1628775-20002500Revised July 2019Directed Creative Play, Inc.3682 West Fork Road, Cincinnati, OH 45247(513) 481-5020dcppreschool@??Mrs. Julie Foster, Director 513-607-5498 (cell)Mrs. Maureen Cook, Treasurer 513-661-31313100 Lancer LaneCincinnati, Ohio 45239MHUMC office 513-481-86993682 West Fork RdCincinnati, OH 45247Board Members:Mrs. Melissa WilzChurch RepresentativeMrs. Teresa BambergerChurch Representative.Mr. Larry CookChurch RepresentativeRev. Angie ShererChurch RepresentativeMr. Terry YoungChurch RepresentativeMrs. Amy ZbacnikChurch RepresentativeStaff Members:Melissa BayTeacher/AssistantEmily DawsonAssistantJulie FosterTeacherTara GerhardsteinAssistantEmily SchrottAssistantPam SheltonTeacherNikki WheelerTeacherPlease note that the male pronouns he, his and him are used as general terms throughout this handbook as a means to refer to children of either sex just as “man” in the generic sense is used to include both males and females.??The first day of school is the Tuesday after Labor Dayand the last day is the Thursday before MemorialDay Weekend.?Our Creative Play Program....?The program we pursue is geared toward helping the child develop habits of observation, questioning, and listening. It gives each child a chance to grow and develop as an individual. The program gives a satisfying feeling and image about oneself as a worthwhile human being.Maria Montessori spoke of the child’s mind as the “absorbent mind” because of its great ability to learn and assimilate effortlessly and unconsciously from the world around him. A child absorbs learning from the physical environment in which he lives. Our school’s environment should reveal the child, not mold him. Given a learning environment he will be free to act and to develop himself along the lines of his own inner direction.Thus, our school provides freedom within the prepared environment which encourages competence and self-mastery building towards the child’s independence and self-sufficiency.Children in the “prepared environment” are free to make many decisions, but the “organization of work” coupled with a limited number of “ground rules” provides sufficient order. In summary, the Montessori setting offers “liberty within limits,” not license to do anything one pleases.Our didactic material is a systematic array of objects resembling learning games, each of which is carefully designed to impart particular learning. There are materials of wood, metal, cardboard. etc., for sensory education, mathematics, language, science, and other areas. The materials are usually manipulatable and contain “control of error” enabling the learner to work alone successfully.When the child enters his classroom, he is greeted by his teachers and then sits in a circle on the floor with his other peers. The teacher will at this time go over new activities for the day. Self-directed play is next. The children are then dismissed from the circle to go and choose some work. They are given the freedom to explore the various learning activities and interest centers that have been prepared before their arrival. The activities are changed from week to week or day to day.The children will be serving their snack during this time. Afterwards, there is group time or what we call “circle time.” This is where the teacher’s lesson plan is used. The teacher will go over certain topics and themes, materials, concepts on language, math and etc., finger plays, stories, games, and songs. The last 20 minutes or so will be for the large muscle area, either indoor or out.The children’s daily schedule is flexible enough to provide adaptability when necessary but structured enough to provide predictability for the children. We want them to view their school as a safe and comforting place, where they know what to expect and when to expect it. The child must be at least 3 years of age and must not be over kindergarten age. The child must be toilet trained. The program will approximate the school year in regard to holidays. State law requires that each child have a physical examination by a licensed physician within 30 days of the start of school. Parents are responsible for transporting their children to and from school. An accident insurance policy on each person will be included in the fee. Parents may visit the school at any time. The school is licensed to serve forty preschool age children ages 3 and 4, and up to seven school age children 5 years old each session. The school will serve up to 18 children in combined Rooms 107 & 109 and 18 children in Room 106. Our largest group ratio is 2:18. The maximum sizes allowed by the state are as follows:3-year old’s1:12 or 2:244 & 5-year old’s1:14 or 2:28There are up to 4 classes in operation with children ranging from 3 to 5 years of age. The 2-Day classes consist of Tuesday/Thursday mornings from 9:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m. The 3-Day class is Monday/Wednesday/Friday mornings from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. The 4-Day class meets Monday-Thursday from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.Our typical 2 Day program:Our typical 3 Day program:9:00-9:30Arrival & first circle time9:00-9:30Arrival & first circle time9:30 -10:45Free choice/activity time9:30-10:45Free choice/activity time10:45-11:00Story/Music Time 10:45-11:00Music & Story Time11:00-11:20Large muscle11:00-11:25Large Muscle/Group Time11:20-11:30Pack Up & Dismissal11:25-11:50Group Time/Large Muscle11:50-12:00Pack up and DismissalOur Pre-K program will include:9:00-9:30 Arrival and first circle time9:30-11:00Activity time/Work Time 11:00-11:30 Story/Music/Sharing/Calendar Work11:35-12:00 Bathroom break & Lunch12:00-12:25Large muscle time12:30-1:00 Whole-group activity timeAt the end of the handbook you will find an attachment about licensing and other valuable information. Please take the time to read this information.ENROLLMENTAn annual, non-refundable registration fee of $50.00 is charged for each child enrolled. A child is not considered enrolled until the registration fee is received, the Director confirms the availability of space and the required paperwork is received. This includes basic enrollment and health information. Any change to this information must be communicated to the school immediately, so that current information is always on file. A medical form signed by a physician or certified nurse practitioner is required to be submitted within 30 days of admission. This medical form must be updated every 13 months.FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTSTuition is based on the actual cost of operating the school. Monfort Heights United Methodist Church allows our school to use its rooms at a minimal fee. Fees for the current school year are printed on the insert which accompanies this handbook.Tuition is due the first of every month, starting August 1, and ending April 1. A charge of $35.00 will be assessed if payment is made later than the 3rd of the month. There will be a $25.00 reduction on tuition if total tuition is paid in full by August 1. There will be additional fees collected later to cover certain field trips. No bill will be sent to you for your payments. Please use the payment sheets sent to you at the beginning of the school year as a reminder.Repeated instances of nonpayment of tuition may result in your child being removed from the school. Parents will be notified prior to this happening.Unless you have made other arrangements with the Director or Treasurer please follow the payment schedule. Make checks payable to ‘Directed Creative Play Inc.’ Payment may be mailed to the Treasurer or dropped in the lock box located outside the preschool office. Teachers do not handle tuition money. Please call the treasurer if you are having problems making a payment. Her address and phone number are listed on the front page of this manual. Our tax ID number is available upon request.If your child is withdrawn for any reason, after having been enrolled, you are liable for the entire fee unless a replacement is made. The school will attempt to secure such replacement, but cannot guarantee it. Refund is made from the date of replacement. No refunds will be made because of absence due to quarantine regulations affecting your child or the group, or for snow days.Additional fees for field trips may be collected during the school year. These fees will be determined by the cost of the field trip and may vary from year to year.OVERTIME CHARGES: Unexcused or unreasonable delay (over 5 minutes late) in picking up your child will be reason for the Director to charge you an overtime fee of $5.00 per every 5-minute segment. Please see that you are there at the regular dismissal time to pick up your child. This is best for the school staff and the child who feels left behind.THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF YOUR CHILDYour child’s health is a matter of major importance to all of us. Upon enrollment, you must file with us a health form signed by a physician. We also require that the child have certain standard immunizations. The preschool will not accept enrollment of non-immunized children unless medically necessary. The teacher, who receives training every 3 years to recognize common sickness and communicable disease, conducts an inspection of your child each session and will call you if he or she appears to have symptoms of illness during class time. However, neither the school nor the teacher will be held responsible for any damages whatsoever if the teacher does not discover symptoms of illness discoverable with a reasonable inspection. Also, you must disclose in your contract with the school any and all special medical conditions and/or allergies your child has or develops during the year or any medication your child is taking now or during the school year. The school will not be liable for any damages whatsoever for injuries caused to or by any child not covered by insurance policy. All staff members of this school are required by law to report their suspicions of child abuse or child neglect.KEEP YOUR CHILD HOME--If he has a fever or has had one during the previous 24-hr. period.--If he is taking an antibiotic.--If he has a cold that is less than four days old.--If he has a heavy nasal discharge.--If he has a constant cough.--If he is fussy, cranky, and generally not himself.--Even if he is just tired. Rest at such times may prevent the development of serious illness.--If he has symptoms of a possible communicable disease. (See list of symptoms under communicable disease) Please notify the school at once if the child does have a communicable disease.Your child may come to school if his or her cold is over but is left with a minor nasal drip. Tuberculin tests are required of all staff members and participants. We urgently recommend that all parents have such a test.A child who becomes ill during the day shall be discharged to the care of his parents as promptly as possible. If the parent or guardian is not able to come to school to take charge of an ill child, the school may discharge an ill child to the person who has been designated by the parent. Please keep the teacher informed on any telephone number changes that may occur during the year.MANAGEMENT OF ILLNESSESThe teacher shall observe each child daily before he or she enters the school and follow the policy below:--The school shall immediately notify the parent or guardian of the child’s condition when a child has been observed with signs or symptoms of illness.?--A child with any of the following signs or symptoms of illness shall be immediately isolated from other children, and parent or guardian will be notified to pick up their child. ?Temperature of one hundred degrees Fahrenheit taken by the auxiliary method when in combination with any other sign or illnessDiarrhea (more than three abnormally loose stools within a twenty-four-hour period.)Severe coughing, causing the child to become red or blue in the face or to make a whooping soundDifficult or rapid breathingYellowish skin or eyesRedness of the eye, obvious discharge, matted eyelashes, burning, itchingUntreated infected skin patches, unusual spots or rashesUnusually dark urine and/or grey or white stoolStiff neck with an elevated temperatureSore throat or difficulty in swallowing.Vomiting more than once or when accompanied by any other sign of illnessEvidence of lice, scabies, or other parasitic infestation.?Any child demonstrating signs of illness not listed in the handbook will be isolated and carefully observed for symptoms. The parent will be notified. If a child does not feel well enough to participate in center activities the parent will be called to pick-up the child. Anytime a child is isolated they will be kept within sight and hearing of a staff member. The cot and any linens used will be washed and disinfected before being used again.?--The location of the communicable disease chart will be on the office door Room 104.--No medication, vitamin, or special diet shall be administered unless instructions to administer such items are written, signed and dated by a licensed physician, and are prescribed for a specific child. All medications & ointments will be kept and administered only by child care staff members.--Any child who is suspected of having a communicable disease shall be isolated away from other children in Room 104 immediately. An adult shall always be within sight or hearing of a child who is isolated due to illness. The parent will be called immediately.--If a child has a communicable disease while attending our school, we must have the doctors’ written or verbal okay that the child is not contagious in order to be readmitted to school.--The school’s staff is trained in being able to identify communicable diseases by a registered nurse or by the American Red Cross.--Upon notification of any communicable disease, all parents will be notified verbally and a notification will be posted on the parents’ bulletin board.--The schools’ policy for its staff is the same as for the children. Teachers who are sick will not report to school. We will replace them with a substitute teacher or assistant.?In case of accidental injury, we will make an immediate attempt to contact a parent. If we cannot reach you, we will call the child’s physician. If necessary, we will also call an ambulance or the paramedics. Until the arrival of a parent, the physician, ambulance, or paramedics, the Director or Teacher will be in charge and make all decisions about the care of the child, but the school, Director or Teacher will not be held liable for any damages whatsoever in this regard. You will assume full responsibility for any resultant expense not covered by our insurance. The parent or guardian must sign a consent form agreeing to this provision and granting consent to transport in an emergency situation. It is your responsibility to keep the school up-to-date on phone numbers, emergency numbers, and other pertinent information.ACCIDENTS & EMERGENCIESThe school has devised several procedures to follow in the event that an emergency would occur while a child is in the school’s care. In the event of a fire or tornado, staff would follow the written instructions posted in each classroom, describing emergency evacuation routes, and the procedures to be followed to assure that children have arrived at the designated spot. In order to prepare children for the unlikely need to evacuate, the school does conduct monthly fire drills, and periodic tornado drills. Should we need to evacuate due to fire or weather conditions, or the loss of power, heat or water to the school, our destination is 1) Monfort Heights Elementary School. Or 2) Monfort Heights Public Library. The children will walk to this location. A sign will be posted on the front door of the center indicating that we have been evacuated and the location where you can pick up your child. If a parent cannot be reached, we will contact the emergency contacts as listed on your child’s enrollment information.In the unlikely event, there would be an environmental threat or a threat of violence, the staff will follow the school’s disaster plan by: 1) evacuating the building if necessary & safe to do so or 2) secure the children in the safest location possible, contact emergency management officials and contact the parents as soon as the situation allows. An incident report would also be provided to the parents. There is always at least one staff member present who has received training in First Aid/Communicable Diseases and CPR. In the case of a minor accident/injury staff will administer basic first aid and TLC. If the injury would be more serious, first aid would be administered and the parents would be contacted immediately to assist in deciding an appropriate course of action. If any injury is life threatening, the EMS will be contacted, parents will be notified, and a staff member will accompany the child to the hospital with all available health records. Staff may not transport children in their vehicles. Only parents or EMS will transport. An incident/injury report will be completed and given to the person picking up the child, on the day of the incident/injury, if any of the following occur: the child has an illness, accident, or injury which requires first aid; the child receives a bump or blow to the head; the child has to be transported by emergency squad; or an unusual or unexpected event occurs which jeopardizes the safety of the child. If a child requires emergency transportation, the report shall be available within twenty-four hours after the incident occurs. OFF SITE ORGANIZED ACTIVITESThe school will participate in two organized activities that meet at specific locations outside of preschool grounds. The activities will meet during our regular school hours. You will be informed of the upcoming activity by email and permission slips. Each family is responsible for the transportation of their own child to and from the activity site.Due to insurance restrictions, siblings may not accompany us on these outings. If you have any ideas for possible activities, please let the Director know. EX: a doctor, dentist, nurse, florist, baker, farm, or a business.If an emergency should arise during an offsite activity, staff will secure children and chaperones in the safest location, account for all children and contact emergency management officials.DISCIPLINE OF CHILDRENMontessori’s view of discipline:Montessori speaks of the truly disciplined child as achieving inner discipline through activity. Allowed to choose interesting work, to become absorbed in it, and to complete it, he develops concentration, habits of order and work, and self-discipline.School’s discipline policy:Your child will be treated with love and respect. If children are treated with respect, they in turn learn to respect the teachers and their friends. Our expectations will be kept within the child’s capabilities and the child will be made aware of these expectations. Positive reinforcement (commenting on children doing the ‘right’ thing) and positive redirection (removing the child and giving them an appropriate activity) will be used. A child may be asked to sit for a short period of time to give the child a chance to regain control if they are having a difficult time. Time outs will be age appropriate in length and done within the classroom. Staff will not impose punishments for failure to eat or toileting accidents. This discipline policy applies to all staff and parents while they are at the school. If a situation arises where a child is consistently endangering himself, peers or staff, it may become necessary to disenroll the child. Every attempt will be made to work together with the parents and the child to correct the behavior. However, the safety of children is always our primary concern. Parents will be notified prior to any disenrollment.If the child demonstrates behavior that requires frequent ‘extra attention’ from the staff member, we may choose to develop and implement a behavior management plan. This plan would be developed in consultation with the parents and would be consistent with the requirements of Rule 5101: 2-12-19 of the Administrative Code.SUPERVISION POLICY ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE: It is very important that you do not bring your child early to school. When you see the teacher at the glass door then you can be assured that the classroom is ready and the teacher is able to greet your child personally. The parking lot is dangerous with cars coming and going, so please watch your children. You are responsible for them until the teacher has received them. Staff must be made aware of each child’s presence before the parent departs.Five minutes after arrival time our doors will be locked. To enter the preschool after that time, please text or call Julie at 513-607-5498 or go to the church office (Entrance A) and buzz for admittance. At the time of pick up parents are asked to make contact with their child’s supervising staff member to ensure that staff members are aware that the child has been picked up. Parents are responsible for the supervision of their child after pick-up.SUPERVISION OF PRESCHOOLERS: Staff will supervise children at all times. No child will be left unattended. If a child becomes ill, they may be isolated in a section of the room not in use, but within the sight and hearing of a staff member. RELEASE OF A CHILD: Staff will release children only to persons on the release form provided by the parent. If an emergency arises, parents must send a note to school with the child telling the teacher that someone else is picking up their child. Please give us their name and relationship to the child. Staff will check ID’s of anyone they do not recognize. Please let people know about this ahead of time so they bring a picture ID and they are not offended. No child will be released to a person not authorized by a parent to pick the child up. The children’s safety is our priority.Staff will not release children to anyone, including parents, who appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Emergency contacts will be called to transport the child home. Police will be notified if necessary. CUSTODY AGREEMENTS: If there are custody issues involved with your child, you must provide the center with court papers indicating who has permission to pick up the child. Directed Creative Play may not deny a parent access to their child without proper documentation. CHILD ABUSE REPORTING: All staff members are mandated reporters of child abuse. If staff have suspicions that a child as being abused or neglected, they MUST make a report to the local children’s services agency. The safety of the children is always our first concern. VOLUNTEERSWe need parents to volunteer to be Party Organizers or helper for certain holidays, to help do a cooking or craft experience with the class, and to sign up to share your talent or occupation. Parents are asked to help with field trips.ORIENTATION DAYThe Wednesday and Thursday before Labor Day we have an orientation day for you and your child. We invite you to come and visit the classrooms and meet the teachers. The school will send you a letter stating the day and time you and your child are to come. When you come please have your child bring a complete change of clothes in a plastic bag taped closed and labeled with the child’s name.Starting school is an exciting experience for a young child--but it can also be a difficult one. Whatever the personality of the child, however eager he may seem to be for the new situation, there will be a moment when he suddenly realizes that a parent is not going to be there with him. The apprehension that accompanies this realization is a normal reaction. Most children have little difficulty adjusting to school after they have made an initial visit with their parent. Nevertheless, it is important to introduce the child to the school in a way that will make his first separation from his parent as easy for him as possible.We ask the parent to always say good bye and then leave quickly and unhesitatingly without looking back. If the child cries at the moment of separation, he seldom continues for more than a few minutes after the parent is out of sight. Sometimes, a child who has not cried all day will start when the parent comes to call for him.It is normal for a child to go through a period of adjustment during so big a change in his life. We try to prevent trauma by anticipating the many difficulties that may arise. It is usually better to find out at the very beginning if the child is going to have some difficulty with the separation. Sometimes a child on his first day at school will be so absorbed with the children and the environment, that he won’t even be aware of being separated from his parent. Frequently, in such an instance, he must make the adjustment sometime later--anytime from a few days to a few weeks later. It is a normal part of a child’s wholesome growth in learning to accept change and being away from home.If your child is having difficulty give the child some extra time, personal (physical) contact, and love during the opening few days of school. Allow the beginning days of school to be gentle, casual, and non-threatening by not constantly reminding the child of it at home, but responding to questions or comments from the child himself.PARENT MEETINGThe school has a “Parent Night” in August for the parents in the Family Life Center. The Director will go over policies and philosophies of the school and the teachers will explain some of our equipment and its purpose. You will find out what the goals for the year are, what is circle time, what academic skills are taught, and just what goes on during time we spend with your child. Field trips and other special events are also discussed here. This is a good time for both parents to meet the teachers and other staff people. We hope you make every effort to attend.SNACKSWe serve a snack every day to the children. Parents can sign up on the snack calendar stating what day they will be bringing in a snack. By having the school and parents bring in a snack we can experience a variety of food. We do have many nutritional snacks and the director may print suggestions in the monthly newsletter. Any type of juice is great for the drink. Occasionally your child will have the opportunity to cook or otherwise prepare special foods at school such as applesauce, butter, jello, pudding, fruit salad, cookies, pretzels, and many others. If your child is allergic to any food product be sure you have marked it down on your forms or notify the teacher.PARENTAL VISITATION & PARTICIPATIONParents may visit the school and/or help out anytime during the school year. A letter explaining how and when to sign-up is given to the parents before school starts.Parents may sign up to:--Be a Party Organizer or helper--Do a cooking or craft experience--Share your talents or occupationParents are permitted unlimited access to the school during its hours of operation for the purposes of contacting the child, evaluating the care provided by the center, evaluating the premises of the center or for other purposes approved by the Director. Upon entering the premises, the parent shall notify the Director of his/her presence. CONFERENCESThe school has parent-teacher conferences in January, with a progress report sent home in November and May. More information on the time, date and procedures will be handed out in January. Feel free during the year to call the teacher or director if you have a problem or concern that you wish to discuss.We do not report child level data to ODJFS pursuant to 5101:2-17-02 of the Administrative Code.SNOW DAYSIf Northwest Schools are closed for bad weather then the Preschool will be closed. Our school’s name will not be mentioned on the television; watch for the ‘Northwest Local School District.’ If the teachers cannot possibly get to school because of snow and the Director calls off school, you will be notified. If you are ever in doubt please call the Director. Here is a summary of our inclement weather policy:NWLSD closed.DCP closed.NWLSD-delayed,preschool canceled.2- & 3-Day Classes Canceled.4-day class operates on delay with no lunch needed; WHAT TO WEAR TO SCHOOLThink of your child’s comfort and provide simple clothing that is free of complicated fastenings. Think of the messy art materials and other messy activities--and provide clothing that is washable. Think of our playground and provide clothing that is sturdy. Think of the changeable autumn weather (and the fact that even though the sun may be bright and warm at 9 a.m. it might be cold and cloudy at 10 a.m.) and dress your child warmly. Provide sweaters and jackets even on the first sunny fall days. It is much easier to remove an unneeded item than to put on something you don’t have.Jump suits are very pretty but sometimes hard to get in and out of by yourself, especially for three-year old’s during the first six months of school. We try to teach your child to take care of himself completely in the bathroom and at the end of the session putting on his or her own coat or sweater, buttoning and zipping. Try to reinforce this procedure at home.All classes go outdoors as many days as possible, even in cold weather. Think of how you would feel “playing” outdoors in wet, cold, and windy weather. For your child’s own comfort, provide him or her with a suitable head covering when needed.Finally, think of our collection of unlabeled, unclaimed clothing and PUT labels on all outer garments, including hats and boots and mittens. A Lost and Found Box will be next to the bulletin board.EXTRA CLOTHINGBecause of toilet accidents, water or juice spills, or outside falls we ask each parent, when they come to our Orientation Day, to bring a complete change of clothes in a plastic bag taped closed and labeled with the child’s name.OUTDOOR PLAYResearch has shown that children stay healthier when they have daily outdoor play. Based on this information and state requirements, outdoor play will be included in our program on a daily basis. We will limit the amount of time outside when the temperatures are very warm or very cold. Children will not be taken outside when the temperature (wind chill and heat index factored in) drop below 20 degrees or rise above 90 degrees. If the situation requires it, we will also adjust outdoor time due to rain, threatening weather, ozone warnings, etc. On days that outdoor play is not provided due to these conditions, we will include a time for indoor gross motor activities. WATER ACTIVITIES & SWIMMINGWe do not participate in any water or swimming activities while at preschool.CAR POOLSWe can help parents find others with whom to form a car pool. Carpooling is tricky and we offer the following school rules to help make it a mutually beneficial and pleasant experience. When your child is to be picked up:--Have him ready. Wait with him. Take him to the car. Open the car door for him.?Be home to receive him when he returns.--Let the driver see that you know he is home.--If your child is ill, notify the driver early enough to avoid an unneeded trip to your home on that day.--If your child is not ready, wave the driver on and take him yourself on that day.?Six children are the absolute maximum number to be in a car at one time. Children under 4 or less than 40 lbs. must use a safety seat. Children 4-8 years old and under 4’ 9” must use a booster seat. When it is your turn to drive:?--Time yourself to arrive at school on time, NOT earlier.--Never leave children unattended in the car.--If a disturbance occurs, pull to the curb, STOP. Then deal with the problem.--If no one is at home to receive a child, take him home with you. It will be his parents’ responsibility to track him down.Check your car for safety. Always lock doors. Drive carefully. Do not hurry. Life is more precious than time.Staff members are not allowed to drive children to or from school except in emergency situations.TOYS FROM HOMEThe children are asked NOT to bring toys or play hats to school. If you feel you have a record or a book that would be beneficial to the class, talk to the teacher first to see when the best time for her would be to use it. Any item that the newsletter states you may bring to school is alright.BIRTHDAYSWe do celebrate the child’s birthday by having a special snack that the parent makes. Anyone having a birthday in the summer and would like to celebrate it, may do so anytime during the year by signing up on the calendar. The birthday child will receive a birthday sticker and a birthday pencil. Any snack is fine to send for this special occasion. If you want cupcakes do not send full-sized cupcakes. We have students who eat only the tops, students who eat only the bottoms, and students who eat everyone else’s crumbs. We prefer that you send miniature cupcakes (muffin tins filled only enough to produce a cookie-sized cupcake). These are easier to handle and do not go to waste.CLASS PICTURESIn the fall, the school will have class and individual pictures taken of all the classes. You will be notified of this when your child brings home the newsletter and picture envelope informing you of the date and price. The pictures will be taken and in your hands in time for Christmas.SAFETY OF CHILDREN IN SCHOOLTeachers and aides are responsible for the safety of their assigned group of children. Directed Creative Play Preschool’s safety policies are:1.All children will be supervised at all times.2.The teacher greets each child personally as they arrive and the aide marks the attendance and verifies each child’s arrival; and the teacher sees to it each child departs to the right parent with the teacher verifying this. Changes in who picks up the child must be in writing and given to the teacher.3.Each staff member is to have immediate access at all times to a working telephone which is located in the preschool office and by Kick Back Cafe4.There will be a monthly fire drill, at varying times each month. Monthly tornado drills will be performed in September, March, April and May. School Safety drills will be conducted three times per year. A record of these drills will be maintained at the school.5.A fire emergency and weather alert plan is posted in each class room which explains action to be taken and staff responsibilities in case of fire emergency and weather alerts.?6.Whenever children are away from the center on off-site activities: --There will be a written permission slip from the parent or guardian for each child.--A first-aid kit shall be available on the trip.--A person trained in first aid will be available.--Each child on the field trip shall have a name tag.--An emergency transportation authorization and the health records of each student will be with the head teacher.7.All gates to the playground must be closed.8.The child may throw only bean bags or balls. Objects such as sticks, sand, rocks, and toys are not thrown.9.No objects are allowed on the slide. Children may slide only in a sitting position, facing forward.10.Children must walk, rather than run in the hallways.11.All staff members must report to the Director at once any broken boards, nails sticking out, or any other needed repairs.12.Children are not allowed to go out of the play area.13.The children are always within sight of a staff member.14.Use of spray aerosols is prohibited when children are in attendance at the school.15.A staff member shall immediately notify the local public children services agency when that person suspects that a child has been abused or neglected. (241-KIDS)16.When an accident or injury occurs, the center shall complete a report in accordance with Rule 5101:2-12-16 of the Administrative Code.?17.If you have any complaint, concerns, suggestions that cannot be worked out with the school, you may call the complaint number 1-866-635-3748.Center Parent Information The center is licensed to operate legally by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. This license is posted in a noticeable place for review. A toll-free telephone number is listed on the center’s license and may be used to report a suspected violation of the licensing law or administrative rules. The licensing rules governing child care are available for review at the center. The administrator and each employee of the center is required, under Section 2151.421 of the Ohio Revised Code, to report their suspicions of child abuse or child neglect to the local public children's services agency. Any parent of a child enrolled in the center shall be permitted unlimited access to the center during all hours of operation for the purpose of contacting their children, evaluating the care provided by the center or evaluating the premises. Upon entering the premises, the parent, or guardian shall notify the Administrator of his/her presence. The administrator's hours of availability and child/staff ratios are posted in a noticeable place in the center for review.The licensing record, including licensing inspection reports, complaint investigation reports, and evaluation forms from the building and fire departments, is available for review upon written request from the Ohio department of job and family services. It is unlawful for the center to discriminate in the enrollment of children upon the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin or disability in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 104 Stat. 32, 42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq. For more information about child care licensing requirements as well as how to apply for child care assistance, Medicaid health screenings and early intervention services for your child, please visit Numbers:?Emergency: To be called after regular working hours for reports of children abused, neglected and/or children suddenly left without proper care: 241-KIDS.?Community Chest Information and Referral Network 721-7900.Cincinnati Health Dept. Child and Family Health Services 352-3100.?State Complaint Number: 1-800-681-1581. Ohio Department of Job and Family Services?* This written information must be given to all parents, guardians, and employees as required in Appendix B to Rule 5101:2-12-07. ................

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