
5096510106680Instructions: Quantifiers 1Quantifiers are words or expressions which are used to express amounts. Look at the sentences (i - iv) below, they refer to a class of 20 students.Which sentences contain quantifiers? Underline the quantifiers.Which sentences are the most specific in relation to the amount of students? _____(i) 18 of the students in class enjoy playing football. (ii) The overwhelming majority of the students in class enjoy playing football.(iii) 90% of the students in class enjoy playing football.(iv) Almost all of the students in class enjoy playing football. Quantifiers are often used to express general amounts and are usually not as specific as numbers, percentages etc.Part A InstructionsLook at the quantifiers in the box below.Rank the quantifiers in order, i.e. the largest number is at the top, the smallest at the bottom.Quantifiersall several none a few very few most the vast majority a tiny minorityNo.Quantifier1 (largest amount)2345678 (smallest amount)5553075-382905Part B InstructionsImagine the class of 20 students we looked at in the 1st section. Rewrite the sentences below replacing a number or percentage with the correct quantifier from the box.You may need to make other changes to the sentences, e.g. removing some words to make them grammatically correct. You will use each expression once only.Quantifiers a few, hardly any, almost all, a significant majority, several, many, just over half (of) (the)1. 95% of the students in class want to go home early from college every day.______________________________________________________________________2. 17 of the students in class drink laban in the morning.______________________________________________________________________3. 11 students in class drive Japanese cars.______________________________________________________________________4. 70% of the students in class will go abroad on holiday next summer.______________________________________________________________________5. 2 of the students in class live in Ajman.______________________________________________________________________6. 7 of the students exercise more than once a week.______________________________________________________________________7. 20% of the students read books in their free-time.______________________________________________________________________5553075-603250Part C InstructionsLook at the sentences (a-j) below. Which sentences contain one of the types of noun given below (i-iv) after the quantifier? A singular countable noun (chair, apple, boy …etc.)Sentences: _______ Plural countable noun (can add -s to the noun)Sentences: _______ An irregular plural noun (child = sing. children = plural)Sentences: _______ An uncountable noun(cannot add –s to the noun)Sentences: _______(a) A lot of students in the UAE like to watch English Premiership football on television.(b) The majority of people living in the UK speak English as their native language.(c) How much electricity is used every day by an average family in the UAE?(d) There isn’t much time left before your next progress test.(e) Many scientists are now involved in developing alternative, renewable energy sources to use instead of carbon-based fossil fuels.(f) A number of teachers at UAEU live in Abu Dhabi and commute to work by car. (g) The amount of water needed to supply the demands of the UAE is increasing dramatically every year.(i) Every/Each student who studies in the UGRU programme at UAEU needs to pass the IELTS exam at a 5.0 grade or higher to enter faculty courses.(j) Not all (the / of the) students at UAEU are Emirati nationals.Part D InstructionsUsing the sentences above as a guide, complete the statements below about some of the grammar rules to be followed when using quantifiers.No.Statement1‘A lot of’ and ‘A number of’ are followed by __________ nouns, both regular and irregular.2‘Much’ is followed by __________ nouns in negative sentences and __________.3‘Many’ is followed by __________ nouns, both regular and irregular.4‘An / The amount of’ is followed by __________ nouns. 5‘Each / Every’ is followed by a __________ noun. 6‘All (the / of the)’ is followed by a __________ noun. 5524500-46355Instructions: Quantifiers 2Read through the sentences below which all contain the correct use of quantifier expressions. Write the quantifier expression used in each sentence in the final column of the tableUse the sentences to help complete the grammar notes which follow on the next sheetNo.SentenceQuantifier Expression1A few students at HCT enjoy reading books in their free-time.A few2Few people in the UAE take the time to recycle as much of their household waste as they should. 3A little rain would be a nice change to the typical weather in the UAE4There is little water suitable for drinking to be found above ground in many parts of the UAE.5All the music on my iPod comes from my CD collection, but all my CD’s are now packed away in boxes as I don’t use them anymore.6Every student in the classroom was waiting for the teacher to give them their exam papers back. 7Each side played well in the football match so a draw was probably a fair result.8Both teams played well in the football match so a draw was probably a fair result.9“What will you have to drink with your lunch?”“Hmmm, I’m not sure…either a can of coke or a glass of orange juice.”10Neither plastic bottles nor aluminium cans are biodegradable, so they need to be recycled whenever possible.11There are another four months remaining this semester.12Would you like another grammar exercise to do after this one?13I have other exercises left to give the class.5498465-436880NoQuestion & Grammar NotesAnswer1Are the quantifiers ‘few / a few, little / a little’ used to talk about large or small quantities?2What type of nouns follow ‘few / a few’?3What type of nouns follow ‘little / a little’?4Is the general meaning of the amounts introduced by ‘few / little’ positive or negative?5Is the general meaning of the amounts introduced by ‘a few / a little’ positive or negative?6What type of nouns follow ‘all’?7What type of nouns follow ‘each’ / ‘every’?8In the example sentence given, how many things does ‘each’ refer to?9How many things do the quantifiers ‘both / either / neither’ refer to?10What type of noun follows ‘both’?11What type of noun follows ‘either’?12What type of noun follows ‘other’?13What type of noun follows ‘another’?14Which expression ‘other’ / ‘another’ is used before numbers? Click on the links below to help practice the use of common quantifiers expressions and the use of countable v uncountable nouns Go to the Elementary Level (E) & look at the units called ‘Countables’ & ‘Some’ / ‘A’ / ‘Any’ ................

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