Geo 1&22409825top____1What type of thematic map is shown?Adot density mapBphysical systems mapCpoint symbol mapDproportional symbol map____2Which level of earthquake magnitude occurs least often?A7.3 to 7.6B6.8 to 7.2C6.3 to 6.7D5.5 to 6.2____3What is the approximate distance from Cebu to the center of the nearest earthquake with a magnitude of more than 7.3?A100 milesB150 milesC200 milesD250 miles____4How many places on the map show earthquake magnitudes from 7.3 through 7.6?AoneBthreeCsixDnine____5Which city is closest to an earthquake of the strongest magnitude?AManilaBDavanCCebuDPhilippines____6Which region of the Philippines has had the fewest earthquakes?AnorthBeastCsouthDwest____7Judging from this map, which statement is true?AThe Philippines’ northern island is the only place with earthquakes.BThe Philippines has more earthquakes than any other place.CThe Philippines is at risk for earthquakes of many different magnitudesDThe Philippines has many more earthquakes on land than in nearby oceans.____8What imaginary line sits approximately 23? north of the equator?Aprime longitudeBprime meridianCTropic of CancerDTropic of Capricorn____9What is one way that latitude lines and longitude lines are different?ALatitude lines are measured in degrees; longitude lines are not.BLatitude lines run north-south; longitude lines run east-west.CLatitude lines never touch each other; longitude lines meet.DLatitude lines start at the North Pole; longitude lines start at the South Pole.____10Which of the following statements is true?AThe equator runs east and west.BA hemisphere is one-fourth of the globe.CLatitude lines run north and south.DThe North Pole is located at 0 degrees north.____11Which of these lines of latitude lies farthest from the North Pole?A15° SB30° SC45° SD60° S____12What sits at 0° latitude?ASouth PoleBNorth PoleCprime meridianDthe equator____13What imaginary line connects the North Pole and the South Pole?Aprime meridianBthe equatorCTropic of CancerDTropic of Capricorn____14Judging from the map, which latitude line is longest?A60 degrees northBthe equatorCTropic of CancerD30 degrees southGeo 3&4____15Where on the map is the population most dense?AGreat BasinBWest CoastCborder with MexicoDRocky Mountains____16Which densely populated area is on a major river?ADenverBSan FranciscoCPhoenixDSt. Louis____17What densely populated cities are located in the southeastern part of this map?ADallas and HoustonBPhoenix and DenverCSan Francisco and Los AngelesDSt. Louis and Seattle____18Which of these areas has the lowest population density?Anorthern area near Canadian borderBeastern area near the Mississippi RiverCwestern area near the Pacific OceanDsoutheastern area near the Gulf of Mexico____19Which city has the largest area of dense population?ASeattleBLos AngelesCPhoenixDSt. Louis____20How many cities on the map are near a large body of water, such as an ocean or gulf?A3B4C5D6____21Which areas show the heaviest populations?Amountain areasBareas in the Great BasinCborder areasDareas near waterwaysGEO 5&6____22Where did beans and potatoes come from?AEuropeBAfricaCSouthwest AsiaDthe Americas____23What crop moved from the Americas to Europe?AbananasBpeachesCpearsDsquash____24What crop moved from Africa and Europe to the Americas?AcoffeeBpeanutsCpeppersDtobacco____25Judging from the diagram, how did the Columbian Exchange affect life in Europe?AIt increased food variety.BIt caused crop shortages.CIt made diets less healthy.DIt made the population shrink.____26How is tobacco different from the other crops shown on the diagram?AIt traveled from Africa to Europe.BIt is not something to eat or drinkCIt traveled in both directions.DIt is a spice used with other foods.____27According to the diagram, what general category of food traveled from Europe and Africa to the Americas?AcheeseBnutsCfruitDvegetables____28What general conclusion can you draw from this diagram?APeople in the Americas had no vegetables before the Columbian Exchange.BPeople in the Americas had few sweeteners before the Columbian Exchange.CPeople in Europe had few fruits before the Columbian Exchange.DPeople in Europe had no coffee before the Columbian Exchange.____29Which Central American country makes the largest percentage of its income from tourism?ABelizeBCosta RicaCGuatemalaDPanama____30Which of the following island countries makes the largest percentage of its GDP from tourism?AGrenadaBBahamasCDominican RepublicDJamaica____31Which of these island countries has the highest percentage of income from tourism?ADominican RepublicBGrenadaCSt. Kitts and NevisDSt. Lucia____32What general pattern does this map show?ACentral America relies more on tourism than the Caribbean islands do.BThe Caribbean islands rely more on tourism than Central America does.CBoth Central America and the Caribbean islands rely mainly on tourism for income.DNeither Central America nor the Caribbean islands gain much income from tourism.____33What do the large circles on the small islands show?AMuch of their income is from tourism.BMuch of their income is from farming.CThey are farther east than other islands.DTheir economies are largest in the region.____34Which of the following island nations makes the highest percentage of its GDP from tourism?ABahamasBDominicaCHaitiDJamaica____35Which Central American country makes the highest percentage of its GDP from tourism?ACosta RicaBBelizeCEl SalvadorDNicaraguaTOURISM IN CENTRAL AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEANCountryInternational Tourist Arrivals* (number of people)Receipts from Tourism** (US $billions)Percentage of Total Receipts from Tourism**Bahamas5,003,967$2.264.6Barbados1,272,772$1.256.6Belize1,082,268$0.335.0Dominican Republic4,239,686$4.034.0El Salvador966,416$0.820.9Guatemala1,181,526$1.112.1Honduras1,056,642$0.68.5Nicaragua734,971$0.39.4Panama1,004,207$1.212.6St. Lucia802,240$0.366.0____36What percentage of total receipts does El Salvador earn from tourism?A0.8B20.9C12.1D64.6____37Which of the following countries earns the highest percentage of its total receipts from tourism?ABahamasBHondurasCBarbadosDDominican Republic____38Which two places are visited by the most tourists?ABahamas and NicaraguaBGuatemala and HondurasCDominican Republic and BahamasDEl Salvador and Guatemala____39How many countries on the chart earn less than 10 percent of their total receipts from tourism?A2B3C4D5____40Which country ranks second in percentage of its total receipts from tourism?ABahamasBBelizeCPanamaDNicaragua____41Which two countries are visited by the smallest number of tourists?ABahamas and El SalvadorBDominican Republic and BelizeCGuatemala and BarbadosDSt. Lucia and Nicaragua____42How many countries on the chart earn less than 10 percent of their total receipts from tourism?A2B3C4D5NUMBERS OF SLAVES IMPORTED TO BRAZIL, 1501-18561501-155022,6851551-160090,0531601-1650380,8241651-1700471,2131701-1750891,4681751-18001,099,8941801-18502,136,3601851-18567,318Totals5,099,816Source: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, Emory UniversityGeo 7&8____43Between which two time periods did the number of imported slaves become more than four times larger than it had been?A1551–1600 and 1601–1650B1601–1650 and 1651–1700C1651–1700 and 1701–1750D1751–1800 and 1801–1850____44What statement accurately describes the pattern shown on the chart?AThe slave trade remained about the same for 350 years.BThe slave trade grew for 100 years and then decreased.CThe slave trade steadily grew during a 350-year periodDThe slave trade increased, then decreased, then increased.____45Based on the number of slaves imported, in which century was the slave trade most active?A1500sB1600sC1700sD1800s____46During what years were the largest number of slaves brought to Brazil?A1701–1750B1751–1800C1801–1850D1851–1856____47How many more slaves arrived between 1801 and 1850 than between 1501 and 1550?Aover 1 millionBover 2 millionCover 11 millionDover 21 million____48During what years did the number of imported slaves reach 1 million?A1551–1600B1701–1750C1751–1800D1801–1850____49From 1501–1550 to 1551–1600, by how much did the number of imported slaves increase?Atwo timesBthree timesCfour timesDfive times____50What factor makes Brazil a good place to develop a commercial fishing industry?Aits long coastlineBits limited food supplyCits vast highlandsDits growing population____51What phrase best describes where steel manufacturing takes place?Anorthern BrazilBeastern BrazilCsouthern BrazilDwestern Brazil____52In what area are the fewest industries located?AAmazon BasinBBrazilian HighlandsCParaguay borderDSouth Atlantic coastGeo 9&10____53East Berlin lay inside what country?ACzechoslovakiaBEast GermanyCPolandDWest Germany____54What were the countries with no shading members of?ANATOBneutral Communist countriesCneutral non-Communist countriesDWarsaw Pact____55How many Communist and non-Communist countries were neutral?A3B5C7D9____56Which Warsaw Pact country was separated from the others by a non-member country?AAlbaniaBBulgariaCCzechoslovakiaDYugoslavia____57To what group did the countries shaded darkest belong?Athe Warsaw PactBNATOCneutral Communist countriesDneutral non-Communist countries____58East Berlin belonged to what group?ANATOBthe Warsaw PactCneutral Communist countriesDneutral non-Communist countries____59In the inset map, what does the line around West Berlin show?AIt is inside East Germany.BIt was part of the Warsaw Pact.CIt was surrounded by the Iron CurtainDIt was a neutral non-Communist country.MILES OF RAILWAY TRACK IN SELECTED EUROPEAN COUNTRIES (1840–1880)184018601880Austria- Hungary1444,54318,507Belgium3341,7304,112France4969,16723,089Germany46911,08933,838Great Britain2,39014,60325,060Italy202,4049,920Netherlands173351,846Spain01,9177,490____60Which country had the most railway track in 1860?AAustria-HungaryBFranceCGermanyDGreat Britain____61Which country had the least amount of railway track in 1840?AFranceBGreat BritainCItalyDSpain____62In 1880, how many more miles of railway track did Germany have than Great Britain?A877B8,778C9,849D18,778____63Which country built the least amount of railway track during the period shown?ABelgiumBFranceCItalyDNetherlands____64Which country had the most extensive transportation system in 1840?AFranceBGermanyCGreat BritainDNetherlands____65In what year did Germany have more miles of track than Great Britain?A1820B1840C1860D1880____66Which country had the biggest increase in miles of track between 1840 and 1880?ABelgiumBGermanyCGreat BritainDSpain ................

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