet 1.33 Cpk or else be verified 100% in production.

Critical to Quality (CTQ) – A characteristic identified as critical to fit, function or visual finish for the final assembled product. A CTQ may be identified by any HYG department and communicated to the supplier via marked up drawing and should be included on the supplier’s control plan.

Material Performance Results – Test specification, acceptable tolerance, and actual value of the material data. Material compliance certificate only will not be accepted.

Checking Fixture – A device used to verify the dimensional accuracy of a part.

Gage R&R Study – A statistical study to determine repeatability and reproducibility on a device measuring a part characteristic.

Inspection Standard – This is an agreement between HYG and the supplier to provide sample data packages and or continuous in process monitoring of the supplier process.

Appearance – Physical color, grain or finish.

Process Change Request – A documented supplier request used to make any changes to a supplier’s tooling, manufacturing process, manufacturing location, or sub-supplier.

Onsite High Volume Production Trial (HVPT) Verification – Verify at the supplier’s location the simulation of production conditions to determine and identify any Quality problems prior to start of production.



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Sub-Supplier List – A list of sub-suppliers that supply the components or material to the assembly part produced by an HYG supplier.

Limit Samples – Samples, representing a “marginal” but acceptable condition for use in the HYG production process, which has been agreed to by a HYG Quality representative.

High Volume Production Trial (HVPT) report – Data, which represents capacity or production rate and Quality results against a required target to meet HYG expectations.

Off Tool – (Production Tooling) - When a part is said to be “Off Tool” it is required that the part be manufactured using the exact tooling which will be used for long-term production. This does NOT mean the parts were manufactured from tooling that is “like” or “similar” to the intended production tooling.

Off Process – (Production Process) – When a part is said to be “Off Process” it is required that the part be manufactured and tested using the exact process that will be used for long-term production. This does NOT mean the parts were manufactured using a “like” or “similar” or less than 100% completed process.

Magnetic Particle Testing (MPT) - is a nondestructive testing method for locating surface or near surface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials.



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HYG Site / Lead Site – The location HYG site that will be receive and manage the PCR / part affected by the process change.

PCR # – Number assigned by HYG to assist in tracking the status of the PCR.

Submission Date – Issue date of the PCR by the supplier.

Truck Series # – HYG unit code / model designation.

Part Manufacturing Location – Supplier manufacturing location of the part proposing the process change.

Other HYG Sites Affected – Each HYG site receiving the part number with the proposed process change.

Tooling Transfer Development Plan – Plan detailing the development completion and the implementation of the required tooling for the proposed process change.

Inventory Management Plan (Safety Stock) – Plan detailing the development of the parts to prepare a safety stock and build-out stock for the implementation of the proposed process change.

Evaluation / Test Plan – Plan detailing the timing of the necessary testing and validation requirement of the proposed process change.

Quality Systems Revision Plan – Plan detailing the timing of updating the necessary Quality documents for the proposed process change.

Requested Implementation Date – The desired implementation date the supplier would like to ship parts to HYG.

Original Process – The supplier’s initial process that is being requested to change.

Proposed Process – The new process the supplier is request to change from the original process.

Part Approval Submission – Part Approval process to determine if part characteristics and specifications are understood and met by the supplier. Part Approval verifies that the process has the potential to produce a part that consistently meets HYG requirements during production.

Initial Sample Trial (6) – 6 sample parts used to judge the change content and impact to the truck (unless otherwise negotiated with HYG).

Pre-Production Sample (10-50) – 10 ~ 50 sample parts used to assess consistency of part x truck in an Off-Too and Off-Process condition.



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Build Date – Build date of the Initial and/or Pre-Production Samples

Ship Date – Ship date of the Initial and/or Pre-Production Samples.

Lot # - Part lot number of the Initial and/or Pre-Production Samples.

ID Method – Part identification method of the Initial and/or Pre-Production Samples.

S/N Break – Part serial number break identifying the Initial and/or Pre-Production Samples.

Receiving Date – Date the Initial and/or Pre-Production Samples are received at the HYG site.

Evaluation Date – Date the Initial and/or Pre-Production Samples will undergo review on a truck at the HYG site.

Evaluation Results – Result of the Initial and/or Pre-Production Samples review on a truck at the HYG site.

HYG Production Confirmation – Confirmation process at the HYG site to assure no production issues occur based on the process change implementation.



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Corrective action – Action taken on the process to eliminate a detected nonconformity or non-desirable situations from recurring. Corrective action is taken to prevent recurrence. It is reactive rather than proactive.

Root cause – The cause of a nonconformity that, with effective implementation of corrective action, fixes the identified concern. (Tools useful for determining root cause are, fishbone diagrams, and PFMEA analysis.) Once you can turn the problem on and off, you have effectively found the root cause to the phenomenon / problem.

Nonconformity – A non-fulfillment of a requirement.

Rank A Problem – Any non-conformance that makes the product incapable of being used in HYG’s manufacturing process and / or interrupts productions operations. A non-conformance, which causes a functional failure to the finished product or any rank B issues that re-occur within 90 days after the Corrective Action is implemented.

Rank B Problem – Any non-conformance that requires rework of the supplied product or to the finished product, by HYG before being used in the manufacturing process or before being shipped to the customer. A Rank C issues that recurs after the Corrective Action is implemented can also be elevated to a Rank B.

Rank C Problem – A non-conformance judged to require “level up” for the next shipment. This rating is normally used to address marginal or poor visual concerns for fit and finish.

General Definitions

Assigned Quality Representative – An assigned HYG representative, which could be a member of the Supplier Quality Engineering – Global Procurement or one of the manufacturing facility Plant Quality Assurance departments.

Critical to Quality – (CTQ) A characteristic judged to be important to the fit and function of a component or assembly as well as customer satisfaction.



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Blank Forms

Please find the blank forms on our HYG SQE website at



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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Part Approval Form





Part Approval Samples












Dimensional Results










Material Performance Results




Part Functional Test Results




Certification Registration Approval




Cleanliness Results




Process Flow Diagram



Process FMEA



Control Plan



Checking Fixtures



Gage R&R Study (CTQ & Key Dimensions)


Short Term Capability Study (CTQ & Key)


Submit = The supplier shall submit to HYG the specified requirements and retain

a copy of records or documentation at the appropriate locations, including manufacturing.

Actual copies of applicable certifications (i.e. Approval) are required.















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