Course Outline Template Word Document - SERL | LUMS

CS 360 – Software Engineering

Spring 2014

|Instructor |Dr. Hamid Abdul Basit |

|Room No. |9-116 A |

|Office Hours |Tuesday & Thursday 10:00 – 11:00 |

|Email | |

|Telephone |8194 |

|Secretary/TA |- |

|TA Office Hours |- |

|Course URL (if any) |- |

|Course Basics |

|Credit Hours |3 |

|Lecture(s) |Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week |2 |Duration |75 minutes |

|Recitation/Lab (per week) |Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week |- |Duration |- |

|Tutorial (per week) |Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week |- |Duration |- |

|Course Distribution |

|Core |Core for BS Computer Science |

|Elective |Any |

|Open for Student Category |Any |

|Close for Student Category |Any |


| This course introduces software engineering as a discipline, discusses stages of the software life cycle, compares development models such as waterfall, |

|prototyping, incremental/iterative and agile methods, covers requirements analysis, architecture and design. It also discusses object oriented analysis and |

|design, verification and validation techniques, testing methods, programming practices, documentation, user interface design and design patterns. |


| | |

| |CS 202 Data Structures |


| |Introduction to software engineering principles |

| |Study techniques, methods and tools to apply software engineering principles |

| | |

|Learning Outcomes |

| |Be able to appreciate the challenges and complexity involved in the development of large-scale software intensive projects |

| | |

| | |

|Grading Breakup and Policy |

| |

|Assignment(s): |

|Home Work: |

|Quiz(s): 20% |

|Class Participation: |

|Attendance: |

|Midterm Examination: 20% |

|Project: 30% |

|Final Examination: 30% |

|Examination Detail |

|Midterm Exam | |

| |Yes/No: Yes |

| |Combine Separate: Separate |

| |Duration: 75 minutes |

| |Preferred Date: 12th March 2012 |

| |Exam Specifications: closed book/closed notes |

|Final Exam | |

| |Yes/No: Yes |

| |Combine Separate: Separate |

| |Duration: 2 Hours |

| |Exam Specifications: closed book/closed notes |



|Lecture |Topics |Recommended |Objectives/ |

| | |Readings |Application |

| |Course Intro |- | |

| |Traditional Software Processes |1 | |

| |Requirements Engineering |3 | |

| |Requirements Engineering |4 | |

| |Estimation Techniques |5 & 6 | |

| |Modules and Objects |7 | |

| |Agile Methods |2 | |

| |Version Control |11 | |

| |Object Oriented Analysis |8 | |

| |Object Oriented Analysis |8 | |

| |Object Oriented Design |9 | |

| |Object Oriented Case Study |10 | |

| |Object Oriented Case Study |10 | |

| |Guest Lecture |- | |

| |Midterm |1-11 | |

| |Best Practices in Coding |12 & 13 | |

| |Black-box Testing |14 | |

| |Black-box Testing |14 | |

| |White-box Testing |15 | |

| |White-box Testing |15 | |

| |Static Analysis |16 | |

| |Design Patterns |17-21 | |

| |Design Patterns |17-21 | |

| |User Interface Design |22-23 | |

| |User Interface Design |22-23 | |

| |Course Review |- | |

| |Project Presentations |- | |

| |Project Presentations |- | |

|Textbook(s)/Supplementary Readings |

|1 |Modeling the Process and Life Cycle |

| |From: Object Oriented Software Engineering by Stephen R. Schach, Ch. 2 |

|2 |A Survey of Agile Development Methodologies |

| |By Laurie Williams |

|3 |Software Requirements |

| |From: Software Engineering by Ian Sommerville, Ch. 6 |

|4 |The Requirements Workflow |

| |From: Object Oriented Software Engineering by Stephen R. Schach, Ch. 10 |

|5 |Estimating With Use Case Points |

| |By Mike Cohn |

|6 |Fundamentals of Function Point Analysis |

| |By David Longstreet |

|7 |From Module to Objects |

| |From: Object Oriented Software Engineering by Stephen R. Schach, Ch. 7 |

|8 |The Analysis Workflow |

| |From: Object Oriented Software Engineering by Stephen R. Schach, Ch. 11 |

|9 |The Design Workflow |

| |From: Object Oriented Software Engineering by Stephen R. Schach, Ch. 12 |

|10 |Data Acquisition: Weather Monitoring Station |

| |From: Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications by Grady Booch, Ch. 11 |

|11 |Defensive Development (softcopy) |

| |From: Head First Software Development by Dan Pilone & Russ Miles, Ch. 6 |

|12 |While You Are Coding |

| |From: Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt & David Thomas, Ch. 6 |

|13 |Code-Tuning Techniques |

| |From: Code Complete by Steve McConnel , Ch. 26 |

|14 |Testing Overview and Black-Box Testing Techniques |

| |By Laurie Williams |

|15 |White Box Testing |

| |By Laurie Williams |

|16 |Introduction to Static Analysis |

| |From: Secure Programming with Static Analysis by Brian Chess & Jacob West, Ch. 2 |

|17 |Welcome to Design Patterns |

| |From: Head First Design Patterns by Freeman & Freeman, Ch. 1 |

|18 |Keeping Your Objects in the know |

| |From: Head First Design Patterns by Freeman & Freeman, Ch. 2 |

|19 |Decorating Objects |

| |From: Head First Design Patterns by Freeman & Freeman, Ch. 3 |

|20 |Encapsulating Algorithms |

| |From: Head First Design Patterns by Freeman & Freeman, Ch. 8 |

|21 |The State of Things |

| |From: Head First Design Patterns by Freeman & Freeman, Ch. 10 |

|22 |Introduction to Good Usability |

| |By Peter Conradie |

|23 |Principles of Software Driven User Interface Design for Business and Industrial Applications |

| |By Robert Japenga |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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