Course 3 chapter 4 functions answers pdf book free

Course 3 chapter 4 functions answers pdf book free

1. Course 3, Lesson 4-4 Find each function value. 1. f(3) if f(x) = x + 12 2. f(5) if f(x) = 4x 3. f(6) if f(x) = 2x ? 1 4. f(? 7) if f(x) = ?3x + 2 5. Elizabeth is buying candles. They are $5.43 each. She is not sure how many she wants to buy. Write a function to calculate the total cost for any given number of candles c. 6. Write a rule to represent the function shown in the table. 2. Course 3, Lesson 4-4 ANSWERS 1. 15 2. 20 3. 11 4. 23 5. f(c) = 5.43c 6. y = 2x + 3 3. HOW can we model relationships between quantities? Functions Course 3, Lesson 4-4 4. Course 3, Lesson 4-4 Common Core State Standards ? Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved. Functions ? 8.F.1 Understand that a function is a rule that assigns to each input exactly one output. The graph of a function is the set of ordered pairs consisting of an input and the corresponding output. ? 8.F.3 Interpret equation y = mx + b as defining a linear function, whose graph is a straight line. 5. Course 3, Lesson 4-4 Common Core State Standards ? Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved. Functions ? 8.F.4 Construct a function to model a linear relationship between two quantities. Determine the rate of change and initial value of the function from a description of a relationship or from two (x, y) values, including reading these from a table or from a graph. Interpret the rate of change and initial value of a linear function in terms of the situation it models, and in terms of its graph or a table of values. Mathematical Practices 1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4 Model with mathematics. 7 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. 6. To represent a function by ? writing an equation, ? completing a table, ? graphing the function on the coordinate plane Course 3, Lesson 4-4 Functions 7. ? linear function ? continuous data ? discrete data Course 3, Lesson 4-4 Functions 8. 1 Need Another Example? 2 3 Step-by-Step Example 1. The school store sells book covers for $2 each and notebooks for $1. Toni has $5 to spend. The function y = 5 ? 2x represents the number of book covers x and notebooks y she can buy. Graph the function. Interpret the points graphed. Choose values for x and substitute them in the function to find y. Graph the ordered pairs (x, y). She cannot buy negative amounts. So she can buy 0 covers and 5 notebooks, 1 cover and 3 notebooks, or 2 covers and 1 notebook. 9. Answer Need Another Example? During a clearance sale, a store is selling DVDs for $3 and CDs for $1. Graph the equation y = 6 ? 3x to find all possible values of DVDs x and CDs y Bill can buy with $6. 0 DVDs and 6 CDs; 1 DVD and 3 CDs; 2 DVDs and 0 CDs 10. 1 Need Another Example? 2 3 4 Step-by-Step Example 2. Graph y = x + 2. Make a function table. Select any four values for the domain x. Substitute these values for x to find the value of y, and write the corresponding ordered pairs. Graph each ordered pair. Draw a line that passes through each point. The line is the complete graph of the function. The ordered pair corresponding to any point on the line is a solution of the equation y = x + 2. Check It appears that (?2, 0) is also a solution. Check this by substitution. y = x + 2 0 = ?2 + 2 0 = 0 Write the function. Replace x with ?2 and y with 0. Simplify. ? 11. Answer Need Another Example? Graph y = x ? 3. 12. Course 3, Lesson 4-4 Functions Words The value of y is one less than the corresponding value of x. Equation y = x ? 1 Ordered Pairs (0, ?1), (1, 0), (2, 1), (3, 2) Table Graph 13. 1 Need Another Example? Step-by-Step Example 3. Each person that enters a store receives a coupon for $5 off his or her entire purchase. Let y represent the total value of the coupons and x represent the number of people. The function is y = 5x. Write a function to represent the total value of the coupons given out. 14. Answer Need Another Example? Each member of a health club receives two free guest passes. Write a function to represent the situation. y = 2x 15. 1 Need Another Example? Step-by-Step Example 4. Each person that enters a store receives a coupon for $5 off his or her entire purchase. Make a function table to find the total value of the coupons given out to 5, 10, 15, and 20 customers. 16. Answer Need Another Example? Each member of a health club receives two free guest passes. Make a function table to show the number of guest passes given out to 10, 20, 30, and 40 members. 17. 1 Need Another Example? 2 Step-by-Step Example 5. Each person that enters a store receives a coupon for $5 off his or her entire purchase. Graph the function. Is the function continuous or discrete? Explain. Use the ordered pairs from the function table to graph the function. There can only be a whole number amount of customers. The function is discrete. So, the points are not connected. 18. Answer Need Another Example? Each member of a health club receives two free guest passes. Graph the function. Is the function continuous or discrete? Explain. The function is discrete. The number of healthclub members can only be represented by whole numbers. 19. How did what you learned today help you answer the HOW can we model relationships between quantities? Course 3, Lesson 4-4 Functions 20. How did what you learned today help you answer the HOW can we model relationships between quantities? Course 3, Lesson 4-4 Functions Sample answers: ? You can represent an equation for a function like y = 5x using function notation, f(x) = 5x. ? To graph a function, create a function table to find input and output values, then graph the ordered pairs on the coordinate plane. ? A function where the graph is a straight line is a linear function. 21. Write how what you learned in the previous lesson about functions help you understand today's topic of representing functions with tables, graphs, and equations. Ratios and Proportional RelationshipsFunctions Course 3, Lesson 4-4 Scroll down to continue Share Pin it Tweet Share Email This week sees the launch of a new series at : We Ask, You Answer. Every Monday I will post a question for the community for you to answer. The following Monday, I will post my answer along with a selection (depending on how many there are) of your responses. The idea is to give you a chance to share your knowledge with the rest of the community -- and to give you the opportunity to see what your fellow readers are doing! This week's question is: Imagine you have a friend or colleague that's struggling to manage all of their commitments and is visibly sinking under the pressure. What productivity book (or books) do you recommend to them, and why? Let us know your answer in the comments. Share Pin it Tweet Share Email Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The term "authorpreneur" has become more common recently. Many entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants, attorneys, psychologists and other experts are grabbing on to this trend. Writing and publishing a book (whether through a traditional publishing contract or by self-publishing) is a great way to stand out as an expert in your field. But without a good plan in advance, you risk all of your hard work becoming nothing more than a really nice business card. (You also risk not finishing your book at all.) 1. Do I have a clear idea of who is my ideal client? Most service-based entrepreneurs and experts can't get away with being generalists nowadays. Before spending time (and possibly money if you need a qualified book or writing coach, not to mention things like book covers, editing or proofreading if you're self-publishing) writing a book, carefully consider who is your ideal client. Because this person is usually also what I call your ideal reader. Why is your ideal client so important? Because you want to make sure everything in your book speaks to this person. You want to speak to their pain points. And, without being sleazy or sales-y, explain how you can resolve their pain. (Just a pro tip: you're going to have more liberty to do this when you self-publish.) For example, I help entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants, attorneys, psychologists and other experts increase their visibility, credibility and market reach through the power of writing and publishing a book. In my writings, I address things like folks staring at a blank page, not understanding the nuances of publishing and feeling like they can't write their expert books because they didn't go to school for writing. I share stories, testimonials and concrete steps to help people get those books out of their heads and into reality. What pain points do your clients mention? Listen carefully. You can even use a social audio app such as Clubhouse and listen to what people are discussing in different rooms. Related: 5 Steps to Discovering the Ideal Client Persona for Your High-End Brand 2. What is your goal for your business book? While there's nothing wrong with writing and publishing a book for the sheer pleasure of it (crossing that line off your bucket list if you will), most entrepreneurs and other experts have bigger goals. You may end up making six figures in just book sales, but this is often the exception rather than the norm. What's worked well for my clients is to use the book as a platform for getting more speaking gigs (where they can pitch their products or services), use the book as another way to gather leads or use the book to get more media interviews -- the list goes on and on. For example, for every 1,000 books you sell, you will probably get 100 people reaching out to you (if what you had to say spoke to them). Depending on your sales process, 50 of them will likely book some type of call with you. Now, your success here will depend on your conversion rates and price points -- but let's take an example from one of my clients. Her conversion rate is 50 percent. She sells a $3,000 coaching program. When 50 people book a sales call with her, she closes 25 people. That's $75,000 for every 1,000 people who read her book. Some people have lower conversion rates and price points; others have higher price points or higher conversion rates -- but the possibilities are endless. So that's why I cringe when I see so-called book coaches with no writing experience saying that an authorpreneur's claim to fame is selling as many books for as little as possible as quickly as possible. Yes, book sales are important -- but it's even more important to use that book as a way to drive more leads to you and increase your credibility in the eyes of conference organizers and the media. That's why it's so important to sit down and look at your overall goals before diving into writing and publishing a book. Related: The World's Best Marketing Tool: Writing a Book 3. How much time do you have to write? Some would-be authorpreneurs come to me afraid they don't have time to write, but I promise that you do. Even 25 minutes a week is better than nothing at all. Learn how long it takes you to write 1,000 words. Now that may sound like a lot -- but that's the size of an average blog post. If you want to dictate your book, the average person speaks about 150 words per minute. While those using the dictation method of writing a book will definitely need an editor to help clean it up, the average American English speaker uses over 1,000 words in seven minutes. Seven minutes for 1,000 words -- consider that. Many entrepreneurs I've met consider themselves better storytellers than writers. It's all the same thing, it's just the medium. If you choose this method and set aside 15 minutes a week, you could have a 20,000-word manuscript in about 10 weeks. Want to go deeper than the minimum required to create a good-sized print and digital book? Then about 30,000 words will take you roughly four months. As you can see, it doesn't take months, years or decades to write an amazing book that will draw more clients to you. While you will need to organize your thoughts into chapters and go through other steps to publish your book (this is where a book or writing coach can really help you out), writing the first draft is not as complicated as a lot of folks think. The key is to start! Related: How to Write a Book (and Actually Finish It) in 5 Steps Can Rituals Fix Our Soulless Corporate Culture? A Ritual Designer Says Yes, But Some Fear Giving Even More of Themselves to the Office. Want to Increase Sales? Leverage This Brand Hack. These College Kids Bought a Custom T-Shirt Company With Their Bar Mitzvah Money. Now It's a $40 Million Business. 5 Streams of Income That Will Grow Your Wealth This Cult-Favorite Pottery Brand Was Founded by the Great-Grandson of Henri Matisse. Now, Its Factory Is an Experiment in Equitable Labor Practices. Is Your Digital Marketing Strategy Missing the Mark? Here's How to Tell. 'There's Often No Right Answer': A Famous Economist Explains the Smartest Way to Tackle Life's 'Wild Problems'

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