
Name: _________________ Costa’s Levels of Questioning One-Pager AVID Lesson 2.12

Format of the One-Pager Example of the One-Pager

Name: ______________________ Costa’s Levels of Questioning One-Pager Grading Rubric AVID Lesson 2.12

|Task |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Format of the One-Pager |-No blank space |-Some blank space |-A lot of blank space |-A lot of blank space |

| |-All three sections complete |-Three sections complete |-2-3 sections complete |-1-2 sections complete |

| |-Uses color |-Uses some color |-May not use color |-Does not use color |

| |-In pen |-May not be in pen |-May not be in pen |-Does not use pen/ink |

| |-Includes a title |-Includes a title |-May not include a title |-Does not include a title |

|Accuracy of the Information on the |-Fully accurate |-Mostly accurate |-Barely accurate |-Not accurate |

|One-Pager |-Fully detailed |-Mostly detailed |-Barely detailed |-Lacks details |

|Quality of the Pictures on the One-Pager |-Fully accurate and detailed |-Mostly accurate and detailed |-Barely accurate and detailed |-Not accurate and lacks details |

| |-In color |-May not be in color |-May not be in color |-Not in color |

|Quality of the Questions on the One-Pager|-Fully accurate |-Mostly accurate |-Barely accurate |-Not accurate |

| |-Fully detailed |-Mostly detailed |-Barely detailed |-Lacks details |

|Overall effort and creativity |-Demonstrates outstanding effort and |-Demonstrates good effort and creativity |-Demonstrates some effort and creativity |-Demonstrates little effort and creativity |

| |creativity | | | |

Total: _____ out of 20 x 5 = ______ out of 100, which equals a letter grade of _______

Name: ______________________ Costa’s Levels of Questioning One-Pager Grading Rubric AVID Lesson 2.12

|Task |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Format of the One-Pager |-No blank space |-Some blank space |-A lot of blank space |-A lot of blank space |

| |-All three sections complete |-Three sections complete |-2-3 sections complete |-1-2 sections complete |

| |-Uses color |-Uses some color |-May not use color |-Does not use color |

| |-In pen |-May not be in pen |-May not be in pen |-Does not use pen/ink |

| |-Includes a title |-Includes a title |-May not include a title |-Does not include a title |

|Accuracy of the Information on the |-Fully accurate |-Mostly accurate |-Barely accurate |-Not accurate |

|One-Pager |-Fully detailed |-Mostly detailed |-Barely detailed |-Lacks details |

|Quality of the Pictures on the One-Pager |-Fully accurate and detailed |-Mostly accurate and detailed |-Barely accurate and detailed |-Not accurate and lacks details |

| |-In color |-May not be in color |-May not be in color |-Not in color |

|Quality of the Questions on the One-Pager|-Fully accurate |-Mostly accurate |-Barely accurate |-Not accurate |

| |-Fully detailed |-Mostly detailed |-Barely detailed |-Lacks details |

|Overall effort and creativity |-Demonstrates outstanding effort and |-Demonstrates good effort and creativity |-Demonstrates some effort and creativity |-Demonstrates little effort and creativity |

| |creativity | | | |

Total: _____ out of 20 x 5 = ______ out of 100, which equals a letter grade of _______


Your Costa’s Vocabulary Word

Dictionary definition written in your own words

A picture that represents your vocabulary word

Two questions that start with your Costa’s vocabulary word



- Verb, to examine two objects looking for similarities

Compare the way that plants generate energy to how humans generate energy.

Compare public and private universities.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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