RESOLUTIONS (updated 11/16/2012)NO Number - Requesting Membership in West Alabama Planning and Development Council- Advertising Sign @ Abernant Ballpark- Incorporate the Governmental Utility Services Corporation of Lake View ( the Public Sewer Corporation)- Sewer Utility99-05 - No Resolution with this number - Establish Line of Credit, Amount $50,000.00 - Expense Reimbursement Policy - Purchase Lot 1 Block 6, across from Lakeview Fire Dept.No Number - Senior Promise Resolution01-021400 - Health Insurance Program for Employees02-021400 - Utility Services Agreement / Public Sewer Corporation02-050800 - Authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with the Lakeview Fire District.No Number - Recognize Sue Turner for her devotion as the Towns first Clerk03-071100 - Name Elected Officials for August 22, 2000 election.No Number - Only one person has filed a statement of candidacy for Each office of the Council and Mayor. 8/14/00No Number - To support Amendment Number 1. 10/9/0004-111300 - To refund monies to insurance companies on Business License change to base fee for insurance companies.05-111300 - Transfer of Twin County Cable TV franchise agreement to ComCast Cablevision of the Shoals.06-121100 - Renew a Twelve Month Line of Credit with First United Security.07-121100 - Request the Alabama Department of Revenue of the State of Alabama to collect lodging tax.08-081301 - Citizen Participation Plans – to apply for and receive grant funds under the Community Development Block Grant program.09-081301 - Alabama Legislature in Act 2001-463 – law enforcement officers are entitled to a predisciplinary due process hearing before being terminated or suspended. 10-012102 - Requesting an Opinion form the Alabama Attorney General.11-020202 - To Assume Responsibility to Control, Maintain and Repair Certain Roadways from Tuscaloosa County – Regarding Portions of Highway 216, Old Tuscaloosa Highway & Tannehill Parkway.12-020202 - To Assume Responsibility to Control, Maintain and Repair Certain Roadways from Jefferson County and/or Tuscaloosa County.13-021102 - To Assume Responsibility to Control, Maintain and Repair Certain Roadways from Tuscaloosa County – Regarding Portions of Interstate-59; and Shamblin Woods Road; Dream Lake Road; Sycomore Road and Cedar Road. 14-022502 - To Assume Responsibility to Control, Maintain and Repair Certain Roadways from Tuscaloosa County – Regarding Portions of Cottonwood Drive, Martin Dell Drive, Sequioa Drive and Cedar Road.15-061402 - To Assume Responsibility to Control, Maintain and Repair certain Roadways from Tuscaloosa County – Regarding Portions of Tannehill Parkway and Eastern Valley Road.16-070102 - To the dedication for public and common use the easement and rights-of-way as shown on the map or plat of Woodland Park Garden Homes.17-060903 - For the Town to collect Sales/Use/Lodging & Tobacco Tax 18-060903 - To purchase a New or Used vehicle for the Town’s Police Department.No Number – Resolution – In the event of the disqualification of a municipal judge for any reason, the Mayor of the municipality shall designate a person to serve as acting municipal judge.19-101303 - Municipal Policies and Procedures Manual.20-061404 – Setting Pay for Municipal Election Officials21-080904 – Tuscaloosa County Emergency Management Agency’s Hazardous Mitigation Plan (HMP).22-080904 – Project Agreement for Amendment 666 Funds.23-101104 – Appoint Donna Parker as Town Clerk, term until next general election.24-101104 – Appoint Ginette Dow as Municipal Court Judge for the term of two years.25-101104 – Resolution to sell 1993 Ford Crown Victoria by seal bid.26-121304 - To assume responsibility to control, maintain and repair certain roadways from Jefferson County and/or Tuscaloosa County regarding portions of Eastern Valley Road.27-121304 - William Charles Smelley appointed as Chief of Police28-021405 – Supporting the Legislative Inclusion of Certain Property into The Corporate Limits of the Town of Lake View29-021405 – Municipal Workers Compensation Fund, Inc.30-021405 – Mayor to Designate and Grant Permission for Individuals to Drive Municipal Vehicles for Town Business Purposes31-041105 – A Resolution Adopting Comprehensive “Subdivision Regulations” In Place of the Original “Subdivision Regulations” For the Town of Lake View; Deleting and Withdrawing TheOriginal Subdivision Regulations.32-071105 – AlaTax to begin administration of Town Sales/Use Tax and anyother taxes due to the Town of Lake View, effective beginningperiod September 2005.32-021306 –Sealed Bids on Excavation Work to Clear Lot- (Bid went to Creative Excavation)33-021306 – Authorizing Clearing of Lot (On Sealed Bid)34-031306 – Supporting the Legislative Inclusion of Certain Property into the Corporate Limits.35-050806 - Purchase of Used Pick- up Truck for Building Department36-050806 - Transfer of funds from General Fund to Savings Account37-071206 - Recognition of Joe Lester Kiker38-081406 - Acknowledging payment of Fire District Dues by Arrow Wood Partners, LLC39-081406 - Withdrawing Ordinance #97-061206 regarding the annexation of property of Janet Munson Taylor39-111306 - Approving a Petition Seeking Permission to Form and Incorporate and Improvement District of Town of Lake ViewAlabama and Authorizing such Incorporation.40-111306 - Reimbursement Resolution Pursuant to United States Treasury Regulation Section 1.150-2.41-121106 - A Resolution Authorizing The Mayor to Discuss, Negotiate and Mediate Coverage of Fire Protection from Area Fire Departments for Properties within The Corporate Limits of Lake View and in Jefferson County and/or Tuscaloosa County.42-121106 - A Resolution Adopting and Approving an Ordinance by the Lakeview Fire Protection District Assenting to and within the Corporate Limits of Lake View to be Included in The LakeviewFire Protection District.43-121106 - A Resolution Acknowledging Payment of Fire District Dues for Certain Real Property Annexed into the Corporate Limits of The Town of Lake View Lying within A Fire District Located in Jefferson County, Alabama44-121806 - Authorization to Execute and Forward for Signatures to McAdory Area Fire District an Agreement with McAdory Area Fire District, Town of Lake View and The Jefferson County TaxAssessor and Tax Collector and/or The Assistant Tax Assessor and Assistant Tax Collector for the Bessemer Division of Jefferson County (Jefferson County Tax Assessor and Tax Collector)45-010807 - A Resolution Authorizing Mayor Pugh to Sign Utility Contracts on the New Town Hall.46-010807 - A Resolution Accepting the Bid by ADS Security47-021207 - A Resolution Designation of The National Incident Management System (NIMS)48-021207 - A Resolution Adopting and Approving An Ordinance by The Lakeview Fire Protection District Assenting to and Approving The Inclusion of Certain Property into The Lakeview Fire ProptectionDistrict.49-021207 - A Resolution Supporting the Legislative Inclusion of Certain Properties into The Corporate Limits of The Town of Lake View. 50-031207 – Authorize Debit-Credit Machine Contract for Court Department and Town Revenue Division.l51-052207 – 5 Mil Ad Valorem Real Property Tax – Notice to Collect to Tuscaloosa County52-052207 - 5-Mil Ad Valorem Real Property Tax – Notice to Collect to Jefferson County53-061107 - Supporting the Alabama Department of Insurance’s Temporary Ban on The Discharge of Fireworks in West Alabama Including Within The Corporate Limits and Police Jurisdiction of The Town of Lake View Encouraging Individuals Not to Discharge Fireworks Until There Has Been Adequate Rainfall.54-070907 - Authorizing Mayor Fred N. Pugh To Execute An Easement Agreement With BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. For A 30’ X 30’ Strip upon Said city Property Recorded in Deed Book 2004, Page 1718555-070907 - Authorizing Mayor Fred N. Pugh to Execute A Cable Television Franchise Agreement With Bright House Net Works, LLC56-070907- Approving the Expenditure of a Donation to The Brookwood High School Drum Line57-011408- Acknowledging Payment of Fire Dues for Property Owned by Robert Leopard, Jr.58-011408- Approving a Petition by Tannehill Preserve Improvement District To Assess Land Within the District for Improvement.59-031008- Executive Resolution to be used when applying for admission to the National Flood Insurance Program60-031008- A Resolution Supporting the Legislative Inclusion of Certain Property Into the Corporate Limits of the Town (Gerald Allen)61-031008- A Resolution Supporting the Legislative Inclusion of Certain Property Into the Corporate Limits of the Town (Phil Poole) 62-051908- A Resolution approving a petition for application for Incorporation of the Improvement District of the Town of Lake View, Alabama Waterton Lakes at Tannehill Project63-051908- A Resolution appointing three Directors to the Board of Directors of the Improvement District of the Town of Lake View, Alabama Waterton Lakes at Tannehill Project64-060908- A Resolution setting pay and schedule for Municipal Election Workers65-060908- A Resolution supporting the legislative inclusion of certain property into the corp. limits of Lake View (Allen & Poole Bill) 66-071408- A Resolution approving electronic voting machine67-071408- A Resolution appointing Town Clerk to perform Mayor’s duties68-071408- A Resolution appointing Absentee Election Workers and pay69-071408-A Resolution setting compensation for Absentee Elections Manager70-071408-A Resolution approving agreement between Town and Jefferson County regarding building permits and subdivision regulations71-081108-A Resolution for each officer elected without opposition (Aaron Young) Place 172-081108-A Resolution for each officer elected without opposition (Paul Calhoun) Place 273-081108-A Resolution for each officer elected without opposition (Nancy Ray) Place 374-081108-A Resolution for each officer elected without opposition (David Warren) Place 475-081108-A Resolution approving Auto Mark voting system 76-090208-A Resolution for canvassing election results77-110308-A Resolution re-appointing Municipal Judge78-110308-A Resolution re-appointing Police Chief79-110308-A Resolution re-appointing Town Clerk80-111008- A Resolution supporting the legislative inclusion of certain properties into the Corporate limits of the Town of Lake View 81-120808- A Resolution made by David Warren for Council to show support to remedy the school situation. 82-110909- A Resolution adopting the Tuscaloosa Co Hazard Mitigation Plan 83-121409- A Resolution supporting the legislative inclusion of certain properties into the Corporate limits of the Town of Lake View84-020810- A Resolution recognizing that the Town will obligate 75% of its salesTax for GUSC debt for the sewer system to SERMA Holdings, Inc.85-030810-A Resolution establishing that certain expenditures are approved by the council86-030810-A Resolution encouraging and supporting Ban on occupational tax in Tuscaloosa County87-041210- A Resolution authorizing Town officials and staff to institute procedures for collection of engineering fees to land developers in the Police Jurisdiction. 88-041111 – A Resolution supporting the installation of traffic controls on Highway 21689-020711 – A Resolution supporting the Clean Up Lake View Day.(No Number) – A Resolution Honoring Chief Charles Smelley upon his retirement21-080811 – A Resolution to purchase a police car22-101511 – A Resolution appointing Charles Edward Frederick as Police Chief23-021212 – A Resolution showing support for the annexation of Loves and Petro24-021212 – A Resolution requesting a portion of the Coal Severance Tax27-081312 – A Resolution appointing Election Officials28-081212 – A Resolution certifying the election of an officer without opposition29-090412 – A Resolution certifying the Canvassing results ................

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