OPITO APPROVED STANDARD Offshore Crane Operator Stage 1 ...

[Pages:31]OPITO Approved Standard Offshore Crane Operator Stage 1 (Introductory) Training ? OPITO


Stage 1 (Introductory) Training

OPITO Standard Code: 9034

OPITO Approved Standard Offshore Crane Operator Stage 1 (introductory) Training ? OPITO


OPITO is an Industry-owned not-for-profit organisation that exists solely to service the needs of the Oil and Gas Industry.

OPITO is employer led in all aspects of what it does, therefore all standards development activities are at the behest of industry employers. The standards are driven by the needs of employers to help create a safe and competent workforce.

This standard is owned by the Oil and Gas Industry and maintained by OPITO who are the nominated custodians of all Industry standards within the OPITO portfolio which carry the OPITO logo.

The contents of this document were developed by an industry workgroup facilitated and supported by OPITO. The workgroup consisted of representation from a cross-section of oil and gas industry employers, discipline experts working within the industry and members of the OPITO Approved Training network.

This standard has been verified and accepted through the governance and integrity management model for OPITO standards.

Guidance on this standard is available by contacting OPITO at: Standards enquiries

This standard has been designed to accommodate global variations in national legislation and regulations. In the absence of relevant national legislation and regulations, OPITO approved centres should use legislative and regulatory criteria specified within this Standard

? OPITO All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval or information storage system, or transmitted in any form or my any means, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission in writing of the publishers.

OCO Stage 1 (Introductory) Training Rev 0 (OCT 2012)

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OPITO Approved Standard Offshore Crane Operator Stage 1 (introductory) Training


Record of Changes to Standard

Revision & Amendments

Agreed by

Checked by Approved by

Revision 0

Oct 2012

Industry Workgroup

M. Carr

P. Lammiman


Amendment & Date

Section Amended by Checked by Approved by

Any amendments made to this standard by OPITO will be recorded above.

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OPITO Approved Standard Offshore Crane Operator Stage 1 (introductory) Training



Introduction and Competence Route ....................................................................................................... 5

SECTION A OCO Stage 1 Introductory Training .................................................................................. 8

A.1 OCO STAGE 1 TRAINING TARGET GROUP ....................................................................... 8 A.2 OCO STAGE 1 TRAINING DELEGATE PRE-REQUISITES...................................................... 8 A.3 OCO STAGE 1 TRAINING PHYSICAL AND STRESSFUL DEMANDS ........................................ 9 A.4 OCO STAGE 1 TRAINING AIM AND OBJECTIVES.............................................................. 10 A.5 OCO STAGE 1 TRAINING LEARNING OUTCOMES ............................................................ 11 A.6 OCO STAGE 1 TRAINING PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ................................................... 13 A.7 OCO STAGE 1 TRAINING DURATION AND TIMING............................................................ 14 A.8 OCO STAGE 1 TRAINING PROGRAMME.......................................................................... 14

SECTION B OCO Stage 1 Refresher Training ? Not Applicable ....................................................... 19

SECTION C Resources ......................................................................................................................... 20

C.1 STAFF ......................................................................................................................... 20 C.2 TRAINER/DELEGATE RATIO ........................................................................................... 20 C.3 FACILITIES ................................................................................................................... 21 C.4 EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................. 21 C.5 CRANE SPECIFICATION ................................................................................................. 22

C.5.1 Crane types suitable for Stage 1 Training at onshore centres.............................. 22 C.5.2 Crane types NOT suitable for Stage 1 Training at onshore centres ..................... 22 C.5.3 Crane specification for Stage 1 Training at onshore centres................................ 23 C.5.4 Crane Simulator Specification ............................................................................. 25

SECTION D ADMINISTRATION & CERTIFICATION ............................................................................ 26

D.1 JOINING INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................ 26 D.2 VALIDITY AND RENEWAL ............................................................................................... 26 D.3 CERTIFICATION ............................................................................................................ 26

Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................... 27

Appendix 1 OPITO Information ............................................................................................................... 28

Appendix 2 OCO Stage 1 Training Checklist ......................................................................................... 29

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OPITO Approved Standard Offshore Crane Operator Stage 1 (introductory) Training ? OPITO

Introduction and Competence Route

OPITO was tasked by industry to develop a robust minimum standard for training and competence assessment for the offshore crane operator role. An industry workgroup which comprised of relevant crane operations and lifting experts agreed on a three-stage training and competence route which took into consideration individuals who were new to crane operations as well as experienced crane operators.

These offshore crane operator standards apply to operators of the main types of offshore cranes which can undertake a range of crane lifting operations, which may include: lifts on offshore installations, subsea lifts, diving support vessels lifts, well intervention vessels lifts and offshore construction vessels lifts.

This standard specifies OPITO Offshore Crane Operator Stage 1 (Introductory) Training only.

The OPITO Offshore Crane Operator's training, competence assessment and re-assessment is comprised of three key stages. The three key stages are set out below:

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OPITO Approved Standard Offshore Crane Operator Stage 1 (introductory) Training


Offshore Crane Operator (OCO) Key Stages

OPITO OCO Stage 1: The Introductory Training Programme This programme provides introductory training for individuals that have little or no crane operating experience. Delegates successfully completing the Introductory Training Programme will be awarded an OPITO Stage 1 Offshore Crane Operator Introductory Training certificate; this entitles the delegate to progress to OCO Stage 2 Training followed by supervised OCO Stage 2 workplace experience. This training programme does not deem the successful delegate competent to operate offshore cranes unsupervised. The OCO Stage 1 Training certificate has no expiry but delegates wishing to progress to Stage 2 must undertake OCO Stage 2 Training within twelve months otherwise they will be required to repeat OCO Stage 1 Training.

OPITO OCO Stage 2: Training, supervised workplace experience and assessment

OCO Stage 2 Training, which is more advanced training than Stage 1, must be undertaken within 12 months of gaining a Stage 1 OPITO Offshore Crane Operator Certificate. Crane operators with verifiable experience can opt to undertake OCO Stage 2 Training without completing Stage 1 Training. Stage 2 training must be undertaken before undertaking Stage 2 workplace experience.

The OCO Stage 2 Workplace Experience part of the programme requires the offshore crane operator candidate to complete a series of supervised workplace tasks in order to gain relevant experience. The candidate must complete a log book record of the supervised crane operator tasks. Candidates that have completed the Stage 2 log book requirements within two years of successful completion of OCO Stage 2 Training will be eligible to undertake the next stage of the programme, which is the OCO Stage 2 Competence Assessment programme. The OCO Stage 2 Training Programme will have to be repeated if the Stage 2 Logbook isn't completed within the two-year time period.

OCO Stage 2 Competence Assessment programme: Candidates will be assessed against specific criteria for conducting in-board lifts (deck lifts). Successful candidates will be awarded with an OPITO OCO Stage 2 Competence Assessment certificate and become certified to conduct unsupervised in-board (deck lifts) on fixed, floating structures and vessels which includes loading or offloading from a floating structure or vessel when moored adjacent to a quayside. The certificate is valid for 2 years.

OCO Stage 2 Competence Reassessment programme: OPITO-certified Stage 2 offshore crane operators can maintain their OPITO OCO Stage 2 Competence Assessment certification by successfully completing a reassessment within two years of their initial Stage 2 assessment. Each successive certificate is valid for 2 years.


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OPITO Approved Standard Offshore Crane Operator Stage 1 (introductory) Training ? OPITO

Offshore Crane Operator (OCO) Key Stages continued.

Note 1: Experienced Stage 2 non-OPITO-certified offshore crane operators can become OPITO OCO Stage 2-certified by successfully completing the OPITO OCO Stage 2 Reassessment programme. Note 2: Experienced onshore crane operators and personnel that have undergone the equivalent of the OPITO OCO Stage 1 Training (as a minimum), can start their OPITO certified training and competence programme at OCO Stage 2 Training and Assessment programme ? provided they have the relevant evidence of the equivalent training.

OPITO OCO Stage 3: Workplace experience and competence assessment

OPITO OCO Stage 3 specifies the workplace experience requirement and the assessment process and criteria for conducting over-side lifts for three different types of offshore structures:

1. Fixed structures e.g. offshore platforms, jack-up rigs etc. 2. Floating structures e.g. FPSOs, Semi-submersibles and diving support vessels. 3. Deployment and recovery of loads from vessels e.g. well intervention vessels and diving

support vessels.

OCO Stage 3 candidates must choose which type of structure they want to complete workplace experience and undertake an assessment for. An OPITO OCO Stage 3 Competence Assessment certificate will be awarded to the successful candidate for one of the three structure types; candidates cannot gain all three certificates at the same time i.e. they must complete workplace experience and undertake an initial assessment programme for one structure type. Should an offshore crane operator want an OPITO Competence Assessment certificate for a different structure type to the one they are certified for, they must complete logged workplace experience and undertake an Initial first assessment programme for that specific structure type.

The OPITO OCO Stage 3 certificate is valid for 2 years. (Each certificate will specify a structure type) If OPITO-certified Stage 3 offshore crane operators want to maintain OPITO OCO Stage 3 certification, they will need to be reassessed every two years by undertaking an OPITOapproved reassessment programme. The OCO Stage 3 reassessment can be undertaken on a simulator only or a combination of a simulator and actual crane.

Related OPITO Offshore Crane Operator Standard Documents

OPITO Offshore Crane Operator Stage 2 Training Standard OPITO Offshore Crane Operator Stage 2 Competence Assessment Standard OPITO Offshore Crane Operator Stage 3 Competence Assessment Standard

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OPITO Approved Standard Offshore Crane Operator Stage 1 (Introductory)Training ? OPITO

SECTION A OCO Stage 1 Introductory Training


OCO Stage 1 Training Target Group

The Offshore Crane Operator Stage 1 Introductory Training Programme is intended for individuals that have little or no crane operating experience and wish to gain theoretical and practical knowledge of offshore crane operations


OCO Stage 1 Training Delegate Pre-requisites

There are no delegate pre-requisites for attendance on the OCO Stage 1 Introductory Training Programme; although delegates must provide evidence of a medical/eye test to confirm their depth of vision and that they are not colour blind.

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