
Diversity Collage

➢ You will make a poster showing your ethnic background. Where were you parents and grandparents born? What languages do you speak?

➢ Include a map of the country or countries your relatives come from.

➢ Give any interesting facts about those countries. You should include a picture of the flag of the countries and explain what each color and symbol represent.

➢ What traditional foods does your family eat?

➢ What cultural traditions are still practiced by the family?

➢ If you have any family heirlooms, please feel free to bring them.

➢ You can also create a family tree that traces your family back for generations.

➢ Use positive thinking to show what you are proud of in your life.

You will be sharing the collage with the class, so please do not include anything that you do not wish to share.

I will show you examples of previous collages that illustrate the above requirements.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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