

Looking for a Branch Near You?

Did you know that you can access your [Credit Union Name] accounts at more than 2,000 locations nationwide, at no additional cost?

[Credit Union Name] is a proud participant in Shared Branching, a fast-growing national and international network of credit unions that allow members of other credit unions use their branches to conduct basic teller transactions. The Shared Branching network currently consists of more than 2,000 locations nationwide, including more than 120 in Ohio.

Whether you are moving across town or across the country, you can search for a Shared Branching locations near you at the Shared Branching Web site at .

Simply enter the city, state or zip code of your area of interest for a listing of the closest Shared Branching locations. It’s that easy!

When conducting a transaction at a Shared Branching location, provide the host credit union’s staff your credit union name, member account number, and a photo ID.

For more information, contact [Credit Union Name] at (XXX) XXX-XXXX.


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