
CMHS BOOSTERS – A Tradition Of Excellence In AthleticsMinutes – November 14, 2016Date:Monday, November 14, 2016Location:District 12 Administrative Office – 1775 LaClede StreetAttendees: Kris Roberts (AD), Beth DePeppe (President), Susan Taylor (Vice-President), Leslie Nordyke (Treasurer), Carey Stark (Secretary and Wrestling), Lisa Helton (AAC Representative), Kelly Sung (VP Spirit), Melissa Waymire (Sprrit Wear), Jamie Kratt (Girls Field Hockey and PTO Liaison), Angie Feign (Girls Soccer), Cathryn Lewis (Girls Lacrosse), Sheree Ahrendsen (Volleyball and Girls Tennis), Gina Byrd (Boys Basketball), Julie Rood-Brage (Boys Basketball), Elaine LaCerte (Football), Stacy Reddish (Boys Lacrosse), Kristina Chung (Boys Soccer), Nicole Reinhardt (Baseball),and Shawnee Huckstep. Beth called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m.October Minutes: Cathryn Lewis motioned to approve the Minutes from the October meeting and Stacy Reddish seconded the motion. All were in favor. President’s Report: Beth DePeppe discussed the postcards that are going out for the Craft Fair where Boosters has a booth. Baseball has signed up to help out, most of the Winter sports teams are gone at tournaments/games. Lynn Glatt is spearheading the booth for Boosters. Schoola is on hold for now.Treasurer’s Report: Leslie gave an update on the current cash balance which sits at $16,239. There should be a $2200 refund coming back to Boosters and Leslie is trying to get the $600 in penalties and interest waived. So, hopefully there will be a $2800 refund.AD’s Report: Kris discussed that the sound system for the stadium has been installed (it sounds phenomenal). The concession schedule for Winter sports will be sent out. There are 300 hours of concession time which will be distributed among the Winter sports programs. Boosters has no involvement at all in concessions and staffing now. All the revenue from concessions will go to team uniforms. The new fee structures are in place. The underlying reason for the new process is to not have to ask the parents/guardians for more money. Every team will have an allotted $325 for team awards and senior recognition. All banquets will be at a CMSD 12 school. If a team representative has ideas for half-time events/programs he/she needs to discuss it with Kris and get approval. Kris discussed the summer “sampling” camp where elementary students can try out different sports. It will be a 3 week camp in June. The goal is to grow the camp each year. Fundraising Report: Stacy has been collecting for the Craft Fair where Boosters will have a used sports equipment booth. Boosters may just break even but it will be a good thing to test out. There was discussion about what to do with the leftover items (Play It Again sports, The Hanger, etc.)Merchandise Report: Melissa will be at the parent meetings for Winter sports in order to sell merchandise. The Yard Signs for Winter sports will be delivered 11/18.Athletics Programs Advisory Committee: Lisa Helton is the representative for Boosters. Summer sports programs will be a big push in order to expose elementary age students to all of the sports offered at the high school level. There will be a cost effective way for the children to participate. There will be a December meeting for the committee (they meet quarterly). Kris discussed that there is a pie chart for all of the sports programs giving a breakdown of costs.New Business: Updated Bylaws will be discussed at the November meeting. Susan Taylor would like to discuss starting a scholarship program for a male student-athlete and a female student-athlete at the November meeting. Susan asked that fall teams submit newsworthy items and photos for the upcoming edition of Smoke Signals.The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. ................

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