Veterans Affairs


5. PROJECT NUMBER (if applicable)CODE7. ADMINISTERED BY2. AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION NUMBERCODE6. ISSUED BY8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR4. REQUISITION/PURCHASE REQ. NUMBER3. EFFECTIVE DATE9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NUMBER9B. DATEDPAGEOF PAGES10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT/ORDER NUMBER10B. DATEDBPA NO.1. CONTRACT ID CODEFACILITY CODECODE Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods:The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of OffersE. IMPORTANT:is extended, (a) By completing Items 8 and 15, and returning __________ copies of the amendment; (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted; or (c) By separate letter or electronic communication which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAYis not extended.12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA(REV. 11/2016)is required to sign this document and return ___________ copies to the issuing not,A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A.15C. DATE SIGNEDB. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT/ORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103(b). RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by letter or electronic communication, provided each letter or electronic communication makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date specified.C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF:D. OTHERBYContractor16C. DATE SIGNED14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION16B. UNITED STATES OF AMERICAExcept as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect.15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER16A. NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER15B. CONTRACTOR/OFFERORSTANDARD FORM 30 PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLEPrescribed by GSA - FAR (48 CFR) 53.243(Type or print)(Type or print)(Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible.)(Number, street, county, State and ZIP Code)(If other than Item 6)(Specify type of modification and authority)(such as changes in paying office, appropriation date, etc.)(If required)(SEE ITEM 11)(SEE ITEM 13)(X)CHECKONE13. THIS ITEM APPLIES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTS/ORDERS,IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT/ORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14.11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONSAMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION/MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT(Signature of person authorized to sign)(Signature of Contracting Officer)132A0000205-24-2018NONE00776Department of Veterans AffairsProgram Contracting Activity Central6150 Oak Tree Blvd, Suite 300Independence OH 4413100776Department of Veterans AffairsDepartment of Veterans Affairs6150 Oak Tree Blvd, Suite 300Independence OH 44131To all Offerors/Bidders 36E77618R0034 XX1See Continuation Page Adeitra JimmisonThis amendment seeks to accomplish the following: Section 1: Added language in Section E, 1 Task Order Price Evaluation Approach, to: “The options under FAR 52.217-8 will be exercised at the price and/or rates in effect at the time the clause is exercised. Evaluation of options will not obligate the Government to exercise the option(s).”Section 2: Revised S02 - Attachment - 9 - Task Order 1 Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan VHA HRRO M_A. This QASP herein replaces the original Attachment 9 as previously published. Section 3: See Vendor Question and Answer. Provided answers to questions submitted during the solicitation. Questions provided by Contractors are in black font, and answers provided by Government are in red font. QUALITY ASSURANCE SURVEILLANCE PLAN (QASP)DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRSHEALTHCARE RECRUITMENT & MARKETINGVHA RECRUITMENT MARKETING CAMPAIGNINDEFNITE DELIVERY INDEFINITE QUANTITY CONTRACTTABLE OF CONTENTS TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc256000001" 1INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc256000001 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc256000002" 1.1Purpose PAGEREF _Toc256000002 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc256000003" 1.2Performance Management Approach PAGEREF _Toc256000003 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc256000004" 2ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES PAGEREF _Toc256000004 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc256000005" 2.1The Contracting Officer PAGEREF _Toc256000005 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc256000006" 2.2The Contracting Officer’s Representative PAGEREF _Toc256000006 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc256000007" 3IDENTIFICATION OF REQUIRED PERFORMANCE STANDARDS/QUALITY LEVELS PAGEREF _Toc256000007 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc256000008" 4METHODOLOGIES TO MONITOR PERFORMANCE PAGEREF _Toc256000008 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc256000009" 4.1Surveillance Techniques PAGEREF _Toc256000009 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc256000010" 4.2Acceptable Quality Levels PAGEREF _Toc256000010 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc256000011" 5QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENTATION PAGEREF _Toc256000011 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc256000012" 5.1The Performance Management Feedback Loop PAGEREF _Toc256000012 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc256000013" 6ANALYSIS OF QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT PAGEREF _Toc256000013 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc256000014" 6.1Determining Performance PAGEREF _Toc256000014 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc256000015" 6.2Reviews and Resolution PAGEREF _Toc256000015 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc256000016" ATTACHMENT 1: PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY PAGEREF _Toc256000016 \h 5QUALITY ASSURANCE SURVEILLANCE PLAN(QASP)INTRODUCTIONThis quality assurance surveillance plan (QASP) is pursuant to the requirements listed in the performance work statement (PWS) for the Recruitment Marketing Campaign. This plan sets forth the procedures and guidelines Department of Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Program Contract Activity – Central (PCAC), Office of Workforce Management and Consulting (WMC) will use in ensuring the required performance standards or services levels are achieved by the contractor.PurposeThe purpose of the QASP is to describe the systematic methods used to monitor performance and to identify the required documentation and the resources to be employed. The QASP provides a means for evaluating whether the contractor is meeting the performance standards/quality levels identified in the PWS and the contractor’s quality control plan (QCP), and to ensure that the government pays only for the level of services received.This QASP defines the roles and responsibilities of all members of the project, identifies the performance objectives, defines the methodologies used to monitor and evaluate the contractor’s performance, describes quality assurance documentation requirements, and describes the analysis of quality assurance monitoring results.Performance Management ApproachThe PWS structures the acquisition around “what” service or quality level is required, as opposed to “how” the contractor should perform the work (i.e., results, not compliance). This QASP will define the performance management approach taken to monitor and manage the contractor’s performance to ensure the expected outcomes or performance objectives communicated in the PWS are achieved. Performance management rests on developing a capability to review and analyze information generated through performance assessment. The ability to make decisions based on the analysis of performance data is the cornerstone of performance management; this analysis yields information that indicates whether expected outcomes for the project are being achieved by the contractor. Performance management represents a significant shift from the more traditional quality assurance (QA) concepts in several ways. Performance management focuses on assessing whether outcomes are being achieved and to what extent. This approach migrates away from scrutiny of compliance with the processes and practices used to achieve the outcome. A performance-based approach enables the contractor to play a large role in how the work is performed, as long as the proposed processes are within the stated constraints. The only exceptions to process reviews are those required by law (federal, state, and local) and compelling business situations, such as safety and health. A “results” focus provides the contractor flexibility to continuously improve and innovate over the course of the contract as long as the critical outcomes expected are being achieved and/or the desired performance levels are being met.ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIESThe Contracting OfficerThe contracting officer (CO) is responsible for monitoring contract compliance, contract administration, and cost control and for resolving any differences between the observations documented by the Program Manager (PM) and the contractor. The CO will designate one full-time contracting officer’s representative (COR) as the government authority for performance management. The number of additional representatives serving as technical inspectors depends on the complexity of the services measured, as well as the contractor’s performance, and must be identified and designated by the CO.The Contracting Officer’s Representative The (COR) is designated in writing by the CO to act as his or her authorized representative to assist in administering a contract. COR limitations are contained in the written appointment letter. The COR is responsible for technical administration of the project and ensures proper government surveillance of the contractor’s performance. The COR is not empowered to make any contractual commitments or to authorize any contractual changes on the government’s behalf. Any changes that the contractor deems may affect contract price, terms, or conditions shall be referred to the CO for action. The COR will have the responsibility for completing QA monitoring forms used to document the inspection and evaluation of the contractor’s work performance. Government surveillance may occur under the inspection of services clause for any service relating to the contract.IDENTIFICATION OF REQUIRED PERFORMANCE STANDARDS/QUALITY LEVELSThe required performance standards and/or quality levels are included in the PWS. If the contractor meets the required service or performance level, it will be paid the monthly amount agreed on in the contract. Failure to meet the required service or performance level will result in the incentive (positive and/or negative) detailed in the Performance Requirements Summary.METHODOLOGIES TO MONITOR PERFORMANCESurveillance TechniquesIn an effort to minimize the performance management burden, simplified surveillance methods shall be used by the government to evaluate contractor performance when appropriate. The primary methods of surveillance are (include those that apply)Random monitoring, which shall be performed by the PM/COR/CO designated inspector.100% Inspection – The PM/COR/CO, shall review the generated documentationPeriodic Inspection – PM/COR/CO performs the periodic inspection, if needed. Customer Feedback The contractor is expected to establish and maintain professional communication between its employees and customers. The primary objective of this communication is customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is the most significant external indicator of the success and effectiveness of all services provided and can be measured through customer complaints. Performance management drives the contractor to be customer focused through initially and internally addressing customer complaints and investigating the issues and/or problems but the customer always has the option to communicate complaints to the PM and COR, as opposed to the contractor. Customer feedback may also be obtained either from the results of formal customer satisfaction surveys or from random customer complaints. Acceptable Quality Levels The acceptable quality levels (AQLs) included in Attachment 1, Performance Requirements Summary Table, for contractor performance are structured to allow the contractor to manage how the work is performed while providing negative incentives for performance shortfalls. For critical activities, the desired performance level is established at 100%. Other levels of performance are keyed to the relative importance of the task to the overall mission performance.QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENTATIONThe Performance Management Feedback Loop The performance management feedback loop begins with the communication of expected outcomes. Performance standards are expressed in the PWS and are assessed using the performance monitoring techniques shown in Attachment 1. ANALYSIS OF QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSESSMENTDetermining Performance Government shall use the monitoring methods cited to determine whether the performance standards/service levels/AQLs have been met. If the contractor has not met the minimum requirements, it may be asked to develop a corrective action plan to show how and by what date it intends to bring performance up to the required levels. Reviews and ResolutionThe CO may require the contractor’s project manager, or a designated alternate, to meet with the COR and other government personnel as deemed necessary to discuss performance evaluation. The CO will define a frequency of in-depth reviews with the contractor, including appropriate self-assessments by the contractor; however, if the need arises, the contractor will meet with the COR and PM as often as required or per the contractor’s request. The agenda of the reviews may include:Monthly performance assessment data and trend analysisIssues and concerns of both partiesProjected outlook for upcoming months and progress against expected trends, including a corrective action plan analysisRecommendations for improved efficiency and/or effectivenessThe COR must coordinate and communicate with the contractor to resolve issues and concerns regarding marginal or unacceptable performance. The PM and contractor should jointly formulate tactical and long-term courses of action. Decisions regarding changes to metrics, thresholds, or service levels should be clearly documented. Changes to service levels, procedures, and metrics will be incorporated as a contract modification at the convenience of the CO.ATTACHMENT 1: PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS SUMMARYQASP TV Task Order (TBD)Required Service/TaskPerformance StandardAcceptable Quality LevelMethod of SurveillanceIncentive (positive and /orNegative)1.0 Integrated, Coherent, Recruitment Marketing Campaign DevelopmentSee Performance Objectives Section in Task OrderMeets Standards set forth in Task OrderRandomTask Order. The VHA PM/ COR will review.(See note 2)2.0 Purchase and Placement of all Media BuysSee Performance Objectives Section in Task OrderMeets Standards set forth in Task OrderRandomTask Order. The VHA PM/ COR will review.(See note 2)3.0 Employ Analytics to Maximize Media Campaign Effectiveness and Return on Investment (ROI)See Performance Objectives Section in Task OrderMeets Standards set forth in Task OrderRandomTask Order. The VHA PM/ COR will review.(See note 2)4.0 PSA Editing and Nationwide DistributionSee Performance Objectives Section in Task OrderMeets Standards set forth in Task OrderRandomTask Order. The VHA PM/ COR will review.(See note 2)5.0 Annual ReportsSee Performance Objective in Task OrderTwo or fewer instances where significant errors or omissions were identified (See Note 1)100% InspectionTask Order. The VHA PM/ COR will review. Contractor shall re-accomplish items found to be unacceptable within three (3) business days.(See note 2)6.0 Public Relations and Community OutreachSee Performance Objective in Task OrderTwo or fewer instances where significant errors or omissions were identified (See Note 1)100% InspectionTask Order. The VHA PM/ COR will review. Contractor shall re-accomplish items found to be unacceptable within three (3) business days.(See note 2)Required Service/TaskPerformance StandardAcceptable Quality LevelMethod of SurveillanceIncentive (positive and /orNegative)7.0 VHA Social Media OpportunitiesSee Performance Objective in Task OrderMeets Standards set forth in Task OrderRandomTask Order. The VHA PM/ COR will review.(See note 2)8.0 Creative Strategy, Execution and ProductionSee Performance Objective in Task OrderMeets Standards set forth in Task OrderRandomTask Order. The VHA PM/ COR will review.(See note 2)9.0 Content Development and WritingSee Performance Objective in Task OrderTwo or fewer instances where significant errors or omissions were identified (See Note 1)100% InspectionTask Order. The VHA PM/ COR will review. Contractor shall re-accomplish items found to be unacceptable within three (3) business days.(See note 2)10.0 Prospect Management / Virtual Recruiting CenterSee Performance Objective in Task OrderMeets Standards set forth in Task OrderRandomTask Order. The VHA PM/ COR will review.(See note 2)11.0 Use Choose VA to Elevate VA Brand Awareness and RecruitingSee Performance Objective in Task OrderMeets Standards set forth in Task OrderRandomTask Order. The VHA PM/ COR will review.(See note 2)Note 1: Significant errors or omissions are defined as deliverables not meeting the intent of the task and the work considered to be within scope of this order.Note 2: Continued repetitive errors may result in an unacceptable rating on performance report to be used as part of the evaluation criteria on future order competition.Late Deliverables and/or Significant Errors or Omissions shall be handled in the following manner: 1st AttemptMeets or exceeds all acceptable quality levels and expectations of task/ deliverable 2nd AttemptDoes not meet all acceptable quality levels and expectations of task/ deliverable: 5 days to remedy and resubmit.3rd AttemptDoes not meet all acceptable quality levels and expectations of task/ deliverable: 3 days to remedy and resubmit with 5% deduction off line item price4th AttemptDoes not meet all acceptable quality levels and expectations of task/ deliverable: 1 day to remedy and resubmit with 10% off line item price5th AttemptDoes not meet all acceptable quality levels and expectations of task/ deliverable:? The Government may not accept a deliverable that does not meet all acceptable quality levels and expectations of task/ deliverable after the 5th round of revisions from a Contractor.? The contract in whole or part may be terminated for cause for failure to perform. ? The above QASP is only a sample and may change based on what the Contractor(s) submit in their proposed PWS. Late deliverables:Deliverables must be provided on the dates specified. Any changes to the delivery date must have prior approval (in writing) by the PM/CO or designate at least five business days prior to the deliverable due dateIf the deliverable cannot be provided within the scheduled time frame, the Vendor is required to contact the Project Manager/Contract Manager in writing with a reason for the delay and the proposed revised schedule. The request for a revised schedule must include the impact on related tasks and the overall projectA request for a revised schedule must be reviewed and approved by the PM/CO before placed in effect. Contract Terms and Conditions may dictate penalties, costs, and other actions based on the facts related to the request for a revised schedule All questions are in black font and answers are in red font. Is the $7.5M annual Media Buying Plan budget (page 52 of solicitation) separate from this solicitation budget? No. How much of the Media Buying Plan budget is approved for FY 2019 and 2020? Budgets are set annually by VA and are subject to congressional approvals. How much of the $7.5M annual budget for TO 1 (page 4 of TO 1 PWS) is approved for FY 2019 and 2020? The award of the base year is FY 18 funds to support FY 2019. Can individual resumes satisfy Past Performance requirements in lieu of Contract Past Performance? NoPage 1 of Past Performance Questionnaire say they are due March 27, 2018 What is the correct date the Past Performance Questionnaires are due…can it be 5 June when the Proposals are due? 5 June with ProposalsWho is the Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR) (organization office symbol and name) that the contract team will work with on a day-to-day, week-to-week basis? a. Who is the functional/technical decision authority? 10A2A7, Darren Sherrard, PM CORIs there a principle geographic location where the contractor will be expected to interact face-to-face with VHA Leadership for planning and guidance? NoIs there an incumbent contractor who is currently working with the Office of Public Intergovernmental Affairs (OPIA) to execute the VHA’s recruiting and marketing campaign? a) Before contracting out the VHA recruiting and marketing efforts was the task accomplished in-house using VHA, OPIA, and VACO communication and public affairs subject matter experts? VHA Recruitment Marketing and Advertising has been contracted for about 20 years by VHA National Healthcare Recruitment Service.Did VHA, OPIA before FY 2016 plan and execute the VA’s recruiting and marketing campaign? If so, what years? NoDo each of the VA Medical Centers (VAMC); Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs) and Veterans Readjustment Centers (Vet Centers) and Veterans Integrated Service Networks (VISN) have a separate budget for recruiting and marketing? If so, are the monies budgeted for the Media Buying Plan national campaign in addition to those funds above? This is National Marketing and Advertising. While we support the field with Tools, such as ad customization access, event calendar hosting, VA careers career page hosting, and special Initiatives. To ensure compliance with the FAR 52.212-3 Representations and Certifications and VAAR 852.219-10 Notice of Total Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Set-Aside, how will the government apply due diligence to ensure that all SDVOSB prime offerors are within the authorized size standard, $15M three-year average receipts for the applicable NAICS, 541820? We ask this question to help the government preclude SBA size standard protests and most importantly that there is No delay in the services provided to Veterans as a result of this opportunity. Noted. SAM and VIP are queried. The Government states that Offerors are encouraged to submit multiple offers presenting alternative terms and conditions, including alternative line items or alternative commercial items for satisfying the requirements of this solicitation. Each offer submitted will be evaluated separately. Can the Government clarify if the multiple offers are for the Task Order or for the IDIQ? In accordance with 52.212-1, Offerors may submit multiple offers to satisfy the Government need. Each offer will be evaluated separately and shall meet all solicitation requirements in order to be considered eligible for award. The Government states to include an annual representative media buying plan using a budget of $7,500,000.00 in our technical response to the IDIQ. However, Task Order 1 states to use a representative budget of $7.5M. Will the Government accept a single representative media buying plan rather than two separate media buying plans? Can this media buying plan be part of the Task Order Technical Volume response instead of the IDIQ Technical Volume response? No, an annual representative media buying plan at the IDIQ is required along with the media buying plan for TO1 in S02 - Attachment - 4 Task Order 1 Performance Work Statement VHA HRRO M A.What is the total page count allowed for the Past Performance volume? Three (3) pages per contract reference. Three (3) references minimum, five (5) references maximum. The Government states the Offeror shall also a submit a completed basis of estimate (BOE) for each deliverable/task in accordance with the Task Order I Performance Work Statement (PWS). Can this BOE be part of the Task Order 1 Price Volume response instead of the IDIQ Technical Volume response? The BOE is part of the Task Order 1 Price Volume. See Volume VI Task Order 1 Price in section E of the RFP. If the BOE for Task Order 1 is included in the Task Order 1 Price Volume, should the pricing response for the IDIQ be the B.5 Price Schedule outlining each Labor Category the Offeror determines is necessary and their corresponding rates for the base and option periods? YesCan the Government clarify what it is looking for with bench marking data to demonstrate labor rates proposed are reasonable and within industry standards? The Government is required to determine all pricing proposed is fair and reasonable. Therefore, Offerors shall provide supporting information to substantiate the pricing proposed can be determined fair and reasonable. Can Offerors add subcontractors to their team for later Task Orders if they weren’t included in on the original IDIQ team? YesThe Government requests a representative media buying plan as part of the Task Order 1 technical response but does Not provide a representative budget. Is this the same representative media buying plan as the one outlined in the IDIQ Technical Volume, which has a $7.5M budget (#4, p. 52)? Will the Government consider a single representative media buying plan as part of the Task Order 1 response with a $7.5M budget instead of two different representative media buying plans, one with No stated budget and the other with a $7.5M budget? No, the representative budget for TO 1 is $7.5M annually. Is the Government looking for a particular format for the representative media buying plan? If so, please describe the desired format. NoMedia buying plans often include a lot of detail and use a lot of page count. Will the Government consider allowing the representative media buying plan Not count against the 30-page total page count? Can it instead be included as an appendix? The media buying plan can be an appendix, that would not count toward the 30-page limit. The media buying plan appendix cannot exceed 10 pages. How has VA measured Lead conversion to Hires in the past? Manually pulling data from several databases to track monthly on a Recruitment Marketing Funnel. What Candidate Relationship Manager does VA currently use? Is there a compliant system VA has in mind that interfaces with USA Jobs and USA Staffing? No CRM currently. We have access to GovDelivery (Granicus) The national recruiter team uses Kontact Intelligence (Ki).What Applicant Tracking System does VA currently use? Kontact Intelligence (Ki) Does it interface with USA Jobs and USA Staffing? NoThe Government states in the Background sections that pixels can’t be used on USA Jobs or USA Staffing. However, in this bullet point (vi. on p. 12), the Government states the contractor shall implement pixels on these websites. Can we use pixels on USA Jobs and USA Staffing? What is the approval process, and do we need to work with OPM to do so? We have currently been unable to gain permission from USA staffing, USAJobs by OPM. Google Analytics may be used for USAJobs. What is the existing PSA the contractor must edit? The current PSA is Stand with Us. HYPERLINK "" The Vendor has the ability to offer alternatives based upon best practices and best use of resources. Will an additional PSA need to be developed during the period of performance? No new PSA will be developed in the base period; however, the Contractor will be required to develop additional PSAs in Options Years 1 and 3. Can the Government clarify what it means by “one edit of the existing PSA?” VHA desires to edit the existing PSA, using existing inventory, to adapt the call to action or title, to be used as an additional PSA available for use.? Will additional footage need to be recorded, edited, and inserted into the PSA? Just title and end slates/ call to actions. Does VA have a current Marketing Strategies Plan? Yes If so, will you share it? NO, it is proprietary Information of current vendor. How has VA utilized community partners in the past with respect to recruitment? Little, if any. Can the Government provide more information about the Recruiter’s Resource tool? What is it and where is it hosted? An online platform links recruiters to tools. Part of it is on SharePoint hosted by VA. Vendor hosts the other part. The vendor side provides sign-in access to Creative, banners, photos, logos, an Ad Customization tool, an event posting platform for the calendar on VA Careers and access to any available posting ability, such as Craigslist, CareerBuilder, etc. Will the contractor manage the tools available in the Recruiter’s Resources? Yes The Government states that “external sources will be hosted on the contractor’s service to support re-direction.” 1. Is the Offeror required to host materials and provide the ability to edit materials on its own servers? Currently, sub-contracted by vendor. 2. If so, can more information be provided about requirements on the site? Branded flyers, banners and resources that allow changes of some content. 3. Will the hosting for the site be transferred to the new contractor? Yes, ALL files with be provided from outgoing vendor to new vendor on an external hard drive, when required. The Government states the Offeror must maintain and update the VA Careers website. 1. Will the Offeror be responsible for programming changes to the VA Careers website (per the “technical updating” bullet point)? YES 2. Can the Government confirm the CMS for the VA Careers website? Team Site 3. Can the Government describe the review and approval process for maintaining the VA Careers website? After changes are made, VA Web Ops promotes the changes. HYPERLINK "" 4. Can the Government confirm the URL for the VA Careers website that the Offeror must maintain and update is HYPERLINK "" ? HYPERLINK "" VAcareers. and all associated pages.The Government states that the VA Careers website should allow totally automated application submission, electronic posting of vacancy information by VA Facilities, and provide general information regarding VA. Is this accomplished through USA Jobs and USA Staffing, or should this all be accomplished on the VA Careers website? Currently, VA Careers pulls the job openings from USAJobs and delivers them in an easier to use format. When ready to apply, they are taken to USAJobs to apply. The Government states the contractor shall produce video testimonials of at least 10 new VHA employees that meet the VA Style guide semi-annually. Can the government confirm if it’s looking for 10 new videos each year or 20 new videos each year? 20The Government states video testimonials must be completed (from initial tasking to project completion) within one week. This is an unrealistic deadline (particularly if a videographer must be sent to capture video, editing and finalizing must be done). Will the government consider a timeline closer to one month? NoCan the Government provide more clarification of what’s expected for contractor support of the Virtual Recruiting Center? 1. Is it providing messaging and reporting on output? YES 2. Is it event support (e.g., recruitment conferences) and marketing leading up to, during, and after events? YES 3. What does the Government mean by developing and supporting an employee referral service? VA currently has No ability to request or receive employee referrals. We want to have that ability. Does the Virtual Career Center already utilize a service? (Internal) If so, what? Currently, two staff members. Is the Government open to new programs/software to track applicants? YES. You can learn more about the Virtual Recruitment Center by visiting HYPERLINK "" VAcareers. . In bullet d. the Government requests marketing and promotional operations for up to TBD recruitment conferences. Can the Government please clarify the number of recruitment conferences requiring support? Estimate 20-30 events to be supported annually, this is typically social media management and no/low cost promotions.Should the pricing contained in these tables be for labor only (except for the NTE travel line)? The budget is inclusive. The media vs labor mix is proposed by the vendor based upon knowledge of VHA mission, healthcare recruitment marketing experience with like and other clients, etc. Will the total for each contract year be divided by 12 (except for the NTE travel line) for the purposes of invoicing? Currently, invoiced as proof of performance is provided. Can the Government confirm that the basis of estimate described in the Instructions to Offerors feeds into the Appendix B CLIN Structure (labor only) and that Appendix B CLIN Structure should be included in the Volume VI – Task Order 1 Price? See #36Will the Government accept an additional ODC line for the base and each option period for other costs outside travel (e.g., video production costs, stock photography, etc.)? YesMany substantive deliverables requiring additional input from VA and other research are due No later than 15 days after the start of the performance period. This requires information from VA Not available to Offerors until after contract award, putting these deliverables at risk. Will VA consider a deliverable timeframe closer to 30 days after the start of the period of performance? NoThe Government states to include resumes for key personnel in IDIQ Volume I - Technical. Are there key personnel requirements at the IDIQ level? If so, can the government provide the labor category/title and requirements? Resumes of key personnel that will execute this contract. Offerors are responsible for selecting proposed key personnel to fulfill the requirement. The IDIQ PWS and TO1 PWS are identical with the exception of Task 12, which is in the IDIQ and Not in TO1. Both technical volumes are 30 pages in length and the task orders are exactly the same. Can the government clarify how it expects Offerors to differentiate responses between the IDIQ and TO1? For IDIQ, please see Section E, Volume I; For TO1, please see Section E, Volume V Both the IDIQ technical volume and the TO1 technical volume state an identical requirement of including a representative media buying plan with descriptions outlined in bullet points a – f. Can the government clarify that it is looking for two representative media buying plans? Yes, media buying plans shall be submitted for both the IDIQ and TO1 in accordance with Section E of the RFP. If the government is in fact requesting two representative media buying plans, can it provide clarification as to representative budgets for each? ? IDIQ Volume I – Technical states to use a representative annual budget of $7,500,000.00. ? Volume V – Task Order 1 Technical does Not provide a representative annual budget, however, in the PWS for TO1, the Government states to use a representative annual budget of $7.5M. If the Government requires two representative media buying plans, should $7.5M be used for both plans? See answer 18Does the representative media buying plan count toward the 30-page limit? See answer 20Does the Government have an existing database of interested/potential applicants that it manages? YesThe RFP states that all work must be in compliance with VHA advertising requirements. Is the Government referring to the advertising requirements specified in this solicitation? YES (PWS 3.0, k., p. 5)? If Not, could the Government provide their advertising requirements?The RFP states that the contractor must provide full disclosure of all fees for media placement during the performance of this TO. Will the Government accept a CPM model pricing for media buys that includes labor costs built into the price? No - This question addresses that VA pays for Labor and will Not be billed for it twice by invoicing the government at the Non-discounted rate that includes any commission. The RFP states that the contractor shall use a recruitment marketing platform with a client reporting dashboard that provides clear visualization of KPIs and performance metrics associated with the recruitment marketing and advertising campaign. Is the Government using a dashboard Now and if so what is the solution? No - currently is vendor side only. In addition to connected TV and steaming video options for the commercial spots, is traditional household TV placement a requirement? The government is open to all media, based upon demonstrated results and proposed media mix.Given the Government responses to questions around the similarities of the IDIQ Technical response and TO1 Technical response, as well as the questions about the representative media buying plans will have a major impact on Offeror responses, will the Government provide an extension to the submission date to June 12, 2018? NoMay we have a copy of the report titled: VA entrance Survey Lead Source Report? If we cannot have this, will you please advise where the data within the report came from?What constitutes key personnel? What resumes are required? See answer 41Since the RFP is a SDVOSB set aside, is the reference of 17% of the work needing to go to various small biz (page 50-51 of the RFP) an error? The referenced goals are included as informational only. Is $7.5M sample budget for paid media only or the annual recruitment marketing strategy (inclusive of other activities outside of paid media i.e., Careers site updates, social, analytics, etc.)? InclusiveIDIQ and Task Order 1 sections contain the same PWS language (except for the last item). Is the VA looking for different or same content in these sections? If the prior, what is the difference you are looking for? See # 42Does the media buy plan count toward the page limit? See answer 20Is the contractor required to submit a QASP as part of the proposal? No, however, the Contractor is required to submit Quality Control Plan in accordance with the PWS. Is the CAPITALIZED information required in the past performance volume? From page 55 of the RFP: Offerors shall provide an outline of how the effort required by the solicitation will be assigned for performance within the Offeror’s corporate entity and among the proposed subcontractors. The information provided for the prime Offeror and each proposed major subcontractor must include the entire company name, company address, CAGE Code, DUNS Number and TYPE OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY CITING THE APPLICABLE GOVERNMENT PWS PARAGRAPH NUMBER. YesWhat is the PPQ submission deadline (it says 3/27 in the PPQ attachment)? 5 JuneOn page 54 under “IDIQ Price Volume”, the instructions indicate to “submit a completed basis of estimate (BOE) for each deliverable/task in accordance with the Task Order I Performance Work Statement (PWS). The BOE shall include the labor categories and fully burdened rates that were used in arriving at a firm-fixed price for each deliverable or task.” As this is the same instruction for the Task Order 1 Price Volume, is the Government requesting a basis of estimate also at the IDIQ level to be included in the IDIQ Price Volume? This amendment hereby omits the requirement for a basis of estimate (BOE) to be submitted with the IDIQ Price Volume Submission.In reference to travel it states, “All travel costs associated with this requirement shall be included in the firm-fixed price quote for each task order.” Should offerors include travel expenses in the response to this solicitation or should they only include travel when responding at the task order level? Travel shall be proposed and priced out as a separate line item for TO1.For IDIQ Vol III-Price Factor page 54 it states, “Offeror shall provide bench marking data to demonstrate labor rates proposed are reasonable and within industry standards.” What is “bench marking data?” Can’t the government provide an example of “bench marking data? See answer 16Does the government assume that offerors will price the requirements in the referenced sections (3.0 Scope, 9.0 Quality Control, 10.0 Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan, and 11.0 Contractor Personnel Security Requirements) in the BOEs? Should offerors provide BOEs for the referenced sections? No Are offerors required to provide pricing and BOEs for all option years? For IDIQ pricing, contractors shall include pricing of all potential labor rates and categories for the base and option years to be used under the IDIQ. For TO1 Pricing, contractors shall include labor rates, categories and a BOE for the base and option years sufficient to satisfy TO1 as described in S02 - Attachment - 4 Task Order 1 Performance Work Statement VHA HRRO M A.Key personnel are Not identified in either the RFP, IDIQ PWS or TO1 PWS. Will the government designate Key Personnel for the IDIQ or TO1? No Will the government provide labor categories, required qualifications and education? See answer 53Will the government clarify how many past performance references are required (Min / max)? Is there a total page count for the entire Past Performance volume? See answer 13Will the government clarify use of the Past Performance Questionnaire? It was provided as an attachment with the RFP but No mention is made to use with the final proposal submission. The intent of the past performance questionnaire is to have offerors provide the past performance questionnaire to references cited in the past performance volume submission for each past performance instance cited. Then, have the reference submit the completed past performance questionnaire to the recipient listed on the questionnaire by the closing date of the solicitation to allow the Government.The date and subject on the Past Performance Questionnaire is incorrect. Please clarify. June 5Is it the government’s intent for the offeror to submit ‘spec work’ in response to this task or is the offeror to specify HOW we would accomplish this task? This acquisition utilizes a performance work statement and is performed based; thus, see Section E for additional instructions to offerors. Is there a current applicant tracking system? If so, what system is in use? a. If Not, how are applicants tracked? b. Is there an ability to place a source code (pixel) within the system? c. Is there the ability to track to hire? See answer 24PWS Section 5.2/d/iii. requires the contractor to "conduct lead collection and management." Is the contractor expected to develop the leads management methodology? YES, or is there an existing/required methodology? If a methodology already exists and is expected, what is it?What Applicant Tracking System is currently being used? Kontact Intelligence for National RecruitersWas it the governments intent to provide the same IDIQ and TO PWS with the exception of Task 12? YesWill the government consider providing a BOE template for offerors to use in our response? NoIs the contractor required to follow the Obama Administration’s policy on SWAG? Recruitment Marketing Promotional Items have been allowed again. However, we do have to seek approvals from VHA Communications Office and design/ art is already approved on the toolkit. Please provide a copy of the EEO policy, the VA Privacy Policy, and the VA Accessibility Policy HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" Please provide a copy of the VA PII policy. HYPERLINK "" Please provide a copy of the VA Graphics Standards policy HYPERLINK "" Please provide a copy of the VA Directive 6500.6 policy HYPERLINK "" What functions in USA Staffing does the Government expect the contractor to use? Currently, we are provided the # Applications and hires for Total, Medical Officers, and Nurses USAJobs and USA Staffing are controlled by OPM. Does VA have approval from OPM for these requirements? If Not, will VA obtain this approval or is the contractor expected to do so? It is unclear what is being asked from this questionPlease provide a copy of the VA Tier 1 Graphics Standards policy. See answer 79Please provide a copy of the VHA Internet Standards policy. HYPERLINK "" Is the Applicant Tracking System referenced in the document the same as USAJobs or USA Staffing? NoWill the contractor be granted administrator access on existing VHA platforms? Vendors required and approved personnel will follow the access procedures and will have access to VA Enterprise. Will the contractor have the latitude to utilize Business Manager on Facebook/Instagram social media platforms? By Admin Access, Yes.Will the contractor be allowed to leverage existing social media platforms or is expectation to create new pages/platforms? Existing and as needed/ approved. Does the Government have a CRM solution that interfaces with current operations/social media platforms? If Yes, is the contractor allowed access to the CRM solution currently being used? Not currently, but vendor will have access to all available platforms, when approved. Are current VRC operations conducted by the Government, or a different contractor? Government If contractors, who is the contractor and what is their specific role?Can the government provide a Format/ example of a past annual report? No, we do not want to limit vendors best practices. To organize our management plan, can you share how is the VHA recruiting team set up? Is it centralized at the VA or at the VISN level? How is the recruiting/ hiring teams set up from a personnel standpoint? Who will be our points of contact? What type of existing reports are in place? VHA National Healthcare Recruitment Service provides National Marketing and Advertising to generate sufficient prospects to HYPERLINK "" VAcareers.. Currently, we generate over 1 Million applications and 44,000 hires annually. Each VA Medical Center has its own goals, we provide support to drive leads, develop employer brand, and to support 21 National Recruiters throughout the country that support individual VISN’s. Primary contact is Darren Sherrard, Program Manager. We have a Recruitment Marketing Funnel and a cost-per-lead report. We review Google Analytics, vendor tracks all media results and owned media interactions, etc. What are the expected outcomes for social media? Leads generation? Yes Impressions? Yes, If so, how many? Are there specific regions for social media outreach? If so, what are they? National. VA is the largest healthcare employer in the country thus there are no set measurements, except improvement and growth. Quality vs Quantity. Measure, plan, execute, measure, improve, and repeat. In reference to the VRC What is the volume of leads collection expected by the contract team? Is the contractor expected to refine leads? If so, how many per month? This is an opportunity for growth. Should offerors include materials and ODCs in their pricing response? These costs were Not detailed in the solicitation. Yes, all costs are Inclusive of representative budget. Should offerors include materials and ODCs with their FFP pricing, or will the materials and ODCs be billed at cost plus fixed fee? Any savings obtained beyond estimates are recorded and used for future needs. We desire the best reach/ branding and applicants at the lowest costs. Demonstrated savings through negotiation and media buying practices are viewed positively. Therefore, all contract line items to include materials and ODCs shall be established on a firm fixed price basis.Is there a preferred format for the RFP submission or template that should be used? RFP response shall be consistent with Section E submission instructions.Is there an incumbent agency already contracted for similar recruitment campaigns? Yes If so, then are they in consideration for this contract? No. Will data be provided during the RFP process to form the marketing proposal? Answers to questions asked during the RFP, will be answered via an amendment to the solicitation. Is there existing survey data for the target occupations? We provided the Workforce Succession Plan; all information is included in that document. Is there a preferred format for the RFP submission that should be used? See answer 97Is there an incumbent agency already contracted for similar recruitment campaigns If so, then are they in consideration for this contract? Will data be provided during the RFP process to form the marketing proposal? Asked and answeredIs there existing survey data for the target occupations? Asked and answeredWill historic data from any relevant marketing be provided to the winning contractor? Yes, after award, all current marketing material will be provided to the awardeeWill historic target audience metrics be provided? Yes, after award all current marketing material will be provided to the awardeeAre there plans to enable USAJobs and USA Staffing to track cookies and traffic? Unable you use at this time. What systems are used on USAJobs and USA Staffing that will need to be interfaced with? Primarily an api pulling job data to be served on VA Careers and any media as needed.To ensure best practices and optimal performance of online marketing campaigns, will minor campaign changes be allowed without CO/COR approval? Yes. If Not, is there a shorter approval process? Vendor “owns” the results, good or bad. The PM is easily accessible and has wide latitude for approvals when needed. Only significant changes in strategy, design concepts, or messaging may require an extended approval process, typically a few days. What percent of the overall contracted work can be sub-contracted to agency partners? A small business concern must agree that an awarded contract will not pay more than 50% of the amount paid by the government to its firms that are not similarly situated. A small business concern prime contractor that receives a contract and spends contract amounts on a subcontractor that is a similarly situated entity, shall not consider those subcontracted amounts as subcontracted. However, any work that a similarly situated subcontractor further subcontracts will count towards the 50% subcontract amount that cannot be exceeded.What is the actual timeline from award to launch? It is unknown what is meant by “launch.” The timeline will be based off when award is made. If so, then how soon before launch will the data be made available? Upon award, data not requiring a background check will be immediately available for sharing with PM. Are there occupation specific surveys that have already been completed? See answer 99Section 3.0 Scope of Work: Section “a.” states that the contractor shall oversee “recruitment, marketing, and advertising”; does this mean that the contractor will be interfacing with applicants or simply that the contractor will be managing the marketing/advertising for the recruitment campaign? The contractor will be managing the marketing/advertising for the recruitment campaign.Section “b.” states that the contractor shall develop and maintain the VA Careers website and associated social media profiles. Is the VA careers website a replacement for HYPERLINK "" ? It is HYPERLINK "" Vacareers. and all associated pages. If this is a replacement site, then will it reside on the same domain, HYPERLINK "" , or will a new domain/sub-domain be necessary? Not a replacement. Vendor may budget and propose modern designs, edits, etc., but are Not required. Any VA required updates are to be made by vendor. Will development be for all career opportunities or just the top 10 healthcare occupations? Typically, the top 10, but changes may be required. The existing site is current and a modern design is in process for improvements. Awardee will assume management of site. Will the “associated social media profiles” be recruitment specific, career specific, or focused on the larger VA identity? Yes, Yes, and they may. Section “d.” states that all advertising must be supported by the facts; while this seems to be a very straightforward and standard requirement, will guidelines be provided for each of the target occupations? Questionable content will be reviewed and cleared by VA subject matter experts, when needed. Section “j.” states both that the contractor shall submit bi weekly progress reports and that all reports shall be submitted within five workdays after the close of the reporting period. Can you provide an example timeline? Currently, the vendor and PM speak on a daily basis, as needed, as well as 1-hour weekly online meetings to review status of multiple projects. The intent of section J is to receive a timely report once the reporting period is over. Therefore, within 5 workdays of a reporting period, the report shall be submitted to the Government. Is this referencing multiple report types and timelines? Vendor should propose needed reports Is requiring a project burn down report, due bi-weekly and No later than 5 business days after the end of the most recent biweekly reporting period. YesSection “k.”: Where would we be able to review the VHA advertising requirements/guidelines; beyond the included link for graphics standards? That was it. Section “l.” …. Reimbursement: Is the contractor expected to advance ad spends on behalf of the VHA? Yes If so, then what is the timeline for reimbursement per “established procedures? Payment will be made once proper invoice is submitted.“Contractor shall assess the return on investment (ROI), effectiveness, and performance of the recruitment, marketing and advertising campaign using industry standard best practices and comprehensive metrics/analytics tools and techniques.”??????Will we have past campaign data to use to establish baselines and identify past strong/weak performing creative and placements? Yes, Vendor will have access to past creative ad placements. In addition to campaign costs, what other costs are used to calculate ROI? Government expects industry to asses and track ROI - Contractor shall assess the return on investment (ROI), effectiveness, and performance of the recruitment, marketing and advertising campaign using industry standard best practices and comprehensive metrics/analytics tools and techniques. Are there specific metrics tools a contractor is expected to use? Google analytics is mentioned but so is the implementation of best in class measurement tools; should the contractor be looking to negotiate contracts with enterprise level systems? Some vendors have propriety measures or systems, vendor is Not limited to Google Analytics, but that is what VA currently has.Specific Mandatory Tasks and Deliverables TASK 1.0 Integrated, Coherent, Recruitment Marketing Campaign Development. Are there metrics/statistics that support “reach many, engages the qualified and hires the best” This was a descriptive sentence; Performance Work Statement Deliverable 5.1 c. has a more detailed list. Will a list of VA qualifications for the top 10 healthcare occupations be provided? No - This is readily available information that experts are aware of. How does the VA expect media purchases to integrate Candidate Relationship Manager, Applicant Tracking System?? Having never worked on agency side of media buying, it is my understanding that vendors in this work have system used to distribute, track and measure performance of impressions and clicks. We want to expand beyond that to track leads and to nurture passive prospects. VA currently uses lists on GovDelivery to message subscribers. There is Not current set up to guide prospects/ leads to join the list or to input leads into the ATS, we desire to do that. How does the VA expect media venues to interface with USAJobs and USA Staffing? Most use an API to pull jobs to their sites. ................

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