
Name _________________ Period ____

End-of-the-year W.O.W. Vocabulary


Directions: These W.O.W. assignments are for use with your Enigmatology, Nonfiction, or Disaster unit W.O.W. vocabulary charts. For next Wednesday, please:

o complete ONE assignment from the choice board

o mark your due date in the box

o follow ALL directions in the box you select

o use and spell your W.O.W. words correctly

|1. Enigmatology (periods 1, 2) |2. Enigmatology (periods 1, 2) |3. Enigmatology & Disaster & Nonfiction (all |

|Complete ONE NY Times Crossword Puzzles for Kids |Create your own crossword puzzle for kids. Your |periods) |

|or other puzzles from the following categories: |crossword should include: |Create an original type of puzzle. For example, |

|Triviarithmetic |a standard size grid (see Mrs. McD) |if you like Math and crosswords, create a new type|

|Picture Crossword 2 |the basic NY Times rules (1/6 of puzzle = black |of puzzle that has both numbers and letters in it.|

|What are you afraid of? |squares, no two letter words, no islands of words,|Or, if you love cats (like I do), maybe your |

|Stargazing |symmetrical) |crossword would take the shape of a cat and have a|

|PA Crossword |a theme (at least five or six clues revolve around|cat theme to it. It could be called ‘Catword’. |

| |a theme of your choice) |The same could be done for a tornado (periods 3, |

|Copies are in my classroom of these puzzles. You |two to three examples of wordplay (puns, anagrams,|4, 5). Create the crossword and answer key. |

|may use dictionaries, encyclopedias, other brains|etc..) |Also, include a 5-7 sentence explanation of |

|to help you solve your puzzle. Remember, copying|an answer key |how/why you created it and the rules necessary to |

|is cheating not learning. If you encounter an |three WOW words |solving it. Your puzzle must have a min. of 20 |

|obstacle, figure out a way to overcome it (the |A typed or outlined in black marker final copy |clues and have three WOW words in it. |

|theme of this year). | |Date: |

| |Date: | |

|Date: | | |

|4. Enigmatology & Disaster & Nonfiction (all |5. Enigmatology & Disaster & Nonfiction (all |6. Disaster (periods3, 4, and 5) |

|periods) |periods) |Based on what you now know about tornadoes, draw |

| |Create your own W.O.W. assignment for three W.O.W.|and design a storm shelter for someone living in |

|Draw an important scene from the book or play |words. Use the space below or on the back of this|Grand Island, Nebraska. What supplies would have |

|that we are currently reading in class. Color |page to write a specific description. Then get |to be included to survive? What materials would |

|your illustration and explain why it was an |the teacher’s initials of approval. This may be |the shelter have to be constructed out of to be |

|important scene in the book using 3 WOW words. |done with a partner in class. It may involve |the safest? Be sure to include 10 labels, 3 WOW |

| |performance, tech, or music. Be creative! |words, and color in your illustration. |

|Date: |_______________________________ | |

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| |Teacher initial: _____ | |

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| |Date: | |

|7. Enigmatologist, Nonfiction, & Disaster |8. Disaster (periods 4 and 5) |9. Enigmatology & Disaster (all periods) |

|(all periods) |Visit Dr. McD’s website and spend 30 minutes |Answer the following in a ½ page response: |

|Show and Tell is here! Bring in a cherished |reading the facts, captions, stories on the | |

|object from home that connects to our current |website the Real Night of the Twisters. Write a |Besides being an enigmatologist, what other jobs |

|unit of study. Write a ½ page explanation of your|top ten list of the things you learned from your |involve solving puzzles everyday? Discuss two to |

|special object using three underlined W.O.W. |reading. |three jobs and what type of puzzles people in |

|words. Share your object and explanation with |Your response should include 3 WOW words and be ½ |these jobs work with everyday. Include three WOW |

|the class. |a page in length with a picture. |words and a picture in your response. OR |

| | |What qualities or traits does it take to be a |

|Date: |Date: |storm chaser? Would you be a storm chaser? Why or |

| | |why not? Include three WOW words and a picture in |

| | |your response. |

| | | |

| | |Date: |


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