Dear Julie,

Dear Julie,

After seeing you again recently, my mind started reflecting on the past. I kept thinking about how much of a difference my time with you has influenced my life. I realized how strongly the tiny bit of time I’ve spent talking and spending time with you over this past decade has shaped me. The friendship you have shared with me has been so important to whom I’ve become today.

Back in the high school days, you essentially were able to “crack my shell”. As you know, I was a very shy and reserved person back then. Just via your kindness and friendship, I opened up just enough to make a long term impact on my life. Talking to you on the phone, talking to you during class, and the few activities we did together made a world of difference. You helped me to talk more often and to more people. I opened up a bit more and shared my ideas with others. I was even influenced to help others with more volunteering and charity thanks to your influence.

Had I not had this crucial social contact, I don’t think I’d been anywhere near as successful as I am today. I wouldn’t have been able to get along half as well with my past and present coworkers, nor even be able to discuss work projects with any kind of success. Furthermore, without my time with you I don’t think I would have had the courage to even meet and introduce myself to Jessica like I did.

Another side of the coin is that it seems contact with you causes my creativity to be reborn with vigor. You seem to almost be a muse for me in some way, as I get especially inspired after seeing you. A couple of years ago after Mimi’s, I got a spurt of creativity to do several pieces and concepts for my home and website that were some of my best yet. Furthermore, after this last lunch meeting, I have had a tremendous flood of ideas and designs that I’m eager to work on when I get the chance. I almost have too many ideas and thoughts to even know where to begin! It is a wonderful feeling to feel creatively inspired again.

And so, as you can see my time with you has had a strong positive outcome. I am more social, I am friendlier, and I am more artistic. I wish to thank you for being an integral part of my life. I feel you have had a tremendous impact on who I am. I am a much better person for having known you, and I sincerely thank you for your time and thoughtfulness.


Andrew Green


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