IDENTIFYING PARTICIPANTS WORKSHEETDirections: Read the following scenarios and identify the participants of the study. Population, Representative Sample, Random Sample, Control Group, Experimental Group, or Random Assignment. Jonathan is trying to determine how completing daily crossword puzzles impacts cognitive decline in Americans over the age of 80. All Americans who are over the age of 80: _________________________The 20 individuals which reflect the population as a whole who are chosen to participate in the study are the: __________________. The 20 individuals chosen by chance over the age of 80 in his hometown who he actually studies: _______________________________. A researcher wants to determine if his new Internet study guide will improve test scores in his college classes. He gives all the students in his college classes a number and then by chance chooses 50 numbers to determine who will participate in the study.All of the students in the professor’s class is the _____________________.The 50 students chosen to be in the study are selected via ____________________.A researcher recruits 100 participants for an experiment on memory. She places their names in an alphabetical list. Those who have last names that begin with A-L are placed into the group that receive memory training. Those whose last names begin with M-Z are placed in the group which does not receive any memory training.This is an example of _______________________________________. This same researcher places all of the names of her participants for the memory training into a computer listing. The computer program arbitrarily picks names which she then places into the experimental and control groups.This is _____________________________________. Ann Elizabeth wants to study the impact of interference on learning when an individual attempts to learn two languages at the same time. She will test adult American learners. She asks all of her colleagues in the Human Relations department to be in her study.This is ________________________________. Aaron is doing research on hours of sleep and reaction time. He has acquired a sample of participants. However, he has only accepted people over 50 years of age and under 15 years of age. This does not reflect the diversity of heights in the population to which he is generalizing his results. This is _________________________________________. 513397538100Allison would like to study the impact of exercise on GPA at Western High School. She defines those who can be in her study as all of the students at WHS. This is the____________________________________. ................

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