Royalty Science FCAT Crossword Puzzle for Middle Schools

Royalty Science FCAT Crossword Puzzle for Middle Schools

Number 1 (August 27 – 2007)


Prepared by Dr. Alwyn Nicholas © 2007

Clues for the Royalty Science FCAT Crossword Puzzle for Middle Schools

Number 1 (August 27 – 2007)


3. an expression of the average kinetic energy that Rodney senses while twirling a glass of cold

orange juice.

4. being able to reproduce healthy off springs

7. used to describe Suzan taking the description of the procedure from Leroy and repeating the


9. what Kurlyn knows is changing whenever she pulls on a string in a circle with a mass at the end.

11. a contact force that Klani experiences while she pulls on a rope fastened to a wall

12. that which remains unchanged in an experiment

13. that part of the Earth that represents the largest portion

16. an expression of the rise in the temperature of a substance

19. close relationships between living things that come in various forms

20. the type of velocity associated with the zero acceleration

21. it increases as substances change from having less energy to more energy

22. water given to subjects in a form of a pill that appears to be some type of medication

24. a process by which light photons leave a substance

27. the action that Hugh observes when he puts the north poles of two magnets together

29. several different species of living things together in one place

30. a special position of the Sun that provides virtually the same number of hours for day and night


1. a natural occurrence that is produced by the difference in temperature of the same body of water

2. a process which ensures that Nancy resembles her father

5. this concerns someone knowingly reporting incorrect information from an observation

6. a part of the cell that contains many organelles

8. an expression of disorderliness of molecules

10. something that identifies the behaviors, customs, and norms of living things

14. its length increases as Carla’s voice becomes louder when she speaks on the telephone

15. that which shows the broad and connected relationship between several living things

16. a structure that is formed when a number of the basic units of living things come together

17. what Peter sees of the brightness of a star that could be absolute or apparent

18. the North Star that Marlene sees in the sky

19. a process that results in what Fred observes at the roof of the freezer without observing the liquid


23. a prominent physical feature of most minerals that helps to see and identify them

25. what the teacher notices on the ground during a very rainy field trip on a hilly terrain

26. the vertical movements of water marks that Ms. Tate observes twice a day near her ocean-front


28. a huge cloud of dust, hydrogen gas, and plasma in space

Prepared by Dr. Alwyn Nicholas © 2007


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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