Independent Contractors Creating and Submitting your ...

Independent Contractors Creating and Submitting your billing from the CPSE Portal

Billing is due by the 3rd.

Log Into the Portal

Overlapping Times: The Portal will allow you to enter overlapping times without any warnings or red flags. So the first thing you need to look at is your weekly Calendar where you have been entering your attendance. Make sure everything looks good. If you have any overlapping times, 2 session bubbles will appear side by side within the same time box. You should never see that. Even group sessions are only one bubble inside the 1 time box (it just has the multiple children's names listed in the1 bubble). Check each week you are submitting billing for before going on to sign your attendance.

Reviewing and Signing Attendance: Although you will be submitting your billing twice each month, you should only sign your attendance at the end of the month. Go to Attendance

Digital Signature Sign Attendance

Choose From Date: (always choose the 1st day of the Month you are submitting billing for) Choose To Date: (always choose the last day (30th or 31st) of the Month you are submitting billing for) Enrollment: Leave as "Not Selected" so all your enrollments will appear (or you can choose specific enrollments by Child) County: Select Nassau or Suffolk Provider: Kidz Therapy Services Click: Retrieve

Click on Last Name to sort your attendance by the Child's Name. Your attendance will now appear by child (in alphabetical order) and date of service. You will see everything that you entered into every session. Review this against your Parent Signature form to make sure that you have every signature you need and that you did not enter any absences as sessions, or forgot to enter any sessions or Make-ups.

Please note: This page will only display up to 100 sessions, if you have more than 100 sessions in the month, the rest of the dates will not appear until you have signed some sessions to make more room. I would suggest choosing to display by enrollment (which is by Child and enrollment). Once you have signed the log notes for one or two children, you should be able to Retrieve all. As long as you have less than 100 sessions, you will see them all.

If you are missing anything (Date, Time, ICD10, CPT Code, Note, etc) you will see a yellow box. You will not be able to sign for any sessions where anything is missing. If you see a yellow box, or anything that requires a correction, click on the "Edit" button at the end of the row. This will bring you back to the session. Make any additions or corrections and hit Save. You will be brought back to the signature page (although you will need to resort it by Last Name, as it will revert back to date order.).

Exception: The signature webpage does not show which box you checked: No Progress, Limited Progress, Progress or your Location (so please make sure you check one box for each session and enter in a Location) while entering your sessions.

It also lists the # of sessions as 1 and the Minutes Per Sessions as they are listed on your enrollment. You must check your times carefully. (ex. If you enter 9:00 AM to 9:15 AM, it will still say # of sessions - 1 and the Minutes Per Sessions ? 30). However it will only bill for a 15 minute session.

Once you are sure everything is correct, click on the box on the top row to the left of Last Name, this will check every box.

Click "Sign Attendance" (top, right, next to Retrieve) A dialogue box will open. Enter Your Pin: number and click "I agree".

CoSignatures Co-signatures are required for LMSW's, COTAs, PTAs and CFYs. If your billing requires a Supervisor's signature, your Supervisor has access to your sessions in the Portal. Once you have signed your attendance, let your supervisor know (email immediately) so it can be Co-signed. You must have both signatures, yours and your supervisors before you print or submit your billing.

Printing Log Notes ? the Portal calls it Printing ? but it really is Downloading.

Go to Reports Child Treatment Log

Provider: Kidz Therapy Services Service Provider: Your name should be there Service Dates: Click Choose Date Range: From Date: (always choose the 1st day of the Month you are submitting billing for) To Date: (always choose the last day (30th or 31st) of the Month you are submitting billing for) County: Nassau Children: All ? or you can print each child separately. The Portal does not alphabetize the children for you.

Click Print Report.

Print Report brings up a PDF file of your log notes. Make sure that none of them say "Signed: NOT SIGNED". If any do, go back and sign it before saving or printing your log notes.

Review all your log notes carefully. Although you are not printing them, this is the best place for you to review your attendance before submitting your billing. Check your dates and times against the dates on the Signature Form.

DO NOT PRINT AND SUBMIT YOUR LOG NOTES. THE KIDZ THERAPY BILLING DEPT. WILL PRINT THEM ONCE THEY RECEIVE YOUR COVER BILL AND PARENT SIGNATURE FORMS. You may print them for your records or save the pdf to a file on your computer. You can do this monthly, quarterly or at the end of the summer or school year. But you are required to save them and save them until the child reaches 21 years of age.

Corrections ? Unsign Attendance Once you have signed your attendance, you cannot make any changes to your sessions. You must unsigned the session you need to correct or delete. In the Portal go to Attendance ? Digital Signature ? Unsign Attendance. Click on the session you want to unsign. You must write a reason for unsigning the attendance (ex. typographical error, data error, missing information). Once you have unsigned the session, you can then edit the session, make any corrections or delete the session. Once the correction has been made, you must resign the session.

Once you have checked your log notes against your Parent Signature Form, you are ready to submit your billing to Kidz Therapy's Billing Dept. Do not include any Early Intervention Billing (evaluations or services)!

All Preschool billing is due by the 3rd of the month, checks are mailed out on the 19th of the month.

Make sure your bill is in this order: Your Cover Bill for Preschool Services and Evaluations only Parent Signature Forms (in alphabetical order) Absent Notes (required for all Suffolk services and Nassau SEIT services) Notification of Non-Delivery of Services

You can Fax or Email.

Fax all your Billing documents together to (516) 747-1833.

Email ? All documents must be scanned and emailed as one file. Do not scan individual pages.

Related Service Providers email to Sharon Kjellgren at kidzbilling@.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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