
927100-20955000Veterans of Foreign Wars Ohio CharitiesServing Ohio Veterans & Their FamiliesMarch 19, 2020To: All VFW Ohio Charities AgentsFrom: Dan Faulkner President, VFW Ohio Charities Todd Reveron Executive Director, VFW Ohio CharitiesBottom-Line-Upfront: The COVID-19 health crisis not only impacts the ability of Posts to generate revenue, it also has an equal impact for replenishing charity accounts (HQ VFWOC and Field Agents, i.e., Posts). Given the potential we may be in a COVID19 emergency for an extended period we need to be prudent with our current Charity dollars. To ensure we have adequate resources for the “long haul” the following direction is provided to our Field Agents: There will be NO expenditures from any Agent’s Charity account with the exception of emergency food purchases for those in need, and emergency medical assistance, such as prescriptions and supplies. - Per VFWOC Policy, DO NOT pay medical bills with Charity funds. - DO NOT pay employees from your Charity account. Your employees should file for unemployment if they have not done so already. The fastest and easiest way is to file online at unemployment.. You can file 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have an employee whose situation becomes critical, even after receiving unemployment, contact VFWOC for best solution! VFWOC Single Point of Entry is Todd Reveron.- DO NOT pay Post expenses from your Charity account. If a situation arises that needs immediate attention such as Insurance, Licensing or anything else that could cause the post to close, you can contact your District Commander or Dept. Leadership so we can find the best solution. Dept. of Ohio/VFWOC Single Point of Entry is Todd Reveron. -- An available resource to get funding for your Post to help with expenses and payroll is to apply for a non-profit disaster loan at or call (800) 659-2955.- DO NOT disburse Charity funds to any sponsorship programs or any other charity without approval from the Executive Director. Key will be what is the “real impact” for non-support!- Since this crisis started, we have had to shutter posts, in the interim there are ways to minimize expenses, e.g. cancel Trash pickups, Cable TV, deliveries and any other non-essential services. Power down any non-essential equipment i.e. lights, Video Raffle Machines, Ticket dispensers and Tab Wizards. You will not loose any memory in these devices if you do so. If you have any questions or concerns please e-mail Todd Reveron at treveron@ or call 614-222-1611 and leave a message as we are monitoring all correspondence at all times and will get back to you immediately. Dan FaulknerTodd ReveronPresident, VFW Ohio Charities Executive Director, VFW Ohio Charities54737093249750035 East Chestnut Street, Suite 505 ? Columbus, OH 43215 ? (614) 222-1611 ? Fax: (614) 222-1602 ? ................

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