
This week? is RE week at St. Matthew’sFriendship - Discovery - Prayer.So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.Matthew 7:12Value ArtBut the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, tolerance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.Galatians 5:22These are just a few of the values we try to follow - can you think of some more?Create a piece of artwork which shows one of these values - you could draw, paint, use photos, sculpt, find things in your garden. Be creative! Here are some ideas to get you thinking.Who would you campaign for?There are lots of things happening in the World today and many people and charitieswho help others and stand up for what is right and what they believe in. Some of these areIslamic Relief, Sewa or Christian Aid which help make a difference for people whose lives areaffected by war, famine or sickness. These are just a couple of organisations.Who would you stand up for?Create a poster (you could draw it, paint it, create it on your computer) for a charity of yourchoice. How will they help? What do they stand for? Why are they important?You could even create your own charity.Prayer timeWrite your own prayer, create a prayer origami, a prayer cube or a set of prayer hands.Create your own symbolEach faith is represented by a different symbol, which is very special to them. Can you create a symbol which is special to you??Words of wisdomMany religious leaders around the World have given us some words to think about. Do you have any words of wisdom to share? Could you create a video, voice clip, flag, sign showing your thoughts?Create your own labyrinthA labyrinth is like a maze, which is walked through and used for quiet times, reflection and prayer.?Can you create your own labyrinth? It could be any size and you could use any materials.Here are some examples:Do you have a quiet space where you like to sit and think, read or just be peaceful?Take a photo of yourself in your space and send it into your class teacher.We will be sharing some examples from each class so that we can find out what you have created this week. Please send all your creations/photos to your class teacher by Friday 17th July.?Have fun and we can’t wait to see what you come up with!Miss Dyer ................

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