MT2007 Exhibitor Information Package

MT2007 Exhibitor Information Package

I hope you will find the following information useful as we approach MT2007. Have a read through and if you identify any problems, please give us a call as soon as possible.


Please refer to the advertising information sheets which follow. (Form 3)

Audio Visual Equipment

The venue has an in-house Audio-Visual Equipment Company who will be pleased to provide any equipment that you need. Contact Scott Evans direct on: 0778 750 2248

or saevans@

Car Parking

There is plenty of car parking at the venue. A small fee is charged so vehicles may be parked up for the duration of the event for a very modest cost.


The Exhibition Hall is carpeted and trolleys should be used with care


Stand catering is available via the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Please contact them directly on 0870 4431691.

Catalogue Entry

Please complete the forms at the end of this information package for your catalogue entry. (Forms 1 & 2)

Commercial Presentations

This year, as an extra incentive to encourage visitors to the MT2007 Exhibition, there will be a free entry series of commercial/practical applications type presentations. Access to these is from the exhibition hall and these presentations are not part of the main conference. This will be session D and entry is free to everyone.

Conference Passes

Those who are familiar with the regular Conference/Table Top Exhibition format will understand that the Conference delegates pay to attend whereas exhibition entry is free of charge. This means that access to the Conference has to be strictly limited to those that have paid to attend and the access doors will be controlled to limit entry to Conference Badge holders only. Experience has shown that some exhibitors occasionally want to listen to a conference paper if it is of particular relevance and with this in mind your Exhibitor package includes one Conference entry badge, which will allow one person from your stand to listen to conference papers if they wish. This badge does not include lunches. Within the Conference there are A,B and C sessions of presentations throughout the three days.


Any item that is to be delivered to the Exhibition should arrive on Monday 17 September and should be labelled with MT2007, the stand number and a contact name from the exhibiting company. Although every care will be taken, BINDT can accept no liability for goods which are delivered to your stand and left unattended.


Any exhibitor running a demonstration must provide a risk assessment and method statement beforehand.

Directions to The Glasgow Crowne Plaza Hotel

A map is enclosed for your information.

Electrical Packages

Electrical Packages are available as follows:

1x500w socket outlet & 2x120w track mounted spotlights @ £80 per package

Additional Prices

500w socket outlet £44

1kw socket outlet £54

2 kw socket outlet £64

3 kw socket outlet £74

1.5m fluorescent fitting £33

2.4 m fluorescent fitting £38.50

120w track spotlight £28

All prices are subject to VAT

All bookings to be made directly with:

Melville Exhibition and Event Services

Phone 0141 332 9012

Fax 0141 332 9027

Online ordering facilities will be available at the following address:

Email and Internet connection

Wireless internet is available throughout the venue, payment is by credit card. Please note, internet access is by wireless only. There will be no wired sockets at all.

Rates are:

30 minutes, £3.00

60 minutes, £6.50

24 hour, £15

7 day, £60.00

Evening Functions

• Monday Evening

The usual Conference Welcome Buffet will take place and exhibitors will be given tickets to attend, 2 per small stand and 4 per large stand. Food will be available from 1900 – 2100. If more tickets are needed they can be purchased from BINDT for £25+VAT. These should be booked before 10 September.

• Tuesday and Wednesday Evening

Entertainment on these evenings is not included in the exhibitor package but tickets can be purchased via the BINDT Conference Dept, using the Conference registration form.

Tuesday – Visit to Science Centre with hot buffet including a planetarium show (within walking distance from hotel) cost £35 per person

Wednesday – Conference Dinner at Crowne Plaza £50 per person

Exhibition Breakdown.

The Exhibition closes at 1400 on Thursday 20 September. The room must be cleared by 1800.

Exhibition Open Times

The Exhibition will be open to the public as shown below:

Tuesday 18 September 1000 – 2000

Wednesday 19 September 1000 – 1800

Thursday 20 September 1000 – 1400

Exhibitor Registration.

QRS will process exhibitor registrations as usual. This is perhaps easiest to do via the MT2007 website but if you prefer to use paper you will find the appropriate forms within the MT2007 registration booklet (copies enclosed)

Floor Management

We will again be using the tried and tested floor Management team of Peter Brameld and Paul Dunwell, whom many of you will have met at previous MT exhibitions. Either Peter or Paul will be making a courtesy call to every exhibitor very soon, just to make contact and to ensure that you know how to get hold of them if you need to do so. As we approach the exhibition Peter will deal with anything that relates to the practicalities of getting things on to your stand, keeping them there, and getting them out again. He will of course be available throughout the event itself.

Peter’s contact number is 07768 007 500, he will be on site and available throughout Sunday 16 September

Floor Plan

A copy of the floor plan is enclosed.

• Furniture Packages

Furniture can be ordered as individual items but standard packages are easier and less expensive. Furniture ordered via Melvilles will be delivered direct to your stand.

• Furniture Package 1        £40

1x round table or square table, White TB59 or TB04

2 standard chairs, CH13 grey or blue

• Furniture Package 2        £90

1x round table or square table, White TB59 or TB04

2 standard chairs, CH13 grey or blue

1x white lockable counter DP23

All bookings to be made directly with:

Melville Exhibition and Event Services

Phone 0141 332 9012

Fax 0141 332 9027

Online ordering facilities will be available at the following address:


Whist we take every precaution to protect Exhibitors’ property during any event, neither the organisers nor the venue are responsible for any loss or damage. It is recommended that Exhibitors have, as a minimum legal liability for personal injury and damage to third party property based on a limit of indemnity of £2 million. It is also prudent to extend cover to include abandonment and cancellation or curtailment of the event due to circumstances beyond your control. Particularly at risk are laptop computers and mobile telephones.

Internet Connectivity

A WIRELESS broadband service is available both in the exhibition hall and throughout the hotel, if you are bringing desktop computers or laptops without a wireless facility we suggest that you purchase a USB wireless adaptor which are widely available at modest cost

There are two levels of service,

1)   Premium 24 hours (session) £15 for 24 consecutive hours to be used 24 hours from first login. No volume data transfer limitation Access may be used on a laptop and a second device (e.g. PDA) simultaneously.

2)   Weekly pass 7 days (session) £60 for 7 consecutive days to be used 7 days from first login. No volume data transfer limitation Access may be used on a laptop and a second device (e.g. PDA) simultaneously.

Exhibitors can purchase access when they arrive at the hotel, the cost can be added to the hotel bill.

If you have any questions Swisscom, the service providers can be contacted on 00 800 38 767 768, based in Geneva. The call is free from a landline but will be charged at international rates from mobiles.

The are a very limited number of hardwired broadband connections available these MUST be ordered well in advance via the AV contractor


Lunches are not provided for exhibitors. There are extensive bar and restaurant areas within the Hotel so exhibitors can eat whenever it is convenient.

Name Boards

The exhibitor name will be displayed on the fascia panels of each stand. You will already have been contacted regarding the precise wording on your name board, which will be set out as on the MT2007 website unless we are advised otherwise. Please check that your entry is correct.

PAT Testing

All electrical equipment must be PAT Tested and plugs must carry an appropriate sticker.


Please advise Peter Brameld and BINDT if you have any items that are particularly heavy, involve radiation or if you have any worries at all about any of your exhibits. Peter and all of the BINDT staff are here to help and if there are any potential problems we would rather talk about them as soon as possible.


Everyone is asked to be vigilant and to take special care, particularly during build up and breakdown periods. Many of the exhibitors know each other quite well, (particularly their competitors!), so if you see someone acting suspiciously on your neighbour’s stand please do something about it. Throughout the open days there will be a discrete security presence.

Setting Up Times

The Shell Scheme will be in place by 0800 on Monday 17 September. Exhibitors will have access from 0800 to set up their stands. It is envisaged that all stands will be completed by around 1900.

Shell Scheme

The Shell scheme is standard Octanorm, with white hard surfaced panels supported by aluminium poles at nominally 1 metre centres. Please see attached sheet for a diagram with accurate dimensions. Electricity packages are not part of the shell scheme, they must be ordered separately, see ‘Electrical Packages’.


Sponsorship is invited for the bags that are collected by all visitors to the exhibition on their arrival. This is the only sponsorship opportunity at the exhibition. We would expect the sponsor to provide the bags, printed with their company name/logo on one side, with the MT2007 logo on the other side. The proposed style is to be approved by BINDT prior to production. It may be possible to provide a bag that is more environmentally friendly/re-useable than a standard plastic carrier bag. Any proposals that you have would be received with interest.

Please send your offer of sponsorship to BINDT, for the attention of Cindy Bailey.

Vehicle Passes

Unlike previous exhibitions there is unlikely to be a problem with loading/unloading so we will not issue passes with times, etc, etc. Instead we will have personnel on hand to keep an eye on things and we will let common sense prevail! You will be asked to display a card in your vehicle with a contact mobile phone number, just in case!

Shell Scheme detailed dimensions

Conference/Exhibition location Map


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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