World Bank

The World Bank-financed

Ma'anshan Cihu River Basin Improvement Project

Environmental Management Plan

Leading Group Office for Ma’anshan Cihu River Project under World Bank Loan

Nanjing University Environmental Planning and Design Academic Co., Ltd.

August 22, 2017


1 Preface 1

2Basis for preparation 2

2.1 Laws on environmental protection 2

2.2 Regulations, bylaws and normative documents on environmental protection 2

2.3 Technical standards on environmental protection 4

2.4 Relevant Safeguard Policies of the World Bank 4

2.5 Other relevant documents 6

2.6 Documents related to the Project 6

2.7 Assessment standards 6

2.7.1Environmental quality standards 6

2.7.2 Pollutants Emission Standards 14

2.8 Scope of environmental assessment (EA) 17

2.9 Environment sensitive points (Environmental protection target) 18

3 Basic Information of the Project 29

3.1 Background of the project 29

3.2 Project objectives 30

3.3 Project construction content and scale 30

3.4 Impact of immigration 35

4 Analysis of State of Environmental Quality 36

4.1 The monitoring and assessment of present atmospheric environment conditions 36

4.1.1 Present condition monitoring 36

4.1.2 Evaluation results analysis and assessment 37

4.1.3 Atmospheric environment situations assessment 38

4.2 The monitoring and assessment of present surface water environment conditions 39

4.2.1 Present condition monitoring 39

4.2.2 Surface water environment situations assessment 40

4.3 The monitoring and assessment of present groundwater environment conditions 48

4.3.1 Present condition monitoring 48

4.3.2 Monitoring results and situations assessment 48

4.4 The monitoring and assessment of present noise environment conditions 50

4.4.1 Present condition monitoring 50

4.4.2 Monitoring results analysis and assessment 51

4.5 Present environment quality condition of the bottom sludge 53

4.5.1 Present condition monitoring 53

4.5.2 Monitoring results analysis and assessment 54

5 Environment quality impact analysis 55

5.1 Identification of environmental impact factors 55

5.2 Environmental impact analysis 57

6 Environmental protection and mitigation measures 69

6.1 General environmental impact mitigation measures during construction and operation periods 69

6.2 Specific environmental impact mitigation measures during construction period 106

6.3 Improvement measures for “One stage project” experience 111

6.4 Due diligence of associated projects 113

6.5Project-related project Environmental Management Scheme 113

7 Environmental Management Implementation Plan 114

7.1 Environmental Management Scheme Implementing agency 114

7.1.1 The overall goal of environmental management 114

7.1.2 Environmental management institutions and Responsibilities 114

7.1.3 Environmental management tasks in all phases of the project 122

7.2 Environmental Monitoring Plan 122

7.2.1 Formulate objectives and principles 122

7.2.2 Environment monitoring agency 122

7.2.3 Environmental monitoring scheme 123

7.3 Personnel training program 129

7.3.1 Training purpose 129

7.3.2 Training objects 129

7.3.3 Training contents 129

7.3.4 Training plans 129

7.4 Environmental Supervision Program 132

7.4.1 Environmental supervision organization during the construction period 132

7.4.2 principles of environmental supervision 133

7.4.3 Environmental supervision scope 133

7.4.4 Working manners of environmental supervision 133

7.4.5 Specific working procedure of environmental supervision 134

7.4.6 Environmental supervision organization and working system 136

7.4.7 Engineering environmental supervision plan 136

7.4.8 Document compilation of environmental supervision 144

7.4.9 Environmental supervision archives management 144

7.5 Public complaints and feedback mechanism 145

7.5.1 Public complaints mechanism 145

7.5.2 Public feedback mechanism 146

7.6 Report mechanism of Environmental management plan 147

7.6.1 Reorganize and save of Monitoring data 147

7.6.2 Information exchange 147

7.6.3 Recording 147

7.6.4 Reporting 148

7.7 Estimated budget of Environment Protection 149

Annex 1 General environmental protection management regulation of construction activity 1

Annex 2 Site checklist before construction 14

Annex 3 Environmental checklist at the construction site 15

Annex 4 Environmental rectification notice 24

Annexed drawing 1/Figure 1 Emergency treatment flowchart of cultural relics discovered 26

Annexed drawing 2 Emergency treatment of heavy metals in sediment during construction 27

Annexed drawing3: Environmental monitoring plan of Xiangshan Town, industrial area Drainage system and its affiliated roads and Yang River tributary restoration project;

Annexed drawing 4: Environmental monitoring plan of water system restoration including Wumushan River restoration and 6 roads including Yushan Road;

Annexed drawing 5: Environmental monitoring plan of water system restoration project of Upper Xiaohezha River and natural ditch water system;

Annexed drawing 6: Environmental monitoring plan of restoration of Liannong River and Zhaoming open canal water system and road reform project;

Annexed drawing 7: General layout of the First Phase and Middle Phase improvement Project.

Annexed drawing 8: Monitoring Sites

1 Preface

This Environmental Management Scheme, which is based on the EIA Report of the Project of Water Environment Improvement of Ma’anshan Cihu River Basin, and sums up the implementation experience of The World Bank-financed Project of Water Environment Improvement of Ma’anshan Cihu River Basin (The First Phase Project) Environmental Management Scheme. As an individual document, it includes the organization establishment, environmental protection plan during construction period and operation period, and specifically proposes the improvement measures based on The First Phase Project, and provides an action principles and work frame for the prevention and slowdown measures, environmental management and environmental monitoring during construction period and running period. The main content includes:

(1) Project general situation

(2) Analysis of environmental quality

(3) Potential environmental impact of the project

(4) The project organization and responsibility

(5) Environmental Management Scheme

(6) Environmental monitoring plan

(7) Environmental Supervision & Management Plan (ESMP)

Qualified feasibility study and environmental impact assessment has been taken on the World Bank-financed Ma'anshan Cihu River Basin Improvement Project, in order to reduce and alleviate the negative impact of the project to the society and environment, and to work out a series of countermeasures to solve the environmental issue left over. To the inevitable environmental impacts, a series reliable management plans are formulated in both construction period and running period, which has been determined during environmental impact assessment and summed up in Environmental Management Scheme and applied in construction and running period.

The purpose of Environmental Management Scheme is to list the environmental countermeasures and the measures of monitoring and supervision organization, to avoid or control the negative impacts and specific actions during the construction and running period. The Environmental Management Scheme will be the important connection between implements and the measurement defined in the EIA, on the aim to achieve management effects through the detailed implements.

2 Basis for preparation

2.1 Laws on environmental protection

1. Environmental Protection Law of the PRC (2015.1.1);

2. Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the PRC (2003.9.1);

3. Law of the PRC on Ambient Noise Pollution Prevention and Control (1997.3.1);

4. Law of the PRC on Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control (2016.1.1);

5. Law of the PRC on Water Pollution Prevention and Control (2008.2.28);

6. Law of the PRC on Solid Waste Pollution Prevention and Control (2005.4.1);

7. Law of the PRC on Water and Soil Conservation (2011.3.1);

8. Flood Control Law of the PRC (2015.4.24);

9. Land Administration Law of the PRC (2014.7.29);

10. Law of the PRC on the Preservation of Cultural Relics (2015.4.24)

2.2 Regulations, bylaws and normative documents on environmental protection

1. Opinions of the State Council on reinforcement of Key Environmental Protection Tasks, Decree No.35 of the State Council (2011);

2. Regulations of the PRC on River Management (2011.1.18);

3. Notice of the State Council on Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan, Decree No.37 of the State Council (2013);

4. Notice of the State Council on Water Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan, Decree No.17 of the State Council (2015);

5. Notice of the State Council on Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan, Decree No.31 of the State Council (2016);

6. Regulations on the Administration of Environmental Protection in Construction Projects, Decree No.253 of the State Council (1998);

7. Regulations on the Protection of Basic Farmland, Decree No.257 of the State Council (1998);

8. Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the PRC on Water and Soil Conservation, Decree No.120 of the State Council (1993);

9. Regulations of the PRC on Nature Reserves, Decree No.167 of the State Council (1994);

10. Categorized Administrative List of Environmental Impact Assessment for Construction Projects, Decree No.33 of the Ministry of Environmental Protection (2015);

11. Interim Measures for Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment, MEP [2006] No.28;

12. Administrative Measures for Water and Soil Conservation Programs for developing construction project, WSC [1994] No.512;

13. Notice of Environmental Noise on the road and Railway (Light Rail) EIA, SEPA [2003] No.94;

14. Management Measures of Environmental Protection on Transportation construction projects, Decree No.5 of the Ministry of Communications (2003);

15. Opinions on Further Improvements in the Protection of Basic Farm Land, MLR [2005] No.196;

16. Guiding Catalogue for Industrial Structure Adjustment (2011), Decree No.9 of the National Development and Reform Commission of the PRC;

17. National Ecological Function Regionalization (Revision), Announcement No.61 of the Ministry of Environmental Protection (2015);

18. Technology Guide of Lakes and Rivers in Environmental Dredging Project (Opinion Soliciting Draft);

19. Notice on Strengthening the Administration of Environmental Impact Assessment in Projects Financed by International Financial Organizations, EM [1993] No.324;

20. Environmental Protection Regulations of Anhui Province (2010.11.1);

21. Notice on Issuing the Measures of Anhui Province for the Implementation of Environmental Supervision Trials in Construction Projects (2012.4.1);

22. Measures of Anhui Province for the Implementation of the Law of the PRC on Solid Waste Pollution Prevention and Control (2006.6.29);

23. Measures of Anhui Province for the Implementation of the Land Administration Law of the PRC (2004.7.1);

24. Regulations on Agricultural Environmental Protection of Anhui Province (Revise in 2006);

25. Opinions of the Anhui Provincial Government on Strengthening Environmental Protection Focus, APG [2012] No.21;

26. Opinions of the Anhui Provincial Government on the Implementation of the Decision of the State Council on Carrying out a Scientific Outlook on Development and Strengthening Environmental Protection, APG [2006] No.71;

27. Notice on Issuing Implementing Regulations of Ma'anshan City Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan, MG [2014] No.19;

28. Notice on Issuing Ma'anshan City Water Pollution Prevention and Control Program, MG [2015] No.83;

29. Opinions on Improve rural living environment, MGO [2015] No.20;

2.3 Technical standards on environmental protection

1. Technical guidelines for environmental impact assessment—General program (HJ2.1-2011);

2. Technical guidelines for environmental impact assessment—Atmospheric environment (HJ2.2-2008);

3. Technical guidelines for environmental impact assessment—Surface water environment (HJ/T2.3-1995);

4. Technical guidelines for environmental impact assessment—Groundwater environment (HJ610-2016);

5. Technical guidelines for environmental impact assessment—Acoustic environment (HJ2.4-2009);

6. Technical guidelines for environmental impact assessment—Ecological impacts (HJ19-2011);

7. Technical guidelines for environmental impact assessment—Hydropower and water resources projects (HJ/T88-2003);

8. Technical code on soil and water conservation for development and construction projects (GB50433-2008);

9. Guidelines for environmental impact assessment of Highway Construction Project(JTGB03-2006)

2.4 Relevant Safeguard Policies of the World Bank

The Project includes road and drainage facility construction, river system restoration mainly, and involves no nature reserves, protected cultural relic or any other sensitive target. According to the sensibility, environmental impact scope and its degree, the class of the project is B.

The World Bank has 11 safeguard policies in total, in which OP4.01andOP4.12 are triggered for the project. The project will also follow, as appropriate, the General Environment, Health and Safety Guidelines (General EHS Guidelines), and specific Industry Sector Guidelines: Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for Waste Management Facilities and Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for Ports, Harbors and Terminals (Dredged Materials Management). Details are shown in Table 2.4-1:

Table 2.4-1 Correlation Analysis of the Project and World Bank Safeguard Policies and EHS Guidelines

|No. |World Bank safeguard policy |Relevance with |Remarks |

| | |the Project | |

|1 |OP4.01: Environmental Assessment |Relevant |The class of the project is B, and the environmental assessment |

| | | |report and Environmental Management Plan (EMP)have been completed. |

|2 |OP4.04: Natural Habitats |Irrelevant |The project is mainly located in the urban built up area. There is no|

| | | |natural reserve found in the project areas. Therefore, OP4.04 is not |

| | | |triggered as consistent with the EIA findings. |

|3 |OP4.09: Pest Management |Irrelevant |The Project involves no Pesticide |

|4 |OP4.10: Minority |Irrelevant |The Project involves no ethnic minority. |

|5 |OP4.11: Cultural Resources |Irrelevant |Based on information in the EIA provided, there are no cultural |

| | | |relics protection units found in project areas. Therefore, OP4.11 is |

| | | |not triggered either. |

|6 |OP4.12: Involuntary Resettlement |Relevant |Household Relocation Plan has been completed, and permanent |

| | | |expropriate land area is 353 mu, temporary occupied land area is 640 |

| | | |mu, involving 85 households and 494 persons, the area of |

| | | |constructions to be removed is 26300 m2 |

|7 |OP4.36: Forests |Irrelevant |The Project involves no Forestation |

|8 |OP4.37: Safety of Dams |Irrelevant |The Project involves no Dam |

|9 |OP7.50: Projects on International|Irrelevant |The Project involves no International Watercourse |

| |Waters | | |

|10 |OP7.60: Projects in Disputed |Irrelevant |The Project is not in Disputed Areas |

| |Areas | | |

|11 |BP17.50 Information Disclosure |Relevant |Public consultation and information disclosure have been done during |

| | | |and after the project EIA and EMP were prepared. |

|12 |WBG General EHS Guidelines |Relevant |General Environment, Health and Safety Guidelines apply to the |

| | | |project |

|13 |Industry Sector Guidelines |Relevant |EHS Guidelines for Waste Management Facilities, EHS Guidelines for |

| | | |Water and Sanitation, and EHS Guidelines for Ports, Harbors and |

| | | |Terminals (Dredged Materials Management) as appropriate. |

Water quality and sediments test was conducted as part of the EA process for new activities as it was done for the original project, and no hazardous materials/chemicals were tested exceeding quality standards. Based on the testing results of sediments, the EIA/EMP for new activities proposes to adopt different methods for open channels and culverts. Cofferdam will be the main method for dredging open channels in dry season with hydraulic scouring and silting. Dredging suction devices will be used for culverts and box culverts will be dredged by manpower. The dredged sludge will be transported in sludge pumps or closed tankers to the sludge treatment stations which are to be established at three selected sites. Dredged sediments will be dehydrated and the moisture content can be reduced by 85 to 90 percent, and then be further solidified. The volume of dehydrated sludge is estimated at 53000 m3, which will be used as fertilizer for the plants in Cihu River Basin or the surrounding areas.

A lesson learned from previous project implementation is that sediments are possible to be detected with heavy metal concentration exceeding national soil quality standards during implementation (especially after dredging), though the EA process during preparation did not detect any heavy metal concentration exceeding standards. Therefore, sediment testing is required to be redone before dredging and before treatment at the treatment stations. Furthermore, a procedure is established in the EMP for handling heavy metal contaminated sediments if any during implementation.

2.5 Other relevant documents

1. Urban Master Plan of Ma’anshan Municipality (2002-2020), Revision in 2015;

2. Urban Drainage Engineering Plan of Ma’anshan Municipality (2005-2020), 2006.03;

3. Urban Flood Control Planning Report of Ma’anshan Municipality, 2006.11;

4. Plan for Integrated Water Environment Management of the Cihu River Basin of Ma’anshan Municipality, 2011.08;

5. Notice of the Ma’anshan Municipal Government on Issuing the Integrated Environmental Management Scheme for the Cihu River Basin (MMG [2008] No.48);

6. Master Plan for Mineral Resources of Ma’anshan Municipality (2008-2015);

7. Outline of the Master Land Utilization Plan of Ma’anshan Municipality (2006-2020);

8. Master Ecological Construction Plan of Ma’anshan Municipality (2014-2020).

2.6 Documents related to the Project

1. Feasibility Study Report for the World Bank-financed Ma'anshan Cihu River Basin Water Environment Improvement Project, Shenzhen Water Planning&Design Institute ;

2. Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Finance on the Request for Instructions on China’s Plan for Candidate Projects to be Financed by the World Bank in Fiscal Years 2011-2013 (NDRC FC [2010] No.2617);

3. Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Finance on China’s Plan for Candidate Projects to be financed by the World Bank in Fiscal Years 2011-2013 forwarded by the Anhui Provincial Development and Reform Commission (ADRC FC [2010] No.1306).

2.7 Assessment standards

The environmental quality standards are shown in 2.7-1~ 2.7-5, the pollutant emission standards are shown in 2.7-6~2.7-10.

2.7.1Environmental quality standards

The WBG General Environment, Health and Safety Guidelines (EHS Guidelines) include standards of air emission, acoustic environmental quality, wastewater, waste management, Occupational Health and Safety and so on.

Compared with the national standards and EHS Guidelines standards, we determined the more stringent assessment standards as follows:

(1) Atmospheric Environment: Ambient Air Quality Standard: According to EHS, ambient air quality should compliance with the national standard. If there is no standard set by the state legislation, the project should implement the latest WHO Air quality guidelines or other internationally recognized reference standards. The Project is in Area 2 and therefore implements Grade 2 standard in the national Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-2012) for SO2. NO2. PM10. CO, and implements the permitted concentration for ambient air standard of hazard substances in inhabitant area in Hygienic Standards for the Design of Industrial Enterprises(TJ36-79) for H2S. NH3. Details are shown in Table 2.7-1.

(2) Surface water: The Project includes Shanghu River, Zhaoming open canal and Zhenbei River tributary. According to Surface Water Environmental Quality Functional Division of Ma'anshan, the Subprojects implement Class V of the national Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard(GB3838-2002). Details are shown in Table 2.7-2.

(3) Groundwater: The Project implements Class Ⅲ of the national Groundwater Quality Standard(GB/T14848-93). Details are shown in Table 2.7-3.

(4) Noise: According to Acoustic Functional Division of Ma'anshan, Yanjiang Road, Hailuo Road, Zhonglian Road, Lianhe Road belongs to Area 3, Yujia Road, Xiangyang Road, Mudanjiang Road, Jinxiu Road, Yuxiu Road, Hongdong Road, Huashan Road belongs to Area 2; Liannong River and Zhaoming open canal belong to Area 3, and implement the standard of Class 3 (GB 3096-2008). Yang River, Wumushan River , Xiaohezha River and South Tianran River belong to Area 2, and implement the standard of Class 2. According to the Technical Specification of Acoustic Environmental Functional Division, the sensitive points in Area 3 implement the standard of Class 2. However, if any residential areas are mixed with commercial and industrial areas where project activities are located, Class 1 in GB 3096-2008 should be followed. Details are shown in Table 2.7-4。

(5) Sediments: There is no current standard system of dredging sediments in China. The mostly used standards for sediments in China are Environment quality standard for soils (GB15618-1995), Control standards for pollutants in sludges from agricultural use (GB4284-1984), Interim Standard of Soil Quality Assessment for Exhibition Sites (HJ/T 350-2007), and ‘Disposal of Sludge from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant—Quality of Sludge Used in Forestland (CJ/T362-2011)’[1]. In brief, for heavy metals, in terms of the maximum permissible limit of density, the "Environmental Quality Standard for Soils" (GB/15618-1995) claims the lowest amount, followed by that of "Control Standards for Pollutants in Sludges from Agricultural Use" (GB4284-84), the II class of "Interim Standard of Soil Quality Assessment for Exhibition Sites" (HJ350-2007), and "Disposal of Sludge from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant—Quality of Sludge Used in Forestland" (CJ/T362-2011). If the monitoring results of the sediments do not reach the class III of the ‘Environment quality standard for soils’ (GB15618-1995), the use of dredged sediments will be limited to the legal provisions written in ‘Control standards for pollution in sludges from agricultural use’ (GB4284-1984), ‘Standard of Soil Quality Assessment for Exhibition Sites’ (HJ/T 350-2007), or ’Disposal of Sludge from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant—Quality of Sludge Used in Forestland (CJ/T362-2011). If the monitoring results of the sediments reach the environment quality standard for soils, the use of dredged sediments will be unlimited. If not, the use of dredged sediments will be limited to the legal provisions written in Control standards for pollution in sludges from agricultural use (GB4284-1984), Interim Standard of Soil Quality Assessment for Exhibition Sites). See Table 2.7-5 ~ 2.7-8 for details.

Table 2.7-1 Ambient Air Quality Standard Unit: mg/m3

|Item |concentration limit |Standard |Subproject |

| |Hourly average |Daily |Yearly | | |

| | |average |average | | |

|SO2 |0.50 |0.15 |0.06 |Secondary standard of Table 1 in Ambient Air Quality |All |

| | | | |Standard(GB3095-2012) | |

|NO2 |0.20 |0.08 |0.04 | | |

|PM10 |/ |0.15 |0.07 | | |

|CO |10 |4 |/ | |Subproject of |

| | | | | |drainage system|

| | | | | |improvement |

| | | | | |project |

|H2S |0.01 |/ |/ |The permitted concentration for ambient air standard |Subproject of |

| | | | |of hazard substances in inhabitant area in Hygienic |water system |

| | | | |Standards for the Design of Industrial Enterprises |renovation |

| | | | |(TJ36-79) |project |

|NH3 |0.2 |/ |/ | | |

Table 2.7-2 Surface water Environmental Quality Standard Unit: mg/L

|No. |Factors |Permitted concentration of the Class V |River |Subproject |

|1 |pH |6~9 |Shanghu River,|All |

| | | |Zhaoming open | |

| | | |canal, Zhenbei| |

| | | |River | |

| | | |tributary of | |

| | | |Cihu River | |

| | | |tributary | |

|2 |DO |2 | | |

|3 |COD |40 | | |

|4 |BOD5 |10 | | |

|5 |NH4 |2 | | |

|6 |Total P |0.4 | | |

|7 |Total N |2 | | |

|8 | Volatile phenol |0.1 | | |

|9 |Cyanide |0.2 | | |

|10 |Cr6+ |0.1 | | |

|11 |Fluoride |1.5 | | |

|12 |Petroleum |1 | | |

|13 |Anionic surfactant |0.3 | | |

|14 |Sulfide |1 | | |

|15 |Fecal coli form |40000 | | |

|16 |Cu |1 | | |

|17 |Hg |0.001 | | |

|18 |Ni |0.02 | | |

|19 |Pb |0.1 | | |

|20 |Zn |2 | | |

|21 |Cd |0.01 | | |

Table 2.7-3 Groundwater Quality Standard Unit: mg/L,pH dimensionless

|No. |Factors |ClassⅠ |ClassⅡ |ClassⅢ |ClassⅣ |ClassⅤ |Subproject |

|1 |pH |6.5~8.5 |5.5~6.5,8.5~9 |9 |All |

|2 |Total hardness(by CaCO3) |≤150 |≤300 |≤450 |≤550 |>550 | |

|3 |total dissolved solids |≤300 |≤500 |≤1000 |≤2000 |>2000 | |

|4 |Sulfate |≤50 |≤150 |≤250 |≤350 |>350 | |

|5 |Chloride |≤50 |≤150 |≤250 |≤350 |>350 | |

|6 |Fe |≤0.1 |≤0.2 |≤0.3 |≤1.5 |>1.5 | |

|7 |Mn |≤0.05 |≤0.05 |≤0.1 |≤1.0 |>1.0 | |

|8 | volatile phenols (by |≤0.001 |≤0.001 |≤0.002 |≤0.01 |>0.01 | |

| |Phenol) | | | | | | |

|9 |permanganate index |≤1.0 |≤2.0 |≤3.0 |≤10 |>10 | |

|10 | Nitrate (by N) |≤2.0 |≤5.0 |≤20 |≤30 |>30 | |

|11 |Nitrite (by N) |≤0.001 |≤0.01 |≤0.02 |≤0.1 |>0.1 | |

|12 | NH4 |≤0.02 |≤0.02 |≤0.2 |≤0.5 |>0.5 | |

|13 |Fluoride |≤1.0 |≤1.0 |≤1.0 |≤2.0 |>2.0 | |

|14 |cyanide |≤0.001 |≤0.01 |≤0.05 |≤0.1 |>0.1 | |

|15 |Hg |≤0.00005 |≤0.0005 |≤0.001 |≤0.001 |>0.001 | |

|16 |As |≤0.005 |≤0.01 |≤0.05 |≤0.05 |>0.05 | |

|17 |Cd |≤0.0001 |≤0.001 |≤0.01 |≤0.01 |>0.01 | |

|18 |Cr6+ |≤0.005 |≤0.01 |≤0.05 |≤0.1 |>0.1 | |

|19 |Pb |≤0.005 |≤0.01 |≤0.05 |≤0.1 |>0.1 | |

Table 2.7-4 Acoustic Environment Quality Standard Unit: dB(A)

|Function |Area |Daytime |Night |Subproject |

| | |6:00-22:00 |22:00-6:00 | |

|Class 3 |Neighbor of Liannong River system, Zhaoming open |65 |55 |Subproject for |

| |canal | | |water system |

| | | | |renovation |

|Class 2 |Yang River, Wumushan River system, Xiaohezha |60 |50 | |

| |River system, South Tianran River | | | |

|Class 4 a |Yanjiang Road, |Area within 25m away from the |70 |55 |Subproject for |

| |Hailuo Road, |road border | | |drainage system |

| |Zhonglian Road, | | | |improvement |

| |Lianhe Road | | | | |

|Class 3 | |Area beyond 25m away from the |65 |55 | |

| | |road border | | | |

|Class 4 a |Yujia Road, |Area within 35m away from the |70 |55 | |

| |Xiangyang Road, |road border | | | |

| |Mudan Road, Yuxiu | | | | |

| |Road, Huashan Road | | | | |

|Class 2 | |Area beyond 35m away from the |60 |50 | |

| | |road border | | | |

|Class 2 |Jinxiu Road, |Area around road border |60 |50 | |

| |Hongdong Road | | | | |

|Class 1 |If any residential areas are mixed with the above|55 |45 |Both subprojects |

| |areas | | | |

Table 2.7-5 Soil Environment Quality Standard Unit: mg/kg

|Item |Class 1 |Class 2 |Class 3 |Subproject |

| | |pH<6.5 |pH 6.5-7.5 |pH>7.5 | | |

|Cd≤ |0.2 |0.30 |0.30 |0.60 |1.0 |All |

|Hg≤ |0.15 |0.30 |0.50 |1.0 |1.5 | |

|Cu Farmland≤ |35 |50 |100 |100 |400 | |

|As paddy field≤ |15 |30 |25 |20 |30 | |

|As dry land≤ |15 |40 |30 |25 |40 | |

|Zn≤ |100 |200 |250 |300 |500 | |

|Pb≤ |35 |250 |300 |350 |500 | |

|Cr paddy field≤ |90 |250 |300 |350 |400 | |

|Cr dry land≤ |90 |150 |200 |250 |300 | |

|Ni |40 |40 |50 |60 |200 | |

Table 2.7-6 Soil Environment Quality Standard Unit: mg/kg

|Item |Class 1 |Class 2 |Class 3 |Subproject |

| | |pH<6.5 |pH 6.5-7.5 |pH>7.5 | | |

|Cd≤ |0.2 |0.30 |0.30 |0.60 |1.0 |All |

|Hg≤ |0.15 |0.30 |0.50 |1.0 |1.5 | |

|Cu Farmland≤ |35 |50 |100 |100 |400 | |

|As paddy field≤ |15 |30 |25 |20 |30 | |

|As dry land≤ |15 |40 |30 |25 |40 | |

|Zn≤ |100 |200 |250 |300 |500 | |

|Pb≤ |35 |250 |300 |350 |500 | |

|Cr paddy field≤ |90 |250 |300 |350 |400 | |

|Cr dry land≤ |90 |150 |200 |250 |300 | |

|Ni |40 |40 |50 |60 |200 | |

Table 2.7-6 Control standards for pollution in sludges from agricultural use Unit: mg/kg

|Items |Maximum content |

| |In acid soil (pH<6.5) |In neutral or alkaline soil (pH≥6.5) |

|Cd and its compound (Count by Cd)|5 |20 |

|Hg and its compound (Count by Hg)|5 |15 |

|Pb and its compound (Count by Pb)|300 |1000 |

|Cr and its compound (Count by Cr)|600 |1000 |

|As and its compound (Count by As)|75 |75 |

|B and its compound (Count by B) |150 |150 |

|Mineral oil |3000 |3000 |

|Benzo a-pyrene |3 |3 |

|Cu and its compound (Count by Cu)|250 |500 |

|Zn and its compound (Count by Zn)|500 |1000 |

|Ni and its compound (Count by Ni)|100 |200 |

Table 2.7-7 Interim Standard of Soil Quality Assessment for Exhibition Sites Unit: mg/kg

|No. | Level |A-level standard |B-level standard |

| |Items | | |

| | | | |

|1 |Sb |12 |82 |

|2 |As |20 |80 |

|3 |Be |16 |410 |

|4 |Cd |1 |22 |

|5 |Cr |190 |610 |

|6 |Cu |63 |600 |

|7 |Pb |140 |600 |

|8 |Ni |50 |2400 |

|9 |Se |39 |1000 |

|10 |Ag |39 |1000 |

|11 |TI |2 |14 |

|12 |Zn |200 |1500 |

|13 |Hg |1.5 |50 |

|14 |Total cyanide |0.9 |8 |

Table 2.7-9 Control Standards in Disposal of Sludge from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant—Quality of Sludge Used in Forestland Unit: mg/kg

|No. |Control items |Limit |

| | | |

|1 |pH |5.5~8.5 |

|2 |Moisture content/% |≤60 |

|3 |Partical size/mm |≤10 |

|4 |Impurities*/% |≤5 |

|5 |Organic matter (g/kg) |≥180 |

|6 |Content of N+P2O5+K2O (g/kg) |≥25 |

|7 |Mortality of ascarid egg/% |≥95 |

|8 |Value of fecal coliform |≥0.01 |

|9 |Total cadmium (mg/kg) |<20 |

|10 |Total mercury (mg/kg) |<15 |

|11 |Total lead (mg/kg) |<1000 |

|12 |Total chromium (mg/kg) |<1000 |

|13 |Total arsenic (mg/kg) |<75 |

|14 |Total nickel (mg/kg) |<200 |

|15 |Total zinc (mg/kg) |<3000 |

|16 |Total copper (mg/kg) |<1500 |

|17 |Mineral oil (mg/kg) |<3000 |

|18 |Benzpyrene (mg/kg) |<3 |

|19 |PAHs (mg/kg) |<6 |

* Impurities include metal, glass, ceramic, plastic, rubber, tile, etc.

2.7.2 Pollutants Emission Standards

(1) Air Pollutants Emission Standards: Air pollutants implement non-organized emission limit in Table 2 of Integrated Emission Standard for Air Pollutants(GB16297-1996) . The Odor from dredging emission implements new reconstructing and expanding project of Class 2 of Emission Standard for Odor Pollutants(GB14544-93) . The automobile exhaust implements Limits and Measurement Methods for Emissions from Automotive Compression Ignition and Gas Ignition Engines and Automobiles (Ⅲ. Ⅳ. Ⅴ)(GB17691-2005). Limits and Measurement Methods for Emissions from Light-duty Vehicles (Ⅲ, Ⅳ)(GB18352.3-2005) , Details are shown in Table 2.7-6;

(2) Wastewater and Pollutants Emission Standards: The construction of river relies on the Sewage pipe network of industrial area and inhabitants, sanitary sewage is pretreated by septic-tank and then take over to sewage treatment plant. The sanitary sewage of Liannong River, Zhaoming open canal in construction period is pretreated by septic-tank and then take over to Cihu Sewage Treatment Plant, the emission should reach the First-level A Standard of Emission Standard for Wastewater in Town(GB18918-2002) and then discharge to Cihu River. The sanitary sewage of the upstream of Xiaohezha River and South Tianran River in construction period is pretreated by septic-tank and then take over to Wangjiashan Sewage Treatment Plant, the emission should reach the First-level B Standard of Emission Standard for Wastewater in Town(GB18918-2002) , and then discharge to Cihu River. The sanitary sewage of the upstream of Yang River , Wumushan River in construction period is pretreated by septic-tank and then take over to East New Area Sewage Treatment Plant, the emission should reach the First-level A Standard of Emission Standard for Wastewater in Town(GB18918-2002) , and then discharge to Cihu River. Details are shown in Table 2.7-7~2.7-8;

(3) Noise Emission Standards: The noise from Boundary Emission implements Emission Standard of Noise for Boundary of Construction site(GB12523-2011) . Details are shown in Table 2.7-9;

(4) Solid waste: The temporary location of general solid waste and hazardous solid waste implements Pollution Control Standard of General Industrial Solid Waste Storage and Disposal Location (GB18599-2001), Pollution Control Standard of Hazardous Waste Storage (GB18597-2001) and related requirements of Notice of 3 Modification List of National Pollutant Control Standard about the Publishing of Standard of General Industrial Solid Waste Storage and Disposal Location Control (GB18599- 2001).

Table 2.7-6 Air Pollutants Emission Standards

| Standard |Executive |Monitoring concentration limit of non-organized |Subproject |

|Pollutant |Standard |emission | |

| | |Monitoring point |Concentration(mg/m3) | |

|Particulate |Integrated Emission |The highest point Around |1.0 |All |

| |Standard for Air |the Project border | | |

| |Pollutants(GB16297-1996) | | | |

|NOx | | |0.12 | |

|NMHC | | |4.0 | |

|Benzoapyrene | | |0.008 µg/m3 |Subproject of |

| | | | |drainage system |

| | | | |improvement project |

| Asphalt Smoke | |Obvious non-organized emission of machine is not| |

| | |allowed | |

|NH3 |Emission Standard for Odor |The highest point around |1.5 |Subproject of water |

| |Pollutants(GB14544-93) |the Project border | |system renovation |

| | | | |project |

|H2S | | |0.06 | |

Table 2.7-7 Water Emission Standards during Construction Period Unit: mg/L

|Item |Takeover Standard |Tail Water Emission |Tail Water Emission Standards of |Tail Water Emission |

| | |Standards of Cihu Sewage |Wangjiashan Sewage Treatment |Standards of East New Area |

| | |Treatment Plant |Plant |Sewage Treatment Plant |

|COD |500 |50 |60 |50 |

|SS |400 |10 |20 |10 |

|NH4 |45 |5 |8 |5 |

|phosphate(by P)|8 |0.5 |1 |0.5 |

|animal and |100 |1 |3 |1 |

|vegetable oils | | | | |

|petroleum |20 |1 |3 |1 |

|Standard |Three-level standard|First-level A Standard of |First-level B |First-level A Standard of |

| |of Table 4 in |Emission Standard for |Standard of |Emission Standard for |

| |Integrated Emission |Wastewater in Towns |Emission Standard for Wastewater |Wastewater in Towns |

| |Standard for |(GB18918-2002) |in Towns |(GB18918-2002) |

| |Wastewater | |(GB18918-2002) | |

| |(GB8978-1996) , | | | |

| |Table 1 in Standard | | | |

| |for Sewer System in| | | |

| |Towns | | | |

| |(GB/T31962-2015) | | | |

Table 2.7-8 Recycling Water Emission Quality during Construction Period Unit: mg/L

|No. |Factors |Toilet Flushing |Road Cleaning |Greening |Car Cleaning |Construction |

|1 |pH |6~9(dimensionless) |

|2 |BOD5≤ |10 |15 |20 |10 |15 |

|3 |NH4≤ |10 |10 |20 |10 |20 |

|4 |total dissolved solids≤ |1500 |1500 |1000 |1000 |/ |

|5 |Anionic surfactant≤ |1.0 |1.0 |1.0 |0.5 |1.0 |

Table 2.7-9 Environment Noise for Boundary Emission Standards Unit: dB(A)

|Period |Factors |Standard |Executive |

| | | |Standard |

|Construction* |Daytime |≤70 |Environment Noise for Boundary of Construction |

| | | |site(GB12523-2011) |

| |Night |≤55 | |

Attention *: The surpassed night noise limit shall be less than 15dB (A) during construction.

2.8 Scope of environmental assessment (EA)

The scope of environmental assessment is shown in table 2.8-1and table 2.8-2.

Table 2.8-1 EA Scope for Subprojects of Newly-built and Reconstructive Drainage and Ancillary Road Facilities

|Item |Assessment Range |

|Ambient air |200 meters distance to the road center line and Pipe Network.200 meters distance to Construction site. |

|Surface water |200 meters distance to the road center line and Pipe Network.1000 meters distance to the upstream and |

| |downstream of the bridge. |

|Acoustic |200 meters distance to the road center line and Pipe Network.200 meters distance to Construction site. |

|environment | |

|Ecological |1000 meters distance to the upstream and downstream of the bridge. 300 meters distance to the road center|

|environment |line and Pipe Network.300 meters distance to Construction site. |

|Risk |200 meters distance to the road center line.1000 meters distance to the upstream and downstream of the |

| |bridge. |

|Groundwater |Environmental impact assessment for Groundwater (HJ 610-2016), Class Ⅳ. |

|Sedimentation |200 meters distance to Construction site. |

Table 2.8-2 EA Scope for Rehabilitation of Cihu River Tributaries

|Item |Assessment range |

|Ambient air |200 meters distance to Construction site. 200 meters distance to the river. |

|Surface water |Liannong River system in construction area; Zhaoming open canal; Xiaohezha River system; South |

| |Tianran River; Wumutang river system; Yang River system. |

|Acoustic environment |200 meters distance to Construction site. 200 meters distance to the watercourse. |

|Ecological environment |The river and 100 meters on both sides.100 meters distance to temporary treatment station for |

| |sediment. |

|Groundwater |According to Environmental Impact Assessment for Groundwater (HJ 610-2016), the project is Class |

| |Ⅳ and has no need for assessment. |

|Sedimentation |100 meters distance to temporary treatment station for sediment. |

EA is carried out mainly based on 2 periods- construction period and operation period.

2.9 Environment sensitive points (Environmental protection target)

The environmental sensitive points around the project see table 2.9-1.

Table 2.9-1 Environmental Sensitive Points and Protection Targets

|No. |

|Chart 3.3-1 Ma'anshan City Cihu River |

Table 3.3-1 list of the engineering qualities

|No. |Name |Specification |unit |amount |The scope of construction |

|Component1 |the new and reconstruction of drainage pipe network |/ |km |41.98 | |

| |and Ancillary road of the upstream of Cihu River | | | | |

| |tributary | | | | |

|1.1 |the new and reconstruction of drainage pipe network |/ |km |30.92 | |

| |and ancillary road | | | | |

|1.1.1 |Rain and sewage pipe network rehabilitation in |Rain pipe: reinforced concrete pipe, |km |28 |Construction of rain and sewage pipe network and ancillary roads |

| |Zhongxin District, Xiangshan Town |diameter≤800mm | | |Xiangpu Road to the east, railway to the south, East part of Huan Road to |

| | |Sewage pipe: reinforced concrete drainage pipe, | | |the west and the enclosed area exceeds the north of 131 provincial |

| | |diameter>800mm | | |highway. The total area is 534ha and pipe network is 28km long. |

|1.1.2 |Rain and sewage pipe network rehabilitation in |Rain pipe: reinforced concrete pipe, | |1.78 |Rain and sewage pipe network rehabilitation of a branch of Industrial Park|

| |Xiangshan Industrial Park |diameter≤800mm |km | | |

| | |Sewage pipe: reinforced concrete pipe, | | | |

| | |diameter>800mm | | | |

|1.1.3 |A new construction of Xiangyang Road and drainage |Urban secondary road, road red line width 30m | |1.14 |The start of the newly-built Xiangyag Road is Maxiang Road, terminal point|

| |facilities (Maxiang Road——crossing of Jinma |Rain pipe: diameter d400-d800 and d1200-d2000 |km | |is the crossing of Jinma Community. It is 1.14km long and the road line is|

| |Community) | | | |30m wide. It includes drainage and ancillary road facilities. |

|1.2 |the new and reconstruction of drainage pipe network | |km |6.48 | |

| |and Ancillary road of the upstream of Middle Cihu | | | | |

| |river tributary | | | | |

|1.2.1 |A new construction of Mudanjiang Road and drainage |Urban trunk road, road red line width 40m |km |1.29 |Construction of rain and sewage pipe network and ancillary roads |

| |facilities (Hongdong Road——Huashan Road) |Rain pipe: reinforced concrete pipe, diameter | | |The newly-built road is 1.29km long, 40m wide and includes drainage |

| | |d400-d1800, box culvert 4m*2m | | |facilities and ancillary road project. |

| | |Sewage pipe: reinforced concrete pipe d400-d500 | | | |

|1.2.2 |A new construction of Yuxiu road and drainage |Urban secondary road, road red line width 30m |km |0.3 |The newly-built road is 0.3km long, 30m wide and includes drainage |

| |facilities(Hongdong Road——Huashan Road) |Rain pipe: reinforced concrete pipe, diameter | | |facilities and ancillary road project. |

| | |d400-d800, d1000-d1200, box culvert with two | | | |

| | |holes, 4m*2m; sewage pipe: d400 | | | |

|1.2.3 |A new construction of Jinxiu road and drainage |Urban secondary road, road red line width 20m |km |0.53 |The newly-built road is 0.53km long, 20m wide and includes drainage |

| |facilities(Xiufengyiqiao——Wudangangyigou) |Rain pipe: reinforced concrete pipe d400-d1500 | | |facilities and ancillary road project. |

| | |Sewage pipe: reinforced concrete pipe d300 | | | |

|1.2.4 |A new construction of Huashan road and drainage |Urban trunk road, road red line width 40m |km |0.46 |The newly-built drainage facilities and ancillary road from Mudanjiang |

| |facilities |Rain pipe: d400-d600 | | |Road to Shanghu River |

|1.2.5 |A new construction of Hongdong road and drainage |City slip road, road red line width 24m |km |0.99 |The newly-built drainage facilities and ancillary road from Mudanjiang |

| |facilities |Rain pipe: reinforced concrete d400-d1500 | | |Road to Lyvyou Road |

| | |Sewage pipe: reinforced concrete d300 | | | |

|1.2.6 |A new construction of Yujia road and drainage |Urban secondary road, road red line width 30m |km |2.91 |The newly-built drainage facilities and ancillary road from Mudanjiang |

| |facilities |Rain pipe: reinforced concrete d600-d800 | | |Road to East Hunan Road |

| | |Sewage pipe: reinforced concrete d400 | | | |

|1.3 |Lower Cihu river tributary | |km |4.58 | |

|1.3.1 |Lianhe Road (Cihuheqiao——Wansu Road) |Rain pipe: reinforced concrete diameter |km |2.26 |Transform the existing drainage system into rain and sewage diversion |

| | |d400-d1000,d2000 | | |system and restore road. |

| | |Sewage pipe: reinforced concrete d400-d1000 | | | |

|1.3.2 |Zhongxiang Avenue (Taizi Road——Lianhe Road) |Rain pipe: reinforced concrete |km |1.25 |Transform the existing drainage system into rain and sewage diversion |

| | |d600-d800,d600-d2000, B*H=3*2m box culvert with | | |system and restore road. |

| | |two holes connected | | | |

| | |Sewage pipe: reinforced concrete d400-d1000 | | | |

|1.3.3 |Yanjiang Avenue (Hailuo Avenue——Taizi Road) |Rain pipe: reinforced concrete d600-d600 |km |0.2 |Transform the existing drainage system into rain and sewage diversion |

| | |Sewage pipe: reinforced concrete d400 | | |system and restore road. |

|1.3.4 | Hailuo Avenue (West Lianhe Road——Ynajiang Avenue) |Rain pipe: reinforced concrete d600-d1800 |km |0.87 |Transform the existing drainage system into rain and sewage diversion |

| | |Sewage pipe: reinforced concrete d400 | | |system and restore road. |

|Component2 |The recovery projects of Cihu River tributary | |km |16.22 | |

|2.1 |The recovery projects of upper Cihu River tributary | |km |2.3 | |

|2.1.1 |Yang River tributary (Xiangpu Road——Taishan Avenue) |Design flood level: 15.19-16.86 |km |2.3 |River dredging, Slope restoration, Revetment rehabilitation of upper |

| | |Design embankment top elevation: 16.46-17.19, | | |river |

| | |17.23-20.00 | | | |

|2.2 |The recovery projects of Middle Cihu River tributary | |km |8.88 | |

|2.2.1 |Wumushan River tributary (Wumushan River stream, |Design flood level: 11.42-13.22, |km |7.48 |River dredging, Slope protection, Box culvert, Greening and so on |

| |Heibai Pond tributary, Zhenbei tributary) |Design embankment top elevation:13.66-15.12, | | | |

| | |15.77-18.20, 18.99-19.20 | | | |

| | |12.12-13.92, 14.36-15.82, 16.47-18.90,19.69-19.90 | | | |

|2.2.2 |Upper Xiaohezha River(Geyang Road——Henggou, Xindu |Design flood level :5.47-7.28 |km |1.4 |Box culvert dredging, Bank slope rehabilitation, Greening and so on |

| |Community) |Design embankment top elevation: 8.53-8.83 | | | |

|2.3 |The recovery projects of Lower Cihu River tributary | |km |5.04 | |

|2.3.1 |Zhaoming open canal (Huagong Road—— Zhaoming Pump |Design flood level :5.30-7.02 |km |1.34 |Open channel widening and deepening transformation, Transformation of |

| |Station Forebay) |Design embankment top elevation: 6.75-10.70 | | |Overpass Bridge, River dredging |

|2.3.2 |South Tianran River (Linli Road——Cihuhe Road) |Design flood level :5.50-7.30 |km |1.6 |River dredging, Slope restoration, Revetment rehabilitation, Water system |

| | |Design embankment top elevation: 6.64-12.19 | | |connectivity |

|2.3.3 |Liannong River (Secondary Power Station——Liannong |Design flood level :4.5-3.82 |km |2.1 |Open channel widening, Water system connectivity, Revetment |

| |Pump Station Forebay) |Design embankment top elevation: 5.60-6.30 | | |rehabilitation, Water quality improvement, Greening |

3.4 Impact of immigration

According to the ‘Resettlement Scheme of Project of Water Environment Improvement of Ma'anshan Cihu River Basin compiled by the immigrations center, Three Gorges University, the project impacting scope includes 13 villages (residential committee), such as, Huashan district, Xiushan district, Xiangshan Town, and Cihu High - tech Zone, with 85 households and 494 persons. The project needs to demolish building 26300 square meters. The 15 subprojects involving immigration, including 14 subprojects involving land compensation. The subproject involving 6 road needing permanently requisition 353 mu collective lands, with 38 mu homestead, and the rest is cultivated land. Other subprojects involve temporary occupied land 640 mu in total.

The detail sees below Table 3.4-1.

Table 3.4-1 Demolition area

|No. |Project Name |The Involved Village Committee |

|1 |Yang River Tributary Comprehensive | Huashan District Suli Village; Xiangshan Town Xiangshan Village. Dutang |

| |Treatment |Village |

|2 |Xiangyang Road Drainage Facilities |Xiangshan Town Xiangshan Village |

| |Improvement | |

|3 |Mudanjiang Road Drainage Facilities | Huashan District Shanghu Village |

| |Improvement | |

|4 |Yuxiu Road Drainage Facilities |Huashan District Shanghu Village |

| |Improvement | |

|5 |Huashan Road Drainage Facilities |Huashan District Shanghu Village |

| |Improvement | |

|6 |Hongdong Road Drainage Facilities |Huashan District Shanghu Village |

| |Improvement | |

|7 |Yujia Road Drainage Facilities |Xiushan District Zhangzhuang Village, Huoli Village |

| |Improvement | |

|8 |Wumushan River Tributary | Chikou Village |

|9 |Wumushan River Mainstream |  Chikou Village. Fengshou Village. Huoli Village. Zhangzhuang Village |

|10 |Heibai Pond River Tributary |Zhangzhuang Village |

|11 |Zhenbei River Tributary |Huoli Village. Zhangzhuang Village |

|12 |Upper Xiaohezha River | Huashan District Tuanjie Village. Gaohu Village |

|23 |Zhaoming Open Channel |Cihu High - tech Zone Zhaoming Village |

|14 |South Tianran River |Cihu High - tech Zone Linli Village |

|15 |Liannong River Ditch |Cihu High - tech Zone Liannong Village |

Table 3.4-2 Immigration impacts of the project

|Name |Unit |Tributary water system |The Drainage pipe |Total |

| | |repair project |network and Ancillary | |

| | | |road | |

|Permanently acquired land |Mu |/ |353 |353 |

|Temporary land acquisition |Mu |640 |640 |

|Directly affected population |Household |85 |85 |

| |Person |494 |494 |

4 Analysis of State of Environmental Quality

4.1 The monitoring and assessment of present atmospheric environment conditions

4.1.1 Present condition monitoring

(1) Setting up of the monitoring points

Six air monitoring points were set up within the evaluating scope in consideration of the characteristics of wind frequency, positions of the key protection targets, kinds and traits of the exhausts and the recent work of environmental monitoring in this project. For details see Table 4.1-1.

(2) Monitoring items

Monitoring items include SO2, NO2, TSP, PM10.

Table 4.1-1 The arrangement of Atmospheric environment monitoring points and monitoring factors

|No. |Name of the monitoring points |Direction |Center |Function |Monitoring factors |

| | | |distance(m) | | |

|G1 |Ma’anshan No.4 middle school |North |Immediate |Residence |SO2. NO2. TSP. PM10 |

| | | |vicinity | | |

|G2 |Nanshan primary school |South |Immediate |Residence | |

| | | |vicinity | | |

|G3 |Weiruijia Village |Northeast |Immediate |Residence | |

| | | |vicinity | | |

|G4 |Wangjiadian Village |East |Immediate |Residence | |

| | | |vicinity | | |

|G5 |Nanfangjiayuan Community |West |Immediate |Residence | |

| | | |vicinity | | |

|G6 | Laijiazui of Zhaoming Village |East |Immediate |Residence | |

| | | |vicinity | | |

During the current atmospheric environment quality monitoring, six atmospheric sampling stations in total were set up homogeneously within the evaluating scope of 2.5km, taking the distribution of sensitive points along the bank of Cihu River, the functional zoning of atmospheric environment, the grid method and the predominant wind direction into account. The positions of monitoring points are reasonable.

(3) Monitoring frequency and time period

The monitoring time period for each monitoring point was from August 10th to 16th, 2016.

The hourly concentrations of SO2, NO2, TSP and PM10 at 02 a.m., 08a.m., 14 p.m. and 20 p.m. local time were sampled respectively every day and the monitoring lasted a week. Conventional meteorological elements like wind direction, wind speed, air pressure and temperature were also recorded during sampling. The arrangement of monitoring time and the position choosing of four monitoring points — which were at 0, 90,180, 270 degrees from the project area respectively — were on the basis of Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment—Atmospheric Environment (HJ2.2-2008), and the sampling methods were on the basis of Technical Guidelines for Manual Methods for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring (HJ/T194-2005). Samples collected from the monitoring points in a particular period were analysized and treated by using analytical instruments in laboratory.

The measured data of meteorological parameter is shown in Table 4.1-2.

Table 4.1-2 Measured data of meteorological parameter

|Date |Weather |Temperature(℃) |Air pressure(kPa) |Wind direction |Wind speed(m/s) |

|August 10th |Cloudy becoming |28.2~35.1 |100.8~100.9 |East |1.7~2.3 |

| |fine | | | | |

|August 11th |Cloudy |27.8~36.0 |100.8~101.0 |East |1.8~2.7 |

|August 12th |Cloudy becoming |27.9~35.3 |100.7~100.9 |East |1.3~2.5 |

| |fine | | | | |

|August 13th |Clear day |28.6~35.7 |100.7~101.0 |East |1.5~2.3 |

|August 14th |Clear day |27.8~36.5 |100.7~100.9 |East |1.3~2.4 |

|August 15th |Clear to overcast |28.3~36.9 |100.7~100.9 |Northeast |1.7~2.6 |

|August 16th |Cloudy becoming |28.7~35.8 |100.8~101.0 |East |1.3~2.1 |

| |fine | | | | |

4.1.2 Evaluation results analysis and assessment

For the monitoring results of SO2, NO2, TSP and PM10, see Table 4.1-3.

Table 4.1-3 Atmospheric environmental monitoring results summary sheet Unit: µg/m3

|Monitoring point |Hourly |Daily concentration|Mean concentration |Exceeding standard |Maximum times ultra|

| |concentration range|range | |rate(%) |standard |

|SO2 |G1 |9.26~14.8 |11.2~12.1 |12.5 |0 |/ |

| |G2 |13.9~17.2 |12.2~14.8 |15.2 |0 |/ |

| |G3 |16.1~18.0 |14.8~17.1 |17.0 |0 |/ |

| |G4 |15.2~19.0 |15.7~18.0 |17.5 |0 |/ |

| |G5 |15.5~20.7 |15.3~17.5 |17.5 |0 |/ |

| |G6 |15.3~18.4 |15.3~17.6 |17.1 |0 |/ |

|NO2 |G1 |26.7~31.5 |27.8~29.8 |29.0 |0 |/ |

| |G2 |28.3~33.3 |28.0~30.1 |30.1 |0 |/ |

| |G3 |30.5~36.0 |30.2~34.0 |33.4 |0 |/ |

| |G4 |31.7~40.0 |32.1~34.7 |34.7 |0 |/ |

| |G5 |29.2~42.9 |32.1~35.4 |34.7 |0 |/ |

| |G6 |30.4~35.3 |31.4~33.2 |32.7 |0 |/ |

|TSP |G1 |/ |143~188 |166 |0 |/ |

| |G2 |/ |161~202 |178 |0 |/ |

| |G3 |/ |168~212 |185 |0 |/ |

| |G4 |/ |141~212 |193 |0 |/ |

| |G5 |/ |169~212 |186 |0 |/ |

| |G6 |/ |173~215 |186 |0 |/ |

|PM10 |G1 |/ |68.8~89.8 |80.6 |0 |/ |

| |G2 |/ |78.9~97.7 |86.4 |0 |/ |

| |G3 |/ |81.1~102 |90.0 |0 |/ |

| |G4 |/ |68.8~106 |94.3 |0 |/ |

| |G5 |/ |82~102 |90.6 |0 |/ |

| |G6 |/ |84.4~103 |90.7 |0 |/ |

4.1.3 Atmospheric environment situations assessment

(1) Evaluation factors

Evaluation factors include SO2, NO2, TSP and PM10.

(2) Evaluation methods

Atmospheric environment situations were evaluated by single factor index method. The formula is as follows:


In the formula:

Iij represents the standard index of pollutant i at point j.

Csj represents the mean monitoring concentration of pollutant i (mg/m3) at point j.

Csj represents the evaluation standard of pollutant i (mg/m3).

(3) Evaluation standards

Class II standard of Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-2012) was executed as the standard for the concentration of SO2, NO2, TSP and PM10.

(4) Evaluation results

The Iij value of each pollutant collected from the monitoring points was shown in Table 4.1-4.

Table 4.1-4 The Iij values of the pollutant items from all monitoring points

| No. |G1 |G2 |G3 |G4 |G5 |G6 |Standard concentration(mg/m3) |

|Item | | | | | | | |

|SO2 |0.02 |0.03 |0.03 |0.04 |0.04 |0.03 |0.5(Hourly) |

|NO2 |0.14 |0.15 |0.17 |0.17 |0.17 |0.16 |0.2(Hourly) |

|TSP |0.55 |0.59 |0.62 |0.64 |0.62 |0.62 |0.3(Daily mean) |

|PM10 |0.54 |0.58 |0.60 |0.63 |0.60 |0.60 |0.15(Daily mean) |

As demonstrated in Table 4.1-4 above, the Iij value of each pollutant at the monitoring points was smaller than 1, which indicated that the intra-regional air quality in this project met the requirement of Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-2012) and other corresponding criteria.

4.2 The monitoring and assessment of present surface water environment conditions

4.2.1 Present condition monitoring

(1) Monitoring items

Monitoring items include water temperature, pH value, DO, COD, BOD, NH3-N, TP, TN, volatile phenols, cyanide, Cr (VI), fluoride, oil pollutant, anionic surfactant, sulfide, fecal coli form, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn and Cd.

(2) Monitoring sections and monitoring points arrangement

Thirteen air monitoring points were set up within the evaluating scope in consideration of the conventional monitoring items of surface water environment and the traits of pollution discharge. For all monitoring items and positions of the monitoring sections, see Table 4.2-1.

Table 4.2-1 The arrangement of monitoring sections and monitoring items

|No. |Name of the monitoring sections |

|W1 |2-1# |The middle and upper reaches of Cihu River |Anhui University of Technology|

|W2 | | |Cihu No.1 primary School |

|W3 |2-2# |The lower reaches of Cihu River |Beihuan Road and Bridge |

|W4 |2-3# |Yang River Tributary(40m south of Ma'anshan No.4 People's Hospital) |

|W5 |2-4# |Zhenbei Tributary hydrographic net(20m south of Yanshan Road Liyuan gasoline |

| | |station) |

|W6 |2-5# |The main stream of Wumushan River (200m south of Huoli Village) |

|W7 |2-6# |Heibai Pond and Heibai Pond Tributary(East of the confluence of Heibai Pond and |

| | |Yanshan Road) |

|W8 |2-7# |Wumushan River Tributary(Near Chenqian) |

|W9 |2-8# |The upper reaches of Xiaohezha(10m East of Tuanjie new residential quarters on |

| | |Yinxing Road) |

|W10 |2-9# |Tianran River (5m north of Jindingxuan Business Hotel) |

|W11 |2-10# |Liannong hydrographic net(West of Hongxing Materials Inc.) |

|W12 |2-11# |Zhaoming Open Channel(Anhui Fengyuan Ma’anshan biochemical co., LTD) |

|W13 |2-12# |The confluence of Shanghu River and Huashan Road |

(3) Monitoring frequency and time period

The monitoring time period was from August 11th to 13th, 2016. The monitoring lasted 3 days and the samples were collected twice a day along with the hydrological parameters including water direction, flux, width, depth and speed.

(4) Monitoring and analysis methods

The position arrangement of all the sampling sections in the project was based on Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment—Surface Water Environment (HJ/T2.3-1995). All sampling sections were placed in positions where the hydrological characteristics of the water region changed (such as the confluence). The sampling method was carried out according to Technical Specifications Requirements for Monitoring of Surface Water and Waste Water (HJ/T91-2002).

4.2.2 Surface water environment situations assessment

(1) Evaluation methods

The standard index method, recommended by Technical guidelines for environmental impact assessment—Surface water environment (HJ/T2.3-1995), was used to calculate the values. The formulas are as follows:

The calculation method of single water quality parameter standard index is as follows.

Si = Ci / Cs

In the formula:

Si——The standard index of a water quality parameter.

Ci——The measured concentration of a water quality parameter (mg/L).

Cs——The evaluation standard of a water quality parameter (mg/L).

The calculation method of pH standard index is as follows:


In the formula: SpH,jj——The standard index of single water quality parameter.

pHj——The measured value of pH.

pHsd——The lower limit of pH (6) in the standard.

pHsu——The upper limit of pH (9) in the standard.

When the standard index of a water quality parameter comes out more than 1, it means the value of the water quality parameter exceeds the water quality standard.

(2) Evaluation standards

Class Ⅴ of Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB3838-2002) was executed as the evaluation standard.

(3) Evaluation results and analysis

For analysis results, see the tables below.

Table 4.2-2 The single factor index of surface water environment situations

|No. |pH |DO |COD |

| |Monitoring value|Standard |Monitoring value|Standard |Monitoring value|Standard |

|pH(non-dimensional) |7.54 |Class Ⅰ |7.21 |Class Ⅰ |7.79 |Class Ⅰ |

|NH3-N |0.129 |Class Ⅲ |0.113 |Class Ⅲ |0.145 |Class Ⅲ |

|nitrate(calculated by |5.71 |Class Ⅲ |6.53 |Class Ⅲ |6.49 |Class Ⅲ |

|nitrogen) | | | | | | |

|nitrite(calculated by |0.013 |Class Ⅲ |0.015 |Class Ⅲ |0.017 |Class Ⅲ |

|nitrogen) | | | | | | |

|volatile phenol |0.002L |Class Ⅲ |0.002L |Class Ⅲ |0.002L |Class Ⅲ |

|cyanide |0.002L |Class Ⅱ |0.002L |Class Ⅱ |0.002L |Class Ⅱ |

|Cr VI |0.004L |Class Ⅰ |0.004L |Class Ⅰ |0.004L |Class Ⅰ |

|total hardness |112 |Class Ⅰ |111 |Class Ⅰ |113 |Class Ⅰ |

|fluoride |0.515 |Class Ⅰ |0.515 |Class Ⅰ |0.492 |Class Ⅰ |

|TDS |234 |Class Ⅰ |202 |Class Ⅰ |210 |Class Ⅰ |

|permanganate index |1.8 |Class Ⅱ |1.82 |Class Ⅱ |1.86 |Class Ⅱ |

|As |4.83×10-3 |Class Ⅰ |4.95×10-3 |Class Ⅰ |3.40×10-3 |Class Ⅰ |

|Hg |2.15×10-4 |Class Ⅰ |3.55×10-4 |Class Ⅰ |2.71×10-4 |Class Ⅰ |

|Pb |0.01L |Class Ⅱ |0.01L |Class Ⅱ |0.01L |Class Ⅱ |

|Cd |0.001L |Class Ⅱ |0.001L |Class Ⅱ |0.001L |Class Ⅱ |

|Fe |0.237 |Class Ⅲ |0.285 |Class Ⅲ |0.293 |Class Ⅲ |

|Mn |0.007 |Class Ⅰ |0.006 |Class Ⅰ |0.007 |Class Ⅰ |

Comment: The not-detected data was marked with ‘detection limit + L’.

According to the standards above, the groundwater quality of monitoring points D1~3 was as follows: the concentrations of NH3-N, nitrate, nitrite, volatile phenol and Fe met the Class Ⅲ standard respectively, and those of cyanide, permanganate index, Pb and Cd met the Class Ⅱ standard respectively. The concentrations of the rest monitoring factors met the Class Ⅰ standard respectively.

The monitoring results of the eight kinds of ion were shown in Table 4.3-2.

Table 4.3-2 The monitoring results of the eight kinds of ion at all groundwater monitoring points Unit: mg/L

|No. |K+ |Na+ |Ca2+ |

|K+ |2.10 |0.05 |1.9 |

|Na+ |9.57 |0.42 |14.6 |

|Ca2+ |32.3 |1.62 |56.7 |

|Mg2+ |9.16 |0.76 |26.8 |

|CO32- |314.3 |10.48 |71.6 |

|HCO3- |114.4 |1.88 |13 |

|Cl- |56.7 |1.62 |11.1 |

|SO42- |20.1 |0.63 |4.3 |

4.4 The monitoring and assessment of present noise environment conditions

4.4.1 Present condition monitoring

(1) Arrangement of the monitoring points

Nine noise environment monitoring points were set up in accordance with the distribution of sensitive points along Cihu River by the combination of the grid method and the functional zoning method. The way of monitoring points arrangement mainly concerned about the residential area around or inside the region. The positions of noise environment situations monitoring points were shown in Table 4.4-1.

Table 4.4-1 Monitoring points and factors of present noise environment conditions

|No. |Name of the monitoring point |Comment |

|N1 |South of Yang River , Ma’anshan Xiangyang Primary School |Actual data |

|N2 |Beside Xiangyang Road, at the first line of buildings in Nanshan Primary School | |

|N3 |N3(1st floor) | On the 1st floor of the buildings in Jinma Community beside Xiangyang Road | |

| |N3(3rd floor) |On the 3rd floor of the buildings in Jinma Community beside Xiangyang Road | |

| |N3(5th floor) |On the 5th floor of the buildings in Jinma Community beside Xiangyang Road | |

|N4 |At the first line of buildings of Weiruijiadian Village beside Yushan Road | |

|N5 |At the first line of buildings in Ganheng Village beside Yushan Road | |

|N6 |At the first line of buildings in Wangjiadian Village, 85m away from the road | |

| |shoulder | |

|N7 |N7-1 |At the first line of buildings in Qianshanghu Village beside Mudanjiang Road | |

| |N7-2 |At the back line of buildings in Qianshanghu Village, 40m away from the road | |

| | |shoulder | |

|N8 |N8(1st floor) |On the 1st floor of the first-line buildings in Shanghujia Community, beside | |

| | |Hongdong Road and Jinxiu Road | |

| |N8(5th floor) |On the 5th floor of the first-line buildings in Shanghujia Community, beside | |

| | |Hongdong Road and Jinxiu Road | |

| |N8(11th floor) |On the 11th floor of the first-line buildings in Shanghujia Community, beside | |

| | |Hongdong Road and Jinxiu Road | |

| |N8(22nd floor) |On the 22nd floor of the first-line buildings in Shanghujia Community, beside | |

| | |Hongdong Road and Jinxiu Road | |

|N9 |Lyvzhoumingyuan Community, Upper Xiaohezha River | |

|N10 |N10-1 |At the first line of buildings in Laijiazui Village, beside Lianhe Road | |

| |N10-2 |At the back line of buildings in Laijiazui Village, 40m away from the road | |

| | |shoulder | |

|N11 |Cihu Marine Department | |

|N12(N12-1~ N12-5) |The noise attenuation sections in Hailuo Avenue (0m, 40m, 80m, 160m and 200m | |

| |away from the road shoulder),record the traffic flow of heavy, medium sized, | |

| |light vehicles | |

|N13(N13-1~ N13-5) |The noise attenuation sections in Yanjiang Avenue (0m, 40m, 80m, 160m and 200m | |

| |away from the road shoulder),record the traffic flow of heavy, medium sized, | |

| |light vehicles | |

|N14(N14-1~ N14-5) |The noise attenuation sections in Liantai west road (0m, 40m, 80m, 160m and 200m| |

| |away from the road shoulder),record the traffic flow of heavy, medium sized, | |

| |light vehicles | |

|N15(N15-1~ N14-5) |The noise attenuation sections in Zhongxiang Avenue (0m, 40m, 80m, 160m and 200m| |

| |away from the road shoulder),record the traffic flow of heavy, medium sized, | |

| |light vehicles | |

(2) Monitoring factor:

Equivalent continuous A sound level

(3) Monitoring frequency and time period

Monitoring time period was from August 11th to 12th, 2016. The monitoring lasted two days and was done in day and night respectively.

(4) Points arrangement and monitoring method

The arrangement of monitoring points conformed to

The monitoring method conformed to the 6 monitoring requirements of noise environment quality of the Quality Standard for Acoustic Environment (GB3096-2008). The microphone was set up at the height of 1.2m above ground, which met the requirement of environmental monitoring technical specifications.

4.4.2 Monitoring results analysis and assessment

(1) Evaluation method

Evaluate the regional environment quality by comparing monitoring results with the evaluation standards.

(2) Evaluation standards

Class 2 of Quality Standard for Acoustic Environment (GB3096-2008) was executed as the standard which stipulates that the standard value is 60dB (A) at day and 50dB (A) at night.

(3) Evaluation results

The monitoring results for noise environment quality were shown in Table 4.4-2.

Table 4.4-2 The monitoring results of noise environment quality Unit: dB (A)

|No. |Monitoring time |Day |Reach the standard |Night |Reach the standard |Standard value |

| | | |(Y/N) | |(Y/N) | |

| | | | | | |Day |Night |

|N1 |2016.8.11 |54.2 |Y |46.1 |Y |60 |50 |

|N2 | |53.7 |Y |47.4 |Y |60 |50 |

|N3 |N3(1st floor) | |49.2 |Y |42.6 |Y |60 |

|N5 | |48.4 |Y |45.7 |Y |60 |50 |

|N6 | |53.4 |Y |47.3 |Y |60 |50 |

|N7 |N7-1 | |51.4 |Y |45.5 |Y |60 |

|N10 |N10-1 | |55.4 |Y |46.6 |Y |60 |

|N12 |N12-1 | |59.6 |Y |

|M1 |Yang River Tributary (40m south of |W4 |pH, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, |Measured data |

| |Ma'anshan No.4 People's Hospital) | |Ni, Pb, Zn | |

|M2 |Cihu No.1 Primary School |M5 | | |

|M3 |Beihuan Road and Bridge |M6 | | |

|M4 |Wumushan main stream hydrographic |W7 | | |

| |net(200m south of Huoli Village) | | | |

|M5 |Heibai Pond and Heibai Pond |W8 | | |

| |Tributary, in the position of | | | |

| |Xiushan Garden District | | | |

|M6 |The upper reaches of Xiaohezha(10m |W9 | | |

| |east of Lyvzhoumingyuan) | | | |

|M7 |South Tianran River Tributary(5m |W10 | | |

| |north of Jindingxuan Business | | | |

| |Hotel) | | | |

|M8 |Liannong River(West of Hongxing |W11 | | |

| |Materials Inc.) | | | |

|M9 |Zhaoming Open Channel(Anhui |W12 | | |

| |Fengyuan Ma’anshan biochemical co.,| | | |

| |LTD) | | | |

(2) Monitoring factors

The monitoring factors of the collected sediment include pH, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn.

(3) Monitoring frequency and time period

The monitoring and sampling time was on August 11th, 2016 for one time.

(4) Points arrangement and monitoring method

The monitoring points set up in this project covered all the nine hydrographic nets, and the sampling depth of them was 2.6cm, 1.9 cm, 2.3 cm, 2.8 cm, 1.7 cm, 1.3 cm, 2.1 cm, 2.5 cm and 2.0 cm respectively. The monitoring method used in the project conforms to the relevant contents of Analytical Methods of Environmental Monitoring, Modern Analytical Methods of Soil Elements and China Environmental Monitoring Station of the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

4.5.2 Monitoring results analysis and assessment

(1) Evaluation standards and analysis method

Class 2 standard of Environmental Quality Standard for Soils (GB15618-1995) (hereinafter referred to as Standard) was used as the evaluation standard. The analysis method conforms to the selecting and matching analysis method of environmental quality standard for soils in section 5.2 table 2 of Standard.

(2) Evaluation results

Monitoring results of sediments were shown in Table 4.5-2.

Table 4.5-2 The monitoring data of sediments Unit: mg/kg, pH non-dimensional

|Sampling |Monitoring date|Items |

|position | | |

| | |pH |

| |Revetment renovation |River dredging |Broaden open|Dredging river |

| | | |channel | |

| | | | |Earth excavation |Backfill |Borrowed |Spoil |

| | | | | |soil |earthwork | |

|1 |Yang River Tributary |24117 |9044 |51249 |0 |0 |51249 |

| |restoration project | | | | | | |

|2 |Xiangyang Road drainage |0 |19272 |65718 |27174 |43362 |38544 |

| |facilities improvement | | | | | | |

| |project | | | | | | |

|3 |Rain and sewage pipe network |0 |0 |108443 |52930 |0 |55513 |

| |reconstruction in Central | | | | | | |

| |District, Xiangshan Town | | | | | | |

|4 |Rain and sewage pipe network |0 |0 |4590 |4268 |0 |322 |

| |reconstruction in Xiangshan | | | | | | |

| |Industrial Park | | | | | | |

|5 |Main stream of Wumushan River|12250 |18626 |186261 |10109 |0 |176152 |

| |Tributary rehabilitation | | | | | | |

| |project | | | | | | |

|6 |Zhengbei Tributary |33219 |15586 |81599 |5646 |0 |75952 |

| |rehabilitation project | | | | | | |

|7 |Heibai Pond River Tributary |10140 |6349 |29410 |5268 |0 |24142 |

| |rehabilitation project | | | | | | |

|8 |Yujia road drainage |0 |45169 |49773 |29374 |68539 |20399 |

| |facilities improvement | | | | | | |

| |project | | | | | | |

|9 |Mudanjiang road drainage |0 |26497 |31978 |15824 |36941 |16154 |

| |facilities improvement | | | | | | |

| |project | | | | | | |

|10 |Huashan road drainage |0 |0 |37999 |0 |21959 |37999 |

| |facilities improvement | | | | | | |

| |project | | | | | | |

|11 |Yuxiu road drainage |0 |3960 |18315 |7920 |11880 |10395 |

| |facilities improvement | | | | | | |

| |project | | | | | | |

|12 |Jinxiu road drainage |0 |4240 |23732 |10416 |15623 |13316 |

| |facilities improvement | | | | | | |

| |project | | | | | | |

|13 |Hongdong road drainage |0 |0 |47172 |0 |22071 |47172 |

| |facilities improvement | | | | | | |

| |project | | | | | | |

|14 |Upper Xiaohezha River |2340 |636 |3602 |0 |0 |3602 |

| |rehabilitation project | | | | | | |

|15 |South Tianran River |13725 |3409 |37323 |6380 |0 |30943 |

| |rehabilitation project | | | | | | |

|16 |Zhaoming Open Canal |6908 |5736 |32506 |6578 |0 |25928 |

| |rehabilitation project | | | | | | |

|17 |Liannong River rehabilitation|4202 |26350 |87834 |50872 |0 |36962 |

| |project | | | | | | |

|18 |Lianhe road drainage |0 |0 |34559 |0 |16251 |34559 |

| |facilities improvement | | | | | | |

| |project | | | | | | |

|19 |Zhongxiang Avenue drainage |0 |0 |66970 |0 |13970 |66970 |

| |facilities improvement | | | | | | |

| |project | | | | | | |

|20 |Yanjiang Avenue drainage |0 |0 |17355 |0 |8580 |17355 |

| |facilities improvement | | | | | | |

| |project | | | | | | |

|21 |Hailuo Avenue drainage |0 |0 |21924 |0 |10718 |21924 |

| |facilities improvement | | | | | | |

| |project | | | | | | |

|Total |106901 |184873 |1038311 |232759 |269894 |805552 |

Table 5.2-2 The quantity of sludge at different stages

|NO. |Name |Quantity (m3) |

|1 |Xiangshan Town, Yushan District |24117 |

|2 |Huashan District |2340 |

|3 |Xinmaxiutou |55609 |

|4 |Cigao District |24835 |

The total volume of earthwork generated by earth excavation, clean topsoil, dredging amount, backfilled soil and spoil is 1038311m3, 184873 m3, 106901m3, 232759m3 and 805552m3 respectively. Spoil is used in other construction engineering, and clean topsoil is delivered to Ma’anshan No.2 constructional waste disposal site, located at Zhongjianxi Village Group, Huoli Village, Huoli Town, Huashan District, whose planned storage capacity is 243000 m3. In consideration that there are 269894 m3 earthworks needed to be purchased, the transportation of 269894m3 spoil can be saved through the building of slope cutting along the dike and backfilling the roads after basked. The remaining 535658m3 spoil will be used in other construction engineering. The pile solid is no higher than 5m. Temporary occupied land is mainly other land insteading of basic farmland, without water area, residential area within 100m. DL-WD, watering and cover materials should be adopted to prevent the negative effects on nearby residents brought by noise and fugitive dust. Waste water generated in Construction sites is accessed to sewage treatment plant through the sewage pipe network nearby after the pretreatment. The Construction sites will be returned to farmlands and lawns after the construction period, which will bring little effect on ecological environment.

Table 5.2-3 Temporary spoil bank sites condition

|No. |Project name |Advised site |Planned spoil |Actual spoil |Covering area |

| | | |volume (m3) |volume (m3) |(m2) |

|1 |Xiangyang Road, Xiangshan Town|The open space east of Xiangyang |94379 |96000 |24000 |

| |Central District and |Road, south of Maxiang Road | | | |

| |Industrial Park pipe network | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|2 |Yujia Road |The open space east of Yujia Road, |20399 |24000 |6000 |

| | |west of Taishan Road | | | |

| | | | | | |

|3 |Mudanjiang Road, Hongdong |The open space south of Mudanjiang |125036 |104000 |26000 |

| |Road, Yuxiu Road, Jinxiu Road,|Road, west of Hongdong Road | | | |

| |Huashan Road | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|4 |Yanjiang Avenue, Hailuo |The triangular domain on the left |140808 |144000 |36000 |

| |Avenue, Lianhe Road, |bank of Zhaoming Open Channel | | | |

| |Zhongxiang Avenue |downstream, south of Lianhe Road and | | | |

| | |Cihu River | | | |

|5 |Total |380622 |368000 |92000 |

Attention: The planned spoil volume in temporary spoil bank sites is the quantity of temporary storage, not the actual spoil volume to be produced, as the spoil can be used in other construction as needed. Permission of Ma’anshan Land Department and Planning Department is acquired before the construction of temporary spoil bank sites.

Table 5.2.4 Arrangement of the constriction sites

|No. |Project name |Location |Covering area|Schematic plan |Land-use |Recovering |

| | | |(m2) | |situation |action |

|1 |Xiangyang Road,|The open space |26022 |[pic] |Temporary |Flat terrain, |

| |Xiangshan Town |at end of | | |land-use(No |farmlands |

| |central |Xiangyang Road, | | |occupation of |around. Cover |

| |District and |north of Maxiang| | |basic farmlands) |the ground |

| |Industrial Park|Road | | |. 105m away from |surface with |

| |pipe network | | | |Xiangyang |soil and return|

| | | | | |Village, 146m |it to farmlands|

| | | | | |away from Yang |by considering |

| | | | | |River . DL-WD, |the condition |

| | | | | |watering and dust|of farmland. |

| | | | | |control measures | |

| | | | | |are taken, slight| |

| | | | | |impact on it. | |

|2 |Yujia Road |The open space |9210 |[pic] |Temporary |Flat terrain, |

| | |east of Yujia | | |land-use(No |farmlands |

| | |Road, west of | | |occupation of |around. Cover |

| | |Taishan Road | | |basic farmlands) |the ground |

| | | | | |. 227m away from |surface with |

| | | | | |Xujianbian. |soil and return|

| | | | | |DL-WD, watering |it to farmlands|

| | | | | |and dust control |by considering |

| | | | | |measures are |the condition |

| | | | | |taken, slight |of farmland. |

| | | | | |impact on it. | |

|3 |Mudanjiang |The open space |33080 |[pic] |Temporary |Flat terrain, |

| |Road, Hongdong |south of | | |land-use(No |farmlands |

| |Road, Yuxiu |Mudanjiang Road | | |occupation of |around. Cover |

| |Road, Jinxiu | | | |basic farmlands).|the ground |

| |Road, Huashan | | | |233m away from |surface with |

| |Road | | | |Qianshanghu. |soil and return|

| | | | | |DL-WD watering |it to farmlands|

| | | | | |and dust control |by considering |

| | | | | |measures are |the condition |

| | | | | |taken, slight |of farmland. |

| | | | | |impact on it. | |

|4 |Yanjiang |The triangular |39756 |[pic] |Temporary |Flat terrain, |

| |Avenue, Hailuo |domain on the | | |land-use(No |enterprises |

| |Avenue, Lianhe |left bank of | | |occupation of |around. Return |

| |Road, |Zhaoming open | | |basic farmlands) |the area to |

| |Zhongxiang |channel | | |; No sensitive |lawn after the |

| |Avenue |downstream, | | |points within |construction |

| | |south of Lianhe | | |200m area. DL-WD,|period. |

| | |Road and Cihu | | |watering and dust| |

| | |River | | |control measures | |

| | | | | |are taken, slight| |

| | | | | |impact on it. | |

(2) Disposition of the dredging sludge

In accordance to the analysis of sludge monitoring results, the dredging sludge can be used to fertilize the greenbelt. After dewatered via mechanical integration, the volume of the sludge is 53000 m3 and shrank by half, which can be used to fertilize the greenbelt.

The branch of Cihu River will be dredged in the project and different methods are adopted according to different conditions of the open channels and culverts. Cofferdam method is adopted as the main method for the dredging of open channels in the dry season, and hydraulic dredging as the main method in flood season. Moreover, ooze suckers are used for the dredging of culverts and box culverts are dredged by manpower. The total volume of dredging sludge will be 106000 m3. The dredged sludge is transported in sludge pumps and airtight tank trucks to the inflow forebay of the sludge treatment stations. After the sandstone separator eliminating all large-grained SS and flotage, the sludge will be accessed to the inflow forebay for sedimentation treatment. After sedimentation treatment, the sludge will be poured into sludge thickener and its moisture content will drop to 85 to 90 percent after this procedure. Then curing agent will be added into the sludge before it flows into sludge-storage tank. Finally, the sludge will be risen and enter the filter press for dehydration. The dehydrated sludge will be halved in volume by 53000 m3, which will be used as fertilizer for greenbelts and street greening.

A lesson learned from previous project implementation is that sediments are possible to be detected with heavy metal concentration exceeding national soil quality standards during implementation (especially after dredging), though the EA process during preparation did not found any heavy metal concentration exceeding standards. Therefore, specialized monitoring of the heavy metal concentration in sediments before construction and before sediment drying during project implementation. And if the concentration values are found exceeding national quality standards, then an emergency treatment will be taken. For more details about the emergency treatment, see Annexed drawing 2 ‘Emergency treatment of heavy metals in sediment during project implementation’.

(3) Domestic refuse

The domestic refuse of the builders will be collected inside the Construction sites and then transported to the site designated by sanitation department for treatment.

5. Ecological environment impact

(1) Impact on land utilization

The land occupation of this project is divided into permanent occupation and temporary land-use. The land occupied by the main part of road construction will be turned into construction land throughout the entire construction and operating period. Temporary land-use includes sludge storage sites, temporary abandoned dreg sites, temporary Construction sites, etc, which will revert to its original appearance after the construction period. Mild contamination caused by provisional yard in construction period should be prevented in time, and the upper surface covered by gravel should be cleaned right after construction period. All temporary structures will be demolished by manpower and machines after construction period. Solid waste which cannot be treated by landfill will be sent to construction waste landfill sites. The ground will be leveled and returned to its original elevation after the demolition of all temporary structures. If the temporary land-use was farmlands, the ground hardened layer should be removed and backfilled with cultivation soil. If the temporary land-use was wasteland, the site should be returned to its original appearance after the demolition of all temporary structures and leveling the ground. If the temporary land-use was lawn, about 30cm of the surface layer should be removed, backfilled with clean topsoil and followed with site greening. Most of the temporary land-use can be recovered to its original function.

The land occupation of this project is consisted of permanent occupation (236000 m2) and temporary land-use (426667 m2). The land occupied by the project was mainly planned for highways, industries, residence, forests, channels, etc. In general, the land occupied by the project is strip-shaped along both sides of the river. Therefore, the area ratio of land occupied is low with a little affects in the total land area near the project site. So, the project construction will bring slight impact to land pattern. After the construction period, appropriate measures will be taken to return it to its original function gradually. Soil samples will be taken and tested from works sites prior to use to guide the restoration of the sites to their former condition. The land occupation in the construction engineering is limited and its impact on land resources is slight.

(2) Impact on vegetation

The woods damaged in the area of road construction are artificial forests, which are easy to be replanted and recovered. However, the damage of vegetation will lead to regional soil and water loss, tree felling and vegetation destruction should be kept to a minimum and recovered in pace with the destruction.

There is no nature reserve or endangered plants in the assessment area, so that road construction will not result in the reduction of vegetation species.

(3) Impact on animals

The animal species and quantities are small in the project region due to the frequent human activities. No large birds or mammals were found in this region, and the common wild animals here are murine, birds and amphibians & reptiles.

The land occupation during construction period reduces the living spaces of the mammals and amphibians and interdicts their movement area, habitat and foraging area. Birds will be frightened by the construction noise as well, which brought some impacts to their survival and reproduction. Human activities in the project region is frequent, as a result, the species here are ubiquitous animals and have strong viability and adaptive ability. Thus, the construction will not bring huge effect on these species.

In addition, the proposed projects of bridges on Hongdong Road and Huashan Road, which both stride over Shanghu River, will cause effects on aquatic animals during the construction of bridges and culverts. The discharge of untreated waste water may affect the water quality and bring further effects on the propagation of fishes and amphibians. Ill management of construction machineries and delivery vehicles may lead to leakage of the machine oil, which will also exert an influence on fishes and amphibians. The noise generated by underwater operation during bridge pier foundation construction may have an effect on the animals in local area, but the effect is limited.

(4) Analysis of the impact induced by Construction sites and temporary sludge storage on ecological environment

According to the data from construction units, the number of temporary sludge treatment stations is three in total. The construction units should take actions to recover the ecological environment of temporary land-use immediately after the construction period. The relevant measures in water and soil conservation scheme are preferred.

6. Social environment impact

The acreage of house demolition, collective land expropriation, temporary occupancy in the project are 26300 m2, 353 mu and 640 mu respectively. Compensation will be given to the affected populations according to Resettlement Plan of Water Environment Improvement of Ma'anshan Cihu River Basin to ensure the stable lives of the residents. Besides economic compensation, the damage caused by temporary occupancy in the construction period should be remedied by afforestation and returned to its original function as far as possible.

7. Cumulative impact

The construction period of this project will last more than two years, and is divided into sections and stages. Therefore, there is little interplay between subprojects and no cumulative impact in construction period.

(2) Operation period

1. Waste water

Waste water emerged during operation period mainly comes from road runoff generated by rainfall. Leakage of the machine oil from the vehicles, rubber particles from friction between tires and pavement and particles from vehicle exhausts and road dust may enter road runoff along with rainfall. New rainwater pipe networks will be built according to the plan in the project, the rainwater runoff will flow into rainwater pipe networks during operating period.

The leak of gasoline and engine oil may occur when malfunction and accidents happened. If these pollutants flow into the water nearby along with rainfall, the value of oil pollutants and COD will rise up. Traffic management measures should be taken to prevent this kind of accident.

2. Waste gas

The impact caused by the project on ambient air during operating period is due to vehicle exhaust which is mainly consisted of CO and NOx. With the progress of environment protection laws and regulations and automobile industry, vehicle exhaust will decrease.

3. Noise

The main source of noise during operating period is traffic, which is related to vehicle speed, traffic flow, pavement structure, terrain, etc. with the official operation of roads and the end of construction activities, the number of local light-duty vehicle will rise up and the noise level in sensitive points will drop.

4. Solid waste

There will be matters spilled out of the trucks, silt brought by tires and litter left by pedestrian during operating period in the project. The pavement should be cleaned at regular intervals and the collected solid waste should be stored up in certain position for further treatment by local sanitation departments.

5. Social environment

The benefit brought by the project after completion is not only the improvement of road network and regional drainage facility, which will enhance flood control capacity of the project area, but also the acceleration of regional economic development, improvement of the investment environment and people’s living standard.

6. Ecological environment

After the completion of the project, the ecological environment in the evaluation scope will not change a lot and the impact caused by construction activities will fade away. Permanent land occupation will change the type of land-use irreversibly in the evaluation scope during operating period, but the land utilization out of the permanent occupation area will not be affected. Watercourse and natural landscapes along the road will not change significantly, and the environmental impact mainly occurs in the limited area on both sides of the road. The water quality will be improved after watercourse restoration. In conclusion, the impact induced by the project on regional ecological environment is slight, and the water system restoration engineering is conductive to the improvement of Cihu River tributary ecological environment.

7. Environmental risk

The traffic accident of delivery vehicles with hazardous chemical substance will bring harm to human health and environment. We advise that the urban portion in the project should forbid the transport of hazardous chemical substance and warning mark should be set up at the intersections in case of environmental risk accidents. If the delivery vehicles with hazardous chemical substance need to pass the area, they should submit to the relevant departments for record in advance.

6 Environmental protection and mitigation measures

Environmental management procedures cover design, construction and operation periods.

Environmental impact mitigation measures include the general environmental impact mitigation measures during construction and operation periods, specific environmental impact mitigation measures during construction period (related to the sensitive points).

6.1 General environmental impact mitigation measures during construction and operation periods

The newly added project activities include two parts: (1) new construction and transformation of rainwater and sewage diversion drainage facilities and ancillary road constructions; and (2) rehabilitation of Cihu River tributaries. According to domestic laws and regulations, combined with the past experience in similar projects, and referring to the World Bank's General Environment, Health and Safety Guidelines and EHS Guidelines for Water and Sanitation, the general mitigation measures during construction (including pre-construction preparation) and operation periods are summarized in Tables 6.1-1, 6.1-2, 6.1-3 and 6.1-4 for the two groups of project activities.

Table 6.1-1 General Environmental Impact Mitigation Measures during construction and operation periods for above project activities (1)

|Time period |Environmental Slowdown Measures |Implement units |Supervision |Investment estimate |

| | | |units |(Million) |

|Design stage |Compare the alternatives and choose the best one to avoid potential negative impacts |Design unit |Municipal project office |—— |

| |during construction and operation period. The environmental protection facilities and | | | |

| |engineering facilities should be designed and constructed at the same time, and include | | | |

| |the cost of environmental protection measures in project investment estimates. | | | |

| |Balance the excavation and fill soil during the earthwork and do not set up extra spoil | | | |

| |ground. | | | |

| |When we select our road, we should occupy cultivated land as less as possible. If we need | | | |

| |to expand the temporary land, we should apply in accordance with the regulations of | | | |

| |Ma’anshan policy. | | | |

|Tender and bidding |EMP should be included in the tender documents. The EMP will be used to prepare tender |Municipal project office |Municipal project office |—— |

| |documents and be included in the tender documents following the updated Standard | | | |

| |Procurement Documents to ensure that the contractors have appropriate controls in place | | | |

| |and that the supervision organizations have clarity as to their roles and | | | |

| |responsibilities. | | | |

| |EMP should be included in the tender documents and contract of contractors and supervision| | | |

| |organizations. Bidders should provide the costs of the environmental protection measures | | | |

| |requested in the EMP in their bidding documents and confirm the name of the associated | | | |

| |projects as mentioned in EMP. | | | |

|Before construction |1. Confirm the scope of land occupation, and handle relevant procedures. The arrangement |Project owner, design unit, |Municipal project office, |20 |

| |of the pipeline construction along the road should follow the subsection construction |immigrant settlement plan |municipality land department, |(The cost of land |

| |principle. Full line excavation is prohibited. Inspect the Construction site before |compilation group, social |price bureau |requisition, house |

| |entering. For more details, see in Annex 2. |evaluation group | |demolition are included |

| |2. Disclose the information in time, such us construction plan, the statement of | | |in the settlement fees, |

| |environmental impact, road construction, temporary bus route. | | |the training fee is |

| |3. If the normal operation of public facilities (such as water pipe, electricity, | | |included in the |

| |telephone line and bus route) will be obstructed due to the construction, contractor | | |Environmental Management |

| |should inform the resident near the Construction site, bus station and affected area at | | |Scheme special training |

| |least five days in advance. | | |programme, but is not |

| |4. The land requisition office will be set up and the land requisition and resettlement | | |included in the |

| |plan will be drawn up. According to the national and local policies on land requisition | | |pre-construction |

| |and demolition, the land requisition compensation scheme will be strictly implemented. | | |environmental protection |

| |5. Optimized design: In the design of the project, minimize the size of land requisition | | |expense.) |

| |and demolition and use advanced environmental protection measures to prevent the | | | |

| |generation of secondary pollution induced by the project. | | | |

| |6. On the basis of consultations with the resident in the affected area, contractor should| | | |

| |ensure that the living standards of the residents should at least maintain the status quo | | | |

| |according to the relevant policy. | | | |

| |7. Shorten the duration when laying pipelines to reduce the impact on the surrounding | | | |

| |merchants and residents. Contractor can also give them some compensation if possible. | | | |

| |8. Try the best to accept all residential sewage within the construction area. | | | |

| |9. Taking into account the features that the developed water system and rich water reserve| | | |

| |in the project area, drainage construction should conform to local conditions to ensure | | | |

| |construction quality and service life. | | | |

| |10. Carry out participatory activities. | | | |

| |11. Carry out education and training about environmental knowledge and public health. | | | |

| |12. Institutional capacity building: It is proposed to strengthen the training of project | | | |

| |managers and constructors on the society and security aspects of the World Bank's projects| | | |

| |so as to better implement the project. | | | |

| |13. Set up the follow–up management mechanism of the project. | | | |

| |14. Draw up a monitoring plan for environmental quality of the project area, and the | | | |

| |environmental quality status of sediment, atmosphere, surface water and noise. | | | |

|Construction period | | | | |

|Atmospheric environment |Before the construction, develop the dust control measures and report it to the |Construction unit |Municipal project office, project|120 |

| |environmental protection department 15 days before the construction start. Take effective | |owner, municipal environmental | |

| |dust control measures to achieve the dust standard — ‘100% sand coverage in Construction | |protection bureau | |

| |site, 100% hardening of the site pavement, 100% of the leaving vehicle to wash the wheel, | | | |

| |100% sprinkling and removing the dust in the sites which demolish the houses’. | | | |

| |In the process of temporary storage and loading and unloading, the materials should be | | | |

| |shielded with tarpaulin. | | | |

| |Each Construction site should be equipped with a sprinkler and sprinkle the Construction | | | |

| |site 4 to 5 times a day. | | | |

| |Vehicles carrying earthwork and construction waste shall be shielded with tarpaulin. | | | |

| |Earthwork should stop in the windy days of larger than Level 4 winds. | | | |

| |Use ready-mixed concrete, ready-mixed mortar and commercial asphalt. | | | |

| |Hardening the main roads and material stacking sites in the Construction site, covering or| | | |

| |temporary greening the other sites, put the earthwork together and take covering or | | | |

| |solidifying measures. | | | |

| |The construction unit shall publicize the person in charge of the Construction site, the | | | |

| |environmental protection supervisor, the dust pollution control measures, the telephone | | | |

| |number for complaining and other information at the entrance and exit of the Construction | | | |

| |site. | | | |

| |The Construction site shall be equipped with washing facilities and video surveillance | | | |

| |systems. The construction vehicles shall be driven out of the site after mud removal and | | | |

| |rinsing. Vehicle cleaning place shall be provided with drainage and mud settling | | | |

| |facilities. | | | |

| |Transportation of slag, gravel, earth and other bulk materials, should be in accordance | | | |

| |with the law when using qualified vehicles, install satellite positioning system and | | | |

| |transport airtightly. | | | |

| |Use commercial asphalt, to avoid producing asphalt smoke. | | | |

| |Use construction machineries and transport equipment that meet national health protection | | | |

| |standards to ensure that its emissions meet the relevant national standards. | | | |

|Surface water environment |Implement soil and water conservation measures to reduce the impact of water and soil |Construction unit |Municipal project office. project|100 |

| |erosion on water environment. For more details, see Annex 1. | |owner. municipal environmental | |

| | | |protection bureau | |

| |Construction materials stacking point shall be shielded with tarpaulin and be away from | | | |

| |the water. When the storms come, set geotextile fence to prevent being washed into the | | | |

| |water by the rain. | | | |

| |The constructors could use the infrastructure in nearby Villages, otherwise should set up | | | |

| |septic tanks. | | | |

| |Build sedimentation tanks in the Construction site. Sand-containing waste water can be | | | |

| |used in the Construction site or to sprinkle the site for dust fall after precipitation, | | | |

| |and cannot be discharged. Set up oil separation sedimentation tank, oil-containing waste | | | |

| |water can be used to remove dust after oil separation precipitation. The waste material in| | | |

| |the pool and wiping cloth should be collected and dealt with by relevant department. | | | |

| |Apply advance equipment to control strictly water leakage of the construction machinery so| | | |

| |as to reduce the amount of produced oily wastewater. | | | |

| |In the inevitable leakage process, try to use solid oil-absorbing materials (such as | | | |

| |cotton yarn, wood chips, oil-absorbing paper, etc.) to absorb the waste oil into solid | | | |

| |material to avoid excessive oil-containing waste water. Besides, we will use drip trays | | | |

| |and overflow boxes to avoid pollution to the soil and underground water. For this purpose,| | | |

| |the contractors shall provide operation training to their staff about these protection | | | |

| |measures. | | | |

| |Establish equipment maintenance system, maintenance records. Conduct regular maintenance | | | |

| |according to the operation of equipment. | | | |

| |Repair construction machinery only in nearby factory, only consider the replacement of | | | |

| |mechanical parts on construction site. | | | |

|Acoustic environment |Strictly control of construction time to avoid the construction between (22:00 ~ 06:00). |Construction unit |Municipal project office. project|40 |

| |For those projects needing continuous construction, the construction unit should contact | |owner. municipal environmental | |

| |with the local environmental protection bureau according to the actual condition. Night | |protection bureau | |

| |construction certificate must be applied and approved by local environmental protection | | | |

| |department. Issue a public announcement to maximize public support. | | | |

| |Temporary sound barrier and other noise reduction measures should be set for the | | | |

| |sensitivity points within 40m from construction sites. | | | |

| |Fixed strong noise source should be equipped with sound insulation cover or placed indoor | | | |

| |for operation | | | |

| |Construction unit should only choose the construction machinery and transport vehicles | | | |

| |which meet the relevant national standards, and try to choose low noise construction | | | |

| |machinery. | | | |

| |In order to reduce the traffic pressure around the road, in addition to special | | | |

| |circumstances, the earthwork vehicles should avoid going out at urban traffic peak. Night | | | |

| |trips should be arranged. Other construction vehicles go into and out of the Construction | | | |

| |site according to factors that can make the traffic flow, such as the season, weather, | | | |

| |holidays and unexpected events. Adjust operating time reasonably. | | | |

| |Strengthen the maintenance of all construction equipment, in order to fundamentally reduce| | | |

| |noise and vibration. | | | |

| |Prohibit vehicles from whistling when enter and exit. Strengthen management in the | | | |

| |construction site. | | | |

|Solid waste |In the construction process, the construction unit should timely removed solid waste on |Construction unit |Municipal project office. project|15 |

| |temporary occupied land. Backfilled earth should be backfilled in time. | |owner. municipal environmental | |

| | | |protection bureau | |

| |Construction waste should be removed and transported in time. In accordance with the | | | |

| |requirements of the municipal departments the waste should be transported to Ma'anshan | | | |

| |second construction waste disposal sites. | | | |

| |It must be piled together on the Construction site and transported out for disposal by the| | | |

| |sanitation department. | | | |

|Soil and Water Conservation |It is better to construct during dry seasons. |Construction unit |Municipal project office. project|15 |

| | | |owner. municipal environmental | |

| | | |protection bureau | |

| |Topsoil stripping must be carried out before the project construction. The stripping | | | |

| |thickness is 0.3m. Conduct land formation at the end of construction and refills the | | | |

| |temporarily dumped humus with 30cm thick of surface layer for vegetation recovery. | | | |

| |Temporary earthwork stacks on both sides of the road within the scope of the land. In the | | | |

| |pile around the soil, set up temporary woven bag to prevent rain erosion. Temporary | | | |

| |storage of surface soil should be used in the landscaping. | | | |

| |The prevention and cure of the production area focuses on water and soil erosion. Because | | | |

| |of the frequent traffic and material piled need, the site should be hardened completely. | | | |

| |Reasonable arrange the project, shorten the temporary land occupation. When the | | | |

| |construction completed, restore vegetation cover or reclaim the land immediately. Soil | | | |

| |samples will be taken and tested from works sites prior to use to guide the restoration of| | | |

| |the sites to their former condition. | | | |

|Landscape greening |Enlarging the environmental propaganda, improve the environmental protection consciousness|Construction unit |Municipal project office. project|10 |

| |of the management and construction person, banned random disposal life and production | |owner. municipal environmental | |

| |waste. | |protection bureau | |

| |Strict regulation area of operation. It is prohibited to pollute the landscape environment| | | |

| |because of random disposal. | | | |

| |After the completion of the project, garbage in the construction site should be clear in | | | |

| |time. Level the ground, try to restore original landform and vegetation, make the project | | | |

| |construction and the surrounding natural environment in harmony. | | | |

|Ecological environment |Plant trees and grass, strengthen greening to restore vegetation, protect roadbed, prevent|Construction unit |Municipal project office. project|5 |

|restoration and greening |water and soil erosion in rainy season from road surface runoff pollution. | |owner. municipal environmental | |

| | | |protection bureau | |

|Cultural relics |Construction unit and supervision unit shall stop working immediately when any cultural |Construction unit |Municipal project office. project|—— |

| |relics are found and shall report this to cultural relics department promptly, then | |owner. municipal environmental | |

| |recommence the work after proper handling to minimize the impact on cultural relics. See | |protection bureau | |

| |more details in Annex 1. Specific emergency treatment shown in Annex Figure 1. | | | |

|Construction traffic management|Reasonable arrange the project, shorten the temporary land occupation. The construction |Construction unit |Municipal project office. project|10 |

| |contractor shall consult with the local traffic control department before the construction| |owner. municipal environmental | |

| |and formulate the traffic management plan. The construction unit shall provide information| |protection bureau | |

| |like construction and engineering schedule, traffic detour route, temporary bus line and | | | |

| |demolition on the construction data plate. | | | |

| |Warning signs shall be provided in front of each section of the construction area, each | | | |

| |intersection, road turn, road lane change, access to traffic corridors, etc. Indicate the | | | |

| |entry into the construction area, speed limits, height limits and other relevant traffic | | | |

| |restrictions. | | | |

| |Apply piecewise construction method to reduce the impact on local residents’ traveling. | | | |

| |Unified arrange vehicle route and promulgate relevant restrictions to ensure that local | | | |

| |residents travel unimpeded. | | | |

| |Before the start of the construction, transportation way should be reinforced and | | | |

| |reconstructed, or service road connecting with the original road should be built. Serious | | | |

| |damage of the road shall be promptly repaired, or compensated to the local highway | | | |

| |management departments. | | | |

| |Transporting building materials during the night should be banned, while there were | | | |

| |residents within 50m buffer. | | | |

| |Construction transport vehicles should avoid local road traffic peak time, prevent traffic| | | |

| |and accidents. | | | |

| |Construction vehicles should be stipulated in the driveway of the road, it is strictly | | | |

| |prohibited to change driving route。 | | | |

| |If the construction occupies urban road, and has great influence on vehicles and | | | |

| |pedestrians access, we should set up temporary access roads according to the rules, | | | |

| |especially in hospital. After the temporary accesses to kindergartens and schools are | | | |

| |constructed, the Construction sites are strictly closed to keep infants or children away | | | |

| |from the construction area. | | | |

| |If the construction occupies the pavement, on the entrance side of the neighboring | | | |

| |commercial, business, office buildings, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, kindergartens | | | |

| |and residential housing, we should erect a rugged, flat, continuous pavement, to ensure | | | |

| |the safe passage of pedestrians. | | | |

| |Occupying the city road for construction, obey relevant regulations of the public security| | | |

| |transportation department and the highway administration department, complete related | | | |

| |approval procedure and establish temporary passage according to the standard. | | | |

|Construction safety |In Construction sites, set up warning signs or warning instructions in the job positions, |Construction unit |Municipal project office. project|10 |

| |equipment and places which are easy to produce occupational hazards. Contractor should | |owner. municipal environmental | |

| |undertake a risk assessment (or job hazard assessment) and use the results to guide the | |protection bureau | |

| |preparation of health and safety management plan for the works, which may include setting | | | |

| |up warning marks, equipping the workers with safety helmets, belts, suits, shoes and | | | |

| |earplugs, using quiet equipment and summer cooling products if necessary, enforcing | | | |

| |appropriate shifts or timetable and other measures required in GB/T 33000-2016 and JGJ59. | | | |

| |Construction units should be equipped with the safety helmets, belts, shoes and suits and | | | |

| |other personal labor protection products which match with the types of work. Set up | | | |

| |energy-efficient lighting facilities to protect the construction safety in the | | | |

| |Construction site. | | | |

| |In Construction site, apply low noise equipment, automation technology to reduce the | | | |

| |mechanical noise. Provide earplugs to associate constructors. | | | |

| |Cooling purposes supplies should be supplied, and rest should be arranged reasonably when | | | |

| |operation temperature is high. | | | |

| |Summer cooling products should be prepared on the construction sites and the work schedule| | | |

| |should be arranged reasonably when they working at high temperature. | | | |

|Public anticipation |Set up bulletin board at the entrance of the Construction site, public the name of the |Construction unit |Municipal project office. project|—— |

| |project, the main construction contents, construction time, and contact person of | |owner. municipal environmental | |

| |complaints. | |protection bureau | |

| |Arranging the environmental protection professional and technical personnel to answer the | | | |

| |public of environmental protection question. | | | |

| |Night construction certificate must be applied and approved and the public should agree | | | |

| |with it, and the information should include the start and stop time of the construction | | | |

| |and the night construction certificate. | | | |

| |All suggestion and complaints should be documented and answered in time. All the answers | | | |

| |should be documented as well and inspected by relative agencies. | | | |

|Total | | | |345 |

|Operation period | | | | |

|Water environment |Oil leakage and falling goods of the vehicle should be averted to protect the surrounding |project owner |Municipal Environmental |50 |

| |water from being polluted. Bulk goods should be covered to prevent its spilling with | |Protection Bureau. Public | |

| |rainwater runoff, which may pollute the water system; | |Security Bureau | |

| |It is necessary to implement regular inspection and cleaning of road rainwater drainage | | | |

| |systems and maintenance of drainage facilities along the highway; | | | |

| |Establish emergency contingency plans and strengthen the control on the transportation of | | | |

| |hazardous articles. | | | |

| |Improve pipe network supervision system by regular cleaning and repairing to prevent | | | |

| |sewage leakage inducing surrounding water and groundwater pollution. | | | |

| |Regular residue cleaning, inspection and maintain is needed to ensure that sewage pipes | | | |

| |and inspection wells are intact. The cover of the inspection well should be closed to | | | |

| |prevent stench exhausts and accidents. Construction work beside inspection well prohibits | | | |

| |open fire. The sludge dredged inspection wells should be transported to professional | | | |

| |treatment plant designated by the municipal environmental sanitation authorities, and | | | |

| |recorded to avoid cross-contamination. | | | |

|Atmospheric environment |Strengthen the enforcement of traffic laws, and maintain road conditions; |Municipal project office, |The implementation units, the |10 |

| | |project owner |Municipal Environmental | |

| | | |Protection Bureau | |

| |Knock out yellow-label cars, strengthen the test and management of vehicle exhausts; | | | |

| |Keep the road clean, timely sprinkle the ground with water to control flying dust; | | | |

| |Strengthen the greening on both sides of the road, which can purify the air; | | | |

| |Strengthen regular monitoring and entrust the environmental protection department with | | |Details in 6.2 Monitoring|

| |regularly monitoring of the air quality at the designated monitoring sites (details in 6.2| | |Plan Detailed Estimation |

| |Environmental Monitoring Plan). | | | |

|Solid waste |Solid waste is mainly leaves and waste paper, peel, drink bottles discarded by vehicles |Municipal project office, | |20 |

| |and pedestrians. The production amount is small, usually cleaned and collected by the |project owner | | |

| |sanitation staff, transported to landfill for disposal. | | | |

|Vehicle traffic noise |Strengthen road management, plant trees and shrubs along the road; |Municipal project office, |The implementation units, the |—— |

| | |project owner |Municipal Environmental | |

| | | |Protection Bureau | |

| |Reasonable plan the nature of land on both sides of the road, planning department should | | | |

| |optimize the design on both sides of the road to avoid the red line, adjust the layout of | | | |

| |the building to reduce the impact of the noise; | | | |

| |Considering the characteristics of the road, the noise value to be reduced and the | | | |

| |different conditions of the noise reduction measures along the sensitive points | | | |

| |comprehensively. It’s recommended to lay down low noise pavement according to the | | | |

| |technical feasibility, economy, rationality and fairness. The project is mainly built in | | | |

| |urban areas. Large vehicles become less and less with the time passing by, so low noise | | | |

| |pavement can reduce noise further. | | | |

| |Set sound barrier on the sensitive points on both sides of the road predicted to exceed | | |Derails in table 6.1-2 |

| |the standard. More details in Table 6.1-2. | | |Fees |

|Risk prevention |According to the Safety Management Regulations on Dangerous Chemicals, taking into account|Municipal project office, |The implementation units, the |10 |

| |the distribution of sensitive areas around roads, it is recommended that the |project owner |Municipal Environmental | |

| |transportation of dangerous chemicals is forbidden on the areas of the project. If | |Protection Bureau. Water | |

| |transportation is required in special circumstances, the following provisions shall be | |Authority | |

| |observed: | | | |

| |Reported to the Ma’anshan municipal public security department & environment department. | | | |

| |And proposed risk prevention plan about transport of dangerous goods ; | | | |

| |The public security department shall designate the time and section of the transportation,| | | |

| |if necessary, the public security departments may implement traffic control; | | | |

| |Transport vehicles must strictly abide Road Transport Regulations of Dangerous Goods. | | | |

| |Before cleaning inspection wells, the warning signs should be set up in advance and the | | | |

| |pool surface obstacles should be removed, to ensure the flow of traffic. Before opening | | | |

| |the pool, non-operating personnel should be evacuated. | | | |

| |The covers of inspection well are strictly prohibited to use steel drill, iron and other | | | |

| |hard pry cover, so as to avoid sparks and explosion. | | | |

| |Use the motor to pump sewage, check whether the motor, power lines and the knife is | | | |

| |leakage, to avoid electric shock accidents. | | | |

| |Operators should use natural ventilation in advance to remove harmful gases such as carbon| | | |

| |monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, methane, etc. Use instrument to conduct tests | | | |

| |to determine whether it is harmless or safe operation environment before going down the | | | |

| |well. | | | |

| |Operators should wear anti-static clothing, and it is strictly prohibited to go under the | | | |

| |pool with keys and other hard metal; operating personnel on the ground should be wearing | | | |

| |seat belts, keep in touch with the downhole personnel. After the work is completed, | | | |

| |restore the covers after repair. Establish a warning sign or set a protective enclosure if| | | |

| |can’t finish the work in one day. | | | |

|Total | | | |90 |

Table 6.1-2 Noise Barrier Settings during the Operation Period for Project Activities (1)

|Road |Sensitive point |Noise reduction measures |Specification |Unit price |Total price |

| | | | | |(Million) |

|Yujia Road |Weidian |Install sound insulation |10 buildings on the west side of the first row, 20 buildings on the east |500yuan/m2 |22.5 |

| |village |window |side of the first row, a total of 450 square meters. | | |

| |Zhangzhuang |Install sound insulation |Zhangzhuang Village Committee, a total of 200 square meters. |500yuan/m2 |10 |

| | |window | | | |

| |Gan’ao |Install sound insulation |3 buildings on the west side of the first row, 4 buildings on the east |500yuan/m2 |6 |

| | |window |side of the first row, a total of 120 square meters. | | |

|Xiangyang Road |Xiang |Track monitoring, reserve |/ |/ |20 |

| |yang Village |noise reduction costs | | | |

| |Beizhuang |Track monitoring, reserve |/ |/ |20 |

| | |noise reduction costs | | | |

| |Jinma Community |Install sound insulation |216 buildings on the first row, a total of 3200m2. |500yuan/m2 |160 |

| | |window | | | |

| |Langdian Jiayuan |Install sound insulation |156 buildings on the first row, a total of 2300m2. |500yuan/m2 |115 |

| | |window | | | |

|Mudanjiang Road |Qianshang Lake |Install sound insulation |5 buildings on the north side of the first row, a total of 180m2s. |500yuan/m2 |9 |

| | |window | | | |

| |Houshang Lake |Noise reduction forest |300m north of the road, 30m in depth. |2000yuan/m |60 |

| |Wangjia |Noise reduction forest |200m north of the road, 30m in depth. |2000yuan/m |40 |

| |dian | | | | |

| |Total | | |462.5 |

Table 6.1-3 General Environmental Impact Mitigation Measures during construction and operation periods for Project Activities (2)

|Implementation period |Environment and Slowdown Measures |Implement units |Supervision units |Investment |

| | | | |(Million yuan) |

|Design period |Compare the alternatives and choose the best one to avoid potential |Design consulting unit |Municipal project office |—— |

| |negative impacts during construction and operation period. The | | | |

| |environmental protection facilities and engineering facilities should| | | |

| |be designed and constructed at the same time, and count the cost of | | | |

| |environmental protection measures in project investment estimates. | | | |

| |Balance the excavation and fill soil during the earthwork and do not | | | |

| |set up extra spoil ground. | | | |

| |Dredging engineering design should be implemented in accordance with | | | |

| |the Lake and River Dredging Engineering Environmental Protection | | | |

| |Technical Guide (draft). | | | |

| |The sediment yard should be set up within the scope of land | | | |

| |acquisition to avoid the exact temporary land occupation. If we need | | | |

| |to add new temporary land, we should apply in accordance with the | | | |

| |regulations of Ma’anshan policy. When selecting sites, follow the | | | |

| |following principles: convenient transportation, reasonable distance;| | | |

| |full use of natural depression, gully and other terrain conditions; | | | |

| |low land acquisition and demolition costs; maintain a reasonable | | | |

| |distance to residential areas and water sources, and be in downwind | | | |

| |direction. | | | |

|Tender and bidding |EMP should be included in the tender documents. The EMP will be used |Tender and bidding tender |Municipal project office |—— |

| |to prepare tender documents and be included in the tender documents | | | |

| |following the updated Standard Procurement Documents to ensure that | | | |

| |the contractors have appropriate controls in place and that the | | | |

| |supervision organizations have clarity as to their roles and | | | |

| |responsibilities. | | | |

| |EMP should be included in the tender documents and contract of | | | |

| |contractors and supervision organizations. Bidders should provide the| | | |

| |costs of the environmental protection measures requested in the EMP | | | |

| |in their bidding documents and confirm the name of the associated | | | |

| |projects as mentioned in EMP. | | | |

|Before construction | | | | |

| |1. Confirm the scope of land occupation, and handle relevant |Project owner, design unit, |Municipal project office. |20 |

| |procedures. The arrangement of the pipeline construction along the |immigrant settlement plan |Municipality land |(The cost of land requisition and house demolition |

| |road should follow the subsection construction principle. Full line |compilation group, social |department. Price bureau |are included in the settlement fees, the training |

| |excavation is prohibited. Inspect the Construction site before |evaluation group | |fee is included in the Environmental Management |

| |entering. For more details, see in Annex 2. | | |Scheme special training programme and is not |

| |2. Disclose the information in time, such us construction plan, the | | |included in the pre-construction environmental |

| |statement of environmental impact, road construction, temporary bus | | |protection expenses) |

| |route. | | | |

| |3. If the normal operation of public facilities (such as water pipe, | | | |

| |electricity, telephone line and bus route) will be obstructed due to | | | |

| |the construction, contractor should inform the resident near the | | | |

| |Construction site, bus station and affected area at least five days | | | |

| |in advance. | | | |

| |4. The land requisition office will be set up and the land | | | |

| |requisition and resettlement plan will be drawn up. According to the | | | |

| |national and local policies on land requisition and demolition, the | | | |

| |land requisition compensation scheme will be strictly implemented. | | | |

| |5. Optimized design: In the design of the project, minimize the size | | | |

| |of land requisition and demolition and use advanced environmental | | | |

| |protection measures to prevent the generation of secondary pollution | | | |

| |induced by the project. | | | |

| |6. On the basis of consultations with the resident in the affected | | | |

| |area, contractor should ensure that the living standards of the | | | |

| |residents should at least maintain the status quo according to the | | | |

| |relevant policy. | | | |

| |7. Shorten the duration when laying pipelines to reduce the impact on| | | |

| |the surrounding merchants and residents. Contractor can also give | | | |

| |them some compensation if possible. | | | |

| |8. Try the best to accept all residential sewage within the | | | |

| |construction area. | | | |

| |9. Taking into account the features that the developed water system | | | |

| |and rich water reserve in the project area, drainage construction | | | |

| |should conform to local conditions to ensure construction quality and| | | |

| |service life. | | | |

| |10. Carry out participatory activities. | | | |

| |11. Carry out education and training about environmental knowledge | | | |

| |and public health. | | | |

| |12. Institutional capacity building: It is proposed to strengthen the| | | |

| |training of project managers and constructors on the society and | | | |

| |security aspects of the World Bank’s projects so as to better | | | |

| |implement the project. | | | |

| |13. Set up the follow–up management mechanism of the project. | | | |

| |14. Draw up a monitoring plan for environmental quality of the | | | |

| |project area, and the environmental quality status of sediment, | | | |

| |atmosphere, surface water and noise. | | | |

|Construction period | | | | |

|Atmospheric environment |Before the construction, develop the dust control measures and report|Construction unit |Municipal project office. |120 |

| |it to the environmental protection department 15 days before the | |Project owner. Municipal | |

| |construction start. Take effective dust control measures to achieve | |environmental protection | |

| |the dust standard — ‘100% sand coverage in construction site, 100% | |bureau | |

| |hardening of the site pavement, 100% of the leaving vehicle to wash | | | |

| |the wheel, 100% sprinkling and removing the dust in the sites which | | | |

| |demolish the houses’. | | | |

| |In the process of temporary storage and loading and unloading, the | | | |

| |materials should be shielded with tarpaulin. | | | |

| |Each Construction site should be equipped with a sprinkler and | | | |

| |sprinkle the Construction site 4 to 5 times a day. | | | |

| |Vehicles carrying earthwork and construction waste shall be shielded | | | |

| |with tarpaulin. | | | |

| |Earthwork should stop in the windy days of larger than Level 4 winds.| | | |

| |Use ready-mixed concrete, ready-mixed mortar and commercial asphalt. | | | |

| |Hardening the main roads and material stacking sites in the | | | |

| |Construction site, covering or temporary greening the other sites, | | | |

| |put the earthwork together and take covering or solidifying measures.| | | |

| |The construction unit shall publicize the person in charge of the | | | |

| |construction site, the environmental protection supervisor, the dust | | | |

| |pollution control measures, the telephone number for complaining and | | | |

| |other information at the entrance and exit of the construction site. | | | |

| |The construction site shall be equipped with washing facilities and | | | |

| |video surveillance systems. The construction vehicles shall be driven| | | |

| |out of the site after mud removal and rinsing. Vehicle cleaning place| | | |

| |shall be provided with drainage and mud settling facilities. | | | |

| |Dredging silt temporary treatment station must be set away from the | | | |

| |residential areas, and take effective measures like covering, so that| | | |

| |the escape extent of odor is minimized. | | | |

| |Transportation of slag, gravel, earth and other bulk liquid | | | |

| |materials, should be in accordance with the law when using qualified | | | |

| |vehicles, install satellite positioning system and transport | | | |

| |airtightly. | | | |

| |Use construction machineries and transport equipment that meet | | | |

| |national health protection standards to ensure that its emissions | | | |

| |meet relevant national standards. | | | |

|Surface water environment |Implement soil and water conservation measures to reduce the impact |Construction unit |Municipal project office. |100 |

| |of water and soil erosion on water environment. | |Project owner. Municipal | |

| | | |environmental protection | |

| | | |bureau | |

| |The constructors could use the living infrastructure of the nearby | | | |

| |Villages, otherwise should set up septic tank. | | | |

| |Build sedimentation tanks in the construction site, sand-containing | | | |

| |waste water can be used in the Construction site or to sprinkler for | | | |

| |dust removal after precipitation, no efflux. Set up oil separation | | | |

| |sedimentation tank, oil-containing waste water can be used to remove | | | |

| |dust after oil separation precipitation. The waste material in the | | | |

| |pool and wiping cloth should be collected and dealt with by relevant | | | |

| |department. | | | |

| |Apply advance equipment to control strictly water leakage of the | | | |

| |construction machinery so as to reduce the amount of produced oily | | | |

| |wastewater. | | | |

| |In the inevitable leakage process, try to use solid oil-absorbing | | | |

| |materials (such as cotton yarn, wood chips, oil-absorbing paper, | | | |

| |etc.) to absorb the waste oil into solid material to avoid excessive | | | |

| |oil-containing waste water. | | | |

| |Establish equipment maintenance system and maintenance records. | | | |

| |Conduct regular maintenance according to the operation of equipment. | | | |

| |Repair construction machinery only in nearby factory, only consider | | | |

| |the replacement of mechanical parts on Construction site. | | | |

|Acoustic environment |Strictly control of construction time to avoid the construction |Construction unit |Municipal project office. |40 |

| |between (22:00 ~ 06:00). For those projects needing continuous | |Project owner. Municipal | |

| |construction, the construction unit should contact with the local | |environmental protection | |

| |environmental protection bureau according to the actual condition. | |bureau | |

| |Night construction certificate must be applied and approved by local | | | |

| |environmental protection department. Issue a public announcement to | | | |

| |maximize public support. | | | |

| |Temporary sound barrier and other noise reduction measures should be | | | |

| |set for the sensitivity points within 40m from construction sites. | | | |

| |Fixed noise source should be equipped with sound insulation cover or | | | |

| |placed indoor. | | | |

| |Construction unit should only choose the construction machinery and | | | |

| |transport vehicles which meet relevant national standards, and try to| | | |

| |choose low noise construction machinery. | | | |

| |Strengthen the maintenance of all construction equipment, in order to| | | |

| |fundamentally reduce noise and vibration. | | | |

| |Prohibit vehicles from whistling when enter and exit. Strengthen | | | |

| |management in the Construction site. | | | |

|Solid waste |Construction waste should be removed and transported in time. In |Construction unit |Municipal project office. |For details, refer to Table 6.5-1 for the landfill |

| |accordance with the requirements of the municipal departments the | |Project owner. Municipal |disposal fee in the related project Environmental |

| |waste should be transported to Ma’anshan Second Construction Waste | |environmental protection |Management Scheme |

| |Disposal Site. | |bureau | |

| |In the construction process, the construction unit should timely | | | |

| |removed solid waste on temporary occupied land. Backfilled earth | | | |

| |should be backfilled in time. | | | |

| |Domestic waste must be piled together on the Construction site and | | | |

| |transported out for disposal by the sanitation department. | | | |

| |Temporary garbage storage points should be set away from the river | | |10 |

| |channel. | | | |

|Dredging sediment |According to whether it is open channel or culvert, apply different |Construction unit |Municipal project office. |—— |

| |construction methods. The open channel dredging is mainly carried out| |Project owner. Municipal | |

| |by the cofferdam dry-field construction method, supplemented by | |environmental protection | |

| |hydraulic scouring silting method. Sediment is transported to the | |bureau | |

| |temporary sediment disposal station for drying through mud pipe or | | | |

| |closed tanker. In pipeline, mud is dredged by mud suction, box and | | | |

| |culvert dredging use human dredging method. | | | |

| |Three temporary disposal stations for sediment shall be set up within| | |For details, refer to Table 6.5-1 for the temporary|

| |the scope of permanent land acquisition along the river. The specific| | |sediment treatment investment in the related |

| |location is shown in Table 6.1-4. The disposal of sediment shall | | |project Environmental Management Scheme |

| |comply with the requirements of Guidelines on Environment, Health and| | | |

| |Safety for Port, Harbour and Wharf about dredged waste management and| | | |

| |of Technical Guidelines for Environmental Protection Dredging of | | | |

| |Lakes and Rivers (Draft for Comments). | | | |

| |Take cofferdam, anti-seepage, cover and other protective measures in | | | |

| |temporary treatment station. After the construction, green treatment | | | |

| |station. Spray deodorant regularly to reduce the impact on the | | | |

| |ambient air. Minimize occupation of temporary land, timely remove | | | |

| |waste. | | | |

| |The temporary disposal station is equipped with water inlet forebay, | | | |

| |treatment plant, etc. The internal functions include equipment | | | |

| |workshop, storage room, warehouse and duty lounge. Among them, the | | | |

| |equipment workshop includes sludge enrichment area, sludge dewatering| | | |

| |area and dosing equipment area. | | | |

| |2. Spray deodorant on the yard regularly to reduce the impact on the | | | |

| |ambient air. | | | |

| |3. Minimize temporary occupied land, remove rubbish in time. The tail| | | |

| |water from the sediment treatment station is discharged into the | | | |

| |municipal pipe network. Establish emergency reservoirs and emergency | | | |

| |dosing equipment and other methods, set the equipment as emergency | | | |

| |storage and handling places for substandard surplus sewage. | | | |

| |4. Tear down temporary sediment treatment station after completion of| | | |

| |the construction, and restore temporary occupied land. | | | |

| |Dredging should be carried out in the dry season, and try to shorten | | |—— |

| |construction time. Control the scope of operation of the sludge | | | |

| |treatment station to ensure that the distance between temporary | | | |

| |disposal stations and residential buildings is greater than 30m. | | | |

| |After the sludge being dried at the temporary treatment station, the | | |—— |

| |mud cake project will be used as fertilizer for greening and road | | | |

| |construction in the project (Cihu High-tech Zone, Huashan District, | | | |

| |Yushan District and Xiangshan Town) and other areas in Ma’anshan. If | | | |

| |the sediment can not be fully disposed by greening fertilizer method | | | |

| |in construction process, timely report to the project office and | | | |

| |environmental management department, and clarify the fate of the mud | | | |

| |in the six months progress report. (In bid and tender documents, the | | | |

| |specific disposal manners for sludge should be written in) | | | |

|Soil and Water Conservation |It is better to construct during dry seasons. |Construction unit |Municipal project office. |15 |

| | | |Project owner. Municipal | |

| | | |environmental protection | |

| | | |bureau | |

| |Topsoil stripping must be carried out before the project | | | |

| |construction. The stripping thickness is 0.3m. Conduct land formation| | | |

| |at the end of construction and refills the temporarily dumped humus | | | |

| |with 30cm thick of surface layer for vegetation recovery. | | | |

| |Temporary earthwork stacks on both sides of the road within the scope| | | |

| |of the land. In the pile around the soil, set up temporary woven bag | | | |

| |to prevent rain erosion. Temporary storage of surface soil should be | | | |

| |used in the landscaping. | | | |

| |The prevention and cure of the production area focuses on water and | | | |

| |soil erosion. Because of the frequent traffic and material piled | | | |

| |need, the site should be hardened completely. | | | |

| |Reasonable arrange the project, shorten temporary land occupation. | | | |

| |When the construction completed, restore vegetation cover or reclaim | | | |

| |occupied land immediately. | | | |

|Landscape greening and |Enlarge environmental propaganda, improve the environmental |Construction unit |Municipal project office. |10 |

|ecological protection |protection consciousness of the management and construction | |Project owner. Municipal | |

| |personnel, ban random disposal of life and production waste. | |environmental protection | |

| | | |bureau | |

| |Operate in the regulated area strictly. Prohibit littering within the| | | |

| |Construction sites in case of polluting landscape. | | | |

| |After the completion of the project, garbage in the construction site| | | |

| |should be cleared in time. Level the ground, try to restore original | | | |

| |landform and vegetation, make project construction and surrounding | | | |

| |natural environment in harmony. | | | |

| |Use native trees and shrubs for ecological protection of coastal | | | |

| |species; do not introduce new alien and invasive species. | | | |

| |Focusing on the restoration of aquatic ecosystem structure and | | | |

| |integrity of the composition, optimize the community structure, | | | |

| |choose aquatic organisms which play a significant role in improving | | | |

| |the ecological system, to meet the requirements of water | | | |

| |purification. | | | |

|Cultural relics |Construction unit and supervision unit shall stop working immediately|Construction unit |Municipal project office. |2 |

| |when any cultural relics are found and shall report this to cultural | |Project owner. Municipal | |

| |relics department promptly, then recommence the work after proper | |environmental protection | |

| |handling to minimize the impact on cultural relics. See more details | |bureau | |

| |in Annex 1. Specific emergency treatment shown in annex Figure 1. | | | |

|Construction traffic |Arrange the project reasonably, shorten the temporary land |Construction unit |Municipal project office. |10 |

|management |occupation. | |Project owner. Municipal | |

| | | |environmental protection | |

| | | |bureau | |

| |Apply piecewise construction method to reduce the impact on local | | | |

| |residents’ travelling. | | | |

| |Unified arrange vehicle route and promulgate relevant restrictions to| | | |

| |ensure that local residents travel unimpeded. | | | |

| |Before the start of the construction, transportation way should be | | | |

| |reinforced and reconstructed, or service road connected with the | | | |

| |original road should be built. Serious damage of the road shall be | | | |

| |promptly repaired, or give the compensation to local highway | | | |

| |management departments for repair. | | | |

| |Transporting building materials during the night should be banned, | | | |

| |while there were residents within 50m buffer. | | | |

| |Construction transport vehicles should avoid local road traffic peak | | | |

| |time, prevent traffic and accidents. | | | |

| |Construction vehicles should be stipulated in the driveway of the | | | |

| |road, it is strictly prohibited to change driving route。 | | | |

|Construction safety |In Construction sites, set up warning signs or warning instructions |Construction unit |Municipal project office. |10 |

| |in the job positions, equipment and places which are easy to produce | |Project owner. Municipal | |

| |occupational hazards. | |environmental protection | |

| | | |bureau | |

| |Construction units should equipped with the safety helmets, belts, | | | |

| |shoes and suits and other personal labor protection products which | | | |

| |match with the types of work. Set up energy-efficient lighting | | | |

| |facilities to protect the construction safety in the Construction | | | |

| |site. | | | |

| |In Construction site, apply low noise equipment, automation | | | |

| |technology to reduce the mechanical noise. Provide earplugs to | | | |

| |associate constructors. | | | |

| |Cooling purposes supplies should be supplied, and rest should be | | | |

| |arranged reasonably when operation temperature is high. | | | |

|Public anticipation |Set up bulletin board at the entrance of the Construction site, | |Municipal project office. |—— |

| |public the name of the project, the main construction contents, | |Project owner. Municipal | |

| |construction time, and contact person of complaints. | |environmental protection | |

| | | |bureau | |

| |Arrange environmental protection professional and technical personnel| | | |

| |to answer the public of environmental protection question. | | | |

| |Night construction certificate must be applied and approved and the | | | |

| |public should agree with it, and this information should include the | | | |

| |start and stop time of the construction and the night construction | | | |

| |certificate. | | | |

| |All suggestion and complaints should be documented and answered in | | | |

| |time. All the answers should be documented as well and inspected by | | | |

| |relative agencies. | | | |

|Total | | | |317 |

|Operation period | | | | |

|Sewage interception tube |Maintain the existing sewage collection network normally. Inspect and|Municipal project office. |Municipal environmental |100 |

| |maintain sewage pump regularly. Continuously commence work on urban |Project owner |protection bureau. Living | |

| |sewage pipe network leakage investigation. Strengthen the | |construction committee | |

| |transformation of existing confluence of pipe network system. Reduce | | | |

| |the sewage pipe network leakage. Reduce or even eliminate the | | | |

| |phenomenon of straight river drainage of domestic sewage in river | | | |

| |basin. | | | |

|Improve the domestic garbage |Improve the collection and transfer system of domestic garbage in the|Municipal project office. |Municipal environmental |10 |

|collection and transportation |river basin, strengthen supervision and education, reduce or even |Project owner |protection bureau. City | |

|system |eliminate the phenomenon of direct entry of garbage into the river. | |appearance management | |

| | | |bureau | |

|Construction waste is strictly|Strengthen supervision, construction units are prohibited to release |Municipal project office. |Municipal environmental |—— |

|prohibited pouring into the |construction waste into the water at random, if found, should be |Project owner |protection bureau | |

|river for treatment |ordered to restore the environment immediately and impose a fine. | | | |

|Total | | | |110 |

Table 6.1-4 Temporary treatment stations for dredging sediment

|Project name |Construction situation |Construction survey |Environmental Management Scheme |Investment estimate (ten |Executive body |Supervisory authority |

| | | | |thousand) | | |

|Temporary treatment |Address has been selected |Each silt treatment station shall|The operation monitoring report |144.75 |Project owner |Municipal project office |

|station 1 for sediment |(wasteland in Xiangshan Town Yang|be arranged in a scale of |shall be submitted to the PMO every| | | |

| |River tributaries downstream), |50Error! Reference source not |six months for review. | | | |

| |proposed to construct |found./h. The sludge solidifying | | | | |

| | |treatment shall meet the | | | | |

| | |requirements of Quality of sludge| | | | |

| | |for landscaping treatment of | | | | |

| | |urban sewage treatment plant (CJ | | | | |

| | |248-2007) | | | | |

|Temporary treatment |Address has been selected (west | |The operation monitoring report |144.75 |Project owner |Municipal project office |

|station 2 for sediment |side of wasteland in interchange | |shall be submitted to the PMO every| | | |

| |of mainstream of Wumushan River | |six months for review. | | | |

| |and tributaries of the north of | | | | | |

| |the town), proposed to construct | | | | | |

|Temporary treatment |Address has been selected | |The operation monitoring report |144.75 |Project owner |Municipal project office |

|station 3 for sediment |(wasteland in the middle of | |shall be submitted to the PMO every| | | |

| |Liannong water system), proposed | |six months for review. | | | |

| |to construct | | | | | |

Attention: The location of the temporary treatment station for dredging sediment is shown in Figure 3-7. Before the construction, the setting of the temporary sediment treatment station must be approved by the relevant local government department. The investment cost of the sedimentation temporary treatment station includes construction, operation and demolition costs.

6) Temporary treatment station 1 for sediment Temporary sediment treatment station in Xiangshan Town Yang River is proposed to construct near the 323 provincial highway. It has convenient transportation, no surrounding enterprises and other sources of pollution. The site is now wasteland, the nature of the land is for other uses. From the sensory point of view, the heavy metal content in soil should meet the relevant standards.

|[pic] |[pic] |

|Chart 6.1-1 Construction site of temporary treatment station 1 for sediment |

(2) Temporary treatment station 2 for sediment Temporary sludge treatment station in Tributaries of Wumushan River in Tourism Avenue, is proposed to construct in wasteland on the west side of Wumushan River . It has no surrounding polluting sources. The nature of land is for other uses. From the sensory point of view, the heavy metal content in soil should meet the relevant standards.

|[pic] |[pic] |

|Chart 6.1-2 Construction site of temporary treatment station 2 for sediment |

(3) Temporary treatment station 3 for sediment The temporary treatment station for sediment of Liannong River system is to be built on wasteland on the west side of Yanjiang Avenue. The nature of the site is industrial land and there are enterprises within 1 km. Therefore, it can not be determined that the land is free from heavy metal pollution. Project team monitored the environmental quality of heavy metals in the soil, the monitoring results show that the present monitoring values of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury and nickel are in accordance with the standards of Grade 1 in Environmental Quality Standard for Soils (GB15618-1995). The monitoring values of lead and zinc accorded with the standard of Grade 2, and the quality of soil environment is quite good.

Because the atmosphere has a strong mobility and variability, a simple day of collection is not representative. And the heavy metal deposition process in the atmosphere is slow, the construction period is short, the soil heavy metal background value is limited, so the atmosphere is not monitored. In view of this piece of wasteland it is located in the industrial park, the nature of land is for industrial use. So the location of sludge treatment station is quite reasonable.

Table 6.1-5 Temporary sediment treatment station 3 Evaluation of Soil Monitoring Results

|Sampling |Monitoring date |Name |

|Location | | |

| | |

|Chart 6.1-3 Temporary sediment treatment station 3 and field sampling |

More details about the environmental protection management regulation for the contractor during construction see Annex 1.

6.2 Specific environmental impact mitigation measures during construction period

The Environmental Impact Mitigation Measures to the sensitive points during construction period showed in table 6.2-1.

Table 6.2-1 The specific Environmental mitigation Measures of the road construction activities during construction period

|Issue |Environment impact and slowdown |Unit price |Amount |Total price |Implement units |Supervision units|

| |measures |(yuan) | |(10 thousand yuan)| | |

|noise |Setup temporary colored steel |300 |200 |6.0 |contractor |implementation |

| |fences at west of Nanshan Primary| | | | |unit,Municipal |

| |School with height of 1.8m, | | | | |Environmental |

| |length of 200m. | | | | |Protection Bureau|

| |Setup temporary colored steel |300 |180 |5.4 | | |

| |fences at east of Jinma Cell with| | | | | |

| |height of 1.8m, length of 180m. | | | | | |

| |Setup temporary colored steel |300 |300 |9.0 | | |

| |fences at west of Langdianjiayuan| | | | | |

| |Cell with height of 1.8m, length | | | | | |

| |of 180m. | | | | | |

| |Setup temporary colored steel |300 |300 |9.0 | | |

| |fences at east of Beizhuang | | | | | |

| |Village with height of 1.8m, | | | | | |

| |length of 300m. | | | | | |

| |Setup temporary colored steel |300 |50 |1.5 | | |

| |fences at Xiangyang Village with | | | | | |

| |height of 1.8m, length of 50m. | | | | | |

| |Setup temporary colored steel |300 |300 |9.0 | | |

| |fences at the west of first-stage| | | | | |

| |Shanghu resettlement housing area| | | | | |

| |(proposed at the east side of | | | | | |

| |Hongdong Road) with height of | | | | | |

| |1.8m, length of 300m and at the | | | | | |

| |south of it (proposed at the | | | | | |

| |north side of Jinxiu Road) with | | | | | |

| |height of 1.8m, length of 340m. | | | | | |

| |Setup temporary colored steel |300 |160 |4.8 | | |

| |fences at the east of Fengshou | | | | | |

| |resettlement housing | | | | | |

| |area(proposed at west of Hongdong| | | | | |

| |Road) with height of 1.8m, length| | | | | |

| |of 160m | | | | | |

| |Setup temporary colored steel |300 |100 |3.0 | | |

| |fences respectively on both sides| | | | | |

| |of Shanghu Village crossed by | | | | | |

| |Shanghu Village with height of | | | | | |

| |1.8m, length of 100m | | | | | |

| |Setup temporary colored steel |300 |100 |3.0 | | |

| |fences at the west of Wangjiadian| | | | | |

| |Village, Mudanjiang Road with | | | | | |

| |height of 1.8m, length of 100m | | | | | |

| |from south to west. | | | | | |

| |Setup temporary colored steel |300 |200 |6.0 | | |

| |fences at the Lianhe Road | | | | | |

| |Zhaoming Village Laijiazui group | | | | | |

| |with height of 1.8m, length of | | | | | |

| |200m from south to west. | | | | | |

| |Setup temporary colored steel |300 |550 |16.5 | | |

| |fences at west of Weiruijiadian | | | | | |

| |group, east of Zhangzhuang group,| | | | | |

| |west of Gan’ao group, east of | | | | | |

| |Xujiabian group, east of | | | | | |

| |Wangjiabian group, with length of| | | | | |

| |200m, 130m, 50m, 120m, 50m. | | | | | |

|Total | | | |73.2 | | |

Attention: As the specific demolition plan has not yet been determined, this plan selects the specific target according to the worst condition. If the specific target is determined to be demolished, the plan will be adjusted according to the actual situation.

Table 6.2-2 List of environmental slowdown measures during specific construction period for water system restoration subprojects

|Environmental issues|Environmental impact|Unit price |Quantity |Total price |Implement |Supervisory |

| |and slowdown |(Yuan) | |(ten housand |agency |authority |

| |measures | | |yuan) | | |

|Construction noise |Set temporary |300 |450 |13.5 |Contractor |Implement units, |

| |colored steel fence | | | | |Municipal |

| |in Xiushan Garden | | | | |Environmental |

| |District, 1.8m in | | | | |Protection Bureau|

| |height, 450m in | | | | | |

| |length. | | | | | |

| |Set temporary |300 |100 |3.0 | | |

| |colored steel fence | | | | | |

| |on the south side of| | | | | |

| |Heibai Pond Village,| | | | | |

| |1.8m in height, 100m| | | | | |

| |in length. | | | | | |

| |Set temporary |300 |200 |6.0 | | |

| |colored steel fence | | | | | |

| |on the northeast | | | | | |

| |side of | | | | | |

| |Lyvzhoumingyuan | | | | | |

| |District, 1.8m in | | | | | |

| |height, 200m in | | | | | |

| |length. | | | | | |

| |Set temporary |300 |200 |6.0 | | |

| |colored steel fence | | | | | |

| |in Laijiazui of | | | | | |

| |Zhaoming Village, | | | | | |

| |1.8m in height, 200m| | | | | |

| |in length. | | | | | |

| |Set temporary |300 |300 |9.0 | | |

| |colored steel fence | | | | | |

| |in Jin’anjiayuan | | | | | |

| |District, 1.8m in | | | | | |

| |height, 300m in | | | | | |

| |length. | | | | | |

| |Set temporary |300 |100 |3.0 | | |

| |colored steel fence | | | | | |

| |in Xindu Primary | | | | | |

| |School, 1.8m in | | | | | |

| |height, 100m in | | | | | |

| |length. | | | | | |

|Total | | | |40.5 | | |

Attention: As the specific demolition plan has not yet been determined, this plan selects the specific target according to the worst condition. If the specific target is determined to be demolished, the plan will be adjusted according to the actual situation.

By the relevance of this section, the acoustic Environment Quality meets the standard as follows:

Table 6.2-3 Acoustic Environment Quality Standard Unit: dB(A)

|Function |Area |Daytime |Night |Subproject |

| | |6:00-22:00 |22:00-6:00 | |

|Class 3 |Neighbor of Liannong River system, Zhaoming open canal |65 |55 |Subproject of water |

| | | | |system renovation |

| | | | |project |

|Class 2 |Neighbor of Yang River , Wumushan River system, Xiaohezha|60 |50 | |

| |River system, South Tianran River | | | |

|Class 4 a |Yanjiang Road,|Area around road border within 25m |70 |55 |Subproject of drainage|

| |Hailuo Road, | | | |system improvement |

| |Zhonglian | | | |project |

| |Road, Lianhe | | | | |

| |Road | | | | |

|Class 3 | |Area around road border within 25m |65 |55 | |

|Class 4 a |Yujia Road, |Area around road border within 35m |70 |55 | |

| |Xiangyang | | | | |

| |Road, Mudan | | | | |

| |Road, Yuxiu | | | | |

| |Road, Huashan | | | | |

| |Road | | | | |

|Class 2 | |Area around road border within 35m |60 |50 | |

|Class 2 |Jinxiu Road, |Area around road border |60 |50 | |

| |Hongdong Road | | | | |

|Class 1 |If any residential area mixed with the above project areas|55 |45 | |

6.3 Improvement measures for “One stage project” experience

This plan Suggests improvement measures, according to “One stage project” experience, detail sees table 6.3-1 below.

Table 6.3-1 Summary of Lessons learned from previous project activities and Improvement Measures for new activities

|Serial Number|Experiences of Environmental Management Scheme of |Improvement Measures |

| |First Stage Project | |

|1 |Before construction, it is not clearly put forward |This EMP clearly requires the monitoring plan for |

| |that the quality of the existing dredged sediment |environmental quality of the project area, and the |

| |should be monitored, and the environmental quality of |environmental quality status of sediment, atmosphere, |

| |sediments is unknown. |surface water and noise. Details are found in section |

| | |6.1. |

|2 |The environmental monitoring plan in the construction |Refine the monitoring plan in this EMP with clear |

| |period and operation period has low operability. |monitoring sites, monitoring frequency, implementation |

| | |agencies, to improve operability. Details are found in |

| | |section 6.1. |

|3 |Failed to put forward emergency response measures when|This EMP clearly specifies the emergency response process|

| |encountering cultural relics in the construction |when discovering cultural relics. More details are found |

| |process. |in Figure 1. |

|4 |Failed to put forward emergency response measures when|This EMP clearly specifies the emergency response process|

| |encountering the situation that heavy metals in |when encountering the situation that heavy metals in |

| |sediments exceeded the standard during the |sediments exceed the relevant national standard during |

| |construction. |the construction. More details are found in Figure 2. |

|5 |Failed to conduct a detailed study to sort out the |This EMP, according to different construction areas, |

| |environmental protection sensitive objectives that may|clearly puts forward the environmental sensitive targets |

| |be affected by the construction process. |in each district, in order to take environmental |

| | |protection measures in construction, to protect the |

| | |sensitive target. See details in section 6.1. |

|6 |Failed to put forward inspection requirements of |This EMP clearly specifies the inspection requirements |

| |environmental protection before entering the |before entering the Construction site. More details are |

| |Construction site. |found in Annex 2 and section 6.1. |

|7 |Failed to put forward the environmental inspection |This EMP clearly specifies the environmental inspection |

| |requirements at Construction site. |requirements at the Construction site. See details in |

| | |section 6.1. |

6.4 Due diligence of associated projects

The project collects construction waste and transports them to Ma'anshan second construction waste landfill. The EA team carried out due diligence of the landfill.

According to Ma'anshan Environmental Review [2016] No. 57 document, Ma'anshan second construction waste landfill is proposed to be built in Zhongjianxi Villagers Group, Huoli Village, Huoli Town, Huashan District and Ma'anshan City. The design capacity is 24.3 millionError! Reference source not found., the total area of occupied land is 13666.39Error! Reference source not found.. Ma'anshan Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau stands in the perspective of environmental protection, in principle, agreed to construct in accordance with nature, size, location, environmental protection measures listed in Report Sheet.

|[pic] |

|Chart 6.4-1 Ma'anshan city the second construction waste landfill sites |

6.5Project-related project Environmental Management Scheme

Project-related project Environmental Management Scheme sees table below.

Table 6.5-1 Project-related project Environmental Management Scheme

|Name |Construction |Overview |Management Plan |investment |Executive body|Supervisory |

| | | | |estimate(ten | |authority |

| | | | |thousand) | | |

|Ma’anshan second |EIA has been |Design |Investigate and |120 |Project Owner |City Project |

|construction waste|approved,to be |capacity: 243 |report on the | | |Office |

|disposal sites |built |thousand m3 |progress of the | | | |

| | | |construction every | | | |

| | | |half year | | | |

7 Environmental Management Implementation Plan

7.1 Environmental Management Scheme Implementing agency

7.1.1 The overall goal of environmental management

Gradually implement the design, construction and operation of the proposed projects on the basis of project design scheme, environmental management scheme and the prevention and slowdown measures laid down in environmental evaluation documents by formulating systematic, scientific Environmental Management Scheme to achieve the coordination between project construction and environmental protection by coinciding the design, construction and utilization of environmental protection measures and main construction work and reducing the impacts of project construction and operation on ecological environment, acoustic environment and ambient air to the limited scope required by relevant laws & regulations and standards.

7.1.2 Environmental management institutions and Responsibilities

(1) Environmental management institutions

Due to the differences in the content of environmental management and working term between construction period and operation period, contractors and project owners set up organizations respectively and implement responsibility systems according to different stages. Relevant management institutions will be cancelled immediately after construction and management institutions set up for operation period begin to work. Considering actual working situation, overlap in some period is allowed. Project environmental management institutions setting sees Chart 7.7-1 and 7.1-2 below.


Chart 7.1-1 Institution in building period


Chart 7.1-2 Institution in Runtime

(2) Duties and personnel allocation of the environmental management system agencies

The integrated environmental management system comprises project management institution, regulatory institution, implementation institution, consulting service institution, monitoring institution. All institutions have different duties. The Leading Group Office for Ma’anshan Cihu River Project under World Bank Loan is leading the operation of the projects and ensures the local and World Bank’s requirements are fulfilled in working procedures and the implementation of pollution control measures. The implementation unit is Ma’anshan Caishi River & Cihu River Comprehensive Development Co,. LTD. Duties and personnel allocation of the environmental management system agencies see table 7.1-1.

Table 7.1-1 Duties and personnel allocation of the environmental management system agencies

|Period |Name |Types |Personnel Allocation |Duty of agency |

|Design, |The world bank |Supervision |A person |1.Sent inspection group to conduct special inspection on project implementation every year |

|preparation and | |institutions | |2.Inspect implementation of the agreement of loan and the EMP |

|construction | | | | |

|period | | | | |

| |Municipal project office |Management |Two people |1. Supervise the implementation of EMP, preparation of the procurement and running the |

| | |institutions | |procurement of the contractors, Ensure EMP measures are included in the bidding documents and|

| | | | |contracts, organize trainings. |

| | | | |2. During the preparation of the procurement documents for the Engineering Contractors, the |

| | | | |number and experience of the specialists will need to be specified so it is clear as to |

| | | | |exactly what they will be required to provide as a minimum. |

| | | | |3.Coordinate the implementation of local and world bank’s requirements of environmental |

| | | | |management |

| | | | |4. Submit the related report to the world bank every half year and per every loan agreement. |

| | | | |5. Check the environmental management work. |

| | | | |6.Coordinate with other departments on major environmental problems |

| | | | |7.Entrust external environment expert group for the project inspection |

|Design and |Implementation institutions |Owner |Three people |1. Manage a series of environmental protection actions during project design and preparation.|

|preparation period| | | |2. Provide environmental protection fee. |

| | | | |3. Contact and coordinate with related governmental offices on environmental management. |

| | | | |4. Employ supervisors to collect and record information. |

| |Design unit |Design agency |Two people |1. Ensure considering related measures in design schemes and budgets. |

| | | | |2. List environmental slowdown measures in environmental management scheme into the technique|

| | | | |specification of bidding document. |

| |EMP and EIA consulting unit |Environmental |Four people |1. Provide technical support for environmental protection in design. |

| | |consulting | |2. Compile environmental impact evaluation document. |

| | | | |3. Prepare the EIA and EMP and provide consulting service. |

| |Environmental Protection Bureau of |Supervision |A person |1.Environmental monitoring and supervise and manage this project in accordance with the |

| |Ma’anshan municipality |institutions | |process, including: approval of project environmental impact assessment report, Environmental|

| | | | |monitoring and supervision and management during construction and operation |

|Construction |Implementation institutions |Project owner |Two people |1.Supervise the implementation of the project environment management rules and regulations |

|Period | | | |2.Supervises and coordinates the engineering supervision (Qualification, responsibilities, |

| | | | |management) |

| | | | |anization research or the relevant investigation |

| | | | |4.Record the complaints during the engineering construction and operation process, public the|

| | | | |processing results, solve problems of public appeal |

| | | | |5.Review environmental supervision and environmental consulting report |

| | | | |6.Submit reports or forms every quarter |

| | | | |7. Sign the Site check list of construction units and supervision units reported, checked and|

| | | | |documented. |

| | | | |8.Accept environmental work inspection (including the world bank’s inspection) |

| |Contractors |Contractor unit |Several. The contractor will have |1.Prepare environmental protection measures during construction period according to bidding |

| | | |roles for Environment, Social and |document, contract and environmental management scheme. |

| | | |Health and Safety Experts. The number|2. Accept the guide and supervision of project owner, environmental management personnel, |

| | | |of experts should be at least two, |environmental supervision engineer and related departments of government. |

| | | |and the qualifications of which | |

| | | |should be checked by World Bank. The |3. Accept technical support from environmental protection consulting institution. |

| | | |number and experience of each expert |4. Take safety protection measures, such as set up information signs and build fences around |

| | | |should be commensurate with the |the site. |

| | | |responsibilities and tasks to be |5. Implement environmental management scheme. |

| | | |performed. |6. Establish a feedback mechanism to conduct rectify and reform in 3 days after informed (ten|

| | | | |days if coordination with management institutions is needed). |

| | | | |7. Finish construction site checklist with supervisor before construction and report to the |

| | | | |municipal project office |

| |Engineering Project Supervision |Supervision | Three people |1.Supervision institutions should read carefully and understand the content and requirements |

| |(Environmental supervision) |institutions | |of environmental management scheme and check whether project office or project owner has |

| | | | |acquired relevant approved documents, including the temporary and permanent land-use |

| | | | |approval, especially the construction spoil transportation place or unit approval and |

| | | | |temporary sediment treatment station approval, environment monitoring requirements and |

| | | | |results (such as sediment monitoring). |

| | | | |2.Supervision institutions should supervise strictly according to the environmental |

| | | | |management scheme. |

| | | | |3. Engineering project supervision institutions appoint qualified people as the environment |

| | | | |supervisors. |

| | | | |4.Supervise and inspect domestic sewage and industrial wastewater treatment in construction |

| | | | |site, soil and water erosion protective measures, exhaust gas, dust and noise control |

| | | | |measures, industrial and domestic waste, health and epidemic prevention. Supervise |

| | | | |environment monitoring report of associated projects, the construction, operation, demolition|

| | | | |and site recovery of temporary sediment treatment station. |

| | | | |5. Fill the environmental management checklists in the annex of ECOP regularly. |

| | | | |6.Provide and implement solution for environmental protection problems met by construction |

| | | | |unit during the construction, including issue rectification notice and check list and check |

| | | | |document filling. |

| | | | |7.Report the construction condition to municipal project office every week. Present and give |

| | | | |an account of environmental management plan progress report to project officer and the World |

| | | | |Bank’s experts every half year as per the Loan Agreement requirement. |

| |Environmental monitoring agency |Monitoring |Determined by project scope |1.Conduct environmental monitoring during preparation and construction according to the |

| | |institutions | |environmental monitoring scheme entrusted and raised by project owner. |

| | | | |2.Entrusted by project owner, conduct abnormality monitoring if there are any abnormal |

| | | | |conditions. |

| |Municipal Environmental Protection |Supervision |Two people |1.Conduct a spot check of environmental protection measures of project owner and construction|

| |Bureau |institutions | |unit. |

| | | | |2.Accept the documents presented by project owner and environmental management progress |

| | | | |report and |

| | | | |3.Inspect the recovery condition of temporary occupation land, plants and environment. |

| | | | |4.Inspect dust and noise control measures and decide the construction time. |

| | | | |5.Inspect the air pollutant emission. |

| | | | |6.Inspect the emission and treatment of domestic sewage and waste oil in the construction |

| | | | |site. |

| | | | |7.Confirm the deadline while inspecting the environmental protection equipment. |

| | | | |8.Inspect whether the environmental protection equipment meets the standard. |

| | | | |9.Recovery and treatment of temporary sediment treatment station. |

| | | | |10.Accept public complaint and deal with coordinately. |

| |Administrative department of cultural|Competent authority |A person |1.According to the flow in Figure 1, take rescuing conservation to protect the cultural |

| |relics | | |relics. |

|Operation period |Implementation units |Owner |One to two people |1. Take charge of environmental protection and management in the operation period according |

| | | | |to the environmental management scheme and the pollution slowdown measures, and monitor the |

| | | | |practice. |

| | | | |2. Be responsible for contacting with government authority and implement environmental |

| | | | |management matters. |

| | | | |3. Environmental emergency treatment. |

| | | | |4. Train staff regularly in order to improve their competent and carry out environmental |

| | | | |protection techniques and experience activities so as to improve environmental management. |

| |Municipal Environmental Protection |Supervision |Two people |1. Check and accept environmental protection engineering. |

| |Bureau |institutions | |2. Manage and monitor the practice of environmental protection as per the related standards |

| | | | |during the operation period. |

| | | | |3. Supervise and inspect the operation condition of environmental protection equipment |

| | | | |matched with existing infrastructures. |

| | | | |4. Manage and monitor the pollutant emission according to the standards for normal |

| | | | |pollutants. |

| | | | |5. Inspect the implementation condition of environmental management scheme during operation. |

| | | | |6. Inspect the implementation condition of monitoring scheme. |

| | | | |7. Inspect the sensitive points needing further environmental protection measures (unexpected|

| | | | |problems). |

| | | | |8.Inspect whether the environmental quality of sensitive points meets its corresponding |

| | | | |quality standard requirement. |

| | | | |9. Strengthen supervision in case of sudden incidents happening. Formulate emergency response|

| | | | |plan in advance to deal with hazard. |

| |Social people or civil organization |civil organization |Unlimited |1.Social supervision |

7.1.3 Environmental management tasks in all phases of the project

In different stages of project implementation, project environmental management has different content. As is shown in Figure 7.1-3. The most important duty of environmental management scheme is to ensure that environmental protection measures are implemented effectively, including (1) list the environmental protection requirements of environmental management scheme into the project design, bidding document and contract; (2) Supervise the condition of construction unit in implementing environmental protection measures during construction and inspect the effectiveness and implementation condition of environmental protection measures; (3) Environmental management scheme checking mechanism, reporting mechanism and archiving mechanism. Inspect daily work in order to reflect the timeliness.


Chart 7.1-3 Environmental management tasks in all phases of the project

7.2 Environmental Monitoring Plan

7.2.1 Formulate objectives and principles

Environmental monitoring shall be carried out promptly on the basis of the environmental impact prediction results to keep track of the potential new problems and the various degrees of impact the project may have on environment and provide foundation for implementation time and scheme of environmental protection measures by promptly adjusting action plan on the basis of monitoring results.

7.2.2 Environment monitoring agency

Monitoring can be entrusted to Ma’anshan municipal environmental monitoring station Construction unit shall sign monitoring agreement related to construction period with monitoring station before construction and sign monitoring agreement related to running period before the delivery for use of the project.

7.2.3 Environmental monitoring scheme

Take sensitive focus points with more apparent character for pollution as the monitoring points on the basis of the environmental impact prediction results and select acoustic environment, ambient air easily to be impacted as monitoring content on the basis of pollution conditions during construction period and running period. Monitoring factor shall be determined by pollution characteristics factor in project analysis, monitoring analysis methods adopt that related to the project specified in Environmental Monitoring Technical Specifications and evaluation criterion follows national standards confirmed by Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

Confirm environmental monitoring content during construction period and running period, according to project and environmental characteristics. See Table 7.2-1 for specific information.

Table 7.2-1 Environmental monitoring plan during construction period and running period

|Period |Environmental factor |Monitoring |Monitoring |Monitoring |Monitoring |

| | |content |indicators |location |time and |

| | | | | |frequency |

7.3 Personnel training program

7.3.1 Training purpose

The purpose of the EMP training is to guarantee the successful operation of the environmental management, to make the staff be familiar with the contents and procedures of the environmental management, to improve their ability of environmental management and to ensure the effective implementation of all environmental protection measures. The main objects of environment ability construction are environmental managers and environmental supervisors. Their training is a part of the project technical support. The training objects also include constructors and constructor staff. Before the construction, all the construction units and management units are required to attend the compulsory environmental, health and safety training.

7.3.2 Training objects

Training objects:project office, Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, implementation units of each project component, all environmental supervisors, representatives of environmental monitoring units, major contractors, etc.

7.3.3 Training contents

(1) The understanding and application of The World Bank environmental policy and the domestic environmental protection laws and regulations, environmental standards;

(2) Environmental management pattern in the World Bank loan project and the terms in the environmental loan agreement;

(3) Environmental management plan of the project;

(4) The duties and relationships of environmental management, environmental supervision personnel, environmental monitoring staff and contractors;

(5) The preparation of Environmental management work reports, environmental supervision work reports, environmental monitoring reports, the contractor logs, monthly reports, interim reports and annual reports as technical documents required by check before acceptance according to the principle that the pollution control facilities should be designed, constructed and put into use at the same time as the main part of the project .

7.3.4 Training plans

The major negative environmental impacts came from the construction period, the relevant environmental protection staff should be trained, to enhance their level of environmental management. Refer to table 7.3-1 for details.

Table 7.3-1 Ability building and training plans during the construction period

|Topic |Training objects |Contents |Times |Duration per |Number of person |Budget |

| | | | |time /day |involved per time|(ten thousand |

| | | | | | |yuan) |

|Environmental |Project office, |Environmental protection |1 |0.5 |4 |1 |

|protection laws, |companies, |laws and regulations | | | | |

|regulations and |contractors | | | | | |

|policies | | | | | | |

| | |Environmental policies |1 |0.5 |4 | |

| | |and plans | | | | |

| | |EMP |1 |0.5 |4 | |

|Implementation of |Project office, |Environmental protection |1 |0.5 |4 |4 |

|EMP |companies, |duties during project | | | | |

| |contractors |construction period | | | | |

| | |Major tasks of |1 |0.5 |4 | |

| | |environmental protection | | | | |

| | |during project | | | | |

| | |construction period | | | | |

| | |main contents of |2 |0.5 |4 | |

| | |environmental protection | | | | |

| | |during project | | | | |

| | |construction period | | | | |

| | |Reports in EMP |1 |0.5 |4 | |

| | |Improvement or revision |1 |0.5 |4 | |

| | |of EMP | | | | |

| | |Monitoring measures, data|1 |0.5 |4 | |

| | |collection and process, | | | | |

| | |etc | | | | |

|Subtotal during | | | | | |5 |

|construction | | | | | | |

|Period | | | | | | |

|Environmental |owners |Environmental protection |2 |0.5 |3 |4 |

|monitoring and | |facilities, ecological | | | | |

|inspection,report| |restoration, | | | | |

| | |environmental quality | | | | |

| | |monitoring, preparation | | | | |

| | |of reports | | | | |

|Environmental |owners |Environmental safety |2 |0.5 |3 | |

|protection | |rules and regulations and| | | | |

|facilities | |procedures | | | | |

| | |emergency plan |2 |0.5 |3 | |

|Subtotal during | | | | | |4 |

|Operation Period | | | | | | |

|Total | | | | | |9 |

7.4 Environmental Supervision Program

7.4.1 Environmental supervision organization during the construction period

Environmental supervision during the construction period is to ensure that the Environmental, Health and Safety and Social aspects of the Contract requirements are delivered by the contractor during the construction period. Environmental supervision work during the construction period must be undertaken by qualified supervision organization, which must have roles for Environment, Social and Health and Safety Experts and the number and experience of each will be commensurate with the responsibilities and tasks to be performed.

The environmental supervision unit is responsible for establishing an Environmental Health, Safety (a supervision team for social aspects might be requested separately) Supervision Team to supervise implementation of this EMP by contractors and agencies.

The Supervision Tame needs to initiate the specific environmental/health/safety supervision plan, in accordance with Environment Management Plan, contents about environmental supervision in the EIA as well as the practical situation during the construction period, and afterwards, Supervision Team should submit such environmental/health/safety supervision plan to the relevant environmental authority and the construction unit.

Chart 7.4-1 Organizational Chart of Environmental Supervision

7.4.2 principles of environmental supervision

Any units performing environmental supervision shall practice under the guideline of law-abiding, integrity and scientific. According to the principle that the environmental supervisor is “the third party”, it should be strictly independent from the environmental management of the property owners and the supervision and law enforcement of the government, and should serve the environmental management of the property owners and the government. The supervisor should coordinate the relationships among the property owner, the constructor, the construction supervision & management Unit, the environmental supervision unit, the environmental monitoring unit, and the relevant administrative authority of the government, so as to create favorable conditions for the ESM works. The environmental supervision unit shall, according to the characteristics of the engineering project hereto, establish standard supervision and management rules that are in consistence with the practical conditions so that the supervision works can be conducted smoothly.

7.4.3 Environmental supervision scope

(1) Environmental supervision scope

The construction area and the project direct-influencing area include the construction sites and walkways of the main and temporary projects the existed local roads involved with large number of transportation.

Contents of environmental supervision: all aspects of ecological protection, planting, pollution control, public environment, etc.

(2)Scope of Project

Include all the areas polluted by the construction sites, construction roads and the afore mentioned construction.

(3)Periods of environmental supervision

The environmental supervision of the construction project comprises three main periods, which namely are preparing period, construction period, and delivery, acceptance, and defect liability period.

7.4.4 Working manners of environmental supervision

Considering the characteristics of this project, environmental supervision must be dynamically managed according to the project progress. Environmental supervision of the project is based on regular inspection, key process supervision, record and report, as well as necessary environmental monitoring as supplement in order to adjust the environmental supervision strength timely. Major pollution construction procedures shall be supervised and managed throughout the entire construction in order to make sure all the contractors have fulfilled their obligation in accordance with the relevant environmental protection laws, administrative regulations and conditions and terms as stated in the Contract.

The environmental supervisor is required to learn relevant contents in the environment management plan and in the EIA concerning the aforementioned project before the construction starts.

7.4.5 Specific working procedure of environmental supervision

An Environmental Supervising Unit, who strictly complies with the conditions and terms as stated in the Contract and the relevant environmental protection laws and regulations, is a economically independent third party standing alone from the property owner and the contractor. Such Environmental Supervising Unit’s obligation is implementing every work under the guideline of justice and independence, and shall secure the legal rights and interests of both the property owner and the contractor. Meanwhile, as an environmental supervision Unit is an important component of environmental supervision, it is closely related to ESM, but is also special and relatively independent. The specific environmental supervision procedure is as follows:

(1) Review whether the environmental protection measures devised in preliminary design of the project and the design drawing of project has been implemented in line with the approved environmental protection measures in environmental impact report;

(2) Assist the construction unit to organize the environmental protection training for staff in construction, design and management;

(3) Verify the bidding document and the terms of Engineering Contract involving environmental protection.

(4) Present environmental-protection advice and suggestions concerning the construction organization plan, technical plan, and construction progress plan proposed by the contractor, and verify whether the construction equipment on site are up to the environmental-protection standard.

(5) Supervise the measures of reducing the influence generated thereby to the ecological environment, the aquatic, air and acoustic environment and the construction quality of the environmental protection engineering, and conduct stage acceptance and signature in accordance with the relevant standards.

(6) Conduct regular patrol and supervision on a daily basis; and systematically record environmental influence, practical effect, and construction quality of the environmental protection engineering.

(7) Adopt side-standing supervision to the sources of pollution that have relatively large effect on the environment within the construction site, to the handling of major environmental problems caused by construction and to the design of the construction at environmentally sensitive points; adopt side-standing supervision if it is necessary to dredge the watercourses in the adjacent neighborhoods.

(8) As for any environmental problems found in the inspection, record immediately and give oral notification or write memorandum and demand the contractor to make a rectification within a certain per. First, report to city project for solution. If city project office cannot deal with it, then report to provincial project office for further measures. More details about the rectification notice, see Annex 4. Should the contractor not deliver the employer’s requirements, the remedies within the contract provide the mechanism for bringing the contractor back into compliance: these include (for example) issuing notices to correct, withholding of payments, bringing in (at contractors cost) organizations to correct the issues, suspension or cancellation of the contract.

(9) Supervise the main polluting sources in the site of construction area. If necessary, advise the property owner on employing specialists and qualified monitoring units to supervise; and appropriately deal with existing environmental problems according to the monitoring results. As for major environmental problems, the supervisor shall require the contractor to deal with them within a certain period of time, and issue the Rectification Notice for Environmental Problems after negotiation with the owner. Refer to Annex 4 details about the rectification notice.

(10) Review the environmental protection monthly work report compiled and submitted according to relevant rules by the constructor; assess the environmental protection works of the constructor and provide suggestions about improvement plans and measures from the perspective of environmental protection, sign them as basis on which the construction plan is implemented.

(11) Carry out environmental supervision working meetings. The environmental supervision working meetings, including the first on-site meeting about environmental protection, environmental supervision regular meetings and environmental supervision special meetings, is an important way for all parties to communicate, solve problems, coordinate their relationships and deal with disputes.

(12) Promptly reflect to the Leading Team of environmental supervision on the unexpected problems of environmental protection design and emerging construction problems, and present solution advice.

(13) Be responsible for drawing up the project environmental supervision plan and summary.

7.4.6 Environmental supervision organization and working system

In order to conduct the environmental management work smoothly, the engineering environmental supervision is included into the ESM system. The construction unit shall entrust a unit with engineering qualification and ability to undertake the engineering environmental supervision.

The working contents of the environmental supervision mainly includes: work records, documents verification, environmental training of personnel, working reports, correspondence, regular meetings, award & punishment and filing of environmental supervision.

Before the construction, the supervisor should collect and review the documents approved by local government: including the confirmation letter in which Ma’anshan Second Debris Treatment Plant agrees to accept the waste/debris generated by this construction project; approval of three sediments temporary treatment stations; and the requirements and results of environmental monitoring before the construction (such as sediments monitoring), etc.

7.4.7 Engineering environmental supervision plan

Conform to the general and specific policies, laws, regulations and rules about environmental protection of the state, local government and the World Bank; supervise the contractor to implement relevant terms about environmental protection in the Construction Contract. Some major duties include:

(1) Compile the environmental supervision plan, draft the items and contents of environmental supervision;

(2) Review the terms about environmental protection in the construction bidding documents;

(3) supervise the contractor in order to prevent and reduce the environmental pollution and damages caused by construction to farmlands, plants and wild animals, and avoid fires at the same time;

(4) Supervise and check comprehensively the implementation and effects of the environmental protection measures of all construction units according to the investigation and monitoring information, handle and solve unexpected environmental pollution in time;

(5) Check comprehensively the handling and restoration of debris plant and construction sites in the charge of the constructor, mainly including the stability of the slopes, the restoration of the sites, the afforestation and the afforestation rate, etc;

(6) Implement the environmental supervision, review relevant environmental reports, come up with requirements about the construction and management of the ditches according to the results of water quality, ambient air and noise monitoring in order to minimize the adverse impact caused be construction to the environment; and

(7) Compile supervision records and reports well in daily works and take part in the acceptance of the completed project.

(1) Design and construction preparation stage

Examine the implementation of the environmental protection terms specified in the Construction Contract, verify the concerned environmental protection measures of the construction organization plan, verify, optimize and review the construction area with the owner, design unit, engineering supervision unit, and constructor. See Table 7.4-1 for environmental supervision plan.

Table 7.4-1 Example environment supervision contents during the Construction Preparation Period

|Construction Activities |Supervision focuses |Supervision methods |Means |

|Construction bidding |Compile engineering environment | | |

| |supervision work plan | | |

| |Review the terms on environmental |Document | |

| |protection in the Construction Contract |re-verification | |

| |Review of sensitive items and protected |Inspection |Field recording |

| |objects on the construction site. | | |

| |Review the environmental measures of the |Document verification | |

| |construction organization plan made by | | |

| |the contractor. | | |

| |Verification of the environmental |Document verification | |

| |managing plan during the design and | | |

| |construction period made by the | | |

| |contractor. | | |

| |Verification of the construction plan and|Document verification | |

| |the relevant environmental protection | | |

| |plan during the start application of the | | |

| |subitems. | | |

(2)Construction stage

The environmental supervision during the construction shall be implemented along with the Environmental Management Plan and engineering process, which mainly include river desilting, dam reinforcement, pumping station construction, road construction, etc. See Table 7.4-2 for Supervision Plan.

Table 7.4-2 Main environmental supervision contents during the Construction Period

|Environmental |Supervision objects |Main environmental supervision contents|Main environmental supervision|Solutions of excessive |

|factors | | |forms |pollutants or |

| | | | |violation. |

|Aquatic |Construction sites |①Urge the constructor to establish |Patrolling and inspecting the |Notify the owner and |

|environment | |necessary water process constructions |construction sites and |the construction unit |

| | |such as sediment ponds and oil |temporary land occupancy. |for remedial measures. |

| | |separator in order to deal with the | | |

| | |waste water generated by the | | |

| | |construction. | | |

| | |②Reinforce management and maintenance | | |

| | |of the construction machines. | | |

| | |③Adopt blocking measures to prevent the| | |

| | |loss of materials in plants where | | |

| | |materials are concentratedly stored | | |

|Ambient air |Transportation and |Transporting vehicles need to transport|Conduct air quality monitoring|Notify the owner and |

| |stocking of building|materials with all the materials |and inspect all the |the construction unit |

| |materials; |covered and sealed; the unloading site |construction areas and the |for remedial measures. |

| |Sediment temporary |needs to be prepared with dust-control |temporary land occupancy. | |

| |treatment station |measures, and such sites need to be | | |

| | |watered on a regular basis. | | |

| | |There shall be no less than 30m | | |

| | |distance between the temporary | | |

| | |treatment station for sediment and | | |

| | |residential area, and the sediment | | |

| | |should be cleared timely | | |

| | |Whether to operate or not in extremely | | |

| | |windy weather | | |

| | |④Carry out atmospheric environmental | | |

| | |monitoring at six sensitive points in | | |

| | |construction areas | | |

|Acoustic |①Construction and | |Conduct acoustic environment |Notify the owner and |

|environment |transportation Road |Appropriately arrange construction time|monitoring and inspect all the|the construction unit |

| |②Construction area |plan |construction areas and the |for remedial measures. |

| | |Using low-noise equipment |temporary land occupancy. | |

| | |Setup fences around sensitivity points | | |

| | |Carry out noise monitoring at seven | | |

| | |sensitive points in construction areas | | |

|Solid Waste |The construction |Check the Construction site, and make |Inspect the construction sites| |

| |site |sure that |during the construction | |

| | |construction rubbish and domestic |period, the temporary | |

| | |wastes are promptly cleared and that |construction sites and the | |

| | |the domestic wastes are collected |sediment temporary treatment | |

| | |separately |stations. | |

| | |Check the disposition of spoil, | | |

| | |transportation route, location of spoil| | |

| | |ground, and whether spoil blocking dams| | |

| | |are established. | | |

| | |Check the temporary storage of | | |

| | |sediment, whether there are protection | | |

| | |facilities and whether the sediments | | |

| | |are transported timely when they are | | |

| | |dry. | | |

|Social environment|Major construction |①Reduce the influence of the |Inspect the construction site |Notify the owner and |

| |sites |construction on transportation to the |during the construction |the construction unit |

| | |local city, for example, by avoiding |period, and learn the local |for remedial measures. |

| | |the rush hours. |inhabitants’ feelings who live| |

| | | |about the construction sites. | |

|Ecological |Temporary land |Ecological restoration of |Identify the location of |Notify the owner and |

|environment |occupancy |temporarily-occupied areas |temporarily-occupied areas |the construction unit |

| | | |which should be patrolled |for remedial measures. |

| | | |during the construction time, | |

| | | |and an inspection of the | |

| | | |restoration shall be | |

| | | |guaranteed when construction | |

| | | |is finished | |

Working procedures for the environmental supervisor to implement EMP during the construction period

Although environmental supervision is an important component of environmental management, it is relatively independent, so it is necessary to establish an independent environmental supervision institution. The environmental supervision institution should be undertaken by qualified supervision unit and should supervise, check and assess the implementation of environmental protection measures of all constructors according to the environmental monitoring data and inspection results on the basis of terms of the Contract and laws, regulations and policies about environmental protection of the state. It should also figure out and correct in time the construction behaviors that violates the environmental protection terms in the Contract and the national environmental protection requirements. The environmental supervisor should check the construction site at least once a week, fill in and file the environmental checklist at the construction site, come up with rectification plan for existing environmental problems of the constructor during the construction period and follow up its implementation. The environmental supervisor should also report and submit EMP implementation report biannually to the responsible person of the Project Office and the experts of the World Bank. The working procedures of the environmental supervision during the construction period are shown in figure 7.4-2.

Chart 7.4-2 Work Process of Environmental Supervision in Construction Period

(1) Project Management Office, owner, Environmental experts, Environmental supervision check the environmental protection measures implementation, according to checklist of environmental inspections, to make sure whether the environmental protection measures during construction period fulfill the requirements of EMP or not.

(2)If the environmental protection measures fail to meet requirements, environmental supervisor should report the actual situation to Environmental Management Officer, and help construction unit to complete rectification.

(3) If the environmental protection measures meet requirements, environmental supervisor archived report.

More details about the environmental checklist, see Annex 3.

(3)Delivery, Acceptance and Defects Liability Period

Summarizing the data on environment protection acceptance after the completion of the project, construction of the environment protection engineering, and restoration and maintenance of the construction site and temporarily-occupied areas in the defects liability period are among the main tasks during this period.

7.4.8 Document compilation of environmental supervision

(1) General plan compilation of environmental protection supervision

General plan of environmental protection supervision refers to that when an environmental protection supervision unit accepting a business entrustment , it shall develop a plan on the environmental protection supervision of the project according to the Contract, EMS and requirements of the EIA, construction plan and the actual conditions of construction , to identify the range, contents, methods and goals of the works of environmental protection supervision.

(2)Implementing rules compilation of environmental protection supervision

Based on the general plan of environmental protection supervision, the implementing rules of environmental protection supervision are interpreted as the executable documents made by professional environmental protection supervision engineers from the project environmental protection supervision institution for the purpose of the compilation of single construction. Implementing rules shall be made according to the actual conditions of the construction, EMP and requirements of the EIA.

(3)Concluding report compilation of environmental supervision

When environmental supervision work ends, the environmental supervision organization shall make a prompt summary and deliver the construction unit a general report, which mainly includes the implementation summary of the commission supervision Contract, evaluation of supervision tasks and goals implementation.

7.4.9 Environmental supervision archives management

Environmental supervision archives shall include relevant documents and data of environmental supervision, be implemented according to the environmental supervision archives management. But the supervision data required should include environmental supervision.

(1)Documents of environmental supervision mainly include plan (including environmental supervision), implementing rules (including environmental supervision), general report (including environmental supervision), etc of environmental supervision.

(2)Environmental supervision data mainly include:

① Daily work log: Mainly recording the work of environmental supervision, and the measures environmental supervision members take and their implementation when unexpected situation happens;

②Monthly environmental supervision report: Summarizing and documenting the work of environmental supervision during the month and record the work content and the measures environmental supervision members take and their implementation when unexpected situation happens;

③Correspondences between the environmental supervision unit and the property owner and other documents on construction unit and other relevant materials.

④and quarterly report.

Archives management of the environment supervision shall formulate relevant management systems and assign the specified staff to be responsible for the gathering, classification, sorting and filing of various environmental supervision data, which are significant to the acceptance and management of the project environment protection.

7.5 Public complaints and feedback mechanism

7.5.1 Public complaints mechanism

Transparent and effective public complaints mechanism of the migrants should be established, besides the existed ones of governments at all levels, so that the problems raised during compilation and implementation of the project can be effectively solved, and to guarantee the implementation of land acquisition and project construction. The basic ways of public complaints are as following:

Stage 1 If any rights violations happened during the land acquisition, the migrants could report to local administrative departments. The neighborhood committee and the migrants can report directly to the municipality petition offices directly. After receiving the complaints, the petition office should record the complaints and negotiate with the neighborhood committee and the migrants for solutions in 2 weeks.

Stage 2 If the petitioners do not satisfied with the solutions come out in stage 1, the petitioners could lodge a complaint to the Leading Group Office for Ma’anshan Cihu River Aquatic Environment Improvement Project under World Bank Loan, after the solution decision of stage 1 was made. The project office should response in 2 weeks.

Stage 3 If the petitioners do not satisfied with the solutions come out in stage 2, after the solution decision of stage 2 was made, the petitioners could lodge a complaint to the authorized administrative departments, according to the ‘Administrative Procedure Law of the Peoples Republic of China’ to ask for arbitration.

Stage 4 If the petitioners still do not satisfied on the arbitration, they could prosecute to the Civil court, according to the Civil Procedural Law.

The migrants could complain about all aspects including the compensation standard, during the migration resettlement.

The aforementioned complaint measures will be informed to the migrants through meetings or other methods so that the migrants will know clearly that they enjoy the right of complaint. At the same time, the media is used for publicity and all the advise and suggestions about the works concerning migrants are collected and compiled for the migration institutions at all levels to study and handle in time.

The institutions which accept the complaints of the migrants are free of charge, because the cost generated by complaints is paid by the Project Office together with other unexpected expenses.

7.5.2 Public feedback mechanism

Establish a public feedback mechanism. When the EMP and EIA units and owner or constructor receive the environmental complaint or rectification notice immediately, they should immediately pay visits and investigate with relevant departments such as the design department, rectify according to the practical situation and publicize the solutions to solve the environmental disputes. Problems should be solved in 3 days (10 days if coordination with management institutions is needed). More details about the rectification notice, see Annex 4.

The feedback mechanism is divided into 2 stages:

Stage 1: The construction unit and the EIA unit should conduct meetings and questionnaires to collect residents’ opinions during the environmental impact assessment of the project. The public could propose suggestions and opinions through meetings, questionnaires handed out by assessment unit which can also be requested proactively, or through letters, phone calls, fax, or e-mails to the construction unit or entrusted environmental assessment unit. Also the public can also submit written opinions to the administrative department of environmental protection which is in charge of the verification or rectification of the Environmental Impact Report. The construction unit, the construction unit or entrusted environmental assessment unit and the administrative department of environmental protection should backup and document the original files.

Stage 2: The public could propose suggestions and opinions through letters, phone calls, fax, emails to the owner or the construction unit, they can also feedback to the petition office and Environmental Protection Bureau of Ma’anshan municipality during the project construction and operation period;

According to the public opinions, based on the environmental monitoring reports and supervision reports, specific modifications and improvement should be made in the mitigation measures.

If during the check, major deviations from EMP are found, or the modification of project will raise extra massive negative environmental impacts or increase the number of the extra effected people, the project office should consult the EIA cousulting units and the EIA group founded by World Bank, to conduct extra EIA. If necessary, extra public consulting is needed as well. The modified EMS should be copied to the construction units and contractors to inform them the modified contents.

7.6 Report mechanism of Environmental management plan

7.6.1 Reorganize and save of Monitoring data

Implement based on the ‘Environmental monitoring technical specifications’ and ‘Soil and water conservation monitoring procedures’. 4 documents including original monitoring data and reorganized files should be submitted to the administrative department of environmental protection as backup and should be made copies to the designing units as a information feedback.

7.6.2 Information exchange

Necessary information exchange was required among the different departments and posts in the city project office, constructors and contractors of subitems as required by the environmental management, as well as to the external (relevant units and public).

Internal information exchange could be conducted by meetings and briefings, but a formal meeting should be conducted at least once a month. All information exchanged should be recorded and filed.

External information exchange could be held annually or biannually, which also should be recorded and filed.

7.6.3 Recording

For the effective operation of environmental management, the owner should establish a comprehensive recording system, which includes following aspects of recording:

(1)Laws and regulations;

(2)Accreditation and rescriptum concerning the project;

(3)Environmental factors and the relevant environmental impact;


(5)Examination, check and maintenance activities

(6)Monitoring data

(7)Problems in Environmental management and environmental protection work

(8) Preventive measures effectiveness;

(9) Information of related projects;

In addition, necessary control should be done on above all kinds of records, including: identification, collection, cataloging, filing, storage, management, maintenance, query, retention time, disposal, etc of the aforementioned records.

7.6.4 Reporting

The project office, environment supervision units should record and report to the relevant departments in time, of the progress of the project, EMP implementation progress report, environmental quality monitoring results, etc in the project implementation process, including:

(1) Records of the execution of the EMP and the Monitoring data should be submitted to the project office in the form of weekly, monthly, quarterly and biannual report, by the environmental supervision engineer; the weekly, monthly, quarterly and biannual report should include the execution of environmental protection measures, the implementation and monitoring data of the environmental monitoring.

(2) Quarterly project progress report, including the progress of the project and the execution of EMP, should be prepared by the company, and submitted to the project office and the municipal Environmental Protection Bureau.

(3) The monitoring report should submitted to the project office and environmental supervision engineer in time as long as the monitoring unit has completed its entrusted monitoring tasks.

(4) Project progress report prepared by the project office (such as monthly report, quarterly report and yearly report) must include contents about the EMP, such as the progress of EMP and effects, especially the monitoring results.

(5) Environmental supervision engineer and the project office should report to the local administrative department of environmental protection, even the higher administrative department, when violations in the aspect of environmental protection happens.

(6) Semi- Annual implementation report of EMP should be handed to the World Bank by February 15 and August 15 of each year in line with the Loan Agreement and Project Agreement. Semi-annual implementation report of EMP should mainly include:

a The implementation of the training plan;

b Project progress,

c Implementation and results of environmental protection measures, environmental monitoring,

d Whether there is any public complaints, if there are any complaints, records the main contents, solutions and whether the public are satisfied,

e The implementation plan of EMP next six months.

7.7 Estimated budget of Environment Protection

Refer to Table 7.7-1 for the estimated budget of the Ma’anshan Cihu River Aquatic Environment Improvement Project Financed by World Bank Loan. The EMS preparation unit has been reported to project office: this cost should be added into the total cost of the project. The actual cost should be proposed by the contractor in cost accounting of the bidding document.

Table 7.7-1 Estimated Budget of Environmental Management of the Project (Ten thousand)

|Name of |Area |Environmental monitoring |Environmental supervision Cost|

|the | | | |

|project | | | |

|1 |Whether the project involves nature reserves, |Yes □ NO □ Not Involving □ | |

| |material and cultural resources, involuntary | | |

| |resettlement, and so on. | | |

|2 |Whether there are important vegetation, trees in the |Yes □ NO □ Not Involving □ | |

| |project area. | | |

|3 |Whether the project construction will have a |Yes □ NO □ Not Involving □ | |

| |significant impact on the surrounding residents | | |

| |travel. | | |

|4 |Whether there is a vulnerable public near the project|Yes □ NO □ Not Involving □ | |

| |area (residential ares, schools, hospitals, | | |

| |concentrated office areas, etc.). | | |

|5 |Whether the construction deteriorate the living |Yes □ NO □ Not Involving □ | |

| |standard of people in nearby towns and cities | | |

|6 |Whether the project construction needs to interrupt |Yes □ NO □ Not Involving □ | |

| |the municipal services (water and power supply, | | |

| |telephone lines, bus routes, etc.). | | |

|7 |Whether the project construction needs demolition |Yes □ NO □ Not Involving □ | |

|8 |Whether the rainy season will be affected by the |Yes □ NO □ Not Involving □ | |

| |flood | | |

|9 |Whether the temporary land occupied by the project |Yes □ NO □ Not Involving □ | |

| |will occupy the land outside the project area | | |

|10 |Whether the project involves the construction of |Yes □ NO □ Not Involving □ | |

| |electricity and telecommunications and other | | |

| |municipal services pipeline | | |

|11 |Whether there is surface water within or near the |Yes □ NO □ Not Involving □ | |

| |project scope | | |

|Other | |Yes □ NO □ Not Involving □ | |

Annex 2 is for construction unit and supervision unit.

Annex 3 Environmental checklist at the construction site

|Ma'anshan Cihu River Basin Improvement Project Environmental checklist at the construction site |

|Project Name | |Name of Project Site | |

|Contract number and name | |Verification results(Mark“√”) |Notes |

|Check items |Yes |No |Not | |

| | | |involving | |

|I. General |1.1 Whether there are effective measures for prevention and | | | | |

|requirement|control of air, soil and water, noise pollution and improvement of| | | | |

|s |environmental sanitation in the construction organization design | | | | |

| |of the project. | | | | |

| |1.2 Whether establish the environmental protection, environmental | | | | |

| |health management and inspection system on the construction site. | | | | |

| |1.3 Whether there is environmental protection, environmental | | | | |

| |health management inspection records on the construction site. | | | | |

| |1.4 Whether to provide workers with essential protective | | | | |

| |equipment, to take effective measures to prevent occupational | | | | |

| |diseases | | | | |

| |1.5 Whether or not engaged in occupational hazards operations | | | | |

| |personnel should conduct regular physical examination and training| | | | |

| |(There should be relevant physical examination certificate and | | | | |

| |training record) | | | | |

| |1.6 Whether combined with seasonal characteristics, do a good job | | | | |

| |of food hygiene and summer cooling, cold warm, anti-gas poisoning,| | | | |

| |epidemic prevention and other work. | | | | |

| |1.2 Whether the assessment of construction management personnel | | | | |

| |includes environmental protection, environmental health and other | | | | |

| |relevant laws and regulations. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|II. Site |2.1 Whether the construction area is isolated from the office | | | | |

|layout and |area. | | | | |

|temporary | | | | | |

|facilities | | | | | |

|constructio| | | | | |

|n | | | | | |

| |2.2 Whether the construction area is clean and orderly | | | | |

| |2.3 Whether the construction site entrance is marked with the name| | | | |

| |of the enterprise or corporate identity. | | | | |

| |2.4 When need interruption of municipal services (water and power | | | | |

| |supply, telephone lines, bus routes, etc.), construction side | | | | |

| |should inform the public in advance. | | | | |

| |2.5 Whether to use the existing housing and infrastructure as | | | | |

| |temporary construction site facilities. | | | | |

| |2.6 whether the new temporary housing area is reasonable, and meet| | | | |

| |the safety and fire requirements (There should be relevant | | | | |

| |certificates). | | | | |

| |2.7 Whether the temporary facilities use clay brick | | | | |

| |2.8 Whether there is a special warehouse for oil, chemical | | | | |

| |solvents and other items at the construction site. | | | | |

| |2.9 Whether oil and chemicals warehouse floor is to do | | | | |

| |anti-leakage treatment.Whether the adsorption package / sand / | | | | |

| |wood chips and other emergency treatment materials are prepared in| | | | |

| |the warehouse | | | | |

| |2.10 Whether the employee dormitory is set up in a building that | | | | |

| |has not yet been completed | | | | |

| |2.11 Whether the temporary construction facility is completely | | | | |

| |demolished within one month after the completion of the | | | | |

| |construction project | | | | |

| |Others (should be elaborated) | | | | |

|III. |3.1 Whether construction site is set up a closed color steel | | | | |

|Operating |fence, whose height is not less than 2.5 meters, and less than 3m | | | | |

|conditions |at sensitive areas. | | | | |

|and | | | | | |

|environment| | | | | |

|al safety | | | | | |

| |3.2 Whether construction site is set bulletin board,which placard| | | | |

| |environmental protection, civilized construction system, emergency| | | | |

| |response process and other information. | | | | |

| |3.3 Whether the construction unit take protective measures to | | | | |

| |ensure that the constructions, construction safety and underground| | | | |

| |pipelines adjacent to the construction project are safe . | | | | |

| |3.4 Whether the high scaffolding, tower cranes and other large | | | | |

| |mechanical equipment in construction site keep a safe distance | | | | |

| |with the overhead transmission wire, whether the high-voltage | | | | |

| |lines are used insulation materials for safety protection | | | | |

| |3.5 Whether hard security measures are taken to the street | | | | |

| |pedestrian road, vehicle entrances and exits around the | | | | |

| |construction project, whether lighting facilities are set up at | | | | |

| |night | | | | |

| |3.6 Whether dangerous parts of the construction site is set a | | | | |

| |safety warning signs with the national standard. | | | | |

| |3.7 Whether appropriate safety technical measures are taken at | | | | |

| |the construction site according to the seasonal changes to achieve| | | | |

| |safe and civilized construction conditions | | | | |

| |3.8 Whether the fire extinguishing equipment is properly | | | | |

| |maintained and the escape route is smooth | | | | |

| |Others (should be elaborated) | | | | |

|IV. Dust |4.1 Whether the road at the construction site utilizes existing or| | | | |

|pollution |planned roads in the vicinity of the site. | | | | |

|control | | | | | |

| |4.2 When building new construction walkways, whether to carry out | | | | |

| |hardening according to the usage of the roads, whether to spray | | | | |

| |water in dust-producing sections of the road. | | | | |

| |4.3 Whether the materials are stacked together at construction | | | | |

| |site | | | | |

| |4.4 Whether the location of the second material yard is reasonable| | | | |

| |4.5 Whether the material storage area, processing area and large | | | | |

| |template storage at the site is smooth and solid | | | | |

| |4.6 Whether the loading and unloading, handling operations to take| | | | |

| |shelter measures, and whether the easy to fly, fine granular | | | | |

| |material, is closed storage. | | | | |

| |4.7 Whether the stacked earthwork has taken measures such as | | | | |

| |covering, curing or greening | | | | |

| |4.8 Whether the spoil is the comprehensive utilization or | | | | |

| |transport to the designated consumer sites | | | | |

| |4.9 Whether the bare site of the office area and the living area | | | | |

| |at the construction site is sprinkled with water to reduce dust, | | | | |

| |and are afforested according to its actual situation | | | | |

| |4.10 Whether closed transport vehicles are used for the transport | | | | |

| |of earth, dregs and construction waste | | | | |

| |4.11 Whether vehicle washing facilities are set up at the entrance| | | | |

| |and exit of the construction site, whether concrete, asphalt, | | | | |

| |straw mat or broken tile is laid on the road between the vehicle | | | | |

| |washing facilities and the exit of the site. | | | | |

| |4.12 Whether ready-mixed concrete and ready-mixed mortar are used | | | | |

| |at the construction site. | | | | |

| |4.13 Whether to take dust removal measures when Concrete work | | | | |

| |4.14 Whether earth refill, transshipment and other possible dust | | | | |

| |producing constructions are prohibited in level-4 or above windy | | | | |

| |weather | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Others (should be elaborated) | | | | |

|V. |(1) Whether incineration of waste is prohibited at the | | | | |

|Hazardous |construction site | | | | |

|gas | | | | | |

|emission | | | | | |

|control | | | | | |

| |(2)Whether Construction vehicles, machinery and equipment maintain| | | | |

| |a good operating condition, and whether the exhaust emissions meet| | | | |

| |the national emission standards. | | | | |

| |(3) Whether or not a fume treatment facility is installed in the | | | | |

| |construction area kitchen | | | | |

| |Others (should be elaborated) | | | | |

|VI. Water. |6.1 Whether or not to set up a sedimentation tank in the | | | | |

|pollution |construction machinery cleaning tank. | | | | |

|control | | | | | |

| |6.2 Waste water is discharged directly into the municipal sewer | | | | |

| |network or river | | | | |

| |6.3 Whether the waste water is recycled after secondary | | | | |

| |sedimentation. | | | | |

| |6.4 When the sediment in sedimentation tank reaches the depth of | | | | |

| |1/4 sedimentation tank, whether the sludge disposal treatment is | | | | |

| |adopted, whether the sediment is transported to the designated | | | | |

| |location | | | | |

| |6.5 Whether grease trapper is set up in the canteen, whether a | | | | |

| |qualified clearing unit is entrusted to clean up in time | | | | |

| |6.6 Whether closed swill bucket are set up outside the canteen, | | | | |

| |and are timely cleaned up | | | | |

| |6.7 Whether the temporary toilet septic tanks In the construction | | | | |

| |site have been undergone seepage treatment | | | | |

| |6.8 Drains should be set up in the construction site, whether | | | | |

| |waste water is discharged into the municipal sewage pipe network | | | | |

| |or river after sedimentation, whether drainage is smooth | | | | |

| |Others (should be elaborated) | | | | |

|VII. Noise |7.1 Whether to strictly comply with the construction time | | | | |

|pollution |requirements | | | | |

|control | | | | | |

| |7.2 Whether to inform the surrounding residents, when night | | | | |

| |continuous construction, and whether relevant approvals have been | | | | |

| |acquired | | | | |

| |7.3 Whether take sound insulation measures such as covering, | | | | |

| |separating and greening are established on the construction site | | | | |

| |7.4 Whether low-noise equipment are used or not, and are under | | | | |

| |good maintenance. | | | | |

| |7.5 Whether noise reduction equipment is located on the far side | | | | |

| |of the residential area | | | | |

| |7.6 Whether take measures to reduce the noise such as | | | | |

| |noise-producing equipment closed | | | | |

| |7.7 Whether the construction vehicles have a speed limit or | | | | |

| |horning prohibition. | | | | |

| |7.8 Whether the noise-producing equipment (air compressor, power | | | | |

| |generator,etc) is placed in a closed equipment room. | | | | |

| |Others (should be elaborated) | | | | |

|VIII. Waste|8.1 Whether closed garbage station is set up in the construction | | | | |

|control |site, whether construction waste, household garbage is classified,| | | | |

| |and are cleaned up timely according to provisions | | | | |

| |8.2 Whether the construction garbage within the building are | | | | |

| |cleaned up through the corresponding container or pipeline | | | | |

| |transport, and is strictly prohibited to be thrown into the air | | | | |

| |8.3 Whether the waste generated in the construction, demolition | | | | |

| |and site cleaning are sorted and recycled | | | | |

| |8.4 Whether the construction waste removal unit holds the approval| | | | |

| |of the relevant departments of waste collection and qualification | | | | |

| |certificate and business license | | | | |

| |8.5 Whether the discarded oil and chemical solvents are stored and| | | | |

| |qualified units are commissioned for processing | | | | |

| |8.6 Whether the construction equipment has obvious oil spill | | | | |

| |8.7 Closed garbage stations should be set up in construction camps| | | | |

| |to collect garbage generated by the staff, and be cleaned up | | | | |

| |timely in accordance with the provisions. | | | | |

| |8.8 Septic tanks should be cleaned timely, after the end of the | | | | |

| |construction, the septic tanks should be covered with soil | | | | |

| |Others (should be elaborated) | | | | |

|IX. Soil |9.1 Whether there is legitimate borrow pits and dregs disposal | | | | |

|and Water |points determined by the local sanitation sector | | | | |

|Loss | | | | | |

|Control | | | | | |

| |9.2 Whether the new borrow pits have been approved by the relevant| | | | |

| |units, whether measures are taken to protect the slopes | | | | |

| |9.3 Whether the clean-up, storage of the surface soil are paid | | | | |

| |attention to and are ensured that after the end of the | | | | |

| |construction they are used for vegetation restoration | | | | |

| |9.4 Whether cut-off ditches and aqueducts are set up to direct the| | | | |

| |flow away in the rainy season, and to avoid surface runoff to the | | | | |

| |project scour | | | | |

| |Others (should be elaborated) | | | | |

|X. Cultural|10.1 If any cultural relics or monuments are discovered or | | | | |

|relics |suspected during the construction, the construction site shall be | | | | |

|protection |stopped immediately and the site shall be protected and reported | | | | |

| |to the local administrative department of cultural relics and | | | | |

| |historic sites for treatment. Only after the cultural relics and | | | | |

| |historic site management department handles the construction can | | | | |

| |the construction be resumed | | | | |

| |Others (should be elaborated) | | | | |

|XI. |11.1 Whether or not to cut trees outside the construction area | | | | |

|Vegetation | | | | | |

|protection | | | | | |

| |11.2 Whether the layout of the construction site is reasonable | | | | |

| |(from the perspective of reducing the degree of damage to the | | | | |

| |vegetation) | | | | |

| |11.3 For the destruction of vegetation and bare soil due to | | | | |

| |construction, whether effective measures are taken timely to avoid| | | | |

| |soil erosion and loss (to take measures such as cover them with | | | | |

| |sand and gravel, plant fast growing grass other) | | | | |

| |11.4 After the completion of the construction, whether the | | | | |

| |destroyed original vegetation site will be restored or rational | | | | |

| |greening will be carried out. | | | | |

| |11.5 Whether there are alien species, when greening. | | | | |

| |Others (should be elaborated) | | | | |

|XII. Risk |12.1 Whether to develop contingency plans。 | | | | |

|prevention | | | | | |

| |Others (should be elaborated) | | | | |

|XIII. |13.1 Whether there a warning sign or caution statement in the job | | | | |

|Occupationa|post and equipment or place where occupational hazards are | | | | |

|l Health |generated | | | | |

| |13.2 when high-noise construction operations, whether the operator| | | | |

| |wears earplugs for hearing protection | | | | |

| |13.3 Whether it is necessary to equip forced ventilation | | | | |

| |facilities at working areas with bad natural ventilation, such as | | | | |

| |anticorrosion and waterproof works in basements; and whether to | | | | |

| |wear gas masks or respirators in poisonous and harmful | | | | |

| |environment. | | | | |

| |13.4 Whether it is necessary for the operators to wear dust masks | | | | |

| |in dusty environment. | | | | |

| |13.5 Whether it is necessary for the operators to wear protective | | | | |

| |masks, goggles and gloves in welding. | | | | |

| |13.6 Whether it is necessary to equip protective articles in high | | | | |

| |temperature environment and arrange duty time reasonably. | | | | |

| |Others (should be elaborated) | | | | |

|XIV. Health|14.1 Whether the diet, drinking water and rest sites of on-site | | | | |

|and |operators can meet with the related health standards | | | | |

|epidemic |(Qualification certificate of health shall be available.) | | | | |

|prevention | | | | | |

| |14.2 Whether the facilities of ventilation and lighting are | | | | |

| |available in dormitories, canteens, bathrooms and toilets, and | | | | |

| |full-time staff are appointed for maintenance. | | | | |

| |14.3 Whether the on-site dormitories are equipped with openable | | | | |

| |windows. The bunbed frame in dormitories shall not be more than 2 | | | | |

| |layers. Wide beds for many people are forbidden. | | | | |

| |14.4 Whether valid health permits are available for the canteen | | | | |

| |and the cooks. | | | | |

| |14.5 The canteen shall be located far from toilets, rubbish | | | | |

| |stations and poisonous and harmful sites. | | | | |

| |14.6 Whether the canteen is designed with independent cooking room| | | | |

| |and storage room. Besides, a rat baffle not lower than 0.2m shall | | | | |

| |be designed under the door leaves. | | | | |

| |14.7 The toilets, sanitory fixtures, drains and dark and damping | | | | |

| |areas shall be disinfected regularly with related records. | | | | |

| |14.8 The living quarters shall be designed with closed vessels, | | | | |

| |cleaned and protected with fly-killing measures regularly. | | | | |

| |14.9 The site shall be designed with clinics where medicine | | | | |

| |chests, daily medicines, bandage, tourniquet, cervical gears and | | | | |

| |stretchers shall be available. | | | | |

| |14.10 A report shall be offered to the local health bureau and the| | | | |

| |government office in charge of construction in a timely manner in | | | | |

| |case of infectious diseases, food poisoning, and acute | | | | |

| |occupational poisoning on the working site. Then, follow the | | | | |

| |instructions of the local health bureau in operation. | | | | |

| |Others (should be elaborated) | | | | |

|XV. Traffic|(1) Whether the driver emphasizes safe driving, regular safety | | | | |

|safety |education and training | | | | |

| |(2) Whether to limit the travel time, the driver turns driving; | | | | |

| |whether to avoid dangerous road and time travel | | | | |

| |15.3 As for the vehicles needing regular maintenance, whether | | | | |

| |parts verified by the manufacturer are used and parts are | | | | |

| |purchased timely for vehicle maintenance | | | | |

| |(4) Whether people and vehicles diversion | | | | |

| |15.5 Whether cooperate with local communities and authorities to | | | | |

| |improve road signs and improve the road sign visibility | | | | |

| |15.6 Whether traffic safety and pedestrian safety education are | | | | |

| |carried out in the communities near the project and schools | | | | |

| |15.7 Whether purchase and use local materials as far as possible | | | | |

| |15.8 Whether the vehicle drivers are licensed | | | | |

| |Others (should be elaborated) | | | | |

|Others (should be elaborated) |

|Construction stage when checking:______________________ Date of check:__________________ |

|Time of Check:________________ |

|Weather when checking: |

|____________________________________________________________________________ |

| |

|Signature of on-site checker:_______________Signature of environmental supervisor:________________ |

|Notes::① In the blank of “others”, you can note down information about problems observed, elaborate and propose suggestions |

|of improvements and prevention for unsatisfactory situations. |

|②When unsatisfactory measures or situations requiring improvements are discovered in on-site check, the environmental |

|supervisor should immediately hand out “Environmental Rectification Notice” to the contractor and note down the number of |

|“Environmental Rectification Notice” in the blank of “others”. The details about the rectification of the contractor should |

|be noted down in another document. |

|③As for the specific environmental problems of specific subprojects, proper modification can be done to this checklist |

|according to the local environment and construction contents, appropriate environmental protection measures should be |

|adopted. |

Annex 3 is for supervision unit.

Annex 4 Environmental rectification notice

|Environmental rectification notice |

|Number:_________________________________________________________________ |

|Contract number and name:____________________________________________ |

|The subproject name:________________________________________________ |

|Name of Project Site:_________________________________________________ |

|The current construction phase:_______________________________________ |

|On - site inspection of the problems: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|checker:__________Date:__________ |

|The constructor analyzes the cause of the problem and develops a corrective action plan: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|constructor Responsible:__________ Date:__________ |

|Environmental Supervision Opinion: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Environmental supervision person in charge:__________ Date:__________ |

|Opinions of the competent department of environmental protection(when necessary): |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Contacts:__________ Date:__________ |

|Deadline: |

|Before ______year____ month ____day |

|constructor Responsible:__________ Date:__________ |

|Environmental supervision person in charge:__________ Date:__________ |

|Review conclusions: |

| |

| |

|Review people:__________ Date:__________ |

Annex 4 is for construction unit and supervision unit.

Annexed drawing 1/Figure 1 Emergency treatment flowchart of cultural relics discovered


Annexed drawing 2 Emergency treatment of heavy metals in sediment during construction









[1] According to "Disposal of Sludge from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant—Quality of Sludge Used in Forestland" (CJ/T362-2011), if sludge reaching this standard is to be used, the total annual amount of sludge used in forestland shall not surpass 30t/hm2. The water content rate of the sludge shall be d"60%.

Ma anshan Cihu River Basin Improvement Project Environmental Management ≤60%.



Chief Environmental Supervision Engineer

Environmental Supervision Engineer

Environmental supervisor

Fail to meet requirements

Fail to meet requirements

Project Office, owner, environmental experts, environmental supervisors check the environmental protection measures implementation, according to the checklist of environmental inspections.

Fail to meet requirements

Whether the environmental protection measures during construction period fulfill the requirements of EMP or not.

meet requirements

The environmental supervisor should as the constructor to rectify in a limited period of time according to the requirements of the environmental protection implementation specifications.

The environmental supervisor should fill in, file and report the site checklist and the rectification checklist.

meet requirements

Construction unit implement the environmental-protection measurements according to the environmental protection plan, and pass the examination by environmental supervisor who then fill the verification form.

meet requirements

Fail to meet requirements

Environmental supervisor report the actual situation to province Environmental Management Officer, who orders the construction unit to complete rectification


Under the coordination of the province project office, construction unit implement the environmentament Officer, who orders the construction unit to complete rectification

Under the coordination of the province project office, construction unit implement the environmental-protection measurements according to EMP, and pass the examination by environmental supervisor who then fill the verification checklist.

The city Project Office should apply economic sanctions to the constructor according to the Contract, or replace the constructor with a new one.

New construction unit implement the environmental-protection measurements according to EMP, and pass the examination by engineering supervisor who then fill the verification checklist.

meet requirements

Environmental supervisor report the actual situation to city Environmental Management Officer, and help construction unit to complete rectification

meet requirements

Fail to meet requirements

Stop construction,

and protect the scene

National level



Protect of the scene(Invite public security organs to assist)

City Project Office

Discovery of seemingly cultural relics during construction

Cultural relics identification

Cultural relics

Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage identify the level of cultural relic discovered

Heritage level

State Administration of Cultural Heritage

County / city / province

Bureau of Cultural Relics

County / city / province


Can not be moved

Can be moved

Choose to build another

Professionals to protect

Put forward construction protection requirements

City Project Office

City Project Office

The Contractor shall resume the construction after the restoration of work orders by the Cultural Relics Bureau

Put forward solutions within three days

Put forward opinions within 15 days

Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage

Convene an emergency meeting to propose emergency disposal program Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau Cultural relics identification

City Project Office City Project Office

Find that heavy metals in dredged sediment exceed during construction period Suspected cultural relics Cultural relics are found during construction

Disposal of heavy metal sludge should be entrusted to the qualification unit according to Technical Guidelines for Dredging of Rivers and Lakes.

Stop construction, and properly store dredged sediment.

Closed Transportation transport Municipal cultural relics department gives identification of cultural relics

Sludge de-watering and harmless use

Anti-seepage of Processing station

Sediment deodorant

Residual water treatment

Repair land for processing stations after dredging


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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