Memorial day No Classes - Kanoon Magnet School

Kanoon Magnet Remote Distance Learning - Created to be completed during WEEK #11----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aprendizaje - SEMANA # 11Dear Students and Parents:We hope you are well. By Friday,May 29th, 2020, progress reports will be mailed and should be coming your way soon. Please check that your child has received a letter grade of A-D, if he or she received an a letter grade of “I” for Incomplete, there are assignments missing “X” in gradebook that the teacher is waiting for.Eligibility for summer school learning will be deteremined at the end of the year with students who are in 3rd through 8th grade who have received an “I” in reading or in math. Please ensure that your child meets all the requirements to prevent him or her from eligibility status for summer school. I hope you stay safe and continue to support our efforts in proving you child great lessons via our teachers remote learning efforts. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Estimados estudiantes y padres:Esperamos que estés bien. El viernes 29th de mayo de 2020, se mandaran los informes de progreso y deberían llegar pronto. Verifique que su hijo haya recibido una calificación de letra de A-D, si él o ella recibió una calificación de letra de "I" por Incompleto, faltan tareas X’s en el “gradebook que el maestro está esperando.La elegibilidad para el aprendizaje de la escuela de verano se determinará al final del a?o con los estudiantes de 3 ° a 8 ° grado que hayan recibido una "I" en lectura o matemáticas. Asegúrese de que su hijo cumpla con todos los requisitos para que NO esté en estado de elegibilidad para la escuela de verano.Espero que se mantenga seguro y continúe apoyando nuestros esfuerzos en las excelentes lecciones dadas por y a través de los esfuerzos de nuestros maestros.Sincerely, SinceramenteDr. Gonzalez / Ms. PinedaPRESCHOOL - Applications for 2020-2021 will still be launched on April 15th…. Go to or call the the Chicago Early Learning Hotline at (312) 229-1690 to find out more information about programs that best meet their family's needs. Please Note: Returning and new students must complete a registration packet for next school year. Returning students do not need to complete the Home Language Survey (HLS) if there is already one on file.PREESCOLAR - Las aplicaciones para 2020-2021 se van hacer lanzado 2l 15 de abril... Visite o llame a la línea directa de Chicago Early Learning al (312) 229-1690 para obtener más información sobre los programas que mejor satisfacen las necesidades de su familia.Nota: Los estudiantes nuevos y los que regresan deben completar un paquete de inscripción para el próximo a?o escolar. Los estudiantes que regresan no necesitan completar la Encuesta del idioma del hogar (HLS) si ya hay una en el archivo.Specials Mr. All Students –· For the fourth quarter, each picture you send is for a weekly grade! When you make art, please email me a picture of it at · Mount Sinai and Holy Cross ER departments have asked that Kanoon students share some of their artwork. They are looking for pictures and drawings of encouragement and appreciation to lift the spirits of the doctors and nurses on the front line. Pre K- 2nd Grade –It’s warming up outside and flowers are blooming. Click on the link to learn how to draw your own flowers step-by-step. 3rd grade - 5th grade – One way to improve your drawing is to practice continuous line drawing. This is a drawing exercise where you choose an object to draw but don’t let your pencil leave the paper while you draw it. Click on the link for more information and examples. 6th grade - 8th grade – A fun way to improve your drawing is by creating a blind contour drawing. It helps your eye and hand to work together as a team and will help you create more realistic drawings. There are a few simple steps to make a blind contour drawing. 1. Choose an object that you want to draw.2. Give yourself a time limit. (10 to 15 minutes)3. Only look at the object while you draw. Do not look at the paper.4. Draw the contour: This could be the edge of the object, a shadow, a fold, ect.5. If you can’t resist looking at the page, try to block your paper so you can’t cheat!6. Don’t worry. It’s going to look MESSED UP! For more information about blind contour drawing, check out the link below… Mr. Hernandez/Mr. Pre - Kinder Grade - Caref Reading and Writing We will be continuing our study on insects. This week we will be learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly.Tuesday - Read The Very Hungry Caterpillar Focus on the letter LlWednesday -Read I’m a CaterpillarFocus on the letter NnThursday -Read From Caterpillar to Butterfly Focus on the letter OoFriday -Read Are You a Butterfly?Focus on the letter PpMathWe will be focusing on the number 17. We will also begin reviewing the shapes. - circleWednesday - squareThursday - rectangleFriday - triangleScienceLifecycle of a Butterfly Kinder Grade - CruzLectura y Escritura (20 minutos diarios de lectura de lunes a viernes) (10 minutos diarios de escritura de lunes a viernes) Los estudiantes pueden participar en sesiones de aprendizaje remotas diariamente a las 11:30 lunes · No hay sesión remota debido al Día de Recordación/Memorial Day martes· Escuchar la historia de: Crisantemo en el siguiente enlace: · Dibuja y escribe el nombre de uno de los personajes de la historia· Usa Seesaw o Remind y grábate diciendo el nombre de uno de los personajes de la historia.miércoles· Vuelve a escuchar la historia de Crisantemo en el siguiente enlace: · Dibuja y escribe ?Cuál es el problema en la historia. Usa Seesaw o Remind para decirme el problema en la historia de Crisantemo.jueves· Vuelve a escuchar la historia de Crisantemo en el siguiente enlace: · Dibuja y escribe cómo se arregla el problema en la historia. Usa Seesaw o Remind para decirme cómo se arregla el problema en la historia de Crisantemo.viernes· Escucha la historia de Harold y el lápiz morado en el siguiente enlace: · Dibuja, escribe y di el nombre de 2 cosas que Harold dibujó con su lápiz morado. Usa Seesaw o Remind para grabar tus respuestas En el siguiente enlace hay libros para que le lean a los estudiantes en su hogar: Scholastic Learn at Home o pueden usar otros libros que tengan en su hogar. Movimiento (10 minutos diarios)Usaremos: y después formaremos las letras Z y H mayúsculas con nuestro cuerpo: …/1mOT8mqBejmybNFRYyNk95GVkp…/view… Letras y sus sonidos (10 minutos)· Usar la aplicación de ABC mágico 2 para jugar memoria o emparejar letras con los dibujos o sonidos correspondientes.· Repasar las letras y sus sonidos. Usen éste enlace: Letras de la semana: Zz y Hhmartes y miércoles: Zz jueves y viernes: Hh (como la letra h es muda, por favor busquen palabra que empiecen con h en un diccionario o en google)Escribir la Z mayúscula y la z minúscula en el aire usando tu lápiz invisible. Jugar a dedo pulgar hacia arriba o hacia abajo. Si la palabra que tu maestra o la persona que te ayuda en el hogar dice, tiene el sonido /z/ como en zapato, tu dedo va para arriba. Si la palabra no tiene el sonido de la z, tu dedo va para abajo.Haz 2 dibujos de cosas que tengan la z al principio de la palabra como en zapato. Matematicas CienciasKinder Grade - Amaro 10:00-2:00Reading and WritingGood Morning Parents and Students, Dear Parents, I hope you are doing well. If you need to contact me do so using the REMIND APP since that has been the form of communication we have used this school year. Please reach out if you have any questions. CPS is recommending 90 minutes for Kindergarten. Please use a single subject notebook to complete the Reading, Writing and Math assignments. It will be easier to keep all the assignments together in a single notebook. PLEASE USE A SPIRAL NOTEBOOK (stay organized andkeep the notebook in a safe place when completing your assignments.) You can contact me using REMIND APP or call me at 1-708-971-0351. Thank you for your cooperation.For Reading (20 minutes) Students will be using the raz-kids or any book they have accessible at home. The first 20 minutes should be spent on reading. After the 20 minutes of reading on raz-kids or a book please use the following link to read (login: kanoon120) For Writing (25 minutes) Students will be using the link below or a book they have accessible at home. The 25 minutes should be spent on reading the following book on the scholastic website. The title of the book is which can be found if you click on the link below: will read and re-read the same book for the week Red Riding Hood(and) Forests and complete the following writing activities for the week:MONDAY-In your spiral notebook write your name on the top of the paper and write the date. Then you will write My favorite part of the story was…...don’t forget to write the title of the book at the top of the notebook paper Red Riding Hoodreview your sight words and zoom cardsLog into raz-kids using your password (next to student’s name click on the ICON rabbit) (login: kanoon120) TUESDAY-In your spiral notebook write your name on the top of the paper and write the date. Then you will write the main character in the story was…...don’t forget to write the title of the book at the top of the notebook paper Red Riding Hoodreview your sight words and zoom cardsLog into raz-kids using your password (next to student’s name click on the ICON rabbit) (login: kanoon120) WEDNESDAY-In your spiral notebook write your name on the top of the paper and write the date. Then you will write the setting of the story was…...don’t forget to write the title of the book at the top of the notebook paper Red Riding Hoodreview your sight words and zoom cardsLog into raz-kids using your password (next to student’s name click on the ICON rabbit) (login: kanoon120) THURSDAY-In your spiral notebook write your name on the top of the paper and write the date. Then you will write the problem in the story was…...don’t forget to write the title of the book at the top of the notebook paper Red Riding Hoodreview your sight words and zoom cardsLog into raz-kids using your password (next to student’s name click on the ICON rabbit) (login: kanoon120) FRIDAY-In your spiral notebook write your name on the top of the paper and write the date. Then you will draw your favorite part of the book…...don’t forget to write the title of the book at the top of the notebook paper Red Riding Hood review your sight words and zoom cardsLog into raz-kids using your password (next to student’s name click on the ICON rabbit) (login: kanoon120)MathFor Mathematics (45 minutes)MONDAY - HOLIDAY -MEMORIAL DAYTUESDAY-In your spiral notebook write your name on the top of the paper and write the date. Then you will write your number from 1 - 100.Students should work on for enrichment and review.WEDNESDAY-In your spiral notebook write your name on the top of the paper and write the date. Then you will write your numbers by 5’s, 10’s and 2’sStudents should work on for enrichment and review.THURSDAY-In your spiral notebook write your name on the top of the paper and write the date. Then you will create 5 addition problems using pictures to illustrate your addition problem for example (I had 2 candies and Ms. Amaro gave me 2 more, how many do I have all together) draw the 2 candies + the other 2 candies) 2+2 = 4 Students should work on for enrichment and review.FRIDAY-In your spiral notebook write your name on the top of the paper and write the date. Then you will create 5 subtraction problems using pictures to illustrate your addition problem for example (I had 4 candies and Ms. Amaro took away 2, how many do I have left) draw the 4 candies and take away 2 by crossing them off ) 4-2=2Students should work on for enrichment and review.Kindergarten - Miss Arenas Disponible - 11:00-3:00Semana#11 25-29 de mayo ??Buenos días ni?os y padres de familia!! Este lunes el país festeja Memorial Day o el Dia de los Caídos y por lo tanto NO tendremos clase virtual en Zoom. Clases Virtuales en ZOOM el miércoles y viernes a las 11:00am ó 2:30pm ID: 670 444 6508 Password: 7yrjnF Les recuerdo que es muy importante establecer una rutina diaria con los ni?os/as. Les recomiendo seguir esta rutina modificada, que imita la rutina establecida en el salón. CPS recomienda 90 minutos diarios para Kinder. (Una hora y media). El viernes, hablen con sus hijos/as sobre sus sentimientos y todos compartan unos halagos y piropos. Puede escribir 2 o 3 en su cuaderno. Lectura y Escritura (45 mins) LECTURA - Cada día lee por 20 minutos en la tableta. Abre Raz-kids y contesta las preguntas de comprensión al final de los cuentos. Son como de 2 a 3 libros cada día. Recuerda de usar tus poderes de Super Lector.Si no tienes internet, usa cualquier libro fácil de leer.Si no tiene la tableta: (login: kanoon122) ESCRITURA - (25 mins) Durante toda la semana enfócate solamente en este cuento de Donde viven los monstruos (bajo Earth and sky en Bookflix) y haz las siguientes actividades en tu cuaderno. Puedes escuchar el cuento cada día. Presiona abajo ? - ***Padres por favor vean este video de 3 minutos. Gracias.*** Dia de los Caídos (Memorial Day) No hay clasemartes - Escribe tu nombre y la fecha. Dibuja y/o escribe quiénes son los personajes. Escribe Personajes y el título del libro. miércoles - Escribe tu nombre y la fecha. Dibuja y/o escribe dónde ocurre el cuento. Escribe Ambiente y el título del libro.jueves - Escribe tu nombre y la fecha. Dibuja y/o escribe cuál es el problema que ocurre en el cuento y cómo se resuelve o arregla. Escribe Problema y Solución y el título del libro.viernes - Haz el Proyecto Familiar descrito abajo. (Después de matemáticas)Después de terminar tu trabajo puedes abrir actividades como abc Espa?ol en tu tableta de la escuela o cualquier app que sea de lectura o práctica de letras. O en tu cartel laminado, escribe Los Sonidos Iniciales y el Abecedario. Matematicas (45 mins) Esta semana haremos repaso de las figuras sólidas o tridimensionales. lunes - Dia de los Caídos (Memorial Day) No hay clasemartes - Mira este video. Luego trata de hacer lo mismo con tus figuras.ércoles - Mira este video. Luego trata de hacer lo mismo con tus figuras. - Mira este video. Luego trata de hacer lo mismo con tus figuras. - Mira este video. Luego trata de hacer lo mismo con tus figuras. Después de terminar tu trabajo puedes abrir juegos de números en tu tableta. Proyecto Familiar Este es un video del trabajo de arte que está pidiendo Mr. Erickson. Está en inglés pero pueden ver los pasos de cómo dibujar flores. Tomen una foto del más bonito y mándenlo a Pre K- 2nd Grade – It’s warming up outside and flowers are blooming. Click on the link to learn how to draw your own flowers step-by-step. ___________ __________ __________ ___________ Recursos adicionales: King of Math Junior - Free First Grade -NixonLiteracyFirefighter Week! down to Day 20: Social Studies – Firefighters There is a fiction story, ”Dot the Fire Dog” about a dog that helps firefighters prepare for fires.Also, The Book “Firefighters” is open on RazKids. We will also watch and discuss them Wednesday at 1:00 pmYou can contact me through at or my email for any questions.Monday5/25Tuesday5/26Wednesday5/27Thursday5/28Friday5/29 Memorial Day Read and Listen to “Firefighters.” The main idea of the story is firefighters keep us safe. Write 2-3 details on what firefighters do to keep us safe. Write your name at top of paper, take a picture of the paper and send the photo through Remind or Seesaw. Read and Listen to “Dot the Fire Dog” and “Firefighters.” What tools and machines (equipment) do firefighters use to put out fires. You can use both books for information about firefighter tools. Take a picture of the paper and send the photo through Remind or Seesaw.Read and Listen to “Dot the Fire Dog” and “Firefighters.” Write a sentence for these vocabulary words: helmet, ladder, firefighter and mask. Upload through Remind or Seesaw.Read and Listen to “Firefighters” on RazKids. Take the quiz and submit online.Place Value WeekMonday5/25Tuesday5/26Wednesday5/27Thursday5/28Friday5/29 Memorial Day1. Watch the video: Make numbers 11-19: Visual Learning. Please submit the video after watching.2. Open Interactive Student Edition 8.1: Use counters and a ten frame in the math tools to write each number as a 10 and some ones. Complete #1-10. Write your name at top of paper, take a picture of the paper and send the photo through Remind.1. Watch the video: Visual Learning 8.2 –Numbers Made with 10’s. Please submit the video.2. Open Interactive Student Edition 8.2: Draw the rods and cubes to write the numbers. Complete #1-7. Write your name at top of paper, take a picture of the paper and send the photo through Remind.1. Complete the Quick Check: 8.1 Make numbers 11-19 and submit online.2. Complete the Quick Check: 8.2— Numbers Made with 10 and submit online1. Watch the video: Visual Learning 8.3 -Count with groups of 10’s and leftovers. Please submit the video after watching.2. Open Interactive Student Edition 8.3. Use the “pen” to circle groups of 10’s and leftovers as ones. Complete #1-8. Write your name at top of paper, take a picture of the paper and send the photo through Remind.Writing/Social Studies-FirefightersWrite a thank you letter to a firefighter. Tell them what you know about how to keep people safe. Draw a picture of a firefighter working to keep someone safe from a fire.Primer Grado - CamposLectura y Escritura Semana del 25 al 29 de mayo del 202010:00 -11:00 Arte de lenguaje. De 11:00 a 12:00 Matemática y de 12:00 a 2:00 office hoursRemind: @f6ddkh Ms Campos Usen En youtube y oigan esta historia: Los lobos que vinieron a cenar: martes, jueves, y viernes. Reunion en zoom de 10:00 - 11:00 971 1668 3402 Passord: 3s5bnuLunesMemorial Day /No ClasesMartesEncuentra y dibuja: los personajes, el ambiente, el problema, y la solucion. Mandalo por remind.MiercolesEscribe que hacen para divertirse tu y tus amigos.JuevesEscribe cual es el problema de la historia.ViernesLee en raz-kids de acuerdo a tu nivel de lectura y haz el examen de la historia.MatematicasNo olviden usar htpps:// Class# 394 594 Kanoon116 Addition and Subtraction to 120.LunesMemorial Day /No ClasesMartesAddition and subtraction to 120. Luego haz click en Y. Juega para que practiques los numeros del 1 al 100. Escribe los numeros del 1 al 100. MiercolesAddition and subtraction to 120. Luego haz click en Z. Juega para que practiques los numeros del que faltan. Escribe los numeros que faltan ____44, 45 88, ___90 32, ___ 34 45____47 95, 96, ____.JuevesAddition and subtraction to 120. Luego haz click en AA. Juega para que practiques los numeros de mas de 100. Escribe los numeros que faltan 100, ________, _______ 99, ______, ______ 107 ______, _______ 110, ________, _________ViernesAddition and subtraction to 120. Luego haz click en AB. Juega para que practiques los numeros de mas de 100. Escribe los numeros que faltan ______, _______, 110 _______, _______, 120 _______, _______, 100 _______, ______, 120 ______, _______, 109CienciasEscucha y mira el video: Partes de las plantas y necesidades para ni?os; Escribe para que sirven las plantas.4Segundo Grado - OrtegaWeek 11 - May 18 - 22Reading /Lectura9:30-10:00Writing/ Escritura10:00-10:20Math/ Matemáticas 10:20-11:00Week 10 - May 18 - 22Reading/Lectura9:30-10:00Writing/Escritura10:00-10:20Math/Matemáticas10:20-11:00Google Meet: 9:30Lectura Monday: Memorial Day Martes:Readaloud: Serie La Casa del Arbol: Una Momia al AmanecerLección: Lucy Calkins - Recordando la historia aún cuando los libros son largosSession 11: Escribe un resumen de cada capítuloExit Ticket: Google Doc.Escritura: Escribiendo opinones.Miércoles:Readaloud: Serie La Casa del Arbol: Una Momia al AmanecerLección: Lucy Calkins - Recordando la historia aún cuando los libros son largosSession 11: CharactersExit Ticket: JamboardEscritura: Escribiendo opinones.Jueves:Readaloud: Serie La Casa del Arbol: Una Momia al AmanecerLección: Lucy Calkins - Recordando la historia aún cuando los libros son largosSession 11: VocabularyExit Ticket: JamboardEscritura: Escribiendo opinonesViernes:Readaloud: Serie La Casa del Arbol: Una Momia al AmanecerPaseo VirtualEscritura: Escribiendo opinionesMatemáticas- Google ClassroomLunesMartesUnit 10 Lesson 5Pearson Realize Aprendizaje visual posted in Google ClassroomUna Lección en Khan MappersPráctica en Quick FluencyMiércolesUnit 10 Lesson 7Pearson Realize Aprendizaje visual posted in Google ClassroomUna Lección en Khan MappersPráctica en Quick FluencyJuevesUnit 10 Lesson 7Pearson Realize Aprendizaje visual posted in Google ClassroomPearson Realize Aprendizaje visual posted in Google ClassroomUna Lección en Khan MappersPráctica en Quick FluencyViernesUnit 10 Lesson Terminar todos los trabajos asignados de la semanaVirtual Field TripExit Ticket on JamboardSocial Studies and ScienceBrain PopBrain Pop JuniorBrain Pop ESLSecond Grade - TobarGoogle Meet everyday at 930. Link available on Google Classroom. Students can work on the packet if there is no tech available. Read Aloud- Magic Tree HouseMonday:Memorial DayTuesday: Reading: Lucy Calkins Session 11: Holding on to stories even when books are long (keeping notes on chapters)Exit Ticket: available on JamboardWednesday:Reading: Lucy Calkins Session 11: Holding on to stories even when books are long (keeping notes on chapters)Exit Ticket: available on JamboardThursday:Reading: Lucy Calkins Session 11: Holding on to stories even when books are long (asking questions to clarify/vocabulary)Exit Ticket: available on JamboardFriday: Virtual Field Trip and complete any work not finished this week.Writing- OpinionCreate an opinion piece on a book they read. MathMondayMemorial DayTuesdayOne lesson of Khan Mappers10-7: Pearson Realize Visual Learning and Quick Check posted on Google Classroom. WednesdayOne lesson of Khan Mappers10-7: Pearson Realize Visual Learning and Quick Check posted on Google Classroom. ThursdayOne lesson of Khan Mappers10-7: Pearson Realize Visual Learning and Quick Check posted on Google Classroom. FridayVirtual Field Trip and complete any work not finished this week.Science and Social StudiesBrainPop Jr- Choose a video and complete the quizThird/ Tercero Grade - Garcia EspinosaReading and Writing/ Lectura / EscrituraMs. Espinosa-Office Hours M-F 11:00 a.m-1:00 p.mReading E-Learning Session Schedule 232: Monday through Friday- 9:00-9:45 am Reading E-Learning Session Schedule 228: Monday through Friday-10:00-10:45 am*Please make sure you are checking your messages on Google Classroom daily for updates/announcements. *Asegúrese de estar revisando sus mensajes en Google Classroom diariamente para actualizaciones / anuncios.Writing Prompts are written in the Writing Journal on Google Classroom. Monday/Lunes: NO CLASS MEMORIAL DAYLesson (25-30 mins): Independent Reading: Writing Prompt (15 mins): Tuesday/Martes: Lesson (25-30 mins): Animal ResearchIndependent Reading: IXL ,Headsprout or Capstone Library (15 mins) Writing Prompt (15 mins): #23. Imagine what it might be like to live on a boat all the time and write about it.Wednesday/Miercoles: Lesson (25-30 mins): Animal ResearchIndependent Reading: Raz-Kids or Epic Books (15 mins)Writing Prompt (15 mins): #24. If you had one wish, what would it be?Thursday/Jueves: Lesson (25-30 mins): Animal ResearchIndependent Reading: IXL ,Headsprout or Capstone Library (15 mins) Writing Prompt (15 mins): #25. Write about what you might do if you have the superpower to become invisible.Friday/Viernes:Lesson (25-30 mins): Animal ResearchIndependent Reading: Raz-Kids or Epic Books (15 mins)Writing Prompt (15 mins): Finish this week’s writing prompts. *Parents, please feel free to contact me through the Remind app during my office hours with any questions or concerns. Thank you!*Padres, no duden en contactarme a través de la aplicación Remind durante las horas de oficina con cualquier pregunta o inquietud. ?Gracias!Links to join/Enlaces para: Remind for Reading/LecturaRoom 232- 228- Math /MatematicasMr. Garcia-Office Hours M-F 11:00 a.m-1:00 p.mMath E-Learning Session Schedule 228: Monday through Friday- 9:00-9:45 am Math E-Learning Session Schedule 232: Monday through Friday-10:00-10:45 amHello everyone, We will be meeting Monday-Friday on Google Meet. In order to join you must log into your CPS gmail account and go to google classroom. The link you need to join in on our session will be in google classroom. During our math sessions we will be using Pearson Realize.Prodigy math and khan mappers will also be used to help review skills and strategies. Students have to log into their Gmail to access the Pearson math work and to access their Google Classroom. Students should know their usernames and passwords I can be reached daily on the Remind app, CPS email account ?Hola a todos!Nos reuniremos de lunes a viernes en Google Meet. Para unirse, debe iniciar sesión en su cuenta de Gmail de CPS y en Google Classroom. En el Google Classroom vera el enlace que necesita para unirse a nuestra sesión. Durante nuestras sesiones de matematicas usaremos Pearson Realize. Tambien vamos usar Khan mappers y Prodigy math para ayudar a revisar habilidades y estrategias. Los estudiantes deben iniciar sesión en su cuenta de Gmail para tener acceso a las tareas de matemáticas de Pearson y para tener acceso a Google Classroom. Los estudiantes deben saber su nombre de usuario y contrase?aSe pueden comunicar conmigo usando el aplicación Remind, y con mi correo electronico Assignments/trabajos MondayMemorial day No ClassesTuesdayGoogle meets lesson:4-2 Practice buddy: Independent Practice posted in gmail and Google Classroom WednesdayGoogle meets lesson:4-2: Practice Buddy: Homework Practice posted in gmail and Google Classroom..ThursdayGoogle meets lesson:4-3: Practice Buddy: Independent Practice posted in gmail and Google Classroom.. FridayProdigy math4-3: Practice Buddy: Homework Practice posted in gmail and Google Classroom.*Please contact me using Remind if students forgot login information for websites. * Comuníquese conmigo utilizando Remind si se olvidaron la información de login Links to join Remind for Math: Enlaces para Remind Math: Room 232- Room 228 - Science /CienciasSPED K-3 and 6th grade Math - LevarioReading and Writing/ Lectura y Escritura 1st-3rd OFFICE HOURS: 12:00-2:00CLASE BILINGUE: DIEGO (BILINGUAL CLASS)Equipo Morado Bilingue/ Palabras de la Semana:Espero que se encuentren bien de salud. Este es el trabajo que Diego tiene que hacer está semanal. Tenemos una Clase Virtual donde Diego puede tomar clases de lectura y escritura. Para ir a la clase, por favor sigan estas instrucciones:De 10:00 a 11:00, Diego tiene que ir a esta dirección Para tomar su lección de la semana: Fonética: Consonante Yy, Lectura de Comprensión: Idea Principal y detalles. Escritura: Naracion Solo oprime the link: Meeting IDmeet.zto-nwou-jme Si no puede entrar, por favor contactenme por texto, por correo electrónico Fonetica: Palabras de la Semana: Consonante: YyPalabras: Vocabulario: Yolanda, yate, yema, leyes, yo-yo, rey, leyenda.Palabras de uso frecuente: uselas para hacer las oraciones: arriba, más allá, tiene, dicen, mucho, tiene. Ejemplo de las Oraciones:Yolanda esta arriba del arbol. El yate navega más allá del arrecife . La yema tiene un sabor agradable.Las leyes dicen que no debes manejar sin licencia.Al Rey le gusta mucho jugar con el yo-yo. Me gusta mucho leer libros de leyendas. Trabajos para la Semana:Martes-Viernes: Fonética Palabras de la Semana: consonante Hh Diego escribe las palabras de la semana 5 veces cada una. Diego escribe una oración por cada palabra, usando las palabras de uso frecuente.Tome una foto y envíela por favor a mi correo, o por el app remind.Mande por lo menos un trabajo de palabras y uno de oraciones a la semana. Martes-Viernes: Lectura:Diego va a / kanoon116.Diego lee un libro por día, a nivel de letra F 1er grado con 3 meses. Dime de que se trató la historia (idea principal), y dame 3 detalles. Que pasó? Cómo pasó ? Por Qué pasó? Tome una foto y envíela por favor a mi correo, o por el app remind.Mande al menos un reporte de libro a la semana. Martes-Viernes: Escritura:Diego necesita escribir una historia de Narración. El topico de esta semana es: Que es la mejor cosa que te ha pasado?Escribe que fue la cosa más increíble que te ha pasado.Escribe la historia en secuencia. Que paso primero que paso despues y que paso al finalDame detalles del lugar.Dame detalles de lo que pasó.Describe tus sentimientos “me sentí muy feliz porque”.Sra. por favor saque una foto y mandemela a mi correo o por el app remind.Mande una historia por semana PHONICS INTERVENTIONS/ ENGLISH:MONOLINGUAL CLASSES: BRENDA, JUAN, JACOB, ALBERTO,YVETTE, GUSTAVO, ALEJANDRO.Hello Students and Parents:I hope you are safe and healthy at home. I am sending you the work for this week. Please contact me by: Text using the remind app. Just click on this link (install it on your phone if you don't have it). the code is @mslevar Another way you can communicate with me is through my email We have a virtual classroom where you can take your reading and writing lessons of the week:Phonics: Inflectional Endings: Past Tense “ed”. Reading Comprehension: Main Idea and details. Writing: Narrative. To go to the class, Just follow the next instructions please:At 10:00, students need to click to this link Meeting ID meet.zto-nwou-jme to take their reading lessons. If you can’t access the site, please contact me by text or by email Purple Team English: BRENDA, JUAN, and JACOB.Red Team English: ALBERTO, YVETTE Blue Team English: GUSTAVO, ALEJANDROPHONICS: Words of the Week: Inflectional Endings: s,es, ing, ed, The sounds of the week are: (35/17) (25/18). ENDINGS: Past Tense EDVocabulary: Vocabulary: bake-baked, march-marched, Smile-smiled, drop-dropped, try-tried, study-studiedSight Words: there (there is = hay), their (their=su). Example Sentences:There are potatoes in my house.Their potatoes are big.I baked a cake yesterday. . ASSIGNMENTS: Tuesday-Friday: Phonics: Words of the Week: Endings ingWrite each vocabulary word 5 times.Using the example sentences, write a new sentence with each word of the week. Take a picture of the work and send it to me through my email Or Follow this link: to go to Google Classroom to do your work. Your code is: lass codelcophtm Tuesday-Friday: Reading:Students go to Raz Kids to read a book, click on the following link 1) Login with kanoon and your room number,example: kanoon112.2) Read one book a day at your level (letter). 3) Students identify the main Idea of the story: What is the book about?Then add 3 details:What happened in the story?How did it happen? Why did it happen?4) You need to send at least 1 book report a week. Take a picture of the work and send it to me. Or Follow this link: to go to Google Classroom to do your work. Your code is: Class codelcophtmTuesday-Friday: Writing: Students Write an Narrative Paper, Topic: Write a real event that happened to you, or a make believe story that happened to a little boy, or girl. For instance, write about the best day you remember, or the best thing that happened to you, or to a make believe character. Think about your character. Tell me his/her name. Describe your character.Is he a nice boy, or a mean boy. “This is the story of a boy named …”Include details about the setting (place) where the story takes place. The story happens in Chicago...Mexico...Write your story with the correct sequence of events. What happens First, What happens Next, and what happens at the end. Include details of the story. Tell me step by step. Include the character’s feelings. What the character was thinking.Make sure to write an ending to your story.Write your story on a paper, take a picture of the work and send it to my email. Or Please go to Google Classroom by clicking on the link: to do your work. Your code is: Class codelcophtmIf you can’t access the site, please contact me by text with remind o by email Mathematics/ Matematicas 2nd grade and 3rd gradeOFFICE HOURS: 12:00-2:00ALBERTO, BRENDA, YVETTE Tuesday- Friday: We have a virtual classroom where you can take your math lessons of the week: Drilling: Practice number facts with doubles.Drilling: Additions with multiples of 32 to 400 (100+46) (200 +65) (300 + 72) (400 +59) (500+17)Number Sense. Place Value to 500: Dictate a digit, students write it.Number Sense. Place Value to 500. Dictate a digit, students will represent digit numbers with drawings of Base Ten Blocks tens, once and hundreds. Word Problems/ additions and subtraction Brenda within 20/ Alberto within 100.To go to the class, Just follow the next instructions please.At 11:00 go to this link to get your lesson of the week: Meeting IDmeet.mbn-jkir-cdc Then, Go to Google Classroom to do your assignment: Your class code is: Class codew6wfze5 ASSIGNMENTS:Tuesday- Friday: Alberto Y Brenda: Number Sense.Write from 1-600 in your notebook. 10o numbers a day. Ask the student to identify numbers randomly. Take a picture of it, and send it to me please, once a codew6wfze5 Tuesday- Friday: Yvette: Number Sense.Write from 1-300 in your notebook. 10o numbers a day. Ask the student to identify numbers randomly. Take a picture of it, and send it to me please, once a week.Tuesday- Friday: Alberto, Yvette and Brenda: Order numbers, compare numbers, missing plete your Missing Numbers assignment within 500. Assignment is on Google Classroom, and It will be sent out to you too.When the assignment is completed, take a picture of it, and send it to me please. OrGo to Google Classroom and do the assignment there. Here is the link: Your class code is: Class codew6wfze5Tuesday- Friday: Alberto: Word Problems/ Additions regrouping, and plete your assignment: Additions within a 1000, with regrouping. Assignment is on Google Classroom, and It will be sent out to you too.When the assignment is completed, take a picture of it, and send it to me please. OrGo to Google Classroom and do the assignment there. Login with your sisters username and password. Here is the link: Your class code is: Class codew6wfze5 Tuesday- Friday: Yvette, Brenda: Additions and plete your assignment: Brenda, Additions within a 1000, without regrouping. Yvette, Additions within a 100, without regrouping. Assignment is on Google Classroom, and It will be sent out to you too.When the assignment is completed, take a picture of it, and send it to me please. OrGo to Google Classroom and do the assignment there. Here is the link: Your class code is: Class codew6wfze5Mathematics 6th grade room OFFICE HOURS: 12:00-2:00Hello Students, Parents and Guardians:I hope you are safe and healthy at home. I am sending you the work for this week. Please contact me by:Text using the remind app. Just click on this link (install it on your phone if you don't have it). the code is @mslevar Another way you can communicate with me is through my email Tuesday- Friday. Evelyn, Juan, Daniel: We have a virtual classroom where you can take your math lessons. Lesson: Evaluate Algebraic Expressions by using substitution to replace the variable with a number. 3(p) -8 The values of P are : 10, 20, 306(w) / 9 -x The values of w are: 3, 6, 9 The values for x is 6z/4 + 5 The values of z are 8, 12, 205(x)- 2(W) The values for x are 5, 8, 10 The values for w are 2, 4, 6To go to your classroom Just follow the next instructions please.At 11:30 go to this link to get your lesson of the week: continue with:Evaluate Algebraic Expressions: oin Hangouts Meet meet.jtx-rutb-rrz Then, Go to Google Classroom to do your assignments: Evaluate Algebraic Expressions: Your class code is: Class codeClass codepvotwdyIf you can’t access the site, please contact me by text with remind o by email Fourth Grade / Cuarto Grado - Lopez, Olvera, AbejaReading and Writing/ Lectura y EscrituraMrs. Olvera - aholvera@cps.eduOffice Hours: 8am-noon M-FLive Classes Daily from 8:30-9:10am meet/226olvera226Monday - No Classes - Memorial DayTuesday - Identify sensory details (FFK)Wednesday - Organize Information by main idea (6GA)Thursday - Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words (XNX)Friday - Commas with dates (DLJ)Math /MatematicasMath /Matematicas-Abeja and FixCheck Google Classroom everyday for updates and announcementsLive class Monday-Friday 9:15-9:55 ( Check Google Classroom for link to log in)Math /Matematicas-Abeja and Fixoabeja@cps.eduCheck Google Classroom everyday for updates and announcementsLive class Monday-Friday 9:15-9:55 Fix pullout math will be Thursday from 9:15-10:15Monday, Wednesday, Friday Math talk with the focus on Understanding and comparing Decimals and adding fractionsTuesday and Thursday 3 acts strategy Weekly Pearson Realize Lessons coveredTuesday: Pearson Realize 12.4- add fractions with denominators of 10 and 100-12-4: Add Fractions with Denominators of 10 and 10addWednesday and Thursday: Pearson Realize 12. 5: Solve word problems involving moneyFriday: Pearson Realize 12.6: math practices and problem solvingJournal Entry: 1 word problem daily -- solve and explain your answer using words, models and pictures.Science /CienciasMrs. Lopez Check Google Classroom everyday for announcements and assignments. Live sessions will be announced on a daily basis with links to join. I will also send a Remind message to your parents to alert you before any live session.Google Classroom Codes:Science 2146t4s33vScience 212Class code2nzahowScience 226Class coderxd5mntTopic of the week:Mrs. Lopez office hours 10:30-2pmemail: Lopez@h94b34Lopez/Science 212@c9fga3Lopez/Science 226@39f96k2Reading 4th Grade DL Group /Ms. Izaguirre ( 4th Grade Reading assignmentsMonday 5/25 – No schoolTuesday 5/26 – Reading: Match causes and effects in informational texts Z91Wednesday 5/27 – Writing Distinguish facts from opinions 96LThursday 5/28 – Vocabulary: Select the words that don't belong X7ZFriday 5/29 - Grammar: Order the words to create a sentence ACFMath 4th Grade DL Group /Ms. Izaguirre ( 4th Grade Math Multiplication AssignmentsMonday 5/25 – No SchoolTuesday 5/26 - Write the sum and then write the productWednesday 5/27 – Complete the addition and multiplication factThursday 5/28 – Write the sum and then write the productFriday 5/29 – Complete the addition and multiplication fact4th Grade Math Multiplication IXL assignmentsMonday 5/25 – No SchoolTuesday 5/26 - Count equal groups 9K7Wednesday 5/27 - Identify multiplication expressions for equal groups 9AEThursday 5/28 Write multiplication sentences for equal groups V98Friday 5/29 Relate addition and multiplication for equal groups GGC4th Grade Math Addition assignmentsMonday 5/25 – No SchoolTuesday 5/26 – Addition one-digitWednesday 5/27 – Addition one-digitThursday 5/28 – Addition one-digitFriday 5/29 - Addition one-digit4th Grade Math Addition IXL assignmentsMonday 5/25 – No SchoolTuesday 5/26 - Match addition sentences and models - sums to 10 A2LWednesday 5/27 - Write addition sentences to describe pictures - sums to 10 T2BThursday 5/28 - Addition sentences using number lines - sums up to 20 FXFFriday 5/29 - Add one-digit numbers 5C65th- Fifth - Quinto - Wolf, Ortiz, VargasReading and Writing/ Lectura / EscrituraMr. Wolf 220, 222, and 224Google Classroom:Kanoon220 Reading if6e7jjKanoon222 Reading vgijoafKanoon224 Reading sizcdsdGoogle Meet code: meetwolf222Epic Books code prd4857Sigue la traducción al espa?ol. We will meet on Google Meets every day from 10:00 - 10:40.I will have office hours from 10:40 - 2:00 everyday. If you can not make a Google Meet session, you can check Google Classroom for what you missed. All assignments, documents, charts, videos will be posted in Google Classroom. NEW! On Wednesdays, I have meetings with Dr. Gonzalez at 10:00. There will be 2 Sessions. 9:00 - 9:40 & 12:00 - 12:40 writing and social studies instruction ONLY for room 222.We will be using the following technology: Google Meet - You will receive a new code every day. I will send codes via email, and Remind (On request)Google Classroom (See codes above)Epic books - code prd4857Razz Kids - We will discuss passwords on MondayRemind App to communicate with parents - all should join. Text TO this number: 81010 with the appropriate codes below.Room 220 code: @f499adRoom 222 code: @6he3g9dRoom 224 code: @69f333This week’s activities:Monday 5/25/20Tuesday 5/26/20Wednesday 5/27/20Thursday - 5/28/20Friday 5/29/20Memorial DayRead Aloud Chapter ,7 - Number the Stars + Make up Work DayAssignment: Read and take notes9:00 - 9:40 - Social StudiesRead Aloud about Texas and Mexico and activities12:00 - 12:40 - WritingDiscuss typing clubUsing Domain Specific VocabularySession 7 - Determining ThemesLesson: Keeping our Interpretations in mind as we continue to read.Discussion: Students synthesize ideas, adding one idea to another.Assignment: Write a theme of their books, Read and notesSession 7 - Determining ThemesLesson: Developing and enlarging interpretations/themes.Discussion: How different idea from different books can connect.Assignment: Read and take notes, Self assessment - Determining themesNos reuniremos en Google Meets todos los días de 10:00 a 10:40.Tendré horario de oficina de 10:40 a 2:00 todos los días. Si no puede realizar una sesión de Google Meet, puede consultar en Google Classroom lo que se perdió. Todas las tareas, documentos, gráficos y videos se publicarán en Google Classroom. ?NUEVO! Los miércoles tengo reuniones con el Dr. González a las 10:00. Habrá 2 sesiones. 9:00 - 9:40 y 12:00 - 12:40 instrucción de escritura y estudios sociales SOLO para el salón 222.Utilizaremos la siguiente tecnología: Google Meet: recibirá un nuevo código todos los días. Enviaré códigos por correo electrónico y recordaré (a pedido)Google Classroom (ver códigos arriba)Libros épicos: ódigo prd4857Razz Kids - aplicación Remind para comunicarse con los padres; todos deben unirse. texto a este número: Envíe un mensaje de81010 con los códigos apropiados a continuación.Código de la sala 220: @ f499adCódigo de la sala 222: @ 6he3g9dCódigo de la sala 224: @69f333 Actividades deesta semana:lunes 25/05/20martes 26/05/20miércoles 27/05/20Solo Salon 222jueves - 28/05/20viernes 5/29/20Lee en voz alta Capítulo 7 - Numere las estrellas + Maquillaje Día de trabajoAsignación: Lea y tome notas9:00 - 9:40 - Estudios socialesLea en voz alta sobre Texas y México y actividades12:00 - 12:40 - EscribirDiscutir club de mecanografíaUso del vocabulario específico del dominioSesión 7 - Determinar temasLección: Tener en cuenta nuestras interpretaciones mientras continuamos leyendo.Discusión: los estudiantes sintetizan ideas, agregando una idea a otra.Tarea: Escriba un tema de sus libros, Lectura y notasSesión 7 - Determinación de temasLección: Desarrollar y ampliar interpretaciones / temas.Discusión: Cómo se pueden conectar diferentes ideas de diferentes libros.Tarea: Leer y tomar notas, Autoevaluación - Determinar temas5th Grade Math /Matematicas Math 5th Grade DL Group /Ms. Izaguirre ( 5th Grade Math Multiplication AssignmentsMonday 5/25 – No SchoolTuesday 5/26 - Write the productWednesday 5/27 – Complete the multiplication factThursday 5/28 – Write the productFriday 5/29 – Complete the multiplication fact5th Grade Math Multiplication IXL assignmentsMonday 5/25 – No SchoolTuesday 5/26 - Count equal groups 9K7Wednesday 5/27 - Identify multiplication expressions for equal groups 9AEThursday 5/28 Write multiplication sentences for equal groups V98Friday 5/29 Relate addition and multiplication for equal groups GGCMs. Ortiz 220, 222, and 224Office Hours/Hora de Oficina 8:15-8:30 and 9:10-12:15Google Classroom:Kanoon220 evdvkvvKanoon222Math ctdwnjnKanoon224Math znvrml2Semana/Week 5/25/20-5/29/20 (IXL: Hacer clic en Aprende con un ejemplo. Click on Learn with an Example).? Todos los dias/Everyday: Check Google Classroom/Revisa Google ClassroomPor favor, consulta Google Classroom. Publicaré problemas de práctica diaria (DPPs), charlas de matemáticas, y otras actividades de matemáticas S?PER DESAFIANTES. Please check Google classroom. I will be posting Daily Practice Problems (DPPs), Math Talks, and other VERY CHALLENGING math activities.También, haremos clases de matematicas por video en Google Meet de 8:30-9:10AM lunes, martes, jueves, y viernes. Recibirás invitación por tu correo electrónico de CPS con un nickname . We will also do Math classes on video through Google Meet from 8:30-9:10AM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. You will receive an email invitation to your CPS email with the NICKNAME. El miercoles a las 8:45 hare un Google Meet para la clase de estudios sociales y escritura con el salon 220 solamente. On Wednesday, I will host a Google Meet for social studies and writing with 220, my homeroom only. Homework Assignments/TareasCheck Aspen to make sure you are up to date on all of your classwork and homework. Any assignments on which you have scored lower than an 85%, must be redone LATEST by FRIDAY NOON in order to reflect your improvement. Send me an email if you have any questions. Revisa Aspen para asegurarte que estes al corriente con todas tus asignaciones de clase y tus tareas. Cualquier trabajo en que te hayas sacado menos de 85% lo debes corregir A MAS TARDAR el viernes a las 12:00 PM para que se refleje el cambio en tus grados. Mandame un correo electronico si tienes preguntas. (IXL: Hacer clic en Aprende con un ejemplo. Click on Learn with an Example).(YOU MAY YOUR MULTIPLICATION CHART PUEDES USAR TU TABLA DE MULTIPLICACIONES)lunes/Monday ? Memorial Day/ Dia de los caídosmartes/Tuesday? Log into Google Classroom to receive your assignment.miercoles/Wednesday? IXL 5.D. 7 Dividing Numbers ending in Zeros? Log into Google Classroom to receive your assignmentviernes/Friday? IXL 5.K.8 Graph and compare fractions on a Number Line (Challenging) /Ciencias Mrs. Vargas-Mendez lmvargez-men@cps.eduScience Class is Live at Google Meet M-F at 12:00 -12:40 Use link: Hours: 12:40 - 4:00 p.m.Plan for Week of May 25, 2020Big Idea: Connecting Concepts of Chemistry with Our HomeSummary: Last week, we built on the concepts of chemistry and on previous lessons on the effects of toxins to the environment. We looked more closely at home products and the labeling which is put out by EPA to help us better understand what products have a greater risk of toxins. This week, we will seek to apply the knowledge we learned about solvents and mixtures by going back to FOSS and utilizing the Home School Connections. Monday: No Classes Due to Memorial Day. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: Science Discussion: Guiding Questions: What happens when you mix solids with water? What happens when you mix liquids with water? What happens when you mix liquids? Activity: Students will be invited to see how the Foss Web Home School Connection investigations can be done at home to further explore concepts of mixtures and solutions. I will model carrying out some of these activities at home. Students, with parent supervision, can send in video of having carried out these investigations at home so all can see the outcomes. : Social Studies and Writing (ONLY HOMEROOM 224)Writing: Writing Formal Letters (Social Justice Connection/Student Voice in Writing Activities)Activity: Students will practice writing a letter to a government official about their local concerns with the environment. What would like to see happen in your neighborhood to help the environment? Students will look at sample letters and the format used by others: t: Students will watch video in and answer questions regarding Capitalization Rules. Studies: Westward Expansion a.) Students will use to view a video on Manifest Destiny. They will then complete a virtual quiz. (Students should have created an account last week for . See the Google Classroom for last Wednesday, 5/13/20 for link. This platform links directly with Google Classroom.) This assignment will be due by June 3rd. - Sexto Reading and Writing/ Lectura / EscrituraMath /MatematicasKhealy4@cps.eduOffice hours: 11-1 Google Meet Monday-Friday @ 10:15 Monday: No Class! Happy Memorial Day! Tuesday: Khan Academy- Area of composite shapesWednesday: Catch- up day. Please work on missing assignmentsThursday: Khan Academy- Identify parts of 3D shapesFriday: Khan Academy- Identify geometric solids (3D shapes)Science /Ciencias-BuenrostroGoogle Meet Monday-Friday @ 2:00 pm (6th grade) Monday 5/25: No class. Happy Memorial Day! Tuesday 5/26: Water Cycle Drawing/ModelWednesday 5/27: Flocabulary: The Water Cycle Thursday 5/28: Catch up day. Please work on missing assignmentsFriday 5/29: Chicago Flood Follow up questionsGoogle Meet Monday-Friday @ 1:00 pm 7th Grade-208 Monday 5/25: No class. Happy Memorial Day! Tuesday 5/26: Dolly the Sheep Video Wednesday 5/27: Flocabulary: Genes and HeredityThursday 5/28: Catch up day. Please work on missing assignmentsFriday 5/29: Intro to Genetics Follow up questionsSocial Science /Ciencias Sociales- SS/Writing 6th Grade DL Group /Ms. Izaguirre ( and support Mr. Mac’s Assignments Posted on Google ClassroomDiscuss and support Mr. Mac’s Daily QuestionsWriting a Complete SentenceVerb ReviewAdjective Review7th - Septimo - GradeReading and Writing/ Lectura / EscrituraMrs. Monahan & Mrs. & madinges@cps.eduMrs. Monahan Google Chat (219)413-9316Mrs. Negrette Google Chat (224) 306-9581All Assignments are posted on Google Classroom. Code kuu5wmeDaily Video Chats on Google Meet at 10:00am. Code=2021Stay Home. Hit PlayGoogle Art & Culture-ColorKahoot: Memorial DayMath /Matematicaskhealy4@cps.eduOffice hours: 11-1Google Meets Monday-Friday @ 9:15Monday: No class! Happy Memorial Day! Tuesday: Khan Academy- Interpret scale factor in scale drawingsWednesday: Khan Academy- Scale CopiesThursday: Khan Academy- Scale DrawingsFriday: Khan Academy- Construct Scale drawingsScience /Ciencias - Acosta *Social Studies/ Writing - Mr. CarrilloGoogle meeting at 11 AM Mon-Fri (except Wed.) code is 2021Office hours are 10-2 PMGoogle classroom code is etuhffiRead, complete and submit WordGen 7.6 session 1 “Should we stay or should we go home?”SS/Writing 7th Grade DL Group /Ms. Izaguirre ( Aztecs by Sheri SkeltonAztec History ReadingAztec History VocabularyAztec History QuestionsAztec History WritingNoun ReviewVerb Review8th - Eighth OctavoReading and Writing/ Lectura / EscrituraMrs. Monahan & Mrs. & madinges@cps.eduMrs. Monahan Google Chat (219)413-9316Mrs. Negrette Google Chat (224) 306-9581All Assignments are posted on Google Classroom. Code xteivlcDaily Video Chats on Google Meet at 10:00am. Code=2020Stay Home. Hit PlayGoogle Art & Culture-ColorKahoot: Memorial DayMath /Matematicas No Google Meet this Monday! Google Meet Tuesday - Friday code 2020Tuesday - Ordering Negative NumbersWednesday - Add and Subtract Negative Numbers Thursday - Compare Linear Functions Friday - Linear/Nonlinear Functions Math Talks Tuesday and Thursday Science /Ciencias - AcostaSocial Science /Ciencias SocialesRoom 206/ Mr. CarrilloGoogle meeting at 10 AM Mon-Fri (except Wed.) code is 2020Office hours are 10-2 PMGoogle classroom code is 4gi6ymlRead, complete and submit WordGen 8.5 session 4-5 “What is the purpose of punishment?”4762657150Mr. ZavalaMr. Hernandez, click on the link or if you can’t open it, copy and paste the link on your search bar and it will guide you to youtube where there will be a video playlist of workout videos. Complete any workouts you want from the playlist each day. On a piece of paper, write down which workouts you did each day, have your parents sign it, take a picture of it, and email it to either me or Mr. Hernandez.Mr. Hernandez email- jmhernandez74@cps.eduMr. Zavala email- egzavala@cps.eduCounseling / Consejeria - Messages A. HernandezSpeech-Language/Habla y Lenguaje - Ms. Zacarias- Hollins Email: ezacarias-h@cps.eduFor students who are experiencing anxiety, stress, or grief Ms. Silva / Ms. MojarroRemember that you can reach us via email at and gmojarro@cps.eduMs. Silva’s students please check-in on our google classroom. Ms. Mojarro’s students please check-in on our google classroom.Students in Act & Adapt please check-in on our google classroom.PBIS LEARNING MEDIAThese resources in social and emotional development encourage children to develop positive peer and adult interactions and to manage self-expression and inner feelings. Activities include favorite PBIS characters such as Daniel Tiger, Super Why, and Caillou to teach lessons on confronting our fears, working together as a team, and welcoming a new member to a family.? Videos, Interactive Lessons, Interactives, Gallaries, Documents CALM CLASSROOMCalm Classroom is a simple and accessible way to integrate mindfulness into the classroom or home culture.? Mindfulness is the ability to pay attention to our present moment experience with a kind and open attitude. The daily practice of mindful breathing, stretching, focusing and relaxation exercises cultivates a greater sense of self-awareness, mental focus and emotional resilience within educational spaces. Calm Classroom is available for free at this time.Calm Classroom Booklets scripted techniques & audio recordings for preschool-12th grade students and adults, as well as Calm On the Spot techniques that can be practiced in just a few moments any time, anywhere.SECOND STEPSecond Step is research-based, teacher-informed, and classroom-tested curriculum to promote the social-emotional development, safety, and well-being of children from Early Learning through Grade 8. In addition, Second Step has developed resources to help teachers, students and families to navigate school closure and other COVID-19 challenges that are included below.?For ParentsParent portal directions to access free lessonsParent COVID-19 information: resources and activities for talking with children?SEL related literacy texts that align with Second Step lessonsPracticing Self-Calm/Belly Breathing: Sesame Street videoFamily Resources / Recursos para PadresThe Resource Center for Autism and Developmental Delays (RCADD) provides support for those who care for, teach and serve children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder or other developmental delays. RCADD is taking phone consultations - phone consultations can discuss different activity ideas in the home, creation of social stories, strategies to address challenging behaviors in the home and referrals For English: (312) 379-9579 Llame para consulta en Espanol: (312) 508-3490 - RCADD | Center for Literacy | University of Illinois at Chicago The RCADD website has been updated to include a variety of printables and resources for families: : Rainbows is offering free 20-30 minute video calls every Tuesday and Saturday at 10am until May 2nd. The calls focus on mindfulness activities, meditation and ways to reduce stress/anxiety. Children, teens and adults are all welcome but is limited to the first 100 participants. To attend a video call go to:. For recordings of previous zoom meetings: Peace Amidst the PandemicSupplemental MaterialsFlores and Zuniga El Supports and or Reading Resources Reading and Writing/ Lectura y Escritura Wilson Reading Program room 221 Ms. Sirbubalo also known as “Ms. Gutierrez”Online Classes Google Classroom & Meets (10:30-12:00)- Conferencing (1:00-3:00)Contact using email google#773-234-2217 Or join/csirb Google Classroom & Online Meets- Students are excited to participate in learning through the internet by being able to present various materials using google meets. Wilson Reading Program is happening from Google Classroom and Online Meets. Students and parents can access weekly materials posted on the Google Classroom. Please check your google classroom and access all the resources; rubric, controlled narrative texts and enriched passages and so much more. Check-in on a daily or weekly basis for new assignments to complete from your home!!! Please Follow the Schedule Below:-)~Parents and Students once you are given an invitation or use the class code below you’ll have access from your home computer or phone, enjoy... Online Google Classroom Meets Monday 7th Graders 10:30-12:00 Focus-Read the Wilson Academy Narrative or Expository Controlled Enriched Text Passages. Follow the rubric to take the cold stories and make them HOT!...Class Code gieql3pOnline Google Classroom Meets Tuesdays 8th Graders 10:30-12:00 Focus-Read the Wilson Academy Narrative or Expository Controlled Enriched Text Passages. Follow the rubric to take the cold stories and make them HOT!... Class Code ru76awiOnline Google Classroom Meets Wednesday 6th Graders: start at noon 12:00-1:30 Focus- Read the Wilson Academy Narrative or Expository Controlled Enriched Text Passages. Follow the rubric to take the cold stories and make them HOT!...Class Code wjc6fzkOnline Google Classroom Meets Thursdays 5th Graders- 10:30-1:00. Focus- Read the Wilson Academy Narrative or Expository Controlled Enriched Text Passages. Follow the rubric to take the cold stories and make them HOT!...Class Code lfmq6wu Extra Wilson Reader Stories in paper form have already been printed and have been distributed. Please call and make an appointment for pick up if you feel you still need paper. If you would like to print from home then Click on the link and select your Reader level… Resources: (log in with your classroom password) (entra a la página usando la contrase?a de tu salón)Activities to build on more Reading & Writing Skills... (assignments have been set for each grade level) (increases test score and avoids bad typing habits) (increases fluency and listening skills) Mathematics/ Matematicas 7th grade Contact using join/csirb Or google#773-234-2217Ms. Sirbubalo aka Ms. Gutierrez Math 7th room 221Online Classes Google Meets (12:00-1:30)- Conferencing (1:30-2:00) please follow the schedule...OnlineMeets Math Fridays 7th Graders 12-1:30 Fun!Google Class Code ifjeafb15min on Khan Academy15 min Kahoot!Make sure to leave me a comment! Fun Math Online Resources: Free Websites 1. 2. 3. 3. 4. free-math-worksheets 4th Reading-with FixMy reading class will be Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:55-10:30 through Google Meet. I will post the link on google classroom. All you would need to do to join my class is click on the link! During our Google Meet Reading class, we will be having discussions on the book “Wonder”. For Wilson: Please continue marking, scooping both words and sentences. Practice reading 10 sentences and then read them to someone or you can record yourself and send to my email I will also be monitoring and assigning books on Epic! Books. Some of the books have quizzes and some do not. The most important thing is to listen to fluent reading. If you need help, you may email me at: , or you may send me a message through the Remind App. My office hours are from 11:10-1:10 *****Please note I will be attending IEP meetings as well so my office hours may change on certain days****5th Math-with FixMy math class will be this Tuesday from 10:30-11:30 through Google Meet. I will post the meeting link on Google Classroom. All you would need to do to join my class is click on the link! During our Google Meet Math class, we will be working on Fractions to Decimals. You will complete assigned Moby Max assignments and Flocabulary. If you need help, you may email me at: , or you may send me a message through the Remind App. My office hours are from 11:10-1:10 *****Please note I will be attending IEP meetings as well so my office hours may change on certain days**** ................

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