March 17, 2008
The March 17, 2008, meeting of the DeSoto County Board of Supervisors was called to order by Supervisor Allen Latimer, Board President.
Sheriff Bill Rasco of the DeSoto County Sheriff’s Department was present and did open the DeSoto County Board of Supervisors meeting in a regular session to hear any and all business to come before the Board. The following were present:
Supervisor Jessie Medlin------------------District 1
Supervisor Eugene C. Thach-------------District 2
Supervisor Bill Russell--------------------District 3
Supervisor Allen Latimer-----------------District 4
Supervisor Tommy Lewis----------------District 5
W. E. Sluggo Davis------------------------Chancery Clerk
Michael Garriga----------------------------County Administrator
Tony Nowak--------------------------------Board Attorney
Sheriff Bill Rasco--------------------------Sheriff
Supervisor Eugene Thach presented the invocation.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin asked if we have any reports from DeSoto Sunrise Home. County Administrator Michael Garriga said we get reports from DeSoto Sunrise every month. He said there are a significant number of children from DeSoto County in the Home. Supervisor Medlin said he would like to get reports to know how many children are in the Home and being served through the county’s allocations to DeSoto Sunrise Home. Mr. Garriga said he would copy the Board of Supervisors each month so they will be aware of those statistics.
Supervisor Medlin asked if the lease for the Gale Center is for the drug court. Mr. Garriga said yes, they will occupy three offices. He said the lease will paid from the drug court budget.
The Board of Supervisors considered approval of the Consent Agenda as presented. Supervisor Bill Russell made the motion and Supervisor Tommy Lewis seconded the motion to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:
1. Accounting
1. Accounting
a. Budget Amendment Request
| |Fund/Department |001 | | | |
| |Date: |3/11/08 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | |NEW |
| | |ANNUAL | | |ANNUAL |
|224-902 |Buildings > $50,000 | |61,140 | |61,140 |
|999-999 |Ending Cash |12,446,335 | |61,140 |12,385,195 |
| | | | | | |
| |TOTALS |12,446,335 |61,140 |61,140 |12,446,335 |
b. Interfund Loan
From: General County Fund 001-000-054 $10,000.00
To: Civic Center Tourism Building 384-000-149 $10,000.00
2. Safety Officers Report
3. Make Part of the Minutes
a. DeSoto Sunrise, Inc. Agreement
b. Askew Hargraves Harcourt and Associates, Inc. (A2H)
c. Constable Annual Financial Report – Liz Medlin
d. Medical Directorship Agreement
e. City of Hernando/Gale Center Agreement
f. Hernando Youth Sports – Revised Audit Report
4. Surplus Property Eligibility Application
5. Appoint Accounting Personnel as Deputy Chancery Clerks – It was determined by the Comptroller and the Chancery Clerk Sluggo Davis that this action was not necessary.
6. Chancery Clerk Allowance - $1,966.66
7. Publication of Board Proceedings
8. Inventory Dispositions – Final
a. Board of Supervisors
Asset # Serial # Description Reason for Disp Disp of By Loc at Final
36815 n/a Universal Calculator Broken JB 5R
36813 n/a Universal Calculator Broken JB 5R
b. Chancery Clerk/Court
Asset # Serial # Description Reason for Disp Disp of By Loc at Final
9044 V19726HJ Simplex Time Clock Broken/thrown away SD AWS
c. Metro Narcotics
Asset # Serial # Description Reason for Disp Disp of By Loc at Final
34560 n/a Kodak c360 Stolen/See Affidavit Metro Attach.
d. Sheriff’s Department
Reason Disposed
Asset # Serial # Description for Disp of By Loc at Final
34010 LB26 Light Bar Donation S.O. Tate Cnty
33991 LB7 Light Bar Donation S.O. Tate Cnty
34005 LB21 Light Bar Donation S.O Tate Cnty
33999 LB15 Light Bar Donation S.O. Tate Cnty
33993 LB9 Light Bar Donation S.O. Tate Cnty
30974 N/A Belgian Malinois Retired J.B. Charlie Terry
36856 356485000516396 Cell Phone Broken J.B. 5R
35009 352268014719204 Cell Phone Broken J.B. 5R
34627 603KPG5590711C0GRP64 Cell Phone Broken J.B. 5R
34995 E47GGU5CVD Cell Phone Broken J.B. 5R
34636 359373009706738 Cell Phone Broken J.B. 5R
34501 020417004291591 Cell Phone Broken J.B. 5R
34668 3527350145 Cell Phone Broken J.B. 5R
32702 8PW6111 Dell PC Broken J.B. 5R
33179 5095 CPA Pulse Analyzer Broken J.B. 5R
30389 1UAN73403556 Touch Print Broken J.B. 5R
30390 11-LH715 Lexmark Printer Broken J.B. 5R
33561 L2071536 Med Cart Broken J.B. AWS
36434 KCKDY51908076 Camera Broken J.B. 5R
e. Tax Assessor
Reason for
Asset # Serial # Description Disp Disp of By Loc at Final
30707 197661219 Brother Fax Machine Non-inventory under $500 Inv Clerk In Use
33286 n/a Microsoft Windows Server Non-inventory Inv Clerk In Use
9. Award of Funds: AOP Program – Fast ForWord Learning Program $8,333.33
The motion passed by a unanimous vote.
See Exhibit D
1. Community Foundation
Peggy Linton of the Community Foundation appeared before the Board of Supervisors regarding the county’s Greenway Project. Ms. Linton thanked the Board of Supervisors for getting the Greenway Project started in DeSoto County. She said she is here because the Community Foundation has an Environmental Field of Interest Fund. She said they use that money to find out our connections to the river and to promote greenways. She said they have been pressing the Greenway Committee to have a gathering of people to show why we need a greenway. Ms. Linton said the next gathering will be held on June 12th at the DeSoto Civic Center. It will be funded by the Community Foundation. Ms. Linton said she would like to ask for the Board of Supervisors’ support for the function.
Supervisor Bill Russell said he would recommend the Tunica County Board of Supervisors also be involved.
Ms. Linton said they have enough money for the event but asked if the Board of Supervisors would be open to having a web site for the Greenway Project only. She said the Board of Supervisors would have input on what is included on the web site.
Supervisor Allen Latimer said he thinks it would be great but it seems like everyone is going in their own direction on the Greenway Project so it may be hard to look unified.
Supervisor Russell said that the county currently has a job posted for greenways and asked the status on filling that position. Director of the Planning Commission Jim McDougal said he is in an interview process now and hopes to have someone to recommend by the first meeting in April.
Supervisor Bill Russell made the motion and Supervisor Eugene Thach seconded the motion to endorse the Community Foundation event that is planned on June 12th for the Greenways Project and to participate in promoting the greenway with the Community Foundation. The motion passed by a unanimous vote. See Exhibit F.1
2. Election Commission: Change for Love Precinct
Vanessa Lynchard explained that the Election Commissioners would like to move the Precinct located at Love. She said that the Board formally approved moving the precinct but the Election Commissioners delayed the move to work out the details. She said the details have now been worked out and the Election Commission would like to move forward to relocate the Love Precinct to the Ebenezer Baptist Church.
Supervisor Tommy Lewis said the parking is not adequate at the fire department and the church has much better parking space.
Supervisor Tommy Lewis made the motion and Supervisor Jessie Medlin seconded the motion to approve moving the Love Precinct from the Love Fire Department to the Ebenezer Baptist Church and instructed that paperwork be submitted to the Justice Department. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin said the county is going to have to do a much better job of removing signs after elections at voting precincts including churches.
Supervisor Thach suggested finding out when we need to remove signs off the right of ways.
Supervisor Medlin said that if a candidate is in a run-off, those signs do not need to be removed. Road Manager Russell Dorris said they will do the best they can if instructed to remove the signs.
Supervisor Lewis said he thinks we should give the candidates a chance to remove the signs.
Supervisor Medlin said that we need to do something because signs remaining after the elections have been a problem. He said this is a problem that we need to work on.
Supervisor Tommy Lewis made the motion and Supervisor Eugene Thach seconded the motion to authorize the Road Department to pick up election signs at all voting precincts by noon the next day following an election, as part of the County’s obligation to maintain the precincts. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.
See Exhibit F.2
3. Extension Service: New Hire – 4H Agent
Sandy Slocum of the Extension Service introduced the additional 4-H Youth Agent to the Board of Supervisors. She said that Mississippi State has offered the position to Jason Jones and she introduced Mr. Jones to the Board. She said he began working for the county on March 3rd and they are very excited to have him. Mr. Jones said he is happy to be in the county. County Administrator Michael Garriga reminded the Board that an additional $10,000 was budgeted in FY08 to cover the county’s portion of the additional 4-H Youth agent. The Board of Supervisors agreed that this was a budgeted position and welcomed Mr. Jones to DeSoto County.
4. Inventory Dispositions: Preliminary: IT Department
Asset # Serial # Description Reason for Disposal Location at Preliminary
35590 BZ000442218345 PHILIPS 17” LCD MONITOR BROKEN IT
Supervisor Eugene Thach made the motion and Supervisor Bill Russell seconded the motion to approve the inventory dispositions as presented by Inventory Clerk Amy Henley. The motion passed by a unanimous vote. See Exhibit F.4
5. Air Quality Update
Planning Director Jim McDougal said that last year the EPA made an announcement that there would be new standards for ozone. He said he wanted to give the Board of Supervisors an update on the county’s position. He said the standard for attainment is now 84 parts per billion. The new standard is 75 ppb. Mr. McDougal said the new standard will bring one half to three fourths of the country into non-attainment. He said the EPA will not designate new areas until 2010 but the change in ozone attainment levels will take effect now.
Supervisor Allen Latimer asked why they made the change. Mr. McDougal said, from his understanding, it is the opinion of the EPA scientists and public scientists that decide unacceptable levels and there is a struggle between the EPA scientist recommendations and public input. Mr. McDougal said he understands the reduction to 75 ppb is a negotiated level between the EPA scientist recommendation and the public scientists’ recommendations.
Board Attorney Tony Nowak said the EPA is likely to drop the attainment levels lower.
County Administrator Michael Garriga suggested the Board considered contracting or hiring an environmental engineer. He said that may be especially important in DeSoto County to have someone to state our case for attainment.
Supervisor Bill Russell said he would like to see a report that shows what contributes to non-attainment levels. He asked what contributors we have in this county and we should control the things we can actually control as contributors to non-attainment. He said he knows some of the issues are beyond our borders. Supervisor Russell said he still questions the lack of direction or interest in controlling automobile emissions. He said he cannot imagine why the EPA would take the position that we do not need to do anything about automobile emissions. Supervisor Russell asked if there will be more ozone action days. Mr. McDougal said he is not aware of a mandate or plan for more ozone action days.
Supervisor Latimer asked where we can get the facts requested by Supervisor Russell. Mr. McDougal said that DEQ should know those answers. He said he will follow up with DEQ and create a plan on where to go from here.
Supervisor Russell asked if anything is different than it was two months ago in connection with our status. Mr. McDougal said no, there has been no change in DeSoto County. He said we are in attainment but under the new guidelines, that will change. Nevertheless, there is no immediate effect on DeSoto County. See Exhibit F.5
6. Accounting: Supplemental Claims Docket
Accounting Clerk Stephanie Hanks presented the claims docket to the Board of Supervisors.
Chancery Clerk Sluggo Davis said the Comptroller can remove his name from the registration for MAS because the Chancery Clerk’s convention conflicts with the MAS Meeting. Ms. Hanks said, because the registrations were charged on the credit card, the county must pay the bill and then receive a refund.
In accordance with Section 19-13-31 and Section 19-11-23 of the Mississippi Code annotated, Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Eugene Thach seconded the motion to authorize the Chancery Clerk to pay the bills as presented by the Comptroller with the hotel fees for the Board of Supervisors and the County Administrator’s Office to be decreased to an amount not to exceed the claims as presented on the docket. The motion passed by a unanimous vote. See Exhibit F.6
7. Bids Under Advisement: Jail Food
Vanessa Lynchard presented a bid tabulation for food at the DeSoto County Jail as follows and the recommendation is for Gordon’s Foods:
|ITEM | |BID QUANTITY/ SIZE BY |BID TABULATION QUANTITY - |Merchant's Food | Gordon's | |U. S. Food's |
| | |CASE |Generally Column (C x D) x E |PRICE BASED ON |PRICE BASED ON | |PRICE BASED ON |
| | | |- Your bid should be |SPECIFIED BID |SPECIFIED BID | |SPECIFIED BID |
| | | |converted to this quantity in |QUANTITY PRICE |QUANTITY PRICE | |QUANTITY PRICE |
| | | |column "I". If a "0" is this | | | | |
| | | |column, the item will not be | | | | |
| | | |tabulated because it is a low | | | | |
| | | |useage item. | | | | |
| | | | | | |
|Fresh/Frozen Meat | | | | | | | |
|Chicken Breast Patties | |90 |3240 oz |271.76 |328.28 | |356.40 |
|Buffet Ham | |2 |1320 lb |1,966.80 |2560.80 | |2695.44 |
|Diced Beef Stew Meat | |20 # Bulk |140 lb |416.50 |333.97 | |408.10 |
|IQF Turkey Link Sausage | |10 Lb. |360 LB |646.92 |693.72 | |710.64 |
|IQF Chicken Fried Beef/Steak | |48 |1344 oz |112.90 |185.92 | |169.34 |
|Patties | | | | | | | |
|IQF Chicken Nuggets | |10 lb. |40 lb |53.85 |46.88 | |73.54 |
|Ham & Cheese Loaf | |4 |96 lb |165.12 |150.93 | |158.40 |
|Turkey – Rolled Bologna | |2 |240 lb |296.64 |223.20 | |259.20 |
|Turkey – Whole Tom | |2 |80 |68.80 |70.40 | |74.40 |
|IQF Turkey Franks | |4 |100 lb |110.00 |77.95 | |109.61 |
|IQF Beef Franks | |10 lb. |170 lb |416.50 |286.96 | |371.28 |
|IQF (JUMBO) Chicken | |96 |3360 oz |346.10 |270.80 | |416.64 |
|Drumsticks | | | | | | | |
|#2 Layout Bacon Ends | |1 - 18-22 count |75 lb |107.70 |97.25 | |143.64 |
|* IQF Un-breaded Catfish | |15 |405 lb |1,280.34 |1139.13 | |1282.34 |
|Fillets | | | | | | | |
|Baking Hens | |6 |482 lb |477.18 |424.16 | |446.81 |
|Luncheon Meat | |12 |36 lb |56.81 |53.82 | |62.75 |
| | | | | | | | |
|Frozen Foods | | | | | | | |
|Whipped Topping | |12 |192 oz |29.76 |33.64 | |27.90 |
|Frozen Corn on Cob | |96 |480 cobs |92.16 |84.55 | |68.64 |
|Frozen Broccoli | |12 |1152 oz |59.90 |72.63 | |66.82 |
|Frozen Okra (Raw/Breaded) | |20 lb. |480 lb |387.84 |382.80 | |468.55 |
|Pizza 4 x 6 (Cheese) | |96 ct |96 pizzas |43.49 |38.38 | |41.63 |
|Pizza 4 x 6 (Pepperoni) | |96 ct |1632 pizzas |721.34 |655.35 | |727.10 |
|Pie Crust, Deep Dish | |18 |18 crusts |18.47 |13.08 | |17.97 |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
|Baking | | | | | | | |
|Active Yeast | |1 |2 lb |4.11 |3.52 | |4.23 |
|Self Rising Flour | |25 lb. |1375 lb |540.65 |507.10 | |533.23 |
|Plain Flour | | |100 lb |35.50 |37.22 | |35.26 |
|Self Rising Corn Meal | |25 lb. |350 lb |117.60 |107.52 | |113.12 |
|Sugar | |50 lb. |1550 lb |527.00 |513.36 | |468.01 |
|Confectionery Sugar | |50 lb. |0 | | | | |
|Brown Sugar | |25 lb. |25 lb |11.65 |14.12 | |11.25 |
|Cake Mix, Yellow | |6 |240 lb |178.32 |160.88 | |168.14 |
|Cake Mix, Chocolate | |6 |210 lb |159.60 |154.14 | |193.00 |
|Baking Soda | |24 |0 | | | | |
|Baking Powder | |4 |0 | | | | |
|Cocoa Powder | |6 |0 | | | | |
|Condensed Milk | |24 |0 | | | | |
|Chocolate chips | |4 |0 | | | | |
|Marshmallows | |12 |0 | | | | |
|Biscuit Mix | | |0 | | | | |
|Bread & Roll Mix | | |0 | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
|Packaged Foods | | | | | | | |
|Chicken Gravy | |12 |540 oz |92.34 |93.21 | |120.96 |
|White Pepper Gravy Mix | |6 |279 lb |357.12 |474.61 | |360.10 |
|Brown Gravy Mix | |12 |540 oz |70.74 |94.65 | |129.06 |
|Pancake Mix | | |350 lb |160.65 |258.65 | |193.90 |
|Spaghetti Seasoning Sauce Mix| |12 |180 oz |42.30 |41.29 | |56.88 |
|Taco Seasoning | |6 |108 oz |17.93 |31.48 | |20.52 |
|Chili Seasoning Mix | |6 |275 oz |106.70 |119.25 | |135.85 |
|3 in 1 Cheese Sauce | |8 |768 oz |145.15 |141.69 | |160.35 |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
|Spices | | | | | | | |
|Pepper, Black-Table Grind | | |5 lb |17.18 |39.75 | |26.59 |
|Salt, Iodized Granulated | |24 |624 oz |10.61 |8.73 | |10.09 |
|Nutmeg | |16 oz. |16 oz |9.82 |11.50 | |11.55 |
|Lemon Pepper | |27 oz. |0 | | | | |
|Cinnamon | |5 lb. |5 lb |22.59 |27.06 | |27.63 |
| Season Salt | |2 |20 lb |31.30 |44.20 | |40.85 |
| Pepper | |6/1000 ct. pkg. |6000 pk |18.00 |19.12 | |17.67 |
|Salt | |6/1000 ct. pkg. |6000 pk |12.00 |6.51 | |9.71 |
|Paprika | |16 oz. |0 | | | | |
|Italian Seasoning | |6 oz. |0 | | | | |
|Garlic Powder | |21 oz. |0 | | | | |
|Chili Powder | |16 oz. |0 | | | | |
|Sage | |6 oz. |0 | | | | |
|Ground Cumin | |15 oz. |0 | | | | |
|Ground Oregano | |12 oz. |0 | | | | |
| Accent Seasoning| |10 lb. |0 | | | | |
|Basil | |12 oz. |0 | | | | |
|Poultry Seasoning | |10 oz. |0 | | | | |
|Celery Salt | |32 oz. |0 | | | | |
|Flavoring – Vanilla | |32 oz. |96 oz |17.18 |9.57 | |11.36 |
| Flavoring – Pure Lemon | |32 oz. |32 oz |9.50 |11.18 | |8.60 |
|Vinegar, White | |6/1 gal. |0 | | | | |
|Crushed Red Pepper | |12oz. |0 | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
|Beverages | | | | | | | |
|Regular Ground Coffee | |24/12 oz. |3456 oz |905.47 |786.12 | |836.35 |
|Iced Tea Bags without Tape | |96 |576 oz |68.54 |84.30 | |81.22 |
|Gatorade/ Fruit Punch | |24 |480 oz |18.24 |17.99 | |19.34 |
|Gatorade/powder | |largest container |0 | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
|Cereals | | | | | | | |
|Hominy Quick Grits | |8 |40 lb |16.96 |21.26 | |16.67 |
|Frosted Flakes | |4 |3500 oz |304.50 |275.25 | |283.92 |
|Corn Flakes | |4 |140 oz |10.36 |9.41 | |9.66 |
|Raisin Bran | |4 |3220 oz |299.46 |270.48 | |279.40 |
|Fruit Whirls | |4/35 oz. |3780 |385.56 |351.81 | |364.60 |
| | | | | | | | |
|Condiments/Sauces/Dressings/e| | | | | | | |
|tc | | | | | | | |
|Non-Dairy Creamer | |1000 |3000 pkt |54.00 |42.87 | |45.00 |
|BBQ Sauce - Jars, not cans | |5 Gallon |15 gal |136.17 |114.57 | |98.75 |
|Mayonnaise, Individual | |500 |3000 pkt |90.00 |112.50 | |40.70 |
|Packets | | | | | | | |
|Mayonnaise | |4 |12 gal |85.50 |69.99 | |63.39 |
|Mustard, Individual Packets | |1000 |6000 pkt |60.00 |62.28 | |84.00 |
|Mustard | |6 |12 gal |32.62 |62.48 | |31.33 |
|Ketchup, Individual Packets | |1000 |3000 pkt |48.00 |42.72 | |47.04 |
|Ketchup, canned | |6 |12 cans |38.12 |31.76 | |33.39 |
|Hot Sauce | |24 |144 oz |11.38 |14.02 | |12.68 |
|Pepperoncini | |4 |0 | | | | |
|Sweet Gherkin Pickles, Midget| |4 |4 gal |34.54 |33.90 | |45.29 |
|Salad Dressing | |1 |6 gal |32.87 |26.22 | |35.82 |
|Worcestershire Sauce | |1 |1 gal |2.95 |6.06 | |4.03 |
|Jalapeño Peppers | |4 |4 gal |20.10 |27.30 | |27.62 |
|Sliced Dill Pickles | | |10 gal |33.80 |36.10 | |34.12 |
|Sweet Pickle Relish | |4 |12 gal |59.92 |64.68 | |66.88 |
|Diced pimento | |24 |576 oz |36.86 |30.52 | |54.14 |
|Ranch Dressing | |4 |20 gal |179.30 |146.40 | |180.49 |
| | | | | | | | |
|Syrups | | | | | | | |
|Pancake Syrup | |4 |36 gal |132.48 |139.50 | |119.90 |
|Light Corn Syrup | |4 |0 | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
|Cookies, Crackers, Chips | | | | | | | |
|Vanilla Wafers | | |5 lb |9.33 |7.49 | |8.80 |
|Graham Crackers Honey | |200 |10 boxes |185.90 |161.50 | |163.18 |
|Saltine Crackers | |500 |57 boxes |710.79 |621.87 | |627.00 |
|Graham Cracker Crust | |24 |24 crusts |32.78 |26.47 | |27.52 |
|Potato Chips | |6 |120 oz |13.92 |13.49 | |10.68 |
| Tortilla| |5 |60 lb |52.86 |67.92 | |67.68 |
|Chips | | | | | | | |
|Corn Chips | |8 |96 lb |143.28 |134.52 | |138.85 |
|Wavy Potato Chips | |6 |120 oz |13.80 |12.79 | |13.24 |
| | | | | | | | |
|Jello and Puddings | | | | | | | |
|Flavored Gelatin | |12 |2016 oz |125.02 |126.07 | |129.64 |
|Citrus Gelatin | |12 |1728 oz |107.14 |128.64 | |111.12 |
|Chocolate Instant Pudding | |12 |672 oz |43.68 |90.08 | |53.09 |
|Banana Instant Pudding | |12 |576 oz |43.20 |85.88 | |44.35 |
| | | | | | | | |
|Fish, Canned | | | | | | | |
|Tuna, Chunk Light in Water | |6 |4389 oz |482.79 |506.00 | |559.77 |
| | | | | | | | |
|Fruits, Canned | | | | | | | |
|Pineapple Slices | |6 |0 | | | | |
|Sliced Peaches | |6 |18 cans |81.95 |71.97 | |82.44 |
| Sliced | |6 |24 cans |111.40 |100.48 | |120.14 |
|Apples | | | | | | | |
|Fruit Cocktail | |6 |6 cans |29.85 |28.74 | |26.77 |
| | | | | | | | |
|Noodles/Rice/Dried Beans | | | | | | | |
|Elbow Macaroni Noodles, Large| | |80 lb |63.04 |71.76 | |60.57 |
|Rice | | |175 lb |57.96 |87.43 | |71.46 |
|Spaghetti Noodles | | |100 lb |78.80 |89.60 | |82.50 |
|Egg noodles Wide 1/2" | | |140 lb |154.14 |154.14 | |175.77 |
|Dry Black-eye Peas | |3 |0 | | | | |
|Dry Great Northern Beans | |3 |150 lb |110.70 |98.15 | |135.07 |
|Dry Pinto Beans | |3 |30 lb |17.67 |17.95 | |15.33 |
| | | | | | | | |
|Juice | | | | | | | |
|Tomato Juice | |12 |2208 oz |59.60 |57.04 | |55.51 |
|Lemon Juice | |12 |0 | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
|Soups | | | | | | | |
|Chicken Base, Granulated | |12 |12 lb |13.58 |31.17 | |18.50 |
|Cream of Chicken Soup | |12 |600 oz |35.40 |36.37 | |33.30 |
|Chicken Noodle Soup | |12 |27000 oz |1,431.00 |1472.90 | |1346.04 |
|Cream of Mushroom Soup | |12 |0 | | | | |
|Beef Base | |12 |12 lb |14.24 |31.16 | |18.87 |
|Vegetable Beef Soup | |12 |12600 oz |1,071.00 |1026.78 | |900.90 |
| | | | | | | | |
|Shortening | | | | | | | |
|Liquid Vegetable Frying | |5 gal |240 gal |1,371.84 |1268.16 | |1317.80 |
|Shortening | | | | | | | |
|Non Stick Cooking Spray | |6 |204 oz |24.89 |37.16 | |30.50 |
| | | | | | | | |
|Canned Goods | | | | | | | |
|Carrots, Sliced | |6 |6 cans |17.10 |14.56 | |16.81 |
|Turnip Greens | |6 |24 cans |70.88 |61.64 | |70.18 |
|Pork and Beans | |6 |54 cans |139.14 |129.69 | |127.64 |
|Cut Yams, Large Syrup Select | |6 |6 cans |25.50 |23.10 | |24.89 |
|Mixed Vegetables, Fancy | |6 |42 cans |127.60 |108.01 | |139.08 |
|June Peas | |6 |42 cans |150.71 |126.70 | |161.36 |
|Whole Kernel Corn | |6 |126 cans |351.32 |328.86 | |441.86 |
|Tomatoes, Diced | |6 |24 cans |73.52 |57.28 | |58.63 |
|Cut Green Beans, Grade 5 | |6 |66 cans |205.37 |171.16 | |188.65 |
| Lima | |6 |6 cans |22.01 |20.47 | |21.05 |
|Beans | | | | | | | |
|Purple hull Peas | |6 |60 cans |183.40 |185.80 | |182.67 |
|Peanut Butter | |6 |240 lb |333.60 |310.08 | |337.92 |
|Tomato Sauce | |6 |12 cans |34.38 |26.46 | |31.05 |
|Tomato Paste | |6 |6 cans |29.08 |24.42 | |28.13 |
|Jellied Cranberry Sauce | |6 |6 cans |34.66 |32.30 | |34.62 |
| Sloppy Joe (Manwich) | |4 |8 cans |43.28 |40.62 | |41.65 |
|Spaghetti Sauce | |6 |6 cans |22.22 |18.90 | |25.52 |
|Instant Potatoes, Granulated | |6 |30 cans |224.40 |199.80 | |230.41 |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
|Paper, Plastic, Etc. | | | | | | | |
|Foam Cups, 16 oz. | |1,000 |11000 cups |374.00 |327.91 | |348.70 |
|Foam Cups, 8 oz. | |1,000 |8000 cups |136.00 |117.76 | |124.00 |
|Foam Bowls, 12 oz. | |1000 |3000 |48.00 |113.94 | |102.00 |
|Film Wrap, 2000 ft. Roll | |18" |1 |15.97 |15.60 | |19.11 |
|Aluminum Foil, 500 ft. Roll | |18" |1 |23.19 |24.66 | |25.37 |
|Foam Plate, 3 CPT 10 1/4" | |500 |2000 |94.00 |159.64 | |107.40 |
|Sporks, Medium Weight White | |1,000 Bulk |32 cases |358.08 |360.64 | |653.57 |
| Wax Paper | |12 bx/500 |0 | | | | |
|Rolls | |sheets/10"x10 3/4" | | | | | |
|Coffee Filter, 12 cup | |2/500 Count |3 case |18.69 |20.70 | |21.21 |
|***1 Gallon Size "you choose | | |0 | | | | |
|brand" resealable storage | | | | | | | |
|bags | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
|Chemical & Janitorial | | | | | | | |
|Stainless Steel Aerosol | |6 |96 oz |19.87 |24.41 | |24.00 |
|Polish | | | | | | | |
|Thin Black Hairnets | |144 per cs. |144 hairnets |13.54 |15.17 | |14.00 |
|Oven Mitts | |2 PAIR |2 pair |10.16 |12.48 | |14.76 |
|Oven Cleaner | |6 |108 oz |18.79 |23.24 | |20.52 |
| | | | | | | | |
|TOTAL AFTER NO BID DEDUCTIONS| | | |23,870.13 |23795.08 | |25023.93 |
|RECOMMENDATION: | | Gordon's Foods | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
|Ground Beef 81/19 +/- | |4 |1568 lb |2,587.20 |2304.96 | |market |
|Dairy | | | | | | | |
|Cheddar Cheese (Block) | |1 cs (Avg 44-48 lbs) |6210 lb |358.80 | market | |market |
| | |(45) | | | | | |
|American Cheese, Sliced | |4 |160 lb |295.84 |market | |397.28 |
|Eggs - Market Price | |Large |23 cases |1,257.87 |market | |market |
|Margarine | |30 |420 lb |307.86 |market | |234.21 |
| | | | | | | | |
|**Pre-sweet Powdered Beverage| |12 |1584 oz |115.63 |76.62 | | |
|w/Vitamins Lemon | | | | | | | |
|**Pre-sweet Powdered Beverage| |12 |1584 oz |115.63 |76.62 | | |
|w/Vitamins Orange | | | | | | | |
|**Pre-sweet Powdered Beverage| |12 |1584 oz |115.63 |76.62 | | |
|w/Vitamins Fruit Punch | | | | | | | |
|**Pre-sweet Powdered Beverage| |12 |1848 oz |134.90 |208.33 | | |
|w/Vitamins Strawberry | | | | | | | |
|Dry Baby Lima Beans | |3 |150 lb |113.70 |105.60 | | |
|1 Gallon Size Zip Lock | |250 count |750 bags |62.25 | | |66.52 |
|Storage Bags | | | | | | | |
|Super-Strong Polyethylene | | |100 gloves |1.78 | | | |
|Disposable Gloves | | | | | | | |
|Stick Beef Bologna | |2 |98 lb |120.05 |337.51 | |216.58 |
|* Breaded Precooked Cod | |52 |4212 oz |370.60 |770.61 | |1158.30 |
|French Fried Potato 5/16" | |6 |1770 lb |918.63 |947.54 | |768.18 |
|approx. | | | | | | | |
|Sweet & Low, Individual | |2 |12500 count |87.50 |69.15 | |87.50 |
|Packets | | | | | | | |
|Assorted Jelly | |6 |540 oz |64.80 |27.78 | |32.99 |
Supervisor Eugene Thach made the motion and Supervisor Tommy Lewis seconded the motion to award the bid to Gordon Foods to provide food for the DeSoto County Jail. The motion passed by a unanimous vote. See Exhibit F.7
8. Transportation Program for Desoto County
Vanessa Lynchard said that North Delta Planning and Development District is making efforts to stretch money to meet the needs of transportation in DeSoto County. She said they will be applying for $75,000 and there is a 50/50 match requirement. Ms. Lynchard said the funds will help with operating costs for the current transportation program for senior citizens and also enable the program to expand to help disabled people with transportation needs. Ms. Lynchard said the buses are partially filled now but by providing transportation for the disabled people, the buses would be better filled. Ms. Lynchard presented the expanded schedule and asked the newspapers to publish it so the citizens would be able to utilize the buses for transportation needs. The schedule is as follows:
DeSoto County Transportation is a free service provided by your DeSoto County Board of Supervisors for driving senior or disabled citizens to doctor appointments, the bank, exercise classes, or shopping. Each area of the county has several days of the week available. Please check the days of the week available to your area of the county before making an appointment.
Appointments can be scheduled for
8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., Monday – Friday.
To schedule your appointment, please call 1-800-844-2433.
Monday 8:30 am. – 4:00 p.m. Hernando, Nesbit, Olive Branch & Southaven
Tuesday 8:30 am. – 4:00 p.m. Hernando, Nesbit, Olive Branch & Southaven
Wednesday 8:30 am. – 4:00 p.m. Eudora, Horn Lake & Walls
Thursday 8:30 am. – 4:00 p.m. Eudora, Horn Lake & Walls
Friday 8:30 am. – 4:00 p.m. Hernando, Nesbit, Olive Branch & Southaven
Supervisor Tommy Lewis thanked Ms. Lynchard for the time spent to expand the benefits of the bus service without spending more money.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin asked if they will need more money to add drivers. Ms. Lynchard said no.
At the recommendation of Vanessa Lynchard, Supervisor Tommy Lewis made the motion and Supervisor Bill Russell seconded the motion to approve to apply for $75,000 in funds through the 5317 New Freedom Program on behalf of DeSoto County. The motion passed by a unanimous vote. See Exhibit F.8
9. HOME Grant Resolution
Home Builder Charlie Sanders said he is here asking the Board of Supervisors to approve a resolution for the HOME Grant. He said the grant guidelines have changed to allow up to 20 grants at $25,000 each in DeSoto County. Supervisor Eugene Thach asked how much is the total price of the houses. Mr. Sanders said most will cost between $100,000 and $125,000 but it depends on how much an applicant can qualify for a home loan. He said this is not for first time home buyers only. He said they have relaxed the rules so that someone cannot presently own a house but does not include a mobile home. He said the house can be built on their property or the property can be a part of the construction cost. He said this grant funding cannot be used to rehabilitate a house. Mr. Sanders said the mortgage must be a fixed rate loan for thirty years. He said everyone should understand the restrictions. He said the deed restrictions must be for ten years so the owners of the property are likely to stay in that house for at least ten years.
Chancery Clerk Sluggo Davis asked if there is a time frame for the construction. Mr. Sanders said the houses must be built within two years but you can apply for a six month extension.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Bill Russell seconded the motion to approve the resolution and the Board President to sign the application for the 2008 HOME Grant Applications for $500,000 of Home Buyer Assistance and $25,000 of American Dream Down Payment Initiative on its behalf, and to appoint Charlie Sanders and/or assigns as the Builder/Developer and Selection Committee, Housing and Finance Services , LLC as Consultant/Administrator for the HOME Grant Development and to hereby approve the MBE/WBE Plan, the Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan, and the Homeownership Training/Counselor Plan. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.
See Exhibit F.9
10. I-69 Appropriations Request
The Board of Supervisors discussed the yearly request for money on the I-69 effort.
Supervisor Bill Russell questioned the payment to I-69. Supervisor Jessie Medlin said he had concerns about the contribution to I-69 as well. Supervisor Eugene Thach said that is the money for the Highway Coalition. Supervisor Medlin said, if our section is already built and we know our other section has a plan for construction, then why are we continuing to send this money. Supervisor Thach said that all counties in the coalition have participated. Supervisor Bill Russell asked if every county in the coalition participates. Supervisor Thach said yes; every county in Mississippi participates but he is unsure about every county in the United States.
Supervisor Russell said he would like for Mr. Garriga to look into the money paid to the I-69 coalition and find out why we are still participating after our portion of the road has been constructed.
Supervisor Medlin agreed and said that Marshall, Tunica and DeSoto Counties and MDOT have stepped up to get the money for the construction for our portion of the roadway.
Supervisor Eugene Thach made the motion and Supervisor Jessie Medlin seconded the motion to approve the appropriations request for I-69. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.
11. Metro Narcotics Lease
County Administrator Michael Garriga presented the lease for Metro Narcotics that would extend the use of the building at the current location through July 14, 2009. He said that the agreement does not collect rent but does collect money for utilities on the building.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Bill Russell seconded the motion to approve the addendum to the lease agreement between DeSoto County and Ashland Oil for space for the DeSoto County Metro Narcotics Unit. The motion passed by a vote as follows:
Supervisor Jessie Medlin---------------YES
Supervisor Eugene C. Thach-----------ABSENT
Supervisor Bill Russell------------------YES
Supervisor Allen Latimer---------------YES
Supervisor Tommy Lewis--------------YES
See Exhibit F.11
12. Department of Road Management
a. Repair – Berry Farms, 4785 Williams Road
Road Manager Russell Dorris presented pictures of a sink hole and damage to the private property of Mr. Charles Berry of Berry Farms located at 4785 Williams Road. He said the erosion has caused a large hole to appear on the property creating a hazardous situation that needs repair. He said the sink hole needs to be dug out, back filled and the entire drainage system needs to be upgraded. He said this is a situation that is causing danger to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of DeSoto County and needs to be corrected.
Supervisor Tommy Lewis made the motion and Supervisor Bill Russell seconded the motion to approve the Road Department to repair the sink hole and damage located at 4785 Williams Road to alleviate the risk of harm to the health, safety and welfare of the public, and potential damage to a County road, which it is creating. The motion passed by a vote as follows:
Supervisor Jessie Medlin---------------YES
Supervisor Eugene C. Thach-----------ABSENT
Supervisor Bill Russell------------------YES
Supervisor Allen Latimer---------------YES
Supervisor Tommy Lewis--------------YES
See Exhibit F.12.a
b. Centerhill Road – Culvert at Forest Hill PUD
County Engineer Andy Swims presented a map of the area near Centerhill Road. He said there is a thirty foot culvert under Centerhill Road that drains into a flat land area. He said the pipe has been there for a while and it probably has had water in it for many years. Mr. Swims said that the developer’s contractor replaced the pipe and lowered it about six inches and now it does not drain very well. He said we have a 30 inch pipe and there is not good flow to make it drain. He presented a plan to improve drainage by adding a pipe connecting the two ponds on the property. Mr. Swims suggested getting assistance from the developer to come up with a way to do the work. He said the developer has resisted because this was an existing problem.
Supervisor Eugene Thach asked now much money is Mr. Swims asking the developer to pay. Mr. Swims said he asked him to pay for the entire project but the developer offered to contribute $7,000 toward fixing the problem.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin said he would think some of this drainage is from the school parking lot. Mr. Swims agreed but said not all of it is from the school site. Supervisor Medlin explained the problems that have occurred and the steps taken to fix the problems.
Supervisor Thach asked if the Road Department has money to cover this project. Mr. Dorris said we will have to find the money for this project because it is a serious problem. Mr. Dorris said he does not know of any other solution.
Board Attorney Tony Nowak said that because of the estimated price submitted by the county engineer, we must get two quotes. He said, if the quote is over $25,000, the County has to advertise for bids, if it is over $5,000 but under $25,000, then the county has to get two written bids. Mr. Swims said the quoted price is actually under $25,000 but he added a 10% contingency to the project.
Supervisor Bill Russell said he thinks the county should use concrete pipe if we require others to use it. Supervisor Allen Latimer agreed.
Mr. Swims said we take responsibility to maintain the drainage so he suggested the county could use whatever we think is sufficient. He said we require them to use concrete pipes because they are not required to maintain them. Supervisor Russell said he agreed with Mr. Swims and the Road Manager considering our requirement to maintain the drainage.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Eugene Thach seconded the motion to approve getting a second quote to fix the problem on Center Hill Road on all three pipes and authorize the Board Attorney to work on an agreement with the developer. The motion passed by a unanimous vote. See Exhibit F.12.b
c. Request from Cooperative Extension Service
Horticulture Agent Joy Anderson said that they would like to put a learning station in a park so that children could learn about nature, land conservation and wildlife habitat. She said the property in question has a lot of variation, making it suitable for that project. Ms. Anderson said they have two $5,000 grants for the work. One grant is from Alcoa for trails and limestone and the other grant is from Mississippi State for education material and signage. She said they also want to plant wildflowers. Ms. Anderson said they need help from the county because the funding is short to meet the needs of the project. She said they have $5,000 to put toward the trail and presented an estimate of $12,433.32 as defined by the Road Manager.
Supervisor Bill Russell asked who benefits from this and how often it will be used. Ms. Anderson said that she has volunteers who work there on a daily basis and their primary purpose is for education. There is a Master Gardener and a Master Urban Forester. Ms. Anderson said the area is set up to teach schools and or classrooms and she would like to be able to offer field trips. It is also open to the general public to take a self guided or guided tour.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin asked how you become a master gardener. Ms. Anderson said there are hours of training, volunteer service and continuing education to remain certified.
Supervisor Russell suggested taking an equal amount of money from every park fund for the expenditure. After discussing the issue, Supervisor Tommy Lewis made the motion and Supervisor Eugene Thach seconded the motion to approve the expenditure of $7,433.32 from the general fund contingencies. The motion passed by a vote as follows:
Supervisor Jessie Medlin---------------YES
Supervisor Eugene C. Thach-----------YES
Supervisor Bill Russell------------------NO
Supervisor Allen Latimer---------------YES
Supervisor Tommy Lewis--------------YES
Supervisor Russell said his only reason for dissenting on the vote is because he wanted the money to come from designated funds but he supports the project. See Exhibit F.12.c
The executive session portion of these minutes is recorded under the portion of the minutes called "Executive Session".
1. Road Management – Maps
Road Manager Russell Dorris requested approval of maps he prepared showing the I-69 corridor and subdivisions in the areas that would contribute to traffic on I-69 as well as leading to corridors on I-69. He said we have sent the information to MDOT.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin said that Richard Allen said if they have missed something, they would be willing to look at it. He said he asked about adding an alternate to the contract to make the bridges 5 lanes at the county’s expense. He said they might be able to add that option to the bond.
Supervisor Medlin said they are designing the interstate as we speak, and we need to act before it is too late. He said he wants to show connections on the other roads we are now working on.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Allen Latimer seconded the motion to authorize Board Attorney Tony Nowak and Road Manager Russell Dorris to work together to send the information to the state with an additional letter. The motion passed by a vote as follows:
Supervisor Jessie Medlin---------------YES
Supervisor Eugene C. Thach-----------YES
Supervisor Bill Russell------------------YES
Supervisor Allen Latimer---------------YES
Supervisor Tommy Lewis--------------ABSENT
2. LSBP Funds – Project No. LSBP – 17(4)
At the recommendation of County Consulting Engineer Daniel Murphy, Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Eugene Thach seconded the motion to approve the final order of the Board of Supervisors authorizing the transfer of additional LSBP funds to complete Project No. LSBP – 17(4). The motion passed by a unanimous vote. See Exhibit H.2
3. County Wide Cleanup
Supervisor Bill Russell said that Amy Henley has done an outstanding job preparing for the county wide cleanup. He said she has created a draft to publish in the newspaper that is excellent. He said there a lot of people who want to participate and do not know how to become involved and Amy is doing a very good job of explaining the clean up day.
4. Roads – Pleasant Hill
Supervisor Eugene Thach said we received a letter from the City of Olive Branch wanting to hire Daniel Murphy as the engineer for Pleasant Hill Road. Mr. Murphy said he does not think it will be as easy as Olive Branch thinks and will meet with the city and work from there. He said there are several issues that complicate this project.
5. Homestead Exemption Supplemental Roll
Chancery Clerk Sluggo Davis presented a petition to adjust the exemption on the homestead supplemental roll.
At the recommendation of the Chancery Clerk, Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Eugene Thach seconded the motion to authorize the adjustment as presented for the following parcel:
Key, Bobby Joe 3089-3001.0 00011.00 To Delete from State’s List
3089-3000.0 00016.00 To Delete from State’s List
The motion passed by a unanimous vote. See Exhibit H.5
6. Capital Improvements Projects
County Administrator Michael Garriga presented the list of capital improvement projects ranked according to the interest of the Board of Supervisors.
Supervisor Bill Russell asked when Demery Grubbs will come back to appear before the Board. Mr. Garriga said Mr. Grubbs is waiting on the county and is available at any time.
7. Jail Commissary
Board Attorney Tony Nowak presented a one year contract for the jail commissary where they will provide everything including software and training.
Supervisor Bill Russell made the motion and Supervisor Jessie Medlin seconded the motion to approve a resolution permitting the Sheriff to contract for commissary services and contract with Tiger Commissary as recommended by the Sheriff and Board Attorney and as more fully described in Exhibit H.7. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.
8. Stormwater
Supervisor Jessie Medlin said he talked to a stormwater employee about a subdivision where we have problems with them planting grass. Developers have 60 days to seed the banks. It may be unclear whether it is from the start of the grading or the end of the grading when the 60 days starts. County Administrator Michael Garriga said that he will ask Planning Director Jim McDougal to look into this issue and report to the Board.
Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Bill Russell seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting until April 7, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.
THIS the 17th day of March 2008, these minutes have been read and approved by the DeSoto
County Board of Supervisors.
Allen Latimer, President
DeSoto County Board of Supervisors
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