
WEEKLY DIGESTFriday, April 24, 2020*This will be disseminated every Friday until further notice* Special THANK YOU to all healthcare facilities, public health partners and other external partners for your participation, sharing of resources and communication over these last few weeks and for the weeks and months to come. We are appreciative and thankful for your relationship with the coalition. Updated CDC/OSHA/NIOSH/VDEM/Other External GuidanceIn this section, we will share links to various external informational sources that may be of use to your organization. Please note that this is NOT an all-inclusive list but we will continue to add as we are provided information. *NEW* FEMA Best Practices *NEW* COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines *NEW* ASPR Tracie COVID-19 Resources Page *NEW* Guidance on Discussing Advanced Directives with Patients for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing Resources Site Health and Health Services (HHS) FAQs for Hospitals, Hospital Laboratory & Acute Care Facility Data Reporting National Plan to Enable Comprehensive COVID-19 Case Finding and Contact Tracing in the US Enterprise Institute: A Road Map to Reopening Epidemics – a graphic on reopening post-COVID wave & second wave planning: a modeling impact assessment (20)30746-7/fulltextPharmacologic Treatments for COVID-19 New Normal with Covid-19: Next Steps Pharmacist Association Resources Page Association of State & Territorial Health Officials Resources Page COVID-19 in Children in the United States: Journal of Public Health Management & Practice Extended Use Dates to Assist with Drug Shortages U.S. Department of Labor Guidance for Respiratory Protection Hospital and Health Association (VHHA) New Online Dashboard/Other Info CMS Guidance for Long-Term Care Facilities COVID-19 VDH Healthcare Personnel Risk Assessment Tool COVID-19 VDH Guidance on Releasing Cases & Contacts from Home Isolation and Quarantine CDC Recommendation Regarding Use of Cloth Face Coverings VDH Guidance on Optimization for PPE in LTCF National Association for Home Care & Hospice Hospital Association COVID-19 Resources Page & Blood Related Therapies Burn Rate Calculator Commission Statement on Use of Face Masks Brought from Home Recommended Guidance for Extended Use and Limited Reuse of N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators in Healthcare Setting’s New -- Communication from the CDC Northam Directs Postponement of Elective Surgeries website from CDC, FEMA and the White House for COVID-19 (COVID-19) Pandemic Whole-of-Government Response Policy for Gowns, Other Apparel, and Gloves During the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Policy for Face Masks and Respirators During the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) s/enforcement-policy-face-masks-and-respirators-during-coronavirus-disease-covid-19-public-health?utm_campaign=2020-03-25%20Face%20Masks%20Immediately%20in%20Effect%20Guidance%20During%20COVID-19&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Eloqua Virginia State Police Enforcement Practices Of Governor’s Executive Orders And Directives (Media Release) Guidance: Accepting Admissions from Hospitals During COVID-19 Pandemic Facility Emergency Preparedness Guidance for COVID-19 Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living Resource Page University Innovative Decontamination John Hopkins Virtual Rounds Model Infectious Diseases Society of America States Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration National Institutes of Health CDC Resources for Hospitals and Healthcare Professionals Preparing for COVID-19 Patients Boston Hospitals Sterilization Mask Machine DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (VDH) & STATE GOVERNMENTTotal # cases to date in Virginia -- this website is updated daily at 9:00AM’s Latest Executive Order(COVID-19).pdfPlease see an important notice below from our colleagues at DCLS (Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services) regarding their process for communicating negative COVID-19 test results. For all those waiting on test results for PUI inpatients submitted to DCLS prior to today there is a number highlighted below to call to receive the results, rather than receiving the results via mail which was the prior standard process for negatives.? It is also important for the submitter information to be included on the submission form and clinicians are encouraged to consider verbal results as actionableDCLS will be calling all COVID-19 test results (positives and negatives) to the submitter identified on the submission form. ?If acceptable, it would be great if there could be a communication from VHHA to encourage clinicians to consider the verbal result as actionable.?If a submitter is NOT identified on the form we will attempt to get the submitter/clinician information from the local health department and will call the results as soon as possible.?Within 24 hours of calling the result to the submitter, DCLS will fax a hard copy of the test result to the submitter as long as all of the information on the submission form is complete and accurate.?Without complete and accurate information we are unable to finalize the test result in our laboratory information management system to generate a paper report.? This is why it will be extremely important for hospitals and providers to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the information on the submission forms.??We are working through a backlog of samples that the results have been called but we have not yet been able to release the report due to submission form discrepancies.? We have mobilized additional staff to assist in reconciling and releasing these reports.?If there are any hospitals or clinicians that are in need of test results for samples submitted, please have them contact our main switchboard at 804-648-4480 to request test results and someone will take their information and call them back with the results. Virginia Department of Health Emergency Response Plan & Mass Fatality Plans\s\sVIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT REGION 6 PLANNING TEAM, MASS FATALITY PLAN TEMPLATE \s*NEW* VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH/Thomas Jefferson Health District Decedent Affairs*NEW* VIRGINIA EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM/Fatality Management Suggestions \s*NEW* COVID-19 Information Sharing Between Long-term Care Facilities (LTCF)and Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF)\s*NEW* VDH COVID-19 Interim Guidance for Long-Term Care Facilities UPDATED COALITION INFORMATION/PLAN DOCUMENTS/LINKSNorthwest Region Fatality Management Plan \sNorthwest Region COOP Plan \sNorthwest Region Coordination Plan \sAlternate Care Facilities Talking Points 2020-03-31 ACS Talking Points v.4.pdfLong-term Facility FAQs/Information Quick PPE Distribution Breakdown Guide \sCMS grants more Section 1135 waivers; total up to 23 states nationwide. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services says it has granted Section 1135 Medicaid waivers to an additional seven states. Nationwide, 23 states have been provided this accommodation, which generally provides relief from prior authorization and provider enrollment requirements, allows the suspension of certain nursing home pre-admission reviews and helps facilitate reimbursement to providers for care delivered in alternative settings due to facility evacuations.“RECIPE” for Fit Testing Solution Sodium Saccharin: 0.83 g for threshold + 83 g for test/100 mLDenatonium: 13.5 mg (in 100mL) for threshold + 337.5 mg (in 200mL) VIRGINIA EMERGENCY SUPPORT TEAM (VEST) SITREPs***NEWEST*** SITREP – April 22, 2020 – April 21, 2020 – April 20, 2020 – April 19, 2020 – April 18, 2020 – April 17, 2020 – April 16, 2020 – April 15, 2020 STAFF CONTACT INFOSHARED COALITION STAFF E-MAIL: rhcc@ ***Please use this e-mail first for after hours and/or time sensitive requests***EMERGENCY RHCC ACTIVATION LINE: 1-855-4NWRHCC (1-855-469-7422) ***Please use this line for emergencies only*** ON-CALL SCHEDULE FOR APRIL: Ron (primary), Matt (backup) Ron Clinedinst Regional CoordinatorE-mail: regionalcoordinator@ Office Phone: (434) 990-9475Cell Phone: (540) 551-0955 Janine OwensRHCC Manager E-mail: rhccmanager@ Office/Cell Phone: (804) 201-5939 Matt CroninExercise & Training Coordinator E-mail: exercise&training@Office Phone: (434) 990-9478Cell Phone: (540) 840-6822Becki ChesterVulnerable Populations Coordinator E-mail: medvulpopulations@ Office/Cell Phone: (202) 669-7878EXTERNAL WEBSITES Event Name: COVID-19 **Please check event log periodically for new information during the week***Please remember to fill out your facility’s EEI SITREP document and post to the log each day. This information is needed to continue state-level planning and response efforts. Coalition website with lists of regional partners & other resources Virginia Department of Emergency Management website Virginia Department of Health List of local emergency managers ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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