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|It's true! The "website traffic generation" |

|industry is about to be turned on its ear... |

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|[pic]"If You Can Copy And Paste, |

|Then You Have What It Takes |

|To Quickly And Easily Drive More |

|Cash-In-Hand, Eager-To-Buy Leads |

|And Prospects To Your Website |

|Than You Can Ever Handle — |

|Once You Know The Secrets." |

|Finally Revealed! After Driving 1.57 Billion Visitors To His Websites And Producing Millions Of Dollars In Sales, 33-Year-Old Florida Man Breaks 14 |

|Years Of Silence To Expose For The First Time Ever His Proven, 'Lab-Tested' Strategies Anyone Can Use For Consistently Generating Steady Streams Of |

|Targeted Leads To ANY Website... No Matter What You Sell, How Much Experience You Have Or What Kind Of Budget You Have To Work With... |

| |

|[pic] |

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|*Above is the complete, A-to-Z, step-by-step multimedia course on how |

|you can generate consistent and near unstoppable streams of qualified leads |

|and prospects coming to your website... Starting even on the very first day! |

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|"I Urge You To Go Lock The Door, |

|Take The Phone Off The Hook, Grab |

|Your Favorite Beverage And Study |

|Every Single Word Of This Letter, |

|Because It's THAT Important." |

|(Even Revolutionary.) |

|[pic]Why? What If I Could Show You... |

|[pic] |

|How to build and geometrically grow the number of highly targeted leads and prospects coming to your website that translate into CASH and PROFITS... |

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|How to leverage your lead generation to gain more consistency in the number of prospects you get, and create more stability and growth in your |

|business... |

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|[pic] |

|How to build so much momentum in the flow of visitors coming to your business, that taking your website down is the ONLY way to stop it... |

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|[pic] |

|How to easily discover which sources of leads are REALLY making you money (and quickly trash the ones that are sucking your time and profits)... |

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|[pic] |

|How to get as much as 4-5 times more leads for the same advertising dollars, and squeeze every ounce of profit out of every visitor you generate... |

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|[pic] |

|How to tap many "hidden," super-abundant sources of good quality leads (as many as several hundreds of thousands) for absolutely 100% ZERO cost... |

| |

|[pic] |

|How to dump, once and for all, all the dumb, costly and ineffective methods that only create one-time spurts of junk traffic that will NEVER buy from|

|you... |

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|[pic] |

|How to create and follow a complete "attack plan," especially if you're currently relying on only 1-2 sources for generating your leads — because |

|they can change and dry up overnight (they often do)... |

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|[pic] |

|How to get your hands on proven, time-tested lead generation strategies that really WORK — and not "sounds good" regurgitated "theory" that everyone |

|and their dog has seen, read or heard before... |

| |

|(And a whole lot more!) |

|... Now Let Me Ask You, |

|Would That Interest You? |

|If so, then you're about to uncover what's essentially my life's work — a compilation of the exact secrets I've used over the course of 14 years as a|

|result of testing, tweaking, struggling, failing and wasting tons of money on the Internet... |

|... to ultimately succeeding in drawing floods of qualified prospects to my businesses and making insane profits from. |

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|From: John Reese |

|Orlando, Florida |

|Saturday, 5:53 p.m. |

| |

|Dear Friend, |

|Until very recently I was an "unknown." Nobody but a few friends knew who I was or what I had done. Even though I've made my living online exclusively|

|for over 14 years, I pretty much kept to myself... |

|... and I kept my secrets to myself. |

|Why? Think about it. If you came across something that made you a lot of money ... something that most people would be able to copy... would you share|

|it openly with the world? Probably not. |

|I never really wanted to tell anyone that I had "figured things out," because I wanted to just keep my mouth shut, continue working feverishly in the |

|dark corner of my bedroom, and keep depositing money hand-over-fist into my bank accounts. |

|And that's exactly what I did for many years. (Can you blame me?) |

|But making money wasn't always so easy for me. |

|At One Point In My Career, I Had Quite |

|Literally Worked Myself Almost To Death. |

|(Luckily, My Doctor Intervened. |

|I Was $100,000 In Debt, Too.) |

|I had tried, tested and bought "into" every quack scheme and traffic system known to man. I wanted to "crack the code." I was searching for the holy |

|grail that would explode my traffic and skyrocket my business with almost no effort or money. |

|(Boy, was I wasting my time.) |

|Sure, I did eventually find and even created powerful strategies that made me money... a ton of money. (That's where being a fanatical, diligent |

|tester paid off. And I'm about to share these strategies with you... so keep reading.) |

|But back then, I fell for a lot of the hype from these "traffic scams." I was so naive, because I remember getting all excited, doing the math, |

|thinking I was about to get rich overnight. And it was one disappointment after another. |

|In fact, to show you, let me take a moment and shatter a few myths... |

|Traffic Myth #1: |

|"If You Build It, They Will Come..." |

|Okay. By now you've probably put up a website on the Internet for the entire world to see. You probably paid someone or some company a few hundred |

|dollars (or even a few thousand) to create a fancy website for your business. |

|Heck, you might have even created the site yourself. |

|But you quickly realized once the site became active... |


|That's right. People didn't just start "showing up" on your site. |

|FACT: If you want to have people visit your website (and, hopefully, become cash-paying customers), you have to take action and do some things in |

|order to "get the word out" about your site. |

| |

|Because even though your website is now on the Internet... and it's technically "active"... still no one knows it exists! |

|I'm going to teach you exactly what you need to do so thousands upon thousands of people — people eager to buy or at least know more about your |

|product or service — will not only know that your site exists, but will visit your site. |

|If you can follow some simple step-by-step instructions that will grow your website traffic (as simple as "copy and paste"), then it's almost |

|impossible for you to not increase your sales... |


|Traffic Myth #2: |

|"Get A Guaranteed #1 Position In..." |

|You've probably seen ads online (or offline) that claim to get you a #1 position in this search engine or that search engine. |

|It's too bad there's only one problem with these services... |


|Why? Because in almost every case that "#1 ranking" will be for a phrase that no one will be searching for! |

|Take this example... you can setup a web page right now and on that page use the phrase "amazing Scooby snacks" just once. After you get your site |

|indexed by Yahoo or Google, go and do a search for "amazing Scooby snacks." |

|And guess what? |

|You're #1! WOOHOO!!! |

|Too bad no one else is searching for that phrase and will ever see that listing. The result? Not one visitor to your website. |

|FACT: Since search engines constantly change their "algorithms," no company can consistently achieve top rankings for even just semi-competitive words|

|and phrases. So while there are many companies that will get your high rankings, they will usually be for low search volume terms that will result in |

|very little traffic (if any at all) to your website. |

| |

|Bottom line, most of those "#1 Position" ads you have seen are worthless and a total waste of your money. They'll simply get a #1 position for a |

|phrase not many people will never even search for. |

|Why? Because there's FIERCE competition in the search engines for competitive phrases and keywords that are searched for a lot. So these services are |

|incredibly misleading. |

|But don't worry, because I'm going to share with you the #1 strategy for pulling in gigantic amounts of free traffic from the search engines. (And it |

|doesn't matter if the search engine's algorithm changes 1,000 times.) |

|Traffic Myth #3: |

|"Submit To 7,835 Search Engines..." |

|Another popular advertisement that can be seen online is one that promises to submit your site to some huge number of search engines and directories |

|on the Internet. |

|As for these services... Who cares?! |


|For one, 99% of those search engines and directories are obscure and unknown, and they aren't being used much by Internet users. And just submitting |

|your site to a search engine or directory doesn't mean anyone is even going to see it! |

|You're basically adding your website to a directory or search engine database of 50,000,000 web pages or more. Good luck having people see YOUR |

|listing! |

|It's like being a "minnow in the middle of the ocean." |

|FACT: Many of these search engines and directories are used to sell ad space. Thousands of clueless people who submit their sites to them simply make |

|them look good so they can sell more ads or charge more. |

| |

|Of course, you still CAN get thousands upon thousands of visitors to your site from free search engine rankings (from the major search engines, that |

|is). But editing your site and trying to "optimize" it on a regular basis is NOT the way to do it. |

|This is a mistake 99% of people marketing online make! |

|The secret lies within creating many specially created "search engine bait" web pages and sites that will "funnel" search engine traffic to your main |

|site — the one that actually sells your products and services. |

|There are many "tricks" for getting free search engine traffic and for getting good rankings for popular terms... |

|And I'm about to teach you all of them. (Keep reading.) |

|Traffic Myth #4: |

|"Email To 45,000,000 People..." |

|This is one of the worst advertisements out there. |

|You've probably received junk email in your inbox, or have seen online ads promoting it. A company promises to promote your website in an email that |

|will be sent to "10 MILLION people" (or some ridiculous number like that). |

|There's only one problem with their service... |


|These services simply blast your ad to a list of email addresses they have wrongfully (and now illegally because of Spam Laws) stripped from Internet |

|web pages, and so the people that receive the email promoting your website are going to be pissed off! |

|Not only will they not visit your website and buy your products and services, but they'll probably ruin your reputation by complaining to others. And |

|the authorities, too. |

|Do yourself a favor. Don't waste your time even thinking about emailing an ad for your site to some huge list of email addresses. (And don't even |

|think about buying a list of addresses... or you'll really be asking for trouble!) |

|FACT: There are exceptions to this. True "opt-in" email lists can send a ton of traffic to your site and can result in a major boost in sales. An |

|opt-in list is when people on the list have given their permission to receive email from a list — and even ads. |

| |

|Done properly, email marketing works. |

|For example, I recently did a quick little mailing to an opt-in list and generated $52,786 in sales in just 48 hours. |

|(And it wasn't even for a product that I owned!) |

|So email marketing really DOES work. But... you have to know the proper strategies for what works and what doesn't. In fact, permission-based email |

|marketing can dramatically change your sales... if you know how to harness the power of it. |

|I'll show you how easy it is to tap into existing customer and newsletter lists that can quickly and easily generate thousands of dollars in sales for|

|your business at no risk! |

|(Keep reading to learn exactly how to do it.) |

|Traffic Myth #5: |

|"10,000,000 Guaranteed Hits For Only..." |

|This is THE worst website traffic advertisement of them all. |

|And the reason it is the worst is because most of them are outright scams. You know the ones... "Get 10,000,000 guaranteed hits for only $79" or "Get |

|500,000 unique visitors for just $59!" |

|Yada, yada, yada. |

|Sure, your website may register "10,000 hits," or whatever crazy number they claim. But there's only one problem... |


|You see, what they do is they load your website on a pop-under window on a bunch of their high-traffic sites. |

|So your website appears in a smaller window that pops up underneath the main browser window as someone visits a popular site. Since websites like |

|these get a lot of traffic, chances are your ad will indeed pop up a "gazillion" times... or whatever. |

|BUT even though your ad technically registers a "hit" with each time it pops up, there's a big problem... the pop-under will go unnoticed, or it will |

|be blocked by pop-up blocking software. |

|FACT: 65% of pop-ups ARE blocked, and it's growing, as more and more people get anti-popup software. But if anyone sees the pop-under and if it's not |

|blocked in the first place, your website will still be totally irrelevant. For example, your ad may be about how to write an ebook that's popping up |

|on a site about... baby diapers! |

| |

|So your website is popping up in a window when they visit THEIR site, and either it never appears in the first place, or when it does it's completely |

|ignored... if not annoying and pissing people off. |

|What you really want are visitors actually coming to your website, and not "hits." You want people... good quality prospects and leads that are |

|potentially worth money. |

|One key is "targeting." It's to make sure your ad is seen and your website visited by people who are targeted for your offer, eager to learn more |

|about it and willing to pay money to buy it. |

|(Stick around, because I'll show exactly how to "sniff out" and attract higher quality leads and prospects to your business.) |

| |

|If you get any of these ads in the future, hit the "delete" key as fast as humanly possible. I swear it will be the best thing you will ever do. 100% |

|guaranteed. |

|In Fact, It's Time To |

|Set The Record Straight... |

|I've worked very hard and spent a lot of money to learn what I've learned. I've struggled for many years and spent many sleepless nights toiling away |

|"in the dark" in my little testing lab like a mad scientist. |

|Overall, I've had a lot more "losers" than "winners." |

|But today, almost everything I do are winners. Because I have all the tested stuff behind me. I know what works and what doesn't. And I simply don't |

|mess with the stuff that doesn't work and just keep doing the stuff that works. |

|(Neat concept, huh?) |

|Now, I'm not saying this to boast or brag, but because so many people buy into this "traffic blasting" nonsense, and because I want you to realize the|

|difference. |

|In the same way, I want you to stop messing with the "losers." |

|'Cause they are just a complete and utter waste of time and money. |

|Like me, you may have been guilty of this the past. Maybe you are doing it right now. (If you are, then stick with me because I'm going to share with |

|you far better and more effective ways to building leverage and stability into your business.) |

|I'm just sick and tired of all the nonsense that's going around. |

|There is so much CRAP on the Internet right now that it's hard to turn around without being bombarded by it. So many people are literally "missing the|

|boat." |

|That's Why Earlier This Year |

|I Said "Enough Is Enough!" |

|I decided to put together my own live 3-day training event to finally "spill my guts" on what I knew about making money on the web, and "clear the |

|air" once and for all. |

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|No other speakers. No "gurus." No pitching. |

|Because making money from the Internet is what I have dedicated most of my entire life to. I am very passionate about it and I enjoy helping others |

|succeed. |

|Plus, I wanted to put an end to all the myths and all the B.S. once and for all. I called it, "Triple Your Profit Workshop," and it lasted for 3 whole|

|days. |

|I poured my heart out during that event. |

|And I swear to you, those 3 powerful days have literally turned entire businesses around. |

|They've changed people's financial lives forever. And I feel truly blessed and personally enriched by having touched so many people. |

|Some even told me that my Triple Your Profit workshop "changed the face of the Internet." I wouldn't go that far... but I would say it did blow people|

|away. |

|125 of the top marketers from around the world have paid $4,500.00 each to get in my sold-out workshop and listen to me "spill my guts" on what I've |

|learned. (And that doesn't include travel and lodging expenses they had to pay for, too.) |

|(If you missed out, don't worry. Keep reading because I'm going to let you in on some of the same secrets I revealed at this amazing event... and even|

|more!) |

|But Why Would People Pay That |

|Much To Hear What I Had To Say? |

|(I Mean, "Who The Heck Is John Reese," Right?) |

|Yes, I was unknown until very recently. |

|Until that workshop I kept my "secrets" closely guarded and revealed just a few of them to a few friends... even though I've been online for over 14 |

|years. |

|I learned so much that made me so much money, I'd be an utter fool to let the "cat out of the bag" and give others a chance to steal my secrets! |

|Like the time I had a little "script" created that would accelerate the use of a new little website I had just put up... some very simple technology |

|that (legally) took that site from zero traffic to over 10,000,000 (yes, ten million!) visitors a month. |

|But I don't know what's more amazing, the fact that I was able to get all that traffic for FREE, or the fact that I then turned around and sold |

|advertising on this little site to other companies for as much as $550,000. |

|It doesn't stop there... here's something EVEN more amazing... |

|... This exact same "trick" used to accelerate all that website traffic still works today, some 7 years after I discovered it, without any extra money|

|or effort! |

|Originally, I had decided there was absolutely no way I was going to share these secrets on a large scale. (I'm still not. Keep reading to see what I |

|mean...) |

|After struggling with the decision on whether or not to share them with anyone else, I find myself so overwhelmed with the power of what I've learned |

|over the years that I'm quite honestly having a hard time keeping it all to myself. |

|I wanted to get it off my chest... |

|... And I Wanted To Give Back To The |

|Industry That's Been So Kind To Me. |

|The strategies I revealed at my 3-day event are the same strategies I use on a daily basis to continue to build wealth with in the course of over 14 |

|years. |

|In fact, here are a few examples of my accomplishments in the past few years just to show you just why people were clamoring to "get in" on my |

|workshop... |

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|I started marketing online in 1990 via Online Services (such as CompuServe). During the next 14 years, I conceived, developed, and made money from |

|hundreds of different websites on the Internet. |

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|These websites cover a wide range of niche markets for almost every conceivable product or service — from golf to babies to consumer electronics to |

|bird baths to ham radios to video games to quilting to Siamese cats to movies. |

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|My websites have generated over 1.57 BILLION website visitors — yes, "billion" with a "B" — since their inception. |

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|And most of them didn't cost me one single penny. I've discovered techniques for pulling in FREE search engine traffic, using "viral marketing" to |

|exponentially explode website traffic growth, and many other "magnetic" tactics. |

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|I've built (entirely from scratch!) permission-based, opt-in email lists of over several MILLION unique people. |

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|And I didn't "buy" or "rent" these addresses, or wrongfully strip them from the Internet. I built these lists one subscriber at a time. |

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|I've conducted over 65,000 unique, scientific "split tests" for determining maximum response to my ads and online offers. |

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|I tested things such as web graphics, fonts, font sizes, colors, headlines, prices, bonuses, guarantees, web page layouts, link structures, and much |

|more. |

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|I was one of the early pioneers of opt-in email marketing and started one of the first "autoresponder" services on the Internet back in 1994. |

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|Opt-in email lists and particularly autoresponders are one of the key tools used by nearly every successful online marketer today. (By the way, I also|

|invented one of the first "multi-tier" banner ad exchanges, too.< b>) |

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|I developed a service in 1997 that has since facilitated over $57,000,000 in sales on eBay, the world's largest online auction site. |

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|In fact, I've made more money in one single year of doing business online than what most online marketers will ever make in their ENTIRE lifetimes! |

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|I've personally owned over 28,750 ".com" domain names. |

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|Not 28. Not 280. Not even 2,800. In fact, when you consider that domain names used to cost $15 a pop, I'll let you do the math and figure it out... |

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|I've had TWO of my websites join the very elite group of Top 500 websites in the world for overall traffic. |

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|These sites were getting more traffic than CNN, Disney and all those other huge corporations that spend millions on Super Bowl ads and the like. And |

|what's even more amazing is that I did it by spending less than $1,000 on each of these sites. (A 3rd website is about to enter that elite group!) |

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|I've made a small fortune with affiliate programs as one of the top "Super Affiliates" in the world, working quietly, "under the radar." |

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|For years I've seen many people "bragging" they were making $10,000 a month from affiliate programs, while I was minding my own business and |

|generating as much as $65,000 a month from ONE affiliate program on just ONE of my sites. |

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|I've made a small fortune selling information products online. |

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|Infoproducts are one of my specialties. I've developed infoproducts that have gone from zero to over $100,000 in sales a month in only a few months |

|time. I regularly "scout" for niche markets to create new infoproduct businesses around. |

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|I've also made a lot money in a wide variety of different fields, product categories and services. For example, I made a small fortune in... |

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|Selling web-based services online. |

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|Selling physical products online. |

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|Buying and selling advertising online. |

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|Buying and selling domain names. |

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|Selling software online. |

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|With online auctions. |

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|Brokering "leads" online. |

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|From membership & subscription sites. |

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|Getting people to enter contests. |

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|Buying and selling websites and intellectual property. |

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|But not only that... I've even made a small fortune promoting ABSOLUTELY FREE products and services! |

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|I've received monthly checks as big as $54,000 just for promoting products and services that were FREE... such as getting people to signup and use |

|discount product sites that were free to join. |

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|I could go on and on. But regardless of all these accomplishments under my belt, and regardless of what I say, the BIG question remains... |

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|Was The Seminar Really Worth |

|The $4,500-A-Head Investment? |

|Just a sidenote, I had ZERO refunds for my $4,500 workshop. I offered a 100% moneyback guarantee that they could come and sit in on the entire first |

|day risk-free. Not ONE refund. Most other seminars get several refunds. |

|But I'll let the attendees speak for themselves... |

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|Here are just a few "off-the-cuff" testimonials (the cameraman was just floating around the room capturing these) from a few of the attendees at the |

|workshop... |

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|"He Knows More About Selling On The Internet Than Any Man I've Ever Met..." |

|"I would say everybody here got about $450,000 worth... and it's just the end of the FIRST DAY..." [CONTINUED] |

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|"John Reese Made History!" |

|"I'm a complete newbie. I never had experience in this industry before... BUT to have come to this event has taught me so much..." [CONTINUED] |

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|Having problems seeing the Flash video? |

|Click to listen to the audio clip of Dumay KeoGarcia. |

|(You can also right-click your mouse to "Save Target As.") |

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|"I Learn So Much To Put More Money Into My Bank Account Directly!" |

|"I came to this even wanting to find strategies to grow my business... I thought I knew it all... but I learned so much from John Reese (and more) to |

|grow it exponentially..." [CONTINUED] |

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|Click to listen to the audio clip of Jason Potash. |

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|"John Reese Changed My Life |

|And My Family's Lifestyle!" |

|"John Reese is the reason I'm in direct marketing. Watching him speak changed my life and my family's lifestyle. I'm having the time of my life, and I|

|owe it to John..." [CONTINUED] |

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|Click to listen to the audio clip of Mike Long. |

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|"I'll Make 10, 20 Even 50 Times |

|What I Paid For This Event!" |

|"All you get from other events is a very small slice... but John Reese shared everything, from A to Z, on how to make a business work... and how to |

|build scalable businesses (and not just tiny moneymakers)..." [CONTINUED] |

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|Click to listen to the audio clip of Alex Ngheim. |

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|"I Thought I Knew Everything, |

|But My Head Was Spinning!" |

|"The first day alone, like, my head was spinning... It was such an eye-opening experience. It brought so much life to someone who's jaded about |

|Internet marketing. My livelihood will change instantly as a result..." [CONTINUED] |

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|Click to listen to the audio clip of Ryan Kaltman. |

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|"It Was Going To Cost Me More |

|If I Didn't Come To This Event!" |

|"John Reese's mind is amazing... I can now blow my income out of the water... It's shocking! He gave me the key to unlock the vault to the gold with |

|the information he shared..." [CONTINUED] |

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|Click to listen to the audio clip of Chris Zavadowski. |

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|"I Learned How To Bring |

|Massive Traffic To My Website!" |

|"My hope would be to at least double my business, and I'd be pretty happy... But with what I learned I will not only double or triple but also grow my|

|business exponentially..." [CONTINUED] |

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|Click to listen to the audio clip of Victor Cheng. |

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|But Frankly, Who CARES What I Say Or |

|What People Say About My Workshop? |

|No one. But if something truly works and if someone else can take it, learn from it and produce profits with it, that's the real test. Nothing else |

|matters. |

|The success stories of people that were at my workshop and learned what you will learn in "Traffic Secrets" are already producing amazing results. |

|One attendee at my workshop took a website from $500 a month (which is more than what the average website makes these days, sad to say) to well over |

|$30,000 a month. (And in just a few months since the event!) |

|Do the math... that's over $29,500 extra a month — $350,000+ a year (over a quarter of a million dollars!) — in extra, 100% "unsought" profits! |

|Another attendee went from $3,000 a month to over $10,000 a month in just 120 days. A third one was carefully tracking the new traffic he was able to |

|generate after the workshop, and he just broke the 200,000 unique visitor mark... |

|... And that's for highly targeted traffic for his niche! |

|(I'll tell you in a moment how you can learn exactly what the attendees learned.) |

|But I'll let them tell you in their own words. Listen to what attendees have said AFTER the workshop and implementing what they've learned (and their |

|results), just to show you that I'm not just tooting my own horn... |

|Updates From Attendees... |

|The following are recorded messages attendees left describing their results AFTER they had a chance to implement some of the strategies they've |

|learned at my event. |

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|"I Went From $500 to $30,000 A Month!" |

|"You may recall, I mentioned at your seminar that, 'when the student is ready the teacher will appear'. I was ready! And now, I want to share with you|

|my results using what I learned from you about generating traffic. |

|  |

|"I went from $500 a month to 30,000 a month. I'm so shocked! It's a startling number because I only applied only 15-20% of what you taught. I've got |

|110 things to do on my list, and I only got to do 20 of them! Thanks again, John." [CONTINUED] |

|— Victor Cheng, |

|Los Angeles, CA |

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|Click to listen to Victor Cheng's update after attending the event |

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|Having trouble listening to the clips? |

|Click to listen to the MP3 audio clip of Victor Cheng. |

|(You can also right-click your mouse to "Save Target As.") |

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|"I've Gotten 199,755 Targeted Prospects |

|Practically Overnight (And Still Growing!)" |

|"John, If anyone can teach about getting traffic, you can. Since learning your traffic strategies (at the workshop) and using them for my business, I |

|have gotten 199,755 targeted prospects. In fact, I will hit the 200,000 mark by 8am! |

|  |

|"Now, I must admit -- I haven't been able to use all your killer conversion strategies yet -- so I am not making what I really should be from these |

|prospects. I can be kind of lazy :) |

|  |

|"But, since every visitor is worth $.18, which I admit isn't much ... but it does add up quickly. If you do the math you will see that you have put |

|$35,935.90 in my pocket! |

|  |

|"Best of all -- this is only on the front-end. |

|  |

|"When I get a back-end in place your traffic strategies will easily make me over $100,000 this year. I would never have guessed that getting such high|

|quality targeted traffic could be this easy." |

|— Jonathan Page, |

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|Click to listen to Jonathan Page's update after attending the event |

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|Or click to listen to the MP3 audio clip of Johnathan Page. |

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|"15,258 Unique Visitors From Scratch!" |

|"I just want to give you a quick update. Check this out! One site I launched after your workshop, my traffic went through the roof! I got 15,258 |

|unique visitors in only 4 weeks of launching entirely from scratch a site that no one knew about! |

|  |

|"One little secret you shared got me indexed in Google in 3 days (this is NOT paid inclusion, either). I didn't pay a SINGLE dime!" [CONTINUED] |

|— Jason Potash |

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|Click to listen to Jason Potash's update after attending the event |

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|Or click to listen to the MP3 audio clip of Jason Potash. |

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|"An Extra $13,825.95 In Profits!" |

|"John, I just wanted to let you know what happened after that little conversation I had with you in the hallway at your seminar. I tried the Google |

|Adwords trick you spoke about and so far it's delivered an extra $13,825.95 in profits to me. (I checked the figures this morning.) |

|  |

|"It took you just 2 minutes to give me this idea and only 10 minutes for me to set it up. Gee, I wonder what would happen if I got to talk to you for |

|an entire hour? You're a genius!" [CONTINUED] |

|— James Scott, |

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|Click to listen to James' inspiring |

|story you just don't want to miss! |

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|Or click to listen to the MP3 audio clip of James Scott. |

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|"Turned A Losing Business Into A |

|Profitable One Making $37,000!" |

|"I just had a chance to try a few of the strategies I learned at the workshop. One thing I wanted to share is, I wanted to give them a try on another |

|business that failed in the past, and it was just collecting dust and losing money. |

|  |

|"Well, in just 3 months of your workshop, I revamped it and it has produced over 104,000 new prospects for my main business. That's 2,300 new paying |

|customers putting $37,000 extra into my pockets. And they keep ordering! Not too bad for a business I gave up on. I can't wait to try this on a my |

|regular businesses." [CONTINUED] |

|— Mike Long, |

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|Click to listen to Mike Long's update after the workshop |

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|Or click to listen to the MP3 audio clip of Mike Long. |

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|"I'm Getting 40,000 Unique Visitors |

|A Month In Less Than 60 Days!" |

|"John, I implemented just a few strategies you discussed at your workshop and the results are overwhelming! Just one technique grew a brand new site |

|from zero to 40,000 unique visitors a month in less than 60 days! |

|  |

|"I got 50,000 pages indexed into Google in just 48 hours with another site, due to the SEO linking strategy you discussed at the workshop. I'm blown |

|away, and it's generating tons of AdSense revenue for us!" [CONTINUED] |

|— Joe Garris, |

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|Click here to listen to Joe Garris' |

|update after the workshop |

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|Or click to listen to the MP3 audio clip of Joe Garris. |

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|"I Only Wish We Had 'Traffic Secrets' When We Started!" |

|"I thought we knew everything about Internet marketing, but there you were showing us tactics and strategies that are so simple (and profitable)! |

|  |

|"In fact, one strategy that only took 10 minutes to implement, raised our opt-in rate by 36%! Plus, after attending your workshop and learning the |

|pay-per-click strategies, we've lowered our PPC costs by 22% and doubled our clickthrough rate! |

|  |

|"Your event was by far the best seminar we've ever attended. Our whole outlook changed. We don't do a move without looking over your blueprints (which|

|you're offering with your course). I only wish we had Traffic Secrets when we started!" [CONTINUED] |

|— Dumay KeoGarcia, |

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|Click here to listen to Dumay KeoGarcia |

|update after the workshop |

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|Or click to listen to the MP3 audio clip of Dumay KeoGarcia. |

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|"What John Taught Allowed Me To Earn $50,000 In The Last Couple Of Months!" |

|"Some of the ideas have allowed me to add over $50,000 to my bottom-line in the last couple of months. I liked the fact that the seminar was put |

|together very systematically, and topics didn't jump around from one to another." [CONTINUED] |

|— Alex Ngheim, |

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|Click to listen to Alex Ngheim's update after attending the event |

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|Or click to listen to the MP3 audio clip of Alex Ngheim. |

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|"I Doubled My Profits... |

|A NET 100% Increase!" |

|"John, I applied what I learned and I've doubled my profits on my pay-per-clicks. My visitor value got a solid increase. It killed keywords that |

|weren't producing for me. They were bringing in sales but NOT profits. Now I'm able to find obscure keywords that DO produce profits. |

|  |

|"In fact, one of my main sites received a net profit increase of $500 each month since the workshop. That's just PPC side of things!" [CONTINUED] |

|— Chris Zavadowski, |

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|Click to hear Chris Zavadowski's update after attending the event |

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|Or click to listen to the MP3 audio clip of Chris Zavadowski. |

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|"My Traffic Is Now So Targeted, It Increased My Opt-In Rate By 71%!" |

|"I wanted to let you know how much I loved what you taught me. I've been marketing on the Internet for a couple of years, and by far the most |

|difficult task is driving traffic to my site. |

|  |

|"But thanks to you, my search engine placement has increased significantly (out of 908,000 possible search results), I got 12% increase in traffic, |

|and they are more targeted because the average stay on my site has grown and my opt-in rate has increased by 71%. Great news for my business and bank |

|account! Thanks John." [CONTINUED] |

|— Cindy Kappler, |

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|Click to listen to Cindy Kappler's update after attending the event |

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|Or click to listen to the MP3 audio clip of Cindy Kappler. |

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|"I Went From 4,200 Unique Visitors A Month To 15,000 With Just 3 Of Your Strategies!" |

|"Man, you just rock! I literally went through your CDs and last March I was doing 4,200 unique visitors. I applied just 3 of your strategies and now |

|generate 15,000 visitors. |

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|"In about 90 days I went from $3,000 now to over $10,000 a month! Using your outsourcing strategies, I'm not even doing the work myself! I even just |

|bought a house!" [CONTINUED] |

|— Ryan Kaltman, |

|Los Angeles, CA |

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|Click to listen to Ryan Kaltman's update after attending the event |

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|Or click to listen to the MP3 audio clip of Ryan Kaltman. |

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|Finally, An Update |

|From A Non-Attendee! |

|"A Few Ideas From The Audios Alone |

|Helped Me To Launch A Six-Figure Project!" |

|"I didn't go to the workshop because I was tied up with another project. But John cordially sent me copies of the audio (attendees got audio |

|recordings of the workshop before they left) as a friend and for personal study. |

|  |

|"I guess the best personal testimony that I can give for John Reese is that, number one, I do consider him a friend, and number two, John's experience|

|with traffic and converting traffic into money is mind-blowing. A few ideas I got from those audio recordings alone helped me recently to launch a |

|six-figure project. |

|  |

|"So I would say that those are two of the best recommendations that I can give. He's not my brother-in-law. He's not my brother. So I don't have the |

|family thing. That's the best two out of three. That's who John Reese is to me ... |

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|"Somebody who knows what he's talking about." |

|— Jim Edwards, |

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|Or click to listen to the MP3 audio clip of Jim Edwards. |

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|If You Missed Out On My Workshop, |

|Now Here's A 2nd Chance To "Cash In." |

|(And Get Even More Than What Attendees Got!) |

|You see, I recorded the event for personal reasons. |

|But when the "buzz" hit the Internet about the event, a ton of people kept poking and prodding me about when I was going to sell recordings. Some |

|people kept bugging me and bugging me for the videos because they missed coming to my event. |

|Now, perhaps you are wondering why I held off on selling videos of the entire workshop, and just sell tons of them online. Well, there's a couple of |

|reasons... |

|First, I don't want that many people to know all my secrets. |

|I'm not trying to be selfish. But truth is, the more people know about my secrets (or some of them, at least), the less effective they will be in |

|making big profits on the Internet... For me and for any of the lucky individuals I share them with. |

|Second of all, a lot of the information from my workshop was high-level training. It was quite intensive and wasn't meant for online marketing |

|beginners. If I released all the videos "as is," it would be too much for some people to digest and absorb. |

|But I want to help people who are just starting out as much as the veterans. |

|That's why I've spent the last 4 months working on putting this huge course together, recording all the extra videos, writing all the documentation |

|and pulling the most crucial highlights from my "Triple Your Profit" workshop... |

|... That's Over 1,000 Hours Spent On |

|Writing And Recording More Content! |

|In other words, it's NOT just videos of the event. |

|It's also jammed-pack with a screen-captured video tutorials (as much as twice the content from the workshop), a workbook, a training guide, |

|blueprints, audios and actual links and resources... over 14 years of blood, sweat and tears were poured into it! |

|You'll be able to hear, watch, learn and track your progress as I reveal my... |

|Traffic SECRETS™ |

|"How to Flood Your Website With |

|Red-Hot Visitors Who Are Eager To |

|Buy Your Products And Services!" |

|[pic] |

|Everything I taught about generating traffic during that life-changing training event (and then some!) are explained in great detail. In fact, the |

|system consists of: |

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|5 DVDs (with hours of recordings pulled from the workshop, all presented in a cohesive, step-by-step, easy-to-follow format)... |

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|5 CD video tutorials offering several MORE hours of detailed, screen-captured video showing you step-by-step, blow-by-blow instructions of me going |

|through each step, as if you're looking over my shoulders as I do them... |

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|3 BONUS DVDs and a BONUS CD tutorial covering crucial, often-overlooked components that can leverage your efforts and maximize your results... |

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|Several workbooks including a workbook, training guide, tools and checklists... you even get the exact handouts and blueprints attendees got at the |

|workshop. |

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|The videos contain over 12 hours of audio and video content, and there are close to 500 solid pages of printed materials with "wall-to-wall" |

|information... no unnecessary filler, fat margins or blank pages for notes (like some other courses these days). |

|It dives right in and delivers meaty content, from the very moment you slip in the first DVD, to the very last page of the very last manual. |

|It's not a bunch of confusing stuff and with thoughts all over the place, too. |

|That's why I'm so proud of this course because it took a lot of work to systematize, and practically "take my brain" and what I do with my own |

|businesses to make money, and to put it into a sequential, step-by-step format anyone can follow. |

|Sure, it's huge. But there's no "how to eat an elephant whole," here. It's served "assembly-line style" where you CAN'T complete step 3 unless you've |

|done step 2, and you CAN'T do step 2 until you've completed step 1. |

|If you can send an email to a friend, copy and paste, and "drag and drop" items with your mouse, then you've got 95% of the skills required to apply |

|what I teach. |

|But above all... |

|... You'll Be Truly Blown Away When |

|You Learn The Contents Of This Course. |

|This thing is far and away the best and most extensive Internet marketing course ever created. And I'm not just saying that because I want you to buy |

|it. Heck, if you don't buy it it's not going to hurt my feelings. |

|< the of p>anywhere at any price. |

|I show you how to have< and on out> a total "attack plan" for building leverage and stability into your business by generating traffic and leads from |

|many sources all across the Internet, and not just focus on getting traffic from one place. |

|< the of p>Traffic Secrets Workbook, Manuals |

|And "Quick Start" Audio CD Guide |

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|This first component includes the Quick Start Audio CD. The moment you receive your box in the mail containing your entire Traffic Secrets System, |

|pull out that audio CD, plop it into the CD-ROM drive right away, and just sit back and listen. |

|Follow along as it takes you "by the hand," step by step, and shows you what you must do first, then second, then next, and so on. It really is "step |

|by step." |

|(Think of it like those VCR "quick-and-easy start guides" that comes with them.) |

|The workbook includes a "Progress Tracker" so you always know where you are in the process, and "Traffic Generation Journal" pages so you can track |

|your activity and results on a day-to-day basis... so you can watch your traffic grow! |

|Use it for notes to write down ideas, breakthroughs and whatever you come across you don't want to forget as you go through the course. |

|There's also a Training Guide. This guide contains key points and a step-by-step action plan with tips to accelerate your learning — so you start |

|applying what you uncover faster than you ever thought possible. |

|Bottom-line, this component is definitely not your grandma's "ebook!" |

|Okay, now here's the "heart" of the entire Traffic Secrets System... |

|Component #2: |

|The Traffic Secrets DVDs |

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|These are the DVDs that contain all the major components recorded from my workshop that discusses, in deep, vivid, step-by-step detail, everything I |

|taught (and everything you need to know!) about generating massive traffic. |

|Let's take a brief look at each individual DVD. |

|The first one is how to master the pay-per-click search engines. |

|Why is it first? Because pay-per-click search engines are usually the first step people take to launch a new website... or to kick an existing one |

|into gear... |

|DVD Volume 1: |

|"Pay-Per-Click Mastery" |

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|Click the "play" button to see a brief sample of this DVD. |

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|Here's Just A Small Sample Of Things |

|You'll Discover On DVD Volume One... |

|The 4 vital ways to get website traffic and how to master each one. (If you want to be "spoonfed" a constant stream of leads, apply what you'll learn |

|in chapter 1.) |

|How to dominate markets where the keywords are too expensive. (Stop allowing the pay per click search engines to suck you dry financially. Use this |

|technique to get targeted leads at fire-sale prices. See 25:15 in chapter 4.) |

|How to use a simple, but sneaky trick, to spy on your competitors web pages and have them show you tons of profitable keywords. (See 30:16 in chapter |

|4.) |

|How to generate "backdoor keywords" and exploit the PPC system. (This technique will show you how to spot hidden pools of cash in the search engines |

|and side-step their silly relevancy rules. (See 17:20 in chapter 3.) |

|Why you should buy traffic first (even if it's less than $50) before you take advantage of all the free traffic on the Internet. This is one secret |

|the free traffic "gurus" won't teach you. See 1:39 in chapter 1. |

|How to play both sides of the traffic game and make money on visitors who don't buy from you. (How would you like other people to pay all of your |

|advertising costs? It's easy with this little trick. See 35:39 in chapter 4.) |

|Warning! If you're not doing this with each method you use to drive traffic, your business is destined for failure. (See 12:52 in chapter 1.) |

|Here's a free software tool that will tell you minute-by-minute what keywords are being searched for all over the internet. (See 39:55 in chapter 4.) |

|3 magic words you can use in your pay-per-click ad to cause a stampede to your website. (Watch out for extreme traffic spikes after adding these words|

|to your ads. See 1:22:28 in chapter 6.) |

|Cash Emergency? If you're in urgent need of cash, here's the most targeted traffic you can get to bring in sales immediately. (See 14:01 in chapter |

|2.) |

|The #1 tool for maximizing your pay-per-click profits . (If you don't use this, you're flushing money down the toilet. See 57:08 in chapter 5.) |

|A sneaky, but ethical way to bring in extra profits by "sponsoring" your own content. (Even the "experts" are going to be surprised by this secret. |

|See 44:53 in chapter 4.) |

|How to quickly perform a market "heat check" and find out how many competitors are in your marketplace and if they're using tactics you can steal. |

|(See 57:53 in chapter 5.) |

|How to create 'dummy sites' that are specifically designed NOT to make money and yet they shovel thousands of visitors to your main websites set up to|

|sell your products and services. (See 18:33 in chapter 3.) |

|The 4 traffic buying price models you must know to create a cash-rich internet business. (See 9:50 in chapter 1.) |

|How to profit from tunnel-vision visitors who only look for the lowest price items. (You never want to compete on price alone. You want to deliver so |

|much value, price becomes a non-issue. But, you can still make money off of people who only buy the lowest price. All you have to do is this.... see |

|59:32 in chapter 6.) |

|The most powerful phrase you can drop into any pay-per-click ad to instantly boost the value of each visitor you get to your web site. (See 1:04:26 in|

|chapter 6.) |

|How to bypass the email filters and stop subscribers from deleting your content. (Most people get so much email it's hard to separate the spam from |

|the good stuff. So, they delete virtually everything in their inbox. Here's a quick and easy way to get your email to have a longer shelf life and |

|generate a stunning pass-along effect to bring in more subscribers and sales. See 46:15 in chapter 4.) |

|3 'do or die' marketing elements you must master before starting any new projects. (See 7:55 in chapter 1.) |

|How to generate thousands of under-valued and over-looked keywords in minutes and avoid price wars with other advertisers. (See 32:48 in chapter 4.) |

|How to boost your profits by intentionally keeping certain people from clicking on your pay-per-click ad. having people NOT click on your pay per |

|click ad. (This one little trick can make a big difference in response. See 1:05:10 in chapter 6.) |

|Why it's becoming almost impossible to giveaway free stuff online and what you must do to get more leads. (See 42:48 in chapter 4.) |

|How an "accidental" math mistake shot website conversions through the roof. (You'll get a real kick out of this trick. Your customers will feel like |

|their actually taking advantage of you when they pull out their checkbooks. You'll have to see this one to believe it. See 1:23:44 in chapter 6.) |

|And much, much more. |

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|The next step in line is... advertising. |

|Advertising is the lifeblood of business. But if it's not done right, even with FREE advertising, it's not going to do you much good. You'll be |

|wasting time and money, which are much better spent on growing your business. |

|(I also share a few sneaky little tricks and some often overlooked advertising opportunities that are going to knock your socks off! Read on...) |

|DVD Volume 2: |

|"Web & Email Advertising Success" |

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|Click the "play" button to see a brief sample of this DVD. |

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|Here's Just A Small Sample Of Things |

|You'll Discover On DVD Volume Two... |

|How to use the Overture "Bully" technique to cold-cock your competitors and force them out of the marketplace. (I know that this technique is going to|

|create a firestorm of controversy because it can permanently disable a competitor's business. But I promised not to hold anything back and competition|

|on Overture is brutal. Apply this technique and force your competitors to take a "financial bloodbath". See 31:30 in chapter 2.) |

|The #1 most overlooked method for buying online leads. (See 1:15:28 in chapter 6.) |

|Trigger words you can put in your PPC ad to weed out the non-buyers before they even click. (These words are like 'dead-beat repellant' and they |

|immediately keep out web surfers who are 'just looking' and save you money. See chapter 1.) |

|Case Study: How one small ad sent to an email list made over $13,000 in profit in less than a week. (You'll discover the exact mailing list the offer |

|was sent to. See 1:09:40 in chapter 5.) |

|The most powerful color your links should be and why. (See 48:13 in chapter 3.) |

|A secret website source I use to buy "expired domains" with hundreds, even thousands, of existing incoming links that send me a flood of free |

|prospects consistently. (See 1:27:29 in chapter 6.) |

|6 online classified ad resources you must know about immediately. (Don't discount classified ads. I know marketers who are quietly raking in thousands|

|of dollars a month with tiny classified ads and are praying that their competitors never catch on. Cash in on this secret now! See 1:14:55 in chapter |

|5.) |

|How to intentionally "screw up" your webpage and get a higher percentage of visitors to buy your products and services. (Hardly anyone knows this |

|bizarre trick. See 1:25:45 in chapter 6.) |

|The most ignored goldmine on the entire internet. (Your blood will run cold when you see how much money you've been missing out on. I would have |

|easily paid $25,000 to have learned about this years ago. See 36:31 in chapter 3.) |

|The two biggest mistakes you can make with pay-per-click search engines and why it's insane that 99% of advertisers make them. (See 25:16 in chapter |

|2.) |

|How to master email advertising. (It's the most intimate form of marketing there is on the internet and once you discover a few key ingredients, |

|you'll be able to create money on demand. By the way, I'm talking about sending email to people who have asked you to contact them. I hate spam with a|

|passion and I would never tell you to send it. See 1:04:17 in chapter 5.) |

|6 tips for buying dirt-cheap web sites that can instantly produce an influx of new prospects. (Don't even think about making any offers to buy a site |

|until you review this section. See 1:19:16 in chapter 6.) |

|Why you should avoid the quick-buck, seasonal items and concentrate on projects that make you money all year long. (Don't invest your time in |

|something that will only make you money for a couple of months. Here's what you should do instead... see 19:53 in chapter 2.) |

|7 private resources you can immediately use to dig up little-known ezines that you can advertise in for pennies. (This is the "secret stash" I haven't|

|talked about before. See 1:11:40 in chapter 5.) |

|How to buy existing email newsletters, pre-built with red-hot prospects, for pennies on the dollar. (You'll discover how to get the owner of the email|

|newsletter to help pay for the purchase before you shell out any money and you'll be able to send your advertisements to these prospects time and time|

|again without having to pay to advertise. See 1:22:31 in chapter 6.) |

|The #1 mistake most marketers make when it comes to banner ads. (If you do them right, banner ads can become a huge money maker for you... but you'll |

|lose your shirt if you don't take certain precautions. See 38:22 in chapter 3.) |

|A slick little bidding technique will leave your competitors scratching their heads and wondering why you're ad is always showing up before theirs, |

|even though they are paying the same price per click and have the same clickthrough rate that you do. (Use this technique to "kidnap" sales away from |

|them. See 27:26 in chapter 2.) |

|A quick case study of a savvy marketer who buys half a billion banner ads per month and is laughing all the way to the bank. (See 42:50 in chapter 3.)|

| |

|How changing one word in a headline boosted response by over 298%. (Quick note: If you market any 'how to' information, you'll want to jump ahead to |

|this section of the dvd. This one change will give you immediate results. See 52:10 in chapter 4.) |

|2 of the best places to buy dirt cheap permission based email leads. (See 1:11:51 in chapter 5.) |

|How would you like to have a #1 ranking for any category or keyword in Yahoo & Google? It's easy. Simply do this and it's done. (You'll kick yourself |

|for not thinking about this sooner. See 1:15:40 in chapter 6.) |

|Here's the easiest way to boost your Google Adwords traffic without spending more money. (See 30:00 in chapter 2.) |

|12 killer banner ad examples you can model for your own products and crush your competition. (This is word-for-word tested material you can swipe |

|immediately! See 50:57 in chapter 4.) |

|Why you should NOT sell advertising space in your email newsletter. (Most people simply give away money when they do this. Here's a much better way to|

|generate huge profits from your list. See 1:04:32 in chapter 5.) |

|How to know exactly which domain names you should register and which ones to stay away from. (If you can come up with the right domain name, it's like|

|discovering an untapped oil well. Here's the easy way to do it... see 1:26:08 in chapter 6.) |

|4 overlooked keys to success you must follow every time you advertise in email newsletters. (Keep these keys in mind before you place anymore ads and |

|spend one more stinking penny. See 1:07:36 in chapter 5.) |

|True or false: You make more money if you're in the #1 position on Overture. False! I'll show you why the 'idiot factor' will cause you to flush away |

|money if you insist on being #1 on Overture. To see exactly which position is the 'power profit sweet spot', rush over to 30:46 in chapter 2. |

|9 of the best places to buy banner ads. (You won't get these resources anywhere else. See 1:01:38 in chapter 4.) |

|How to spot underperforming websites that you can steal for pennies and use their existing traffic to sell a ton of your products. (See 1:17:28 in |

|chapter 6.) |

|How to make money with Google Adsense from content you didn't even create. (Many publishers are making thousands of extra dollars each month with |

|Google Adsense. Here's a quick and easy way for you to tap into that income stream with virtually no work. See 1:23:39 in chapter 6.) |

|3 magical sentences you can say that will force website owners to virtually hand you the deed to their site. (This is sinister, but it works like a |

|charm. See 1:20:41 in chapter 6.) |

|How to set up an automated, no-risk joint venture partnership with thousands of email newsletter owners. (It's like having a highly-trained, |

|commission based sales force at your beck-and-call. See 1:12:09 in chapter 5.) |

|How to profit from a common mistake most people make whenever they search for something at the search engines. (I do it. You do it. Now here's how you|

|can profit from it. See 1:24:53 in chapter 6.) |

|How to get natural "type in" traffic from domain names. (I know a few people making over $15,000 a month in "bonus" sales using this single technique.|

|This will open your eyes to all of the easy money floating around on the Internet. See 1:24:29 in chapter 6.) |

|What are the 2 most responsive words you could ever use on the Internet? (Hint: The word FREE is not one of the words. And if you think one of the |

|words is... new, amazing, secret, sale, breakthrough, announcing or any of the other "power words" you've read in all of those marketing courses, |

|you'd be dead wrong. I've literally run thousands of tests and these 2 tiny words have been more responsive than everything else. Rush on over to |

|47:50 in chapter 3 to find out what they are.) |

|And much, much more. |

| |

|The third step is the heart of the Internet... search engines. |

|But spending too much time on doing the wrong things with search engines (or wasting your money on expensive "search engine optimization" services) |

|can literally KILL YOUR BUSINESS. That's why step #3 is spent on this area alone... |

|DVD Volume 3: |

|"Search Engine Domination" |

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|Click the "play" button to see a brief sample of this DVD. |

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|Here's Just A Small Sample Of Things |

|You'll Discover On DVD Volume Three... |

|How to master "search engine blackjack" and tip the odds of getting higher rankings in your favor. (In Vegas, the casinos hate "card counters" because|

|they've figured out a way to get an unfair advantage in the popular game of blackjack. Well, you're competitors are going to hate you, because I |

|detail exactly how you can gain such an unfair advantage in the search engine optimization "game" that they will be annihilated and embarrassed. See |

|1:47 in chapter 1.) |

|How to get high-quality link partners without spending hundreds of hours of your valuable time. (See 1:01:53 in chapter 6.) |

|The 4 key factors Yahoo looks at when deciding where to place you in their directory. (These are advanced level tricks from one of the world's most |

|accomplished Yahoo expert. See 22:53 in chapter 2.) |

|3 vital elements you must 'burn into your brain' if you ever hope to have any success with search engine optimization. (See chapter 1.) |

|The Ultimate Search Engine Spy Tool: How to reverse engineer the top ranking websites for the keyword of your choice and quickly discover what they |

|did to get there. (See 36:26 in chapter 4.) |

|How to create lead generation "land mines" that lure people to your websites. (When they step on any of these, they will explode your sales :>. See |

|6:21 in chapter 1.) |

|How an "internet idiot" got his brand new site spidered from 11 different search engines in less than 2 hours. (This technique is ingenious and you'll|

|be able to do it in less than 60 minutes. See 48:23 in chapter 5.) |

|A little-known, untapped search engine trick for pulling in red-hot visitors with PDF files. (See 1:06:38 in chapter 6.) |

|The #1 thing that search engines love the most. (Over time, all search engines will change their formulas, but if you utilize this one thing, you'll |

|always improve your rankings. See 3:49 in chapter 1.) |

|How to quickly and easily get into the Yahoo directory and cement a high ranking for your web site. (See 17:58 in chapter 2.) |

|The dirty little secret behind linking strategies and why if you do it wrong, you'll be booted from the search engines. (Is your website vulnerable? |

|See 38:05 in chapter 4.) |

|How to create thousands of pages of instant content that the search engines will love and not penalize you for. (See 7:34 in chapter 1.) |

|Why the first 1000 characters on your web pages can make or break you in the search engine marketing game. (See 27:49 in chapter 3.) |

|The biggest mistake marketers make when trying to optimize for the search engines. (Once you see what most people are doing wrong, you'll be amazed |

|that they can't figure it out. See 5:24 in chapter 1.) |

|The mysterious Yahoo "Phone Book" connection you can use to force your site to the top of their directory. (See 21:33 in chapter 2.) |

|The 5 most important things you should do when designing a page to get high rankings in the search engines. (If you're in a rush to get high-rankings,|

|use this quick cheat-sheet to boost your search engine placement. See 28:25 in chapter 3.) |

|How to tap into 's massive database with a $99 piece of software and explode your own website traffic. (See 8:54 in chapter 1.) |

|This type of site gets preferential treatment from the search engines. See 4:29 in chapter 1. |

|Never do this to your website design... it could cost you dearly. (Sadly 99% of websites get this all wrong. See 27:30 in chapter 3.) |

|Do you put your copyright information at the bottom of your web pages? If so, you're making a huge mistake. Here's what you should place there instead|

|that can shower you with free search engine traffic... see 1:04:13 in chapter 6. |

|Did you know you can set up a site today that will have over 10 million pages of great content that you don't even have to write or pay for? (In case |

|you haven't figured it out yet, every piece of content you have will drive in hungry buyers. See 13:33 in chapter 1 to discover how to do this.) |

|A dummies guide to XML and RSS feeds and how you can use them to generate hundreds of thousands of pages and thousands of visitors from dynamic |

|content. (See 8:12 in chapter 1.) |

|How to create a killer info-product without doing any work or even paying someone else to do the work. (This is like having a license to steal. See |

|15:55 in chapter 1.) |

|How an internet newbie took over the #1 position in Yahoo for a fiercely competitive niche market by using just a handful of secrets. (See 22:07 in |

|chapter 2.) |

|What does "nature" have to do with getting you to the top of the search engines? Rush to 39:35 in chapter 4 for the shocking details. |

|How a simple piece of software can scour the net searching for free content for you and upload it to your site instantly. (This free content can |

|attract truckloads of lead to your site. See 51:46 in chapter 5.) |

|How to force the search engines to visit your site more often (Bonus tip: The quicker you get the search engines to spider your site, the faster |

|you'll get new pages listed... which means more traffic for you. See 3:48 in chapter 1.) |

|The only "real rule" you must know when it comes to winning in the search engine game. (See 35:15 in chapter 4.) |

|5 search engine optimization tools that will blast your rankings ahead of your competitors. (See 16:24 in chapter 1.) |

|How to use the power of "authority sites" to skyrocket your rankings on Google and other major search engines. (This is major. If your site has |

|dropped its rankings in the last couple of months, use this technique to push it back up. See 56:57 in chapter 5.) |

|Why you should never put your email address on your website. (Here's what you should put instead. See 1:07:29 in chapter 6.) |

|4 major free content resources that you can't live without. (You'll be amazed at how much free material is floating around on the internet. Why not |

|use it to drive visitors to your websites? See 14:58 in chapter 1.) |

|How to use a little-known free account to get an unfair advantage with Yahoo. (See 55:22 in chapter 5.) |

|How to become a power publisher by leveraging the work of others. (It won't cost you a cent. See 6:55 in chapter 1.) |

|How many times should your keyword appear on a website page? See 32:25 in chapter 3. |

|A "poor man's guide" to getting listed into Google in less than 2 days. (People would happily pay more than $5000 just to learn how to do this. See |

|46:06 in chapter 5 and discover how to do it.) |

|And much, much more! |

| |

|Next, I cover some of the most underutilized lead generation strategies. From affiliate programs to (legitimate) software to "viral marketing" to |

|linking strategies. |

|After you've gone through DVDs 1, 2 and 3, you'll quickly understand why this one is next (but certainly not the least of the 4). This section delves |

|deeply into the concept of how to build huge SNOWBALLS of traffic that are virtually unstoppable. |

|DVD Volume 4: |

|"Linking Strategies & Viral Marketing" |

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|Click the "play" button to see a brief sample of this DVD. |

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|Here's Just A Small Sample Of Things |

|You'll Discover On DVD Volume Four... |

|How to get a site listed back into Google after it's been taken out. (Critical information on how to reverse the 'Google Kiss Of Death' and put your |

|site back into the search engine network after it's been declared dead. See 12:26 in chapter 2.) |

|The next major wave in internet marketing. (Good news: There's still time to profit from this blockbuster. See 51:39 in chapter 5.) |

|What is the one thing you can add to your website immediately to get deeper penetration in the search engines? (Hint: It's two words and it can add |

|zeros to your bottom line. See 20:40 in chapter 2.) |

|The best source to use to discover thousands of keywords in your marketplace. (Note: Most website owners don't even come close to tapping all of the |

|keywords they could use to bring in targeted prospects on demand. This will give you a leg up on your competitors. See 1:50 in chapter 1.) |

|Never run any offline advertising without first doing this... see 51:12 in chapter 4. |

|Case Study: How a 10,000 page website (created in minutes), got fully indexed in Google in 30 days and generated 90,000 unique visitors in a short |

|period of time. (See 10:21 in chapter 2.) |

|How to use affiliate programs to boost your link popularity. (See 14:15 in chapter 2.) |

|How to quickly build a viral community of thousands of members. (These loyal warriors will constantly promote your site through word of mouth and it's|

|free for you. Get this technique right... and your traffic will spread like a wildfire. See 1:06:54 in chapter 5.) |

|Unusual software tool you can use to generate thousands of "search engine friendly" web pages in minutes. (See 1:24 in chapter 1.) |

|2 "can't-miss" tools to find all of the link partners you'll ever need. (See 46:57 in chapter 4.) |

|Little-known viral marketing strategies that make you money on auto-pilot. (See 1:05:19 in chapter 5.) |

|The only kind of domain name you should ever register. (Ignore this rule and you'll forfeit a boatload of traffic. See 51:52 in chapter 5.) |

|How to quickly and easily analyze any site and discover what keywords they are listed for and where they rank. (This is a huge time-saver. See 4:05 in|

|chapter 1.) |

|2 viral marketing mistakes you must avoid at all costs! (You'll hear how two famous marketers lost thousands of dollars because of these mistakes. See|

|1:11:46 in chapter 6.) |

|Quick rule-of-thumb: Limit the amount of links you have on one page to.... see 26:59 in chapter 2. |

|The biggest mistake most people make with keyword research tools. (Are you making this 'profit killing' mistake? See 35:17 in chapter 3.) |

|Anytime a search engine can detect this on your website, you'll get penalized. (See 34:22 in chapter 2.) |

|2 secrets for making tiny viral ebooks spread all across the internet. (You'll create a traffic storm that's impossible to stop. See 59:08 in chapter |

|5.) |

|Do you have hyphens or numbers in your domain names? Here's why that's costing you money... see 48:59 in chapter 4. |

|How page rank works and the effect outbound links have on it. (There's been a lot of talk about this subject lately. Mainly by people who don't have a|

|clue. See 38:01 in chapter 3 to clear up any confusion.) |

|And much, much more! |

| |

|Finally, I discuss free methods to drive more targeted prospects to your site. And if your budget is limited, this is the section you don't want to |

|miss. |

|But, there are tons of often ignored, underdeveloped and underutilized "assets" sitting on your website right now that can help drive a colossal |

|number of visitors to your website... and you don't even know they exist! |

|(Better still, most of them only take a few minutes to implement!) |

|DVD Volume 5: |

|"Free Traffic Methods" |

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|Click the "play" button to see a brief sample of this DVD. |

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|Here's Just A Small Sample Of Things |

|You'll Discover On DVD Volume Five... |

|10 underused ways to get free traffic. (Let me ask you a favor: Test-drive just a handful of these tactics on your 'worst-performing' website and sit |

|back and watch what it does to your sales. It could put thousands of dollars in your pocket without much effort. See chapter 1.) |

|The one thing you can remove from your website today and instantly convert more visitors into buyers. (Get rid of it today. It's costing you money. |

|See 13:34 in chapter 2.) |

|How to turn your customers into marketing partners. (Imagine having thousands of 'worker bees' constantly feeding you new prospects. See 24:42 in |

|chapter 2.) |

|How to explode your long-term cash-flow by sacrificing early profits. (Pure greed will keep your competitors from copying this technique. See 40:56 in|

|chapter 3.) |

|The greatest viral marketing technique of all time. (It's completely no risk for you, it brings in automatic traffic and it still works today. See |

|12:07 in chapter 2.) |

|How to take advantage of 'marketing copycats' to create a chain-reaction and have everyone promoting your products. (No need to beg people to do joint|

|ventures with you. Simply apply this secret and partners will flock to you. See 46:30 in chapter 4.) |

|If you host a forum on your website, make sure the software does this... see 2:34 in chapter 1. |

|Do you pay your affiliates by check? Big mistake. Check fraud is huge. People have lost thousands of dollars doing this. Here's the only way you |

|should ever pay your affiliates. (See 18:48 in chapter 2.) |

|How to use 'affiliate recruiters' to catapult your affiliate program into the thousands. (See 30:56 in chapter 2.) |

|How to get free traffic from mp3 files. (If you think mp3 files are just for music, this technique will open your eyes to a whole new way of driving |

|hungry buyers to your website. Your competitors won't have a clue. See 5:23 in chapter 1.) |

|What's the #1 way to recruit high-volume marketing partners? Simple. Just make sure you do this before you contact them... see 35:09 in chapter 3. |

|The ultimate no risk, high leverage, huge return marketing tactic you must immediately apply to your online business. (Once you get this rolling, you |

|couldn't stop the sales if you wanted to. See 12:07 in chapter 2.) |

|3 things you must do every month for your traffic to grow. (See 48:04 in chapter 5.) |

|A throwaway idea that made an extra $100,000 in less than 3 months. (Not 1 person in a thousand will do it. See 22:38 in chapter 2.) |

|Where should you put the link to join your affiliate program? Put it here or you'll lose sales. (Hint: It's not where you think. See 1:05:12 in |

|chapter 5.) |

|The all too common deal-breaking mistake most marketers make before they approach marketing partners. (See 43:08 in chapter 3.) |

|How to recruit affiliates if you sell B-to-B products. (Unlike a lot of consumer products, one sale to a business could be worth thousands, even |

|millions of dollars. Use this technique to magnetically attract the top-notch affiliates in your marketplace. See 1:00:13 in chapter 5.) |

|8 tips for running a successful affiliate program. (See 13:16 in chapter 2.) |

|How to create irresistible, no-brainer offers that force other people to promote your products. (See 41:52 in chapter 3.) |

|How to 'brainwash' your affiliates to sell more of your products. (They make more money. You make more money. Nobody gets hurt. :> See 27:43 in |

|chapter 2.) |

|And much, much more! |

| |

|Next are the CD-ROM "screen-captured" tutorials... |

|Component #3: |

|Traffic Secrets Step-By-Step |

|CD-ROM Tutorials And Resources |

|[pic] |

|These tutorials go into greater detail about, expand on and even gives examples of the major strategies you learn on the DVDs... So you won't miss a |

|beat! |

|They show you exactly what to do, every step of the way. I recorded my every move and my every word, so you see what I see, hear what I say and watch |

|what I type. It's as if you're looking over my shoulders as I go through the steps! |

|Let's take a brief look at each individual CD-ROM. |

|I kick things off with the power of "targeting." |

|Online, driving good, high quality, ready-to-buy leads relies heavily on the keywords your prospects will find you with. It's #1 step in the CD |

|tutorials because it's not only the most important section but also the one most people SCREW UP. |

|CD-ROM Volume 1: |

|"Keyword Discovery" |

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|Actual screenshot of just one lesson from the CD-ROM tutorial. |

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|Here's Just A Small Sample Of Things |

|You'll Discover On CD Volume One... |

|How to peek inside Google's database and find out exactly what keyword terms and phrases people have been searching for. (See lesson #4.) |

|A sneaky way for you to get your competitors to turn over their keyword list without them knowing it. (See lesson #8.) |

|The single most critical element of internet marketing. (Get this wrong, and you'll kill any chance of success you have on the internet. 99% of |

|marketers get it wrong. See lesson #1.) |

|How to use book titles as keywords and generate a list of thousands. (See lesson #10.) |

|How to find link partners and JV partners using unusual searches. (I stumbled across this secret playing around with the search engines and it works |

|like a charm. See lesson #8.) |

|How to dig deeper in the Overture search engine tool and uncover keyword goldmines that most people miss. (You'll see how to quickly generate a |

|stockpile of keywords. See lesson #3.) |

|How to drive prospects and leads from international markets and sniff out what other people are searching for in different countries. (On the |

|Internet, the international marketplace is just a click away. Don't ignore this potential jackpot. Expanding the countries you do business in can |

|double or even triple your business. See lesson #4.) |

|How to spot hidden keyword phrases that are invisible to you when you perform normal keyword research. (This is advanced level material. It's exactly |

|how I'm able to create keyword lists that range from 15,000 to 30,000 words while others are struggling to find just 500 keywords. This opens up a |

|whole new world of possibilities for you and it allows you to dominate markets your competitors don't even know exist. See lesson #5.) |

|How to use the power of to create a gigantic keyword list. (Spend a short afternoon using this free tool and you'll be astonished at the |

|amount of new keywords you can use to drive cash-wielding customers to your web site. See lesson #10.) |

|Free Private Resource: A little-known search engine you can use to come up with thousands of different keyword combinations to ramp up your website |

|traffic. (The great thing about this resource is that most people never use it for keyword research. I'll show you how to find some real keyword gems |

|with just a few strokes of your keyboard. See lesson #7.) |

|How to eyeball the supply and demand for all of your keywords and track down the words that get tons of traffic but have little or no competition. |

|(This is a bombshell. Once you uncover the keywords that bring in a ton of visitors and only have a handful of competitors, you can virtually inherit |

|thousands of paying customers with no sweat. Rush to see how in lesson #11.) |

|And much, much more. |

| |

|Next, I deal with the biggest search engine online... Google. |

|Google AdWords (i.e., the pay-per-click component of Google) is one of quickest and most effective ways of generating good, solid leads to your |

|website. |

|You can generate traffic in less than 15 minutes. But if you don't know what you're doing, it can cost you... BIG TIME! There are several things you |

|must know to make AdWords really profitable (I'm talking net profits, not just sales). |

|CD-ROM Volume 2: |

|"Google AdWords Mastery" |

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|Actual screenshot of just one lesson from the CD-ROM tutorial. |

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|Here's Just A Small Sample Of Things |

|You'll Discover On CD Volume Two... |

|A "no-holds barred, tell-all braindump" of everything I know about the Google Adwords system. (I've literally run thousands of tests on Adwords and |

|I've sniffed out dozens of insider tricks. On this cd-rom, you'll see the 'best of the best'. Your journey begins with lesson #1.) |

|How a single keyword produced $30,000 a month in sales every month it ran. (See lesson #1.) |

|How the Google reward system works and how you can get all of your clicks at a fraction of the cost of your competitors. (Why pay retail when you can |

|get the same amount of clicks at a discount? See lesson #2.) |

|One of the biggest mistakes you can make when you set up your Adword campaigns. (This mistake is a 'profit butcher' and it can slash the amount of |

|money you take home if you don't quickly correct it. See lesson #4.) |

|Creep into my 'internet laboratory' and spy on me as I delve into a live campaign, bring in traffic, and surgically improve the ads. (This is the |

|closest thing to having you come into my home and watch over my shoulder as I give birth to a new winning campaign. You'll see with your own eyes what|

|I do to raise my click-through rate and put a stranglehold on my competitors. Skip on over to lesson #3.) |

|The magical formula you can use to figure out what your maximum cost per click should be. (See lesson #4.) |

|The one key to writing killer Google Adword descriptions you'll never forget. (See lesson #4.) |

|2 easy things to do with your display URL to boost your click response. < i> |

|One of the most atrocious mistakes you can make using the Adwords system and why it can turn a profitable campaign into a profit-draining loser. (I'll|

|show you how you can fix it with one single click of the mouse. See lesson 5.) |

|The vital difference between the 3 formats of keywords you can enter into the Adwords system and which one you should always use. (If you're serious |

|about breaking the bank with profits you make from your Adword campaigns, you'll want to tattoo this rule to your brain. See lesson #4.) |

|How to march targeted sales leads and future customers to your site in as little as 15 minutes. (Where else are you going to get 'ready to buy' |

|prospects that quickly? See lesson 1.) |

|A little-known bonus from the Adwords system that allows you to increase your ad's response rate and escort more visitors to your site. (See lesson |

|#1.) |

|Would you like to make $720 for 20 seconds worth of work? If so, jump to 4:05 of lesson 7 and see exactly how I did that. |

|Watch how, in less than 15 seconds, I create a new Adwords listing that pulls in a whopping 11.2% click-through rate. (Keep in mind, most people |

|thrilled to death if they get a 2-3% click-through rate. Shoot on over to lesson 6 to see how I did it.) |

|The incredible 'flip-flop' technique you can use to raise the response rate of your Google ad. (See lesson #9.) |

|This one little secret will forever change the way you create Google ads... Almost every time I apply it, I see an instant spike in my traffic numbers|

|and sales. Sprint on over to lesson #7 to begin using this astonishing trick immediately.) |

|And much, much more. |

| |

|The second biggest generator of pay-per-click traffic is Overture. And that's why I spend an entire CD on it. Overture is 2nd in line (to Google) and |

|an important tool to have in your arsenal. But it's different and a little trickier than Google. |

|The good news is, Overture may be different but it has a lot of unique advantages you can exploit... if you know how! That's why on this CD-ROM, I go |

|into the steps you must take (and mistakes you must avoid!) with Overture... |

|CD-ROM Volume 3: |

|"Overture And Pay-Per-Click |

|Search Engine Tactics" |

|[pic] |

|Actual screenshot of just one lesson from the CD-ROM tutorial. |

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|Here's Just A Small Sample Of Things |

|You'll Discover On CD Volume Three... |

|Why you don't have to be in the top 3 on Overture to get a truckload of traffic. (Breaking News: This is a major change in Overture that allows you to|

|make more money with the lower positions. See lesson #1.) |

|Why most people are losing money on pay-per-click search engines and the 'quick fix' you can do to stop the bleeding. (See lesson #2.) |

|How to take advantage of a 'syndication flaw' that allows your ad to be shown twice on the first page of Yahoo and still pay less than the top 2 |

|bidders. (This is an amazing 'traffic loophole' and right now I'm using it to shovel thousands of new customers into my database. You need to strike |

|while the iron is still hot and cash in on this immediately! See lesson #2.) |

|99% of marketers commit this fatal atrocity and snuff out any chance of long-term success with their pay per click campaign. (Are you making the same |

|mistake? Find out in lesson #2.) |

|How a one penny increase in your bid price can jump you 44 spots on Overture. (See lesson #3.) |

|How to create bidding illusions that confuse your competitors and force them out of markets you want to monopolize. (Great way to fend off new |

|competitors and police your marketplace. See lesson #5.) |

|Step-by-step breakdown of everything you'll encounter when you get inside the Overture interface. (See lesson #4.) |

|How to get 'red-hot' prospects and leads to your site for one penny per visitor. (This will allow you to instantly shrink the amount of money you |

|spend on pay per click traffic each month. See lesson #7) |

|Where to unearth over 600 pay per click search engines you can use to haul in new prospects and leads to your website. (Most people think there are |

|only 1 or 2 pay-per-click search engines. See lesson #8.) |

|And much, much more. |

| |

|The next CD-ROM deals with "organic search engine traffic" in greater detail. ("Organic" means the free, non-paid kind of search engine placement.) |

|BUT (and it's a big one), there are specific strategies you must take that go way beyond "search engine optimization." (This is where 99% of Internet |

|marketers have it all wrong.) Fail to do these, and they can cost you in rankings AND sales! |

|Plus, I also go into detail with many new and unique tips and tricks that can save you a load of time and money otherwise spent on "optimizing" your |

|site. |

|CD-ROM Volume 4:: |

|"Search Engine Empire" |

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|Actual screenshot of just one lesson from the CD-ROM tutorial. |

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|Here's Just A Small Sample Of Things |

|You'll Discover On CD Volume Four... |

|How to build a search engine empire that will last for years and consistently bring in a new batch of leads and customers who are ready to spend money|

|with you. |

|How to master the "lottery effect" of search engines and safeguard your traffic no matter how many times the search engines change their rules. (See |

|lesson #3.) |

|How to create bait that the search engines can't resist and get more pages implanted in their listings. (See lesson #1.) |

|A secret website you can pillage to get thousands of free articles your website. (Think of every article you have on your site as a lead-generation |

|tool that will bring in more sales because that's exactly what they do. See how in lesson #3.) |

|The most powerful free content method available. (See lesson #6.) |

|Why you don't want to optimize certain pages for the search engine and how this honest mistake will fracture your sales conversion and end up costing |

|you thousands of dollars in unclaimed profits. (See lesson #1.) |

|Where to find thousands of public domain ebooks you can use to generate a traffic storm to your website. (See lesson #5.) |

|A dummies guide to RSS feeds and how you can use them to create thousands of pages of fresh content for your website instantly. (Search engines love |

|this kind of content because it's new and fresh. See lesson #6.) |

|3 steps you must follow when optimizing your pages for the search engines. (See lesson #2.) |

|A behind-the-scenes demonstration of one of the most powerful pieces of software ever created for getting free traffic from the search engines. |

|(You'll discover a way people have used to create millions of visitors. See lesson #8.) |

|And much, much more. |

| |

|The final one is a real "treasure chest" of little-known strategies to bring in more prospects and leads to your business without any extra effort or |

|money on your part. |

|Yup, it's using other people's efforts AND assets. |

|You don't want to miss this CD-ROM, especially after all that you've learned in the first 4 CDs. Once you go through this one, you'll kick yourself |

|once you discover the amount of hungry leads, subscribers and clients you are literally "leaving on the table." |

|CD-ROM Volume 5:: |

|"Partner Profit Machine" |

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|Actual screenshot of just one lesson from the CD-ROM tutorial. |

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|Here's Just A Small Sample Of Things |

|You'll Discover On CD Volume Five... |

|How to hunt down high-traffic website owners and cash in on the best deal on the entire internet. (You'll see how easy it is to leverage other website|

|owner's traffic and customers to generate sales for your business. See lesson #1.) |

|An under-exposed website that lets you tap into over 7,000 email newsletters without paying a dime. (You'll find owners of email lists who are dying |

|to promote your products and services. See lesson #5.) |

|How to generate a ton of sales for your business on a shoe-string budget. (If you did nothing else and only used this technique, you'll still make a |

|small fortune. See lesson #6.) |

|How to use the Google search engine to quickly and easily find thousands of potential affiliate partners. (This 'short-cut' method will allow you to |

|get in bed with the movers and shakers in your industry and strike up deals that can bring you profits for years to come. See lesson #1.) |

|The 'no-brainer' method to approaching JV partners that automatically gets them to say yes to your proposal. (See lesson #2.) |

|How to generate no-cost sales and rope-in new customers and ezine subscribers each and every day. (See lesson #5.) |

|What to do if you can't get your site listed in the top 10 on the major search engines, but you still want to profit from that pool of traffic. (See |

|lesson #6.) |

|How to reverse engineer html code on web pages to find thousands of affiliate partners who are already sending traffic to your competitors. (You swoop|

|in, make their affiliates a better offer and hijack sales from all of your clueless competitors. See lesson #1.) |

|A quick example of how I generated $49,000 in sales from one email. (See lesson #5.) |

|How to find businesses in your marketplace that already have a stack of hungry customers eager to buy what you're selling. (I'll introduce you to a |

|free resource that ranks websites by their sales in dozens of different categories. You'll be able to cherry-pick the businesses you want to work |

|with. See lesson #4.) |

|A powerful piece of 'virtual real estate' that brings in sales on auto-pilot and is overlooked by most people. (Are you using this to enlarge your |

|profits? If not, you will be after you review lesson #6.) |

|And much, much more. |

| |

|Finally, the bonuses... |

|Component #3: |

|Bonus DVDs, CD And Blueprints |

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|I've added these bonuses DVDs and extra CD tutorial to the Traffic Secrets System not just because they're bonuses if you invest in my course today...|

|but also because I feel they're extremely crucial parts of the entire course. |

|In fact, I feel they're SO vital to maximizing your learning and application of the Traffic Secrets System, you will simply never be able to reach the|

|very best results possible — results you can get and deserve! — without these important lessons. |

|Let me explain. |

|The 2 bonus DVDs are "Testing & Tracking," and "Outsourcing." And the 3rd is a CD-ROM tutorial called "Exit Strategies." |

|While traffic is the lifeblood of any Internet business, these strategies are at the heart of improving, growing and profiting a lot more from your |

|business. |

|You can never really grow your business (and your wealth) if you don't apply what you learn on these bonus DVDs and CD. They're the best decisions |

|I've ever made in my own business... and they will be in yours, too. I GUARANTEE IT. |

|I could easily rip any of these bonuses from the system and sell these separately for a lot of money! (And I probably will. I'll return to this a |

|little later...) But you get them totally FREE if you're among the first to grab your copy of the system. |

|Let's take a brief look at each one in closer detail. |

|The first one is a bonus DVD I could have easily created an entire course around. Why? Because this one simple concept is what I've built |

|million-dollar businesses on! |

|Once you start generating leads and prospects to your business, how do you know which source is making you money? How do you know which one is in fact|

|LOSING you money? Which ones do you keep, and which ones must you dump? |

|Look at it this way... "testing and tracking" is a powerful way to give yourself an instant pay raise each week! Here are more details... |

|"Testing & Tracking: |

|The Easy Way To Maximize |

|Your Internet Profits" |

|[pic] |

|A $147 Value! |

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|Here's Just A Small Sample Of Things |

|You'll Discover On This Bonus DVD... |

|How to tell exactly what's making you money and what's losing you money. (Stop blindly guessing and foolishly leaving your business to chance. Here's |

|how to pinpoint with laser-like accuracy where every dollar is coming from. See chapter 1.) |

|How to put the most vital element of your business on auto-pilot and let low-cost technology handle all of the heavy lifting. (See 21:50 in chapter |

|4.) |

|The one major blunder that virtually every affiliate software program has and why it could literally cost you thousands of dollars. (See 5:35 in |

|chapter 2.) |

|The one key ingredient that can allow you to dominate your marketplace and generate more sales in a month than most businesses make all year. (Your |

|business will take a dramatic leap forward once you master this skill. See 16:00 in chapter 4.) |

|The 2 types of marketing campaigns you must know and why they are so critical to your business. (See 4:15 in chapter 2.) |

|Never do this when you're running a test or your data will be worthless. (This is a common error that a lot of marketers make. It will murder any |

|chance you have of knowing what works and what's a waste of time. See 29:35 in chapter 5.) |

|The 2 most powerful results in all of marketing. (I base my entire business on this principle. Once you grasp this concept, you can give yourself a |

|pay raise on a week-to-week basis. See 35:00 in chapter 6.) |

|Why you should track every single link on a page and quickly find out whether it's a profit-maker or a profit-taker. (Details in chapter 1.) |

|How long should you let a marketing test run? Here's the exact amount of responses you need in order for it to be statistically accurate. (See 34:00 |

|in chapter 5.) |

|A down and dirty way to tell what each person who visits your site is worth to you in dollars and cents every time your web page loads. (When you boil|

|everything down to the bare bones basics, you'll discover that your business is based on simple numbers. You need to know exactly what each visitor is|

|worth to your business. On 2:18 in chapter 1, you'll see an easy way to do that.) |

|Why campaign tracking is important and why it's idiotic if you don't have it. (See 8:59 in chapter 3.) |

|And much, much more. |

| |

|Do you want to grow your business? Or do you want to manage it? |

|Growing your business is the goal I discuss on this 2nd bonus DVD. |

|Once you learn the secrets of outsourcing and delegating (without causing you headaches or strapping you financially), you'll be able to free up your |

|time to do what you're better off doing... MARKETING! (And enjoying the fruits of your labor, too.) |

|"Outsourcing Secrets:: |

|How To Increase Your Profits By Leveraging The Work Of Others" |

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|A $97 Value! |

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|Here's Just A Small Sample Of Things |

|You'll Discover On This Bonus DVD... |

|How to leverage the time and resources of others so you can concentrate on doing the tasks that generate more cash. (When you eliminate the mundane |

|tasks you do everyday, you'll free yourself to quickly spot the 'money zones' in your website and milk them for all their worth. See beginning of |

|chapter 1.) |

|The one software tool you must have in your marketing arsenal. (This can allow you to get rid of 90% of your current labor and concentrate on enjoying|

|your life. See 30:12 in chapter 3.) |

|The best place to hire good software programmers at bargain basement prices. (See 16:17 in chapter 2.) |

|The most profitable skill you can ever learn. (Let'em take away everything you own and with this one skill you can quickly get it all back. See 4:47 |

|in chapter 1.) |

|Outsourcing tricks no one will tell you about. (See 32:42 in chapter 4.) |

|One sentence you can say to instantly slash the price you'll pay for outsourced work. (This works like a charm. I've saved thousands of dollars in |

|fees by adding this one little sentence to my arsenal. See 34:19 in chapter 4.) |

|6 things you should always outsource. (Quickly rid yourself of these time vampires and get on with the business of making money. See 1:46 in chapter |

|1.) |

|How to get other people to research and create products for you. (Most of the people I know who are millionaires, have one thing in common: They all |

|have their own products. The great thing about this technique is that you don't have to do any of the "work" to create your own products. See 6:30 in |

|chapter 1.) |

|2 tips that will virtually eliminate all customer support hassles. (See 46:07 in chapter 5.) |

|6 killer resources for outsourcing. (Use these 'insider contacts' to put a huge dent in your workload. See 9:13 in chapter 2.) |

|One word that will allow you to crush anyone, in any marketplace. (This is not hype. If you do this, you'll come out on top. See 36:02 in chapter 4.) |

|How to protect your project's profit potential. (There are legions of people who can't stand the fact that you're making money off of their work, even|

|though that's the only reason you hired them. Here's how to nip that in the bud immediately and keep them happily clueless. See 35:13 in chapter 4.) |

|And much, much more. |

| |

|The 3rd bonus is a CD-ROM tutorial called "Exit Strategies." |

|It includes little-known tips to help you suck every possible ounce of profit from every visitor, every lead, every prospect coming to your website. |

|Once you've generated all those prospects, what do you do with those that didn't buy from you? |

|Yes, even non-sales are WORTH MONEY to you! Here's how... |

|"Exit Traffic Strategies: |

|How To Profit From Your Web Site Visitors That Leave Your Site!" |

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|A $147 Value! |

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|Here's Just A Small Sample Of Things |

|You'll Discover On This Bonus CD-ROM... |

|How you can make money from people who never buy your products and services. (Most website owners don't know it, but your visitor will make a "buy it |

|or skip it" decision within the first 10 seconds. If they leave, here's how you can still cash in. See lesson #1.) |

|One of the biggest myths on the internet and why this 'urban legend' is costing you money. (See lesson #1.) |

|How I get 15-18% of the people who visit my site to hand over their name and email address and sign up to my mailing list... without using a pop-up |

|box. (See lesson #4.) |

|How to use the 'amazing give-away technique' to increase the sales conversion rate for every website you own. (Quick note: I would never teach you |

|anything unethical or illegal, but this one little trick makes me so much money each month, I feel almost guilty making the bank deposits. This |

|technique is ignored by virtually all website owners and once you apply it, you can instantly boost your sales. See lesson #5.) |

|How to offset your lead generation costs with a little-known strategy that has nothing to do with people buying from you. (See lesson #1.) |

|This one annoying tool makes me hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. (Anyone who tells you this 'doesn't work anymore' lying to your face. I've |

|pocketed a small fortune using it. See lesson #1.) |

|How to pinpoint the exact reason why someone is leaving your site without buying and make money from them even if they refuse to spend a dime with |

|you. (See lesson #3.) |

|And much, much more. |

| |

|These are my prized, step-by-step "Action Plans" I gave out to the workshop attendees at my Triple Your Profit event. Attendees have said that the |

|"blueprints" alone were worth the price of the entire workshop a hundred times over. |

|But you get copies of my "Blueprints" for FREE with Traffic Secrets. |

|"Blueprint Handouts" |

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|Actual picture of the blueprints |

|handed out at my workshop. |

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|Here's What You Get With These Blueprints... |

|Web Site Traffic "Ramp Up" Blueprint |

|25 detailed steps that will show you how to create a massive bullrush of prospects and leads coming to your website. (This is a real gem. If you have |

|a website you're thinking about shutting down because it's not making any money... DON'T. Use this magical process to give it CPR and watch it come |

|back to life. This is exactly what I do to turn stone cold losers into powerhouse winners.) |

|Instant Sales Explosion Blueprint |

|The exact, step-by-step, paint-by-the-numbers system I use to create thousands of joint ventures with high-traffic website owners. (If you're dead |

|broke, you can use this system to flood your website with visitors and create an avalanche of new sales.) |

|Affiliate Program Profits Blueprint |

|The 7 step process you can use to create an affiliate program filled with highly-trained assassins who hand-deliver new leads and customers to your |

|website's doorsteps each and everyday. (It's one thing to have thousands of affiliates. It's quite another thing to have active affiliates who |

|actually bring you targeted traffic consistently. You'll feel the difference after you apply this blueprint. It will show you how to go from zero |

|affiliates to a small army in no time.) |

|Testing Roll-Out Blueprint |

|On this blueprint, I lay out the most critical things you need to test and the exact order to do it. (Multiply the transaction value and frequency of |

|purchase from all of your customers with this startingly new diagram. If I had to zero-in on the biggest reason for my success, testing would be the |

|answer.) |

|Keyword List Builder Blueprint |

|The thrilling 6-step plan I invented to ramp-up your keyword list and quickly enlarge it into of tens of thousands of terms you can use to bring eager|

|buyers to your websites. (Your competitors will be humiliated if they ever find out the enormous amount of keywords you use to drive traffic to your |

|site. This is how you take a website that normally receives 1000 visitors a month and transform it into one getting 50,000+ visitors.) |

|Outsourcing Success Blueprint |

|This 6-step process will liberate you from the day-to-day tasks that you normally perform now and free up time for you to concentrate only on |

|high-value, money-making actions. (You'll see exactly how to get others to create software for you, create products for you, do research, and handle |

|basically anything you can imagine. Recapture your free time and let others do your dirty work.) |

| |

|Can You Imagine The Turbo Power You Can Add |

|To Your Website... Your Business... Your Wealth? |

|After you learn to apply my simple blueprints for boosting the number of targeted leads and prospects coming to your website, it will just be up to |

|you as to how many times you repeat the process for how much traffic you want. |

|You'll also discover the power of LEVERAGE and how to drive massive amounts of sales with no risk on your part. (Wouldn't that be nice?) |

|Your mind will expand. Your profits will explode. Your ability to open the floodgates at the mere "flip of a switch" will be in your hands. I promise |

|you, once you go through my course you'll never look at the Internet the same way ever again. |

|It really is that powerful. |

|It's all laid out for you in plain English. There's no sugar-coating, and no beating around the bush. I don't believe in B.S. I get right to the |

|point. And I like to teach with clarity, getting to it and making it simple for you. |

|I basically have not only taken my life's work of tested experiments with traffic and documented it for you, but I have put it into a process that I |

|use on a daily basis to go from step 1 to step 1,000 for growing your business and growing your traffic. |

|The course and all its power is pretty hard to describe here. And even if I did describe it more, it would not do it justice... it really is filled |

|with power-packed, hardcore information you have to see and apply for yourself to realize it. |

|"OK, John, I've Had Enough! |

|Gimme Traffic Secrets NOW!" |

|Maybe you think the price for the course is really expensive. Most people guess it sells for $3,000 or even $5,000. I could sell it for that amount, |

|but fortunately I'm not. That said, it's still quite expensive... But for a very good reason. |

| |

|This is a time-tested and proven "system" for generating inordinate quantities of website visitors... thousands upon thousands of highly targeted |

|leads... to your site. |

|Any business online can use my course. (They should!) But not every business can get a copy, and here's why... |

|Remember, I don't want the world to grab my secrets, or else it will dilute its power. So I am placing a ceiling on the number of copies I am making |

|available and reserve the right to stop selling them at any time, without notice. |

|  |

|This course is highly in demand, so I fully expect a quick sell-out of the initial inventory I have created. (Believe me, with so many people waiting |

|on the sidelines ready to pounce on their copy, I'm absolutely positive these will go fast!) |

|  |

|There's a very good chance that the "2nd edition" of this course will not contain everything that's found in the "1st edition" group of courses. |

|Why? Because after going over the "1st edition" copies from my suppliers, I realized that 2 of the CD-ROM tutorials contain a few "secrets" not only |

|that I almost regret including (and may revise and edit out before the "2nd edition"), but also that... |

|... I Can Easily Sell These CD-ROMs |

|Individually For A Lot More Money |

|(When You Add Them All Up)! |

|Also, it's not that I don't want people to learn these techniques, and go and profit from using them. Not at all. In fact, it's the very reason why |

|they were included! |

|But it's just that, in this case, these strategies happen to be ones that I honestly don't want "everyone" learning and using... as they can and most |

|likely will have an impact on others that will use it. (Including me for my own marketing.) |

|I'm sorry if that sounds "selfish" of me, but it's the truth. |

|The fact is, I discover new techniques all the time... techniques other marketers don't know about... and I make huge profits exploiting this across |

|many markets. |

|That's one of the benefits of being an avid tester and hardcore marketing research nut. I search for, test and try new things all the time... with an |

|almost religious zeal! |

|So if you have any interest in picking up your own copy of "Traffic Secrets," you really need to GET YOUR COPY RIGHT NOW... Don't put it off or you |

|will lose out. |

|I fulfill orders in order of priority by date of purchase. So once the initial edition inventory runs out, everyone else will have to wait several |

|weeks until a "2nd edition" is produced and back in stock. (Which, like I said, may be a trimmed down version.) |

|So It's First Come, First Served... |

|Absolutely, Positively NO Exceptions. |

|For a moment, let's forget the idea that there's a limited number of packages available, or the fact that I may (and likely will) pull some strategies|

|out in the future. |

|The reason why you need to get your copy of this system today is simply this... |

|Without this vital knowledge, you're truly "missing the boat" on making your online business truly profitable, and leaving so many "untapped" leads |

|and prospects, and so much money, sitting on the table. |

|If you truly want to pull the maximum out of your online business and take it to the next level, and if you're sick and tired like I am of all the |

|nonsensical B.S. that's out there, then you need to get my course. You need this information. NOW. |

|If money is tight right now, I urge you to do what you can. I even offer an easy 3-payment plan to help you out (however, it's a little more expensive|

|overall). |

|But if you have to, mortgage the house, sell off the car, take out a bank loan... beg, borrow or steal the money if you have to! You simply can't pass|

|this up. |

|Again, because this stuff is tested and just flat-out WORKS. |

|Let's Wrap This Up... |

|How many more sales and profits would you be able to generate if you could attract thousands, even hundreds of thousands more qualified prospects? |

|How much time would you save and be able to free up to grow your business (rather than just managing it) if you didn't have to worry about where the |

|next visitor, the next prospect and the next sale would come from? |

|How would it feel if you could take more time off, go on more vacations, pay off your debts, get that fancy car you've been dreaming about or buy that|

|dream home? |

|That's the power of driving good quality visitors to your website. |

|I was going to originally price this system at $2,500. People have told me they would pay 5 times that much for the course and it would still be a |

|bargain! |

|(And remember, my workshop was $4,500 per person, with ZERO refunds. In fact, take the case of the attendees I mentioned earlier... would YOU trade a |

|one-time investment of $4,500 for $250,000 a year in extra profits? You bet!) |

|So if you had $2,500 (or even $4,500) to invest in your business to bring you more prospects and hopefully customers... WHERE would you spend it? |

|Here Are Some Choices For You... |

|Tiny Yellow Pages ad, local edition (1 year) |

|$4,000+ |

| |

|25 radio station spots |

|$2,800-3,500 |

| |

|Search engine optimization (3 months)** |

|$2,500-5,000 |

| |

|Fax broadcasting (3,000 a month) |

|$2,500-7,800 |

| |

|Tiny display ad in a magazine (1 month) |

|$2,200-$5,000 |

| |

|10 late-night leftover TV 30-second spots |

|$2,500-3,500 |

| |

|25 radio station spots |

|$2,800-3,500 |

| |

|500 direct mail letters (printing, paper, postage) |

|$1,700 |

| |

|2,000 direct mail postcards |

|$1,400 |

| |

|4" display ad in your local newspaper |

|$900-1,600 |

| |

|Classified ad in USA Today (1 week) |

|$1,250 |

| |

|2,500 Google AdWords clicks (at $0.40 each) |

|$1,000 |

| |

| |

| |

|**Algorithms change all the time. Search engine optimization may |

|bring spurts of traffic (if it works). But you would have to pay SEO again |

|and again just to keep up, as algorithms change every 3 months or so. |

|Now, what if I could show you and PROVE to you that you can generate 50, 100, and possibly a 1,000 times the number of targeted leads as those |

|one-time purchases would create for your business, for a lot LESS than that... Would that interest you? |

|Look at it this way: would you prefer fishing in an ocean with the best fishing tackle meant for the wrong fish? Or would you rather be taught how to |

|find countless small ponds overflowing with tons of fish for which your tackle was meant for? |

|When you invest in my course, and what you get out of it — that is, the traffic you generate and the dividends you receive long after you invest in |

|the course — is nowhere near anything you get with other forms of paid advertising. Period. |

|The question is, are YOU prepared to pay $2,500 for this course? |

|You should be. |

|I'm positive it will come back to you many times over. (It has already for many others who've attended my workshop and paid twice that much!) |

|I have sacrificed not only many years of my life, but also my health to learn what I know now about the Internet. And I'm not about to just throw it |

|away. |

|The Fortunate Thing Is, I'm NOT |

|Going To Charge You $2,500... |

|I'm prepared to let go of the packages I currently have available for just $997. |

|Why $997? It's simple... |

|It's an absolute bargain when you compare it to the cost of advertising in a major publication to produce any significant amount of leads — and even |

|then, whatever traffic it will create will be short-lived and extremely untargeted... |

|  |

|It's an absolute steal when you compare it to the strategies and tactics that will not only pay for the course many times over but also stay with you |

|for the rest of your life... ready to be used again and again and again... |

|  |

|It makes it more affordable for almost anyone to invest in, especially for the people who are currently struggling online and need this course the |

|most (again, with my easy 3-payment plan it makes it lot easier to invest in, too)... |

|  |

|And it's still priced high enough to make sure that I only have extremely serious students investing in my course (and to weed out the curious |

|tire-kickers, naysayers and freebie seekers who will NEVER use it anyway). |

|Remember, $1,000 invested in your marketing and advertising (see the earlier comparison table) that will result in just one-time traffic boosts... |

|... and then compare that to investing $1,000 in the course and how it can bring you a steady flow of hot leads... FOREVER. |

|But before I go any further, here's an... |

|Important Disclaimer |

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|I want to give you a fair warning. What you're about to uncover cannot be found anywhere else... not in any ebook, not on any CD, and not in any other|

|course or program. (I should know. I own all of them.) |

|I know you may go to a lot of workshops, buy a lot of courses, read a lot of books, visit a lot of websites, and listen to a lot of CD's. |

|Still, I outright guarantee you've never gotten your hands on anything quite as powerful and practical as this! |

|But like I said earlier, I even regret unveiling some of my secrets because, to be honest, I know strategies that 99.99% of Internet marketers right |

|now have absolutely no clue (or are dead wrong) about. |

|So chances are, I will edit some of these secrets out in the next edition. (I've already started doing that, by the way.) |

|I completely reserve the right to remove CDs or DVDs in the future, edit them to remove key "secrets," and STILL increase the price. |

|Now, I know that may sound selfish. I don't say this to be mean. I say it because some of these strategies are so unknown to so many, they would |

|literally become ineffective if too many people got a hold of them — both for me and for any of the lucky individuals I share them with. |

|I also say this because I've spent years and risked a ton of money as well as my own health, as I almost died once from overexhaustion, learning these|

|secrets. (Yes, I nearly worked myself to death.) |

|Obviously, I'm NOT prepared to just throw it all away. |

|That's why, before you even consider this course... |

|... You Must Solemnly Promise NEVER |

|To Reveal, Disclose Or Publish This |

|Information In Any Way Whatosever. |

|My attorney is eagerly standing by waiting for some wannabe "pirate" to make a move. (If we catch anyone revealing this material or stealing it, that |

|person will add a new Mercedes to my lawyer's collection.) |

|So if you're NOT prepared to follow this condition — let alone prepared to deal with the massive, flood of targeted prospects to your business — then |

|leave this website right now. |

|Go and invest your $1,000 somewhere else that will show you something you already know, be something totally outdated, or offer something to help |

|create temporary "spurts" of traffic that will simply never buy from you... |

| |

|I really want you to be as confident as I am about these powerful secrets... and use them to change your life as they have mine. But if you're still |

|skeptical, then... |

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|... Here's My No-Hard-Feelings, |

|No-Hassle Three Full Months Guarantee. |

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|Study the course and learn how these strategies work. I'm positive they will work for you. I believe in my product, and I want you to give it a try...|

|you owe it to yourself to at least try it. It's completely risk-free. |

|Don't like it? Send it back within 90 days. I'll refund your money on the spot. It's as simple as that! No harm done. No hard feelings. And we still |

|part as friends. |

|You might be wondering why this guarantee isn't for a year or 10 years or whatever, like you've seen in some other bold marketing. |

|The truth is, those guarantees are insanely long because they hope you FORGET about your purchase and don't return it no matter how crappy the product|

|is. |

|My 3 full month guarantee is designed to let you implement my step-by-step system. If you do what I tell you in the system you will notice a dramatic |

|change in your business in less than 90 days. |

|The fact is, if your business isn't completely transformed in less than 90 days... if you don't increase the number of leads and prospects coming to |

|your business... then I don't want your money. I WANT you to ask for a full refund. |

|I think that's only fair. I don't ever want to sell a product to someone that's not getting 100 times+ the value for what they paid me. |

|So go ahead! Secure your copy immediately... |

|Yes, John! I'm Ready To Open The Floodgates Of Traffic To My Website! |

|Please Rush Me The Entire Traffic Secrets™ |

|System As Fast As Humanly Possible! |

|I'd be an utter fool to miss out on this fantastic deal. And I know I can pay $997 for the whole thing now, or I can choose to make 3 easy payments of|

|$347, billed to my credit card each month. |

|Once my order is processed via your online secure form, my package will be rushed to me via UPS and I will receive a tracking number so I can track |

|the course all the way to my door! |

|(I should expect it a little longer if I'm outside the U.S.). |

|2 Easy Ways To Order... |

|1. Click to order securely by credit card |

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|2. Click here to order by using PayPal |

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|Are You Prepared To |

|Handle The "Flood?" |

|And are you ready and willing to make drastic improvements to your online business? If you are, then you know what to do. It's a no-brainer. Don't put|

|this off any longer. Do it right now... immediately, while it's fresh on your mind. |

|If you leave because you want to "think about it," the "1st edition" might be all gone when you come back. You dawdle, you lose. |

|Not only that, but also every passing minute is a potential $10, $100, even $1,000 in extra profits you might have added to your bank account. And |

|each passing minute is unrecoverable. It's gone forever! Haven't you waited long enough? |

|Let's work together to take your business to levels you never dreamed possible! |

|Yours For Online Profits, |

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|John Reese |

|P.S. |

|How can you lose? In fact, you've got nothing to lose except for the flood of prospects that will buy more and more of your products and services *if*|

|you don't get my Traffic Secrets System. I've got you covered with my 90-day guarantee, so if it doesn't work out, you get your purchase price back. |

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|If you're really serious about growing your business, click to listen to what Jeff Mulligan said, who created a whole new product that generated |

|25,000 visitors per day as a result of coming to my workshop... |

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|(Or click to listen to the MP3 audio clip of Jeff Mulligan.) |

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|P.P.S. |

|Click here ONLY if you've decided NOT to order right now. |

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|Don't Sign Up For This Free 7 Part |

|Multimedia Traffic Mini-Course |

|(I'll Give You My |

|Newsletter As A Bonus, If You Do!) |

|Why did I say "don't sign up?" |

|I realize that many (if not most) online business people and Internet marketers just aren't going to take the time to read detailed, content-rich |

|reports. |

|They just don't have the time for 10-, 15- and sometimes 20-page PDF newsletters like the ones I publish, which are jam-packed with proven, tested and|

|highly effective strategies... mostly because they are "happy" with their current results. |

|They aren't willing to do all that "work" to explode their business' bottom line… In fact, the truth is, most of them would rather buy a $20, $30, or |

|even $50 ebook promising at best some recycled garbage or simply unproven "theory." |

|What happens next? They download it, and never look at it again… it goes into their hard drive and collects "electronic" dust. |

|How do I know? Because I buy all of those books, and everything else in the marketplace. I do because my STANDARD is that my FREE newsletter should |

|and must be better than ANY other "guru's" paid-for material. And that's a FACT. |

|So if you're NOT looking for fresh, new, meaty content that offers you actionable strategies you can apply to explode the number of red-hot visitors |

|coming to your website, then don't bother. |

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PMB 232, 3101 SW 34th Ave., #905, Ocala, FL 34474 -- Phone 407-310-1000

"Traffic Secrets" is a trademark of InfoBack Corporation.



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