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|Title: | Creative Problem Solving |

|Type: | Lesson Plan |

|Subject: | Math |

|Grade Range: | 7 |

|Description: | Solving a financial mess |

|Duration: | 90 minutes |

|Author(s): | Allison Telder |

Instructional Unit Content

|Standard(s)/Element(s) |

|Content Area Standard |

|MCC7.SP.4 Use measures of center and measures of variability for numerical data from random samples to draw informal comparative |

|inferences about two populations. |

|MCC7.SP.1 Understand that statistics can be used to gain information about a population by examining a sample of the population; |

|generalizations about a population from a sample are valid only if the sample is representative of that population. Understand that |

|random sampling tends to produce representative samples and support valid inferences. |

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|TAG Standard |

|Creative Thinking and Problem Solving |

|2. The student designs, applies, evaluates, and adapts a variety of innovative strategies to when problem solving (e.g., recognizes |

|problems, defines problems, identifies possible solutions, selects optimal solution, implements solution, and evaluates solution). |

|3. The student incorporates brainstorming and other idea-generating techniques (synectics, SCAMPER, etc.) to solve problems or create|

|new products. |

|10. The student monitors and reflects on the creative process of problem solving for future applications. |

|Summary/Overview |

|The focus of this lesson is for students to find solutions for the average middle American to get out of debt. |

|Enduring Understanding(s) |

|At the end of this lesson the student will understand |

|Common financial issues faced by Americans – often beginning in teenage years |

|How some of these issues can be prevented |

|Essential Question(s) |

|How can you find ways to improve the financial situation of a family that is in debt? |

|Concept(s) to Maintain |

|Basic Mathematical Skills |

|The Rules of Brainstorming |

|How to make inferences |

|Evidence of Learning |

|What students should know: |

|a. How to calculate net worth by adding and subtracting income, debt, etc. |

|b. How to read the given articles for important information pertaining to the financial crisis |

|c. Basic information about good and bad financial practices |

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|What students should be able to do: |

|Design, apply, evaluate, and adapt a variety of innovative strategies to when problem solving (e.g., recognizes problems, defines |

|problems, identifies possible solutions, selects optimal solution, implements solution, and evaluates solution). |

|Incorporate brainstorming and other idea-generating techniques (synectics, SCAMPER, etc.) to solve problems or create new products. |

|Suggested Vocabulary |

|Debt, financial planning, income, loan, credit card debt, foreclosure, car payment |

|Procedure(s) |

|Phase 1: Hook |

|Students will participate in a Guided Imagery Exercise. Students will record and discuss feelings that result from the guided |

|imagery. |

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|Phase 2: Examine the Content |

|Mess: Distribute the Financial Mess of 2015 packet. Students will read the mess individually. |

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|Students will work in small group to list all the facts and opinions obtained from the reading. Each group will generate at least |

|three questions that need to be answered to better understand their family’s financial mess and ways that they can recover from this |

|mess. |

|Phase 3: Creative Problem Solving |

|Review the Rules of Brainstorming: 1) Go for quantity. 2) Wild and crazy ideas are okay. 3) Piggy-back on the ideas of others. 4) No |

|judgment—positive or negative. |

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|Problem-Finding: Each group will brainstorm the problems seen as a result of their family’s financial mess. They will have time for|

|grouping of similar problems and selecting from the ones they deem most important. From the top problems, each group will develop a |

|solvable problem statement beginning with “How might we…” |

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|Idea-Finding: Each group will brainstorm solutions to the problem statement. Opportunity is provided for grouping of similar |

|problems and selecting from the top five. |

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|Solution-Finding: Each group will develop criteria to evaluate the five solutions to determine the best solution. Time is provided |

|for research to make valid evaluations against the criteria. |

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|Acceptance-Finding: Each group will develop an action plan for implementing the solution that they would like to see take place. |

|Phase 4: Synthesis Activity |

|Each group will present their solution by using data techniques such as graphs, mean, median and mode in a Powerpoint, poster, |

|Flipchart etc. |

|Summarizing Activity |

|Shapely Debrief |

|In regards to the financial crisis of a family in America: |

|Four ways that I can be financially intelligent in my future |

|What three things did I pinpoint to help my family out of the mess |

|One thing I learned while listening to other groups around the room |

|Resource(s): |

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|Anchor Text(s): |

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|Technology: |

|Websites and multiple resources for research for a variety of reading level. Sample websites are listed above. |

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|Handouts: |

|Handout 1: Hook- Guided Imagery Exercise |

|Handout 2: Financial Mess of 2015 Packet |

|Handout 3: Rules of Brainstorming |

|Handout 4: Shapely Debrief |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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