Masons Cove Elementary

Masons Cove ElementaryParent Handbook2019 – 20203370 Bradshaw RoadSalem, VA 24153(p) 540-387-6530(f) 387-6995Masons Cove Mission Statement:The mission of Masons Cove Elementary School is to provide a warm and caring atmosphere where students are empowered to work together and develop a solid foundation of 21st Century skills.Masons Cove Vision Statement:Masons Cove is a safe and engaging environment that will equip students to excel academically and socially through critical thinking, problem solving skills, and teamwork. ?Our students go on to become independent, responsible, contributing members of our local and global community. ?Masons Cove Elementary School?3370 Bradshaw Road?Salem, VA? 24153?(540) 387-6530?Masons Cove Families and Community Members,???????????Welcome to the 2019-2020 School year! I am very excited for the upcoming school year at Masons Cove Elementary School. This school is an amazing place full of caring and dedicated educators. The teachers have been working hard to prepare a school year full of challenges, enrichment, and growth.???????????Education is more than just memorizing facts. The educators at Masons Cove strive to help students develop a love for learning, establish a growth mindset attitude, and to teach students how to apply the knowledge they learn to the real world. We want to give our students the opportunity to engage in project based learning and performance tasks, rather than only paper and pencil assignments.?As your child’s parent or guardian, you were their first teacher. We are excited to collaborate with you to help your student grow and empower them to be lifelong learners.???This handbook is a resource for parents and guardians and contains information about our school, policies, and procedures. Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to a great school year.?Sincerely,?Amy Phelps, Ed.S.PrincipalMasons Cove Elementary Faculty and StaffFront Office:Kindergarten:Principal- Amy PhelpsElizabeth MillsBookkeeper/ Attendance- Kim SeibHolly TronstadNurse- Gail Lee1st Grade:Special Areas:Jackie Hughes Art- Wendy PeaseCyndi HeckITRT- Ann KeithCounseling-Laura Armentrout2nd Grade:Library- Margaret HowellDan SellMusic- Drew KaerwerBuddy HansbargerP.E. - Mike LookTitle I- Wendi Richert3rd Grade:Reading Specialist- Jennifer Satchwell-CrockerMary PageGifted Resource- Michelle LuckieTruancy- Gail Hagerty4th Grade:Kristine MigliareseSpecial Education:Amy SlateCoordinator- Melissa WoodsTeacher- Martha Garman5th Grade:Teacher- Annie LonkerKarin KaerwerPre-school- Joey McPhailJessica WhitlockPsychologist- Randal QueenSpeech- Leslie BergerInstructional Assistants:COTA- Lisa GerritsenLisa GleixnerPT- Jennifer WrightEllen Tutle Courtney Whitlow (PK)Building Staff:Donna Meador (PK)Teresa Bailey- ManagerFelix- Rivera- OperatorCafeteria Staff:Lynne Bowles (Manager)Administrator Subs/ Mentors:Robin MullinsDr. Jan NicholsPat WrightMCES Daily Schedule:7:30 AM School doors open; buses and car riders arrive; breakfast is served7:43 AM Warning Tardy Bell Rings7:45 AM Tardy bell rings: School day begins10:45-12:15 Lunch is served (see your child’s schedule for lunch times)1:30 PM Deadline for any transportation changes2:22 PM Afternoon announcements2:25 PM Bus Dismissal; Car Rider Dismissal to follow2:45 PM Dismissal for Teachers and IA’s4:00 PM MCE office closes ?Masons Cove PTA & Title I Reading Program Schedule?2019-2020??Thurs., Aug. 8th - PTA: Back to School Night (Dinner provided by RC Sheriff’s Department)Tues., Sept. 17th at 6:30 p.m. - Title I: Grandparents and Bingo Night (Dinner provided by Title I)Sat., Sept. 28th MCE Yard Sale set up at 7:00 a.m., sale runs from 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.Tues., Oct. 15th at 6:30 p.m. – PTA: 4th and 5th ProgramThurs., Oct. 31st during school day- Fun Run (collections Oct. 8th - 25th)Tues., Nov. 12th at 6:30 p.m. – Title I: Build It Night with Home Depot (Dinner provided by Title I) 4:30 - 7:30- Masons Cove Community Flu Shot Clinic Thurs., Dec. 5th at 6:30 p.m. – PTA: Spaghetti Supper with Santa Fri., Jan. 31st at 6:30 p.m. - Father Daughter Dance (Snow date Feb. 7th) Tues., Feb. 11th at 6:30 p.m. – PTA: Paint Night Tues., Feb. 18th at 6:30 p.m. – PTA: 2nd and 3rd ProgramFri. March 6th at 6:30 p.m. – Mother Son Battle RoyaleTues. March 17th at 6:30 p.m. – PTA: K and 1st ProgramTues., April 21st at 6:30 p.m. - Title I: Summer Reading Kickoff (Dinner Provided by Title I)Friday, May 1st during the school day- Human Sundae (collections 14th – 28th)ATTENDANCEAbsencesThe importance of regular attendance cannot be over-emphasized! Students should be in school every day that they are physically healthy. When a student returns to school after an absence, a written excuse from the parent or physician is required and should state the reason for the absence. Virginia State Law requires that parents be contacted when a child is absent from school. Parents are asked to call the school when their child is going to be absent. If the parent is unable to call, school personnel will contact the parent as early in the day as possible. Students with excessive excused or unexcused absences and/or tardies will be referred to the School Social Worker who will contact the parents. Detailed information regarding Roanoke County Schools Attendance Policy can be found in Policy 7.07. Absences and tardies are excused for the following reasons with written explanation from the parent:illness of the studentapproval from administration prior to the absencedeath in family/funeralschool-sponsored activitiesobservance of a nationally recognized religious holiday if such holiday is verified and the school is notified in advance.Absences and tardies are excused for the following reasons with appropriate written documentation:hospitalization or extended illness (with documentation from physician)doctor or dental appointment (with documentation from physician’s or dentist’s office)mandatory court appearance? (with court documentation)A student whose absence is excused due to the observance of a nationally recognized religious holiday is not deprived of any award or of eligibility or opportunity to compete for any award, or of the right to take an alternate test or examination, which the student missed by reason of such absence. Absences and tardies that do not meet the criteria for being excused absences or tardies are considered unexcused absences or tardies. Excessive Absences or Tardies Without Adequate Written DocumentationIf absences or tardies excused solely based on parent explanation become excessive, the school will require additional documentation in order to ensure compliance with the compulsory student attendance law.? Such additional documentation may include written documentation from a physician treating the student for a chronic or extended illness or court documentation resulting from student involvement in a legal matter.TardiesAttendance at the very beginning of the school day is very important for each student. A student who is tardy misses the procedures and the instructions at the beginning of the day. Students must be in their classroom when the tardy bell rings at 7:50 a.m. Any student arriving after the bell is considered tardy. Tardies will be noted on attendance records. Parents must sign their child in at the office and the student will receive a tardy pass before proceeding to class. If the parent is experiencing difficulty getting the child to school on time because the child is resisting coming to school, the parent should contact the teacher, guidance counselor, or administration, for help in working with the child. Tardies will be noted on attendance records. Five tardies are equivalent to one absence in accordance with the Roanoke County School Attendance Policy.Medical Appointments Medical and dental appointments are excused absences provided the school is given documentation from the doctor or dentist. Any late arrivals should come through the main office. If your child needs to leave school early for a doctor or dentist appointment, it would be helpful to write a note to the teacher or call the office. ADMISSION TO SCHOOLChildren may be admitted to kindergarten who have reached their fifth birthday on or before September 30 of the school year. Parents may choose not to enroll or withdraw their eligible kindergarten age child until the following year after filling out a Decline to Enroll or Withdrawal Form. Medical and Dental Examinations Virginia State Law requires each child entering school to have a complete physical examination and certain immunizations.BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONSOn the child’s birthday parents may provide a snack for all class members. The parent can send a note to the teacher requesting the number of students and the date refreshments will be sent. The snack can be dropped off in the office the morning of the date planned with the teacher. The teacher will choose the appropriate time during the school day to share the refreshments with the students in the classroom. Flowers and balloons are not permitted at school due to allergies. Party invitations cannot be distributed at school unless the whole class is invited. School staff members cannot give out student names, addresses or phone numbers.BUS TRANSPORTATIONFor the safety of all students who ride buses, appropriate and safe behavior is required at all times while on the bus. This includes speaking quietly, staying seated, and not disturbing the driver. Consequences will be given to students who misbehave on the bus as outlined in the Pupil Transportation section of the Student Conduct Code. Children are not permitted to ride buses other than the one designated to them. No exception to this rule will be made, unless a request is provided in writing by a parent. The driver is instructed to pick up and discharge students at their regular stop unless they have a note from their parents, which has been verified by the office.CAR RIDERS (Morning)The school doors open at 7:30 a.m. Students cannot be dropped off before 7:30 a.m. For safety reasons, students should exit the car on the passenger side of the car. Glenvar Middle/High School students are not to be dropped off in the morning to catch the bus here at Masons Cove. They are to get on the bus when it goes by your house in the morning. If they miss the bus, parents need to drive them to the GMS/ GHS. CAR RIDERS (Afternoon)Once the buses are dismissed at 2:25, the doors will be opened for parents and guardians to come into the lobby and sign their child out. Once you sign your child out on one of the clipboards, a staff member will call your child over to leave with you. Please do not call your child over to come stand in line with you to wait to sign out. Parents or guardians should not enter the school for car rider pick-up until 2:25. Please be prepared to show identification if the supervising staff is unfamiliar with you. This is a safety measure, so please be patient.Call the school by 1:30 to make any transportation changes. CONFERENCESParent-Teacher Conferences will be scheduled in November and February for all parents, which affords the opportunity for a two-way communication process. The teacher may learn more about the child through the parents that may help in planning the child's educational program. Additional conferences will be scheduled throughout the year if needed, at the request of the teacher or parent.CONDUCT:Students at Masons Cove Elementary are expected behave in a manner that is safe, respectful and responsible. ELECTRONIC DEVICESElementary and Middle School Students may possess a cellular telephone, PDA, or other communications device on school property, including school buses, provided that the device must be "off" and out of sight during the school day unless being used as an approved part of the instructional process. The use of a cell phone in a restroom or locker room is strictly prohibited. Any cell phone or similar device in possession of any individual in violation of this policy may be confiscated and returned only to the parents.EMERGENCY CLOSING/ WEATHER CLOSINGPlease listen to your local radio or TV stations for information on school closings, delayed openings or early dismissals. Information regarding these changes may be obtained from the Roanoke County Information Line at 562-6000. This information is generally available by 6:00 am. Roanoke County will send a phone alert message when schools are closed, delayed or closing early.EMERGENCY INFOStudents enrolled at Masons Cove are required to have a completed Emergency Information Sheet. This form lists the names of people who can be called in the event that we are unable to reach the parents/ guardians. People listed on the Emergency Information Sheet also are permitted to pick the child up from school. The school will not release the student to people not included on the emergency form. If anyone else other than the parents/guardians or individuals listed on the emergency information will be picking up your child, please notify the school. Please notify the office of any changes in address, phone numbers, employment, etc. FIELD TRIPSClasses may participate in planned field trips. These field trips are a worthwhile learning experience and are part of the school curriculum. Parental permission must be received before a student participates in a field trip. Students may be denied the privilege of participating in a field trip if their behavior might create unsafe conditions or interfere with the learning experience of other students.GRADINGAt the end of each of the four nine-week report periods, parents will receive a Roanoke County Progress Report of their child’s performance. Letter grades (A, B, C, D, and F) will be used in 2nd through 5th grade to indicate the child’s performance. In Kindergarten and 1st, students will receive a report that will communicate to the parents the child’s progress in a developmentally appropriate learning environment. Graded work and school notes will be sent home in the weekly Tuesday folder.If a student in 2nd through 5th grade is making unsatisfactory progress, the parents will receive an interim report. Interim reports are sent home to parents of students who currently have an average of "D" or "F". These reports are sent home during the middle of each nine weeks.Report cards will be sent home at the end of each nine weeks for grades K-5. Roanoke County Grading Scale: A – 90-100 B – 80-89 C – 70-79 D – 60-69 F – 60 and belowHOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT REQUESTSWhen a student is sick, parents are asked to call the school prior to 8:30 AM during the school day if they would like for teachers to have the assignments and make-up work ready by 2:15 PM. LEGAL MATTERSParents are responsible for providing current custody papers to the school.? The school will follow the orders we have on file.?If there are other sensitive matters you want the school to be aware of please?make an appointment to talk with the principal.LUNCH INFORMATIONRoanoke County students are assigned a lunch account number that is used throughout their entire school tenure. Parents may preload and add money to this account at any time. Detailed information regarding school nutrition can be found at Students are not permitted to share food as some students have severe allergies. The charge limit for cafeteria meals is $10.00 for full priced meals or $5.00 for reduced price meals. Students exceeding those limits can be offered an alternative meal only until the balance is paid. The Lunch times are: TimeGradeCoverageEarly Dismissal10:45-11:151st GradeSatchwell-Crocker10:15-10:4511:00-11:304th GradeEncore B10:30- 11:0011:15-11:453rd GradeEncore A10:45-11:1511:30-12:002nd GradeEncore B11:00-11:3011:45-12:155th GradeTutle11:15-11:4512:00- 12:30KindergartenGleixner11:30-12:0012:10-12:40PKMcPhail11:40-12:10Student Breakfast cost- full price: $1.35Student Lunch cost- full price: $2.55 Student Breakfast cost- reduced price: $.30Student Lunch cost- reduced price: $.40 Adult Lunch cost- $3.35 (price subject to change)MEDICATIONThe Medication Permission Form must be completed for a student to be administered medication at school. The Medication Permission Form must be verified by the school nurse. All medications (prescription or over the counter) must be delivered to the nurse by an adult; students cannot transport medication. The medicine must be in the original container. Any medications administered at school will be administered from the nurse’s office.MONEYAll cash or checks sent to school should be properly labeled to identify who it belongs to and the purpose of the money. Sticky notes attached to money are often lost, so it is best to place the money in an envelope and label it with the child’s name and the purpose of the money (Ex. Lunch money, field trip, etc.) NURSEMasons Cove Elementary has a school nurse, Gail Lee, who can provide treatment for minor illness and injuries. The nurse is available 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Please contact the nurse if your child has any serious health conditions. PERSONAL POSESSIONSPlease mark your child's name on coats, jackets, hats, and tennis shoes. Lunch boxes should be marked with name and grade. Your child must be responsible for these possessions. Articles left for any length of time are placed in the LOST and FOUND in the cafeteria. After a reasonable time, articles are donated. Money and valuables should not be left in the school at any time. Students should not carry extra amounts of money. The school is not responsible for the personal property of the students. PTAMasons Cove parents, grandparents, and other family members are invited to join the PTA. The MCE PTA is a vital, working organization that provides immeasurable assistance to the school by organizing enriching programs and fun events for our students and families. Please consider investing in our students and school by joining the Masons Cove Elementary PTA! SAFETYAll visitors must enter through the main office and sign in at the kiosk in the entry area, and wait for the door to be opened by a school staff member. All visitors are asked to?wear a visitor’s badge in a visible location throughout the time they are in the school building.SCHOOL HOURS: 7:45 a.m.-2:25 p.m.School begins at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 2:25 p.m. The earliest time that students can be let into the building is 7:30 a.m. Students must be in their classroom by 7:45 a.m. Students arriving at 7:45 a.m. are considered tardy and must enter through the office for a tardy slip. SCHOOL VISITORSWe welcome visits to our building. Due to security changes, all visitors will be “buzzed” into the office. All visitors will be required to scan his/her driver’s license using a computer located in the new entry area. This scan will check all visitors against the Virginia Sex Offender Registry. Once the license is scanned and a name tag is printed, a school employee can allow the visitor in the building. Visitors will not be allowed in the classrooms or hallways unless the visit has been previously arranged. Parents joining their children for lunch will remain in the office until their child’s grade level lunch time. Visitors to our school are asked not to park in the area where the buses load and unload students. SHOESStudents must wear gym shoes to be able to safely participate in P.E. and play on the playground. Gym shoes must be secure to the student’s feet with Velcro or shoelaces. Sandals, Slides, or boots are not allowed for P.E or on the playground. Students can bring gym shoes with them to school to change if needed. For the safety of the students, gym shoes are required to participate in P.E. and use the playground equipment. SIGNING STUDENTS OUT EARLYProcedures are followed to assure the safety of children who are released during the school day. Written permission should be sent to the teacher stating the requested time of release.The parent (or other named adult in the note) MUST COME TO THE OFFICE and sign for the child. All children MUST BE signed out in the office. If any person other than the parent or guardian is to pick up the child, the school must have a statement from the parent specifying the necessary information. Students will not be called from class until the parent is in the office.SNACKSClassroom teachers schedule a time daily where students are permitted to have a nutritious snack brought from home. Please send a small snack with your student each day. Please make sure the snack is something the student can open themselves. Candy and carbonated beverages are against the Roanoke County Wellness Plan and not allowed as snack items. STUDENT ASSIGNMENT PLANNER All second, third, fourth, and fifth grade students will have a Student Assignment Planner. The classroom teacher will be using a mirror copy of the planner to post daily homework assignments. The goal of having students use the planner is to teach the students good organizational skills, to help parents stay informed, and as a method of communication with parents.STUDENT ATTIREPlease refer to the Roanoke County Schools Dress code for a comprehensive list. Parents need to mark child’s clothing and possessions with his or her name. In choosing student dress, the parents must take into consideration modesty, safety, weather and activities planned for the day. Children may not wear any clothing that has inappropriate language written on the clothes. Students’ dress must not disrupt the educational process of the school. If the student’s attire is thought to be disruptive or unsafe, the principal(s) will inform the parent. Flat shoes are a safe choice for daily use due to the steps on the bus and in the school. If possible, please do not allow your child to wear flip-flops. They are dangerous on our stairs and they break easily. Short and skirt length should be no higher than mid-thigh. STUDENT CONDUCT CODEEvery year, parents and students in Roanoke County Public Schools receive and sign a Student Conduct Code (Roanoke County Schools Policy 7.11). A few important reminders from this code are listed below: Weapons or toys that look like weapons are not allowed at school.Rudeness, intentionally making noise, disrupting class, harassing a teacher, any school employee or another student or acting in a manner so as to interfere with a teacher's ability to conduct his or her class is prohibited.Students cannot cause physical injury or threaten students or other persons. Students who do not behave on the school bus may have the privilege of riding the bus revoked for a specific time or permanently. VOLUNTEERSThe Masons Cove Staff recognizes the importance of the many contributions made by the school volunteers. School volunteers are required to sign through the main office and asked to wear a visitor sticker. All volunteers must sign the RCPS volunteer contract. Volunteers who are unsupervised with students must have a background check completed, prior to such assignment. The background checks are completed at the Roanoke County Schools central office, costs $35, and is good for 6 years. Check out the Masons Cove School Website: can also join us on Facebook to stay connected: The Masons Cove Elementary School PageMasons Cove Elementary PTA ................

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