
center0Castleview Primary SchoolSchool Closure Work – Primary 3Updated Tasks Week Beginning – 04.05.20Updated Core Learning – During school closure periods when possible teachers will post a weekly updated version of this document on the school website. They will change the three boxes below. Tasks may relate to the resource pack sent home or a website.LiteracyNumeracyHealth and WellbeingMiss Vials TIGUse the phonics sheet to practise the sounds ea, igh and ie. You can also tune in to the Read, Write, Ink YouTube videos for some extra practise. These are everyday at 10:00 and 10:30 and are available for 24 hours! Write an acrostic Spring Poem. Here is an example:SunshinePlay OutsideRain showersInsectsGrowthChoose a book from home or from Bug Club and choose 5 Frys words to find. Read the book and then write down all the Frys words you find. Choose from the first 100 Frys words. You could find a different 5 words each day. Mrs Bootland TIGPlease log onto Bug Club and read a book, remember to click on the bugs throughout the book to complete quizzes and activities. Contacted me via Twitter if you need support with logging in. The school code is all lowercase Lts6Start writing a diary entry of what you do every day, even if it doesn’t seem very exciting. Write the diary in first person using ‘I’ ‘me’ ‘my’. It should be about you and your life. Next week we will write a diary entry from a character's perspective so make sure you’ve had lots of practice writing this week!Please see our school website- Neurodiversity tab for literacy support toolsBoth TIGSComplete your weekly challenge on Sum Dog.If you have a maths grid in your packs. Complete two boxes a day.Miss Vials TIGAsk your grown up to write down 10 numbers from 1-100. Can you split these numbers into the tens and units? Practise your place skills using this fun game. our learning from last term’s topic Time. If you can, make a clock using different materials around your house e.g paper clock hands. Remember the long minute hand and the short hour hand. Can you make o’clock, half past and quarter past times? Can you write the digital versions of these times in your jotter? You can use this clock to make both analogue and digital times. Mrs Bootland TIGPractise your quick-fire mental maths questions daily.Use the link below or alternatively ask an adult to ask you some quick-fire questions. Write your answers down on some paper and ask an adult to check them. yourself of the two times table by watching the song below. complete the ‘hit the button game’. This is timed but don’t panic, just answer what you can. Keep playing to see if you can beat your score! see our school website- Neurodiversity tab for maths support toolsBoth Classes1.Participate in the body coach’s daily P.E class – The Body Coach TV Create a go noodle account. It has lots of free calming and movement videos new Resilience unit is ‘Challenging your mindset’. Listen to this story with an adult, think about the message of this story. did her Vashti feel at the beginning of the story?How did she feel at the end?Who helped Vashti?Can you create your own artwork?Compare this story to a kindness boomerang. you carry out an act of kindness? 3. Munching, Crunching Caterpillars. Take part in the #ButterfliesForHope competition. you noticed any butterflies on your daily walk? Here’s a link to a catalogue of all UK butterflies. see our school website-Neurodiversity tab for support toolsOngoing Core LearningLiteracyNumeracyHealth and WellbeingBook Bug Learning Fry’s wordsStory Writing Read anything and everything!Sum DogLearning Number FactsMeasure and compareUsing the clock DancingFitness ActivityChat to real person not a screenYogaOngoing ActivitiesMake a den – tents, pillows, blanketsRaces – hopping, skipping, crawling Share a story from a book or imaginationA Treasure Hunt – You pick the treasureCreate a masterpiece – pens, paint or using objectsCreate a song or piece of music, make your own instruments ................

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