
-1428751905000427609085725First Congregational Community Church4000020000First Congregational Community Church 455549092710 Volume 18, Issue 11020000 Volume 18, Issue 115969073660November 2018020000November 201831115151765Congregational Times020000Congregational Times19050100330004762516510Little Things from LisaIt’s time, once again, for a history lesson about worship. One of the quieter traditions we have in worship is the lighting of the candles on the altar at the beginning and end of every worship service. Although it is aesthetically pleasing to have candles in worship, they do represent something significant in the order of worship. The lighting of the altar candles in the worship service is a symbol of Jesus’ coming into the presence of the worshiping community.During the prelude, the acolyte presents the flame and the candle on the right is lit first and is the Epistle candle representing the letters written by Paul to the various churches. The candle on the left is lit second and is the Gospel candle representing the four Gospels.At the close of worship, during the closing hymn, there is also significance to extinguishing the candles. Once the acolyte approaches the table, they are to light the candle lighter from the Gospel candle and extinguish it first, then the Epistle candle. This is for two reasons. The Gospel candle is never to burn alone. And secondly, we then carry the light of Christ or the word of the Gospel back out into the world.Now what is that weird word I just used above….”acolyte?” The word acolyte is derived from the Greek word akolouthos, meaning companion, attendant, or helper. The Acolyte ministry has its roots in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, where the prophet Samuel is seen assisting Eli, the Levite priest, and Elisha is seen assisting Elijah the Prophet.The acolyte also has a few rules to follow in their service of worship. Before lighting the candles the acolyte is supposed to bow at the altar. Before the extinguishing of the last altar candles, the acolytes relight their "candle lighter" and then process out. This symbolizes that Jesus Christ is for all people everywhere. It also symbolizes the light of Jesus Christ going out into the world where believers are called to serve.Acolytes will light the candles once Holly begins playing the prelude and before the bell is tolled.This is a holy time in worship and should signal the time to be prepared to worship. (In other words, settling and quieting down.) The sanctuary doors should be closed once the acolyte completes their service.Although we are not a highly liturgical church, this element of worship remains a staple because of what it represents. The next time you see the acolyte approach, pay attention to what is happening. See if it makes a difference to your worship!Pastor Lisa00Little Things from LisaIt’s time, once again, for a history lesson about worship. One of the quieter traditions we have in worship is the lighting of the candles on the altar at the beginning and end of every worship service. Although it is aesthetically pleasing to have candles in worship, they do represent something significant in the order of worship. The lighting of the altar candles in the worship service is a symbol of Jesus’ coming into the presence of the worshiping community.During the prelude, the acolyte presents the flame and the candle on the right is lit first and is the Epistle candle representing the letters written by Paul to the various churches. The candle on the left is lit second and is the Gospel candle representing the four Gospels.At the close of worship, during the closing hymn, there is also significance to extinguishing the candles. Once the acolyte approaches the table, they are to light the candle lighter from the Gospel candle and extinguish it first, then the Epistle candle. This is for two reasons. The Gospel candle is never to burn alone. And secondly, we then carry the light of Christ or the word of the Gospel back out into the world.Now what is that weird word I just used above….”acolyte?” The word acolyte is derived from the Greek word akolouthos, meaning companion, attendant, or helper. The Acolyte ministry has its roots in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, where the prophet Samuel is seen assisting Eli, the Levite priest, and Elisha is seen assisting Elijah the Prophet.The acolyte also has a few rules to follow in their service of worship. Before lighting the candles the acolyte is supposed to bow at the altar. Before the extinguishing of the last altar candles, the acolytes relight their "candle lighter" and then process out. This symbolizes that Jesus Christ is for all people everywhere. It also symbolizes the light of Jesus Christ going out into the world where believers are called to serve.Acolytes will light the candles once Holly begins playing the prelude and before the bell is tolled.This is a holy time in worship and should signal the time to be prepared to worship. (In other words, settling and quieting down.) The sanctuary doors should be closed once the acolyte completes their service.Although we are not a highly liturgical church, this element of worship remains a staple because of what it represents. The next time you see the acolyte approach, pay attention to what is happening. See if it makes a difference to your worship!Pastor Lisa25241253886200BIRTHDAYSANNIVERSARIES2Shirley Gray19Darlene Worley15Joshua and Shanda Richardson5Stephanie Schmoker25Christina Wheeler6Dean Presley27Roy Olomon23Oscar and Dean Presley12Bell Insko27Marilyn Moffitt12Jordan Diehl29Nathan Richardson15Judy Melton30Russell Mosher17Gloria Marcum30John Trimble19Reilly Mathieu00BIRTHDAYSANNIVERSARIES2Shirley Gray19Darlene Worley15Joshua and Shanda Richardson5Stephanie Schmoker25Christina Wheeler6Dean Presley27Roy Olomon23Oscar and Dean Presley12Bell Insko27Marilyn Moffitt12Jordan Diehl29Nathan Richardson15Judy Melton30Russell Mosher17Gloria Marcum30John Trimble19Reilly Mathieu14414501802130TreasurerStan McCordFinancial SecretaryDiane WheelerChurch ClerkMarie MathieuChristian EducationChildren: Tracy TerryYouth: Ethan & Jordan MengesAdult: Karen Gothard00TreasurerStan McCordFinancial SecretaryDiane WheelerChurch ClerkMarie MathieuChristian EducationChildren: Tracy TerryYouth: Ethan & Jordan MengesAdult: Karen Gothard2114550409575Church Office: 815-623-2348Items for Weekly Bulletin: email to firstconroscoe@ Please put “Bulletin” in the subject lineItems for Monthly Newsletter: email to klgothard@ 00Church Office: 815-623-2348Items for Weekly Bulletin: email to firstconroscoe@ Please put “Bulletin” in the subject lineItems for Monthly Newsletter: email to klgothard@ right1838325Nominating CommitteeJudy Melton, Wendy Mathieu, Jeaneal LantzMemorial CommitteeJanet Lind, Dawn Lindsey, Lynne NelsonMissions CommitteeKaren Gothard, Stan McCord, Marcie Ball,Joy Aiello, Darlene Worley00Nominating CommitteeJudy Melton, Wendy Mathieu, Jeaneal LantzMemorial CommitteeJanet Lind, Dawn Lindsey, Lynne NelsonMissions CommitteeKaren Gothard, Stan McCord, Marcie Ball,Joy Aiello, Darlene Worley31242001828800DiaconateBill & Misty MeltonBrian & Diane WheelerStan McCord/Jayne OakesTrusteesJeff BallCathy HendersonNoah Melton00DiaconateBill & Misty MeltonBrian & Diane WheelerStan McCord/Jayne OakesTrusteesJeff BallCathy HendersonNoah Melton1333501781175PastorRev. Lisa M AbbMusic & OutreachHolly RichardsonCustodianBill MeltonModeratorPaula PettersenAllan Mathieu00PastorRev. Lisa M AbbMusic & OutreachHolly RichardsonCustodianBill MeltonModeratorPaula PettersenAllan Mathieu12382524765000right6019800GREETERSLITURGISTS4Karen LewisWendy Mathieu11Bob & Arlene StultzMarcie Ball18Noah & Johanna MeltonKaren Gothard25Stan McCordJoy McDonnellFLOWERS4TBD11Jim Matheson in memory of wife Cathy18Darlene Worley25TBD00GREETERSLITURGISTS4Karen LewisWendy Mathieu11Bob & Arlene StultzMarcie Ball18Noah & Johanna MeltonKaren Gothard25Stan McCordJoy McDonnellFLOWERS4TBD11Jim Matheson in memory of wife Cathy18Darlene Worley25TBD209550603885000260985058959750020955039338250066675370522500-180975000left-9525000 -2032014795500156210040005Coming To The PulpitI can’t imagine why I thought preaching on obscure passages from the Bible would be easy. I have more study hours put in on these particular sermons than I have slept in the weeks I preached them! But while they are a challenge, they are important to understanding the overall scope of our faith. We will continue with these crazy stories until the middle of November. The remainder of November will be dedicated to stewardship, thanksgiving. And don’t blink, because then it will be the beginning of our Advent preparations.00Coming To The PulpitI can’t imagine why I thought preaching on obscure passages from the Bible would be easy. I have more study hours put in on these particular sermons than I have slept in the weeks I preached them! But while they are a challenge, they are important to understanding the overall scope of our faith. We will continue with these crazy stories until the middle of November. The remainder of November will be dedicated to stewardship, thanksgiving. And don’t blink, because then it will be the beginning of our Advent preparations.left177165000 229235-2349500-399415159385Our next meeting will be for our annual Fall dinner on Monday, November 19th. We will be eating at Bravo in South Beloit and meeting at 6:30. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Please look for the sign up sheet on the front railing of the church by the Choir. We will be discussing the upcoming Craft Show in December and taking a collection for Rock House Kids for the holiday season. All women of the church are welcomed. It’s a great time to fellowship with each other. Don’t forget the Women’s Evening Circle is still selling Rada knives. If you are interested, please see Judy Melton.00Our next meeting will be for our annual Fall dinner on Monday, November 19th. We will be eating at Bravo in South Beloit and meeting at 6:30. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Please look for the sign up sheet on the front railing of the church by the Choir. We will be discussing the upcoming Craft Show in December and taking a collection for Rock House Kids for the holiday season. All women of the church are welcomed. It’s a great time to fellowship with each other. Don’t forget the Women’s Evening Circle is still selling Rada knives. If you are interested, please see Judy Melton.200660214820500152400165100011430038100Women’s Evening Circle00Women’s Evening Circle228600108585Women’s Afternoon Circle00Women’s Afternoon Circle192405013970The next meeting of the Women’s Afternoon Circle is scheduled for Wednesday, November 14th at 1:00 pm at the Church. Please join us – everyone welcome!! 00The next meeting of the Women’s Afternoon Circle is scheduled for Wednesday, November 14th at 1:00 pm at the Church. Please join us – everyone welcome!! 137160133350027241501905The mission trip opportunity to Minnesota is not available this year. The woman who coordinated the stateline effort is not participating this year. So we will have to find another opportunity for some mission work. My next attempt will be to put something together over Christmas Break. I realize this is your time to rest, but I believe we can still do a short trip nearby to truly celebrate the reason for the season! More information will be given once I acquire it!We are registered to take part in the 30 hour famine on February 22 & 23, 2019. Once we receive our information from World Vision, the details will be shared with the students.Students are encouraged to attend worship each week with their parents. I want to incorporate more of our worship series into our youth’s programming. So please make the effort to come to worship!00The mission trip opportunity to Minnesota is not available this year. The woman who coordinated the stateline effort is not participating this year. So we will have to find another opportunity for some mission work. My next attempt will be to put something together over Christmas Break. I realize this is your time to rest, but I believe we can still do a short trip nearby to truly celebrate the reason for the season! More information will be given once I acquire it!We are registered to take part in the 30 hour famine on February 22 & 23, 2019. Once we receive our information from World Vision, the details will be shared with the students.Students are encouraged to attend worship each week with their parents. I want to incorporate more of our worship series into our youth’s programming. So please make the effort to come to worship!25717586360VerticalFocus00VerticalFocus1047752096135004635512954000-240665-2095500011430076835Retiree’s and WannaBe’s00Retiree’s and WannaBe’s2047875105410Our men’s luncheon will be on Wednesday, November 7th at 11:30 AM at Sophia’s Restaurant in Roscoe. Hope to see ya’ there!Norm Iversen00Our men’s luncheon will be on Wednesday, November 7th at 11:30 AM at Sophia’s Restaurant in Roscoe. Hope to see ya’ there!Norm Iversen208978563500014859006350John 1:1-18In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.We no sooner had our monthly meeting and gave praise that our list had shrunk, only to have the tides turn once again for many and our list increased again. As you make visits to others this autumn season, take the time to enjoy the journey. If you fill yourself with the wonder of God’s creation while driving to visit someone who is struggling, you can bring an extra measure of joy to them in your visit. Sometimes your sunshine is the only sunshine they will see. 00John 1:1-18In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.We no sooner had our monthly meeting and gave praise that our list had shrunk, only to have the tides turn once again for many and our list increased again. As you make visits to others this autumn season, take the time to enjoy the journey. If you fill yourself with the wonder of God’s creation while driving to visit someone who is struggling, you can bring an extra measure of joy to them in your visit. Sometimes your sunshine is the only sunshine they will see. 1397076200014668501714500228600361950014859008890Please keep these folks in your prayers. If you have someone you would like to have listed here in the future, please notify the church office, Karen Gothard, or Pastor Lisa.Marilyn MoffittMary GleasmanShirley & Shorty CarterOscar & Dean PresleyRichard EarleDonna FlemingDustin InskoCher Lane (Connie Leather’s daughter)Merry DolterNoah (2 ? yr grandson of Martha Darling)Gloria MarcumBud & Linda McAfeeJan KamholzBeverly “Boots” Meyers (Karen G’s Aunt)00Please keep these folks in your prayers. If you have someone you would like to have listed here in the future, please notify the church office, Karen Gothard, or Pastor Lisa.Marilyn MoffittMary GleasmanShirley & Shorty CarterOscar & Dean PresleyRichard EarleDonna FlemingDustin InskoCher Lane (Connie Leather’s daughter)Merry DolterNoah (2 ? yr grandson of Martha Darling)Gloria MarcumBud & Linda McAfeeJan KamholzBeverly “Boots” Meyers (Karen G’s Aunt) 8890014160500106680085725Group Life and Fellowship00Group Life and Fellowship11430068579Reminder –Coffee and goodies are available before and after service – Come on down and join the fun!Want to help?Sign-up sheets are available on the table next to the coffee00Reminder –Coffee and goodies are available before and after service – Come on down and join the fun!Want to help?Sign-up sheets are available on the table next to the coffee47625142240Music NotesWorship choir rehearsals - Thursday’s – 6:30pmand/or Sunday’s – 9amWarm – up before 10am service will continue to be at 9:30am.All rehearsals will take place in the back Sunday school room upstairs.You are invited to come join this exuberantly fun group of folks, long term or short term, whatever your schedule allows.00Music NotesWorship choir rehearsals - Thursday’s – 6:30pmand/or Sunday’s – 9amWarm – up before 10am service will continue to be at 9:30am.All rehearsals will take place in the back Sunday school room upstairs.You are invited to come join this exuberantly fun group of folks, long term or short term, whatever your schedule allows.381018415002762250854392500-21806155880001362075517271004829175719201044196007706359Many more details to come, but please mark your calendars to join us for a 1-day Winter Retreat – we are going to have a great time of learning and fellowship. Join us!! 00Many more details to come, but please mark your calendars to join us for a 1-day Winter Retreat – we are going to have a great time of learning and fellowship. Join us!! 6572258001635MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!SATURDAY, JANUARY 12TH00MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!SATURDAY, JANUARY 12TH107632570580250044291254906010*For updates and corrections, please contact Pastor Lisa or Karen Gothard 00*For updates and corrections, please contact Pastor Lisa or Karen Gothard 425767541440100010001253801110Check it out! Remember to check out our website!!00Check it out! Remember to check out our website!!885190695960Thingsto Remember 00Thingsto Remember 4629150572135Bible Studies Sunday’s - 8:45amMonday’s - 1pm 00Bible Studies Sunday’s - 8:45amMonday’s - 1pm right648716000right326771000right143510002571756430010002476503277235002286009588500 -7620013335000104775-1619250095250886460“Just Older Youth”After four wonderful lunches plus bingo on the third Wednesday of each month from noon to 2, it is safe to say that the seniors who have participated have had a great time together. There seems to be a slow but steady increase in participation from community members who are not church members. Our last count was 24 happy people. So far, the food and prizes are donated by the church members but we have been delighted that some of the visitors have brought things out of the goodness of their hearts. The prayer box has been used by a visitor. Many of the participants have been delighted to take extra food home. Help is always appreciated so that this special community outreach effort can continue. The following help is requested: Come and bring a friend (all ages welcome)Mention it to friends and neighborsCarry fliers around the community to be posted wherever possibleDonate small prize items including jelly and candyCook an item-see Sue, Holly, Lisa-or just bring your favorite itemsThe November JOY Fellowship is the day before Thanksgiving. There is an outside possibility that many lonely or needy people will come that day. We have no way of knowing. The menu will include casseroles, salads, deviled eggs, breads, and desserts. ?Extra food will be made for that day and will be frozen for upcoming Sunday youth meals (Vertical Focus) if not needed at the lunch. If interested, please feel free to be a part of this wonderful event. Warm food needs to be ready to eat by noon. Kitchen help is there by 11 or earlier if needed. Thanks to the many, many people willing to just jump in because it's needed. Not surprising because of the generosity of church members but very, very appreciated.00“Just Older Youth”After four wonderful lunches plus bingo on the third Wednesday of each month from noon to 2, it is safe to say that the seniors who have participated have had a great time together. There seems to be a slow but steady increase in participation from community members who are not church members. Our last count was 24 happy people. So far, the food and prizes are donated by the church members but we have been delighted that some of the visitors have brought things out of the goodness of their hearts. The prayer box has been used by a visitor. Many of the participants have been delighted to take extra food home. Help is always appreciated so that this special community outreach effort can continue. The following help is requested: Come and bring a friend (all ages welcome)Mention it to friends and neighborsCarry fliers around the community to be posted wherever possibleDonate small prize items including jelly and candyCook an item-see Sue, Holly, Lisa-or just bring your favorite itemsThe November JOY Fellowship is the day before Thanksgiving. There is an outside possibility that many lonely or needy people will come that day. We have no way of knowing. The menu will include casseroles, salads, deviled eggs, breads, and desserts. ?Extra food will be made for that day and will be frozen for upcoming Sunday youth meals (Vertical Focus) if not needed at the lunch. If interested, please feel free to be a part of this wonderful event. Warm food needs to be ready to eat by noon. Kitchen help is there by 11 or earlier if needed. Thanks to the many, many people willing to just jump in because it's needed. Not surprising because of the generosity of church members but very, very appreciated.3073405429885002476505591810Garden UpdateThe Garden Team has wrapped up the beds for the winter. This was a very successful garden year with the usual glitches but nothing serious. We managed to provide food to the local Food Pantry from about April to the end of October. Lettuce, spinach, beets, carrots, radishes, chard, beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, and potatoes were donated to very grateful recipients. During the Fall Festival, a table was set up with the purpose of highlighting fresh foods as well as generally greeting community members. Wonderful contacts and conversations made that a very delightful two days. Many thanks to the team for their valuable help; Joy, Jayne, Holly, Noah, Mark, Pat, Cathy, and Sue. Please consider helping next year with harvesting or other tasks. It's a big job but remains a needed community mission.00Garden UpdateThe Garden Team has wrapped up the beds for the winter. This was a very successful garden year with the usual glitches but nothing serious. We managed to provide food to the local Food Pantry from about April to the end of October. Lettuce, spinach, beets, carrots, radishes, chard, beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, and potatoes were donated to very grateful recipients. During the Fall Festival, a table was set up with the purpose of highlighting fresh foods as well as generally greeting community members. Wonderful contacts and conversations made that a very delightful two days. Many thanks to the team for their valuable help; Joy, Jayne, Holly, Noah, Mark, Pat, Cathy, and Sue. Please consider helping next year with harvesting or other tasks. It's a big job but remains a needed community mission.24574507556500 -95250-123825002857502172335We are approaching the end of another very successful year for our Missions efforts, thanks to each and every one of you that has supported us with your donations of time, money, gifts and prayers. The committee is always amazed at the generosity of this amazing congregation! Thanks again for another great year spreading the love of Christ to so many in our local, national, and international communities!We hope you will all look forward to taking part in the following activities in the coming weeks…..Sunday, November 11th – SAVE THE DATEOur annual Packing Party for our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes! This is always a fun event as we make quick work of packing up 100 shoeboxes full of surprises and fun for kids around the world!Walmart Gift Card collection for Rock House Kids – November 4th and 11thWe are collecting Walmart gift cards for the children of Rock House Kids. If you would like to donate a card or money to be used to purchase a card, look for the special gift card holders in the pews and simply put it in the offering plate. We will make sure to get the gift cards for delivery to the kids. We are collecting on both November 4th and November 11th. 00We are approaching the end of another very successful year for our Missions efforts, thanks to each and every one of you that has supported us with your donations of time, money, gifts and prayers. The committee is always amazed at the generosity of this amazing congregation! Thanks again for another great year spreading the love of Christ to so many in our local, national, and international communities!We hope you will all look forward to taking part in the following activities in the coming weeks…..Sunday, November 11th – SAVE THE DATEOur annual Packing Party for our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes! This is always a fun event as we make quick work of packing up 100 shoeboxes full of surprises and fun for kids around the world!Walmart Gift Card collection for Rock House Kids – November 4th and 11thWe are collecting Walmart gift cards for the children of Rock House Kids. If you would like to donate a card or money to be used to purchase a card, look for the special gift card holders in the pews and simply put it in the offering plate. We will make sure to get the gift cards for delivery to the kids. We are collecting on both November 4th and November 11th. 254063540322500-123825143510001114425154305000 left-57150001323975391160Youth Page00Youth Page30480036258500right20066000right23876000 left-3048000011525251334135001343025381635Youth Page00Youth Page29527541973500895350160020000right38100000 0-8572500342900676275001447800714375Youth Page00Youth PageMonthly Church Events – November 2018SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday16:30 PM Choir Rehearsal2Shirley Gray birthday348:45 AM Bible Study9AM Choir Rehearsal 10AM Worship ServiceFellowship Hour after service4:00 Confirmation5:00 Straight Up Sundays / Vertical Focus51:00 PM Bible StudyStephanie Schmoker birthday 6Dean Presley birthday711:30 AM Retiree’s & WannaBe’s lunch at Sophia’s86:30 PM Choir Rehearsal910118:45 AM Bible Study9AM Choir Rehearsal 10AM Worship ServiceFellowship Hour after serviceSHOEBOX PACKING PARTY4:00 Confirmation5:00 Straight Up Sundays / Vertical Focus121:00 PM Bible Study7:00 PMChurch Council Meeting Bell Insko birthdayJordan Diehl birthday13141:00 PM Women’s Afternoon Circle1510:00 AMCFO’s Meeting6:30 PM Choir RehearsalJudy Melton birthdayJoshua & Shanda Richardson anniversary1617Gloria Marcum birthday188:45 AM Bible Study9AM Choir Rehearsal 10AM Worship ServiceFellowship Hour after service4:00 Confirmation5:00 Straight Up Sundays / Vertical Focus191:00 PM Bible Study6:30 PM Women’s Evening Circle dinner at Bravo’s in South BeloitReilly Mathieu birthdayDarlene Worley birthday2021-184302533650012:00 – 2:00 PM226:30 PM Choir Rehearsal23Oscar and Dean Presley anniversary24258:45 AM Bible Study9AM Choir Rehearsal 10AM Worship ServiceFellowship Hour after service4:00 Confirmation5:00 Straight Up Sundays / Vertical FocusChristina Wheeler birthday261:00 PM Bible Study27Roy Olomon birthdayMarilyn Moffitt birthday28296:30 PM Choir RehearsalNathan Richardson birthday30Russell Mosher birthdayJohn Trimble birthday First Congregational Community Church 10780 3rd Street – P. O. Box 66 Roscoe, IL 61073-0066 Phone: 815-623-2348 Rev. Lisa Abb firstconroscoe@ web site: 35909253333115001238253185160Every Sunday 8:45 A.M. Bible Study8:45 A.M. Coffee Fellowship Hour9:00 A.M. Choir Rehearsal10:00 A.M. Morning Worship Service11:00 A.M. Coffee Fellowship Hour5:00 P.M “Straight Up Sundays” Youth ProgramsJoin us for a Heart Warming FamilyWorship Service at 10:00 a.m. Nursery service is available for children 4 years of age and under.Join us downstairs for coffee, dessert, and Fellowship after our Worship ServicesEvery Monday1:00 P.M. Bible StudyEvery Thursday6:30 P.M. Choir Rehearsal00Every Sunday 8:45 A.M. Bible Study8:45 A.M. Coffee Fellowship Hour9:00 A.M. Choir Rehearsal10:00 A.M. Morning Worship Service11:00 A.M. Coffee Fellowship Hour5:00 P.M “Straight Up Sundays” Youth ProgramsJoin us for a Heart Warming FamilyWorship Service at 10:00 a.m. Nursery service is available for children 4 years of age and under.Join us downstairs for coffee, dessert, and Fellowship after our Worship ServicesEvery Monday1:00 P.M. Bible StudyEvery Thursday6:30 P.M. Choir Rehearsal3175302768000-228600279336500 ................

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