

Feb. 17, 2011

Deadline for Lay Leadership Academy is Friday, Feb. 18

Parishes that want to learn some new strategies for church growth have until tomorrow, Friday, Feb. 18, to register for the Lay Leadership Academy.

The daylong workshop is set for Saturday, Feb. 26 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Grace Cathedral in Topeka. It is presented by the diocese as part of an ongoing series designed to help parish leaders undertake their ministry.

The cost to attend is $25 per person, which includes lunch, a continental breakfast and a notebook full of resource materials.

The registration flyer with sign-up form is online at .

Participants can register one of three ways:

• Fill out the form and fax it to the diocesan office at (785) 235-2449;

• E-mail the registration information from the form to Michele Moss at mmoss@episcopal-; or

• Provide registration information over the phone by calling Moss at (800) 473-3563 or (785) 235-9255.

Payment for the Academy may be made when checking in for the event.

Crossroads material heading to parishes soon

Crossroads, the diocesan initiative supporting the Kansas School for Ministry and its vision of expanded ministry across the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas, soon will be coming to parishes.

Informational materials, including brochures, videos, bulletin inserts and posters, will be provided to every church to help them communicate the Crossroads vision to their members. Parishes will be asked to send a mailing to each of their members, with items provided by the diocese, to enable people to make a financial contribution to support the effort.

Parishes will be designating one of three Sundays – March 27, April 3 or April 10 – as their own Crossroads Sunday, when pledge cards will be returned. A grand total of funds pledged will be announced at Easter.

So far, just under $2.5 million of the $6 million total has been raised for the effort, which will endow KSM, build a Leadership Center to provide additional classrooms for KSM and expanded diocesan offices, and give 10 percent of money raised to outreach and mission projects.

Additional information also will be posted on the diocesan website at .

Registration for Mega Camp is now open

Campers now can sign up for the first-ever Mega Camp – a single exciting week for all campers from the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas.

Mega Camp is set for June 5-11 at Camp Wood YMCA near Elmdale, southwest of Emporia and is available to young people in grades 3-12, whether or not they are Episcopalians. The cost is $390 per camper, and some scholarship assistance is available.

Registration materials are available online at

Packets of registration materials will be sent to all parishes in the coming week, including hard copies of the required forms.

Do you have questions about Mega Camp? Check out this list of helpful answers: .

You also can contact Youth Missioner Chad Senuta at csenuta@episcopal- or (913) 362-1470.

Consecration of new Bishop of Western Kansas set for this Saturday

Bishop-elect Michael Milliken will be ordained and consecrated as the fifth bishop of the Diocese of Western Kansas on Saturday, Feb. 19 at 1 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, 201 East Sherman in Hutchinson.

Bishop Dean Wolfe will be one of the co-consecrators for Bishop-elect Milliken.

On Sunday, Feb. 20, the new bishop will be seated in his cathedra during a 10 a.m. service at Christ Cathedral, 138 S. Eighth in Salina.

Diocesan website sports new enhancements

Two new features have been added to the diocesan website – a link to a Spanish translation of the site and a search function.

Links to both appear on the left-hand side of the main page, episcopal-, in the blue border. Both features are provided through Google and are free to the diocese.

The Spanish translation is available at

The link to the search function leads to

Comments sought on churches’ technology needs

The Standing Commission on Communications and Information Technology has launched a survey designed to see what resources and best practices dioceses, congregations and affiliated-institutions need in the area of communications and information technology.

The survey is online at

Currently, many dioceses, congregations and organizations in the Episcopal Church face the same information technology challenges and independently try to solve similar problems and accomplish similar goals.

The Standing Commission wants to hear from as many people as possible, so parishes and church groups are asked to share the link as widely as possible.

KSM spring classes explore varied topics

Want to expand your knowledge of church-related topics? If so, the Kansas School for Ministry has some exciting classes this semester that may interest you.

Classes meet once a month at the Bethany Place Conference Center in Topeka, from 5:30 p.m. on Friday through 6:30 p.m. on Saturday. Additional homework is required during the weeks following each class.

The cost to attend for non-ordination track students is $75 per course. For more information on any of these classes or to enroll, contact KSM Coordinator the Rev. Andrew Grosso at rector@ or (913) 367-3171.

Upcoming classes include:

March 11-12

HIST 500: History of the Episcopal Church. Survey of the emergence and development of Anglican Christianity in the United States, including during the colonial period, the Revolution, early 19th century reconstruction, the Civil War and the 20th century. Facilitator: the Rev. Dr. Bill Wolff

MINI 600: Parish Administration. Examination and analysis of effective policies and procedures that help in the governance of parishes of all sizes, including business affairs, finances, Vestry organization, team and ministry development, and human resources. Facilitator: the Rev. Gar Demo

April 8-9

MINI 200: Homiletics. Introduction to the ministry of homiletics and preaching, including the theology of preaching, ways of exegeting biblical texts for preaching, identifying and developing one's preaching style, different homiletic genres, and the role of preaching in worship. Facilitator: the Rev. Dr. Don Davidson

MINI 500: Evangelism. Examination of the context and dynamics affecting contemporary efforts at evangelism and church growth, including the theology of evangelism, modern changes in the North American religious landscape, historical factors that complicate evangelism efforts in the Episcopal Church, and the development and implementation of strategies for evangelism. Facilitator: the Very Rev. Dr. Steven Mues

THEO 200: Doctrine of God. Exposition of the Christian doctrine of God, including historical development of Christian thinking about God, the relationship between natural theology and dogmatic theology relative to an understanding of God, and the significance of the doctrine of God for the faith and practice of the church. Facilitator: the Rev. Dr. Andrew Grosso

May 13-14

BIBL 120: Prophets and Writings. Detailed examination of the historical setting, literary characteristics, and major themes of the prophetic and wisdom literature of the Hebrew Bible (Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jerermiah, Psalms, Proverbs, Job, etc.). Also includes attention to the tools and methods used in the historical-critical exegesis of biblical texts. Facilitator: Dr. Melissa Tubbs Loya

BIBL 220: Pauline Epistles. Detailed examination of the New Testament texts traditionally associated with the apostle Paul (including pseudepigraphical works), including analysis of their historical context, literary structure and theology. Also includes some attention to the tools and methods employed in historical-critical exegesis. Facilitator: the Rev. Dr. Richard McCandless

Diocesan sustainability retreat planned

“Water for the Soul” is the theme for the first diocesan Sustainability Retreat facilitated by Deacon Patty Minx. 

The retreat is set for Friday, March 18 beginning at 5:30 p.m. and running through Saturday, March 19 at 4 p.m. It will take place at Rivendell in Dunnegan, Mo.

It will be a time to be in nature, to reflect on the renewal of our baptismal call to care for creation and to prepare for Easter. For more details contact Deacon Patty Minx at (913) 780-3283 or patyminx@.

Coming events:

A Night on the Red Carpet. Feb. 27, 6:30 p.m., Wichita Scottish Rite at 332 East 1st St in Wichita. This is a major fundraiser for Episcopal Social Services and will include watching that evening’s Academy Awards broadcast. Attire is black tie-optional. Tickets are $75 per person and include hors d’oeuvres, two cocktails, and a live and silent auction. Corporate tables for 10 are available for $850. To purchase tickets or for more information, see

Walter Brueggemann to preach, speak at St. Michael’s. Sunday, Feb. 27. Preaching at the 8:45 and 10:45 a.m. services; leading a workshop from 3-6 p.m. The workshop topic is titled “Food Fight: On Hoarding and Sharing,” based on topics from his recent book, Toward the Common Good. The workshop has limited space, so advance sign-ups are required by calling the church office, (913) 236-8600. More information is available on the church website at .

Safeguarding God’s Children training. Saturday, March 26, 10 a.m., at St. John’s, 1801 Corning, in Parsons. For more information or to register, contact the Rev. Sharon Billman at tweetybird@ .

Visual artists sought for juried art show at St. Michael’s

St. Michael and All Angels in Mission has issued a call for two-dimensional art works to compete in a juried art show it is sponsoring. The deadline for submissions is March 30.

The exhibition has the theme “Abundance,” and all submissions must reflect the theme in some manner.

Entries will be by digital submission, with selected pieces on display in the parish’s Spencer Hall May 6-31.

The top three winning entries will share $850 in awards.

Complete information about the show is in an exhibit prospectus posted on the parish website at

Parishes plan spiritual pilgrimages

The Holy Land in July, sponsored by St. James’, Wichita. July 7-15, led by parishioner and Jerusalem native Sue Abdinnour and assistant rector the Rev. Amanda Eiman. Highlights of the trip will include stops in Caesarea, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, the Mount of the Beatitudes, Jericho, Qumran, the Dead Sea, the Mount of Olives, Bethlehem, and many places in Jerusalem integral to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. During each day’s travel, travelers will explore the religious and spiritual significance of the places they visit. The cost is $3,480 per person double occupancy and includes round-trip flights between Wichita and Tel Aviv, hotel accommodations, and most meals. A deposit of $500 is due right away to reserve a spot, with the remainder due by April 5. The complete brochure, with additional information, a complete itinerary and a registration form, is on the St. James website at . For more information, contact Abdinnour at (316) 744-8612 or sueabdinnour@

Turkey in May, sponsored by St. Michael and All Angels, Mission. May 3-20. Spiritual guides will be rector the Rev. Gail Greenwell and assistant rector the Rev. Lisa Senuta. Participants will explore the footsteps of the apostle Paul with stops including Goreme in Cappadochia, to see what is recognized as the first Christian monastery, then on to the Mediterranean coast, to Antalia, then to Heropolis, Ephosus, Izmir, Troy, and Nicea, visiting the seven churches of the Book of Revelation. The trip will be led by the Rev. Donald Cornell, a Lutheran pastor who has led this trip for many years. A complete itinerary is available at . The cost is $3,695 per person, double occupancy. Contact Greg Peterson for any additional information or to register for the trip. He can be reached by phone at (913) 449-6004 or e-mail, greg@.

People notes

Jeanne Atha, executive assistant to Bishop Wolfe, is recovering after she fractured her elbow in a fall Feb. 5. She underwent surgery to insert pins to stabilize the break and hopes to be back to work at near-full strength next week.

Julie Block, widow of the Rev. Lee Block, longtime rector of St. Paul’s, Leavenworth, died Jan. 20 in Leavenworth. She was 71. A funeral celebrating her life took place Feb. 5 at St. Paul’s.

She is survived by a daughter, Julie Zay Block Bramble, and two grandchildren.

Memorials in her memory may be sent to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, P.O. Box 233, Leavenworth, KS 66048; Leavenworth Animal Welfare Society, P.O. Box 498, Leavenworth, KS 66048, or Leavenworth Assistance Center, 426 Miami St., Leavenworth, KS 66048.

May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace and rise in glory.

Resources available to celebrate World Mission Sunday on March 6

Resources in three languages are now available to observe 2011 World Mission Sunday on March 6, focusing on the contributions and needs of Episcopal Church missionaries and their ministries around the world.

Resources are available online at wmsunday and include bulletin inserts, suggested sermons, a list of all missionaries currently serving, ways to encourage global mission, suggested readings and information on serving as a missionary.

The annual observation, set for the last Sunday after the Epiphany, was created to increase awareness of, and participation in, the wider global mission of the Episcopal Church.

The theme for this year’s World Mission Sunday is “Lord, it is good for us to be here,” from the March 6 Gospel reading from Matthew

The Rev. David Copley, mission personnel officer, said there are more than 60 missionaries currently serving in 25 countries as teachers, medical professionals, clergy and other important capacities.

Noted Episcopal preacher to speak in Wichita March 4-6

The Rev. Barbara Brown Taylor, once named the best preacher in the Episcopal Church, will offer a lecture series in Wichita March 4-6 at Plymouth Congregational Church.

The title of her talks is “Learning to Walk in the Dark: On Being Christian Now.”

She will speak at a variety of times, and each requires a ticketed pre-registration with payment.

Full information, including times and costs, is available on the church website at .

March 14 is new deadline to apply for election to churchwide bodies

The deadline for nominations for membership on seven bodies or positions to be elected at the Episcopal Church’s General Convention in 2012 has been extended to March 14.

Positions are open for Executive Council, General Board of Examining Chaplains, Disciplinary Board for Bishops, Trustee of General Theological Seminary, Secretary of the House of Deputies, Treasurer of the General Convention and Trustee of the Church Pension Fund.

Bishops, priests, deacons and lay persons may be nominated, and nominees don’t have to be current or former General Convention deputies.

The elections will take place during General Convention, which is set for July 5-12, 2012, in Indianapolis, Ind.

Information about the positions and a nomination form are available at

Diocese of Texas invites altar guild members to meeting March 23-26

All members of altar guilds in the diocese are invited to attend the annual meeting of the altar guild of the Diocese of Texas March 23-26 at Camp Allen in Navasota, Texas, about an hour outside of Texas.

The event will include worship, keynote speakers, many workshops and time to connect with other guild members.

More information is available from Texas guild director Alice Scarborough at ascarborough@ or from the Province 7 representative to the National Altar Guild, Joan Konecny, at joanwk@ .

Seminary, business school, combine to offer special courses for parish leaders

Business savvy and theology dovetail this summer in an innovative one-week leadership program June 13-17 offered by Seabury Western Theological Seminary in partnership with the Kellogg School Center for Non-profit Management at Northwestern University in Chicago.

The Seabury Non-profit Management Institute is a custom educational program tailored to meet the distinctive needs of lay and clergy leaders.

During the five-day summer program participants will gain confidence and new skills in church leadership. Through lecture, case examples, interactive exercises and classroom dialog, participants will gain an understanding of general management principles and how successful non-profit organizations operate, including marketing and branding their congregations.

Admission is by application only.

More information is available online at

Deadline extended for “go green” initiatives

The deadline has been extended until May 1 for parishes to apply for tuition for a program to help churches “go green.”

The Episcopal Church has partnered with GreenFaith to offer The GreenFaith Certification Program, a two-year, holistic process engaging an entire congregation through education, worship, environmental justice advocacy, building and grounds, and developing relationships with the larger interfaith community. Among the tools and resources provided by GreenFaith to participating churches are webinars, web-based resources and phone/e-mail support.

The Economic/Environmental Affairs Office at the Episcopal Church Center and GreenFaith are underwriting 50 percent of the tuition of 30 churches nationwide, enabling selected churches to enroll for a total discounted cost of $250-$750.

For more information about the subsidies, visit

Sidewalk signs for churches offered at sale prices

If your church has ever thought about a two-sided sign on a sidewalk to attract visitors or draw people in for a program, the firm “Curb Appeal for Churches” has a variety of signs on sale.

More information is on their website, .

Anniversaries of ordinations

Congratulations go to these people as they celebrate the anniversaries of their ordination in the next two weeks:

Feb. 19: The Ven. Charles Pearce, archdeacon, St. Paul’s, Manhattan (11 years)

Feb. 24: The Rev. Wayne Blakely, retired (21 years)

March 1: Deacon Pat Murphy, St. Paul’s, Kansas City, (8 years); the Rev. Sheila Fellhauer, St. Francis Community Services, Salina, Diocese of Western Kansas (23 years); the Rev. Robert Seaton, non-parochial, Diocese of Western Kansas (8 years)

March 3: Deacon Max Murrison, Christ Cathedral, Salina, Diocese of Western Kansas (11 years)

Next DioLog

The next edition of DioLog will be sent to subscribers on Thursday, March 3. Information to be included should be sent to Melodie Woerman, diocesan director of communications, at mwoerman@episcopal-, no later than Tuesday, March 1.

DioLog is a publication of the Office of Communications of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas.

Parishes are free to excerpt anything printed in DioLog; attribution that material is reprinted from DioLog is appreciated. Feel free to copy this and make it available to parishioners in whatever way is most useful.

To subscribe, send an e-mail to mwoerman@episcopal- with the subject line “subscribe DioLog.”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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