
Google SitesTo create a website on Google Site go to on Create:265747597155000Select in new Sites, this will pull up the following page: Enter the name of your site under Untitled Site. On the right hand side of the screen you will see three tabs Insert, Pages and Themes.To start with a pre-set background, font style and color click on Themes. Click on Pages to add additional pages to your site.Click on Insert to customize your site. When you have added everything and your site is complete click on the Publish tab. You do not need to use your name in the website title, feel free to use any appropriate title, it will tell you right away by a checkmark on the right whether or not the site name is available. Once you have selected your site link click on your choice for who can view your site. Click Publish.Your site was published successfully will appear at the bottom of your screen along with a View button. By clicking View you will be able to copy and share your site location. You may also view your site location by clicking on Publish at the top of your screen which will display the following: Click on View published site and your new site address will display for the browser’s address: Example:Add this published site address to the bottom of your research paper so that your instructor is able to access your Google Site. Upload your completed research paper to the Research In Action Project link located under Assessing Your Learning within the lesson: If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask your instructor. ................

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