
5554571-33020000 Home learning for Year: SixWeek Beginning: Monday 27th AprilSpelling:This week we would like you to think about ‘auto’, ‘phobia’ and ‘ology’.What do they mean?Can you think of any words which include the above? What do they mean? Here are some examples, do you know the definition of these?autographbiologyclaustrophobiaCould you create your own dictionary with your new words including ‘auto’, ‘phobia’ and ‘ology’? Reading:I hope you have been enjoying the reading activities so far. This week we would like you to listen to an extract of a book. you click on the link above it will take you to Puffin Book’s YouTube page where you can listen to a 20 min extract of a story. Here are a few of our favourites: Murder Most Unladylike by Robin Stevens: changes into a chicken by Sam Copeland you have listened to an extract of a story can you create a storyboard based on what you have listened to? You can add captions underneath your pictures to tell the part of the story you listened to. Remember to continue to read at home. You can read alone, to parents or to anyone in your house!English:As you know many people in the country are working extremely hard at the moment to keep us safe and to keep the country going. We would like you to write a thank-you letter to one of those people. It could be someone you know of or it could be a made-up person. Here are a few ideas of some of the people you could write to: Postman/womenBinman/womanNHS workers (nurse, doctor, carer)Headteacher Supermarket workerPrime minister I am sure you have much better ideas than us!Remember, your letter should be formal as you are writing to say thank-you. Think about the structure of your letter. It should have: IntroductionExplain who you are and why you are writing to themMain ParagraphsWhy are you thankful? What are you thankful for?Conclusion Wish them well and bring your letter to an end We would really like to see your letters so if you can post them on the blog!Maths:We think it is time for a bit of arithmetic this week! If you want to do more than this follow this link for the rest of the arithmetic questions: lesson:Time for a bit of yoga this week!Visit Cosmic Yoga to try out some of the moves and positions. you try a different one every day? PSHE: Can you remember all of the work we did at Junior Citizen about staying safe? Do you remember our booklets that we have at school with all the activities in based on our work from Junior Citizen? We have scanned in some of the pages from those booklets so that you can complete them at home!Remember you don’t need to print these off- you can just do them on paper. 10 top tips for staying safe on the internet1)????? Don’t post any personal information online – like your full name, email address, mobile number, etc.2)????? Think carefully before posting pictures or videos of yourself.? Once you’ve put a picture of yourself online, most people can see it and may be able to download it, it’s not just yours anymore.3)????? Keep your privacy settings as high as possible! 4)????? Never give out your passwords.5)????? Don’t befriend people you don’t know.6)????? Don’t meet up with people you’ve met online.? Speak to your parent or carer about people suggesting you do.7)????? Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are.8)????? Think carefully about what you say before you post something online.9)????? Respect other people’s views, even if you don’t agree with someone else’s views doesn’t mean you need to be rude.10)?? If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried: leave the website, turn off your computer if you want to and tell a trusted adult immediately. ................

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