
WORLD HISTORY Name: _________________________________FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE (Fall 2016)15107523358Final Exam Day: ______________________ Final Exam Time: ____________ Worth _______% of my final gradeWhat grade will I receive in World History?(Current Grade x 0.80) + (Projected grade on Final Exam x 0.20) = FINAL GRADE00Final Exam Day: ______________________ Final Exam Time: ____________ Worth _______% of my final gradeWhat grade will I receive in World History?(Current Grade x 0.80) + (Projected grade on Final Exam x 0.20) = FINAL GRADE**REMINDER: In order to receive BONUS POINTS on your final exam, you must complete ALL questions on a SEPARATE sheet of paper. Include HEADINGS and NUMBER your answers.BEGINNINGS OF CIVILIZATIONWhat significant development occurred during the Neolithic Era? What is the significance of this development?Which geographic locations are considered to be the 4 CRADLES OF CIVILIZATION? (Be able to locate on a world map)Why did civilization develop in these particular areas?What are the 5 CHARACTERISTICS OF CIVILIZATION?ANCIENT RIVER VALLEY CIVILIZATIONSEGYPT What is the significance of the Nile River?What is the definition of a theocracy?What did the Egyptian people believe in regards to their Pharaohs?What is the definition of polytheism? MESOPOTAMIA What is the Fertile Crescent? Why did ancient Mesopotamian civilization begin on the Fertile Crescent? Where is the Fertile Crescent? What are the modern-day countries associated with ancient Mesopotamia?JUDAISMWho were the ancient Hebrews? What happened to them?How was Judaism different from other religions at the time? INDIA & HINDUISMWhich river did ancient India develop on?What is/was the caste system? BUDDHISMWhat are the main values of Buddhism?CHINA What is the definition of a dynasty?What is the dynastic cycle? What was the significance of the dynastic cycle in ancient China?CLASSICAL CIVILIZATIONSGREECEDescribe the geography of Greece. How did the geography of Greece impact its political situation?Define each of the political structures experimented with in ancient Greece: Monarchy, Oligarchy, Aristocracy, Direct democracyHow were women treated differently in Athens and SpartaWho was Alexander the Great?What was Alexander’s most lasting achievement?ROME & CHRISTIANITYWhat is a republic? Who was Julius Caesar and how did he die?What was the Pax Romana?How were early Christians treated in the Roman Empire? Why? How did this change toward the end of the empire?THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE, RUSSIA & ISLAMBYZANTINE EMPIREWhat was the significance of Constantinople & the Byzantine Empire in terms of geography?What caused the Schism of 1054? What two religions developed as a result of this schism?EARLY RUSSIA & MONGOLSHow did Vladimir I impact the course of religion in Russia? How did the Mongols impact the development of Russia?ISLAMWho was the prophet/founder of Islam?What are the similarities between Islam, Christianity, & Judaism?How did the Islamic Empire prosper economically?THE MIDDLE AGESFEUDALISM & MANORIALISMWhat is feudalism? Why did feudalism develop in Western Europe? How did mutual obligations play into the system of feudalism?THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHWhat was the significance of the Medieval Catholic Church?Crusades - what were they? Who fought? Who won? What were the effects?How was the Black Death spread? What did the people living in the Middle Ages think caused the Black Death?What impact did the Black Death and other disasters of the late 14th century have on the Catholic Church?THE RENAISSANCE, PROTESTANT REFORMATION & SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTIONTHE RENAISSANCEWhat was the Renaissance? Where did it begin? When? Why?What are the characteristics of Renaissance art? How does Renaissance art differ from medieval art?THE PROTESTANT REFORMATIONWhat was the Protestant Reformation? How did it begin and why?Who led the Protestant Reformation? What is an indulgence? Why was Martin Luther opposed to the selling of indulgences?Why did Henry VIII break from the Catholic Church? What was the result?THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTIONHow did individuals like Kepler, Galileo, & Newton change the way that knowledge was acquired? THE AGE OF EXPLORATION & IMPACT ON NATIVE AMERICAN CULTUREEARLY AFRICAWhy were the kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai able to grow and prosper?EARLY AMERICAIdentify evidence from the Mayan, Aztec, and Incan civilization that proves each had an advanced/complex society. How were the Incans able to rule/control such a large empire? EUROPEAN EXPLORATIONExplain the European motives for exploration What are the Treaty of Tordesillas & the Line of Demarcation?What is the theory of mercantilism? How did mercantilism benefit European countries?ABSOLUTISM & POWERFUL ENGLISH MONARCHS WHAT IS ABSOLUTISM?Definition of absolutismWhat is the Theory of Divine Right of Kings?Russian AbsolutismHow and why did Peter the Great westernize Russia?ENGLANDThe Restoration – What was restored and why?The Glorious Revolution – Who was overthrown? Why? Who came to power?How do the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution impact the power of the English Parliament?THE ENLIGHTENMENTWhat was it? Main ideas of Locke, What are considered “natural rights”?AGE OF REVOLUTIONSBEFORE 1789 – the OLD REGIME (PHASE 1)Describe the Old Regime in France prior to the French Revolution 0f 1789Why was the storming of the Bastille significant?THE CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY (PHASE 2)What is a constitutional monarchy? How is it different from an absolute monarchy?THE REPUBLIC (PHASE 3)The Reign of Terror What was it? Who led it? How did it end?THE CONSULATEWhat does “balance of power” mean?-571510922000THE ERA OF GLOBAL CHANGE & CONFLICTINDUSTRIAL REVOLUTIONWhere does it begin and why?What were factory conditions like?How did the Industrial Revolution impact society and culture?According to Karl Marx history was a struggle between which two groups?NATIONALISMDifference between nation, state, and nation-stateIMPERIALISMWhat is imperialism?What motivated countries to be imperialistic?IMPERIALISM IN AFRICAWhat wasn’t considered when drawing boundaries between countries?IMPERIALISM IN ASIAExplain the Open Door Policy (China), including resultsExplain the Opium Wars (China), including resultsWORLD WAR IUNDERLYING CAUSES OF WORLD WAR IWhat were the major causes of WWI (think MANIA)?TRIGGER (OR CATALYST) OF WORLD WAR IWhere was the powder keg of WWI? What “sparked” the power keg?AMERICAN INVOLVEMENTWhat role did the U.S. play early in WWI?Why did the United States get involved in WWI?What is meant by Total War?What role did propaganda play in WWI?THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION & RUSSIA’S WITHDRAWAL FROM WORLD WAR I What was the Russian Revolution? Who came to power as a result?ALLIED VICTORY!What were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles? How did the Germans feel about the treaty?How did WWI lead to WWII?WORLD WAR IIBETWEEN THE WARS (1919-1938)What was going on in the world between the wars? Difference between the conditions in the U.S and in EuropeTHE RISE OF DICTATORSWhy were dictators able to take hold in Europe?Which countries were ruled by dictators, and who were they?Define: TotalitarianDefine: Mein KampfDefine: Third ReichFASCISM (NAZISM) v. COMMUNISMSimilarities and differencesAXIS POWERS v. ALLIED POWERSWho were the Axis Powers? Allied Powers?EARLY AGGRESSION & APPEASEMENTHow did Germany violate the Treaty of Versailles?Define: AppeasementWho was part of the Non-Aggression Pact? What was it about?Which invasion begins World War II?US ENTRANCE INTO WORLD WAR IIWhat was the U.S. role at the beginning of the war?How and why did the U.S. get involved in WWII?THE HOLOCAUSTExplain each of the following:The Final SolutionMILITARY ASPECTSExplain each of the following:BlitzkriegThe Battle of StalingradStalin’s request for a “second-front”D-DayThe Battle of Midway ................

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