
September 4, 2018

Dear Parents and students:

Welcome back to the 2018-2019 school year! The Fourth Grade Team is planning and anticipating a year filled with academic challenges, rigorous instruction, and an overall stimulating classroom environment. With that said, we are very excited to share with two new initiatives that your child will be a part of this school year. The first initiative is Personalized Learning (LEAP/ELEVATE). The term personalized learning, or personalization, refers to a diverse variety of educational programs, learning experiences, instructional approaches, and academic-support strategies that are intended to address the distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations, or cultural backgrounds of individual students.

In addition, to further address students individualized needs the classroom environment will incorporate flexible seating arrangements. A flexible seating classroom is one in which traditional seating charts are replaced with seating arrangements that allow the students to seat where they choose. One of its principal objectives is to reduce the number/duration of sedentary periods of time, which research has identified as a danger to health.

Flexible Seating Expectations

1. Choose a spot that allows you to do you to do your best work.

2. Use seats appropriately.

3. Take care of the community supplies.

4. I (the Teacher) reserve the right to move anyone at any time.

The second initiative is the Calm Classroom through Mindful practices (TREP program-Trauma Responsive Educational Practices). In today’s world, the stressors of daily life can cause children and adults alike to feel frustrated, overwhelmed and anxious. Calm Classroom provides practical mindfulness-based tools to help us manage stress and achieve emotional well-being throughout the day by activating the body’s relaxation response. When we’re feeling focused, relaxed and energized, we are empowered. Calm Classroom data shows a range of positive outcomes across educational communities.



23% Decrease in Misconducts


2,400 CPS Students

3rd-8th Grade


21% Increase in Misconducts


68,000 CPS Students

3rd-8th Grade

Year 1 Behavioral Data Scores Interim Report K-8thGrade.


81% of teachers report that students are calmer and more peaceful.

The following outline will supply you with additional information concerning 4th grade classrooms 214/216 please sign, cut, and return the designated portion, Thank you.


Students should expect approximately 45 minutes of homework, Monday through Friday

Grade Scale for Chicago Public Schools

A    100%-90% Excellent

B    89% – 80% Good

C    79% – 70% Average

D    69% – 60% Poor

F    59% – 0% Failing

Common Core Standards

Adam Clayton Powell Academy implemented the CCCS in 2013-2014 school year. The Illinois State Board of Education adopted a revised set of learning standards for K-12 education to better prepare Illinois students for success in college and careers. The Common Core State Standards establish clear and consistent benchmarks for essential learning and skills, which replaced the old Illinois standards that were developed in 1997. The Common Core State Standards define the level of knowledge and skills that students should possess from their K-12 education. By achieving these standards, students will be prepared to enter college and training programs to join the workforce. The Standards are not a curriculum. They are a clear set of shared goals and expectations for what knowledge and skills will help our students succeed. Our goal is that every child will be college/or career ready.

Monthly Focus Skills

Here is a list of skills that your child will be working in the first 10 weeks of school.

|Reading/LA |Main Idea |Inference |Genre: |Characterization |

| | | |Fiction, myth, historical fiction | |

|Math |Number sense/Algebra |Algebra/ Fractions |Problem solving | |

|Science |Scientific Inquiry |Life Science |Matter/Measurement |Safety and Practices |

|Writing |Narrative | | | |


Chicago Public Schools have implemented recess for every student. Recess takes place daily for 20 minutes. Physical education is much more important to the health and well-being of all children. Physical education and recess can strongly promote students to be active and healthy throughout their lifetime. In addition, studies have consistently shown that regular physical activity can:

Increase self-esteem

Help prevent obesity

Lower blood pressure

Increase test scores for school age children

Enable students to learn/practice good character traits

In addition to recess, Chicago Public Schools has implemented a new healthy eating initiative that fits in with Healthy CPS Student Wellness Program. The CPS Local School Wellness Policy requires that:

• All schools serving National School Lunch and Breakfast meet the federal, state and local nutrition requirements

• All schools meet the CPS Food Service Guidelines for school meals provided through the dining center

• CPS continues to commit to purchasing local products for the school food program

• CPS requires all schools to provide universal free breakfast for students beginning on the first day of school

All food provided on school grounds that is not a part of the school meals program (i.e., a la carte, school stores, vending machines) must meet the CPS Healthy Snack and Beverage Policy nutrition criteria.

In addition, Students are not allow to take any food and/or drinks out of the cafeteria. Students will not be allowed to have bottles larger than 12 ozs. Flamin’ hots, Takis, or hot flavored food items are allowed in school. Students must have a complete lunch if they are bringing food from home. No cupcakes are allowed to be brought in for distribution to celebrate a birthday. Demerits will be issued to offenders.


|9:00 a.m. |11:00a.m. |120 |ELA |ELA |ELA |ELA |ELA |

|11:00a.m. |12:00p.m |60 |Art |PE1(GLM) |Library |PE1 |Art |

4th Grade- Room 214 (Mrs. Wilford) Teacher Assistant – Ms. Cordero

4th Grade – Room 216 (Ms. Loyd)          Parent Worker Assistant- Mrs. Foster


|9:00 a.m. |11:00a.m |120 |ELA |ELA |ELA |ELA | |ELA |

|11:00a.m. |12:00p.m |60 |Library |PE2(GLM) |Art |PE2 | |Library |

*Gym uniforms should be worn only on designated gym days.

Fourth Grade Team,-Rooms 214/216

Behavior Expectations

1. Come to school prepared to learn (with supplies and behavior in place)

2. Respect yourself /peers/classroom

3. Settle all disputes with your mind not your fists

4. Communicate all issues to the teacher/ or responsible adult

5. Sharpen 3-4 pencils daily, prior to each school day.

6. Dispose of all food (includes gum/candy) upon entering the classroom

7. Do not leave your seat without following flexible seating protocol.

8. Practice good manner; for example, please and thank you!

9. Make good choices.

10 Think! Believe! Achieve!

Positive Consequences

1. Verbal positive praise

2. Merit points (ex. Wearing uniform, appropriate line behavior, working cooperatively in small group, displaying positive talk etc.)

3. Additional computer and activity center time

4. Rewards: stickers, pencils, free time, recognition certificates, and participate in “Fun Friday”

Negative Consequences

1. Redirection

2. Time out/or calm center

3. Demerit points

4. Discipline note sent to parent or guardian

5. Phone call to parent or guardian

6. Request for parent conference


Fourth grade students will be involved in many diverse activities. Students can help ensure success by being prepared, equipped, and organized.

Shopping List:

➢ 1 Highlighter

➢ “At –Your-Seat Storage Sack” Lakeshore Learning Store

➢ 4- two pocket folders-label them homework/classwork

➢ 2 - glue sticks

➢ 1 zipper pencil case only!

➢ 1 box of colored pencils

➢ 1 pair of scissors

➢ 2 packs of wide rule loose leaf paper for the year

➢ 2 composition notebooks

➢ 2 box of Kleenex

➢ Plenty of regular lead pencils for the year (Please, no mechanical pencils!)

➢ 1 small personal pencil sharpener (for home use only! Students should sharpen 3 to 4 pencils at home daily.)


We want students to leave the classroom and be successful in the next grade level and in life. We expect them to become productive individuals and we would like to see them grow academically. Lastly, we want the school year to be enjoyable for all students and through student, parent, and teacher involvement, all students will succeed. Our goal is to make sure that all students are on the path to high school and college/ or career readiness.

Again, welcome to 4th grade and here’s to a great school year!


Mrs. Wilford Ms. Loyd

twilford@cps.edu sjloyd@cps.edu


I have read the back-to-school letter.

Parent Signature______________________________________ Date_________________

Student Signature_____________________________________



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