


The Foot Pursuit of Animal Exuberance!

Going On Foot Training


Footing the Animal Walk

(need opening talk, referencing both of Franks book, and the Training Mantra,

Change your Body Change the World, and it begins with feeling the earth with your feet, Change your walk and you will change your talk.

Your head has separated from your feet and this training is about using this path to reconnect them. You will be following your feet through a path of Remembering your holistic connection with the land through a practice of Recovery that restores your natural play with the land.

Training sessions are held at Foot Camps, and progress through four steps;

The Primal Step, Jumping into Exuberance, Running the foot, and the Pursuit for Exuberance.

(more to be added) [pic]

This is a primal, practical, play (training) is open to all animals. You begin as an exuberant you come to this practice already having a practice of some kind. Some of you have trained in movement disciplines, for others you have been training as a sedentary, and for most it is a combination of the two. Going On Foot seeks the alignment of the walk (body), talk (mind) that is reconnecting to the last of the wild places in order to feel , know and move with exuberance.

(our training path, use the exuberant model picture) and involves both training in the EA practice and presentation. The human animal is an animal born to form relationship of caring with the earth community and share.

The Primal Step

(Five steps)


You begin your training by stepping into the middle of the foot, slightly to the outside, feeling our toes into the diversity of the land and pulling our heel into forming a fluid spring. Your foot exercise, observation and sharing will support the primal step.

Remembering the Foot

‘Primal’ is two words; primitive and animal, a fitting of the foot to the natural path that is still in the body memory and was formed from our animal ancestors walking and feeling their way through the land for millions of years. Humans use movement and form to stimulate the body-mind memory.

You will also be getting a feel for heel walking, formed from shoes, walking on flat monotone surfaces, moving around in machines and social pressure. I call this walk the March of Civilization.


Foot and Stick

A stick was once a branch that grew from a tree. We use the sticks in training to leverage your natural animal form from sedentary chronic conditions and form.


Foot and Stone

How many muscles in the Foot? Well there is only one and it branches out in over six hundred roots, expanding out through two feet, two hands, and thumb with ears, eyes, mouth, nose that sets between two shoulders, forming movement and form in habitat. In these sessions we will be engaging and exploring core strength of the land, expanding our feeling of the core from the inside tracking it into the outside, the field of gravity.


Foot and Rope

In foot sessions you will use training straps to hang and hug in trees, pulling and stretching the primal memory into remembering your monkey body. We will learn ways to hang upside down and use the gravity to pull our smile into form.


Footing the Games

In these foot sessions you are Going on Foot, stepping out into the sitie parks, trails, play grounds share our primal and practical stride with a stride of Remembering, feeling into the habitats and community, inviting others to come walk and play with us.

( work in the games from the EA Books)


Jumping into Exuberance!

(Five Steps)

Landing on your heels causes a loss of spring in your animal walk. So engage a practice of recovering your jump, finding your rhythm with the land, cultivating a practice of foot dancing.

(need images)

Footing the Jump

(jumping forms, more to be added)

Dancing Stick

(more talk, weaving dance and stick fighting)

Dancing Stone

(more talk, weaving foot and stone)

Dancing Rope

(Jump Rope, May pole etc.)

Tribal Foot Dancing

(Dancing Inside and then Outside)


Running the Foot

In these sessions you take our walk and jump for a run. Running is the combination of walking and jumping for both feet leave the ground and go the distance in the land. You will engage eight basic Running sessions with the land. The eight sessions are sensory flows that connect you to your basic sensory needs. I view them as muscle tones and you will be taking them on foot goings in order to retune these eight tones to the organization of the organic.

Footing Endurance

The neuro muscular organ is the largest sensory organ of the body and what it senses is effort and leverage with the land. There many qualities to this feel, rhythm and agility, endurance of exploration, leveraging of strength, centering balance. So we will be cultivating these qualities in the sitie parks, open country and the last of the wild places. Our goal will be to cultivate the trance state is often felt in footing the distance of the land.

Footing Water Tone

We are walking bags of water. In these foot runs you will be training, tracking the land with thirst, going on water fast to awaken our natural animal instinct for good water.

Footing Food Tone

These foot runs involve the study and practice of being a gatherer hunter, as well as adjusting your body to the natural appetite of a moving animal.

Footing Wind Tone

Most have heard of the pranayama practices. They are breathing practices ways of training the breath. Well they have become confined inside in sedentary forms. So in our foot going sessions we take these wind exercise outside into the land, places where there are deep rich oxygenated old growth forest that resets our wind tone.

Footing the Song

In these foot going sessions you will explore the musing of the mountain song through your muscles. You learn ways to use the foot rhythms and chant in order to make sense of your sedentary thinking, butt head thinking and feeling. You take in sound and it touches your balancing chamber, and then you share your musings from the land.

Footing the Eye

Your muscular eye is growing as weak as the rest of our muscles tones. They become weak from moving through habitats, walls, machines, artificial lighting, losing their power to see beyond the linear and monotone. A animal that goes on foot has eyes that observe into diversity, round colors and textures and open to see what is.

Footing the Mem-brain

The brain is the deeper layer of the skin and touches into the climate (climax) of place. The mem-brain has been around for millions of years, a boundary that touches and makes choices of what gets in and what gets out and forms pattern. You are an animal that has been gifted with a mem-brain that has formed up front paws to craft coverings to help you play your way into forming relationships. You explore this naked touch in crafting foot wear and clothing that makes sense in supporting this naked capacity.

The ability to craft shelter around the mem-brain is a capacity that is meant to integrate with all life and not just human. You will engage and explore ways to live in a holistic relationship with all life. (need holism picture here)


Foot and Path

The seven foot tones follow the ancient teachings of the east. The grounding chakra is the neuro-muscular effort, water, food or fire, wind, song, vision and the mem-brain or what they call the crown chakra. Each of these seven elements have internal organs and organizations that connect to the organic flow of the land.

So as you train in these basic sensory tones and begin to realign to your basic sensory needs and free your body from being captivated in sensory greed.

You are going on foot with the land in order to “Make Sense”.


The Foot Pursuit for Exuberance!

In these sessions you follow your feet to foot camps where you follow the path of the middle way, with your body-mind restored to its natural sensory flow of being animal. You journey further into the play ground of the earth and enter the game of three fields of play. From the sitie to the open country side for training quest to go further into the last of the wild places and then back again, and endless weave of engaging, exploring and challenging what is right, what is wrong, and what is the middle way.


The Middle Path

For well over ten thousand years civilization has been marching out across the lands with a walk of domination. Domination works in two ways. It conquers and divide or divides and conquers. It strong arms or cast a spell with words to the animal thinking, hooking our attention, creating separation and dependency. And for well over ten thousand years there have been those human animals that have come in from the outside and shared movement and form in keeping alignment with the wild, with the exuberance.

The call of the time is find the middle way between the wild and the tame, to use movement and form to free up the polarization. There is lots of good talk about what is right and what is wrong. It is time to walk the talk and feel what “makes sense”, to get a good footing of center.


Footing the Emotions

In these foot sessions you take your emotional feeling for a walk, dance and run, releasing our emotional flow from the physical confinement and the spell of forgetting and denial.


Footing the Thinking

In these foot quest you take your movement disciplines into the last of the wild to make sense of our feeling and thinking. You take books, ideas, concepts into the land in order to feel if they make sense. You cultivate practice of joining the foot and brain, to be walked back into the sedentary forms of learning.


Footing Exuberance

There is a wild in each human animal. There is a reason that child and wild sound so much alike. In your practice you train at the Laughing Suture (sutra). You learn to train with humility, humbling ourselves with all of life. You learn to stride with honor, stepping out of denial and engaging, exploring and challenging the truth. There are times when humility applied to long will make the animal weak and passive, and there are times when honor will make the animal an ass hole, dominating, relentless. What brings balance to each of these forms is humor, joy, laughter, exuberance, play. For play is becoming comfortable with a uncomfortable experience.

Humility, Honor, Humor balance to make the Human Animal.


Making Story with the Feet

You are animal born to make story, craft story. You do it naturally. You live in story like fish live in water.

There are three basic strides for a foot animal. You gather knowledge and skills and then store them for release. These are the three elements of making story, and in our foot quest you will share foot camps and training circles in releasing form, trough alignment of walk, talk and the path.

So…what do you think?

“Interested in feeling Exuberance!



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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