Scoring Rubric for Presentations - makinglearningreal


Scoring Rubric for Presentations

Write each student's name above a score column. For each presentation trait, rate each student using the scale shown.

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|Information |Main points are very clear and very |Main points are clear and detailed |Main points are somewhat clear but |Main points are not clear and lack |Presentation lacks main points and |

|Quality and |detailed |Information is linked to presentation |could use more detail |significant detail |related details |

|Organization|Information is directly linked to |topic |Most information is linked to the |Some information is linked to the |Information lacks connection to the |

| |presentation topic |Information is well organized |presentation topic |presentation topic |presentation topic |

| |Information is very organized | |Information is organized |Information is loosely organized |Information is not organized |

|Nonverbal |Speaker appears very comfortable and |Speaker appears fairly comfortable and |Speaker appears generally at ease and |Speaker appears uneasy and somewhat |Speaker appears very uneasy and |

|Communicatio|confident |confident |confident |insecure |insecure |

|n |Speaker consistently faces the |Speaker generally faces the audience |Speaker sometimes faces the audience |Speaker rarely faces the audience or |Speaker faces away from the audience|

| |audience and maintains good eye |and maintains good eye contact |and maintains eye contact |makes eye contact |or makes no eye contact |

| |contact |Speaker generally appears to be |Speaker sometimes appears to be |Speaker rarely appears to be engaging |Speaker appears disengaged from the |

| |Speaker consistently appears to be |engaging with the audience |engaging with the audience |with the audience |audience |

| |engaging with the audience |Speaker uses body motions and gestures |Speaker's body motions and gestures |Speaker uses few body motions or |Speaker lacks any body motions or |

| |Speaker uses body motions and |well |neither support nor detract from |gestures or has gestures or movements |gestures or demonstrates |

| |gestures very effectively |Speaker utilizes much of the room via |presentation |that distract the audience |consistently distraction body |

| |Speaker utilizes the room very |movement |Speaker moves about some of the room |Speaker is mostly stationary |motions or gestures |

| |effectively via movement | | | |Speaker is completely stationary |

|Quality of |Speaker’s voice is very confident, |Speaker’s voice is steady, strong and |Speaker’s voice is generally steady, |Speaker’s voice is frequently too weak |Speaker’s voice is consistently too |

|Verbal |steady, strong, and clear |clear |strong and clear |or too strong |weak or too strong |

|Communicatio|Speaker consistently uses inflections|Speaker often uses inflections to |Speaker sometimes uses inflections to |Speaker rarely uses inflections to |Speaker fails to use inflections to |

|n |to emphasize key points or to create |emphasize key points and create |emphasize key points and create |emphasize key points and create |emphasize key points and create |

| |interest |interest |interest |interest or speaker sometimes uses |interest or speaker often uses |

| |Speaker's talking pace is |Speaker's talking pace is mostly |Speaker's talking pace is appropriate |inflections inappropriately |inflections inappropriately |

| |consistently appropriate |appropriate | |Speaker's talking pace is often too |Speaker's talking pace is |

| | | | |slow or too fast |consistently too slow or too fast |

|Visual Tools|Visual aids are very creative, clear,|Visual aids are usually creative, |Visual aids are reasonably creative, |Visual aids have limited creativity or |Visual aids demonstrate no |

| |and easy to read |clear, and easy to read |clear, and easy to read |clarity or are sometimes difficult to |creativity or clarity and are often |

| |Presentation is consistently enhanced|Presentation is often enhanced by the |Presentation is sometimes enhanced by |read |difficult to read |

| |by the visual tools |visual tools |the visual tools |Presentation is not enhanced by the |Presentation is weakened by the |

| | | | |visual tools |visual tools |

|Appropriate |All terms are included in the |All terms are included in the |Most terms are included in the |Several terms are included in the |Few or no terms are included in the |

|Use of |presentation |presentation |presentation |presentation |presentation |

|Vocabulary |Used in unique and creative ways |Used effectively |Generally used appropriately |May or may not be used appropriately |May or may not be used appropriately|

| |Used in context |Used in context |Generally used in appropriate context |May lack context |Lacks context |

|Precision |Documents are clear, well |Clearly evident that documents are |Evident that documents are correct and |Documents may have some errors and show|Documents have numerous errors and |

|and Detail |constructed, accurate and show |correct, detailed and accurate |show a general attention to detail and |some detail |lack detail |

|in Documents|attention to detail |Care has been taken in the production |accuracy |Some care has been taken in production |Little care taken in the production |

|Produced |Extra care has been taken in the | |General care has been taken in | | |

| |production | |production | | |

|Overall |This was an exceptional presentation |This was a very good presentation and |This presentation was good and |This presentation was average and |This presentation was weak and not |

|Presentation|and extremely effective |very effective |effective |somewhat effective |effective |

|Effectivenes|I’d give you a 10 |I’d give you an 8 or 9 |I’d give you a 6 or 7 |I’d give you a 3, 4 or 5 |I’d give you a 0, 1, or 2 |

|s | | | | | |

© 2009 Nashville State Technical Community College and WGBH Educational Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

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|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Strongly | | | |Strongly |

|disagree | | | |agree |


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